
Aerospace Maintenance
EPR Bullets

- Cross MDS utilized; expedited dply'd eng sect/R2 2 AC-130U props/beat 12 hr std-- key to 100% 12hr fix rt Oct '16
- Embedded w/Hydro/AR shops; R2'd/rigged MLG strut--gunship retd war ready/7 EKIA/4 bldgs destroyed CAS msn
- Drove 6 prgms/4 mbr tm; overhauled binders/processes, ID'd/corrected 75 discreps--efforts key to 2.4K flt hrs FY '16
- Coor'd w/base comm; procured/tracked 8 encrypted LMRs req'd for mx ops--eliminated shtg/reduced down time 25%
- Spt'd electrics diagnostics tm; isolated/replaced engine generator 2 hr vs 3 hr std--enabled 918 dply'd hrs Aug-Oct '16
- Aided planning/constr of dply'd mx bldg; laid flooring/ran pwr wiring--supt'd 28 pers/2 acft/enhanced QoL/readiness

- Creative and decisive nature; performance far exceeds that of others of comparable experience...promote now!

- Exceptional professional; expert to seek when a critical task requires completion with quality and efficiency

- Superior inspection skills; discovered ground test valve cable frayed beyond limits during thruflight inspection
-- Replaced and rigged cable; performed operational check; returned aircraft to fully mission capable status

- Team player; assisted 447th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron to launch/recover 50 aircraft daily
-- Provided support for 1180 coalition aircraft transporting over 22,600 passengers and 4 million tons of cargo
-- Hand picked to perform launch of two C-130 aircraft transporting several Coalition Forces killed in action

- Continually exhibits meticulous attention to detail; discovered a right main landing gear tire cut beyond limits
-- Removed and replaced defective tire in under 90 minutes; enabled aircraft to meet it's scheduled mission

- Rock solid mechanic; troubleshot inoperative right elevator trim tab found during aircrew preflight inspection
-- Repaired disconnected flex drive in 30 minutes; ensured valuable local training mission resumed as planned

- Superb maintainer; troubleshot nose wheel shimmy to worn bearing; removed/replaced bearing in 30 minutes
-- Allowed aircraft to depart on-time; key contributor to delivery of five tons of cargo to remote Alaskan site

- Excellent performer; always excels even in the most demanding situations; well deserving of recent promotion

- Combat proven; deployed to Baghdad International Airport in direct support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
-- Provided Security for 3,200 U.S and Coalition Forces, civilians and classified governmental organizations

- Dedicated Airman; volunteered to assist the 447th Expeditionary Medical Squadron after a local prison attack
-- Worked side-by-side with medical personnel to transport injured personnel and quickly set up a triage area
-- Provided medical aid during an emergency evacuation of 22 wounded Coalition Soldiers/Prisoners of War

- Exudes rock-solid confidence and superior technical ability; eager for increased responsibility; promote again

- Razor-sharp NCO; head and shoulders above peers; aggressively tackles challenges with zeal and enthusiasm

- Sterling performer; refueled/preflighted 3 aircraft in support of real world mission NORTHERN DENIAL 6
-- Ensured on-time delivery of 111 F-15 personnel and 46.5 tons of cargo to remote arctic operating locations
-- Operation stood up in record time; intercepted Russian Air Force Bombers; protected American sovereignty

- Skilled mechanic; deployed to Hickam AFB Hawaii; isolated a inoperative compass problem to a defective #2 gyro; coordinated parts, replaced gyro; key to 100% mission execution during Joint Army Air Force exercise
-- Outstanding maintainer; troubleshot and replaced fuel control; allowed jump certification for 96 paratroopers

- Rock solid leadership; ramroded aircraft recovery effort for multinational Exercise NORTHERN EDGE 2003
-- Spearheaded successful execution of 40 arctic airlift missions culminating in 179 hours flown; key to units impressive 100% on-time take off rate and a flawless 100% on target drop rate of 600 international jumpers

- Versatile and resourceful; dispatched to McLaren International airport Las Vegas NV discovered a cracked tailpipe; coordinated repairs with Nellis AFB machine shop; allowed aircraft to meet its scheduled mission

- Key player to 517 AMU's stellar 86% mission capable rate; surpassed the PACAF standard of 78%; Promote

- Superior crew chief; deployed in direct support of Operation VOLANT SHOGUN; troubleshot low power and throttle vibration malfunction; rigged throttle cables; returned aircraft to fully mission capable status in 6 hours

- Combat certified warrior; completed three missions in a declared hostile fire zone for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM; performed vital in-flight scanner duty; assisted aircrew in the rapid off load and on load of cargo
-- Devotion to duty critical to success in war against terrorism; key to success against Abu Sayaff terrorists

- Top-notch crew chief head and shoulders above his peers; challenge with more responsibilities; promote now

- Exceptional performer; experienced well beyond his years; puts forth unmatched effort toward mission success

- Meticulous attention to detail; identified engine oil leak; troubleshot leak to a faulty engine oil cooler assembly
-- Assisted engine specialists; replaced oil cooler in under 3 hours; efforts ensured on-time scheduled mission

- Discovered major fuel leak during routine refueling operation; quickly terminated refuel/evacuated personnel
-- Directed emergency response personnel and spearheaded cleanup; minimized negative environmental impact

- Always ready to lend a hand in any task, from the most menial tasks to the most in-depth maintenance problem
-- Assisted technicians with replacement of defective engine thrust nut assembly; fixed 2 hrs ahead of schedule

- Razor-sharp maintainer; consistently completed CAMS data entry for scheduled/unscheduled maintenance jobs
-- Skillfully helped minimize 517 AMU's data error rate to an impressive .8%; shattered 3% PACAF standard

