- Accomplished all ancillary/computer based training requirements; ensured on-time compliance w/ no overdues
- Accomplished eight upper engine mount inspections; removed/installed mounts--guaranteed structural integrity
- Accomplished F-15E 49R door trim; trimmed aluminum door with-in .015 inch gap--saved $300 in repair costs
- Accurately trimmed canopy skirt to fit aircraft--intricate craftsmanship returned aircraft fully mission-capable
- Actively pursued CCAF degree in airframe repair technology; completed 9 semester hrs--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Aggressively repaired cracked aileron/rudder selector valve bracket--allowed on-time phase completion
- Aided in 145 rib repair; machined/drilled/installed all repair parts--restored original strength requirements
- Aided with upper UHF antenna bracket repair; completed 3 hours ahead of ETIC; acft met next training sortie
- Applied rain erosion coating repair on four F-15E radomes; avoided 9-day supply due-in...saved AF $360K
- Assembled multi-contoured doubler repair for upper aft torque box...saved AF $1K+ in procurement--promote
- Assisted during preparation/shop clean-up for 2008 ACC UCI--inspectors lauded "wg best seen in 5 years"
- Assisted during shop clean-up in preparation for 08 ACC UCI...inspectors lauded "Wg best seen in 5 years"
- Assisted in removal of F-15E upper engine mounts; task completed on time...guaranteed structural integrity
- Assisted in teardown/removal of unserviceable paint booth; saved Air Force $15K in contractor removal costs
- Assisted w/pitot tube bracket replacement; installed close tolerance fasteners--no defect noted on 7-lvl insp
- Assisted with 15 touch up paints; sanded/primed/painted aircraft--efforts ensured uninterrupted paint schedule
- Completed 300+ critical phase discrepancies/inspection tasks-ensured uninterrupted phase flow for 13 aircraft
- Completed 300+ flightline mx actions; helped 4 FW earn 07 ACC General Thomas P. Gerrity Logistics Award
- Completed 34 urgent action modifications; removed bay 15 fire suppression foam--eliminated all fire hazards
- Completed 450+ critical phase discrepancies/inspections; efforts ensured uninterrupted phase flow for 14 acft
- Completed 7-level upgrade training 5 months ahead of schedule...scored impressive 94% on EOC exam
- Completed 9 semester hours toward CCAF degree in aviation maintenance technology--impressive 3.8 GPA
- Completed all ancillary/computer based training requirements; 100% on-time compliance--ensured readiness
- Completed double-contoured repair on variable inlet skin on F-15E aircraft; enabled next scheduled mission
- Completed five vertical stabilizer 145 rib repairs; installed new fabricated ribs...no impact to phase flow
- Completed removal/replacement of two 171 ribs; ensured precision fit; returned aircraft to service/no delay
- Completed repair of cracked 171 support rib; beat estimate by 2 hrs--no defect noted during 7-level inspection
- Completed six time compliance technical orders to modify avionics bay panel--eliminated possible fire hazard
- Completed two F-15E intake variable ramp stringer repairs--restored structural strength; saved AF over $360K
- Conducted nose cone modification; precisely measured/drilled new holes...prevented possible dropped object
- Conducted three 171 rib repairs; removed/installed new ribs--zero defects on 7-level follow-up; acft FMC
- Conducted two badly damaged F-15E UHF antenna repairs--superceded original estimated repair by 4 hours
- Conducted upper cowl accuator hinge exchange for entire MQ-1 fleet; prevented class A mishap/loss
- Consistently exceeded all ancillary/computer based training requirements; ensured 100% on-time compliance
- Cooperated with depot engineers to repair 12 CV-22 proprotor blades locally, saved AF $1+ million
- Coordinated support section inventory for 2008 ACC UCI; inspectors applauded 4FW "best seen in 3 years"
- Coordinated UHF former repair; fabricated/installed in 12 hrs vs 24-hr estimate--acft ready for next day sortie
- Crafted/installed repair doubler for F-15E 20mm gun bay skin--quick actions allowed on-time training mission
