- #1 of 23 DCC's; hand picked/maintained AMU Flagship AF194--upheld 81.1% MC rt/eclipsed ACC 74% std
- Accomplished 12 engine exhaust nozzle OTIs; replaced faulty mount brackets--averted damage to $176K asset
- Accomplished 50 end of runway checks in 4 nights; validated acft safe prior to flight; met 100% JFACC ATO
- Aced thru flight inspection during '09 HQ PACAF LSEP--35 MXG 88% Pass Rate/#1 FW in PACAF-promote
- Aced two QA evaluations during '09 PACAF LSEP inspection; fueled MXG's 88% pass rate--best PACAF FW
- Aided AEF 9/10 preparation; fixed three target pod adapters--contributed to flawless no abort 18/18 launch
- Aided emergency removal of acft shut down on runway; runway cleared in under 3 minutes; zero acft diverted
- Aircraft section "Go to" 7 lvl; Coord'd four eng TCTO's/zero QVI defects noted--bolstered AMU's 94% pass rt
- Al Asad AB, Iraq deployer; augmented transient alert--enabled movement of 10K cargo tons/40K+ passengers
- Alleviated manning shortfall; supervised 25 person swingshift--ready for increased responsibilities/promotion
- Assisted acft no start isolation; identified/replaced faulty igniter cable in 5 hrs; beat 8 hr AF standard-promote
- Assisted fuel tank kit monitor; corrected 14 errors; vital to 35 FW earning '09 PACAF UCI "Excellent" rating
- Assisted in accessory drive gearbox change; replaced in 32 hours; completed 18 5-level upgrade core tasks
- Assisted pre-launch mx team; serviced ten acft hydraulic systems; aided 3,101 sorties/4,946 hrs flown, FY09
- Assisted preparation of quarterly awards ceremony; set up chairs/award tables; contributed to successful event
- Assisted redball MX; responded to 10 redballs/prevented ground aborts; aided 3,101 sorties/4,946 hrs, FY09
- Assisted support pack out; ensured 4 UTCs/14 increments/48 tons returned home station--aided recovery time
- Attended advanced dedicated crew chief class; skills used to train six Airmen;raised AMUqualifications15%
- Attended Airframe Structures course; completed three credit hrs for airframe/powerplant license--earned 95%
- Attended forms documentation class; helpled train three Airmen; aided 13 AMU 100% forms pass rate Dec, '09
- Attended start system diagnostic course; repaired five jet fuel starter problems; cut abort rate by 2.5%, Mar '09
- Augmented security forces; performed escort duties--7 day 332 EAMXS building project completed in 3 days
- Certified on engine intake/exhaust inspection--normally a 7-skill level task; boosted section mx capability 10%
- Certified on engine run procedures; executed 20+ mx engine runs; vital to 2,926 sorties/4,601 hrs flown, FY09
- Chosen for mx recovery team; performed mx engine run/leak checks--acft returned to base/zero impact to flying
- Coached fuel system fault isolation; improved troubleshooting skills; aided 2% repeat/recurring rate, Mar '09
- Collaborated with QA on speedbrake tab TCTO; trained four peers--19 acft completed 294 days before ground
- Completed 17 power inverter wiring insps; ID'd wire chafing/arcing in three acft--assured safety of 94 FS fleet
- Completed advance crew chief course; trained Airmen on flaperon rigging; boosted section mx capability 15%
- Configured 12 acft for SABER CROWN exercise; 13 acft accepted in 24 hrs; beat 12 acft goal--TSgt deserved
- Configured six acft for SABER CROWN exercise; 13 acft accepted in 24 hours; exceeded wing goal of 12 acft
- Contained massive fuel spill during aircraft launch; prevented aircraft fire/loss of 134M asset
- Continued self improvement; completed sociology CLEP; earned three credits for Acft Mx Technology degree
- Contributed to Operation COLD IGLOO '10; achieved highest NATO FORCEVAL "Mission Capable" rating
- Coordinated F-16 divert training for Al Asad AB transient alert--boosted section's qualified personnel 100%
- Crucial contributor in the 55 MXG's win of '09 AF Daedalian Weapon System Mx Trophy--promote to MSgt
- Daily mx efforts aided 35th Fighter Squadron earning "PACAF Fighter Squadron of the Year 2008"--promote!
