
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

Duty Description

- Uses technical expertise to create targeting solutions w/ appropriate models required to effect adversary weapons sys
- Prepares weaponeering data sheets detailing structural damage and weapons effects; disseminates to the customer
- Exploits and analyzes multi-sensor imagery to determine type, function and location of military facilities and equip
- Identifies critical nodes within adversary complex weapons systems exploiting weaknesses as target opportunities


- Acquired extensive SOCET GXP training; gaining indepth skills--techniques tailored to coalition/TF operators
- Assisted Trng shop w/creation of geospatial trng rqmts; authored twelve prods--first wg specialized trng prgm
- Attended NGA Google Earth training course; gained valuable sys knowledge--trained 12 crewmembers on sys
- Augmented OEF high altitude ops; created 30 products--vital actionable intel disseminated to Coalition Forces
- Authored 585 chat reports & 213 annotated images; passed perishable data--provided concise SA in AOR
- Authored Sq's admin reference guide; instructed 54 analysts; 17.1MB statistical data--streamlined reports 30%

- Briefed 16 PED/RPA crew on SOF targeting cycle; bridged tactics knowledge gap--incr crew knowledge 15%
- Briefed several theater commanders & dignitaries on time-sensitive intel during operation--enabled cohesive effort

- Completed 21 Joint Intel Trng CBTs; 35 hrs of specialized trng--enhanced imagery knowledge/mission support
- Completed rigorous NGA trng course--gained expertise on National lvl systems--remarkable 100% final score
- Completed upgrade & qual tasks six months ahead of schedule; 92% on 5-level EOC--prepared to spt cmbt ops
- Conducted FP for 1st responders at helo crash site; provided poss insurgent activity--zero ground unit losses
- Consistently exceeds standards; key imagery analyst to "Excellent" rating in XX XXX 2010 ORI--promote now!
- Constructed 97 FMV prods; protected 1,170 troops, spt'd removal of 26 TB/AQ--3,858 women/children secure
- Crafted Global Hawk imagery screener checklist; reduced analyst pre-screening issues/concerns--zero errors
- Created 150 precise graphics for wg ORE/ORI; guided intel msn planning scenario--100% aircrew cmbt ready
- Created 1525 intel products supporting OIF/OEF; provided intel to ground forces--key to safety/ops success
- Created 18 detailed terrain products; guided operations planning--enabled 100% safe XXXX missions for wing
- Created 25 gridded reference graphics; enabled training/real-world ops--spt'd wg-level imagery requirements
- Created first-ever geospatial exercise template; streamlined standard creation process--reduced timeline 90%
- Created first-ever imagery contingency checklist; streamlined standard creation process--reduced timeline 75%

- Delivered 400 hrs of instruction to 15 personnel; trng yielded 100% passing rate--increased analyst pool 20%
- Deployed in spt of XX XXX contingency; 1st-ever by a geospatial analyst--enabled organic fwd imagery support
- Developed 45 imagery products; provided aircrew geospatial awareness--warfighters provided error-free intel
- Developed two SharePoint pages; ensured information sharing was possible for two squadrons; 200+ personnel
- Developed, integrated comprehensive AOR certification test; ensured 100% of crews instructed, qualified
- Diligent, tirless operator--identified unobserved enemy movement--led to mission generation, success, with no losses
- Directed Collection Mgt sec--produced, satisfied 80+ Requests for Information a week during ops--integral to intel
- Directed end-to-end review of Imagery ops; overhauled 450+ tgt references--42% increase in report accuracy
- Disseminated daily image reports and indexes via SIPRNET--100% accurate, correctly formatted and ahead of schedule!
- Drove flight UCI preparation efforts; aided Training to earn Superior Team & outstanding 99% compliancy rate

- Ensured 100% of assigned tasks completed on time, no continuity loss during multiple leadership changeovers
- Established a theater mission exploitation team to exploit intelligence imagery collected by U-2 surveillance
- Exceptional attitude and leadership competence are second to none; earns respect and admiration from peers
- Executed 1,074 FMVA hrs, aided 205 obj's/49 actioned tgts; real-time reports on 9 airstrikes--key in JTF ops
- Executed pri SecDef directive; planned search strategy/ID'd illegal shipping--enabled seizure/decommission of vessel
- Expert analyst! Selected as one of two Amn for wpn system Msn Evaluator--psn normally held at SSgt/above
- Expertly produced 132 GEO specific prods; logged 660 hrs aiding removal of 80 enemy--ensured 253 civ safe
- Exploited 11 high-alt msns/1.1K tgts; built 148 intel brf, detailed equip disposition--fulfilled #1 USPACOM/CC intel rq
- Exploited 348 hrs FMV; created 94 prods on 142 tgts, key intel drove 19 jt TF contingency ops--8 HVIs killed
- Exploited FMV during strike against five insurgents emplacing IED; insurgents KIA--zero US casualties noted

- FMV qual'd in 15 msns/received "Excellent" on msn cert; strong role-model rated top 10% of sq--promote now
- Familiarized Security Forces w/base perimeter threat assessment; created one prod--spt'd wg force protection
- Fast learner; grasp'd/instr'd adv'd TTPs to SN analyst/display'd mstry of craft beyond peers--bridged team Knwl gap
- Finished 20 DIA Joint Intelligence Virtual University courses; increased/enhanced career field knowledge
- First to discover 5 new adversary acft; inform'd 9 agencies, brief'd WgCC--revealed threat dvlpmnt t/USINDOPACOM

