See also: Signals Intelligence Awards
Job Description
- Analyzes weapons systems threat intel supporting Combat Air Forces w/electronic warfare re-programming data sets
- Appointed NCOIC of Operations Scheduling; manages 3 people responsible to coordinate/distribute mission schedule
- Appointed NCOIC of Operations Training; manages 3 people & 4 training programs; maintains inspection readiness
- Directs 14 mbrs as Flight Chief; organizes, trains, & equips amn in executing cryptologic ops versus regional targets
- Drives collection & exploitation of adversary signals; satisfies tactical AF & nat'l rqmts in coord w/IC & partner orgs
- Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance operator SME; develops and delivers AFSC training to 7 person team
- Operates Distributed Common Ground System supporting intelligence, surveillance, & reconnaissance acft platforms
- Performs initial analysis of ambiguous or unidentified electromagnetic transmissions and validates signal parameters
- Provides near-real-time tactical threat reporting & situational awareness to local, theater, & national-level authorities
- Special Signals Analyst; exploits foreign communications; identifies, collects, analyzes, & disseminates intelligence
- Target Digital Network Analyst; conducts advanced analysis of collection & profiles targets and associated activities
Performance Assessment
- Addressed critical CPIP finding; advocated for 52% reduction in mission execution; significantly eased MPA burden
- Augmented agency IED team surge; classified 900 improvised explosive events--9 actionable reports to CENTCOM
- Completed 80 hr SIGE 2810 rdr fund's crs; amp'd psn knowledge enhanced signal analysis msns for PACOM AOR
- Conducted forensic analysis on high val tgts; provided significant intel to thtr--enabled Jt Task Force to execute msn
- Contributed to analysis of adversary's C2 network; ID'd tgts of interest--enabled coalition to conduct 2 kinetic strikes
- Coordinated the creation of annual training plans for 6 out-of-state DSGs, ensuring each completed "good" ANG year
- Created signal analysis program for Asia flight; developed new operational procedures for special signals processing
- Developed and implemented inter-office mission scheduling process; unprecedented comm among DOT, DOV, DOS
- Disseminated 16 threat rpts to rpt'ing cell; provided threat warning analysis of signals--advanced adversary cap to IC
- Earned signals analyst msn qual; expanded crew manning 15%--critical to success for 50% increase in mission tempo
- Employed conflict management principles with subordinates; quelled personality conflict; noticeable morale increase
- Ensured availability to receive after-duty hours msn schedule changes from HHQ; handled 50+ ad hoc sched changes
- Guided and oversaw the drill planning efforts of 15 language SMEs, resulting in 168+ training hours to DSG linguists
- Held weekly prof development training with Scheduling personnel; cultivated open comm among all office members
- Led communication and emerging tech training session for 7 1N2s; training well received with mission applicability
- Led Signals Exploitation & Analysis flight; managed 14 amn/2 AFS shreds--met 100% msn readiness requirements
- Led target network communications project; ID'd high value terrorist behaviors--enabled FBI counterintelligence ops
- Maintained Multi-Source Analyst qual; spt'd critical mission manning rqmt--ensured 100% AF ISR mission readiness
- Participated in counter-terrorism ops; dissem'd crit intel after high profile attack--prevented future threat against US
- Participated in deep dive analytics; discovered new terrorist digital networks--enabled agency to ID targets of interest
- Provided Signals Analysis during show-of-force msn; degraded adversary confidence--maintain USAF air superiority
- Signals intelligence and wpn sys SME; developed & delivered msn qual trng/7-mbr team--incrs'd surge-to-war capes
- Supported 18 U-2/RQ-4 msns; provided timely analysis of 6K signals--ensured safety/security of coalition ISR assets