- Deployed for OEF; 143 flightline jobs/21 aircraft scrambles covered--957 sorties/83,000+ lbs bombs dropped
- Deployed in spt of OEF; 119 line jobs/21 acft scrambles/960 sorties flown/87,000 lbs of bombs dropped
- Deployed to Mountain Home AFB ID; facilitated aircrew training--earned coveted F-15E incentive flight
- Developed loc bulkhead repair; restored acft struct integrity halting 14 day scheduled deviation
- Discovered/corrected 12 improper tool etchings; re-etched correct markings ensured 100% tool accountability
- Diverse skill; reconditioned severely delaminated aileron trailing edge wedge;recovered $8K in AF resources
- Drilled/fitted two canopy skirts; trimmed within technical specifications; aircraft mission ready--no delays
- Drilled/installed F-15E canopy hinge tab repair; aircraft met next scheduled sortie/no delay...saved AF $97K
- Drilled/installed mission critical UHF antenna support rib/former--acft returned to fully mission capable status
- Drilled/installed pitot tube mounting bracket in aircraft intake; restored weapon system serviceability/no delay
- Drilled/installed two mission critical UHF antenna support brackets--no defects noted on 7-level follow-up
- Drilled/installed wing flap up-stop bracket; ensured proper/safe flight control positioning--promote with peers
- Drove three 145 upper/lower rib replacements; directed removal/instalation...returned 100% structural strength
- Earned six credit hours toward CCAF degree in acft maint technology...completed 96% of required credits
- Educated two Airmen on lap-patch repair; focused on research/craftsmanship...aided 3-levels w/ upgrade trng
- Engineered flawless Form 55 program for 08 ACC UCI...propelled EMS to 94% pass rate--promote now
- Executed transducer hole repair; installed engineer approved bathtub repair; acft returned FMC--promote now
- Expeditiously removed/replaced right wingtip/closure spar...completed arduous task 8 hours ahead of schedule
- Fabricated upper aft torque box repair; trimmed/drilled/installed all parts; beat repair estimate time by 4 hours
- Fabricated/drilled/installed repair parts on cracked F-15E air induction inlet...restored full structural integrity
- Flawless flightline/phase support helped 4 FW garner the 07 Gen Thomas Gerrity Logistics Award--promote
- Flawlessly engineered Form 55 Program for 2008 ACC UCI...inspectors lauded wing "Best seen in 3 years"
- Flawlessly fabricated titanium hydraulic stabilizer pressure line; returned acft to service 2 hrs ahead of ETIC
- Guided F-15E canopy skirt installation; trimmed within .015 inch gap--ensured proper canopy pressure seal
- Handpicked by flight chief to serve as group Quality Assurance Inspector; challenge with immediate promotion
- Helped in refurbishment of five F-15E radomes; applied wash primer/anti-static topcoat repair--saved $750K
- Helped MWR build bunkers at base paint ball range...enhanced esprit de corps among base personnel/families
- Helped Refurbish F-105 static display aircraft; applied new coatings...enhanced 4 FW's aviation history park
- Helped refurbish F-105 static display aircraft; UCI team lauded air park "Best in ACC"--coined by MXG/CC
- Impeccable in-shop/phase support helped 4 FW garner 07 ACC Gen Thomas Gerrity Logistics Awd--promote
- Installed 145 lower/upper ribs; restored structural integrity; beat repair time by 6 hrs/no impact to phase flow
- Instructed dynatube fitting installation to two 3-levels; two core task signed-off...aided 5-level upgrade training
- Instructed five 3-levels in dynatube repair fitting installation procedures--augmented shop capabilities 10%
- Instructed six 3-levels in dynatube repair fitting installation procedures/ensured 5-level upgrade--promote now
- Instructed three subordinates on hazardous materials disposal--ensured 100% cradle to grave accountability
- Instrumental crew member in the completion of 27 F-15E aircraft touch-ups/6 full paints/4 depot acceptances
- Key member in repair of 20 flight control surfaces; ensured availability of assets...averted aircraft downtime
- Key member; assisted in refurbishment of F-4/A-10/F-105 static displays--preserved 4 FW's aviation history
