
Airfield Management EPR Bullets


- Establishes multi flt plans f/14 B2s; ensures multi-nation safety/routes of travel, safeguards $28B assets
- Focal point f/afld ops; provides safe/efficient/effective 1.76M sq ft afld; secures B2 rapid mobility dplymnt
- Dispatcher f/IFE resps; coord's emer info w/4 agencies/28 notifications--$28B f/acft/debris secured
- Orchestrates afld snow removal ops; minimizes impact to B2 ops/alert AC--establishes 3/4 8th AF priorities

- Manages airfield ops; coordinates w/aircrews, air traffic control and other base agencies to ensure safe aircraft ops
- Conducts airport inspections/assesses conditions of runways, taxiways, aprons & afld lighting sys on 70.6M sq/ft afld
- Inspects afld for hazards affecting msn capabilities; coordinates w/CE/r for correction; ensures DOD msn sustainment
- Tracks mil/civ flight movements; coordinates aircrew/field support w/14 base agencies; focal point for all airfield ops

- Advises sr ldrs on matters affecting 10.9M sq ft afld/flying ops; dvlps parking plans f/mil acft--5K+ takeoffs/landing
- Plans/schedules/directs multi-million dollar afld upgrade/construction projects; establishes future infrastructure rqmts
- Maintains overall situational awareness of airfield activities and responsible for 2M+ sq/ft of airfield surfaces

- Briefs aircrews on airfield operational hazards and responds to aircraft in-flight/ground emergencies/mishaps
- Conducts afld checks and inspections, identifies discrepancies, coordinates with 12 airfield support agencies
- Assesses afld ops/situations, determines operational rqmts & imposes afld restrictions as necessary


- Accomplished specialized mainteance on $XXK DFT; enhanced 55OG in risk mitigation decisions w/flying ops
- Aced Sr Enlisted Joint PME course; improved multiforce/ldrshp knowledge--raised joint operational readiness/cohesion
- Achieved 5-lvl upgrade; mastered 572 tasks/41 lessons, honed trng skills--helped qual 2 mbrs/5-lvl manpower up 25%
- Activated crash phone for 4 emergencies; alerted key support agencies; personnel/assets safely recovered
- Administered/allocated flight information publications to flying units; provided timely mission-critical data
- Aided in coordination of 181 NOTAMs; assured worldwide dissemination of hazardous airfield conditions
- Aided in success of (Base) Air Expo '11; 170K+ guest/102 unique acft/mishaps adverted--airpower showcased
- Attention to detail; designed surface condition tracking board for aircrew; improved notification process 100%

- Built weekend airfield staffing/71 hrs; facilitated SOF/FORGING SABER exercises--lifted joint/Singapore tie

- Catalyzed F-35 sunshade airfield project; relayed driving rules to 17 contractors--$1.5M construction initiated
- Champion for Airfield Management & OSS Enlisted Force Development! Trusted advisor and Go-to for critical tasks
- Conducted 36 airfield checks; 90% of responses produced debris removal; eliminated hazard; success assured
- Conducted 52 flightline drivers license checks; monitor'd/maintained compliance--increased afld driving safety
- Coor'd logs f/SPMAGTF; meshed jt ops f/2 KC130/12 MV22/12 F18s--secured $1.2B DoD assets/seamless integration
- Coord'd OJM ops; org'd flt plng/parking/C2 spt f/36 anti-terror msns--facilitated 1.33M lbs refueling to 70 coalition acft
- Coordinated acft arrival for fallen soldier ceremony at Offutt; provided proper final respect for fallen soldier
- Coordinated ground support for 4 NAOC missions; maintained operational readiness for $250M strategic asset
- Coordinated parking w/RSAF f/Tuwaiq Exercise; supported 5 Arabian nations acft--performed 50 USAF/USMC msns
- Coordinated with ten wing agencies on eight F-15 emergency divert aircraft; enabled safe recovery of $160M in assets
- Coordinated wx evac spt; synced 22 ARW rqmts w/TA capes, arranged parking--harbored 5 acft/secured $2.1B assets
- Created 1st ever Total Force Professional Enhancement Course; planned/briefed 16 NCOs on career growth in AF
- Created 3 waivers for const project; identified 36 hazards -- aided xxWG on risk mitigation decisions affecting ops

