
Maintenance Management Production
EPR Bullets

Job Description

- Advises wg/gp leadership of long-range factors, acft availability & limiting elements that affect mx/ops requirements
- Certifies structure/accuracy of engs/records/current times for 48 A-10C, 12 HH-60G, and 9 HC-130J acft worth $2.4B
- Deconflicts shared resources, plans/conducts phase pre/post dock meetings, manages historical jacket files & acft forms
- Ensures accurate/timely documentation of manual/electronic AFTO Form 95s f/acft and associated support equipment

- Leads 5 Airmen/2 civilian PS&D sect; provides oversite for 48 C-17s valued at $10.2B supporting TACC msn
- Wing's lead Aerospace Vehicle Distribution Officer: advises AFMC w/LIMFAC's to largest C-17 GRIP sched
- Directs acft mx rqmts & sched's between mx/ops & external agencies; notifies Sr Mgrs of schedule LIMFAC's
- Oversees Time Chg Items (TCI), Special Insp (SI), & Time Compliance Tech Orders (TCTO) via Mx Info Sys

- Develops/coordinates Wg's Annual/Quarterly/Wkly/Mthly utilization plans for nine C-17 acft valued at $5.3B
- Coord's C-17/C-37/C-40 msns/updates MXG/Wg status slides/briefs ldrshp, maintains acft historical records
- Manages Time Change Item (TCI)/Special Inspections (SI); monitors configuration pgm and depot schedules
- Tracks/monitors acft, AGE, tng, depot & eng mgmt rqmts/plans, val's mx scheduling effectiveness (MSE) pgms

- Develops flying and mx schedules for 53 F-16s valued at $5.3B+ in support of Flying Hour Program (FHP)

- Manages/prioritizes the use of shared resources/facilities to support acft mx event cycles & operational requirements

- Prioritizes/Manages use of shared resources/facilities to support acft mx event cycles/operational rqmts w/7 agencies

Primary/Additional Duties

- "Outstanding Performer" during LSEP insp; aced 5 evals; wing earned "Outstanding" rating
- 2R1 SME; reviewed/ID'd job inventory list shortfalls--efforts led to CFETP rewrite...lauded by HQ AETC/A1

- Accurately trked aircraft hrs/sorties; smooth 100% accounting of 27 A-10C--netted 12.9K hrs/6.6K sorties, FY15/16
- Administered/managed JET digital dashboard; provided comprehensive view of 7K Amn/yr in Army CST
- AFRC/A4 go-to MX Cap II model experts; First Look completed/educated 75+ leaders--tripled AFRC usage
- Aided F-22 readiness spt; enabled JBPHH's 1st-ever LO spray application/restored 12 acft--MC rate up 26%

- Aided w/gen of short-notice 1A1 msns; 101 sorties/197 hrs flown--supt'd POTUS official state visits in Asia
- Analyzed nine acft impoundment repairs; ensured sound mx practices--critical to 1.4% FY09 repeat/recur rate
- Analyzed sched mx deviations; reconciled 1.6K SI/57 TCs/385 TCTO actions--led MXG's 86% MSE rate/15 sections
- Analyzed Sq's DDL; ID'd/corrected 13 incongruities btwn IMDS & AFTO 244s--averted overdue Phase insps

- Assembled doc sec overview slide; heighten awareness on upcoming doc issues--zero overdue jacket file rvw's/TCI's
- Assigned Record Custodian; revitalized 379 EMXOS file plan--100% compliant/first in 4 years/passed AEW SAV
- Assisted FAARP exercise; coordinated 13 mx actions/debriefed 22 sorties--drove 32 flight hr Agile Combat Support
- Assisted w/FY16 FHP first-look dev; provided 12 mo acft mx/msn outlook for ops--projected wg sortie count of 1.1K

- Assisted w/HAF FIAR tasker; confirmed 100% accountability/status f/48 aircraft--nailed SecDef "Readiness" priority
- Assisted w/JML review; scrutinized 1.4K SIs/TCIs/WCEs/resolved 219 discreps w/10 TOs--lauded by AFSOC CEM
- Attuned FY19/20 annual plan; implemented 10K hrs contracted allocation--secured 5.8K obligated sorties/cbt msn rdy
- Audited MSAT database/validated 14 tables; found/corrected 1,230 MSAT errors--ensured -6 TO requirements met

- Augmented debrief manning shortfall; tracked 20 PRD's/input 55 sorties/72 flt hrs--fortified RAP/CMR f/ 47 aircrew
- Authored $2.7M depot repair schedule; secured 8 acft inputs/5 organized--increased FW cmbt availability by 10.5%
- Authored 39 MXS' 1st PS&D OI; integrated 31 AF rqmts/defined processes--sync'd Sq's mx efforts btwn 4 Flts
- Authored 6 acft phase packages; planned/implemented 180 SI/TCI/TCTO rqmts--keyed 100% on-time outputs, FY16

