Key Duties
- Maintains pilot oxygen masks, helmets, anti-gravity suits, and Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System equipment
- Conducts, tracks, & updates flying equipment inspections using Flight Equipment Records Management System
- In-processes student pilots' equipment; prepares equipment for modification, inspection, repair, or replacement
- Trains individuals on tasks required for upgrade and familiarization; provides knowledge on general programs
- Inspects, repairs and repacks BA-22 personnel parachutes, single/multi place life rafts, and life preserver units
- Installs and maintains prepositioned aircrew life saving equipment on assigned/transient C-5 and C-17 aircraft
- Adjusts aircrew helmets, chemical defense ensembles, aircrew/passenger oxygen masks & night vision devices
- Updates/maintains equipment records in Aircrew Life Support Equipment Record/Tracking System (ALERTS)
- Oversees execution of $10M trng/equip budget for ACC's 3rd largest AFE program; directly supports 3 ops/trng sqs
- Inspects and re-packs a variety of personnel/cargo parachutes to include MC-5, SOV-III, MIRPS, and MC1-1D
- Mngs CC insp prgm through IGEMS as WIT ld; directs qtrly Staff Assisted Visits/IG insps; develops equip guidance
- Performs daily inspections on HGU-56/P helmets, Helicopter Air Breathing Devices and Night Vision Goggles
- Ships equipment to/from base support agencies to include Survival Equipment, Medical Supply and Munitions
Primary/additional duties
- Accelerated AFE IMDS access rqmts; established Sq UTM's first ever capabilities w/in--rectified a three yr shortfall
- Accomplished 526 quality control insps; ID'd 91 write-ups--ensured safe equip/resulted in 2.7K tng hrs/1.4K local flts
- Accomplished Army Basic Arbne Static Line Crs; compl'd 5 competence jumps--amp'd flt caps/awarded Jump Wings
- Accomplished Financial Management CBT; enhanced budget system knowledge/applications for AFE mgmt
- Accomplished PTL certification/training course; tracked 12 PT assessments--key to ensuring fitness standards
- AFE air show booth SQ POC; demo'd life-saving equip capabilities to 48K spectators--inspired future Airmen
- AFE Qty Assurance Mgr; oversees 20+ inspectors/5 locations--ensured highest standards for 1200+ AFE insp
- AFE training mgr; revamped program, monitored & upgraded one 7-level and two 5-levels-- created airmen readiness
- Aided 2014 Open House; helped raise $14K in food booth--contributed to molding base/community partnership
- Aided SERE survival tng pgm; alleviated instructor manning shortfall--qualified 20 prsnl/100% mission ready
- Aided water survival SERE inst; processed 15 aircrew through life saving scenario's--guarant'd aircrew survivability
- Alternate CRO; updated 12 form 16's/701's;impl'd solid control measures--zero discrepancies during wing NSA UEI
- Anchored ftr sq prod; oversaw 1095 insps, conducted 124 QCI s/asst d w/life-saving equip rpr 907 srtys/0 msn delays
- Anchored O2 installation; insp'd/uploaded self-reliant physiology sys/3K life saving eqpt/4 acft--50 mbrs MFF qual'd
- Anchored QA prgm-- led 32 mbr TFI flt/executed 5K insps for 6 sq--flt QCI avg 94%/guaranteed safety of 145 pilots
- Anchored QA prgm; led 50 mbr TFI flt's tech prowess--ensured safety for 118 pilots & 900 sorties/1.2K flt hrs
- Appointed section lead; led tm of four/directed 950 life-sustaining eqpmt insps--set flt benchmark w/98% QA pass rate
- Assembled/reconfigured 14 survival harnesses; overcame supply resource issues--prevented critical equip shortages
- Assisted in 15 CSEL radio software updates; completed TCTO ahead of schedule--ensured JPRC com rescue efforts
- Assisted in ACCA mobility exercise; processed 10 members and trained 100+; 89AS annual ACCA trng completed
- Assisted in CASS bldg relocation; led initial set up tm/enabled full msn capability in <24 hrs--rcvd 57 WPSS CC LOA
- Assisted oversight ?? ERQS AFE equip; insp'd/maintain'd $1M equip--guaranteed cbt readiness 14 operators
- Assisted Phoenix International Raceway event; helped raise $1.2K for squadron Booster Club & morale events
- Assisted with inventory and cleaning/operability of 556 weapons/munitions valued at $163K--100% msn rdy
- Assumed flying hour card holder duty; sourced requirements for five sections--safeguarded $41K expenditures
- Attended 3-hr 4 Lenses workshop; raised pers awareness of human factor in trng--dev'd valuable NCO-tier expertise
- Attended Airman leadership school; gained new mentorship skills--ready to administer rater responsibilities!
