
2P0X1 PMEL/TMDE Duty Descriptions

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- Applies principles to ensure measurements made using laboratory standards are traceable to national standards

- Calibrates TMDE sustaining 319 workcenters to include centralized repair facility (CRF) items in spt of OCO
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts; installs components and performs repairs
- Initiates material deficiency/technical order improvement/calibration (cal) responsibility determination reports
- Applies metrology principles to ensure measurements (meas) traceable to National Institute of Stds/Technology

- Ensures mx scheduling affecting 14.5K equip items complying w/AF Metrology and Calibration program rqmts
- Prepares monthly schedules/tracks equip deferred status; processes TMDE for contract/warranty/depot support
- Maintains equip accounts for over 319 work centers in Europe, Africa/Southwest Asia in support of OEF/OIF
- Provides support to 640 TMDE coordinators; provides training and maintains equipment maintenance database

- Liaison between flt and base supply; requisitions & distributes parts affecting capabilities of 15K equip items
- Deconflicts supply priorities; ensures benchstock/operational stock materials availability for repair/calibration
- Updates awaiting parts (AWP) equip status using Precision Measurement Equip Laboratory Automated Mx Sys
- Manages funds in excess of $30K to affect availability of equip assigned to spt OEF/OIF wartime ops in AOR

- Repairs, aligns, and calibrates electronic/physical TMDE; isolates malfunctions using theory/block diagrams
- Applies metrology principles; ensures lab measurement traceability to National Institude of Stds/Technology
- Performs mx/monitors trng affecting 14,900 equip-items/339 work-centers, including GSUs in Europe/SWA
- Monitors technical proficiency, analyzes deficiencies, schedules, and conducts upgrade and on-the-job training

- Supervises 25 techs in high frequency/night shift elements; ensures effective utilization of lab stds & manpower
- Manages priority mx affecting 14K test, measurement/diagnostic equip (TMDE) items; spts 319 work centers
- Applies metrology principles; ensures lab measurement traceability to National Institude of Stds/Technology
- Maintains 13K sq/ft facility; ensures TMDE spt of Europe, Africa/Southwest Asia to sustain OEF/OIF missions

Frequency and Microwave Element

- Aligns/calibrates test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) in the frequency & microwave element
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts, installs components and effects repairs
- Applies principles to ensure measurements made using laboratory standards are traceable to national standards
- Supports 311 customer workcenters to include centralized repair facility (CRF) items in support of OEF/OIF

- Inspects, aligns/calibrates TMDE in Freq & Microwave Element; sustains OEF/OIF msn of 319 work centers
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts; installs components and performs repairs
- Initiates material deficiency, technical order improvement, and calibration responsibility determination reports
- Applies metrology principles to ensure measurement traceability to National Institute of Stds and Technology

- Inspects, aligns, and calibrates (cal) test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment in freq & microwave element
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts; installs components and conducts repairs
- Applies AF metrology principles to ensure measurement traceability to National Institute of Stds & Technology
- Supports 319 customer workcenters to include Centralized Repair Facility (CRF) items in support of OEF/OIF

DC/Low Frequency Element

- Inspects/aligns/calibrates TMDE in DC/low frequency element supporting 319 customers in Europe and SWA
- Supports 313 customers in 24 countries including centralized repair facility (CRF) items supporting OEF/OIF
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts, installs components and performs repairs
- Manages safety, hazardous materials/equip management account prgms for largest calibration facility in Europe

- Inspects, aligns/calibrates TMDE in DC/low frequency element in direct support of OEF/OIF and OCO msns
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts, installs components and performs repairs
- Applies AF metrology principles and ensures measurement tracebility to National Institute of Stds/Technology
- Controls packaging/shipment for over 12.4K TMDE items; manages equipment accounts for 350 workcenters

- Inspects, aligns/calibrates TMDE in the DC/Low Frequency Element to sustain OCO msn of 319 workcenters
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts; installs components and performs repairs
- Applies principles to ensure laboratory std measurements are traceable to National Institute of Stds/Technology
- Manages safety, hazardous materials/equip management account prgms for largest calibration facility in Europe