- Key team member in repair of five crucial 153 rib cracks; performance resulted in 100% on-time phase roll out
- Key team member; worked weekends to accomplish TCTO 821; modified 62 panels in half the allotted time
- Lead technician on UHF antenna rib/bracket repair; completed 3 hrs ahead of estimate--met next OEF mission
- Led four Airmen; oversaw 750+ phase discrepancies...91% quality assurance pass rate/13,855 sorties flown
- Led removal/replacement of three cracked 145 ribs; zero phase impact--no defect noted on 7-level follow up
- Led repair on cracked 145 rib; installed repair/close tolerance fasteners--met stringent technical specifications
- Led replacement of critical 145 vertical stabilizer rib; beat ETIC by 4 hours...restored factory strength/contour
- Led replacement of three cracked 171 ribs; removed/installed new ribs--ZD on 7-level follow-up; acft FMC
- Led six Airmen team; worked weekends to accomplish TCTO 821; modified 62 panels in half the allotted time
- Led team with removal/replacement of F-15E wing flap upstop--allowed proper/safe flight control positioning
- Led wing trailing edge spar repair; oversaw critical fastener installation--restored 100% structural integrity
- Managed CTKs for deployment; packed equipment three wks early--reduced ASM's mobility footprint by 25%
- Member of validation team for AF-wide modification; reworked ACES II bracket; alleviated structural failure
- Mended three damaged speedbrakes; hand crafted patches/ensured bonding ops--saved $298K in critical assets
- Meticulously refurbished speed brake; hot bonded patch on composite structure--saved $12K in exchange costs
- Modified F-15E with new VHF/UHF/L-band antenna--linked DOD aircraft with civilian aircraft/controllers
- Outstanding backshop/flightline/phase support helped 4th Fighter Wing earning '08 AF Outstanding Unit Award
- Oversaw repair of F-15E 145 upper/lower ribs; drilled/installed all parts...returned stabilizer to full strength
- Painted 72 AGE units; removed corrosion/applied polyurethane coating...extended service life by 4 years
- Patched punctured panel 142; routed out damage/fabricated/installed patch...saved $1.5K in replacement costs
- Performed 11 periodic shop equipment maintenance inspections; ensured safe/proper operations at all times
- Performed C-130 cargo ramp repair; replaced four cracked roller brackets--enabled acft deployment to AOR
- Performed cargo ramp repair; replaced four cracked roller brackets; preserved acft GWOT AOR avail
- Performed field level full-paints on 130+ AGE units; efforts extended equipment service life by 48 months
- Performed laminate skin repair; utilized advanced bonding equipment...saved 4 FW $5K in procurement costs
- Performed over 2000+ flightline repair response/actions enabling 32K+ flight hours ISO critical msns
- Performed wing 142 rib transducer repair--drilled/installed repair; aircraft met scheduled training sortie
- Pursued degree in airframe repair technology; completed 6 credit hours/stellar 3.8 GPA--finished CCAF
- Refurbished F-15E tailcone assembly; manufactured/installed doublers; acft met next combat sortie--promote
- Refurbished four ACES II handle guards; fabricated/installed...eliminated possible seat failure during ejection
- Refurbished panel 158; removed damage/applied doubler/painted...enabled aircraft to meet next training sortie
- Removed, drilled, and installed new wingtip, closure rib, and conjoining hardware; acft met next training sortie
- Removed/drilled/installed three F-15E wing 171 ribs; completed 5 hours early; no delays to phase completion
- Removed/replaced 36 F-100-220 augmentor boss seals; returned asset to service condition in 6 vs 12-hr ETIC
- Removed/replaced 45 hi-loks on vertical base; restored factory specifications--efforts beat ETIC by 6 hours
- Removed/replaced cracked F-15E vari-ramp longeron found in phase...saved wing $121K in procurement cost
- Removed/replaced panel 158 rib; restored structural integrity to factory specifications--acft met next sortie
- Removed/replaced severely damaged skin on navigation pod adapter--saved AF $135K in procurement costs
