See also: Supply Management Awards and Decorations
See also: U.S. Army Unit Supply Specialist Evaluations
Job Description
- Oversees APS warehouse; verifies property identity, Shelf-Life, Functional Checks & Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
- Processes MXG priority/routine requests through IMDS/G081/ILS-S for turn-ins/issue/delivery/shipment of acft parts
- Manages Asset Mgmt activities/systems; involved in requirements determination, storage, issues/shipment of supplies
- Performs inspections, receipts, storage, turn-ins, asset management listings, routine and high priority acft part orders
- Central Storage Manager, monitors reports, stock screen request, Freeze Suspense Log, verify/assigns accountability
- MRSP Manager; accomplishes HH060G/HC130J validation/recon/fill rates, ensures acct for 327 L/I valued $21.9M
- Manages Asset Mgmt activities/systems; involved in requirements determination, storage, issues/shippers of supplies
- Performs operations involved in storage inspections and ID of property to include validations to prevent discrepancies
- Provides logistical support for 20 B-2, 24 A-10, and 14 T-38 acft valued over $46B assigned to 509 BW and 442 FW
- Updates Electronic Document Control System; maintains host/satellite accounts; scans/clears accountable documents
- Customer Support Liaison Supervisor; leads MICAP requisitioning, bench stock accts, DDL, clearing docs, RRC pkg
- Synchronized warehouse operations for 15K line items/$180M; sustains USSTRATCOM and transient alert missions
- Supervises one Airmen supporting logistics actions for 24 deployed/in-garrison RQ-4A/B, RD-2A, RD-2B sys
- Processes/reconciles Mission Capable (MICAP) status; teams w/AFMC, system program and item managers
- Itemizes Tail Number Bin (TNB), Supply Point, Time Change and Facilitating Other Maintenance (FOM) areas
- Manages Global Hawk (GH) bench stock account--ensures integrity of Standard Base Supply System (SBSS)
- Responsible for $20M equipment account & critical sys spares in three geographically separate operating locations
- Space Test & Trng Range's lead for equip related requests, replacements, repairs, removals & replenishment of items
- Building Custodian for the Range Support Facility (RSF) & Squadron Sensitive Compartmented Info Facility (SCIF)
- Alternate TMDE monitor for over 2K item inventory, ensuring equipment is ready for all range control event support
- Supervises two prsnl; provides support eqpmt sourcing solutions f/ 1.4M assets worth $26B enabling 11 MAJCOMs
- Directs management of 212 accs/17K line items/$686M; coord's/executes org visits--briefs results to LRS CC
- Primary Monitor for Warranty/Guarantee (IEX B); initiate/assigns appropriate exception code to item record in ILS-S
Performance Assessment
- Accomplished AU 4-step Airpower/DAU Product Spt Mgr/Six Sigma crs's; earn'd 12 clp's--6/42 tgt achieved
- Aced Materiel Mgmt Apprntice crs; led study gps f/15 mbrs...0 fails--reap'd 99.5% GPA/Commandant Top Grad awd
- Advanced M18 wpns beddown; supplied 38K defenders/26 locations w/ new pistol--keyed 1st SA upgrade in >30 yrs
- Advocated complete re-write of $272K POL contract; shifted ctrl from MOD to Wg--saved $6K in admin fees
- Aggressively researched three missing assets; prevented report of surveys--saved $900K in potential losses
- Aid'd FSC/C-130 APS bldg relocation; transport'd/whs'd 66.3K units/$20.3M < 3 days--negated $700K+ tariff
- Aid'd MSK build; val'd/org'd 117 parts/4 C-130s--max'd '19 Ex Mobility Guardian/int'l partnership/ops 2.5K jt forces
- Aid'd w/arm'g vault setup; avert'd $5K install/rdy'd expedit'd isu prcs--sav'd 185 yrly man-hrs/seiz'd wgs strat presence
- Aided U-2 acft Mx swap-out msn; rallied 6 man-team for SF augmentee duty--ensured OEF/OIF ISR coverage