- Authored B-1 waiver req's; highlighted HSC/ISO/SIs rqr'd to be done in PDM w/gp CC--prevented 25% drop in A/A
- Authored fly plan Ex DRAGON STRIKE; $3.8M/98.K lbs of live muns dropped--ops/mx team combat rdy
- AVDO; supervised 65 aerospace vehicle possession changes during FY15/16--cemented 100% on time data reporting

- Bolstered 10% aircraft availability rate increase; aligned 13 TCTOs w/18 phase insps--maximized aircraft downtime
- Broadened scheduler concepts; qualified 6 PS&D pers on 60 AFSC tasks--ensured process continuity/maintainability
- Built FY16's long-range schedule; consolidated 235 mx rqmts w/seven major insp's--surpassed CMD FSE rate by 6%

- Captured phase transition sched; balanced 4 phase dock inputs w/127 insp rqmts--ensured 24 PAA acft combat ready
- Certified four SRAN qtrly inventories; recon'd/validated 197 engs/rcds/secured assets--awarded Mx Spt Pro OTY '19
- Chaired 12 pre/post-dock mtgs; accurately planned over 432 requirements--acft phase line 100% on schedule
- Championed MICT prgm; inspected 5 checklists/60 items--compliance catapulted 56% to 94% w/in 4 months

- Completed 3 aircraft xfer's w/Altus; xxx critical insp's/time change items c/w--all acft FMC rdy to fly...0 disc's
- Completed Record Custodian trng; revamped files/disposed of 43 records--prompted error free file plan SAV
- Compliance champs; zero major findings during 10 AF no-notice Compliance assessment--solidified MICT
- Conducted 2 subsys audits; validated 3.5K insp/mod records f/197 engs valued at $262M--keyed 99% QA pass rt FY20

- Conducted acft master insp reviews; ID'd 332 data sys matrix errors/corrected 21 JSTs--saved 1.1K man-hrs f/48 acft
- Conducted Egress SAV; scrutinized 960 life-sustaining items--preserved safety-of-flt f/A-10C fleet valued at $923M
- Conducted F-35/F-16 acft inventory; found/fixed 7 MIS data errors--delivered 100% accurate data to HQ AETC/A4
- Conducted monthly spot inspections; followed up on discrepancies; assisted units; found workable solutions

- Conducted semiannual JML rvw for B-1 MDS; audited 510 SIs/TCIs/corrected 27 errors--improved DB integrity 5%
- Conduit for acft production; coor'd insp plan during fleet-wide windscreen TCTO--mitigated fly sched impact
- Conduit for acft production; coord'd 24 PAA insp plan during fleet wide windscreen TCTO--monthly FSE rate 86.7%
- Constructed three acft extension requests; pushed Phase/ISO insp's until acft went to Depot--saved 3.6K lcl man-hrs

- Contributed to Ex JADED THUNDER '16 success; coordinated 12 time changes--essential to 92 msns/255 hrs flown
- Coord d mx events; spt d 3.2K msns/moved 39K pax/57K cargo tons--key to 92% HS departure reliability rte
- Coord'd 35 eng grnd strap OTI; sched'd 228 man-hrs f/15 acft/completed 17 days ahead of sched--secured $32M assets
- Coord'd 71 multinat'l ops; 141 pallets/>6.7K lbs NEW loaded, enabled Op COLD STEEL--must promote now!

- Coord'd acft inputs for IBS mods; dev'd four mx contracts w/avg 104 mx rqmts--ensured zero scheduled input delays
- Coord'd AMU/prop mx; gen'd 81 contracts/tracked/sched'd 212 TCI/SIs--secured 98% MSE/bested ACC MSE rt 3%
- Coord'd MLG Ball-Screw TCI; id'd 15 items/briefed MXG/CC/AMU leadership daily--4 acft repaired >1 wk/0 grnd'd
- Coord'd Urgent Action insp completion; sched/tracked 126 wiring bundle connectors sealed sq Tm of the 2Q21 awd!