- Leads 11 techs in DC/low frequency element of the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL)
- Implements the AF metrology and calibration program policies and procedures to direct maintenance practices
- Sets work priorities/assigns tasks to support 2.6K test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Develops and implements upgrade training plans/timelines to ensure effective development of Airmen in OJT

- Leads 12 techs in the DC/low frequency element of the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL)
- Implements the AF metrology and calibration program policies and procedures to direct maintenance practices
- Applies principles to ensure laboratory std measurements are traceable to National Institute of Stds/Technology
- Develops and implements upgrade training plans/timelines to ensure effective development of Airmen in OJT

- Leads 8 technicians in direct current/low frequency element; ensures effective utilization of lab stds/manpower
- Implements the AF metrology and calibration (cal) prgm's policies/procedures to direct element's mx practices
- Sets work priorities/assigns tasks to support 2.6K test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Executes flt's trng plans/prgm to ensure effective upgrade/on-the-job trng development of assigned technicians

Physical/Dimensional Element

- Inspects, aligns/calibrates TMDE in physical-dimensional element; sustains OEF/OIF msn of 319 work centers
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts; installs components and performs repairs
- Initiates material deficiency, technical order improvement, and calibration responsibility determination reports
- Applies metrology principles to ensure measurement traceability to National Institute of Stds and Technology

- Leads 11 technicians in physical/dimensional element of PMEL; takes corrective actions to affect quality trends
- Sets work priorities/assigns tasks to support 7K test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Sustains 319 work centers in AF sole PMEL centralized intermediate repair facility (CRF) in spt of OEF/OIF
- Develops and implements upgrade training plans/timelines to ensure effective development of Airmen in OJT

- Leads 11 technicians in physical/dimensional element of PMEL; takes corrective actions to affect quality trends
- Sets work priorities/assigns tasks to support 7K test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Sustains 319 work centers in AF sole PMEL centralized intermediate repair facility (CRF) in spt of OEF/OIF
- Ensures calibrations are traceable through Air Force Metrology & Calibration (AFMETCAL) prgm guidelines


- Leads/mentors 62 Airmen in the AF's largest active duty TMDE flight; responsible for 14,477 item inventory
- Sets work priorities/assigns tasks to support 14K test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Alternate sq resource advisor; responsible for initial equipment issue, GPC, DTS, GTC, and Reports of Survey
- Implements access databases and gathers information in support of AFSO21 initiatives throughout the squadron

- Leads/mentors 63 Amn in the AF's largest active duty PMEL responsible for $6.2M assets/repair of 15K items
- Prioritizes work across three major bases, six wings and tenants throughout central Europe and Southwest Asia
- Oversees QA program; conducts 500+ yrly QA inspections/analyzes trend data to make process improvements
- Manages AF's only PMEL centralized repair facility (CRF); produces over 1,000 items for AFCENT/OCO spt

- Leads/mentors 80 Amn in AF's largest active duty TMDE flt--responsible for calibration/repair of 15K+ items
- Oversees flt's QA prgm; conducts 500 yrly inspections, analyzes trend data and initiates process improvements
- Enforces AF Metrology prgm principles & ensures measurement traceability to National Institute of Stds/Tech
- Prioritizes calibration work across three bases, six wings, and tenants across central Europe & Southwest Asia

- Leads/mentors 44 Amn in the AF's largest active duty PMEL responsible for $6.2M assets/repair of 15K items
- Directs AF's sole PMEL centralized repair facility (CRF); affects 1K items to sustain AFCENT AOR cmbt ops
- Prioritizes work for 319 workcenters covering 3 major bases and 6 wings across central Europe and SW Asia
- Ensures technical sufficiency and effective development/utilization of Airmen in upgrade/on-the-job training

Programs Element

- Leads 3 Amn in Prgms Element in AF's largest active duty TMDE Flight--sustains 82 techs & 319 work centers
- Maintains 430 TMDE items in spt of 15K annual mx actions traceable to National Institute of Stds/Technology
- Manages flt's Equipment, Composite Tool Kit, Mobility, Occupational Safety/Health, and Records Mgmt prgms
- Directs hazardous material/waste programs; oversees cradle-to-grave processes--upholds environmental stds

Quality Assurance (QA)