- Aided zero bal/dmd list; wiped out 253 empty whse locs--reutilized limited space/increased capacity by 25%
- Alt Records Custodian; systematically maintained 38 electronic records--enhanced file accessibility by 50%
- Alternate CSL; assisted w/31 ESD tickets/10 IT installs/1 WiFi chng request/folder maintenance--supported 115 mbrs
- Amazing skill; resolved 22 missing ERHG kits/accounted for $487K in assets--fixed 10 yr problem w/no ROS
- Analyiz'd $39.1M RIMCS/log pgm data; resolv'd five-year/$106K DIFM credit error--restor'd AFCENT TAV
- Analyzed 20 FW deployment requests; reduced 30 engine backorders--enabled 458 F-16 sorties...2K hrs flown
- AOR prop pgm lead; found 10/$6M inaccurately shp'd PQDR's; comm w/ 9 FOL's & redirected--sav'd $250K
- Arranged $77K C-130 tire shipment; assets rec'd <48 hrs--enabled over 400 sorties/86% mission capable rate
- Assist'd w/AORs lrgst CRF/3 whse/$104M; process'd/deliver'd 1.3K issues--return'd 828 spares to warfighter
- Assisted 724 LRF mun acct insp; verified 2 ARMAGs/15 orgs/73K base def rounds--slashed 3.6K rpt'd losses by 97%
- Assisted APS/FSC bldg; transported/whs'd 66.3K units/$20.3M <2 days--negated $700K in construction fees
- Assisted FP tasking; set-up/assembled razor wires 8hours/15K ft base wide--secured/beat wing insider threat
- Assisted IT Equipment Custodian; inventoried/labeled 196 IT items--ensured 100% accountability of $139K in assets
- Assisted SL/ESD/FC pgm; validated 4.8K items/$5.4M IAW AF/DoD stds--protected BAF's $1.2B acft fleet
- Assisted w/Local Manufacture Program; created/cataloged eight new NSN's--averted/saved squadron 110 MICAP hrs
- Assit'd w/$2M CWDE distro; merg'd 6.4K items/sav'd 238 prep man-hrs/yr--pois'd 2K prsnl f/def/secur'd 779 cbt msns
- Asst'd w/qrtrly ASC listing; val'd/process'd 65 detail changes/30 L/I--clear'd HAF/A4 tasking 1 wk ahead of schedule
- Ast'd DIFM pgm; restored 4.6K assets dispersed to 3 MAJCOMs--avg'd 48hr tin/exceded AFCENT 4 day std
- Augmented APS; replenished 13 bench-stock accounts/expedited 35K assets/$413K--gen'd 750 sorties/3.4K flying hrs
- Authored equip folder plan; reviewed rqmnts f/ 139 account/ID'd 341 errors--slashed errors by 50% > 1 month
- Averted 724 EAB acft part excess; ID'd 2K serviceable items/coord'd reclamation w/depot--saved AF $250K in losses
- Braced AMC's sole C-130 CRF; val'd 7.3K assets/$2M f/320 lcl rprs/100% stock integrity--recouped $2.7M in acq costs
- Brf'd CRF readiness to AFCENT CC/Wg CV/EMSG CC--lauded/coined by AFCENT Cmd Chief & MSG CC
- Camp security tm vol; helped id 54 violators/confiscated 88 items--supt'd ESFS ops/decreased insider threat
- Certifi'd 100 WAFB equip requisitions; altered 19/canceled 17 orders--freed $3.9M for AFGSC CAM funding
- Certifi'd 99 local creat'd NSNs; correct'd two ST/STE previously not acct'd for--A4RM directive met instantly
- Championed gov't driver's license prgm migration; transferred 310 records--exceeded HHQ directive by 1-wk
- Cleared/rebuilt suspended asset area < 30 days; validated status of 342 lots--doubled MX/warehousing space
- Closed deployment discrepancies; procured $40K IFAKs--100% replenishment of 1.4K life-saving equipment
- Cmd'd garrison/dplymt MICAPs; monitored 32 msn crit assets/$10.9M f/24 acft--enabled 229 sorties/2.8K flying hrs
- Cntrl'd AOR's central depot supply; 3 whses/3K assets/$54M--0 whse refusals/13K alft sorties/282 pax lifted
- Completed eight inventories; accounted for 57K org units/$9M--regained acct integrity with zero whse refusals
- Completed Wing ROS <30 days; val'd CCO procedures--ensured accuracy of AFCENT records for 400 ISOs
- Conducted AFSO "Just Do It"; collocated 117 C-130 W&T to 1 whse--streamlined process/saved 180 man-hrs
- Contractor relations whiz; coordinated 2 day delivery of 8 MQ-1 MICAPs--enabled 20,000 OIF combat hours