- Deconflict'd daily ops f/ 6 Airfield Mgt mbrs--enabled 24/7/365 support/201K movements during low manning
- Detail oriented; discovered multiple issues with visual glide path indicator--system fixed/functional/certified & safe!
- Dev'd Morón's '19 paint/rubber rmvl pln; insp'd 10M sqft area/ID'd 81 deficient areas--prepped $150K pln f/execution
- Developed EAFB Airshow traffic log; engr'd 62 acft beddown--awd'd top intl airshow key f/MAJCOM facility OTY
- Developed six person duty schedule during emergency staffing levels--guaranteed 24/7/365 seamless operations
- Develop'd new parking plan for DV aircraft; verified wingtip clearance requirements--established better DV transport

- Enabled Ex GOLDEN COYOTE; mng'd 7 twy QCs, redux propwash haz--qual'd 160x MDG/4x MEDEVAC ANG mbrs
- Estab'd MV-22 emer ldg cape; led jt site survey/secured HN aprvl f/SOP--elim'd final beddown limfac f/12 USMC acft
- Expertly led assets during 6 airfield construction projects; $2.6M in ground repair--zero flying loss and no mishaps!
- Expertly processed 49 DV arrival/departure checklists during CAPSTONE Conference; ensured event success

- Fantastic Superintendent; managed 6 personnel/5,018 hours flown/4,211 sorties/55 students--mission success assured
- Filled Airfield Manager role; conducted pre/post construction inspections--$366K airfield projects closed out

- Hand selected f/ Airfield Management representative for POTUS support; de-conflicted flight, parking, and security

- ID'd rwy spalls; creatively planned rwy spall repairs--117 crucial rwy repairs in three days w/no effect on ops
- Inspected 42 training records/12 MICT items; identified/removed 7 discrepancies--no deficiencies during UEI

- Key player in SE17; directly managed influx of 45+ fighter jets & support personnel--ensured exercise was a success!
- Key winter ops player--conducted 100+ runway checks--info crucial to aircraft departing/landing; no mishaps

- Led 148 inspections during four airfield projects valued at $9M--ensured contractors kept 100% compliant
- Led 22 mbr hydraulic leak QRT; susp'd rwy ops/rerouted aircaft/informed wg ldrship--prvt'd enviro impact/rwy damage
- Led 2x F-16 IFE resps; coord'd emer info f/HN/DoD, closed rwy ops f/ejected tank recovery--$29M acft/debris secured
- Led 7 mbr fuel spill quick response tm; safed cordon/rerouted acft/informed wg ldrshp--safeguarded 104 acft/57 prsnl
- Led afld lgtg overhaul; dvlp'd mobile outage tracker/traind 15 prsnl, ID'd 405 discreps--incrs'd HN workflow/new std set
- Led emergency facility evacuation; relocated/assumed control, ops restored in 10 min; zero mission impact
- Led F-16 eng failure/jettison'd fuel tank IFE; coord'd emergency info f/HN/USAF--$64M acft/debris secured/recovered
- Led geo-sep EOSS flt function; mng'd food order/dlvry/org'd 3 activities--incrs'd sq morale/tm cohesion f/12 mbrs
- Led Gila Bend safety inspection; identified erroneous markings/evaluated 24 write-ups--56FW/CC approved
- Led Jt 5 mbr afld survey tm; brf'd top HN ldrshp/75 key prsnl, eval'd 265 rqmts--estab'd OAs f/ 4 vital int'l emer aflds

- Maintained Airfield Status page used to track airfield status; availability guaranteed for over 15 users
- Managed and tracked airfield work orders; revalidated 11 airfield discrepancies -- ensured AF mission sustainment
- Managed Unit Airfield Driving Program; trained/certified 300+ drivers--facilitated safe msn accomplishment
- Mitigated acft spt gap; coord'd parking/recovered BTF/$1.9B assets--key to Sq's 5x Loring awd/Cmd's #1 flying OSS
- Mng'd ops f/9 Coronet msns; org'd parking f/78 acft/1.4M lbs fuel xfer--dlvr'd 156 ops/457 prsnl iso CENTCOM msns
- Mng'd SVCO pgm/4 secs; cmplt'd trng/tracked mx f/18 GLVs/coord'd loaners w/in sq--cert'd $540K assets ops ready
- Monitored $1.4M acft arresting sys proj; conducted daily inspections--flt ops & vital construction integrated
- Monitored $19-million airfield construction project; performed over 40 spot checks; flightline safety secured
- Monitored afld contractors; oversaw completion on $3M afld light circuit proj; reduced energy consumption

- NCOIC Ops; led 13 Amn/sync d 18K ops/225 DV mvmts/$80M afld projs w/CJCS priorities 2017 OG Tm OTY awd

