- Aided upgrade of Nellis STARS capes; assisted w/ ops test f/ $31M project--fac awd'd afld ACC Ops complex OTY
- AOR RAPCON ctlr; maintained ATC continuity f/2 aflds/11 flying sqs/4 jt nation/126K sq mi aspc--achv'd ACoL init!
- Assisted in rewrite of twr OI/coord letter; 25hrs/43+ items ID d for chg/removal--improved twr effectiveness
- Assisted w/Wg flying reg rewrite; sought resolution f/5 deficient areas--ensured AFI/DoD/FAA directive compliance
- Audited Afld Ops Instruction; pinpointed/rectified 100 errors--ensured 100% compliant w/AFCENT/AFI/ICAO regs
- Authored ATC training exam; researched monthly controller training--23 controllers qualified on current ops
- Authored lcl OJT syllabus; aligned instructor/student interface for 5 mbrs--reduced 5-lvl tng timeline by 2 mos
- Co-authored facility strip marking procedures and streamlined requirments--improved/simplified traffic flow
- Co-authored MOA with 2 FAA facilities; defined point-out procedure/acft routing--updated 4 yr old instruction
- Combined 12 U.S. and Royal Bahraini missions--bolstered Arabian Gulf relations, enabled Afghan surge ops
- Completed 265 positional hours, coordinated 267 ATC hand-offs, maintained 100% accountability of all aircraft
- Completed all tower position certifications within 3 days of arrival in AOR--critical to safe flt operations
- Conducted Tower annual trng prgm review; 12 hrs/inspected 4 PCGs/37 records/MTL--ID'd/corrected 6 deficiencies
- Consistent mgt & preparation key to Scott tower winning AMC 2011 Ray Hardin Facility of the Year--promote!
- Controlled Flt Check msns; meshed 52 coalition cmbt/trng ops w/o delay--prep'd afld f/2xnew ILS sys/incrs'd capes
- Coord'd FTU/GREEN FLAG; synch'd 898 sorties/3.5K aircrew/753 airdrops--assured 100% safe pattern ops
- Coordinated with 3 C2 agencies to reduce interdiction tasking time from over 25 minutes to less than 8 minutes
- Corrected numerous training pln discrepancies--aided critical development and progress of new tower trainees
- Ctrl'd HN/ATO msns; enabl'd 542 sorties/6K fly hrs/4 HVTs elim'd--sync'd 3 FNs ISO OIR/ACE/key to 3x Sq tm OTM
- De-conflicted ATC during Japanese search and rescue mission; provided direct route...saved imperiled diver
- Developed controller qualification training standards for contractors--civ transition accomplished < 30 days
- Developed local procedures to ensure continuous construction on only avail runway continued--minimum delays
- Directed crucial wx recall 7 acft prioritized during inclimate conditions/runway closure--zero costly diverts
- Directed digital log transition; meshed OI changes w/local & AFI requirements--saved unit $4K in materials annually
- Earned control tower operator certification in 75% of alloted tng time with 97% average score--new sq tng goal
- Earned distinction as AMC's 2011 ATC Manager of the Year--contributed to Scott tower honor as facility of yr
- Earned NSE qualification; completed 6 month training prgm--strengthened AF ATC standardization integrity
- Earned RAPCON Cert; accomplished 195 task items/3 positions/50% allotted time--increased fac 5 lvl manning 14%
- Effected 99 ops in sppt of POTUS mvmnt; enabled trans of 28tons/$418.9M travel eq--powered important AMC msn
- Eval'd and upgraded five Airmen--increased positional manning 50%, directly enhanced unit combat readiness
- Evaluated 25 tasks of a 150-item checklist--led to 2nd best ATC biennial compliance inspection in ACC 2011
- Facilitated ATC briefs; showcased tower ops to 100 visitors/DVs/AF Surgeon General--coined by MDG/CC
- Founding mbr of EOSS tank custodian prgm; advocated new refuel policy/fixed 6 mo deficiency--prevented ATC 0
- Fused TSP/51 FW msns; meshed 3.2k hrs for 12 TDY F-16s/52 wg acft--solidified "Fight Tonight" readiness
- Guided 9 IFE arrivals; coord'd fuel dump w/3 facilities expedited acft arrivals/emer services--protected $218M assets
- Guided 13 acft emer's; sync'd 1st responders w/ aircrew & liaised w/ 5 base orgs--secured $3.1B in AF assets/19 souls