- Demonstrated superb knowledge; zero defects on seven QA evaluations; aided section's 92% pass rate, FY09
- Deployed for THRACIAN STAR '10; set up mx infrastructure--garnered 55 MXG "Outstanding Performer"
- Deployed to Konya, Turkey; led 14 personnel/acted as flightline expediter; fueled 194 sorties/394 hrs flown
- Deployed to Nellis AFB; led end-of-runway inspection crew; vital in generating 713 sorties/1386.3 hrs flown
- Deployed to RED/GREEN FLAG excercises; led servicing crew; aided 713 sorties/1386.3 hours (hrs) flown
- Deployed to RED/GREEN FLAG exercises; launched/recovered 16 acft; aided 713 sorties/1386.3 hours flown
- Deployed TDY to Kadena AB; gen'd 12 combat capable F-16s--deterred 25 airborne PRC acft from Philippine ADIZ
- Detected faulty fuel control unit; repaired/ops checked <6 hrs--slashed ACC 8 hr std 4.1%/acft code 1 five flts
- Diagnosed elusive acft start fail; isolated/replaced faulty fuel valve logic in >6 hrs--beat AF 8 hour fix rate
- Diagnosed nav pod problem; repaired bulkhead cannon plug wire--saved AF $342K in parts cost--SSgt ready
- Directed no-notice HHQ msn mx; gen'd five acft/48 wpns <6 hrs--expelled 13 SDBs/effort lauded by AEW/CC
- Discovered hydraulic leak; replaced defective shraeder valve/bled system in 3 hrs--decimated AF 8 hr fix rate
- Discovered leaking hydraulic line during launch; tightened/leak checked fittings--aided 5.6% abort rate, FY09
- Discovered pre-launch hydraulic leak; adjusted flex hose; aided 5.6% abort rate, FY09; beat AF 6% standard
- Eagle eye; retrieved missing throttle peel shim from cockpit; averted acft impound; saved 48 mx hrs-promote
- Earned perfect 100% QA pass rate on five evaluations--contributed to sections' 95% pass rate first quarter '10
- Epitome of professionalism; distinguished graduate of First Term Airmen Center; raised bar for future airmen
- ESTA lead/deployed expediter; drove 486 OIR/95 ATO sorties/951 total flt hrs--126.5K lbs of muns on target
- Established A-10 weapons load crew certification and qual standards--answered critical mission need
- Finished SNCOA Course 14 in only 2 mos; upheld 91% avg on module tests--premiere addition to SNCO tier!
- Force multiplier; certified eight intake/exhaust inspectors--increased unit's maintenance productivity by 33%
- Force multiplier; trained 10 Airmen on acft sheltering procedures--33 tasks completed for 5-skill level upgrade
- Honcho'd weapons APU fail; diagnosed/R2'd defective temp sensor/acft cmbt rdy--EAMU F-22 msns secured
- Identified missing kick panel screw in crewstation; retrieved screw/prevented impoundment--saved 48 mx hrs
- Identified missing throttle peel shim in cockpit; recovered item/prevented acft impoundment--saved 24 mx hrs
- Inquired/obtained "Follow Me" sign for Al Asad Transient Alert--enhanced vehicle visibility for transient acft
- Installed six wing fuel tanks during ORI; keyed 15 acft generated <72 hours--garnered "Outstanding Performer"
- Instinctively reacted to acft shelter fire; organized tow/moved two acft to safety; saved assets valued at $49.2M
- Instructed six Airmen on AFTO form 22 TO reporting procedures; submitted nine reports; 100% approval rate