- Attended land/water survival course; honed/exported teaching skill--improved pilot awareness & survivability
- Attended military saves finance expo; gained monetary budgeting techniques--strengthened financial awareness
- Attended Program Manager Course; honed AFE management level skills--enhanced overall shop/mission readiness
- Attended Rio Salado College; earned 3 credits toward Aircrew Safety Systems Technology degree--4.0 GPA
- Augmented joint Tyndall/Luke AFB training mission; maintained pilot flight gear--strengthened F-22 operation
- Augmented WST; provided 8 hrs/facilitating/trng/certifing 34 pilots--equipped aircrew w/priceless life saving tactics
- Augmentee instructor; processed over 60 aircrew through 8 hour WST & CST--training/unit CMR requirement met
- Authored AFE F-22 UTC rewrite; validated 723 items/coord'd w/ 7 sqs--std HAF rqmts & 3 MAJCOMs FMC
- Authored AFE operating instruction; replaced outdated guidance--expanded knowledge of component mission
- Authored gp OI; set maint guidance & flt policy IAW applicable regs--ensured standardization amongst 30 mbr team
- Brilliantly managed munitions program--ensured zero discrepancies on semiannual inspection of $4.2K+ assets
- Built 1st-ever UTC packing list; coord'd logistics plan w/plt unit--met crit suspense/rcv'd LOE/coined by 7 AF/CCC
- Certified 'name' AFB technicians on helmet tasks; enabled full compliance/lauded by # OSS/CC--promote
- Certified two months early on 3 types of oxygen equipment; increasing job knowledge and manning flexibility
- Chaired 2 x Aircrew Protection Panels; 41 DMAFB attendees/9 orgs--established operations/comm for wg AFE team
- Cmplt'd MC-130J xfer; coord'd w/2 units, orch'd equip swap f/256 items/2 acft--sav'd 60 man-hrs/dcrs'd insp time 50%
- Comp'd 475 deployed insps for 18 A/C & 40 pilots; supt'd 848 cbt msns/4K+ hrs/73K+ ord--zero AFE delays
- Compiled 3 yr munitions forecast f/240 inflators; $108K time change assets verified--enabled XX maritime missions
- Compl'd first ever RAM Air Instr Raider crse; inserv'd/inspect'd 32 sys--earned cert/pilot'd new AF free-fall program
- Completed 20 MTI; confirmed security of 8k assets on 24 a/c--100% effectiveness of survival eqpmt; msn complete
- Completed mx on 8 Night Vision Goggles; concluded in 30% of sched time; readied $55K in warfighter assets
- Condensed SPINS updates; loaded 88 radios< 1hr--provided 84 C130/C17/AE mbrs latest evasion waypoints
- Conducted ACCA line tng; instructed 20 aircrew on donning/processing line--enhanced XX WG CBRN combat prep
- Conducted aircrew decontamination training; qualified six technicians--deployment requirements uninterrupted
- Conducted eqpmt training; instructed 5 techs on 18 tasks/38 CFETP items--increased shop qual by 11% for readiness
- Conducted quarterly wpns inventory; inspected/maintained/issued 29 firearms--ensured safety/100 % accountability
- Conducted ROTC tour 60+ cadets; exemplified flotation section knowledge; increased ops visibility to future officers
- Conducted SAV for 2 AFE elements; ID'd/corrected 15 observations/30 findings--redirected mission execution assets
- Conducted SAV for 5 AFE sections; ID'd/corrected 68 observations/470 findings--refocused msn execution spt
- Conducted tng sessions f/4 prsnl; delivered 22 hrs of instruction f/32 tasks/72 CFETP items--boosted flt quals by 20%
- Configured 3 C-130 acft; loaded/upgraded 381 pcs of eqpt--ensured 100% mission rdy ISO OIF/OEF/HOA
- Conquered hazard cargo mgt crs; attended 8 hr certifier class/prep'd HAZMAT--pivotal to xxx FS deplymt readiness
- Constructed 1100+ critical AFE items; $50K life saving eqmt zero disc--increased wing combat pilot readiness 45%
- Constructed C17 AFE; implemented 85 new guidance items--managed 900K inventory, 3 personnel, 6 aircraft
- Coord’d 138 acft med evac eqpmt item inspections; replaced expired items--vital to success of emer med prsnl
- Coordinated "Pilot for a Day" experience; showcased # FW AFE role--fulfilled wishes of terminally ill child
- Coordinated local inspection of HBU-6/P; replaced annual inspection with initial install--saved squadron 36 man hrs
- Coordinated sq relocation; mobilized 9K AFE assets/300 personnel--executed 4.7K insp/9.7K flt hr prgm /0 ops delay
- Coordinated w/hq on redistribution 40 parachutes; cut reciving units build up time 1200+hrs--saved AF $197K
- Created "Aircrew Tracker System"; personalized tracker of $256k in equipment--74 aircrew serviced flight clothing
