Duty Description
- Employs $17M MQ-9 Reaper a/c executing combat ops in spt of Joint, Special Ops, & multi-COCOM priority msns
- Operates the Multispectral Targeting System (MTS); collects EO/IR full motion video (FMV) to satisfy ISR taskings
- Integrates Reaper into real world CAS, CSAR, SCAR & ISR events; monitors a/c flt instruments for safety of flight
- Provides terminal guidance for AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and GBU-12 bombs; utilizes onboard laser/target marker
- Manages weapons & tactics; develops, updates, maintains, and instructs TTPs/sq stds for 217 MQ-1B sq prsnl
- Accomplished 25 upg tasks; 86hrs/139 items mastr'd--comp'd 47% inst upg prereqs, 33%/4month ahead of peers/goal
- Achieved RPAs highest qual; selected by cmdr for Eval upgrade...admin'd three evals & cert'd five SOs CMR
- Acted as Sq pubs monitor; verified flt control info files & TOs for 17 mbrs--critical flt operations maintained
- Aided with 3 IFEs; turbocharger/engine/alternator failures recovered safely--$12M in USAF assets preserved
- Attended John Maxwell 360 Leadership seminar; gained leadership skills--used talents to promote CC's vision
- Backed 2 bed-downs/4 days; secured 268 flt hrs/24/7 COCOM spt--enabled 28 BW's Brig Gen F.W. Castle Awd win
- Basic Sensor Operator Course Distinguished Graduate; completed trng in top 10%--set example for classmates
- Certified Launch & Recovery SO; graduated course w/ 97% academic avg--filled vital deployment AOR role
- Completed 15 credit hrs toward Air & Space Operations Tech CCAF degree; earned 4.0 GPA--only 2 classes remaining
- Completed MQ-1/MQ-9 transition course; garnered academic award for 100% avg--graduated trng ahead of schedule
- Conducted 60 moving target tracks; provided supported TF unit 15 hrs dynamic ISR coverage--zero targets lost
- Conducted entry controller procedures; provided 6 hrs positive ID of 120 prsnl--secured sq f/240 hrs w/zero incidents
- Conquered MQ-9 Flight Evaluator upgrade; taught six sorties/15.8 hrs--ensured utmost flight safety/discipline upheld
- Conquered MQ-9 Flight Instructor upgrade; taught 14 sorties/29.1 hrs--delivered top-notch CMR SOs to COCOMs
- Coord'd budgeting crs; org'd AFRC budget managment seminar f/sq airmen--broadened financial insight f/10 wingmen
- Crushed 165 sorties/604hrs; armed grnd CCs w/actionable intel f/32 objs--facilitated 1 strike/enabl'd finish ops vs ISIS
- Demo radar capes w/Martime ops; 12 hrs/1275 jt prnsl/36 jt units--coord 1st integration w/MJAT/Navy MQ-9 Trainer
- Demonstrated strong acft knowledge; identified dual nav & auto pilot failure--safely recovered $4.5M AF asset
- Deployed to AOR; flew 187 LRE sorties for OEF; crucial to ISR/CAS ops--3.6K hrs of ISR FMV for CFACC
- Enabled 3K hrs FMV sensor data to grnd forces; launched/recovered 186 a/c--provided vital intel for CFACC
- Ensured safe operations for coalition acft; corrected current deconfliction process--safeguarded 12 acft worth $204M
- Excellent SNCO/mentor; highly experienced aircrew mbr--MQ-9 flt ops had direct impact on OCONUS war effort
- Executed 258 sorties/727 combat hrs; provided grnd forces real-time video--deliver'd critical intel to 2 GCCs
- Executed 34 sorties/250 combat hrs; supported cmbt ops in 3 AORs--deliver'd armed ISR to TF Commanders
- Executed convoy escort msn; clr'd 303 mi evac rte/40 hrs ISR/350 veh--ensured tact withdraw 1/spt to FF/$50M CT msn
- Expertly analyzed aircraft alternator failure; succesfully recovered malfunctioning a/c--saved $47M special msn asset
- Expertly diagnosed single alternator failure; succesfully recovered malfunctioning a/c--saved $4.5 mil asset
- Expertly ID'd/diagnosed MQ-1 engine problem; successfully recovered malfunctioning acft; saved $4.5M asset
- Expertly launched and recovered 121 MQ-1B acft; maintained 24/7/365 operations--100% msn accomplishment
- Facilitated asst AF/CV visit w/int'l DVs; demonstrated sim functionality...educated foreign sr ldrs on RPA ops
- Facilitated software upgrades; troubleshot difficulties w/2406 software update--equipped SOF TF w/most current cape
- Flew 129 cmbt spt msns; provided ISR on 97 objs...enabled sq's 107 EKIA, 55 HVIs captured, & 237 detained
- Flew 41 combat missions/103 hrs ISO 2 theater ops; armed grnd CC w/FMV--advanced top priority ISR objs