- Force multiplier; posesses diverse maintenance skills outside primary career field; enhanced AMU capability
-- Troubleshot and quickly replaced inoperative hydraulic pressure transmitter; secured on-time sortie launch

- Exemplary performance; scored an impeccable "zero defect" rating on five 3 MXG/QA follow-up evaluations

- Clearly demonstrated ability and desire to assume duties broader in scope and greater in magnitude; promote

- True team player; assisted PACAF Inspector General team during the 2004 Operational Readiness Inspection -- Participated in mass casualty emergency response scenario; key contributor to 3rd Wing's "Excellent" rating

- Combat warrior; volunteered to deploy to Kirkuk AB, Iraq in direct support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
-- Tireless efforts contributed to launch/recovery of 714 sorties/1,306 tons of cargo/7,848 passengers airlifted
-- Serviced 160 medical oxygen containers; provided medical personnel an ample supply of life saving oxygen

- Standout performer who can always be counted on to accomplish even the most arduous tasks; promote now!

- Outstanding leader and organizer whose expertise has measurably improved overall readiness of the 517 AMU

- Sustained performance for FY03; assigned aircraft amassed amazing 692 hours with 92% mission-capable rate

- Impressive manager; led recovery of aircraft after encountering severe turbulence; 10-day expected down time
-- Sound management technique streamlined required inspection; restored to mission capable in under 48 hours

- Took the reins and led maintenance recovery team for home station aircraft stranded on Malamute drop zone
-- Led team with industrious precision; replaced two blown tires and allowed aircraft to return to home station

- Exceptional versatility and managerial skills directly impacted the accomplishment of 150 hours logged for his assigned aircraft during 45 day deployment to Yokota, AB Japan with overall 99% mission effectiveness rate

- Unequaled ability to obtain maximum results; called upon to fill-in as flight line expediter during personnel shortages; significant to reduction of delayed discrepancies by 3.9 per aircraft; surpassed PACAF standard 10

- Thorough focus in data integrity inputs ensured 0.8% average error rate destroying the 3% PACAF standard

- #1 NCO; selected as 703 AMXS and 3 MXG Outstanding Maintenance Professional of the Quarter Jul-Sep 03

- Dedicated individual who thrives on new challenges; immediately increase responsibilities; promote at once

- Establishes and maintains an atmosphere of pride and professionalism; incomparable fountain of experience

- Mission saved; repaired faulty wire splice for engine hydraulic low pressure indication at Utaphao, Thailand
-- Crucial to 3 WG's receipt of Clements McMullen Memorial Daedalian Weapon System Maintenance Trophy

- Superbly directed maintenance during Home Station Check; completed inspection 24 hours ahead of schedule
-- Impressive skills and superior loyalty ensured 517 AMU's 100% maintenance scheduling effectiveness rate

- Sensationally motivated NCO who takes on challenges and achieves untouchable results; promote immediately

- Infused the 517 AMU with enthusiasm and dedication; discharges all responsibilities with complete expertise

- Superior manager; led maintenance efforts during post depot acceptance inspection; directed specialists and backshops throughout inspection; returned aircraft to fully mission capable status 2 days ahead of schedule

- Superb technical ability; deployed to Hurlburt Field, Florida for Joint Airborne Air Transportability Training
-- Excellent cross-utilization skills; troubleshot and repaired flight data recorder malfunction; awesome efforts were instrumental in completing the mission with the jump certification of 96 Army Special Forces soldiers

- Painstakingly analyzed aircraft sections maintenance data daily inputs to Core Automated Maintenance System
-- Efforts paid off with data integrity rate at an all-time low of just 0.8%; obliterated PACAF standard of 3%

- Showcased excellence; selected to participate in Northern Thunder 2003 Eielson AFB, Alaska annual airshow
-- Troubleshot/replaced antiskid valve on Air Force Thunderbird C-130H; alleviated need for recovery team

- Hand-picked to provide reliable support for Central Identification Laboratory-Hawaii in northern Myanmar, HI
-- Transported search teams and sent home remains of downed airmen from World War II Burma campaign

- Devoted and insightful; exemplifies todays professional NCO; continue to challenge with more responsibilities

- Deployed to Yokota AB, Japan in direct support of Operation VOLANT SHOGUN missions in the Far East
-- Catalyst to repair of Aircraft 74-1668 at Utapaho, Thailand; tenaciously troubleshot flamed out engine to compressor shift; supervised seven person team; changed engine in under 24 hours; enabled mission success

- Sortie producer with big-picture focus; selected as 3 MXG Non-Commissioned Officer, 1st quarter 2003
-- Outstanding support led to 517 AMU maintaining the remarkable 100% maintenance effectiveness rate FY03

- Exceptional technician; experienced well beyond his years; give him a job and get out of the way; promote now

- Exceptional maintainer; always demonstrates initiative, leadership and professionalism in daily performance

- Deployed to Karshi-Khanabad AB, Uzbekistan in direct support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF)
-- Effort key to launch of 3,079 sorties, 5,317 flight hours, delivered 36,427 passengers and 8,547 tons of cargo

- Discovered oil cooler flap malfunction during preflight inspection; troubleshot to defective actuator assembly
-- Removed and replaced flap actuator assembly in 2 hours; allowed aircraft to complete scheduled mission

- While deployed to Uzbekistan recovered Texas Air Guard C-130 with landing gear malfunction ; expertly troubleshot/repaired broken wire and rigged gear; returned aircraft to fully mission capable status in 4 hours

- Identified trend of multiple tailpipe cracks on same engine leading to internal inspection and engine change

- Exemplary performance; scored an impeccable "zero defect" rating on five 3 MXG/QA follow-up evaluations

Star Line

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