- Coord'd w/AFSOC HQ; performed 95 IMDS/CEMS eng transactions--enabled seamless MC-130W conversion
- Coord'ed 23 C-17 JPAC msns; 3K pax/7.1M lbs cargo alft'd--enabled search for 70 MIA/17 returned w/honor
- Coord'ed shared facility resources; ensured POTUS/Tops in Blue/Special Olympics hgr avail--flawless DV spt
- Coordinated $33.6M PDM sched; authored 12 acft input contracts--reclaimed 28K phase mx man hrs/dock capability

- Coordinated shipment of $9.1M Level-IV body armor sets to Kunsan AB--ensured protection of 3K Airmen
- Coordinated start of 3.4M FDR MOD; validated completion of 36 combat acft--bolstered Operation Inherent Resolve
- Coordinated/tracked 22 phase inspections; returned 11K hrs/up d TDI 20%--provided attack surge capacity
- Corrected "Missing/Wrong" report; eradicated 273 SI/TCI errors/sanitized MIS--elevated IMDS validity 45%

- Cpl'd 7 lvl & C-130 Familiarization courses; earned 8 credit hrs--only 3 credit hrs remaining for CCAF degree
- Created 36 wkly/7 rolling qtly schedules; coord'd >4.1K mx actions--briefed Wg CC/CV, harmonized base ops
- Cross utilized in three career fields; pushed production of 7K inspections/10K+ sorties--STEP promote now!
- Cross utilized W&B technician; audited/verified 26 acft configurations--obtained zero acft flight discrepancies

- Crushed acft SI/TCI reviews; eliminated 390 errors/loaded 344 missing insps--safeguarded $903M assets/zero grnd'd
- Crushed UEI capstone; zero PS&D findings--wow'd AFRC IG--selected as 1 of 2 areas as a "Strength" in entire Wing

- Deployed in supt of Op ATLANTIC RESOLVE; debriefed 334 fly hrs/132 sorties--bolstered Eastern European allies
- Deployed in supt of Op JADED THUNDER; debriefed 99 sorties/252.5 flying hrs--secured tng for 43 JTACs
- Deployed to Afghanistan; moved 1.5K cargo tons on 135 acft--sustained 34K US & coalition forces at 5 FOBs
- Depot contract liaison; coord'd a/c schedule rqmts/2.4K maint actions c/w--saved home station 9.2K maint man-hrs

- Designed Fuel Tube TCTO flt tracker; managed 90-sortie restriction for EMXG--vital to 496 sorties/6.5K cmbt hours
- Devel'd 15 WG's Mx/Ops fly sch; 9 C-17s/7.5K flt hrs/1.7K msns--aided CY14 91.6% WWDR, PACAF best
- Developed & implemented JET info tech system; cut scheduling workload 80%, eliminated errors by over 90%
- Developed FOL rotation schedule; rvw'd 900 inspections/time change rqmts--ensured success of four FOL swapouts

- Developed master training plan; trained six newly assigned personnel in CWDE processes--assured continuity
- Diligently led sections tng pgm; verified 200 rqmts for 6 pers/corrected 65 discrepancies--all prsnl cmbt ready
- Directed acft jacket file prgm; created, implemented 9 insps f/27 A-10--facilitated PS&D section 100% MSEP pass-rt
- Directed acft SI audit/rvw'd 464 JSTs; ID'd/fixed 5 vital acft insps--averted msn delays/spt'd 108 srts/440 hrs

- Directed asset inventory; validated 3K TCIs/new -6 rqmts--ID'd/corrected 208 deficiencies/saved AF $1.9M
- Directed compliance of 30 TCTOs; mapped out completion plan in austere environment--no impact to cmbt ops
- Directed creation of 56 FW phase projection plan; determined phase dock capabilities--shared resources maximized
- Directed current acft upgrades; ordered compliance of 17 TCTO mods--aided AFRC Outstanding PS&D Awd, CY18

- Directed mx of 58 assigned engs; solidified GE fleet in "Best in Class" score--secured 35 FW's 2.8K hrs flown, FY16
- Directed Ops/Mx acft flt hrs recons; eval'd 11 rpts/8.1K sorties/16.8K hrs--resolved FY21 FHP close out worth $82M
- Dplyd in support of Exercise JADED THUNDER; debriefed 99 sorties/252.5 flying hrs--secured 43 JTACs training
- Drove EUCOMs largest PL1 mx effort valued >$18B; USAFE's '14 Mx Mgmt Syst Pro/Yr--must promote now!

- Drove mx/ops sched rqmts f/KC-10; executed 28 wkly scheds--enabled 100M lbs air-refuel f/9K receivers/93 strikes

- Educated 5 Amn on aircraft phase/transfer procedures; imparted task proficiency--multiplied section's abilities 21%
- Embraced TFI concept; integrated wkly/mthly KC-135/F-22/C-17 scheds--increased prod efficiency by 33%
- Encapsulated FY16/17 FHP; 13347 hrs and 6859 sorties executed--warranted 99.9% utilization of flying hr allocation
- Engineered ISO/Phase transition schedule; balanced phase dock inputs w/162 acft insp rqmts--increased A/A by 10%