- Created USAFWS pilot in-processing cklsts; implement'd MDS specific data requirements--saved 75 man hrs annually
- Crush'd ground safety insp; draft'd sq JSTO & insp checklist f/11 flts/186 mbrs--clos'd 2 yr MICT discrep/laud'd by CC
- Crushed HQ ACES II trng rqt; dvlp'd trng plan f/2 Wgs/founded initial cadre tm--cert'd 20 mbrs/1.5K tasks in <30 days
- Customized # flight helmets; modified visors/masks--equipment error-free, enhanced pilot flight performance
- Customized 5 flight helmets; modified visors/masks--supported $6 million training program for F-16 students
- Dedicated; trained/certified new night shift supervisor on 37 core tasks--increased schedule flexability by
- Demonstrated survival gear functions to # JROTC cadets; inspired potential AF leaders--bestowed with LOA
- Deployed in support of Ops ENDURING FREEDOM/NEW DAWN--protected 2.2K personnel/$3.2B assets
- Deployed ISO OEF; managed 10 prsnl/5 AFSC/$3.2M equipment--enabling 733 missions resulting in 698 svs
- Deployed ISO SECDEF tasking; supported 2.4K+ alrt hrs/7.1M Sq Mi--enabled successful SOF/ISR missions
- Developed reserve sqd trng plan; trn'd 2 mbrs on 150 tasks/built 3 pgms--47 FS on-track to maintain 84 items/28 jets
- Developed sustainable minimal survival kit for AAF; trained AFE team/crew--outfitted 20 aircraft w/vital SAR items
- Developed time saving processes; awarded Innovator of the 2nd Quarter 2020--promoted AFE innovation initiatives
- Dir'd daily ops f/2 sects; guid'd 6 mbrs, oversaw 4K insps f/108 arcw/3 equip upgrades--ensur'd 4.1K flt hrs/2.3K sorties
- Directed 110+ convoys; supplied security for 2.3M lbs cargo--guaranteed 386 AEW ops zero mission delays
- Directed AFE chemical defense forecast; 3K equip items/$27K verified & projected--ACC postured to mng AF funds
- Discovered D-Bag neg trend; corrected 15 blower hose assemblies--safeguarded Wing missions & 100% readiness
- Dissasembled 100+ D-Bags; decreased Chemical Warfare inspection cycles work by 20% using lean process
- Dominated 1.1K AFE insps; spt'd 3 Red Flag's/5.4K srts/9K flt hrs--indoc'd 1.4K US/coalition aircrew in enemy TTP's
- Dominated Green Flag West--guaranteed flawless support, awarded "Outstanding Performer;" promote to TSgt
- Dominated unit COMSEC account; pgm lauded by AMC IG/COMSEC inspector--received zero discrepancies
- Drove 70x LARS sys ops checks; trn'd 3 pilots/bolster'd AOR secure comms--lauded by CFACC's/tackled #1 priority
- Drove new equip sys inputs; 2 phases comp'd/546 equip assets--ACC supt lauded "355 OSS is leading DPAS effort"
- Elevated MAJCOM tester shortage issue; coord'd w/3 units, distributed 4 assets/$1.2M--filled UTC LIMFAC f/2 wg's
- Eliminated parachute facility defect; procured humidifiers/prevented impact to flying ops--zero AFE mx delays
- Elite ldrship; 1st UEI report resulted in only 3 minor write-ups--AFE lauded "best seen to date" by AMC/IG inspector
- Escorted AETC/CC spouse during visit; exemplified military customs & courtesies--highlighted wing support
- Established deployed AFE QA pgm; insp 69 parachutes/4 different systems--ensured process 100% error free
- Excelled in UGT; first WS Amn cert'd in 3 sections/6 MDS eqpmt items/185 tasks--awd'd USAFWS Gp Amn of 3Q20!
- Executed $1.2M high priority TASS ops reqmt; engineered & fit 15 JHMCS's--bolstered Wg's CAS trng capes by 26%
- Executed 1.5K eqpmt insps; spt'd 3 syllabus crs's/200 aircrew--grad'd 20A&B/230 WUGS/met COMACCs #1 priority
- Executed 240+acft msn termination inspections; opitimizing safe flying ops--key effort in Wg's global success
- Executed 900 eqpt pre/post-flt insp; prepared $4M in eqpt assets for XXX FS--spt'd 2,233 sorties w/zero AFE delays
- Executed MAJCOM tasker; led 85 NVG modernizations valued at $280K--boosted night tng capes f/150 aircrew mbrs
- Executed radio Safety Supp; secured real-time GPS fix, 48 radios/$200K--equip'd 44 pilots for rapid comm/extraction
- Exercis'd quality time management; led Unit Training Assemblies--accomplished 100% shop/personal requirements
- Expanded OSS Booster Club funding; managed Phoenix International Raceway event booth--raised over $1.2K
- Exposed quick don mask defect; reported manufacturers equipment flaw--finding generated AF level change to eqpt
- Exudes Air Force core values; integrity and excellence, consistently displays military bearing; vital AFE team player
- Fabricated/designed 68 pitot tube covers for 17 acft engines--prevented FOD intrusion to critical msns--promote!
