
Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE)
EPR Bullets

MHU Bomb Lift

MA-3D Air Conditioner

MJ-1 Lift Truck

A/M32A-86 Generator/Power Cart

A/M32A-95 Turbine Compressor

SGNSC Nitrogen Cart

NF-2 Light Cart



AGE 1206/Award Examples

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

- Deploys w/contingency response element; suppports Jt/HHQ directives w/AMC "First-In" enabler capabilities
- Primary operator/mx tech on $10M Hardside Expandable Light Air-Mobile Shelters (HELAMS) tac generators
- Inspects/analyzes/repairs electronic/engine systems on equipment valued at $20M supporting 12 AFSC/8 UTC
- Maintains Environmental Control Units (ECU) & develops bare base facilities & HELAMS power distribution

- Performs minor & major maintenance actions, service inspections on powered and nonpowered AGE eqpmt
- Complies with industrial and flightline safety procedures, uses T.O.s, MSDS, special tools and test eqpmt
- Picks up/dispatches AGE to flightline and backshops as requested, coords with expediters for eqpmt movement
- Preps/de-preps equipment for mobility/contingency operations and base exercises, preps equipment for repair

- Performs minor & major maintenance actions, service inspections on powered and nonpowered AGE eqpmt
- Complies with industrial and flightline safety procedures, uses T.O.s, MSDS, special tools and test eqpmt
- Picks up/dispatches AGE to flightline and backshops as requested, coords with expediters for eqpmt movement
- Preps/de-preps equipment for mobility/contingency operations and base exercises, preps equipment for repair

- Deploys w/contingency response element; suppports Jt/HHQ directives w/AMC "First-In" enabler capabilities
- Primary operator/mx tech on $10M Hardside Expandable Light Air-Mobile Shelters (HELAMS) tac generators
- Inspects/analyzes/repairs electronic/engine systems on equipment valued at $20M supporting 12 AFSC/8 UTC
- Maintains Environmental Control Units (ECU) & develops bare base facilities & HELAMS power distribution

Performance Assessment

- Exudes next-lvl traits; sub'd NCOIC role/press'd 8 mbrs 40 rprs/3.6K runs/924 SI's--led 2K hrs/1.5K srts/4 pilot grads
- Attentive 7-lvl; exec'd forms chk/ID'd super review neg trend...collab w/section doc trng--grasped 100% pass/4 QVIs
- Bolstered Wg's FOD pgm; exec'd RL chks on 120 units/elim'd 33 pcs debris--nixed intake dmg to 77 acft worth $2B
- Analyzed 2 SGNSC's; rectified HP hose reel air leak/fixed maladjusted eng rpms--maint'd 100% fleet capes/96% ICR
- Redressed CLT issue; rallied E&E SME's crash-crsd leak testing SOPs--ID'd AMU's SE trng flaws/sust'd 100% HOF

- Abated holdbin backlog/reduced 90%; installed 200+ parts--raised flt's MC rt 95% to 98%/99% reliability rt
- Above and beyond; work 124 man hours to inspect/repair/clean 24 Pieces of AGE for NSSAV load practice
- Accomplished 100 in house QA evaluations, identified troubled areas in shop--brought QA fail rate down by 70%
- Accomplished 16 7-level inspections; achieved 20 MXG Quality Assurance Honor Roll--promote this cycle!

- Accomplished 35 phase inspections/250 maintenance actions; key to 3 AGE team's 89% mission capable rate
- Accomplished 658 on-time equipment dispatches; key to 709 sorties/6,588 flying hours--zero delayed launches
- Accomplished nine bomblift one time inspections on steering sector; ensured ACC compliance was updated
- Accomplished over fifty 7-level inspections; ensured technical order compliance--quality AGE flight line use

- Accomplished respirator/corrosion control trng; refurbished/stenciled 30 assets--extended service life of units
- Accomplished Sr Enlisted Jt PME, learned interservice studies--prep'd to assimilate in jt service environment
- Ace technician! Maintained 100% zero defect rate on three Quality Assurance evaluations--truly remarkable
- Active in UCI prep; conducted review of 235 AF 244's/corrected 58 errors--lauded by ACC/IG--promote now

- Aided AIS accuracy; cleared 186 IMDS records/corrected 6 errors/educated 6 tm mbrs--ensured 100% MIS accuracy
- Alerted to generator overheat condition; identified/replaced broken fan belt--prevented imminent enginefailure
- Alerted to immobile munitions truck; rebuilt non-procurable rear axle--prevented critical asset from 375 action
- Analyzed axel jack not holding rated load; rebuilt all three ram stages--raised flight level above critical limits

- Analyzed bomblift not starting; repaired burnt/corroded starter wires--returned asset for weapons load training
- Analyzed bomblift not stopping; repaired/rebuilt master brake cylinder--saved over $200 in replacement costs
- Analyzed generator over/under volt fault; replaced shorted volt card--enabled Electronic Warfare Systems test
- Analyzed leaking bomblift muffler; replaced improper hardware/gasket--ensured 100% tech order compliance

- Analyzed unwarranted bomblift movement; replaced worn directional control--munitions load ready in 1 hour
- Ardent flightline driver; performed over 300 error free service inspections--100% Quality Assurance pass rate
- Articulate; briefed reporter on AGE flight's mission/procedures--information gathered for Bombardier article
- Ascertained an unsecure generator on an AC; correctly installed hardware--averted $35K in replacement costs

- Assessed defective bomblift engine; identified/replaced leaking head gasket--averted $15K in new engine cost
- Assisted 2011 AMC Rodeo tm; trained/prac’d w/gp--efforts resulted in "Best HELAMS/Best CRW" ops awds
- Assisted capabilities demonstration for 18th AF/CC; showcased CR msn/enhanced sr ldr perspective--promote
- Assisted in 2,364 scheduled/unscheduled maintenance tasks; sustained 3 AGE Teams 90% in-commission rate

- Assisted in replacing frame assembly on B-5 stand; averted 375 action--saved AF $3,605 verses replacement
- Astute technician; identified/replaced leaking bomblift master brake cylinder--averted potential safety mishap
- Attended AGE unit familiarization training course; raised personal proficiency on equipment trained by 50%
- Attended CR Msn Orientation crs; attained 90% crs avg--completed 100% cat I rqmts two mos ahead of sched

- Attention to details; finished scheduled inspection 1 day ahead of allotted time--zero findings on QA follow-up
- Audit'd flt's eqpmt accts; validated 193 assets/correct'd 20 findings--cement'd $5.7M equip value/secur'd BMC readiness
- Augmented Supply NCOIC; controlled/revamped 884 stock items--prgm spot on, LRS audit netted zero defects
- Authored new eqpmt inspection schedule; identified/corrected 33 discrepancies--saved 20 man hours monthly

- Awesome mechanic; finished six maintenance actions in 4 hours--increased sections in-commission rate by 5%

- Back'd 2 LSA exer; deliver'd 24 pcs's f/4 day mun's mvmnt/wpns trng--secured EUCOMs #1 lgrst PL-1 war-rdy assets
- Briefed AMC/CCC; showcased bare base msn/demonstrated UTC capabilities--enhanced sr ldrshp perspective
- Brilliantly managed $24M warehouse/12 UTCs--enabled seven global deployments validating Wg's 12-hr resp

- Carried out KILO duties, priortized deliveries, kept Wg msn first--served needs of flightline maintainers
- Catalyst in prepping deployed equipment; diligent efforts increased 3 AGE Team's in-commission rate by 10%
- Cleaned 385 hand tools in consolidated tool kit; follow-up insp rendered zero findings--promote when ready
- Clearly elite! Performed 54 phase inspections/62 maintenance actions--major factor in 3 AGE 90% FMC rate

- Committed CTK crew chief; inspected/maintained 264 tools valued at $8K--resulted in a 100% QA pass rate
- Committed vehicle NCO; developed in-depth inspection procedures--program rated "outstanding" during SAV
- Completed 15 scheduled/36 unscheduled maintenance actions; key to 3 AGE team's sustainable 90% FMC rate
- Completed 250 service/75 scheduled insps/60 unscheduled mx actions; supported flt's 98% in-commission rate

