
ADPE EPR Bullet Examples

- Sparked DRMO Mass Turn In; liaised w/DLA poc/529 ITECs/278 accts--repurposed 17K obsolete gov't agency sys's

- ITEC sect pgm lead; audited 894 LI computer accts/$8M--provided 100% eqpmt accountability w/zero discrepancies

- Directed 100% accountability as the BECO; responsible for 19 assets/ 9 PWCS accounts--secured $6.9M in IT assets

- Managed IT eqpmt worth $100K; oversaw control/security/software for 174 cyber systems; maintained ops msn capes

- Shutdown unit equip account; id'd & coord'd transfer/disposal of $1M tech assets--surpassed Wg deadline by 30 days

- Mng'd flt ADPE pgm/354 items; ID'd/corrected 9 discrepancies from 6 prior inv--critical to 100% EMS IT accountability

- Mng'd sq ADPE pgm; processed 687 eqpmt items/coord'd 83 tech refresh install/turn-in--secured $57K in new eqpmt

- Led VoIP cross-over installation project; secured $65K eqpmt funding from wg--smashed ACC deadline by 4 months

- Drove sq CSL pgm; rectified 187 install/trouble tickets--key to 99% DI/corrected rate; 17K WCE's corrected/cleared

- Managed $750K ADPE equip assets; streamlined 205 item inventory & redistributed items basewide--saved wg $60K

- Superbly managed over 220 IT equip custodian items on ADPE ledger--ensured 100% on-time accountability
- Dependable! Given additional duty as AMU mail handler; delivered 1500 postal items--0 OPSEC violations
- Effectively oversaw control/security/software updates/patches 30+ desktop machines; no lost computing time
- Technically competent! Installed 160 TO updates/imaged >100 new maint E-Tools; supported 86% MC rate
- Stringently responsible--acting unit IA officer, computer & emissions security monitor--no COMSEC breaches
- Extremely resourceful; salvaged/repaired 25+ E-Tools from DRMO--critical asset revitalization--saved $35K
- Record breaker! Enabled new KC-135 milestone--1177 launches/7K flt hrs/57M lbs fuel offld/3K rcvrs--Aug

- Managed and inventoried $500K worth of IT Equipment Custodian items--ensured 100% accountability

- Alternate equipment custodian--tracks 140 pieces of equip valued over $2.5M--zero equip training time lost

- Workgroup mgr--ensured network trng/documentation for 200+ NCOs--guaranteed tight network security

- Expertly managed $170K of ADPE--installed software in seven computers--ensured fully functional systems

- Extensive computer knowledge--installed 34 computers--trained 10 instructors--improved course presentations

- Resourceful--provided alternate instructional materials during network virus attack--no delays in training time

- Spearheaded two weekend projects--put sympodium equip in 14 classrooms--no disruption to classroom time

- Ramrodded inspection of four ADPE accounts--zero defect--contributed to 2004 AETC ORI "Excellent" rating

- ADPE custodian--ramrodded inspection of four accounts--resulted in "Excellent" rating on 2004 AETC ORI

- ADPE account custodian--expertly managed $250K equipment--ensured computer system was fully functional

- Ramrodded inspection of four ADPE accounts--zero defects--resulted in "Excellent" rating on 2004 AETC

- Flawlessly managed 85 computer equipment items valued at 32K--ensure programs run with minimal errors

- Active ADPE account custodian--installed software in seven computers--clarified information for 750 students

- Expertly managed 16 CAMS computers for 10 instructors/160 students--ensured system was fully functional

- Demonstrated extensive computer knowledge--volunteered as ADPE custodian--managed 85 equipment items
-- Expertly installed three sympodiums--improved quality of course presentations--enhanced student learning

- Section computer resident expert--flawlessly developed/managed course computer multimedia presentations
-- Spent 600 man hours--developed Hyper Text Mark-up Language presentation--3 months ahead of schedule

- Team player--assisted LAN office in running over 100 yards of cable to classrooms/offices--technical upgrade
-- Increased number of testing computers by 50%--improved testing capability for six crew chief courses

- Automated Data Processing Equipment account custodian--expertly managed $325K in computer equipment
-- Installed 50 new computer systems worth $150K for instructor use--increased administrative capability 50%
-- Vigilant for potential computer virus problems--updated virus definition software--zero virus attacks noted

- Technical expert--repaired 40 computer mother-boards--cut computer down time by half/saved over $2K

- Pivitol contributor--developed/implemented upgrade to the student/instructor computer based testing program
-- Increased test security--reduced administration and evaluation errors by 75% for 50 computer based tests