- Facilitated 167 TA sessions f/AAF AFE prgm; developed 9 trng manuals--accredited 18 AAF trainees f/1st trng shop
- Facilitated 48 ambulance PAX mask insp; readied 673 MDG IFE first-response team--enhanced airfield survivability
- Facilitated ALSE acquisition; ID'd bench stock, line item baseline; injected $2.7M in flt safety equip for 6 AAF bases
- Facilitated incentive flt ops; schedul'd/fit/inspected 84 eqpmt items f/21 Amn--honored 57 Wg's exceptional performers
- Filled NCOIC pos/8-days; supervised 6 Amn/2 sects & mng' 60 sorties/104 flying hrs--XX FW cmbt capes maintained
- Focus'ed on deploy'd basics; insp 10 CTKs/id'd unserviceable tools/fixed 9 discreps--blostered trng for five 3 lvl Amn
- Galvanized 16 mbr emergency repack tm; led insp/packing of 12 parachutes in <24 hrs f/GSU--saved 11 Test/WS srts
- Generated stage pallet retrieval; provided add'l equip UTC for ORI--1.2M in assets returned<14 days in AOR
- Graduated Fort Lee Rigger School; cert'd on RA-1/MC-6 parachute systems/360 hrs--increased section quals by 30%
- Guided $7M AFE ops; three sections/53 prsnl--developed Sq NCOQ/Gp tm/Gp AOQ/1 BTZ/ACC AOY awd winners
- Guided section's OJT rqmts; trn'd & cert'd 8 techs on 64 MDS tasks--closed knowledge gap/reduced QA discreps 44%
- Hand picked section leader; oversaw repair/build-up of over $15 million in AETC assets--fulfills an NCO role
- Handpick'd to spt short-notice TDY; executed 180 insps/drove 25 Jt task force srts--lauded as success by 433rd WS CC
- Handpicked f/CASS's void; mastered 137 tasks in <30 days/surg'd flt capes 100%--elim'd 25 major/200 discrepancies
- Handpicked f/WIT; executed stan eval pgm insps f/two Sqs/62 MICT items/ID'd three findings--awd'd Sq SNCO3Q!
- Highly effective team member; Quality Assurance evaluations of 200+ items inspected--90% pass rate accomplished
- ID'd 2 parachute major write ups; alleviated emergency parachute OTI's--resolved inspection time of 960 man hours
- ID'd flt equip shortage; instituted helmet recycling prgm/alleviated 47th FTW shortfall--$360K+ annual savings
- Id'd MK-13 shortage; coord'd quick procurement/20 flares--ensured survl vests 100% ready for 40 pilots/OEF
- ID'd unreported chem defense assets; comp'd deficiency rpt for 680 suits/alleviat'd ACC shortfall--promotion spot on!
- ID'd/fix'd ADWSR/HAZCOM pgms; updat'd flt reqmts/ink'd trng plans/trn'd 13 techs--closed 21 disc's/2 yr MICT deff
- ID'd/rect'd CSEL radio discrep; est'd new TTP's/preloaded 20 assets-sav'd 40 man-hrs/15% boost in SAR response time
- Identified potential life-threatening discrepancies; removed 5 parachutes from service--averted likely mishap
- Implemented 100% QA program; verified < 220 life sustaining inspections--set C17 AFE standard for OKAS
- Implemented new equip work schedule; minimiz'd excessive workloads--improved shop efficiency and productivity
- Implemented tracking sys; created DBIDS log/badge--ensured 100% positive control of undocumented TCNs
- Initiated six TO improvement chgs; four solutions adopted--$150K savings/reduced man-hrs by 40% AF-wide
- Inspected +2K various types of survival flotation equipment; zero discrepancies during no-notice QA inspections
- Inspected/repacked 35 BA-22 parachutes worth $20K; ensured spt eqpmt for OEF cmbt acft--GWOT sustained
- Inspected/repacked 836 CWU-16/P anti-exposure suits--provided assurance for aircrew mbr--stnds upheld
- Inspected/repacked life rafts; readied $42K in survival gear--pilots in 5 squadrons ready for emergency egress
- Inspected/repaired 50 Anti-Exposure/Anti-G Suits; replaced defective materials--saved AF $400K/50 man hrs
- Inspired potential AF leaders; exhibit survival gear functions to 50+ Star Base pupils--bestowed with Amn of the Qtr
- Investigated AF shortage of Anti-G eqpmt; $21K in assets rcv'd--14 student pilots grad to CAF as scheduled
- Jump started 2 TDYs as AFE tm ldr; installed 124 components/configur'd 31 vests--organized crucial/downrange msn
- Key player in 2016 Base Open House; hand selected AFE tech spt/5 pilots--promoted AF values/stds for community
- Lead Armorer during 24/7 cmbt ops; mng'd 51 guns/1.2K rnds/$35K--armed 33 pilots/rdy to fight against insurgents
- Lead flt line global thunder team; load/unloaded 6 aircrafts--optimized Wing/Squadron ops with zero discrepancies
- Led 10-mbr wg qtrly awds cmte! Planned 3x events in 4 wks/recognized top performers--raised morale for 6K mbrs
- Led 1st fwd dplyd team ISO A-29 combat ops; serviced AFE for 18 coalition/AAF crew--aided 120 combat/trng lines
- Led 20 Amn through COVID-19 ops; supt'd 1.2k insps/4.1K sorties--grad'd 230 new AF WOs/COMACCs #1 pri met
- Led 52 survival equip uploads--streamlined procedures/shaved 3 hrs--acft msn ready/exceeded standard 50%
- Led AAF AFE Recap effort; forecasted prsnl/equip/facilty rqmts thru FY23--postured AAF for $1.3B fleet bed-down
- Led ACCA course; trn'd 12 flt/12 AFE mebrs revis'd procedures/devoted 10 hrs--tackl'd UEI discrep/recert'd 12 pilots
- Led AETC's CCC/Int'l Director visits; showed 97 AMW msn/val'd Senior ldrs' vision--15 Amn recog'd by AETC ldrs
- Led AFE for 28 EARS beddown; 75% acft/95% flyer swap in 14 days--eqpt config'd/met ATO rqmts 12 hrs early
- Led AFE mx scheduling; coord'd w/six AMUs/182 acft/ID'd/rectified 72 unforcasted insp rqts--USAFWS Tm of 2Q20!
