
2R0X1 Maintenance Management Analysis

Performance Assessment

- Accomplished 12 mo cann data look; ID'd top component MICAPs; shifted focus to local repair--saved $3.5M
- Administered FixDITT; mng'd trends/sched/trn'd 21 mbrs/12 w/c's/fixed 38K rpts--raised efficiency 35%/95.5% MC rt
- Administered IMDS customer requests; processed 30 profile actions in DEMAND--minimized wait time by 48 hours
- Aided MIS access audit; 624 docs reviewed/ID'd/purged 85 accts/maintained 100% sys sec--200 term IDs ret'd to inv
- Analyzed 4K wpns write-up's; ID'd 60% improper documentation w/ flt chief--IMDS accuracy improved 30%
- Analyzed 5 yrs of CV-22 attrition data; highlighted 29.7% increase in sorties flown vs. scheduled since 2006
- Analyzed acft preventive mx prgm; corroborated 513 scheduled events w/ PS&D--solidified 99.3% Gp MSE rate
- Assessed >120 MIS historical background reports; validated 2.4K metric data points--100% accurate MAJCOM rpt'g
- Assisted DIT mgrs in correcting 20K+ IMDS JDD errors; contributed to 58 MXG 99.8% data integrity rate
- Assisted DIT mgrs; rev d 63K acft mx recs/ID d/corr'd 461 doc err's--.08% CER Jan '15 beat GSC 3% goal/8-yr best!
- Assisted acft abort review team; analyzed 5 yrs data/briefed drivers; prompted 200 hr preventive mx check
- Assisted w/ DCC brief; taught database mngmnt/MIS documentation process/29 trn'd--IMDS err's cut 50% <6 mos
- Astute! ID'd A-10 MND spike due to short-notice merge; 3 AMU's into Super AMXS--cut non-deliveries 72%
- Attended 2R071 seminar; honed toolset/confirmed 115 recs/ID'd/fixed 8 Rep/Rec errors--incrs'd acft data accuracy 35%

- Co-authored 12 HH-60/A-10 profile JSTs; audited 608 sequences--DM clenched AF Outstanding Unit Award
- Co-authored break-rate study; id'd fuels & ECS sys drivers--val'd 4.8% break rate/beat CAF std 25 consecutive mos
- Compiled 36 months long-range analysis; validated fly hr usage/exceeded phaseline hr return--recovered 1500 fly hrs
- Conducted acft debrief audit; ID'd/corr'd 200 msn err's--recouped 350 acft status hrs/ensured FHP reporting accuracy
- Coord'd LCOM study; advised 20 workcenters on time accounting/2500 pieces of equip reviewed--validated man hrs
- Coordinated 6 HOF briefs; leadership briefed on potential pitfalls--refocused efforts & enabled 89% FSE rate
- Corrected 20 debrief errors; averted reporting discrepancies for 80 flying hrs--restored flying hr prgm integrity
- Corrected 58 debrief errors; averted discrepancies for 80 flying hrs--C-130 reporting accuracy increased 27%
- Created 332 EMXG Data Integrity Team; trained 30 pers/14 shops--reviewed 16K inputs/errors reduced 1.6%
- Created FVB brief for SecAF/CSAF--justify multi-million wpns sys upgrade supporting OIF/OEF/HOA

- Developed debrief documentation error tracking sys; 98% of errors corrected within 10-day IMDS window
- Direct supt HAWGSMOKE FY16; ensured 42 sorties/116 hrs flown/100% FMC--keyed Long Range Strafe Awd win
- Directed IMDS config-table loads; val'd 187 records/corrected 32 errors--raised documentation accuracy 35%
- Directed completion of six HOF briefs; advised XXX MXG/CC of adverse trends--13% increased 8-hr fix rate
- Displayed strong persnl commitment; completed assigned projects/met key summary targets--100% on-time reporting
- Dissected 5 yrs of MC-130P/H mx/weather sortie losses; allowed 58 TRS to focus programmed flying training

- Enforced IMDS equipment loaded; val'd 120 records/corrected 20 errors--secured 2017 TFI Gen Welsh AF One Awd
- Enhanced E-3 asset avail; partnered w/ SPO/returned 106 items to supply chain; recouped $1.4M in unaccounted spares
- Enhanced RSP capes; consolidated 7 increments/3.4K items/$144M--reduced Wg's footprint 10%/inventory time 20%
- Examined 781 IMDS user rcds; val'd/elim'd 46 liabilities/13 expired accts--ensured 100% MIS security/sys reliability
- Executed 24 monthly A-10C Part II reports; tracked 3575 sorties/MC rate 79%--met AFRC standards/aided P&V '15
- Exemplary facilitator; meticulously trained section on 14 statistical tests--5 task certified/100% CDC pass rate
- Expeditiously processed 24 acft impound histories; determined origin of failure--C-130 MC rate improved 9%