- Engineered parachute service life logs w/Tinker; aligned 324 parachute chgs w/PDM--saved 4.7K local man-hours
- Ens'd completion on sched insp; MSE 2.5% over ANG standard--increased by 3% total sorties flown vs sched
- Ensured acft availability for AMC's only Mx Special Ops tng plan; 9 sessions kept 90 technicians 100% qual'd
- Established 3 MC-130J in MIS; loaded 150 SI/TCIs/created 84 PN/SN--aircraft built-up >48hrs/AC-130J fleet +30%

- Examined database for A-10C gun sched mx; documented 155K rounds fired/$1.7M--certified FY16/17 expenditures
- Examined semi-annual JML f/A-10C MDS; audited 2.3K TCIs assets/corrected 27 errors--incrs'd DB integrity >20%
- Executed 442 FW fly hr prog; supported 3.7K sorties/6.6K hrs flown--locked Unit Mx Effectiveness Awd '16
- Executed 442FW AVDO prgm; updated 248 acft possession status codes--ensured accurate reporting to AFRC/A3

- Executed C-37 Special Airlift msn sch; facilitated 731 hrs/34 msns w/99.2% MC rate--100% COMPACAF spt
- Executed supply asset recons; verified 1.7K kits/found 400 missing assets--avoided upgrade delays/saved wg $2.8M
- Executed Wg AVDO prgm; prcs'd 275 possession changes--certifed fleet status, 100% accurate reporting AFRC/A3
- Executed wg ops/mx flying scheds; liaised w/Ops ldrs/enabled 33 sortie surges awd'd MO October '21 "Hard Charger"

- Expedited deployment prep; sched'd 120 SIs/TCIs/TCTOs/eng R2--prevented 300 NMC hrs/ensured 100% WRE status
- Expertly managed engine insp pgm; oversaw tracking of 384 insps in MDS--garnered 100% SI compliance rate

- Facilitated 64 Mx/Ops fly scheds; spt'd 7K fly hrs/1.7K AD/HIANG C-17 msns--WWDR 91.6% PACAF best
- Filled in as lead mx scheduler; developed mnthly/wkly acft sched--flawless sched exceeded contract by eight sorties
- Filled/supervised debrief shortage; input 163 acft sortie landing codes--tendered 272 flyg hrs with zero defects
- Fills Section Chief position usually held by SNCO--increasing scope of responsibility for future ldrshp roles

- Finished 6 hrs f/Mx Prod Mgt AA; pushed wg "Clep-A-Thon" event/5 Amn tested--raised sect CCAF completion 60%
- Formulated SpaceX flt/Navy rescue ops prep; compiled 115 mx actions/9 acft mods spt'd 1st all civilian manned flight
- Fwd deployed OCO unit; 3 CV-22s/49 prsnl/101 pallets moved less than 72 hrs--msns resumed in under 24 hrs

- Gatekeeper of $3.2M wash contract; sch'd 108 exterior washes/min waiver requests--curtailed C-17 corrosion
- Generated seven F-15Es for short-notice Operation NOBLE EAGLE tasking in 12 hrs--ensured POTUS safety
- Governed 1449 mx tasks; zero overdue insps/ensured acft reliability, 79% MC--cemented MXG for '16 AFRC MEA
- Gp Staff's Amn of the 4Qtr! Merged 125 mx actions w/depot inputs/rtns incr'd warfighting capes/AA fleet wide 10%

- Group safety program augmentee; ID'd/neutralized 14 work center hazards--facilitated risk mitigation for 730 TFI mbr
- Guided -6 TO bi-annual insps; scrutinized 2.7K acft insps/due dates/freq--keyed 100% data integrity/AFI compliance
- Guided plan'g & execution of AF JET training msn--ensured Airman met COCOM theater entry requirements

- Handpicked as MXG ALIS SME; briefed USAF/DCS leadership on ALIS short falls--aided system software upgrade
- Honchoed sect review of wing B-1 a/c jacket files; ID'd/corrected 51 doc errors--restored 100% a/c record integrity

- ID d 5-yr ADR shortfall; improved chklst/enabled scheduling inputs--regained oversight of 130 serially tracked WUCs
- ID'd critically failed components; initiated 2 Product Deficiency Report Engineer Exhibits--sptd AFMC investigation
- Identified 303 MSAT TCI due date verification errors; analyzed 303 inconsistencies--reconciled data 100% certified
- Identified 62 missing/wrong mx rqmts; established insp std for MSAT/corrected 27 acft--ensured 100% data integrity

- Identified TCI supply shortfall; requisitioned missing parts/extension requested--prevented grounding 6 acft
- Increased acft ops readiness; coord'd 2916 schd mx actions locked MXG's 80.85% FSE rate--max'd flying hrs
- Instituted prgm f/annual acft parts inventory; reduced 1 hr process to 5min--saved 25 man hrs/incrs'd efficiency 88%
- Instrumental in mx repair effort AEF 5/6 Bagram AB, Afghanistan--generated 2000 combat sorties/7930hrs