- Completed 29 inspections/16 MX actions; key to 3 AGE team 90% FMC rate--exceeded ACC standard by 5%
- Completed 3 periodic inspections in 1 week--aided elimination of section's 1 week inspection backlog
- Completed 380 flawless equipment service inspections--ensured safe and reliable equipment for flight line use
- Completed 48 inspections/104 mx tasks; key to 3 AGE Team 90% FMC rate--surpassed ACC standard by 5%

- Completed 5-level CDCs ahead of schedule; applied theories to daily tasks--averaged superior 98% pass rate
- Completed 60 scheduled insps/20 mx actions/100 svc insps; zero QA findings--key to flt's 90% equip MR rate
- Completed B-5 stand mx; successfully installed/bled hydraulic ram assembly--ensured safe eqpmt operation
- Completed FEMA Continuity of Operations Awareness Course; adv('d) ability to spt CRW humanitarian msn

- Completed seven tripod jack One Time Inspections; inspected weld joints--ensured safe a/c jacking operations
- Completed three inspections in 4 days; no discrepancies noted by inspector; sustained 95% in-commission rate
- Conduct'd ready line checks; cmplt'd 600 insps/100 mx tasks/1.4k dispatches--spt'd 480 AMC flts/18k pax/dlvr'd 2.6K
- Conducted 40+ 7-level inspections; ensured tech order compliance--contributed to flight's 95% QA pass rate

- Conducted facility/equip ready line FOD insps; id'd/removed hazards--flt won 3rd Qtr 10 Golden Broom Awd
- Conducted turbine engine mx; replaced plenum gasket--zero defects/repair vs replacement saved $134K/16 hrs
- Consistent performer delivering excellent results; ready for new responsibilities--promote to SSgt before peers
- Consistently completed three phase inspections weekly; directly contributed to eliminating overdue inspections

- Constantly amazes; attended 7-level school achieving overall 98% average--received Top Graduate Award
- Continued education; enrolled at Embry Riddle University--pursuing master degree in Technical Management
- Continuously excels at challenges regardless of task complexity; ready for new opportunities--promote to SrA
- Contributed to 3 AGE Team's outstanding 94 percent in-commission rate; 9 percent above ACC standard

- Coord'd $120K GRDC battlestaff ctr emer generator test; implemented monthly checks--ensured Wg 12-hr resp
- Coord'd 117 Jt Base events; devised GRDC scheduling follow up process--ensured Wg facility max utilization
- Coord'd AGE Battle Rhythm ex spt; managed 450 dispatches--pivotal to 76 sorties/ xx FW honed cmbt readiness
- Coord'd special alft asgnmt msn; dlvr'd lightalls f/safe muns upload--enabl'd 4.7 explosive tons/2x ballistic veh mvmt

- Coordinated cowling trailer strap fabrication; eliminated lengthy procurement time--ensured 100% availability
- Corrosion controlled 10 pieces of AGE valued at $100K--forestalled equipment degradation due to elements
- Corrosion treated/stenciled 20 pieces of equipment; extended unit service life 5 years--saved Air Force $500K
- Created sect shop stock pgm; inspected/prep'd/returned 100 excess parts--aligned Wg inventory IAW AFI stds

- Created section mobility in-processing sheet; ensured 2 MXS documents in-hand--idea adopted by entire flight

- Dedicated team leader; diligently trained four Airmen on flightline driving--increased tng proficiency to 100%
- Dedicated to all job aspects; exceptional listening skills--labors to learn everything possible from superiors
- Dedicated to excellence; accomplished 127 7-level inspections--guaranteed safe/reliable AGE for maintainers
- Dedicated to excellence; completed 332 repair actions--key factor to 3 AGE team's 89% in-commission rate

- Dedicated to perfection; inspected 14 bomblift trucks/corrected 194 discrepancies--ensured nuclear surety 06
- Dedicated tool kit monitor; meticulously inspected/cleaned 252 tools--zero defects noted during 7 level review
- Dedicated; accomplished Career Development Course 30 days ahead of schedule--96% average on URE tests
- Deployed ten AGE pcs for Combat Hammer; first-ever F-22 3.1 mod tests--nailed 100% GBU-39 SDB targets

- Detected bomblift steering malfunction; replaced worn pump hoses--averted potential steering system failure
- Detected bomblift with low driving power; rebuilt both engine heads--raised fleet status above critical levels
- Detected broken rocker arm on diesel generator; repaired/prevented certain failure--saved AF $10K in repair
- Detected generator not building up voltage; replaced faulty magnetic pickup--prevented delayed aircraftlaunch

- Detected ground heater not starting; repaired/replaced voltage regulator wires--saved AF $200 in replacement
- Detected worn maintenance stand hand rails; replaced/secured chains/quick release pins--averted FOD/injury
- Developed eqpmt annual/periodic insp tng sessions; seven individuals/reduced 7-lvl follow-up write-ups 25%
- Developed Wg bed down tent tng pln; combined 3 different shelter types--reduced bare-base set-up time 25%

- Devoted technician; acting "wing walker" for 20 Bomb squadron aircraft tow--ensured safe towing operations
- Devoted to professional development; completed Sr Enlisted Jt PME crs--poised to operate w/jt svc agencies
- Devotion to detail and dedication to team values earned a 100% Quality Assurance pass rate; remarkable
- Diagnosed acft tripod jack leak; removed/replaced valve; circumvented possible personnel injury/acft damage

- Diagnosed binding bomblift brake caliper; replaced seized master cylinder--avoided munitions upload mishap
- Diagnosed leaking 35 ton aircraft axle jack; replaced faulty relief valve--saved $300 in pump replacement cost
- Diagnosed leaking hydraulic cart; replaced and tightened fittings--returned unit for aircraft servicing operations
- Diagnosed no generator output voltage; replaced blown voltage regulator fuse--saved $3K verses replacement

- Diagnosed shorted MA-3D condenser fan relay; repaired attached wires--saved AF $2K in replacement costs
- Diagnosed turbine air cart with no output air; adjusted two speed fuel control--saved $2K verses replacement
- Diagnosed turbine generator not supplying power; replaced defective generator--returned availability to 100%
- Diagnosed unsafe maintenance stand; replaced entire platform assembly--prevented possible flightline mishap

- Directed Civil Air Patrol lodging upgrade; supplied 65 cots/4 austere wx tents--vital to successful fld tng exer
- Directed hydraulic test stand mx team; removed/replaced engine w/ zero defects--fleet msn-ready rate up 6%
- Directed power generation support for 488 ISR; ensured C3I computer system operations--all missions on time
- Directed purchase of tripod jack reservoir clamp; loaded assets in bench stock--prevented hydraulic fluid spill

- Discovered bomblift hard to steer; pinpointed bad steering pump hoses--prevented munitions handling mishap
- Discovered bomblift table leak; insp'd/replaced tilt cylinders--crucial to 3.4K wpns loads/averted Dull Sword
- Discovered bomblift with worn brakes; isolated/replaced leaking master cylinder--prevented munitions mishap
- Discovered cracked mx stand platform; coordinated allied shop repair--prevented injury to flightline personnel

- Discovered defective bomblift tilt cylinders; rebuilt in lieu of replacement--saved AF $967 in replacement cost
- Discovered failed bomblift load test; replaced leaking longitudinal cylinders--returned 100% mission capable
- Discovered gas turbine not running to 100% engine speed; replaced quill shaft--saved $2K in replacement cost
- Discovered generator radiator leaking anti-freeze; contained leak/replaced hose--halted environmental mishap

- Discovered generator that would not build-up; repaired broken voltage regulator wire--saved AF over $3,000
- Discovered generator towing improperly; replaced cracked tie-rod end--saved $2K in axle replacement costs
- Discovered leaking bomblift roll cylinder; replaced o-rings/cleaned bore--saved over $750 replacement costs
- Discovered leaking bomblift tilt cylinders; rebuilt cylinders in 3 hours--ensured reliable munitions equipment

- Discovered leaking tripod jack pump assembly; replaced in 45 minutes--guaranteed 100% fleet serviceability
- Discovered stand with leaking hydraulic ram; replaced seals--saved Air Force $890 in ram replacement costs
- Discovered worn generator output cable; replaced defective cable--facilitated aircraft Defensive System tests
- Discovered/replaced engine water pump leaking on diesel generator--averted $23K in new engine expenditure

