
Aerospace Maintenance
EPR Bullets

- System expert; troubleshot persistent aileron trim malfunction; repaired recessed cannon plug pin; no repeats

- Superb mechanic; identified/replaced leaking brake assy during preflt insp; on-time medevac mission takeoff

- Excellent skills; isolated/replaced an inop eng tach generator; acft MC in 15 min; OEF combat sortie on-time

- Extraordinary technician; puts forth unmatched efforts toward mission success; promotion selection warranted

- Leads by example; 3 WG 2004 Lt General Leo Marquez Outstanding Maintenance Personnel Award winner

- Razor sharp; identified propeller oil leak; assisted specialists with dome seal change; OEF supplies delivered

- Keen eye; detected arcing window heating element; replaced window; prevented possible inflt emergency

- Discovered improperly routed steering control cables; reinstalled/rigged cables; prevented possible mishap

- Mission enabler; assisted with engine truss mount change; aircraft returned to FMC 8 hrs ahead of schedule

- Highly motivated professional; exudes rock-solid confidence and tackles any challenge; promotion deserved

- Exceptional performer; experienced well beyond his years; puts forth unreeling effort toward mission success

- Deployed for Joint Readiness Training Center; generated 29 of 29 sorties for 100% mission effectiveness rate
-- Replaced faulty negator spring to correct binding paratroop door prior to launch; secured on-time take off

- Discovered main landing gear brake hydraulic leak; removed and replaced brake swivel; ensured sortie launch
-- Lynchpin to 517 AMU generating an impressive 4,283 sorties for 6,805 flying hours during Fiscal Year 2004

- Superior attention to detail; discovered a cracked engine tailpipe assembly during morning launch preparation
-- Quickly replaced faulty tailpipe assembly; efforts ensured critical artic resupply mission proceeded on time

- Assisted with repair on damaged elevator; aircraft made Operation VOLANT SHOGUN deployment on time

- Displayed diverse maintenance talents; called upon to assist engine specialists with engine/propeller change
-- Direct personal involvement expedited maintenance and operational checks; aircraft FMC in only 8 hours

- Enthusiastic, selfless volunteer for Elmendorf and community activities; exemplifies the whole person concept
-- Actively volunteered 15-20 hours weekly as Scoutmaster for Boy Scouts of America Troop 188 local region

- Extremely proficient and motivated; mature beyond years; challenge with more responsibility; promote to SSgt

- Tremendous individual in every aspect; towers above peers; selected 703rd AMXS Airman of the Year 2004

- Flaunted top-notch abilities during deployment to Uzbekistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM
-- Maintained aircraft at 100% Mission Capable; arrived in-theater ready to support the Global Was on Terror

- Replaced fuel pump; ensured delivery of NATO forces; secured Afghanistan's first-ever democratic elections
-- Received laudatory comments from CENTAF Director of Mobility Forces "Best mobility operation in AOR"

-Razor sharp mechanic; superior technical ability for such junior grade; my #1 Airman; promote immediately

-Exceptional performer; experienced well beyond his years; puts forth unreeling effort towards mission success

-Troubleshot aileron trim tab malfunction; repaired recessed pins on cannon plug; allowed on-time departure

-Led maintenance recovery team to Bagram, Afghanistan to recover aircraft with an oil cooler assembly leaking
-- Supervised component removal/replacement; completed 1 hour under the standard; aircraft met next mission

-Prepared/launched four acft in 12 hrs; supporting Operation UNIFIED ASSISTANCE; tsunami relief Indonesia

-Maintenance wizard; discovered damaged main landing gear tire assembly during basic postflight inspection
-- Diligently removed and replaced tire in under 90 minutes; enabled aircraft to complete its scheduled mission

-Removed and replaced engine speed switch; allowed specialists to work higher priority tasking; on-time sortie

-Superb technical expert; scored an impeccable "zero defect" rating on four 3 MG/QA follow-up evaluations

-Efficiently directed maintenance during home station check; completed inspection 24 hours ahead of schedule

-Identified severely damaged elevator trim tab; removed and replaced trim tab; aircraft made next day's mission

-Community leader; volunteered 10+ hours cleaning/repairing/painting local Veterans of Foreign Wars facility

-Exudes confidence; rock-solid leadership and technical ability; immediately increase responsibilities; promote

-Deployed to Karshi Khanabad AB, Uzbekistan in direct support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF)
-- Efforts helped enable delivery of 8487 tons of equipment/36,069 passengers to fight global war on terrorism

-Isolated engine failed to start to faulty bleed air regulator; replaced regulator; critical OEF mission completed

-Identified crack in rear bearing support; assisted engine replacement; prevented possible failure of component

-First responder to engine nacelle overheat light; repaired two broken wires; aircraft FMC in less than 1 hour

-Top achiever with unlimited potential; continue to challenge; deserving of recent promotion to Staff Sergeant

-Excellent performer; puts forth unlimited effort towards mission success and made substancial training effort