- Instrumental in acft "over-G" inspection; led acft depanel team; completed inspection in 4 hrs--cut time in half
- Instrumental on 200+ acft tows during AEF; sheltered $394M fleet--no acft damage during indirect fire attacks
- Integral part of acft fuel tank installation team; helped configure 22 jets with fuel tanks; met PACAF tasking
- Isolated eng/fuel sys malfunction; replaced faulty augmenter fuel control--slaughtered 12 hr repair std by 3 hrs
- Isolated speedbrake anomaly to faulty control valve; replaced/ops checked in 4 hrs--smashed 8 hr AF standard
- Keen eye; discovered leaking brake line during end of runway inspection; prevented catastrophic brake failure
- Launched two alert acft on combat air patrols; provided a show of force; factor in three insurgents captured
- Lead mx operations controller at ANATOLIAN EAGLE exercise; aided 398 flying hours (hrs)--Top Performer
- Lead ORE acft mx team inspector; detected/fixed 100 discrepancies; key to outstanding generation of 16 F-16s
- Leader in ORI generating 15/12 acft, launch 14/12 acft, regenerated 11/10 acft; earned PACAF "Excellent", '10
- Led 332 ELRS Det 1 participation in Al Asad AB basketball tourney--maximized personnel esprit de corps
- Led acft engine change crew; replaced/operational checked engine in only 8 hours; zero defects noted by QA
- Led acft servicing crew; prepared 20 acft for 13 AMU TDY to Nellis AFB; aided 330 sorties/495 hours flown
- Led four person engine bay inspection team; identified/repaired eight discrepancies--zero defect QA inspection
- Led hot pit refueling team for WYCOM WARRIOR exercise; refueled 42 acft; aided in 94 NATO sorties flown
- Led pre-launch mx crew; replaced constant speed drive filter; averted acft abort; aided 5.7% abort rate, FY09
- Led servicing of 20 acft for 13 AMU's deployment to Nellis AFB; aided 330 sorties/490 hrs flown-promote
- Led tiger team; inspected eight acft for 13 AMU OIF deployment; PACAF tasking met--promotion justified
- Maintained 100% on-time/current ancillary and readiness training; zero missed/late training--ready to deploy
- Maintained assigned acft at 90.2% fully mission-capable (mc) rate, Jan-Apr '09; crushed AF 82% mc standard
- Managed 23 crew chiefs for SABER CROWN exercise; aided 84 sorties flown/"Excellent" rating-promote
- Managed acft cell for 51 FW exercise; tracked acft status/personnel accountability--successfully met 100% ATO
- Managed fuel tank SPRAM account; no errors found during '09 PACAF UCI--35 FW earned "Excellent" rating
- Member of 55 MXG UCI preparation team; identified over 2.1K discrepancies; ensured group inspection ready
- Member of NAS Souda Bay mx recovery team; replaced damaged rudder in 2 hours (hrs)--normally 6 hr task
- Meticulous inspector; nailed seven QA personal evaluations; earned 55 MXG QA "Honor Roll", Jan-Mar '09
- Motivated NCO; efforts key to 55 MXG '09 USAF Maintenance Daedalian award--ready for TSgt promotion
- Motivated team member; trained 8 new Airmen on launch and recovery procedures; lifted AMU's mx by 10%
- Organized $160K in uniforms/equipment; issued 300 mobility bags--100% PACAF clothing requirement met
- Outstanding efforts contributed to 23rd FS earning "Fighter Squadron of the Year 08"--promote ahead of peers!