- Dispatched AGE in support of B-52 aircraft; delivered 838 units--supported 6K flying hours/zero late launches
- Dispatched equipment for B-52 a/c; 100% on-time deliveries of 500 assets--supported over 7,000 flying hours
- Dispatched to bomblift leak on flight line; repaired hose on-the-spot--weapons load training resumed/no delay
- Dispatched to generator with low frequency output; adjusted governor on site--averted maintenance down time

- Dispatched to leaking air hose on start cart; replaced worn o-ring on-the-spot--ensured on-time aircraft launch
- Dispatched to six generators not providing power; dried water from circuit cards--ensured on-time a/c launch's
- Driven! Supervised 1,025 inspections/456 maintenance tasks--upheld 3 AGE team's 90% mission-capable rate
- Drove AGE training; Direct'd 5 amn o/fltline familiarization/mannual ops--boasted flt driving reliability/msn ops 60%

- Drove flt Hurricane Earl evacuation prep; dispersed/sheltered 656 assets $32M--safeguarded 35 F-15E/$1.5B
- Dynamic NCO! Facilitated 2 tng events; trained 30 Wg prsnl on AK tents--bolstered CRW readiness posture

- Eco-friendly! Refurbished recovery sys to accept multiple refrigerant types--ensured eqpmt compliant w/EPA
- Effective trainer; trained two airmen on bomblift Phase II inspection procedures--ensured core task's qualified
- Efforts ensured superb ground support for E-4B mission and resulted in 100% Presidential support readiness
- Encountered failed bleed air hose war head; repaired disconnect lanyard--raised mission capable rate to 90%

- Encountered shorted wires on new generation heater; repaired wires--initiated one-time inspection/no findings
- Essential to GLOBAL CAJUN 07-2 success; processed 110 pieces of equipment--produced zero discrepancies
- Established AGE TMDE Program; sched'd/tracked 13 vital precision tools--reduced calibration backlog 100%
- Established emer mgmt pgm; developed shelter-in-place kits/active shooter resp--prep'd Sq for successful resp

- Evacuated B-52's prior typhoon Kong-Rey--six $84M a/c launched/525 pieces of equipment sheltered 8 hours
- Evaluated bomblift hydraulic leak; removed/replaced two roll cylinders--returned unit for munitions up-loads
- Evaluated bomblift hydraulic leak; replaced defective o-ring/elbow--unhindered munitions loading maintained
- Examined bomblift that would not stop; rebuilt master brake cylinder without delay--saved over $213 in parts

- Excellent maintainer with dedication and skill; integral to daily success of 3 AGE Team/2d MXS AGE Flight
- Excellent NCO/AGE professional; stellar record of proven performance/professionalism--promote to TSgt!
- Exceptional apprentice; completed 195 maintenance/inspection tasks--key to team's 90% mission capable rate
- Exceptional efforts for BUFF SMOKE contributed to # AGE Team receiving "Combat AGE Team" award

- Exceptional mechanic; completed 75 inspections/maintenance actions--key to 3 AGE 90% mission capable rate
- Exceptional mechanic; completed 75 maintenance/inspection actions--pivotal to 3 AGE Team's 89% FMC rate
- Exceptional mechanic; sustained 100% QA pass rate on personal evaluations/quality verification inspections
- Exceptional mechanical knowledge; prepped 10 units for use in one day--sustained Operation Valiant Shield

- Exceptional technical growth; coordinated with bomblift IM--corrected TO discrepancy on rim bolt installation
- Executed bomblift one-time insp; eval'd hydraulic syst--ensured equip serviceability, protected 10 units $537K
- Executed TMO mvmt; processed 38 tents/cleared 1K+ sq ft in warehouse--svd 435 CRG $1.5M/DRMO costs
- Expert maintainer; 380+ pieces of AGE--supported 36 OIF F-16s flying 2K+ combat sorties/8K+ flying hours

- Expert maintainer; consistently hand picked to train peers on complex malfunctions--sets the standards for others
- Expert mechanic; completed 63 scheduled/unscheduled maintenance actions--guaranteed 3 AGE 90% FMC rate
- Expertly adjusted generator output voltage on-sight prior to preflight--ensured on time aircraft sortie generation
- Expertly identified/rebuilt leaking maintenance stand hand pump; saved AF over $200 pump replacement costs

- Extraordinarily capable; trained three Airmen diesel engine replacement--decreased 5-level tng backlog 20%

- Facilitated UTC tng event; taught 4 field shower config crses--tnd 12 prsnl & enabled 100% AGE CAT II quals
- Fast tracked completion of 36 5-level upgrade training tasks; 21 tasks from fulfillment--met bar for peer group
- First class mentor; trained four Airmen on 87 core task requirements--increased crew's training ability by 59%
- First line inspector of 17 bomb lifts; ensured technical data compliance--no defects during Nuclear Surety SAV

- First-rate; responded to Nuclear Surety Inspector bomblift questions--responses eliminated major write-ups
- Flawless flight line support; completed 1K dispatches/dispensed 9K gallons of fuel--ensured on time delivery
- Flawless flight line support; dispatched 468 units and pumped 2K gallons fuel--ensured on time AGE delivery
- Flawless flightline support; dispatched 108 AGE units/supported 16 aircraft--averaged delivery of 10 minutes

- Flawlessly dispatched 658 AGE units for assigned aircraft--ensured on time support for over 7K flying hours
- Flawlessly dispatched AGE in support of B-52 ops; delivered 500 units--supported over 7K 2 BW flying hours
- Flawlessly performed over 400 shop equipment inspections; attention to detail ensured zero QA discrepancies
- Flight special purpose vehicle trainer; trained 80+ personnel on flight line driving and AGE towing procedures

- Flight vehicle program monitor; ensured war readiness/dispatch capability--A+ rating/Feb 2010 JBB Wg SAV
- Floor leader/mentor; coord'd 250+ eqpmt repairs/insps...inspired 20+ team--attained 95% spt eqpmt FMC rate!
- Formed cohesive 2007 Barksdale Air Show prep team; relocated over 200 assets--pivotal to show's success
- Formulated exer setup/reconstitution pln; coord'd camp pwr distribution w/5AFSCs--permited cert of 34 prsnl

- Forward deployed to Darwin Australia; set-up air show AGE/settled future equipment issue--three sorties met

- Graduated USAFEC generator & ECU crs; achieved 92% class avg--increased tech knowledge/sect quals 33%

- Hand picked to tow P-51/MiG-21; displayed museum a/c for "Holiday in Dixie" military ball/annual air show
- Hard charging; superbly balanced mission and personnel programs--success at an all time high--promote now!
- Headed 18 rdy line insps; led 25 prsnl to ID/fix 550 qual faults--vital to zero rdy line findings during '13 LCAP
- Headed nitro cart mx; rpr'd hydro pump/adj'd amp--avert'd $35K boost pump rpr cost/spt'd 10 struts/320 W&T builds

- Helped mold 3 AGE Team into a quality results oriented team--warrants immediate promotion ahead of peers
- Hurricane Irene prep tm mbr; filled & secured 5K gal fuel/2K gal water bladders--Wg rdy for 12 hr emer resp

- ID'd turbine generator electric fault; replaced shorted generator output terminal--averted certain fire during ops
- Identified air compressor running erratically; manufactured/replaced air fuel seal--allowed a/c fuel tank purge
- Identified air conditioner leaking fuel; replaced fuel injector gasket/o-ring--averted $16K engine replacement
- Identified air conditioner not cooling; replaced compressor relay--allowed electronic warfare systems checks

- Identified axle jack binding during loading; removed/replaced broken pins--ensured safe aircraft maintenance
- Identified bad generator self-excitation diode; replaced diode--critical unit aircraft launch ready in 20 minutes
- Identified bomb lift tires worn beyond limits; expedited replacement--ensured quality unit for munitions loads
- Identified damaged bomblift engine; salvaged assets off condemned unit--saved AF $24,000 in new engine cost

- Identified faulty brakes on bomblift; rebuilt calipers--ensured safe and reliable asset for weapons load training
- Identified hydraulic cart with no low pressure supply; rebuilt worn hand pump--returned for aircraft servicing
- Identified improperly installed bomblift split rim bolts; prevented personnel injury by technical data adherence
- Identified incorrect combustion can torque value; coordinated with equipment specialist--TO change approved