- Removed/replaced six F-15E upper engine mounts for nondestructive inspection--recent promotion warranted
- Removed/replaced six flexible fairing/retainers; prevented future chaffing/nozzle failure of F-100-220 engine
- Removed/replaced two severely cracked UHF antenna brackets; completed each task 4 hours early/no delay
- Removed/replaced two ultra high frequency antenna brackets; completed all tasks 3 hours ahead of schedule
- Repaired 110-panel; fabricated/drilled/installed lap patch; efforts saved Air Force $1.3K in procurement costs
- Repaired cracked 142 panel; manufactured/drilled/installed repair doubler...negated $1.2K panel replacement
- Repaired cracked 171 rib; removed/re-installed new rib--returned aircraft to service in 3-hr vs 8-hr standard
- Repaired cracked F-15E horizontal stabilizer; fabricated/installed repair; saved $55K in replacement costs
- Repaired disbonded stabilator; fabricated/hot-bonded composite patch--restored strength/saved $148K asset
- Repaired F-15E speedbrake; applied pressure bonded titanium alloy patch...saved wing $109K replacement
- Repaired five F-15E speedbrakes/utilized advanced composite procedures; returned damaged assets to service
- Repaired missile illumination antenna; met contour/strength requirements--restored air worthiness of airframe
- Repaired punctured wing tip; fabricated/installed lap patch; saved $800--recent BTZ promotion well deserved
- Repaired severely damaged F-15E vari-ramp longeron/skin; zero defects noted--avoided 2-week supply due-in
- Repaired six F-15 vertical stabilizer upper aft torque boxes; fabricated/installed repair parts; saved AF $12K
- Repaired three radomes damaged during flight line operations--saved AF over $306K in replacement cost
- Repaired three severely damaged F-15E main landing gear door skins...saved 4 FW $45K in procurement cost
- Repaired two aft torque box cracks; fabricated/installed all repairs...avoided costly depot field team visit
- Repaired two vertical stabilator base cracks; fabricated/installed contoured lap patch; aircraft made next sortie
- Repaired upper aft torque box; manufactured/applied multi-contoured doubler...acft made next sortie/no delay
- Repaired upper UHF antenna bracket; fabricated repair for lower bucket...completed 2 hours ahead of ETIC
- Repaired wing trailing edge closure spar using combination repair...restored full structural integrity/no delays
- Replaced 15 loose/damaged intake rivets--prevented possible foreign object damage to $3.5M F-15E engine
- Replaced 153 support bracket; utilized hand formed doublers/maintained alignment--acft flew next mission
- Replaced 45 finger seal sections on F-15E engine exhaust ducts; saved 4 FW $1.2M--promote immediately
- Replaced cracked F-15E pitot tube bracket; followed strict technical guidance; no defects on 7-level inspection
- Replaced eight loose intake rivets in three F-15E variable inlets...prevented possible $21M engine failures
- Replaced F-15 accessory mount drive bracket; returned structural integrity--beat estimated repair time by 6 hr
- Replaced F-15E wing tip/closure spar; precisely drilled and installed component; saved Air Force over $10K
- Replaced five vertical stabilizer 145 ribs; removed/drilled/installed new ribs; restored rigidity...saved $4K+
- Replaced horizontal stabilizer rivets during recent TDY to Hill AFB; achieved "Superior Performer" award
- Replaced wingtip rib; removed/drilled/installed hardware; completed in 12 vs 24 hrs--promote immediately
- Replaced worn ejection seat hand guards; drilled/installed new guards...ensured continued use of $110K asset
- Responsible for correcting 200+ flight line maintenance discrepancies--efforts earned recent promotion to SSgt
- Restored delaminated wing fillet panel with composite patch; averted $100K supply expenditure & delays
- Restored upper aft torque box; manufactured contoured repair--beat repair estimate by 4 hrs/acft mission ready
- Retaining package approved for Airborne Battle Mgt; dedicated to self-improvement/exellence--promote now
- Revamped element's CACRL program for 09 ACC LSET...propelled EMS to "Excellent" rating--promote now
