- Analyzed xx detection network; executed 30 TTs/searched for IOCs--bolstered security f/$26.2B msl def network
- Audited $12M cyber wpn sys; exposed 15 deficiencies w/CVA/H version update--revamped PMO delivery for 3 CPTs
- Conscientious NCO;designed 4 Standard Operating Procedures for CFP--increased security compliance of workcenter
- Coord'd 86 AW C4 restoral; focused 13 person mx across 6 orgs--restored services to Ramstein AB & COMUSAFE
- Diligently completed 90+ required 1B4 CBT's upon demand--ensured 1B4 School mission readiness within 3 months
- Exceptional computation skills; qualified Electronic Data Processing Test w/ 70% passing score--instrumental to 102d
- Executed 235 hunt TTs; cleared 4K hosts/id'd 315 problems/secured $2B NC3 ntwrk--tm coined/earned J3 qtrly Awd
- First Rate Manager--established and executed CSL training/25 personnel competent performing required duties
- Instrumental in site-survey phase; aided 40+ hrs in-person/remote interviews--ensured USSTRATCOM msn plan suc
- MAJCOM ASI manager; de-conflicted ### service interruptions to 103 sites--pivotal to MAJCOM 99% C4I uptime
- Managed BMD outage response; EUCOM SME collab/solved ## outages on 22 BMD circuits--defended 29 nations
- Oversaw USAFE NC3 mx; id d ## faults/coor d t/s efforts f/7 installations--restor'd critical STRATCOM EAM sys
- Persistently performed IO range training;acquired over 40hrs of tutelage--established a thorough understanding of CLI
- Provided leadership 24/7 communication situational awareness of capes/outages--spt'd 6 MOBs/94 GSUs/15tac sites
- Pursued/gained CompTIA Security+ certification--expanded shop caps, validated core IT security skills w/ 84% score
- Scrutinized 200GBps network; investigated 500TB of data for APTs--safeguard'd $2B NC3 backbone amid COVID
- Selfless NCO; voluntarily cross-trained to different AFSC-- fulfilled empty manning position in the unit manning doc
- Shift leader of 6-mbr shift; org'd MAJCOM brief/mng'd daily ops--dlvr'd theater C4I/NC3/impacts to senior leaders
- Spt'd ## EXs; prov'd 24/7 C4 reach back, t/sing cell--deterred Russian aggression, bilateral partners/actions forged
- USAFE cyber ops mx rep; sync'd top 5 priorities w/4 MAJCOMs--expedited ## crit sys fixes/elim'd AF lvl C2 barrier
Managed a complex communications network consisting of 2500 accounts, 600 computers, and 500 radios in support of 19 wing training exercises, resulting in the wing receiving 100% on two NGB evaluations and an overall fully trained status.