- Facilitated WUC prgm for 82 A-10 a/c; critical MDS compliant in 8 hrs--expedited CICU reporting transition
- Forecasted RAF Mildenhall CV-22 mx capabilities; allowed precise allocation of sorties/hrs for fly hr pgm
- Fortified AWACS fleet; satisfied 63 priority Mx requests <6 min--backed 2.6K hrs flown/42 world-wide requisitions
- Furthered $49M DIFM prgm; coord'd w/ 13 shops tracked/returned 1.2K NRTS assets--enforced ACC's 1-day TIN std

- Guided 1K IMDS users in 5 units; gen'd 47/mod'd 177/reset 304 accts--mgmt key to 58K mx entries w/0.9% error rt

- Hand-selected 2x by 10AF/A4M for CDCA; inspected 8 areas of expertise--poised 2 groups for "Effective" UEI '17
- Headed A-10 CICU study; found 41% depot test serviceable; SPO notified--exposed $98K in loss repair funds

- Identified MIS program error; ensured 97 inspections properly documented--correction implemented AF wide
- Identified gearbox overheat trend; info briefed to end item mgr--TCTO developed to address issues as result
- Identified root causes for C-130 prop failures; attributed 50% to fluid leaks--reduced acft break rate by 8.3%
- Implemented digital IMDS user access form; incr'd tracking capes/turnaround time 150%--eliminated redundancies
- Initiated FY15 FHP first look capability projections--balanced aircrew training despite fiscal/manning issues
- Instructed database mgmt crses; guided 4 classes f/DCCs on JDD procedures/trn'd 12 prsnl--reduced sys errors 3%
- Investigated 4K C-130H mx discreps; ID'd 47 errors/97.9% corrected--supported 2.8% TNMCS rate/lowest in 29 mo
- Investigated A-10C Mod/Stick grip; devised top-notch MXG/CD compilation to SPO--grip NMCS hrs up 96%

- Key player during AFAF; raised $3K/aided XXX $38K/FWs $139K--verified AF all-time high/112% of goal
- Key to LCAP prep; id'd/corrected 14 errors thru 8 prgms/section inspection rdy in 12 hrs--ZD during GP SAV

- Lead analyst during runway closure; tracked 128 sorties/275 hrs for Green Flag--selected as sq DLM Sept '11
- Lead Database Manager; rev'd 30K acft mx acts/val'd 187 recs/ID'd/corr'd 32 err's--incr'd acft data doc accuracy 35%
- Led 2 during IMDS security initiatives; restricted 130 unauthorized accounts--ensured 100% system integrity
- Led WIT inspection team; inspected 5 mx ops areas during Wg ATSO exercise--enforced AFI usage & mx discipline
- Led block 42 acft MMC study; compared pre-post modification data; audit validated failures remained constant

- Maintained enterprise output manager; provided 6.1K products to users base-wide--saved 230 man-hrs qtrly
- Managed IMDS course conversions; 6 courses/3.1K Airmen compliant w/AF master list--102 man-hrs saved
- Managed XXX AMXS weekly cann reconciliation; ID'd/coordinated 60 fix's--documentation accuracy up 35%
- Managed dual role/2 months; Supt & Lead Analyst directed 17 pers--provided operations support to 600 REGAF/TR
- Mng'd whse put-aways; located 12 missing DLA items/$15M/upheld 84% IE rate--beat ACC goal 11%/spt'd 415 sorties
- Monitored 1K MIS entries; identified 250 erroneous data briefed findings for correction--decreased error rate by 50%
- Monitored DIT database; mng'd/trn'd 169 mbrs/45 wc's/tracked 31K jobs--incrs'd uptime 38%/100% dependability
- Monitored IMDS for six GSU's/1.7K users; mitigated >250 cust service issues--ensured 99.8% system availability rt

- Organized w/host unit update CDAT prgm; improved reporting process for 18 DIT monitors--cut user errors by 25%
- Outstanding logistician; projected future performance additional CV-22 acft--gains briefed to AFSOC ldrshp
- Oversaw IMDS XXX re-org; 5 flights, 42 workcenters, 554 Airmen seamlessly realigned--1st in ACC!