- Revamped element's Hazcom program for 08 ACC UCI--team outbrief lauded "best wing seen in 3 years"
- Revamped tool box for paint barn; corrected inventory/replaced worn tools--no defects noted by QA inspector
- Sacrificed weekend to repair a cracked inlet skin splice--repair eliminated possible catastrophic engine failure
- Scored an outstanding score of 94% on EOC; earned highest score amongst peer; displayed proffesional growth
- Skillfully crafted leading edge repair of F-15E aircraft; drilled/installed patch--ensured aircraft met next sorti
- Skillfully repaired cracked 171 rib; removed/replaced new rib; restored to manufacturer's exact specifications
- Spearheaded removal/replacement of three F-15E wing flap upstops; ensured proper flight control positioning
- Spotted deficiencies in respirator protection program; attention prevented exposure to haz fumes
- Spt'd WIC TDY; 41 jobs/83 sorties/124.5 hrs flown; repaired speedbrake saved AF $130K--no lost sorties
- Spted Exercise JADED THUNDER at Tyndall AFB; aided launch/recovery of 70 trng sorties--promote now
- Superb flightline/phase/paint spt helped 4 FW garner 07 ACC Gen Thomas Gerrity Logistics Award--promote
- Superb phase support; completed 200 maintenance tasks--efforts helped 4 FW earn '08 Outstanding Unit Award
- Supervised cleaning preparation for the 2008 ACC UCI...inspectors lauded wing "best seen in 3 yrs"--promote
- Supervised F-15E intake vari-ramp longeron repair; restored critical $56K asset--avoided 2-wk supply due-in
- Supervised repaint of 80 AGE units/200 aircraft parts--zero defects noted during quality assurance inspections
- Supervised six Airmen in phase section; led completion of 400 discrepancies...ensured continuous phase flow
- Supported 121 line jobs/22 aircraft scrambles/957 sorties/83,000 lbs bombs dropped in support of OEF/OIF
- Supported 800+ sorties on Kandahar Air Field ISO OEF; led to continuous outstanding 90% MC rate
- Supported ONE; provided critical launch coverage; efforts guaranteed 27 Homeland Security missions flown
- Supported Operation NOBLE EAGLE; provided pre-/post-flight coverage for 27 Homeland Security missions
- Supported restoration of A-10 static display; efforts enhanced base esprit de corps--preserved 4th FW heritage
- Team member during repair of 142 rib crack; fabricated/installed patch...aircraft mission ready--no delays
- Team member during replacement of cracked aileron spar at Wright-Patterson AFB--beat repair time by 10 hrs
- Team member in vertical stab repair; installed high tensile strength fasteners--restored area to original strength
- Team member on five F-15E full paints; prevented corrosion damage to aircraft...extended service life 5 years
- Thoroughly trained 3 airmen on support section duties; knowledge augmented section capability/efficiency 10%
- Trained 6 Amn on stencil/decal process; manufactured acft markings--five tasks c/w; 5-lvl upgrades on target
- Trained four Airmen in repair of six flight control surfaces--saved over $550K/aided 3-level upgrade training
- Trained four individuals on acft markings; manufactured/applied decals/stencils; enhanced knowledge of peers
- Trained new personnel on repair of wing trailing edge aileron spar crack; installed radial locs--saved $3K
- Trained three Airmen in repair of six flight control surfaces; saved over $550K/aided 5-level upgrade training
- Trained three Amn on corrosion prevention procedures at equipment paint; reduced part turnaround time 20%
- Trained three subordinates on hazardous materials disposal--ensured 100% cradle to grave accountability
- Trained two Airmen on hydraulic lines/dynatube installation; replenished supply level...aided in 5-lvl upgrade
- Trimmed/drilled in-flight refueling slipway door--facilitated uninterrupted F-15E aircrew training syllabus
- Troubleshot uncommanded flight control issue; isolated/R2 rudder servo--salvaged critical OEF spec ops msn
- Utilized fixture for AMAD mount bracket replacement; ensured precise/proper fit--restored structural integrity
- Volunteered to repair damaged F-15E tailcone assembly; exceptional performance reduced downtime two hrs