- Handpicked as MA & IA Subject Matter Expert; implemented new "best practices"--product quality up 10%
- Helped revamp MASINT Analyst msn trng checklist; updated dissemination procedures--ensured continuity

- ID'd armed insurgents actively engaging IP; coalition forces neutralized threat--local neighborhood secured
- Identified error in image catalog references--expert analysis prevented unnecessary missions, saved AF over $75K
- Identified multiple TB pers w/heavy wpns; built 77 critical "still" FMV prods--precise intel drove 18 SOF ops
- Identified nine operational rocket launchers aimed at FOB; follow-on attack thwarted--saved lives/equipment
- Identified shortfalls and obtained additional work-stations; increased imagery exploitation capacity 30 percent
- Impeccable management! As NCOIC of Training; prepared 180+ operators--ensured zero mission degradation
- Initiated Imagery Request for Information form on Sharepoint; streamlined process--increased production 75%
- Interpreted UAV video during joint strike of armed insurgents; eliminated need for re-attack...hostilities ended

- Key to first-ever remotely piloted aircraft/PED integrated ops; guided RPA sensor op to 19 SOF tgts--zero lost

- Lead msn screener for US assault/CSAR op; timely intel disseminated--three HVI's detained/US lives saved
- Led 80 US/ROK analysts; executed 300 JCS U-2 msns-drove new tactics, improved analysis for 7 AF/USFK
- Led analysis of nK defense facilities during naval salvage ops; on point intel to USFK ldrs during high tensions
- Led jt theater team; discovered, targeted, assessed damage on hundreds of key targets--critical to msn success

- Managed classified materials during contingency ops; inventory 100% accountable--zero sq security incidents
- Managed unit IPL server--hosted over 25,000 products during during Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Mentored younger analysts on ID'ing caches/IEDs/fighting pos; info played vital role in ground ops support
- Meticulously analyzed 1800 UAV imagery products; verified intel accuracy--terrorist cells accurately targeted
- Monitored 672 hrs of full motion video; supported warfighters on the ground; aided OIF/OEF decision makers

- Nominated to attended Enterprise Training Planning Team--developed standards four critical crew positions

- Organized software diagnostic test; ID'd significant deficiencies in three mission systems--prompted $50K fix

- Plotted geo coords for 8 infil/exfil ops; safeguarded 240 SOF troops--aided precise kinetic strikes on 2 cmpds
- Pre-screened 120+ Global Hawk images; efforts saved valuable time for retasking & collecting imagery data
- Produced 50 images/five full motion videos; crucial tgt development aided in HVI raid; tier-3 HVI detained
- Prosecuted 101 tgts; netted 33 intel products supporting AOR planning & msn ops--fed critical intel to TF CC's
- Provided imagery/map data for final predeployment trng; evaluated terrain/slope data--24 aircrew cmbt ready
- Provided overwatch during Afghan elections; monitored polling/ballot sites--ensured Afghan elections success
- Provided surveillance for 130 UAV msns--timeliness & accuracy of reporting instrumental to mission success

- QC'd 649 first-phase SOF-PED prods of dynamic/time-sensitive tgts--gave ground CCs timely battlespace SA
- Quality checked 180 chat reports & 158 images; disseminated vital intel--attention to detail led to ops success

- Received Honor Graduate accolade from tech training; achieved 93% avg--prepared for unique XX XXX msns
- Reinforced USCG raid; oversaw boat impound/built 8 prods--illegal smuggling of advance missile components seized
- Rendered support during safehouse raid; seven IED emplacers detained/zero friendlies hurt; bomb threat halted
- Resolved critical system complications to MASINT mission; discovered fix--ensured products dissemination
- Resourceful--obtained two scarce regional RMS training slots--saved $7000, increased flight personnel qualifications
- Responded to over 200 production requests--created over 980 imagery products in support Operation Enduring Freedom
- Revamped GH IA checklist; decreased frequent procedural errors by 23%; reduced intel production time 16%
- Revitalized XXX AFB MANPADS threat assessment; created five imagery products--ensured wg force protection

- Selected lead IA for new systems upgrades; ID'd software flaws, suggested fixes--ensured mission readiness
- Served as IA during strike spt; disseminated voice reports for pre-msn planning--two insurgents neutralized
- Spt'd deliberate removal of insurgent op; authored 36 follow prods--135 high-value targets network eliminated
- Standardized Gridded Reference Graphic production; created 100 prods--ensured 100% aircrew requests met
- Supplied detailed feedback on key airborne assets to AOC/DGS CC--maximized ISR mission effectiveness
- Supported MAJCOM contingency; flawless intel data for five airframes--625 successful bundle drops
- Supported Sq contingency; supplied geospatial intel for Op XXXXXX--ensured successful Sq deployment
- Supported TF compound raid; aided grnd tm CC, pushed 300 live updates--5 Taliban mbrs captured/wpns cache seized

- Updated airfield and landing zone imagery; analyzed actionable intel--speedy, accurate msn planning achieved

- Worked 234 msns; produced/disseminated vital intel for theater strike planning--key to tracking of insurgents

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