- Controlled 1st AOR retread pgm; recovered 56 C130/KC135/E3/E8 tires; saved DoD $26K vs procuring new
- Controlled C-130 prop replenishment; routed 12 shipments/$9.6M to 5 FOL's--3.9M lbs resupplies airdropped
- Controlled DIFM prgm; prcs'd/expedited returns f/56 items/$11M to depot/DLA--won 323 ERS NCO OTM f/Jan '21
- Coor'd MSMM; critical analysis w/24 base entities--scrutinized 111 slides/flawless brief lauded by MXG/CD
- Coord d AF Weather Agency tower move; allowed $1.2M tower upgrade/completed 2 wks early--saved $26K
- Coord'd 21 TCTO mods/125 KAF asset transfers/$3M; raised kit rt to 99%--prevented 133 single hit MICAPs
- Coord'd STEADFAST ILLUSION logistics; flawless beddown of 250 prsnl--enabled NATO intel ops training
- Coord'd w/ Boeing; alternated 18 Qatari C-17 acft parts/$136K--sustained host nation HOA humanitarian msns
- Coord'd w/GLSC airframe mgmt teams; distributed 167 acft wheels/tires assemblies--aided 8.4K AOR sorties
- Coordinated w/ two acft maintenance units; pulled/issued 18K items/$280M from inventory--15K msn flown
- Coordinated with Scott AFB to increase de-icing fluid levels--avoided emergency requisitions
- Corrected 40 eqpt balance errors; secured $28M in assets; redistributed/filled AF/wg shortages/saved $723K
- Created accountability log; tracked over 200+ customer hand receipts--increased self-help return rate by 73%
- Created dply'd HAZMAT prgm; oversaw/insp'd 477 items/$50K--ensured 100% compliant <2 wks/zero discrepancies
- Created MICAP delivery log, monitored 2000 MICAP transactions--ensured zero delivery discrepancies
- Crucial key to comm set-up; drove 10 TPS-75 radar line-items--established 606 ACS combat control data link
- Crushed 5-lvl CDCs/4 JKO crs's; honed edu/taught reverse logs PDS/8 Amn--93% on EOC vs 65% std...Sq/CC coin'd
- Crushed DoD's FIAR KSD audit; probed/authored 349 CFO docs--beat cmd susp 13 days...1st base in AFGSC
- Degraded Ops tm mbr; executed 25 post-post transactions/$1M/zero errors--enabled flawless system Cloud Migration
- Delinquent listing monitor; ID d/researched/cleared 1.8K auditable documents <3 days--#1 acct in AFCENT
- Deployed $300K equip ISO EUCOM ex; integrated space sys w/other domains--trn'd coalition mbrs in CDO warfare
- Developed partnership w/Air Logistics Center; expedited 164 requisitions--reduced AGE requirements 30%
- Direct'd 1426/$51M W&Ts on 5 wpn sys to 9 FOLs; drew 124% fill rt/beat AMC 85% std--Gp SNCO Jun '13
- Direct'd IPE stockpile purge; dispos'd 5K inop assets/$358K--clear'd 4K sqft f/$1M hazmat surge & future VM facility
- Direct'd section reject pgm; cleared 30+ erroneous trans < 12 hrs--beat 24hr AF std/0.1% delinquent 6 mo avg
- Directed $6.4M DIFM pgm; returned 3.7K spares/3 MAJCOMs--avg'd 24 hr tin/exceding AFCENTs 4 day std
- Directed FSC repair cycle ops; expedit'd turn-ins f/25K parts/$232M--crush'd AF 4-day std by 2 days/spt'd 2K sorties
- Directed QC on > 3K items; streamlined TNB/FOM storage procedures--rcv'd 100% QA pass rate on 22 insps
- Directed replenishments/10 FOLs; shp'd 169 wheel & tires/7 airframes--aided 7.7K sorties/521 bombs on targ
- Directed TOMIS FOB addition; researched/created 17 NSN's/equip details--successfully accounted f/ $1B sys
- Directed work center efforts; directly contributed to processing 60K receipts worth $1B--100% accuracy rate
- Document Cntrl Mgr; cleared 1.1K images--no delinquents/awd'd Outstanding Performer '12 Compliance Insp
- Document Control Manager; aggressively cleared 3,543 delinquent documents--supported 82.8% HC-130J MC rate
- Dply'd ISO NORAD/filled NCOIC role; gen'd 21 sorties/100 insps--deterred 8 aggressive acft/upheld air sovereignty
- Drove AOR's lrgst Materiel Mgmt ops; 14 facilities/2M assets--guided 1 Wg/1 Gp/3 Sq awd winners in 2 mo!