- Kept $1.2M DD running smoothly--ensured uninterrupted service for CST scheduling/analysis/force tracking

- Lead Scheduler f/2 AMUs/120 days; sched'd 3.3K AOR mx actions f/E-3/KC-10--sec'd 88% MC rt/93% ME rt 4Q19
- Led 2R1 PDM acceptance Tiger Team; loaded 1.2K docs/4.7K TCIs in IMDS--awarded MO "Hard Charger" Oct '20
- Led AFPC & 2 AF sync of AEF Pre-Deployment Trng Tool interface; 20K events captured/executed--flawless
- Led AVDO pgm; prcs'd 272 possession changes--certified fleet status/ensured flawless reporting to AMC/A3

- Led eight-person team--packed and shipped $500K in gear for reutilization--freed 2.5K sq ft warehouse space
- Led five ISO/Phase logistics dev; built contracts/consolidated 325 SI/TCI/TCTOs--reduced acft downtime up to 20%
- Led IMDS/CEMS RIE; identified 150 inaccurate part numbers, revamped process--cut eng supply deficiencies 33%
- Led Wg's PMEL prgm rebuild; recovered lost TMDE cal dates; averted 49 overdues/work stoppage for 11 Flts

- Liaised w/PACAF A4 mx waivers/acft possession; key to 93.6% C-17 Msn Cape Jan '14--7-yr high/cmd best
- Logistically engaged; oversaw 4 C-17 transfers valued at $850M--zero flaws...ANG/AFRC units ready to fly

- Maintained 5K eng component records; validated comprehensive mx history--guaranteed accurate mx due times
- Maintained A-10A gun sched mx DB; documented 155K rounds fired/$1.7M--certified annual expenditures
- Maintained A-10C GAU-8 sched mx database; documented 146K rnds fired/$1.6M account--closed out FY20 expends
- Maintained C-17 DDs; utilized deliberate planning/35% decrease in acft downtime <120 days--promote now!

- Maintained tracking of acft hrs/msns; assured 100% accounting of 27 A-10Cs--garnered 6.5K hrs/3.5K sorties, FY16
- Managed $6.4B AOR TCTO prgm; coord'd B-1/E-8 acft safety TCTO log w/production supt--minimized msn impact
- Managed 310 AMU FY15 mx/ops plan; validated >4.8K SI/TCIs--secured 80.2% Jan '15 unit mission capable rate
- Managed CV-22 long range sched; coord'd mx/revamped FHP reporting--spt'd Wg's '18 AETC UEI "Effective" rating

- Managed FY16 "First Look" data; forecasted mx/ops request--secured 7.2K sorties/10.4K hrs/led CAF's highest FHP
- Managed software TCTO change; consolidated mx in 6 months, beat 8 month fleet std--reduced acft downtime 10%
- Managed TCI prog; coord extension of 150+ items during critical parts shortage--0 TCI related NMCS time
- Managed Time Change prgm; coordinated extensions of 150+ items during critical part shortage--0 aircraft grounded

- Managed wing PDM/IBS weekly schedule; informed maint org of 19 changes--ensured on-time input of eight B-1s
- Mastered 21-hr UDM trng; fixed 63 mobility folder errors--Cmd IG rated Execute the Msn "Highly Effective"
- Meticulous attention to detail; tracked 155K+ 30mm ammo--A-10C gun mx/rounds accountability 100% FY15/FY16
- Mg'd new mx sched tracking sys; completed 2K SIs/TCIs--resulted in 97.6% MSE rate...beat AMC std by 2%

- Mitigated CAMEO eng prgm anomalies; corrected 228 hrs of CV-22 eng times--kept IMDS/CEMS data in sync
- Mng'd Ex RED FLAG '21 sched mx plan; steered 2.8K insps/22 acft--spt'd 21 jt nations w/240 srts/1K cmbt trng flt-hrs
- Mng'd schedule of 162 washes & 12 paint touch ups; HAF lauded corrosion ctrl pgm as "best to date in AMC"
- Mng'd TCI prgm; coor'd 31 extensions w/120 components during key parts shortage--zero sorties lost due to supply

- Mobilized to Santo Domingo for HUMRO & civic msn; moved 64K cargo tons--raised QoL for 2M residents
- Monitored $3.2M wash contract; sched'd 76 washes/rinses--minimized waivers/helped curtail C-17 corrosion
- MSE prgm mgr; coordinated completion of 476 special insp's/35 TCIs/80 TCTOs--efforts led to gp's 98% MSE rate