- Identified internally defective munitions lift truck tire; replaced in 30 min--prevented possible tire explosion
- Identified leaking air conditioner engine governor; fabricated new gasket--averted certain future engine failure
- Identified leaking air conditioner radiator hose; replaced in 30 minutes--saved $15K engine replacement cost
- Identified leaking anti-freeze hose; coordinated repair with allied shop--saved AF $23K in engine replacement

- Identified leaking/worn fuel line on heater; fabricated assembly--averted possible environmental spill mishap
- Identified short cycling air conditioner; adjusted power monitor relay--enabled three Defensive Avionics Tests
- Identified shorted generator power cables; repaired/relocated cable leads--saved AF $900 in replacement cost
- Identified slipping air conditioner drive clutch; corrected within 30 minutes--detection saved $700 in repairs

- Identified/replaced chaffing bomblift high pressure hose; prevented hydraulic piston pump failure--saved $2K
- Identified/replaced chaffing high pressure hoses; alleviated bomblift pump failure--saved $2K in replacement
- Impeccable supervisor; trained two midshift airmen accident/mishap free--ensured quality inspection products
- In-depth inspections of 18 bomb lift trucks; key to 96th AMU winning Load Crew of the Quarter--twice in 2004

- Increased knowledge; successfully completed all five volumes of CDCs--averaged 90% score on all URE tests
- Incredible attention to detail; reviewed 2.8K AFTO form 244s--no discrepancies/achieved 100% QA pass rate
- Indispensable team member; inspected/repaired 19 bomblifts--2 BW garnered highest Joint LNSI rating '07
- Informed of generator with low voltage; re-calibrated regulator on-the-spot--preflight continued without delay

- Initiated spare battery monitoring plan; charged/tested/maintained entire stock--saved AF $1,086 monthlycosts
- Initiated unit inspections/updated paint codes; aided timely corrosion prevention--extended service life 5 years
- Inspected 1395 tool kit items; ensured accurate accountability--maintained 100% Quality Assurance pass rate
- Inspected 14 bomblifts/corrected 194 write-ups--earned 2006 Nuclear Surety Inspection "Superior Performer"

- Inspected 18 bomb lifts; ensured technical data compliance--no write-up received during Nuclear surety SAV
- Inspected 19 bomblifts; received highest possible rating of satisfactory--guaranteed success of '07 Joint LNSI
- Inspected 22 bomblifts; remedied over 98 discrepancies--'07 Joint LNSI received highest rating of satisfactory
- Inspected 4 flight composite tool kits; identified and corrected 1504 defects--ensured 100% tool accountability

- Inspected 44 bomblifts prior to LNSI-07; garnered zero defects--ensured highest possible rating of satisfactory
- Inspected air conditioner generator mounting bolts; replaced incorrect hardware--averted $35K in replacement
- Instructed team training on NCO responsibilities; 218 training appointments attended--zero no-shows recorded
- Instructed two tng classes; taught tent setup & tear down procedures--trained 15 war rdy contingency resp Amn

- Intuitive thinker! Utilized hydraulic shop to fabricate bomblift truck lines--averted 14 days supply downtime
- Inventoried 12 antiquated eqpmt parts kits; ID'd/removed 14 excess items--abolished $5K of unnecessary parts
- Investigated air conditioner not cooling; discovered reversed relays--returned for a/c countermeasures set tests
- Involved tool kit monitor; meticulously inspected/cleaned 252 tools--zero defects noted during QA inspection

- Isolated air conditioner compressor malfunction; repaired current switch wiring--enabled a/c ALQ 172 set test
- Isolated bomblift engine oil leak; removed/replaced valve cover gasket--saved AF $15K versus engine change
- Isolated defective air conditioner alternator; repaired corroded wires--functional-checked unit/reduced delays
- Isolated generator malfunction to shorted winding; repaired in 3 hours--saved $16K procurement/16 man-hours

- Isolated leaking engine fuel pressure switch; averted air conditioner fire--saved Air Force $16K in damages
- Isolated maintenance stand lift problem; replaced bent/distorted scissor assembly--task eluded all other airmen
- Isolated malfunctioned roll cylinder on bomblift; replaced part in 1 hour--alleviated unwanted table movement

- Keen attention to detail; noticed/replaced leaking engine push rod o-rings--ensured reliable bomb lift operation
- Keen flight line driver; completed 120 dispatches/dispensed 430 gallons fuel--ensured on-time aircraft sorties
- Kept spare bobtail wheel/tire assys; motor pool simply replaces tire on spare; saved 5 days vehicle downtime
- Knowledgeable mechanic on bomblift Phase II; identified/replaced improper hardware--ensured TO compliant

- Lead 7-level for 3 AGE Team; inspected over 1000 maintenance/phase actions--key to team's 90% FMC rate
- Lead 8-mbr NORI equip prep team, re-configured 37 units for NORI in 8 hours--all equip passed JI yard insp
- Lead AGE technician for Global Cajun 07-1; trained airmen for NBC attack--zero discrepancies noted by EET
- Led 10 mbr hazardous communication insp tm--excellent rating during wg external environmental inspection

- Led 18 AF/CC Caps Demo Jt Ops Ctr construction; directed shelter/power grid set-up--showcased Wg CR msn
- Led AGE flt Holiday party committee; selflessly coordinated nine fund raisers--off-set tickets/prizes by $3.5K
- Led AGE prep for JTF-Port Opening alert cycle; mobilized 5 UTCs--Wg rdy for HHQ taskings/12 hr response
- Led driver on 2,800 flight line dispatches; average 9-minute delivery time--factor in generation of B-52 sorties

- Led GRDC tour for 21 EMTF Honorary CC; educated civ ldr on Wg msn--production lauded by 21 EMTF/CC
- Led MXS pallet build-up team for Ex GLOBAL THUNDER; secured $200K+ eqpmt--met AF's strategic vision!
- Led night shift ops, guided 15 Amn; oversaw 100 insps/75 mx actions--pivotal to flt's 92% msn-capable rate
- Led Small Pkg Initial Comm Element "Rodeo" tm; prep'd 6 mbr tm--ldrshp garnered Wg "Best CRW" awd '11

- Led/executed 400+ insps; id'd/remedied 1K+ major faults--spt'd 7K+ OEF/OND/CJTF-HOA sorties/52K+ hrs
- Located leaking bomblift roll cylinders; rebuilt both cylinders--saved difference of $1530 verses replacement
- Located leaking pump tripod jack assembly; replaced damaged relief valve--saved AF $500 replacement costs
- LOTO pgm lead; expertly trained 15 prsnl--enhanced work center sfty; prep'd sq for IG UCI "Excellent rating"

- Made happen; installed deferred parts;replaced air conditioner quench valve--hold-bin since 86 day of 2004
- Managed 3 AGE team equipment account; controlled 205 assets valued at $6.5M--upheld 100% accountability
- Managed 3 AGE team's safety program; conducted weekly safety briefings--ensured safety of 22 team members
- Managed all AGE support for an aircraft which diverted into Gila Bend; jet flew next day's scheduled sortie

- Managed daily AGE status; lowered deferred/awaiting maintenance back log by 50%--best results in 6 months
- Managed first-rate spt; led 6K AGE dispatches & exceeded AGE eqpmt demands--averted aircrew tng deficits
- Mastered hydraulic test stand major mx; chg'd seized engine--enabled six acft rudder rig checks/10 gear swings
- Methodically troubleshot erratic generator; corrected engine timing problems--saved AF $10K in engine costs

- Meticulous attention to detail; trained two airmen on bomblift Phase II inspection--obtained 50% taskqualified
- Meticulously performed 52 maintenance jobs--key to team's 89% FMC rate--surpassed ACC standard by 4%
- Meticulously refurbished/stenciled 15 AGE units; extended corrosion treatment life 5 years--saved AF $175K
- Mission driven; inspected/washed 110 pieces of AGE during Exercise GC 07-1--zero late/frustrated cargo

- Mission mind'd NCO; performed 150+ scheduled/unscheduled mx actions--contributed to AGE Team's 92% MC rate
- Modified flight line oil trailer; installed service hose/metering pump--eliminated engine over/under servicing
- Monitored and updated corrosion control database; 30+ AGE scheduled for painting; increased eqpt lifespan
- Motivated Airman! Provided quality AGE services and products to AMXS customers--promote after peers

- Motivated technician; cleared write-ups on three bomblifts in 2 days--nuclear assets ready for upcoming NSI
- Mx Flt Superior Performer; expertly managed sect safety pgm; vital to Wg CI "Excellent" rating--TSgt today!