- Performed 100% review of database user forms; ensured compliance w/ instructions--zero deficiencies noted
- Proven logistician; projected future CV-22 capabilities w/ additional acft--gains briefed to AFSOC leadership
- Provided C-130 ISO man-hr data; 3.5K man-hrs expended per insp--aided ACC/A4 in proposed future budget
- Provided analytical expertise at an NCO level; 58 MOS Amn of the Qtr Jul-Sep 2011--ideal BTZ candidate!!
- Published monthly maintenance statistics; provided critical data to 442 MXG CC--key to identifying significant trend

- Researched 12 mo bird-strike history for 113 a/c; findings sent to BASH manager--a/c damage dropped $197K
- Revamped DBM review prcs; collaborated w/debrief sect/pln'd new reconciliation ops--reduced errors by 1.2K annually
- Revamped DIT review tracker plan; 12 shops corrected data oversight easily--2K errors corrected/zero discrepancies
- Revamped Mx data processing prgms; appointed 18 subsys mgrs/alternates--IMDS 100% secure/zero data loss
- Revitalized mx data processing prgms; appointed 18 subsys mgrs/alternates--guaranteed data integrity/zero data loss

- Scrutinized 3K mx data recs; Id'd trending AT/HMAL mismatch errors--drove"QA Flash/errors down 50%/1-yr best
- Scrutinized 62 AMU metrics; id'd DFT negative health of fleet impact; leadership reduced TDY aircraft by one
- Selected for quality assurance; championed 1.2K flt devs/diligent efforts efforts ensured sys supt--80% FSE,76% std
- Served as flt safety rep; ensured 100% compliance w/safety guidance--zero ESOHCAMP discrepancies found
- Showcase Amn; selected by WG leadership to perform msn briefs--one of 50 briefers in WG/first in squadron
- Spt'd Checkered Flag ex; prep'd/mobilized 7 pallet shipment/315 assets/$22M--enabled F-22/F-35B jt pre-dplymt ops
- Stepped up during supv void; developed 3 vital ACC mx indicator rpts--100% on-time w/zero missed HQ suspenses
- Supervised 3.5K IMDS accts; eliminated 400 unauthorized users--safeguarded mx info sys/nominated NCO of the Month
- Supervised Group GPC budget; screened/approved 102 requests valued over $100K--secured mission ops for 50 pers
- Sustained E-3 wheel/tire supply point; expedited 387 assets for repair/$6.4M--increased MAJCOM's asset avail 26%
- Sustained MMA website; loaded 200 MPI rpts/>30 online hits mo/info requests cut 25%--saved 1K man-hrs annually
- Synchronized aircraft xfer plan w/ FAB/OKC/PDM; scrutinized 1.8K entries/ID'd/corr'd 188 defects--red'd err's 60%

- Tackled LCAP prep; reviewed chklst/ensured section was 100% compliant--SAV team praised "Sharp NCO"

- Validated CV-22 avionics Centralized Repair Facility stand up; saved AF $4.3 million via repair of 44 items
- Valued DIT pgm ally; detected 46 errors through sortie dev tracking; met 0.0% AETC post-correction goal
- Verified 181 CANN actions; ensured correction of 29 related IMDS errors--secured 100% accurate reporting
- Vital 550 AMU team member; provided wkly metrics briefings to AMU--boosted C-130 acft availability 20%


- Filled SNCO billet; led 7 mbrs/beat all F-16 Blk-40 Wgs MC rates FY14/7.5% ahead of peers--#1 CAF/3 yrs
- Analyzed mx repair methods; introduced safe mx practice change--garnered 4th Daedalian Wpn Sys Mx award
- ID'd top acft for Libya evac/OAKEN LOTUS; 6 acft <6 hrs/12.8 hr sorties--safed 39 vehicle convoy/152 lives
- Scrutinized pilot reported discrepancies; rock solid 2.7% rep/rec rate/strongest in Fleet--bested std 12/12 mos
- Verified Wg Abort rate calcualation; corrected three mos ACC reporting--decreased Feb 14 Abort rate 10.7%
- Effective fleet health mgr; examined 104K acft status/validated 3.6K supply hrs--7.6% TNMCS rate/1.4% < std
- Coord w/ mx agency; val'd 659 sorties/1.1K hours/19K mx actions--lowered cannibilization rate 11% Aug'14
- Investigated FCR sys breaks spike; dissected 401 write-ups/revealed findings--beat 10% std/best F-16 Blk-40
- Flawlessly supported 18 F-16 a/c to Nellis AFB; rigorous 15+hr flt w/13 air refuels--zero safety issues/delays
- Initiated Phase inspection event tracking; enhanced wuc driver accuracy--TNMCM rate 7.0% Nov '13/3 yr best