- Flew 65 msns/500 hrs ISR; supported cmbt ops in 3 AORs--supplied persistent/armed ISR to TF Commanders
- Flew 9 hours for base defense operations center; located & tracked 2 HVIs during jt raid--base security upheld
- Flew dur 20% CAP incr to new AOR; ensured 100% ISR rqmts satisfied--delivered 40 add'l ISR hrs to jnt TF
- Flight tng rep; sched'd & tracked 12 student msn qual tng/ISO upgrade events...decreased tng time by 1.5 weeks
- Initial cadre for multi-RPA CONOP; integrated MQ-1s w/ MQ-9--developed new TTPs in 11 AOR strike-ex's
- Instructed 78 hrs; upgraded 16 SOs on instr/msn rdy quals w/5 syllabi...boosted cmbt capes & reinforced jt ops
- Launched & recovered 300 acft; provided gnd CCs 3.3K hrs ISR/spt'd 600 objs--enabled 2 air strikes/4 EKIA
- Launched/recovered 31 combat support sorties; enabled 506.9 ISR hours--100% overhead coverage for 2 named ops
- Launched/recovered 65 events; 800 hrs/zero incidents in int'l airspace...shadowed 14 JTF HVIs w/on time ISR
- Lead enlisted during 2 RED FLAGs; instr'd 18 sorties/41 hrs...adv'd warfare tng for 6K coalition & joint forces
- Led 16 tours of deployed sq Det; demo'd MQ-1 capes to visitors & DVs--enhanced warfighter RPA awareness
- Led 2 mbr tm f/lcl stock show; 8hr/mng'd 16 events/30 animals--furthered veteran PTSD/suicide awareness 300 patrons
- Managed security prgm; built continuity binders, entry list & fixed discreps...rcv'd 'Excellent' on USAFE inspec
- Multi-faceted SO; completed add'l trng to operate MQ-9 with special msn payload--supported unique RPA msn set
- Noticed rapid oil dec; scanned a/c, id'd oil in propwash & alerted pilot...a/c recovered/rcv'd USAFE SE awd
- Overhauld sq acads; reviewed & updated TTPs, instructed 23 pilots & SOs...increased warfighting capes 13%
- Oversaw 1st mo steady state armed flts; coord'd diplomatic clr for 47 ops--enabl'd 1st offensive strike/2 HVI eliminated
- Participated in various multi-ship strike packages; targeted numerous high-value targets--all Gnd/CC intentions met
- Perfomed base defense for OEF FOB during local protests; scaned for wpns--protected 5k+ deployed U.S.mbrs
- Performed 5 hrs pre-raid ISR; relayed tgt activity/locations to grnd CCs--detained HVI/seized $16K intel/wpns/ammo
- Performed base defense for OEF FOB during local protest; scanned for wpns--protected 5K deployed US mbrs
- Provided 130 hours tactical ISR/ 79 cmbt spt msn; provided intel on terrorist networks--disrupted enemy ops
- Provided 6 hrs for Church project; replaced dilapidated roof--fostered positive base/local community relations
- Provided armed overwatch CF tactical column; escorted 19veh/95 FFs/6hrs CAS--0 CF casualties/CFLCC intent met
- Provided armed spt on 3 raids; 16 IEDs/35 lbs explosives seized/5 HVIs detained--terrorist network disrupted
- Pursuing Air and Space Operations Technical degree; garnered 6 semester credit hours--CCAF 98% completed
- Quickly ID'd ground ops emergency; properly exec time-critical actions/checklists--prevented loss of $17M ISR acft
- Reduced geo-pol tensions/aided xfer ISIS prisoners; provided overwatch f/7 FOBs/1.6K CF--POTUS dir'd msn success
- Researched/authored SO msn quick reference guide; set benchmark for ANG RPA units--increased msn efficiency
- Scheduled 980 sorties/7840 flight hrs; maintained 5 CAPs w/ complete crew manning--100% ATO lines filled
- SEL for deploy'd loc; oversaw 35 ops & mx pers/245 srts/4k ISR hrs--5 named ops spt'd w/98.9% msn capability rate
- Selected as LRE certifier; qual'd 5 SOs on base procedures/local airspace--100% mission ready within 3 days
- Strong work ethic & professionalism; quality performance with high caliber results--definitely promote to SSgt
- Supervised 12 prsnl; oversaw 230 shifts enabling 260 LR events & 130 sorties...ensured 100% ATO coverage
- Supported four TIC situations; id'd fleeing insurgents/provided laser target marker--four combatants eliminated
- Trained 2 new sensor operators; instructed pattern work, host nation aviation & stds--enabled timely transition of pers
- Troubleshot 6 emergency aircraft; successfully ran time-critical checklists--saved $36M USAF/CFACC assets
- Troubleshot engine oil leak; safely led crew through in flt emer checklist--saved low density/high demand asset