- Observed hydraulic cart with no pressure; replaced check valve/broken gauge--flightline ready within 1 hour
- Observed jacking manifold leaking; replaced faulty hose and fittings--safeguarded aircraft jacking operations
- Optimized AGE reliability and operator safety; 120+ mx personnel received world-class AGE Familiarization
- Orchestrated forklift trng; coord'd rqmts w/ five flts--50 personnel certified, flt/sq capability raised two-fold

- Orchestrated Wg's heritage rm remodel; performed carpentry/laid carpet tiles/painted--saved $30.5K in labor
- Organized equipment/security for VP visit to Guam; achievement garnered 36 WG/CC Letter of Appreciation
- Organized/serviced equipment for AGE training; ensured unit availability--trained 36 new flight line customers
- Outstanding Airman in every respect; selected as AF Academy Prep School Airman of the Quarter Apr-Jun 07

- Outstanding bomblift inspector; instantly identified and replaced worn rear tires--unit FMC for upcoming NSI
- Outstanding floor supervisor; led completion 107 mx/213 phase insp--zero gnd aborts due to AGE availability
- Outstanding journeyman; trained two airmen on combustion can inspection--ensured 100% core task's qualified
- Outstanding journeyman; trained two airmen on flight line driving procedures--raised 3 AGE to 85% qualified

- Outstanding tech! Performed 126 insps; repaired 32 defects/enabled 6 UTCs 100% msn ready--promote ASAP
- Outstanding! Key to 1,958 scheduled/unscheduled maintenance actions--maintained 93% mission-capable rate
- Overhauled 35 ton aircraft axle jack; replaced defective relief valve--saved $300 in pump replacement cost
- Overhauled bomblift manipulator head; replaced leaking o-rings--saved AF $8.2K in maintenance/repair costs

- Overhauled generator voltage regulator; replaced circuit contactor--saved $3,265 versus regulator replacement
- Overhauled two bomblift tilt cylinders; abated leak/msn-ready 1 hr--$8 repair saved $2.1K replacement costs
- Oversaw 3 AGE team's equipment account; controlled 229 assets, $6.5M value--program 100% in compliance
- Oversaw replacement of nine B-5 stand legs; unit critical due to deployment--ensured maximum availability

- Performed $2.5M inventory; led 150 item prep w/zero deficiencies--bolstered seamless 817 CRG alert posture
- Performed 157 scheduled/unscheduled maintenance actions; key to 3 AGE Team's 90% mission-capable rate
- Performed Focus training for 80+ personnel on 244 documents; improved knowledge--error rate lowered 12%
- Performed FOD insps; removed hazards, wg's .35% FOD rate best since FY03--flt netted Golden Broom Awd

- Performed increment monitor duties; detected/corrected 11 jt insp cgo discrepancies--prevented acft dep delay
- Performed monthly safety inspections; identified/remedied 3 safety hazards--prevented injury to shop personnel
- Performed tool kit inspection; identified/corrected discrepancies, zero defects from QA Nov 06--promote now
- Performed unit ready line inspections; guaranteed serviceable equipment--zero delayed launches due to AGE

- Phenomenal technician; troubleshot/repaired turbine generator fuel system--saved $3.5K in replacement cost
- Phenomenal troop; awarded Maintenance Professional of the Quarter for July-October 2007--sets the standard
- Piloted $7.5K GRDC fan installation; coord'd log w/contractor--incr'd bldg cooling/heating efficiency by 40%
- Piloted PRP prgm; charged 41 eligible mbrs/coord'd 3 CAT 1 errors/chg's w/MAJCOM--key'd to Sq zero finding NSI

- Pin-pointed bomblift failing roll mode test; rebuilt leaking roll cylinder--saved AF over $750 replacement cost
- Pinpointed diesel generator voltage malfunction; R2 silicone diode--saved AF $3.5K in regulator replacement
- Pinpointed maintenance stand pump failure; rebuilt leaking/worn hose assembly--ensured a/c maintainer safe
- Pinpointed worn air hose quick disconnect; replaced part in 5 minutes--averted sheet metal maintenance delays

- Pivotal to Global Cajun 07-1 success; processed 110 pieces of equipment--zero write-ups noted by inspectors
- Prep'd warehouse/storage lot for hurricane; averted $20M potential eqpmt damage/loss--promote immediately
- Prepared/mobilized 77 equip units/165 tons for 2010 ACC ORI--100% tasking met w/zero cargo frustrations
- Prepped 110 AGE assets; received highest possible rating of satisfactory--Global Cajun 07-1 complete success

- Prepped 12 pieces of AGE; completed task in 10 hours--zero frustrated units noted by Nuclear ORE inspector
- Prepped for 2007 LNSI; conducted in-depth inspection on 12 bomblifts; 2 BW garnered highest possible rating
- Prepped section for 2011 LCAT visit; insp'd tool kit w/zero defects noted--key to sq's 83% compliance rate
- Prepped short-notice MRT; mx stand secured/shipped <2 hrs--enabled return of JBB C-130 aircraft <24 hrs

- Prevent'd critical eqpt shortage; r2 hydraulic test stand motor/radiator/flow meter--nix'd mx delays/svd AF $133K U/C
- Prevented overdue HELAMS insp rqmts; ID'd/loaded 35 insp items--awd'd Sq Superior Performer--MSgt now
- Prioritized eqpmt mx activity; reduced deferred backlog/22 mx actions--bolstered 357th AMW fltline capability
- Prioritized mx for 14 personnel/270 repairs/120 inspections; mission capable rate 95%--highest total in 1 year

- Processed 109 pieces of AGE for Global Cajun 07-1; completed in 24 hours--resulted in zero frustrated units
- Processed 110 AGE units; earned zero write-ups during joint exercise--pivotal to Exercise GC 07-1 success
- Processed/prepped 39 AGE units for BRAC turn-in--replenished $1M+ to Air Force equipment inventory
- Productive; replaced two hydraulic pumps on aircraft jacks--increased availability for aircraft isochronal mx

- Propelled section ops; sustained 710 assets w/ 98% equip reliability rate--earned 100% QA pass rate/10 eval
- Provided detailed instructions on flight line driving/towing; trained three Airmen--resulted in six task qualified
- Provided security; volunteered to guard flight line entrance during construction--ensured no unauthorized entry
- Pursued adv tech tng; completed AF Exped Center CR msn orientation ldrshp crs--fulfilled 100% CAT I cert

- QB'd bomblift spot-checks; led 14 mbrs/42 NCE insp/nix'd >100 defects--sfgrd Sq $470K fleet/assur'd NSSAV w/ZD
- Quality oriented; accomplished five quality verification inspections--garnered "zero defects" ratings from QA
- Quarterback'd short notice HHQ tasking; liaised w/3 agencies f/shipment of 8 spt assets--aid'd POTUS Louisiana visit

- Rallied AGE 2010 ACC ORI prep; mobilized 115 equip assets/165 tons--zero deficiencies/cargo frustrations
- Rcvd manufacturer electric forklift tng; created lesson plan/instructed eight prsnl--saved unit $16K in tng costs
- Realigned periodic/phase inspection calendar; streamlined weekly workloads; maximized AGE availability
- Rebuilt maintenance stand pump tubing; coordinated repair with allied shop--ensured safe for a/c maintenance

- Recognized broken generator mounting shims; replaced shims in 1 hour--ensured on-time B-52 aircraft launch
- Recognized leaking gas turbine air hose; replaced worn warhead gaskets--saved AF $600 verses replacement
- Recognized/replaced worn gas turbine generator power cable head; averted cable replacement--saved AF $2K
- Refurbished burned heater oil pressure switch wiring; avoided electrical short/fire--saved Air Force over $2K

- Refurbished leaking axle jack lift cylinder; replaced worn o-rings--unit returned for aircraft wheel/tire repair
- Refurbished leaking lift cylinders on 2 axle jacks; ensured aircraft tire and brake removal for 16 B-52 aircraft
- Refurbished/stenciled 11 AGE units; extended corrosion deterioration life by 5 years--saved AF over $350K
- Refurbished/stenciled 15 AGE assets; prolonged corrosion treatment life by 5 years--saved Air Force $175K