- Orchestrated 10 KC-46 tst msns; facilitated 492 boom contacts/352K lbs fuel xferred--drove $32M phase completion
- Orchestrated 3.2K mx tasks; captured 96.5% mx sched effectiveness rate--smashed AFRC std by 1.5% Jan'15-Aug'16
- Orchestrated 3.2K mx tasks; elevated 2016 MSE rate, beat AFRC std by 4.15%--key to $96.3M FHP success
- Orchestrated IFF receiver/transmitter system upgrade; coord'd Depot Field team f/27 acft--completed fleet mod <1 yr

- Orchestrated insp/TCI JML review; skillfully updated/validated 8.1K MSAT standard entries--saved 35 man hrs/wk
- Org'd 1 acft depot mod input w/AFMC; reflowed 3 maj insps/coord'd 119 mx rqmts--saved Wg 240 man-hrs
- Org'd 23 eng shipments; procured opportune transportation/slashed shipping costs--saved $18K+ AFSOC funds
- Org'd 43 TF-34 pre-docks; recon'd 2.5K parts/sched'd 218 TCI/SIs/23 MICAPs--keyed first-ever 200% fleet spare lvl

- Org'd DTRA DIAMONDS visit; $250K/15 eqpmt items/40-hrs trng--modernized CJCS PL1 NUREP processes
- Org'd three CV-22 static displays downrange; assured acft available for SOF team--enhanced foreign relations
- Outstanding manager! Provided MXG/CC daily status of eng issues--sound oversight key to success of EMB
- Overhauled acft jacket file prgm; reviewed 27 JF/created/implemented all inclusive checklist--MSEP 100%

- Overhauled aircraft jacket file prgm; created/implemented all inclusive checklist--enabled stellar 100% QA pass rate
- Oversaw 32 ADPE assets worth $25K; authored binder w/new control procedures--aided 100% accountability
- Oversaw ASIP insp; coord'd execution w/NDI/excuted 31 insps--key'd CAF #1 prgm/3rd Qtr/lauded by ACC/A4M
- Oversaw eight crucial functional check flights; validated integrated systems performance--zero incidents FY09

- Oversaw FY 16 CAD/PAD prgrm; forcasted 275 explosives/11 waivers 40 items--3.2K flt hrs/941 srts/7K FMC hrs
- Oversaw HSC input reqs; audited 20 packages/corrected 12 configuration errors--100% on-time completion
- Oversaw IMDS data integrity/periodic mx; 219 Sq assets/>$5.9M preserved--Wg rated "Highly Effective" UEI
- Oversaw Schg SharePoint pg; verified/uploaded 52 recurring records--armed leaders/saved $6K printing cost

- Oversaw Sortie Goal Prog; briefed maint supervision daily FHP--952 sorties/3.27K fly hrs/FHP exceeded by 14 hrs
- Oversaw USAFCENT B-1 production spt; managed sched'd mx for 700 SIs/32 TCIs--efforts led AOR's 94% ME rate
- Oversaw wing F-35 TCTD program; accomplished 242 mods--guaranteed 100% acft availability/graduated 13 pilots

- Partnered w/phase dock chf; built JST pkg/incr'd 376 work carded items in MIS--helped smooth ISO/Phase transition
- Penned UK/Estonia mx prep plan; 8 A-10C acft supporting Op ATLANTIC RESOLVE--clinched 921 hrs/363 sorties
- Perfected presentation processes; prepared 687 slide decks for FW/MXG/OG--provided vital decision-making criteria
- Performed 100% s/n verification/1.5K items; ID'd/corrected errors--verified 100% database program accuracy

- Performed 5 acft jacket file reviews; rectified 155 historical records--propelled section's 100% QA pass rate/19 insp's
- Performed 7 jacket historic file reviews; scrutinized 110 TCI/Inspection records--incurred 100% QA pass rate, FY16
- Performed NCOIC duties; mng'd 64 Wg Mx/Ops schs; 15 MXG Amn Scheduler OTY'14--promote immediately
- Piloted 28 GRIP inputs; seized op to include ovr 1K mx actions--0 delays for Cmd s largest C-17 GRIP sched

- Piloted FOL acft swap; aligned 12 insps w/maj mx/incr'd acft avlbty--3 acft ready <5 days/secured CBP msn
- Piloted shipment of 2 engines; built/correlated work packages w/CIRF--forged groups 98% MSE rate/100% WRE lvl
- Planned completion of 34 TCTOs; ensured 100% eng compliance--keyed MXG's AFRC Mx Effectiveness Award '16
- Planned jt emerg expl op; transferred >300 USN P-3 chaff/flares--aided Op INHERENT RESOLVE cbt'g ISIS