- Led AFE MX scheduling; planned swap ops of 168 chutes/kits on 21 aircraft--zero delays on daily flt missions
- Led COR for $1.7M AFE contr; performed 130 evaluations/tech monitoring & admin--ensured contr rqmts met
- Led CSEL trouble-shooting prgm; loaded/tested 60 radios enhanced secure communication capes--100% msn ready
- Led DPAS integration; trained 7 mbrs/input 2 phases for GSC directed prgm--enabled 595 item/1.2K insps swapover
- Led fielding the new AN/URT-46 beacons; tracked/installed $68k of vital eqpt--TCTO completed before to deadline
- Led five-prsnl emer repair tm; salvaged/assembled 26 LPU's from scratch--gen'd 25 syllabus srts/50 flt hrs f/19 WUGs
- Led flt UTC deplymt prep; 4 ISUs/4K equip items insp'd/packed--22K lbs of cbt gear successfully deployed ISO OIR
- Led medical student "Top Knife" tour; provided hands-on demonstrations--armed students with survival skills
- Led psnl in revamp of shop supply; divided 180 pieces of assets worth $450K--ensured prgm is AFI compliant
- Led section TMDE program; scheduled calibration/testing of 73 critical tools--$150K equipment accounted for 100%
- Led six acft isochronal uploads/downloads; installed 3K life-saving eqpmt items; expedited mx sched two days 30%
- Led survival kit OTI; insp'd 80 assets, installed missing 120 items/fixed doc errors--restor'd life saving cape f/103 acrw
- Liaison between ACC/A3 stf & 3 SQ/CC's ensuring HQ AFE policy/trng compliance & Amn pers/pro development
- Lone AFE mbr dply'd ISO 2 bi-lat ex; cmplt'd 1K insps f/54 arcw--enabl'd 267 flt hrs/76 sorties/incrs'd SOW/ally capes
- M50 drink tube mod; assembled 50 drink tubes for MB-19/p's--ensured speedy compliance & survivability of aircrew
- M50 drink tube mod; assembled 50 drink tubes/MBU-19/P mask--expeditious compliance; aircrew survivability incr
- Maintained # ADPE items; identified and corrected # findings--initiated # turn-ins for reutilization of assets
- Maintained SERE flotation eqpt; inspected/repaired 2 training rafts; WST was performed with zero malfunctions
- Managed # FS stand-up; created shop standards, eliminated # existing findings--100% inspection pass rate
- Managed $160K NVG pgm; led trng of 6 prsnl/150 insps/5 major repairs--facilitated night flying syllabus crs's f/2 Sq's
- Managed $250K+ diagnostic equipment prgm; cataloged mxs for 112 devices--ensured Sq mission capabilities
- Managed $300K consolidated tool kit; ID'd/replaced missing tools at vital C-17 stage--assured war readiness
- Managed 1.4K aviation spt items; pwr'd 4K insps/50 replacements/200 repairs--safeguarded 145 coalition crew mbrs
- Managed CDC prgm; acquired testing software/developed 5 tests & supervised study--incr'd qual'd 5 lvl's 40%
- Managed CTK/PMEL prgm valued $30K; sharpened accuracy during weekly inspection--accountability 100%
- Managed HAZMAT prgm; established hazardous accumulation point/re-organized SDS binder--AFOSH stds attained
- Managed HAZMAT program; identified missing authorizations on account--prevented potential discrepancies
- Managed HAZMAT program; organized material data sheet/binders--upheld safety standard/zero discrepancies
- Managed Info Mgt Data Sys (IMDS)--focused logistics and increased section standards by 5%--zero defects
- Managed night shift QA prgm; performed 1.5K insps on AFE equip worth $90K--100% A-10 cbt safe-to-fly pass rate
- Mentored 5 new tech school Amn; correct'd 6 faulty cuing units/delivered 29 StF items--svd $150K/unplann'd repairs
- Mentored JROTC cadets; explained and showcased AFE ops--cultivated professional image for future AF ldrs
- Mentored new airmen; created solid foundation for personnel in work center-- promoted shop harmony and efficiency
- MICT SAP monitor; assisted w/AFE & SERE checklist identifying section procedures--ensured program compliance
- Mitigated 24 negative trends/115 QC errors; authored deficiency analysis action guide--decreased discrepancies 56%
- Mitigated 24 negative trends/400 QC errors; authored deficiency analysis action guide--decreased discrepancies 56%
- Mng'd $250k AFE CTK program; inspected 200 tools & PMEL items--referbished over 20 corrosion damaged tools
- Mng'd 43d AFE section; coord'd work schedules for four psnl/3.5K eqpmt insps--total of 46 stud grad to CAF
- Mng'd five IFE after-action insps; quarantined plt's flt gear/documented findings/authored mishap rpt--zero w/c errors
- Mng'd internal SAV; fixed 3 processes/ordered $5K in equip/closed 275 discrepancies--sav'd $18K/96 man hrs yearly
- Mngd AFE/Aero-Physical/T-38 mx GPC accts; procured $500K in assets--six wg surveillances w/ no findings
- Modified 4 OVPD Kevlar helmets; salvaged/installed condemned NVG brackets--enhanced SWAT tm night msn ops
- Motivated; re-structured 350 AD/AFRES mbrs helmet/oxygen masks--produced zero discrepencies HQ SAV
- My go-to-guy; prep'd flt for CINC Installation Excellence Awd; #2/165 AF installations--promote to SrA now!