- Refurbished/stenciled 18 pieces of ground equipment; extended service life by 5 years--saved AF over $115k
- Relocated 112 pieces of AGE prior to typhoon Kong-Rey; protected $1.2M assets--insured continued readiness
- Relocated equipment ready line; transported 206 AGE assets--ensured flightline support during air field repair
- Repaired 19 bomblifts after detailed inspection; no write-ups recorded by inspector--successful '07 Joint LNSI

- Repaired axle jack that would not hold load; rebuilt leaking hydraulic pump--returned critical unit to flight line
- Repaired bomb lift hydrostatic pump; replaced $2 shaft seals--saved Air Force $3K versus pump replacement
- Repaired defective HELAMS ECU; detected/isolated refrigerant leak--restored msn essential $1.6M C2 eqpmt
- Repaired eight leaking fuel bladders; supplied 4K gallons of fuel for Operation Unified Response--saved $52K

- Repaired generator voltage regulator integrated circuit board wires--saved AF $2K in supply requisition costs
- Repaired leaking 35-ton axle jack hose; greened-up unit in 1 hour/half allotted time--optimized acft tire changes
- Repaired maintenance stand scissors; correctly installed all attaching hardware--task eluded all other airmen
- Repaired section's only hydraulic test stands; enabled a/c repair--facilitated flyable a/c after 66 days grounded

- Repaired turbine generator fuel control; replaced drive shaft--$83 repair averted $33K parts replacement costs
- Replaced leaking hydraulic cart service hose; finished in 20 minutes--averted fluid spill/ground contamination
- Resolved elusive turbine generator engine defect; rebuilt worn centrifugal switch--prevented $151K engine chg
- Resourceful NCO! Troubleshot 35-ton acft jack pump; rebuilt using existing parts--negated $3K+ replacement

- Resourceful performer; expertly trained eight mbrs TAS procedures--guaranteed 100% tracking of flt resources
- Responded to air conditioner with low output pressure; adjusted air damper--utilized for avionics systems test
- Responded to ground heater fire; alerted all appropriate agencies--avoided aircraft damage/injury to personnel
- Responded to leaking axle jack hose; repaired on-the-spot--allowed uninterrupted B-52 jacking operations

- Revamped AGE inspection schedule; prevented 54 over-due inspections; 100% scheduling effectiveness rate
- Revamped flt trng pln; verified/remedied unqual'd tasks f/16 pers--raised 5/7 lvl certs 12%/skill lvl upgrades f/3 Amn
- Revamped UTC reconstitution process; drafted cntrl cklst w/multiple data--assured 100% Wg eqpmt inventory
- Rewired diesel gen engine circuit; executed task 1 hr ahead of standard--unit FMC for Iraqi election surge ops

- ROCKI midshift NCOIC; prcs'd 4 pcs f/LRS/AMXS/FSS shortfall/correct'd discreps/zero errors--coined by MXS CC

- Safety conscience; observed/contained a diesel generator fuel leak--earned 8 Air Force safety award, JAN 07
- Salvaged non-procurable cowling trailer foot pad from scrap; repaired by metals technology--saved AF $486
- Secured GRDC in prep of Hurricane Irene; averted potential eqpmt damage/loss--safeguarded $20M CR assets
- Security-minded individual; sheltered 30 AGE units in preparation for high winds--averted equipment damage

- Selected for flight increment monitor; increased maintenance knowledge--decreased work load for Sq mobility
- Self motivator; created new book/procedure for tracking allied shop equipment--saved flight $3M in parts cost
- Sets standard; hand-picked to escort distinguished visitors for SNCO retirement; displayed positive AF image
- Sheltered 116 pieces of AGE during typhoon Ting Ting; completed in 8 hours--certain damage to AGE averted

- Showcased Wg msn w/14 capabilities demonstrations; directed eqpmt/prsnl setup--enhanced sr ldr perspective
- Single-handedly deprepped 5 units returning from Green Flag; all units prepped flightline ready within 2 hours
- Spearheaded preparation of AGE for AF Two refueling stop--ensured success of Vice-President's visit to Iraq
- Spt'd equip corrosion control prgm; eight assets sanded/treated--extended svc life 5 yrs/protected fleet/$100K

- Spt'd National Airborne Ops Ctr msns--aided 38 equip moves; solidified SECDEF's PL1/A1 contingency ops
- Stellar bldg mgr! ID'd/corrected 11 discrepancies; rcvd zero findings during Wg safety SAV--promote ASAP!!
- Stellar driving skills aided upload of over 50 pieces of AGE in direct support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
- Stellar performer; completed 49 inspections/53 maintenance actions--key to 3 AGE 89% mission capable rate

- Stepped up as volunteer AGE flight Physical Training Leader; tested nine people--ensured 100% accurate tests
- Strictly enforced AGE off-equipment maintenance tracking procedures; eliminated AGE awaiting maintenance
- Superb UTC mgr! Cntl'd $96K aerial port lighting eqpmt--spt'd 6 exers/enabled mvmt of 120 cgo tons/2K pax
- Superior floor supervisor; 108 inspections/324 MX tasks completed--key to team's 90% mission capable rate

- Superior management as 3 AGE Team training NCO; 345 in-house/scheduled appointments--zero "no-shows"
- Superior mechanic; troubleshooting ability slashed equipment dead line 50%--increased AGE reliability 9%
- Superior tech! Performed 25 eqpmt reconstitutions/110 insp/80 mx actions--maintained 8 UTCs 98% msn rdy
- Superior technician; performed 30 periodic inspections, 80 unscheduled maintenance actions, 500 deliveries

- Superior tool kit program monitor; six semi-annual inspections complete/zero overdue--promote immediately!
- Superior training manager; 89 training objectives completed with zero overdues--promote to TSgt immediately
- Superlative apprentice; completed 45 maintenance/inspection actions--key to team's 90% mission capable rate
- Supervised 120 joint oil analysis samples; ensured 100% contaminant free oil carts--safeguarded 138 F-16's

- Supervised completion of 120 maintenance actions; contributed to 3 AGE teams 90% AGE in-commissionrate
- Supervised flight line operations; oversaw 626 dispatches/7230 gallons of fuel dispersed--zero mishaps noted
- Supervised operations for Global Cajun 06-2; 5-minute average delivery time--six a/c launched with no delays
- Supported 5,464 flying hours/839 training sorties for 11 BS/AMU--contributed to 84% mission-capable rate

- Supported Exercise BUSY MUDBUG 06-2; completed 300 AGE dispatches--ensured generation of 20 sorties
- Sustained exceptional 100% pass rating on all Quality Assurance personal evaluations/verification inspections
- Swiftly completed 5-level Career Development Course amassing an astounding 100% pass rate on all volumes
- Swiftly completed 5-level CDCs; applied concepts/theories to daily mx practices--enhanced team's efficiency

- Tested jacking manifold suspected of hydraulic failure; test turned up no findings--deemed safe for a/c jacking
- Top notch mechanic; zero discrepancies on personal evaluations--sustained 100% Quality Assurance pass rate
- Tracked 3020 service inspections; checked readyline and subpool--ensured 119 pieces serviceable weekly
- Trained airman on air conditioner maintenance; demonstrated proper lube procedures--individual task certified

- Trained airmen on atomizer shim measurement; ensured proper fire pattern--increased section efficiency 28%
- Trained airmen on bomblift inspections; ensured TO compliance--no defects noted during follow-up inspection
- Trained equipment custodians on deployed authorization lists; verified deployable equipment--zerofrustrations
- Trained four NCOs; taught air conditioner evacuation/charging procedure--enhanced maintenance capabilities

- Trained six airmen on equipment processing; completed 109 AGE units--zero frustrations, Global Cajun 07-1
- Trained three Amn on service insp; zero finding on 7 level follow up--vital to bravo team 100% QA pass rate
- Troubleshot air conditioner leaking fuel; replaced torn fuel tank gasket--increased unit availabilty rate to 90%
- Troubleshot air conditioner not cooling; replaced power monitor relay--increased overall status to 95% FMC