- Prep'd sched for GENEX; 12 acft launched/dropped 1K Airborne..zero disc's--solidified gp's cmbt capability
- Prepared 5 AFTO 103s for aircraft depot induction; combined 17 inspections with depot inputs--saved >21 man-hrs
- Prepped 3 acft f/depot departures; arranged 67 TCI/SIs/3 mods--solidified $98M depot contract/100% on-time delivery
- Produced 84 CV-22 weekly schedules; aided execution 321 mx events/98% MSE rt CY18--bested AETC 95% std

- Produced three "QA Flash" documents; ensured standardized procedures--enhanced MXG mishap awareness
- Provided vital decision-mkg criteria; prep'd 687 slide decks FW/MXG/OG--perfected presentation processes
- Pursued solid TCI program; identified/corrected 279 TCI due date errors--locked AFRC Mx Effectiveness Award '14

- QB'd CSAR TCTO prgm; guided compliance f/24 acft/37 mods--zero acft grnd'd/facilitated 19.5K man-hrs in upgrades

- Reorganized IBS input sched; aligned acft inputs w/WLS/INSR rework mod--prevented $50K contract chg cost to gp
- Reported six IDF attacks to MOC; assured 100% accountability for 26 shift prsnl/3 acft--promote above peers!
- Rescued phase flow TDI; identified 60 hr shortfall in deployment prep--developed 3 Ops Plans/msn success
- Resolved serial part deficiency; coord'd w/PMO/item manager/recommended fix--returned 3 parts to svc/saved $83K

- Restored F-22 TCTO mgmt focus; tracked 5.5K TCTOs ID'd/corrected 286 errors--fleet now 100% msn-ready
- Revamped a/c doc rvw inspection proc; modified checklist/75% change--elim'd nine steps/incr'd proc efficiency 30%
- Revamped acft config mgmt prgm; isolated/corrected 65 WUC table errors w/config mgr--validated 100% fix in MIS
- Revamped insp pgm for 78 eng trailers; corrected 17 insp tracking errors--reduced overdue trailer insps 15%

- Revamped MIS record deletions process; updated & removed 7K invalid part numbers--ensured 100% data integrity
- Reviewed 15 operation/mx schedules; validated >1.2K mx events--keyed 97.6% MSE rate/beat AETC standard 2.6%
- Reviewed daily engine fly times; identified/corrected 75+ debrief errors--zero error rate maintained in CEMS
- Revised engine waiver pgm; insp critera added to MDS for 75+ waivers--reduced chance of missed inps 100%

- Revitalized decentralized recs review pgm; created sched/process cklst--corrected self-inspection write-up

- Safeguarded acft serviceability; validated 24 mos mx events/scrutinized >9.6K hrs, 5.7K sorties--validated 88% MSE
- Sched 15 WG AGE tasking Ex TALISMAN SABER; $630K of equip operated perfectly--keyed msn success
- Sched'd safing pin urgent action insp; rpt'd 53 wpn equip findings to ACC--zero defects noted/halted Fire-at-Will glitch
- Scheduled 385 TCTO mods; coord'd engines/flightline support--balanced acft downtime/2K sorties/4K flt hrs, FY20

- Scrutinized acft forms/IMDS; discovered 134 doc errors/coord'd fix--solidified TFI Gen Welsh AF One Award FY'17
- Scrutinized SI prgm; investigated 636 IMDS to MSAT deficiency reporting--100% compliance w/zero discrepancies
- Sect TO Library Custodian; ID'd 21 -6 maint rqmt changes/updated SI JSTs--kept B-1 Phase transition on schedule
- Selected f/DoD CBM+ crse; loaded 3.4K HC-130J/HH-60 TCIs--enhanced rescue fleet data collection/predictive capes

- Served as MXG SAPM; conducted 12 virtual SAVs of MXG programs--achieved 98% MICT compliance rate
- Served as Unit Safety Rep; conducted 12 workplace safety insps--received "excellent" rating 2 consecutive yrs
- Served as wg AVDO; processed 44 aircraft possession purpose identifier change--sustained 98% error-free reporting
- Setup MxCAP2 pgm; provides Wg/CC & Gp ldrshp w/future acft availabilty--praised by AMC/A4 for efforts

- Simplified yrly TCTO reconciliation; enhanced active practices--reduced time by 162 hrs/30% MH reduction
- Skillfully managed eng SRAN acct--coord 8 eng tranfers to 3 FOLs--ensured critical assets avail to 5 COCOMs
- Spearheaded 6 safety TCTOs; org'd 27 requisitions--spt'd NATO's largest stockpile/1K sorties ISO OEF/OIR
- Spearheaded AFSOC CV-22B acceptance insp; 4 acft loaded/reviewd 3.5K SI/TCI/448 TCTO--acft msn rdy >7 days

