Enlisted Performance Report Examples

Ground Radar Systems

AFSC 1C8X1, Ground Radar Systems, and 1C8X2, Airfield Systems, merged to become 1C8X3, Radar, Airfield, and Weather Systems (RAWS)

- Air Force rep; marched in local 9/11 memorial 10th anniversary ceremony--fostered base/community relations
- Attained Journeyman skill level! Trained/completed 800+ core tasks--increased technician availability 10%
- Attended DASR training course; finished class w/90% average--shared knowledge/boosted task coverage 33%
- Authored/facilitated lock-out procedure; protected top AF priority--passed safety inspection w/zero write ups

- Brilliant manager; guaranteed 1.2K PMIs completed and reported on time--exceeded ACC uptime standard 2%

- Completed climbing certifiers course; qualified 20 Amn--provided invaluable tower climbing/life-saving skills
- Coord'd FAA tech assist visit; upgraded two ASR modifications--improved capes w/new net remote options
- Coordinated depot spt/acquired part; bolstered AFRICOM warfighter; secured 228K sq mi of acft surveillance
- Coordinated FAA tech assistance visit; repaired damaged antenna polarizer--saved $81K in replacement parts
- Crucial to six man ASR mod team--replaced rcvr/protector/adjusted tolerances--cleared 3 yr mx discrepancy

- Dedicated 4 hours to 99 GCTS; trained 115 SF members for combat operations in direct support of OIF/OEF
- Directed total radar outage mx; supported 3 RED/4 GREEN FLAG EX--replaced/aligned $404K tx modulators
- Drove acft landing sys survey; tracked serial number changes; accounted for 156 assets/process benchmarked

- Emergency repair of Nellis radar; replaced $23K transmitter asset--restored ATC coverage area/zero incidents
- Established new Digital ASR tool prgm; 415 pieces tracked/inventoried--ensured 100% maintenance coverage
- Exemplified professional appearance; exceeded dress/appearance stds on a daily basis--role model for Airmen
- Expertly troubleshot radar outage; pinpointed three defective diodes within modulator--returned system to FOC
- Extremely competent technician; completed 800 PMIs on two radar systems--assured 98% system uptime rates

- Flawlessly managed six composite tool kits; secured 1.3K/$13K in assets--guaranteed completion of 1.9K jobs
- Furthered BS in marketing; earned 9 credit hrs/3.7 GPA; utilized skills to compose crucial logistic spt data call

- Helped restore secondary radar; isolated broken coaxial/fabricated video line--100% acft positively identified

- Identified faulty FAA comm link; reset defective modems--revived McCarran Int'l Airport back-up capabilities
- Identified transmitter error; procured/replaced $32K charging switch--restored critical ATC radar redundancy
- Implemented critical equip mod; replaced defective receiver protector units--ensured safe op of $2.25M radar
- Implemented FAA safety mod; replaced 4 defective antenna anchors--ensured safe op of $214K antenna array
- Increased shop readiness; assertively completed 93 stand-by qualification tasks--increased task coverage 10%
- Integral team mbr; upgraded $240K radar modulators--reduced repair costs $30K/downtime by 45-days yearly
- Investigated status analysis of 153 NAVAIDs; devised depot mx schedule; extended fleet life/$654M program
- Isolated/replaced worn ASR receiver cooling fan w/min time; eliminated sys stress; ensured 100% air picture
- Isolated secondary radar fault; ID'd intermittent fault cause, rpr'd $5.2M GBR--drove 98.2 uptime rate

- Led 2 tm mx effort; troubleshot fault/dev'd solution--restored 10/$55K ATC positions on ACC's busiest airfield
- Led 4 three-man Remote Site teams; trained three prsnl and completed 120 mx actions--garnered zero outages
- Led liaison tm for ACC inspection; prep'd 18 add'l duties/14 psnl--two Amn coined & w/c rated "Outstanding"
- Led Radar fault response; swapped $4.5K dehydrator unit--saved $145K wave guide and ensured flight safety
- Led secondary radar repair team; aligned faulted transmitter assembly--ensured 100% acft positively identified

- Managed ADPE pgm; secured reliable sys for busiest ACC ATC agencies--tracked 73 IT assets worth $156K
- Mastered 15-hr DASR crs/50 training tasks; increased on-hand subject matter experts to 5 techs--promote now!

- Outstanding asst NCOIC; tracked 1.1K PMIs/completed & reported on time--exceeded ACC uptime std of 98%
- Outstanding technician; diagnosed/replaced faulty transmitter cable--saved AF $50K with minimal downtime
- Oversaw six man 3-lvl tm; oversaw radar cooling sys analysis--minimized downtime/restor'd ATC ops < 4 hrs

- Participated in F-16 crash investigation; devoted 24 hrs collecting parts--ensured successful flt safety analysis
- Prevented catastrophic sys failure; replaced $383K rotary joint--restored vital Nellis/Creech flight operations
- Prevented transmitter failure; ID'd/removed/replaced leaking oil pump hose--saved $100K in replacement cost
- Procured radar site controller; facilitated warrantee replacement; saved $24K/safeguarded 121K yearly sorties
- Pursued Electronic Sys Technology CCAF degree; completed one class/four classes shy--maintained 4.0 GPA

- Repaired critical transmitter meter; replaced $5K backswing equalization card--assured correct radar products
- Repaired crucial display equip; aligned 28V pwr supply fault indication--avoided $12K replacement part cost
- Replaced two faulty antenna motors; completed 6 hrs ahead of schedule--assured 99% radar uptime rate FY 08
- Resolved complex weather receiver fault; replaced $2K chassis--saved two man-hrs during maint inspections
- Restored antenna operation; removed/replaced defective antenna drive motor--saved AF $10K in replacements
- Revitalized and managed $460K equipment account; established concrete stds-scored zero SAV discrepancies
- Revitalized/mngd $460K equip account; tracked & cert'd 20 msn critical items--zero write ups on 99 LRS SAV

- Skillfully troubleshot radar target data outage; repaired faulty modem switch--saved $8K in replacement costs
- Superb manager; verified 20 network clearances/180 inspections; defended unit/ensured zero security breaches

- Taught climbing cert course; qual'd 20 Amn/validated obstruction light ops--maintained flt safety/204K sorties
- Toastmasters VP; chaired membership/distinguished club campaigns; recruited 5 mbrs/gained leadership skills
- Troubleshot DASR malfunction; identified/replaced $34K low power amplifier--recovered integral acft tracks

- Vital to $3.3M radar install; set up 10 communication cabinets--assured 100% coverage of 11K mile test range


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