-Detail oriented; discovered missing flashlight during wash rack tool accountability check at end of 12 hr shift
-- Found tool in acft flap well; prevented possible structural damage, catastrophic accident and fleet grounding

-Force multiplier; assisted in radar antenna change; acft MC 2 hours ahead of schedule; next days msn on-time

-Team player; coordinated CAMS actions for all specialties; ensured accurate forms entries; 94% QA pass rate

-Keen eye for smallest detail; discovered damaged nose landing gear tire during basic postflight inspection
-- Removed/replaced tire in under 30 minutes; ensure on-time Joint Airborne Air Transportability Trng sortie

-Sprang into action; aided in troubleshooting aileron malfunction; pinpointed problem to a loose control cable
-- Performed rig/operational checks 2 hours under job standard; allowed aircraft to complete night operations

-Competent; assigned to swing shift debrief; reviewed/corrected 1,000+ CAMS entries; data integrity validated

-AF Professional! Volunteered off-duty time to Airmen Against Drunk Driving; prevented 45 possible DUI's

-Integral part; volunteered 4+ hrs at Armed Services YMCA Lounge; valuable program earned squadron $1,000

-Shows confidence and technical ability; ready and eager for increased responsibilities; promote this individual

-Selfless; direct contributor to winning the PACAF Daedalian Weapon System Maintenance Trophy for 2005

-Superior mechanic; assisted dedicated crew chief with crew door rig prior to launch; allowed on-time takeoff

-Identified MLG rub prior to NVG mission; assisted in jacking/gear rigging; vital night training sortie completed

-Mission driven; augmented specialists with eng prop change; acft MC in 8 hours; on-time acrtic resupply msn

-Topnotch crew chief; assisted in replacement of a worn brake assy; next days tactical 3-ship trng msn on-time

-Highly motivated; hard working individual whose efforts are reflected in his quality performance; promote

-Exceptional performer; experienced beyond his years; puts forth unmatched efforts towards mission success

-Superior inspection skills; discovered/replaced leaking steering actuator; actions enabled 3-ship training msn

-First to volunteer; forward deployed to Bagram AB, Afghanistan; completed set-up for future OEF deployments

-Extraordinary abilities; assisted in rigging of aileron system; integrity ensured; tactical combat sortie on-time

-Force multiplier; assisted in prop change on transient ANG acft; allowed acft to return to home station on-time

-Outstanding initiative; singlehandedly replaced aft nose landing gear door; guaranteed arctic resupply mission

-Vigilant; implemented emergency actions for fuel leak moments before take-off; catastrophic accident averted

-Mission enabler; changed two worn MLG tires during quick-turn; effort allowed vital combat resupply mission

-Key member in acft impoundment for suspect fuel contamination; determined no defect existed; safe for flight

-2 techs in 1; completed cargo rails/winch inspection on three acft; ensured fleet completion in allotted time

-Exemplary performance; scored an impeccable "zero defect" rating on three 3 MXG/QA follow-up evaluations

-Eagle eye; identified/replaced leaking brake assy during preflight insp; acft available for Army troop drop

-Airman of highest caliber who makes things happen; prepared for challenges of dedicated crew chief; promote

-Top-notch; identified oxygen leak after servicing; replaced fill/vent valve; repair prevented loss of crew trng

-Deployed to Karshi-Khanabad AB, Uzbekistan; directly supported Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF)
-- Tireless efforts contributed to 1,759 sorties/2,976 hrs and delivery of 13,742 PAX/6,971 tons cargo in AOR

-Created procedural checklist for "flight crew on board acft tow"; standardized ops for acft tow/push-backs

-Razor sharp; cleaned and configured two acft for display to USAFE commander; earned USAFE CC coin

-Extremely proficient, motivated Airman; consistently demonstrates superior maintenance knowledge; promote

-Flawless performer; superb technical and mechanical abilities make him invaluable asset to the US Air Force

-Expertly replaced engine driven generator and repaired hydraulic fitting in #3 dry bay; allowed aircraft to complete combat sortie; ensured 100% mission effectiveness rate during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM

-Outstanding team player, assisted deployed NATO personnel with replacing faulty elevator trim motor; extra effort enabled aircraft to deliver 15,000 lbs of ballots and cargo for Afghanistan's first democratic election

-Strives for continuous improvement, consistently gives 100%; named 3 MXG QA Top Performer, June 2004
-- Completed four task evaluations with "zero defect" rating; placed on 3 WG Quality Assurance Honor Roll

-Take charge Amn; recovered C-130 with hung flares; promptly directed evacuation of US/host nation personnel

-Superior attention to detail; identified worn landing gear tire/leaking brake line during post flight inspection
-- Led removal/replacement of brake and tire assemblies; completed task in 1 hour; downtime reduced by 60%

-Enthusiastic participant on squadron intramural softball team and community activities; volunteered numerous hours for "Arctic Thunder 2004" airshow; received letter of appreciation from squadron and wing commander

-Exceptional performer who meets challenges head-on; the consummate professional--promote below the zone!

-Mission minded; assisted Air National Guard members in repair of damaged flap; raised combat effectiveness

Star Line

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