- NCOIC f/acft ops; managed 72 MTIs/coordinated 6 rapid redball responses--ensur'd 100% msn/ATO reliability srts
- Orchestrated CASS bldg relocation; drove 55 prsnl in $2M move/gen'd full msn capes in <24 hrs--rcvd WPSS CC LOA
- Orchestrated Jallalabad site visit; validated equip/prsnl shortfall--TAA'd AAF Flt/CC/presented 3 COAs to KBW/CC
- Orchestrated MICT prgm; verified/tracked 7 checklists w/375 items--team successful during ACC/IGI mid-point insp
- Orchestrated QA program above skill lvl; oversaw 4 QCI'ers $4M eqpmt insps/repairs/384 evals--air worthly eqpmt
- Orchestrated tng as 1/f 2 Sq afld driving trainers; ensured all 28 EARS rcvd proper tng--zero reportable afld mishaps
- Orchestrated two aircraft up/downloads; replaced AFE assets in under 2 hrs--allowed msn essential on-time ISO MX
- Org'd 4 mbr tm/tackl'd ACC task; managed equip data upload; load'd 402 items--AEG NCO of Mnth/OG Flt 3rd Qtr!
- Organized 1st deployed C17 Comsec account; tracked encryption keys for entire C17 stage ops--zero write ups
- Organized short notice UTC package; cordinated flawless mvt $91K in eqpmt--ensured deployment success
- Outfitted 42 CSAR acrw; prep'd 170 CSEL/NVG/survival vests/helmets--spt'd 132 flt hrs f/Ex BALIKATAN
- Outstanding NCO; hand-selected to assume section NCOIC duties, # FS NCO of the Quarter; promote ASAP
- Overhaul'd equip acct; coord'd turn-in/trans of 256 items--cert'd 100% accountability/sav'd DOD $1M acquisition costs
- Overhauled ACDE program; Inspected/replaced 108 items--ensured Aircrew safety in chemical/training environment
- Overhauled tool program; created four master inventories & itemized # items--alleviated mission shortfalls
- Oversaw 3K completion on life-sustaining AFE; 73 items/$128K repaired--3,500 hrs flown in 43FS w/o delay
- Oversaw ex CBT HAMMER preparation; mentored 2 flt mbrs/configured equip for 25 pilots--enabled 80 trng sorties
- Oversaw quality control on 459 life-sustaining assets; identified # discrepancies--decimated non-compliance
- Oversaw unit Incentive Flt Prgm; fit 8 cadets/$3.4K life-saving eqpt--guaranteed safety of flt/mbr gained rare insight
- Pacesetter; recognized by AMC & IG as a proven SME & inspector--paved way for new & improved AFE processes
- Participated in # OSS Change of Command; demonstrated excellent military bearing--impressed wing leaders
- Performed # inspections; corrected 35 errors, supported squadron training syllabus--2.7K sorties/3.5K hours
- Performed #+ inspections; found zero discrepancies on # AFE items--primed # FW for training mission
- Performed 526 post flight inspections--ensured mission ready aircraft--382 sorties flown w/ zero missions lost
- Performed four helmet refits; equipped F-16 pilots with essential flight gear--ensured zero syllabus deviations
- Performed helmet fit check for C-130 loadmaster; saved unit $3.5K TDY--strengthened AMC test/eval mission
- Performed mx/pgm'd 21 adv'd radios w/daily AFCENT special instruction updates--assured combat rescue spt
- Performed mx/pgm'd 64 adv'd radios w/daily AFCENT special instruction updates--assured combat rescue spt
- Piloted AFE Quality Control program; oversaw five inspectors and 1.4K equip insps/repairs--equipment 100% ready
- Piloted initial trng plan; qual'd five instructors in 13 blks/107 objs before BIC--increased schedule flexibility by 29%
- Pioneered flight section advancement process; reconfigured ready-line sys--enhanced eqpt storage space 25%
- Prepared helmet reduction data; 10 research hours, 5 trackers--efforts saved 3.6K manhours & $12K annually
- Prepared/issued 420 D-1 bags for three sqdns--ensured successful employment of $9.8K in life saving assets
- Prestigious technician; continuation for appropriate flight gear of 48 A-10 pilots--facilitated 4448 sorties/2320+ hours
- Proven performer with outstanding work ethic; invaluable asset to entire AFE section--promote to SSgt now!