- Orchestrated airfield snow removal operation; minimized impact on 55 WG, transient/alert aircraft mission
- Ordered/installed $12K tech refresh; upgraded 8 decade-old PCs/hardware--saved 81 man-hrs over 2 months
- Organized ORANG Mentorship Symposium; set up the event for 65 members; AF leaders professionally prepared
- Outstanding! Responded to aircraft bird strike; mitigated hazard; enabled wing aircraft to depart without delay
- Oversaw $5M airfield construction; executed 10 inspections on 11M square feet pavement--2.7K sorties flown
- Oversaw 95 USMC ops; coord'd C2 f/6 haz cargo mvmnts/org'd SpAF approval--dlvr'd 5K lbs muns f/AFRICOM ops
- Oversaw AM daily ops; monitored $43 Million Construction Project -- no construction related aircraft mishaps

- Performed 112 afld cks/10 afld insps/12 lighting cks; ID'd/monitored all discrepancies--maintained afld safety
- Proactive SNCO warrior; selfless/caring/focused on team & squadron goals--increased cohesion within work-center
- Processed 350 Notices to Airman; afld info available at aircrew fingertips--ensured safety of 17K acft ops/yr
- Processed 750+ local and transient aircrew flight plans; 97% error free--insured on-time mission completion

- Ratified 28 BW capes f/Ex NEPTUNE FALCON; mng'd AMC reqs f/12x KC-10/safed 2.5 sqm afld--won Sq Amn OTQ
- Rebuilt afld lighting outage tracker; val'd 885 lights/trn'd 10 Amn on changes--elim'd 107 errors & sfgd'd 480 qtrly ops
- Resolved delicate int'l flt issue, brf'd Maj Gen diplomatic options as SME--fortified $143M asset/unlocked hi-vis Op
- Responded to 4 fuel spills; 900+ ft of fuel cleaned/ safeguarded integrity of pavem't-- no msn delay or pavem't fail'r
- Responded to F16 fuel leak/15 Gallons; notified first reponders & suspended rwy ops; averted acft catastrophe
- Revamp'd Wing ADP; created binder/appt letter/self insp ckl templates--saved 216 man hours for future unit ADPM's
- Revised local position guide and authored 36 lesson plans--ensured updates met new Air Force requirements

- Selfless Airman; planned AM Worldwide Workshop; briefed 84 Wings to train and improve career field continuity
- Selfless leader with a wealth of experience; willing to go the extra mile at any time to improve subordinates and OSS
- Sentry Eagle linchpin; coordinated parking for 50+ a/c from 7 MDS; 0 safety issues--enjoyed by 10K+ in community
- Solved 72-hr DTACAN outage; created field repair guide/trn'd 9 mbrs--restored $1.6M sys to FMC/fac'd 1.2K jt sorties
- Spearheaded AM trng record transition; created 8 fully operational rcrds for AM personnel-- 100% mobility readiness
- Spearheaded ROK Presidential movmt; coord security/parking/quiet hrs for entourage--flawless 8 FW support
- Spearheaded svcs for CAPSTONE & ACC/CC visits; coord parking plans--ensured unhindered DV passage
- Spt'd HN Bak-14 cert; sync'd srts w/AAS engagement, dir'd 6 agencies/30 pers/10 veh/1 acft --validated emer protocols
- Stood up 1st SPMAGTF ADP; train'd 96 members on afld driving--ensured compliance w/AFI/HN driving regulations
- Superb SNCO; ensures subordinates are empowered; encourages improvement; acknowledges great performance
- Supported xxxx local and xx TDY aircraft; xxx+ inspections and checks cmplt'd; operational readiness maintained
- Swiftly responded to 5 aircraft bird strikes--mitigated hazards--enabled wing aircraft to depart without delay
- Swiftly responded to increased bird watch conditions; mitigated hazard; quick reaction secured safety of flight
- Synch'd explosives site plan; averted C17 haz cargo conflict/coord'd event waiver--enabled 30K lbs bombs download

- Taught 34 SOF members airfield driving; meshed exercise driving with 56 FW ops--27 FY16 pilots graduated
- Tracked follow-on forces acft/mastered SABC/ATSO--helped 8 FW earn Excellent rating in '09 PACAF ORI

- Understands the Guardsman concept; coordinated ALCF airfield survey for Cascadia fault; governor funds possible!
- Updated 3 local Operating Instructions; streamlined guidelines to increase efficiency; next inspection areas addressed

- Validated flightline drivers program; performed 17 checks; ensured only qualified drivers operated on airfield

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