
AFSC 1N4X2 Cryptologic Analyst & Reporter

Duty Description

- Leads 4-mbr rptg crew/3 positions; disseminates critical intel/provides threat warning to ISR acft/allied assets in AOR
- Spts U-2/RQ-4 airborne ISR wpn sys; assigns time-sensitive tasking/rpts strategic/tactical intel to USINDOPACOM
- Optimizes $350M wpn sys utilization; accepts local tasking w/nat'l ad hoc rqmnts to max ops msn mgmt f/USFK sites
- Handles release of time-sensitive rpts; balances nat'l reqs/crit intel data provides threat warning and tactical collection

- Supports AF & Joint ISR operations by collating, analyzing, evaluating & disseminating signals intel information
- Analyzes, studies, researches, fuses, and correlates intelligence for strategic, operational, and tactical customers
- Enables all-source intelligence, situation estimates, order of battle studies, and other intelligence reports & studies
- Advises commanders on OPSEC, Force Protection and random counter intelligence efforts for US and allied forces

- Prioritizes information obtained from intel collection and provides serialized intel reports to authorized recipients
- Identifies, correlates, and fuses technical, geographical, and operational intelligence information based on mission
- Authors time-sensitive intelligence reports in accordance with established guidelines to support decisions makers
- Identifies and disseminates real-time threat warning information in support of Department of Defense objectives

- Conducts in-depth analysis of communications characteristics and target tactics, techniques, and procedures
- Creates & maintains technical & operational databases using a variety of computer hardware & software applications
- Performs detailed analysis of target network communications and operational signatures for additional exploitation
- Develops and employs techniques to collect, identify, and exploit target networks and operating characteristics

- Instructs & certifies military personnel on cryptologic collection, analysis, reporting requirements & procedures
- Collates intelligence and operations materials supporting air, space, and cyberspace signals intelligence analysis
- Coordinates with FCC and international spectrum managers to support Department of Defense signal monitoring
- Integrates IA, cyber, cryptologic authorities & data to develop tradecraft and generate measurable mission outcomes

Performance Assessment

- Oversaw 6-mbr A&R cell/45 msns; alloted 360 thrt warning hrs/vetted 1.3K rpts--facilitated CCMD defensive strategy

- Dual-Qualified TR/WO; expanded watch flexibility/increased 24/7 msn capes--1 of 3 in sq/boosted qual'd manning 33%

- Authored 2.1K time-sensitive rpts/30% of sq output; pushed intel to AOR ldrs--#1 accuracy rate of 99%/best in DGS-3

- Identified msn TTP shortfall; updated 20 rpt templates/removed outdated info--shortened rptg channels f/15-mbr tm

- Operated advisory sys; disseminated 50 high-pri enterprise changes--coord'd w/AOR ldrs/prevented 15 cancelled sorties

- Trained 15 mbrs/600 hrs; instructed 2.4K JQS line items/executed 10 wpn sys qualifications--incrs'd pos manning 500%

- Led sq UDM pgrm; oversaw IMR/wpns & CBRN trng f/55-mbr unit/5 AFSCs--armed Sq/CC w/deployment ready force

- Commanded 105 CRITIC action briefings; implemented Wg guidance/policy--prevented 4 incidents/enforced Wg std

- Expedited wpn sys eval; crushed 45-day cert/10 days--prevented loss of 15 ISR sorties/120 collection hrs/550 intel rpts

- Filled TR prgm mngr posn/5 mos; oversaw 15 mbrs/est'd 3 stds/sync'd analysis--vital to 694 ISRG 2021 Sq OTY awd

- Detected launch event; penned crit rpt/delivered left-of-launch warning to Sr ldrs--enabled de-escalation/won Sq POM

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