- Provided AFE main section oversight; focused on UTC/Oxygen/Chem sections--all CUI '12 findings closed out
- Provided aircrew refresher trng; instructed eqpmt/egress program to 75 AMC prsnl--incr'd crucial msn safety
- Quality Assurance inspector--684 LPU-10/p life preservers deficiency free--increased inspection rate by 10%
- Quality assurance monitor; performed 40 ACES II parachute QA insps--pilot lifesaving equip 100% for cbt ops
- Rebuilt & repaired 10 broken NVGs; improved AFE and pilot readiness 16%-- enhanced student training capabilities
- Rebuilt AFE flightline parts storage; re-aligned over $1M of spare parts & supplies; raised productivity 40%
- Rebuilt parachute packing/medical storage facilities; integrated over $1M equipment; coined by ??? AEW CC
- Reclaimed critical assets; refurbished 21 NVG assemblies valued $214K--increased night ops msn capability
- Reconfigured 140 pax oxygen masks; created functional/tailored eqpmt worth $3K--enabled safe pax transport
- Rectifi'd beacon issue; coord'd w/2 agencies, insp'd/updat'd 76 items--secur'd rescue cape f/103 acrw/avert'd acft grding
- Rectified 5 eqpmt anomalies; solved one display unit malfunction/three comm sys/one O2 regulator--saved AF $55K
- Refurbished 11 broken NVDs; ordered essential parts/trn'd 3 lvl Amn/bolstered msn stock--restoration svd AF $214K
- Rehabilitat'd AFE HAZCOM prgm; identified & corrected 6 QA discrepancies--ensured safety of 16 AFE personnel
- Reinforced QC program; oversaw inspection of 300 assests/upheld prgm integrity--crucial to $2.5M life-saving eqmt
- Repaired six Anti G-suits in house; increased turn around time by 80%...saved AF $32K+ in replacement costs
- Repaired two "For Training Use Only" life rafts worth $5K--efforts ensured realistic water survival training
- Represented AFE flight in squadron flag ceremony; exemplified AF heritage--bolstered OSS esprit de corps
- Requested by 755 OSS CC for insp--ID'd 9 deficiencies/shared best practices--ensured sister sqds QA prgm effective
- Requested TO crs; mng'd 94 pubs/aid'd chem detector TCTO closure--spt'd acquisition/mx of 4.7K equip inspections
- Resolved Med supply account shortfall; requested funds/incrs'd authorizations--secured $1.2K f/150 wkly equip insps
- Resolved O2 communication cable procedure; ensured proper inspection of 300+oxygen mask--disc prevented
- Re-structured Manas, AB AFE; fixed 115 transient gear discrepancies--ensured 40 crew mbrs safety of flight
- Returned Flt to stds; sourced 400 hrs DPAS OJT/creat'd 13 internal checklists/new OI--revived 2.5 yr delinquent pgm
- Revamped # FS HAZMAT program; eliminated 30+ findings/adopted across five sections--new wing model
- Revamped 3 AFE programs; revised outdated Helmet/FERMS/QA shop stnd--saved 2 man-hours daily insps
- Revamped inaccurate Haz Cargo forms; id'd/corrected 12 items/dev'd new process--avert'd frustrat'd cargo for 3 ISUs
- Revamped UGT pgm; aligned 30 pers in 5 sections, budgeted $52K, projected 26 crs's--10 Amn cert'd/inc'd caps 33%
- Reviewed database ID'd 3K overdue items; coord'd immediate insp/52 hrs--ensured safe-to-fly for 3K sorties
- Revised QCI & IPI checklists; streamlined supervisory eval processes--ensured flt safety eqpmt dependability
- Revitaliz'd AFE flotation supply; forecasted necessary surv equip for next 450 days--UTC budget current to msn req
- Safety program manager; performed self inspection/ID'd/rectified 2 discs--advocated OSHA stds/safeguarded prsnl
- Secured/maintained $2M aircrew/acft life spt eqpt; ensured 400 sorties/600 flt hrs; Wg airlift capabilities met
- Seized professional development; tested on Principles of Supervision--earned three credit hours towards CCAF
- Selected by ACC/A3 to review TO; provided 22 inputs for integrated aircrew ensemble insp--AF approved new sys!
- Selected for ACCA SME tm; trn'd 16 flt mbrs/proper mitigation/devoted 10 hrs--tackl'd UEI discrep/recert'd 12 pilots
- Selected to instruct PACAF apprv'd trng crses; guided acrw through 4 trng reqts--spt'd 2.6K FHP, 100% aircrew cert'd
- Selflessly vol'd f/ Sq CoC; led setup/teardown team f/ 25 attendees--bolstered military traditons/lauded by Sq cmdrs!