- Administers QA prgm for largest TMDE Flt in USAFE supporting 319 workcenters/AFCENT area of operation
- Monitors quality of mx on 14K items for centralized repair facility (CRF); performs over 700 annual QA insps
- Applies AF metrology principles to ensure measurement traceability to National Institute of Stds/Technology
- Performs trend analysis, selects corrective actions, and implements countermeasures to reduce nonconformities

- Applies AF metrology principles to ensure measurement traceability to National Institute of Stds/Technology

- Applies metrology principles; ensures measurements' traceability to National Institute of Standards/Technology

- Applies principles to ensure laboratory std measurements are traceable to National Institute of Stds/Technology

- Applies principles to ensure measurements made using laboratory standards are traceable to national standards

- Applies principles/ensures measurements made are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology

- Applies principles/ensures measurements made using lab stds are traceable to National Institute of Stds/Techn.

- Coordinates equip scheduling for 319 owning work centers (OWCs) throughout Europe, Africa/Southwest Asia
- Develops and implements upgrade training plans/timelines to ensure effective development of Airmen in OJT

- Directs aero repair and USAFE regional crash, damaged, disabled aircraft recovery (CDDAR) prgm activities
- Ensures calibrations are traceable through Air Force Metrology & Calibration (AFMETCAL) prgm guidelines
- Ensures technical sufficiency, effective development & utilization of 14 Airmen in upgrade/on-the-job training
- Ensures TMDE maintenance meets Air Force Metrology and Calibration (AFMETCAL) program requirements

- Implements the AF metrology and calibration program policies and procedures to direct maintenance practices
- Initiates material deficiency, technical order improvement and calibration responsibility determination reports
- Inspects, aligns and calibrates test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment in frequency & microwave element
- Inspects, aligns and calibrates test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment in physical & dimensional element
- Inspects, aligns, and calibrates test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment in the DC/low frequency element
- Inspects, aligns/calibrates TMDE in the DC/low frequency element; sustains OEF/OIF msn of 319 work centers
- Inspects/aligns/calibrates test measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) in physical/dimensional element
- Inspects/aligns/calibrates test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) in the DC/low freq element
- Inspects/aligns/calibrates test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) in the freq/microwave element
- Inspects/aligns/calibrates TMDE in DC/low frequency element supporting 318 customers in Europe and SWA
- Inspects/aligns/calibrates TMDE in the physical dimension element; sustains OIF/OEF msn of 319 workcenters
- Leads 17 techs in physical/dimensional element of the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL)
- Leads and directs 58 active duty, reserve, and local national personnel assigned to four diverse duty sections
- Leads seven swing shift techs in freq/microwave element of the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory
- Leads three elements and 63 Amn in AF's largest active duty PMEL--responsible for calibration of 15K+ items
- Manages AF's only PMEL Centralized Repair Facility (CRF); produced 1,000+ items for AFCENT/GWoT spt
- Manages government travel card (GTC) prgm for 250+ members; executes $402K budget supporting 185 F-16s
- Manages isochronal/home station check insps for 16 C-130E acft & time compliance technical orders (TCTO)
- Manages QA program for 62 PMEL techs supporting 321 workcenters throughout USAFE and AFCENT AOR
- Monitors quality of mx on 14K items for centralized repair facility (CRF); reviews over 700 annual QA insps
- Oversees packaging and shipment of over 11,000 items of test, measurement and diagnostic equipment assets
- Prioritizes mx for 311 major workcenters covering three main bases & six wings across Europe and SW Asia
- Sets work priorities and assigns tasks to support 2K test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Sets work priorities/assigns tasks to support 7K test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) items
- Supervises mx priority for three elements in the only active duty TMDE Centralized Repair Facility (CRF)
- Supports 309 customers including OEF/OIF, sustains Air Force's only PMEL centralized repair facility (CRF)
- Supports 311 customer workcenters to include centralized repair facility (CRF) items in support of OEF/OIF

- Supports 313 customers in 24 countries including centralized repair facility (CRF) items supporting OEF/OIF
- Supports 319 customers including OEF/OIF, sustaining the Air Force's only centralized repair facility (CRF)
- Supports base transient alert function, oversees wheel & tire production/manages equip/assets valued at >$6M
- Troubleshoots TMDE, researches and requisitions replacement parts, installs components and affects repairs

Star Line

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