- Spearheaded aircraft historical records file review; completed 56 comprehensive audits--validated 1.4K vital records
- Spearheaded in-shop insp proc for doc sect; conducted assessments on five prog's--guaranteed 100% AFI compliance
- Spearheaded wing inspection program; sched/tracked 8.8k insps--maintained 96.3% annual MSE rate 1.3% above std
- Spot-on Tiger Team inspector; generated 12 aircraft 13 hrs ahead of schedule--generation rated "Outstanding"

- Spotlighted HH-60 flt ctrl discrep; drove TO/equip mgr crosstalk/initiated AF fleet TO chg--prevented 5 grnd'd acft
- Spt'd POTUS mvmt in Africa; loaded 685 pax/920 cargo tons on 70 acft--promoted economic regional growth
- Spt'd urgent sch changes; 2 C-17s dispatched for Philippine relief--131 msns/2.6M vital aid/3.2K pers evac'd
- Stand-in ET&D monitor; audited 1K eng data files/corrected 193 errors--integral to wg's $76M FY19 FHP execution

- Steered cross cmd acft xfers; validated 35 records/loaded 345 mx insps--facilitated 28 sorties/65.7 hrs ISO SpaceX flts
- Stewarded MX FOD program; conducted 43 walks--facilitated 0% FOD rate/obliterated PACAF's 3% std
- Streamlined critical JST listing; obliterated 39 IMDS duplicate entries/revamp'd 13 processes--saved 95 total man hrs
- Streamlined muns scheduling process; scrutinized AFI rqmts/rectified 5 shortfalls--incr'd MSE rate 11% points

- Streamlined SI prgm; investigated 636 IMDS to MSAT deficiency reporting--100% compliance w/zero discrepancies
- Superb leadership! Oganized TIG event for TF-33 team at Tinker--ensured proper configuration of TF-33 fleet
- Superbly led EMB section; leads assigned AD member seamlessly--no issues noted during ACC Mini-Capstone
- Supervised AVDO prgm; prcs'd 62 possession chngs--certified fleet status/ensured flawless reporting AFRC

- Supervised AVDO program; completed 30+ PPI changes/1.5K non-possessed hrs--84% MC rate/bested CAF std 3%
- Supervised critical TCTO pgm; ensured accurate validation of 710 field/depot level TCTOs--0 grounded acft
- Supervised flying schedule overhaul; tracked/reported >4.3K scheduled maintenance actions--key to 97.5% MSE rte
- Supervised quarterly SI/TCI comprehensive review; id'd/fixed 18 job standards errors--ensured 100% IMDS integrity

- Supervised scheduling SharePoint page; 5 prgms/50 documents centralized/updated--USAFE ldrs provided C2
- Supervised section trng program; organized 10 protocol sessions, qualified 2 pers--bolstered shop proficiency by 33%
- Supervised semi-annual SI/TCI audit; reviewed 1.7K JSTs/id'd/corrected 242 errors--ensured 100% MIS accuracy
- Supervised weekly insp's for 85 veh MHE fleet valued at $13.3M--key to wg garnering consecutive AFOUA's

- Supt HAWGSMOKE '16; ensured 42 sorties/116 hrs flown at 100% FMC rate--key'd Long Range Strafe Awd
- Sustained 78% MC rte despite canopy lug OTI; tracked PMC acft 3/27 acft grnd d---zero flying schd impacts
- Swiftly obtained critical eng waiver w/in hours of need; cut normal process by 2 days--acft rtd safely from FOL
- Syncronized shared facility rqmts; organized 18 washes/349 inps f/A-10s--secured 2 dock plans/preserved $2.2B assets

- Taught 3 eng mgr classes; readied 10 Amn for deployment & c/w AFI--slashed eng mx transaction errors 30%
- Teamed w/Boeing/LM schedulers; authored R1/F-22 modernization mod packages--rdy'd CTF f/14 future tst prgms
- Tracked scheduled mx compliance; val'd 97 SI's/142 TCI's w/ G081 reqs--attained highest ever MSE at 96.5%
- Tracked scheduled Mx compliance;val'd/ver'd 97 SI's/142 TCI's--aided 95% MSE/bested PACAF std by 1.5%
- Trn'd 13 deployed Eng Managers; ensured proper asset mgt/zero errors at FOLs--spt'd 600+ deployed missions

- Val'd 5K+ IMDS/MSAT TCI's/inspections; rapidly corrected discrepancies--boosted IMDS output by >10%
- Validated 3 FW TCI prgm; acquired 15 missing significant historical data records from item manager--saved $340K
- Vital section training Monitor; sourced 24 tier-2 ancillary allocations--100% course utilization/23 Amn tasking ready

- Wg's 1st choice to attend G081 conf; relayed MXG s concerns to HQ AMC/A4--crucial to 33 AF pgm changes

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