- Shift lead for Global Thunder 17; supv'd 18 CSEL/9MM loading procedure/directed nuc tng--enabled msns for 3 sqs
- Shift leader for OPERATION NORTHERN EDGE; sptd 252 flying hrs/12 aircrew--lauded by deployment CC
- Shined as Wg MRT lead; ralli'd 100 Resilience Trainers/delivered essential life skills--developed 348 First Term Amn
- Showcased AFE during name AFB 2014 Open House; assisted guest pilots--event enjoyed by 360K+ spectators
- Skillfully accomplished 350 msn termination inspections; ensured serviceability of over 9K life saving items
- Solved 23 FW equip shortage--redistributed 18 modified helmet cuing sys's--enabled 24 acft deplymt/0 AOR delays
- Spearheaded new equip prgm config; coord'd trng/5 gps/127 mbrs--enabled MAJCOM vis of $50M critical AFE assets
- Spt'd multisvc JTAC tng; provided live enemy combatant tgts f/Seal Team Seven--cert'd 12 USN Seals on CAS TTP's
- Star performer! Completed/awarded CCAF Professional Manager Certification--amplified supervisory skills
- Streamlined aircrew preflight procedures; decreased step time 50%--enabled >16K pax 895 pallets delivered
- Superb security support for 16 contract sites; enhanced Al Udeid AB OEF mission--$4.8M projects completed
- Supervised 2x E-3 PDK build-ups; 38 JASDF PAXs briefings expedited--Pacific defense w/ allied AF integrated
- Supervised aircrew arming & accountability; ensured safe handling of 44+ wpns--$20K assets 100% secured
- Supervised mass AFE float training; trained 8 members C-17 flotation; personnel training records 100% compliance
- Supervised NVG repair process; fixed 18 NVG's across two AFE sections/night msn's improved--saved AF $115K
- Supported inaugural AAF SERE/CSAR Ex; demo'd PR & survival assets--increased capes & qual'd 3 Afghan Instr's
- Supported ONE taskings; turn'd 52 flt mbrs/proper mitigation/devoted 90+hrs--enabled 144 sorties/980 flt hrs success
- Supported Play 60 Pro-bowl campaign; encouraged child physical activity--improved community partnership
- Surpassed 4.6K career instr hrs; garnered CIC-lvl III cert/top 10% in AETC--key to AETC AFE Small Pgm of the Yr
- Tackled AFE mobility program; created efficient UTC driven mob package--assured timely/accurate deploy of assets
- Tackled AFE Quality Assurance pgm; created shop trend analysis metric system--increased equipment tracking
- Tailored 10 flight helmets; fitted visors/masks--equipment error-free, enhanced pilot flight performance with HMIT
- Taught 2 hr NVG course; train'd 9 GA prsnl care/maintenance procedures--mitigated undue damage/saved $7K
- Taught 5 AFE eqpmt courses; 9 pilots/14 FAM Amn/12 cadets trnd--enabled flying observation/incentive msns
- Tech-School Top Grad; join'd 1% of AFE grads to ever achieve perfect 100% avg--earned coveted Academic ACE awd
- Tech-trng crs SME; authored two lesson plans/five objs/88 hrs of curriculum--aced Gp no-notice Subject Matter Eval
- Technical expert! Skills enabled 1.5K sorties/10K cbt hrs/3.2K strikes/>9k tgts destroyed--freed Mosul from ISIL ctrl
- Tenaciously pursued parachute qual; aided in emergency repack msn/sav'd 7 srts--key to CASS's USAFWS Gp tm awd
- Third Country National escort; secured/transported over 300 TCNs--guarded 32 sites worth over $5.7 million
- Thrived in 9-lvl SMSgt posn! Oversaw 4.1K equip insps/8 A-10 trng TDYs--spt'd 7K sorties/90 A-10 pilots msn rdy
- Tracked $1.5M equipment inventory; refined check-in/accountability process--zero discrepancies during annual SAV
- Trained 10 Amn on equip/certified 232 tasks; increased tm productivity--boosted flt tng average to outstanding 96%
- Trained 3 PAFB AFE members in C-17 float ops; conducted hands-on 46-man training; PAFB C-17 training at 82%
- Trained 5 Amn on equip/certified 124 tasks; increased tm productivity--boosted AFE tng average to outstanding 96%
- Trained 6 Amn on AERPS insp; cert'd technicians/18 MDS tasks--netted 2 5-lvl upgrades/incr'd sect proficiency 20%
- Transformed 11 UGT Amn; dvlp'd trng TTP's to match STS f/84 tasks/established daily goals--elim'd 13 yr LIMFAC
- Transformed ailing CTK pgm; drove tm of 7 in redesigning of 8 kits/500 tools--eliminat'd 50 discrepancies f/3 sections
- Transformed neglect'd deploy'd supplies; order'd 290 msn critical items/valued $103K--averted bench stock shortage
- Trn'd/cert'd four techs on JHMCS/CSEL loading;rasied cert'd 5 lvl tech 100%--incr'd XXX FS cmbt msn capes 50%
- Turn-in 25 pcs of DIFM parachute assets; recycled items worth $15K--secured funds/parts for future AFE ops
- Wartime shift leader; trn'd 3 technician/mng'd 29K equip insp/4.7K QCI--safeguard'd equip/$2.7M/zero discrepancies
- Yield'd 27 critical equip stoppages; id'd/corrected 13 trouble areas/coord'd w/Plans n' Scheduling--0 cmbt/trng delays