- Troubleshot bomblift not starting; replaced worn starter--ensured reliable unit for Global Cajun 07-1 exercise
- Troubleshot diesel generator not building voltage; tightened cannon plugs--rolled unit after down for 2 months
- Troubleshot faulty HELAMS ECU; detected/isolated refrigerant leak--restored msn essential $1.5M C2 eqpmt
- Troubleshot generator failing to start; found/replaced shorted oil pressure switch--saved AF $22K engine costs

- Troubleshot generator not delivering power; pinpointed/replaced shorted relay--restored critical aircraft asset
- Troubleshot generator with no auxiliary power; replaced bad receptacle--ensured on-time B-52 aircraft launch
- Troubleshot leaking axle jack ram; removed/replaced worn seals--saved AF $12,765 in jack replacement cost
- Troubleshot/repaired defective new generation heater stop switch; zero 7-level follow-up inspection findings

- Trusted as flight training NCO; monitored/tracked 200 title ancillary tng pgm--reduced overdue training to zero

- Unblemished record; accomplished five Quality Assurance evaluations--no write-ups noted by AGE inspector
- Unmatched circuitry knowledge; repaired tracks on three time delay circuit cards--saved 5 days mx down time
- Unrivaled expertise; trained Herc personnel on AGE operation--facilitated 16 surge sorties for Iraqi elections
- Utilized parts off condemned air conditioner; repaired units deadlined 6 months--both assets FMC in 10 hours

- Vehicle crew chief; inspected vehicle daily--no notice VCNCO inspection received "zero defects" for FEB 07
- Verified jacking manifold suspected of hydraulic failure; test revealed zero faults--deemed safe for a/c jacking
- Verified support equipment account; CENTAF's and local listings 100% accurate; linchpin to mission success
- Verified worn test stand volume compensator; removed/replaced in 2 hours--hydraulic system tests unhindered

- Vital team member; inspected/repaired 44 bomblifts--earned highest possible rating of satisfactory for LNSI 07
- Vital to Wg's "Excellent" LCAP eval; rcvd "Outstanding Performer" & praised by 621 CRW/CC--MSgt today!

- War ready! Expertly completed 25 question EET ability to survive and operate--achieved perfect 100% score
- Well rounded in all aspects of maintenance; volunteer ready team member--ensured accurate cargo processing
- Wg combat dining-in liaison; directed 15 mbr set-up/tear-down tm--ensured unforgettable event for 300 prsnl

Supervision and Leadership

- Supervised completion of 133 maintenance actions; major factor in 3 AGE team 93% AGE in-commission rate

- Supervised 190 inspections/maintenance actions; fully mission capable rate of 89%--4% above PACAF's goal

- Contributed to 131 B-52 sorties, upload of 456 Mark 82/117 bombs and two CALM THUNDER exercises

- Supervised AGE team corrosion program; restored six units--extended 36 MXS equipment service life 5 years

- Supervised completion of 581 maintenance actions; major factor in 3 AGE team 93% AGE in-commission rate

- Flight leader for escort team which was selected as Team of the Month for August 2004--best out of 12 teams

- Displayed exceptional leadership traits; # AGE's Maintenance Professional for 2004--continue to challenge

- Outstanding NCO! Consistently displays the drive and dedication required by top leaders of today's Air Force

- Supervised delivery of 331 pieces of AGE; key to 96 AMU beating 72% 12-hour fix rate for 6 months straight

- High quality leader; valuable equipment knowledge was key factor to 3 AGE Team's 94% in-commission rate

- Dedicated leader; decision making skills were key factors to 3 AGE Team 94% average in-commission rate

- Excellent management and leadership abilities; revamped bomblift control program to ensure safe equipment

- Supervised completion of 42 maintenance actions; major factor in 3AGE team 93% AGE in-commission rate

- Top notch NCO; supervises 12 personnel--enabled team to sustain 91% AGE in-commission rate, Oct-Dec 05

- Supervised replacement of two B-5 Stand legs; trained new subordinate on proper tech data use/stand safety

- Scheduled equipment for corrosion; enabled treatment of 9 units; saved $1.5M--added 5 years to service life

- Supervised 261 maintenance tasks, 89 powered/nonpowered inspections--ensured highest quality equipment

- Mentors subordinates on proper technical data compliance/safety in workplace; ensures training needs are met

- Supervised completion of 96 maintenance actions; major factor in 3 AGE team 93% AGE in-commission rate

- Accomplished over fifty 7-level inspections; ensured technical order compliance--resulted in quality product

- Supervised Global Cajun 05-2 mobility fix crew; expedited processing of 119 pieces AGE--zero frustrations

- First rate NCO; supervises 19 personnel--enabled 3 AGE team to sustain 91% AGE in-commission rate 3Q05

- Mentors subordinates on proper writing techniques/reviews EPR's, Dec's and Airman/NCO packages

- Scheduled equipment for corrosion; enabled treatment of 18 units; saved $3.8M--added 5 years to service life

- Inspected completed engine replacements on SGNC's; two more assets available--returned to 100% FMC rate

- Supervised equipment preparation crew for FOL 1/2 deployment; prepped 45 pieces of AGE--zero frustrations

- Coordinated suit case load bank use with 20th AMU and B-52 depot team; checked for aircraft compatibility


- Supervised Global Cajun 05-2 mobility fix crew; expedited processing of 119 pieces AGE--zero frustrations

- Supported Global Lightning 05; pumped 650 gallons fuel/dispatched 70 AGE units--helped generate 18 B-52s

- Oversaw inspection of 16 bomblifts prior to 2005 ACC Nuclear Surety SAV--no defects/100% compliance

- Processed 109 pieces of AGE for Global Cajun 05-2; completed in 24 hours--resulted in zero frustrated units

- Delivered 223 pieces of AGE for Global Lightning 04; 8 AF/CC awed by spectacle--"definition of airpower"

- Inspected 252 CTK tools--"zero defects" during 2004 ACC Logistics Standardization Evaluation Team visit

- Conducted Exercise COPE THUNDER orientation--led to 100% on-time missions for foreign/US aircraft

- Expertly in-checked 20 pieces of AGE for 2003 NORI--earned "Excellent" rating for mobility equipment

- Handpicked AGE driver for Nuclear ORE 05-2; delivered and serviced over 160 units--met key time frames

- Marshaled 109 pieces of AGE during Global Cajun 05-2 CORE; effort resulted in zero frustrated units/cargo


- Trained 15 flight line personnel on bomb lift operation; ensured proper training of nuclear certified equipment

- Organized/serviced equipment for AGE training; ensured unit availability--trained 12 flight line customers

- Completed Deployed Equipment Custodian course; increased AGE flight mobility/deployment capability

- Organized and serviced equipment for AGE training; ensured unit availability--trained 14 flightline customers

- Superior management as 3 AGE Team training NCO; 386 appointments with zero "no-shows"--promote now

- Enhanced technical skills; completed air conditioner and turbine compressor Field Training Detachment course

- Organized/serviced equipment for AGE training; endeavors assured units availability--trained 15 customers

- Completed 52 core tasks in 10 months; 5 months ahead of Air Force standard--selected for 5 level AEF tasking

- Graduated three Field Training Detachment courses; augmented systems knowledge--promote immediately!

- Trained 45 airmen for Conventional Operational Readiness Exercise--increased combat ordinance detection

- Trained 15 flight line personnel on bomb lift operation; ensured proper training of nuclear certified equipment

- Instructor instinct; trained 3 AGE on operation/service of nitrogen cart--increased section knowledge to 95%

- Performed AGE familiarization classes for 45 maintainers; reduced equipment downtime due to operator error

- Trained 3 AGE on operation/service/CMT of NGH and -8 load bank--increased section knowledge to 100%

- Prevented missile damage/inadvertent control movement; verified control correlates with valve direction

Additional Duties

- Dedicated safety program NCO for 3 AGE Team; conducted safety briefings--ensured safety of 22 personnel

- Committed bomb lift program NCO; key to 96 AMU winning Weapons Load Crew of the quarter--twice in 04

- Dedicated safety program NCO for 3 AGE Team; ensured a safe work environment for all team personnel

- Runs flawless bomblift program verifies all units reliable; allowing for uninterrupted munitions operations

- Crew chiefed/maintained special purpose vehicle--no defects found during two Quality Assurance follow ups

- Bomb lift monitor; meticulous weekly inspection of 18 lift trucks contributed to 93% fully in-commission rate

- Key to ACC Nuclear Surety Inspection "Excellent" rating for Tools, Test and Handling Equipment--promote!