- Guided Ex TEAK KNIFE spt; asst'd 37 sorties/67 flt hrs/149 jumps/drops--274 tasks cert'd/STS primed for OCO msns
- Hosted MAJCOM ATC functional manager; showcased tower capes--highlighted local flying area intricacies
- Key to 2011 ATSEP excellent rating, efforts earned recognition as outstanding performer--great team effort
- Launched 2 HN F-16 alert msns; sync'd w/3 agencies/expedited comms & flt path--enabled border defense f/9.5M civs
- Led 8 FW radar out response; coordinated mx efforts w/ 6 agencies & repaired <1.5 hrs--recovered 11 aircraft safely
- Led AMC's number one ATC training simulator program, managed training, increased postion certifications 10%
- Maintained fac readiness; deconflicted duty schedule f/50 mil/6 civ--ensured 100% flt ops support to 23d Wg & NAS
- Maintained RAPCON "Bug Out Kit"; inspected/tested equip/reviewed checklists--guaranteed ATC caps during evac
- Mng'd ATC Stan/Eval pgm; oversaw/conducted 203 certifications/annuals/10 fac evals--ATC msn rdy/AFI compliant
- Orchestrated arrival/departure of 66 demo acft; assisted w/14 flight plan/departure issues--#1 airshow in AR
- Organiz'd AOR's 1st ever Launch-to-Survive ex; launch'd $900M in acft/eqpmt--valued AFCENT resp strategy
- Organized 40+ hours of simulated scenarios, qualified 3 apprentice controllers--increased facility manning 10%
- Organized movement of 23 facility psnl; balanced 11 appts/3 leaves/add'l requirements--24 hr ops maintained
- Oversaw acft movement during 3-$4M afld construction projs; acft fully informed--zero delays/100% safe ops
- Oversaw ATC mission--provided safe movemt for over 4k coalition acft in a complex wartime environment
- Oversaw ATC trng pgm; reviewed 73 623s/oversaw 17 quals/upgrade trainees--fixed 124 errors/aligned w/regulation
- Piloted 100 simulator scenarios; assisted in training of apprentice controllers--instrumental in 6 position certifications
- Prioritiz'd actions of 5 mbrs during C-130 emer w/smoke in cockpit--quick steps prevent'd loss of $48.5M acft
- Provided Air Traffic Control technical expertise and leadership while in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
- Provided ATC service during 3 IFE incidents; quick response ensured the safety of ANG assets/personnel--0 losses
- Provided ATC service to 30+ airframes during airshow--ensured safe demonstration of Air Force capibilities
- Quick/appropriate action ensured safe recovery of F-16 with a gear malfunction--service praised by AETC/DO
- Recovered 3 lost link MQ-9 IFEs; coord'd w/3 agencies/sterilized aspc--secured $42M assets/protected crit ISR capes
- Revamped fac RRFs; val'd 200 checklists/updated 242 outdated items: assured 100% compliance w/AFIs/local jt regs
- Revamped testing database; restructured/created 1.1K question bank--390 upgrade trng areas aligned w/AF/FAA rule
- Revised 5 reference binders; tailored 148 relief/equipment/emer checklists--ID'd/implemented 45 critical fixes
- Revived digital cert tracker f/98 mbrs; ID'd/corrected calculation deficienc--lauded f/efficiency by HQ 1C1 Trg Mgr
- Scripted 10 realistic afld attack scenarios for local ORE; eval'd ATC ATSO--sharpened SQ combat readiness
- Steer'd Spec Ops HALO jump; fused HN msn/sterilized twr/enroute airspace--qual'd 33 f/theater CONEXPLAN ops
- Stepped up as Chief Controller while primary deployed--supported 30 controllers, 200+ DV, and 30k acft ops
- Supervised crew through 43 acft emergencies; orchestrated safe recoveries for all--saved $2.5B+/51 aviators
- Supported 15 large force exercises; enabled 1495 acft/12K sorties/4K flying hrs--sppt's RED FLAG/AF cmbt tng ops
- Tackled non-radar program deficiency; collaborated 10 fix actions w/HHQ SMEs--resolved 2 year MICT discrepancy
- Trained 5 Naval Controllers, supported 1300 hours of Naval aviation tng/300+ sorties--enhanced jnt operations
- Versatile; completed tower/radar dual qualification trng; gave flex to facility staffing...offset manning shortfalls
- Watch supervisor skills key to ACC's only fifth "Outstanding" Wing Phase II Operational Readiness Inspection