- Directed monthly HOF; showcased fleet comparisons to MXG/CC--dominated FY14/#1 in 4/10 CAF standard
- Exposed mx/ops flt hr mismatch; repaired 30-hr error/process--key'd Wg's $33M FHP integrity/FY14 closeout
- Diagnosed negative delta-P abort trend/1K mx actions; finding revealed faulty filter--27% write-ups reduction
- Driven NCO; solved 300+ DBM issue/loaded 100 security profiles 2.5K users/7 GSUs--tripled std workflow
- Initiated HHQ Abort verification of proper calculation; corrected 3 month reporting--lowered Feb rate 10.7%
- Identified 30 engine wuc deficiencies; corrected 80+ engine job standard actions--netted 24% error reduction
- Tracked Poland TDY; monitored acft ops/ensured accurate reporting--key'd 328 sorties/POTUS Crimean resp
- Scrutinized 99.5K mx actions; provided IMDS user documentation trng--25% decrease of corrected error rate


- Provided LRS leaders mx metrics; verified data/enabled MXG/LRS collaboration--7.1% TNMCS rate FY14
- Led canopy sheeting follow-up study; validated 15-day inspection--key'd 94% drop in canopy sheeting events
- Spearheaded FY14 mx capability study; synched data w/ops & secured 9K+ fly hrs; beat HQ suspense 7 days
- Discovered 12 improperly documented aborts; coord fixes/trained Debrief--decreased May 14 abort rate 9.8%


- Hand picked over 21 SNCO's/appointed MXG/MO First Sgt; completed 30-hr Symposium--served 100+ mbrs
- Stepped up as MXG Activity Insp mbr; reviewed 1K+ items ID'd 3 discrepancies--ensured MXG UEI success
- Provided on-the-spot saftey/suicidal Amn; facilated medical transport/liason to MXG/CC--gen'd humanitarian
- Invested in education; completed 18 sem hrs/secured CCAF/began BBA Human Resource-maintained 3.7 GPA


- Completed 2R071 course; learned core competencies for verification tracking--data 100% accurate to ACC/A4
- Attended PES II course; conducted mentoring sessions on professionalism--encouraged AF career advancement
- Completed 4 volumes of CDCs 3 months ahead of schedule; scored outstanding 90% on end-of-course exam
- Took and passed 10 CLEP tests over the course of 2 days; earned 30 Maintenance Prod Mgmt CCAF credits
- Attended supplemental course; fulfilled 5-lvl tng requirements 7 months early--improved productivity 33%
- Scored 99.5% on annual fitness test; assisted FAC w/ 20+ testing sessions--Fit-to-Fight example for squadron!


- Represented Team Kirtland at AF Marathon; trained for 7 months--placed 63rd of 5,700/placed 6th in age gp
- Volunteered 12 hrs in support of KADD; transported 12 inebriated Airmen to their homes--careers/lives saved
- Enthusiasm for esprit de corps! Supported four 58 MOS booster club fundraiser evts--vital to $3.8k raised
- Supports military tradition; performed proffer duties for 58 SOW promotion ceremony--18 airmen recognized
- Augmented 377th during ORE as entry controller; ensured zero security breaches--efforts contributed to pass
- Led pie-in-the-face fundraiser for 58 MOS; efforts generated $87 for barbeque at SOW children's fall party
- Escorted 58 MOS spouses during Spouses' Day 2011; improved morale for squadron's military mbrs/families


- Handpicked to lead; chosen as NCOD for two WG flag folding/retreat ceremonies--DLT professional exemplar
- Honor Guard Flight NCO; led 36 details/traveled 18K miles--ensured top honors for AF veterans and retirees


- Handpicked as chapel projectionist; designed presentations for 400+ mbr ministry--coined by AEW Chaplain
- Personally procured $500 for Susan G. Komen 5K "Race for the Cure"; 1,200 competitors--raised $1.5 million
- Craves higher education; completed 6 hrs towards Master's degree in Christian Ministry--maintained 4.0 GPA
- Selected as booster club Recorder; assisted w/ four community fundraisers--met sq goal of $7K in six months
- Led volunteer effort! Volunteered 80 hrs/15 events; portrayed whole person concept--enriched community ties
- Assisted w/ CSAF visit; red carpet detail mbr at HC-130J commemoration ceremony--professionalism shined!

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