- Superior management as 3 AGE Team training NCO--475 appointments with zero "no-shows"--promote now!

- Managed flawless section Vehicle NCO Program; earned zero Quality Assurance findings--promote now!

- Team's safety NCO; no findings during 2004 Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team visit--promote!

- Vehicle crew chief; inspected vehicle daily--received "zero defects" from squadron vehicle officer, May 05

- Toolbox crew chief; performed monthly/semi-annual inspections--ensured serviceable tools for NSI inspection

- Outstanding CTK program management; oversaw weekly inspections--zero defects noted for LSET preparation

- Dedicated safety program NCO for 3 AGE Team; conducted safety briefings--ensured safety of 22 personnel

- Bomb lift program manager; service inspects 17 weekly--equipment ready for flight line use and load training

- Superior management as 3 AGE Team training NCO; 83 in-house/auxiliary appointments with zero "no-shows"

- Managed 3AGE team's equipment account; monitored 119/$5.8 million assets; sustained 100% accountability

Self Improvement

- Completed CCAF degree in AGE Technology; pursued courses toward Bachelor of Science in Biology degree

- Achieved 15 credits in Industrial Safety and Management at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--promote!

- Completed all 5-level core tasks and EOC exam with a 75%; received five level upgrade--certainly deserved

- Enhanced job knowledge; completed Field Training on Self Generating Nitrogen Cart and Air Conditioner

- Flights voter assistance representative; briefed incoming airman on voting opportunities while in Louisiana

- Completed Deployed Equipment Custodian course; increased AGE flight mobility and deployment capability

- Completed Management Information Systems Dantes exam; earned three credits towards bachelors degree

- Dedicated to improvment of health and wellness; participated in Diego Garcia Full Moon Platoon 5K fun run

- Graduated Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; earned BS in Professional Aeronautics--minor in safety

- Committed to Air Force core values; selected as AGE flight Airman of the Month for January/April 2005

- Assumed active role as Flight Counsel representative; section liaison for flight activities--ensured word heard

Promotion Statements

- Attacks majority of assigned tasks with high level of self-confidence and motivation; promote with other peers!

- Exceptional noncommissioned officer; exceeded peers leadership capabilities--promote to TSgt Immediately

- Dedicated self improvement; earned 15 credits toward goal of Professional Aeronautics BS--promote to TSgt!

- Voted as booster club vice president; directed/organized fundraisers; earned 2 MXS $10,000--promote now!

- Superior management as 3 AGE Team training NCO; 386 appointments with zero "no-shows"--promote now

- Faces demanding challenges head on with conviction and a strong sense of pride--promote ahead of all peers

- Stands above peers; nominated/won two Airmen of the Month boards and one Quarterly board--promote to SrA

- Set standards of excellence; illustrated noteworthy professionalism and dedication--promote when eligible

- Facilitated repair of damaged drag chute stand; returned flight to emergency war order levels--promote now!

- Full-spectrum excellence; completed AGE Craftsman course with 96% course exam score--promote right now!

- Superior management as 3 AGE Team training NCO--475 appointments with zero "no-shows"--promote now!

- Managed flawless section Vehicle NCO Program; earned zero Quality Assurance findings--promote now!

- Achieved 15 credits in Industrial Safety and Management at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--promote!

- Team's safety NCO; no findings during 2004 Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team visit--promote!


- Pinpointed/replaced leaking heater atomizer nozzle; prevented possible catastrophic fire/injury to personnel

- Analyzed H-1 heater with uncontrollable temperature; adjusted high fire; equipment back to 100% FMC

- Troubleshot/replaced filter gasket on heater that would not start, ensuring equipment for cold months ahead

Air Compressor

- Ace mechanic; identified/replaced clogged oil filter on air compressor--improved capability by 25 percent

- Identified and replaced worn engine mounts on air compressor; eliminated vibration damage--saved $9,679

- Diagnosed faulty air compressor fuel solenoid--prompt repair led to flight line ready asset in less than 1 hour

- Dedicated mechanic; rebuilt injection pump system on MC-2A compressor--saved $9,679 in replacement cost

- Troubleshot air compressor that failed to run; replaced fuel solenoid--returned unit for back shop operations

- Troubleshot air compressor not producing air; overhauled worn compressor vanes--averted unserviceable unit

- Troubleshot air compressor not producing air; overhauled worn compressor vanes--averted unserviceable unit

- Recognized compressor not starting; isolated/replaced blown fuse--returned to critical a/c repair in 10 minutes

Wheel Dolly

- Identified wheel dolly with broken hand pump; coordinated fabrication of new base; increased FMC rate 33%

- Troubleshot wheel dolly continuous tire wear; replaced worn wheel hubs--enabled a/c wheel/tire maintenance

- Detected wheel dolly hard to tow; removed/replaced bad wheel bearings--permitted wheel/tire mx to continue

Tow Bar

- Identified misaligned tow bar wheel; adjusted power pack--averted hazard to assigned aircraft during towing

- Detected broken tow bar nut plates; repaired nut plates in 1 day--averted maintenance lag do to aircraft towing

- Recognized elongated tow bar shear bolts; replaced bolts--flightline repair prevented delay of aircraft towing

- Detected broken towbar tip gear; coordinated immediate allied shop repair--returned for towing operations

- Replaced towbar shear bolt/returned to flightline; flight at 0%--prevented delay of scheduled aircraft tow

- Led team to reassemble tow bar down for 16 months; accomplished task in 1 day--saved condemned 375 asset

- Researched repair for three aircraft towbars; coordinated with B-52 engineers--saved AF in excess of $84,000

- Recognized worn threads on aircraft towbar; reconditioned threads--reassembled unit/FMC for aircraft towing

- Led mx insp on 12 towbars; identified/repaired five damaged units--prevented fleet grounding/zero msn impact

- Dispatched to damaged towbar; replaced broken shear bolt on-the-spot--cleared taxiway allowing sortie return

Drag Chute

- Discovered two worn drag chute tires; replaced tires in 1 hour--returned critical unit for parachute loading

- Go-to person for drag chute stand maintenance; helped repair all flight stands--in-commission rate rose 20%

- Spearheaded rebuild of drag chute stand; organized team/entire stand constructed in 2 days--flight 100% FMC

- Teamed with GS-21 to teardown/paint/refurbished only drag chute stand; first overhaul completion in 3 years

- Executed rebuild of drag chute stand down for 365 days; completed task in 3 days--stand fully mission capable

- Disassembled damaged drag chute stand; coordinated allied repair--critical unit returned for parachute loading

Crane 1,500 lb.

- Initiated inspection of 1,500lb crane pulley; identified loose screw--ensured personnel safety during operation

- Familiarized 80+ maintainers on canopy crane inspection/operation; enforced AFOSH standard--zero mishaps

- Dedicated airmen; trained airman on proper operation of utility crane--increased team knowledge 90 percent

Jacking Manifold

- Repaired jacking manifold that would not run; increased jack capability to 100%--flight line ready in 1 hour

- Quickly responded to malfunctioned jacking manifold; purged entrapped air--allowed continued jack operation


- In-depth hydraulic system knowledge; rebuilt defective pump on B-4 maintenance stand--rolled unit in 1 hour

- Discovered loose B-5 stand support bar; replaced hardware--prevented possible collapse/injury to personnel

- Detected broken stand brace; coordinated repair with allied shops--prevented personnel injury/stand collapse

Fuel Bowser

- Diagnosed faulty brake system on 600 gallon fuel bowser; replaced linkage--prevented environmental hazard

- Discovered fuel bowser worn grounding reels; repaired/replaced worn reel parts--avoided ground fire mishap

- Spotted worn fuel bowser grounding reels; immediately ohm's checked/replaced--avoided ground fire mishap

- Solved bowser ground reel deficiency; devised rebuild plan for worn reel--saved AF $200 verses replacement

- Resourceful NCO; coordinated repair of two fuel bowser tow tongues--saved AF over $400 replacement costs

- Discovered/replaced broken fuel bowser ground reel; static fire hazard elimated--safe for aircraft fuel transfer

Star Line

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