- Oversaw acft tank program; zero defects in '09 PACAF UCI; aided FW's "Excellent" rating--TSgt warranted
- Passed three QA personnel evaluations; aided Aircraft Section 92% pass rate, FY09; crushed AF 85% pass rate
- Patriotic; launched/recovered acft for 2009 Memorial Day flyover of Paris Cemetery; honored fallen veterans
- Peerlessly maintained assigned acft at 91% mission capable rate, Nov '08-Mar '09; beat AF 82% standard (std)
- Performed as MSgt; accepted section chief duties for COMBAT HAMMER 09--seamless leadership transition
- Propelled LG blown tire fault on hard landing: led tow/cleared active runway--restored airfield ops in <30 mins
- Provided leadership on dorm council; garnered dorm of the quarter Jan-Mar '09--earned $1k for improvements
- Provided training for three concurrent servicing team members--team members ready for NATO TAC EVAL
- Qual'd four ANG prsnl on hot pits refueling procedures; upgraded to 5 level--solidified Total Force Integration
- Readied 22 acft for AEF deployment; aided with aerial refuel checks--13 AMU met PACAF critical tasking
- Recovered missing cockpit light lens during thru flight; prevented acft impoundment/saved 48 MX hrs-promote
- Removed/reinstalled tires for anti-skid system upgrade; completed 32 days early--22 acft met PACAF tasking
- Repaired pre-launch hydraulic leak; prevented acft abort; aided 5.6% abort rate, FY09; beat AF 6% standard
- Resolved 60 mx discrepancies during RED FLAG exercise--crucial to 713 sorties/1,386.3 hrs--promote now
- Retrieved missing screw prior to acft launch; prevented abort; aided 5.6% abort rate, FY09; bested 6% AF std
- Revised Al Asad AB's FOD program; cleared 200 pounds of ramp debris--zero FOD related incidents to date
- Revitalized travel pod program--zero discrepancies noted on '09 PACAF UCI--aided 35 FW "Excellent" rating
- Selected as ADVON for THRACIAN STAR '10; garnered 55 MXG "Outstanding Performer--promote to MSgt
- Selected as cell boss for 51 FW exercise; tracked acft status/managed 22 personnel--ensured 100% ATO met
- Shift safety NCO; provided personnel with daily safety briefs--zero safety related incidents during deployment
- Skilled; retrieved missing throttle peel shim in cockpit; thwarted potential acft impoundment; saved 24 man hrs
- Spotted cracked engine flame holder; assisted with replacement--eliminated possible burn through/loss of acft
- Spotted missing bezel light in cockpit; searched/recovered item; prevented acft impoundment--saved 48 mx hrs
- Sqdn trainer/certifier; instructed 20 Amn/137 total tasks c/w <2 mos--strengthened section's 5/7 lvl quals 30%
- Stellar ADCC; maintained acft at amazing 91% mission capable rate May-Sep 09--smashed AF 82% standard
- Stellar DCC; maintained Acft 91-0351 at 92.8% mission capable rate, Feb-Apr '10--killed 81% CAF standard
- Stellar DCC; maintained acft at amazing 92% mission capable rate, Aug-Sep 09--obliterated AF 82% standard
- Stellar maintainer--100% QA pass rate on four personnel evaluations; aided section's 92% QA pass rate, FY09
- Subject expert; trained three Airmen on emergency power unit installation; fulfilled 25 core 5-skill level tasks
- Superior Amn; TDY to DESERT FLAG--MC rating 89.8%, 275+ hrs flown, 127 sorties with 8 aircraft
- Superior NCO; aided unit's selection as 55 AMXS "AMU of the Quarter", first quarter '10--ready to promote
- Supervised 100 acft tows for AEF; sheltered $394M fleet--no damage to assets despite multiple rocket attacks
- Tackled power takeoff shaft verification insp; 23 aircraft completed/zero defects--no impact to daily flying ops
- Trained as cell boss during Apr '09 ORE; tracked acft status/100% personnel accountability; ensured ATO met
- Trained as hot pit refuel supervisor; employed knowledge to train six Airmen; increased mx capability by 25%
- Trained as PTL; built section fitness program to aid struggling scores; ensured success of six team members
- Trained six Airmen on end-of-runway procedures; completed 48 upgrade tasks; accelerated upgrade training
- Trained six new Airmen on acft inspections; coordinated initial QA personal evaluations--100% QA pass rate
- Trained three Airmen on acft towing procedures; satisfied 30 5-skill level core tasks; cut workload by 15%
- Trained/certified on acft mission computer principles; helped isolate computer failure to faulty circuit card
- Trained/filled-in as mx expediter; guided 200 mx actions; led to 97.6% mx scheduling effectiveness rate, FY09
- Troubleshot ground abort for jet fuel starter no start; replaced faulty igniter in 6 hrs; smashed 8 hr AF standard
- Troubleshot jet fuel starter anomaly; replaced fuel valve; aided 2% repeat/recurring rate, Mar '09--FY09 low
- Troubleshot landing gear retraction anomaly; replaced isolation valve in 6 hrs; beat 8 hr fix rate standard (std)
- Unrivaled mechanic; executed 300 repairs/220 BPO/PR; 100% QA pass rt--led TAMS 97% rt/90% std upheld
- Versatile NCO; filled in as flight line expediter--ensured A/C were ready/configured for daily flying activity