- Drove HHQ vehicle validation; reduced sq fleet by 38/aided lean ops transition--reduced $22K in annual cost
- Drove supply effort for TSP packout; gen'd up 12 ship cargo taskings/96% fill rt--enabled 437 sorties/523 hrs
- Enforced C2 of 368 capital assets/$3M; pinpointed 45 errors/assigned s/n--increased accuracy rt 83% to 99%
- Engineered backorder database log; tracked all order status--increased asset accountability from 15% to 100%
- Enhanc'd 1st F35 dplymt; equipp'd 148 Amn w/2K PPE assets--enabl'd log spt f/6 acft/$534M/realiz'd CFACC vision
- Enhanced FOM/TNB prcs; created 28 locs/2.2K assets/dcrs'd inv time 50%--boosted QA pass rt/ 17% within 12 mos
- Eqpt Mgr f/33 accts;conduct'd 17 annual visits/rectified 13 errors/monitor'd 4.8K assets worth $29M--spt'd 1K sorties
- Est'd dply'd ILS-S acct; coord'd w/4 MAJCOMs/xfer'd 15K items/$9M--forged AB201s first ever MQ-9 supply chain
- Established logistics shipping/tracking prgm; 1st codified msn planning factors--STTR rdy for heightened ops tempo
- Established new element; managed 66 MRSP kits/$269M/8K line items--gained vis of 35 AFCENT/WRM kits
- Exec'd MRSP NCOIC trans; oversaw 465 L/I/$15M/78% fill rate--postured OSS for "Fight Tonight" capability
- Execut'd AVI prep; built 494 GCE's/10K items/$1.9M < 2 wk's--preposition'd austere loc/rdy'd base f/$558M acft swap
- Executed 115K DoD surplus shp's; redistributed $11M in excess property--on sched to meet POTUS '14 rqmts
- Executed 67 tasks for 12 log spt ctrs; led mvmt 6K assets/$454M--empowered 21K alft sorties/302K pax lifted
- Executed 67 tasks of 8 Log spt ctrs; led movement of 894 reparables/$69M/44 tons...awarded MMoM Aug '13
- Executed express delivery for 5 ATCALS assets; cut 52 FW radar down time 75%--facilitated safe flying zone
- Executed ground support for 5.5K acft; yielded 178K sorties/5M FMC hrs--expanded global reach capabilities
- Executed supply support for 472 F-15 acft--efforts yielded 34K combined sorties--achieved 73% MC rate
- Expedit'd 5.1K DIFM parts/$2M; spt'd 50 acft/45.1K fly hrs--recoup'd $17M to AF inv...secur'd $1.2B acft flt
- Expedit'd 5.1K DIFM/CIRF parts; 4 wpn sys/6% TNMCS rt/recoup'd $17M to DOD...beat AFCENT std 66%
- Expedited AOR msn critical spares; replenished 2K RSP requirements/$38M--17K AFCENT cbt msns flown
- Expedited retrograde shps; pulled 2K assets worth $21M--filled AF rqmts/readied base for FY14 draw down
- Expedited tactical fiber delivery; restored comm to ex C2--completed RED FLAG trng objectives for 3K warfighters
- Expeditiously broke down 6 ISU containers; $25M worth of assets prepared w/in 12-hrs--coined by 17AF/CC
- Expert parts manager; certified 5K/$12M requisitions; verified rqmts/canceled 159--saved $2M stockage cost
- Expertly mng'd complex event prep; val'd new range concept for mobile equip--powered Wpns School advanced trng
- Facilitated $235K vehicle supplies; reduced TNMCS--advanced AOR 98% MC rate/bested OEF/OIF 91% std
- Facilitated AOR kit replenishments; upheld 98% fill rate for 10 FOLs/7 airframes--crushed AFCENT 85% std
- Facilitated delivery of $7M ground support requests; reduced AOR backorders 10%--averted operation delays
- Facility mgr; performed Shelter-In-Place kit inspections--ensured building incident response equip availability
- Filled NCO billet; ran FSC ops; spt'd 3 COSO/12 b/s--facilitated on-time movement of >2K rapairable assets
- Fine-tuned MICAS issue process; utilized item ID/cut issue time 30 minutes--cleared 10K document backlog
- Flawless AFEMS oversight; tackled 150 config errors on 29 accts--zero findings during '11 LCAP inspection
- Flight doc control monitor; validat'd 4.1K transactions/$18.2M w/.04% delinquency rate--#1 acct in AFCENT
- Flt AoM '20 Apr! Perfect'd 4 whse rows; insp'd 10K locs/fix'd 93 miscus--nail'd 99% IAR/beat AMC 98% goal f/6 mos
- Forged 19x MSK ISO global ops; dlvr'd 741 pcs/$37M f/56 acft/2 Iron Swaps--fueled 95 msns/864 flt hrs/285 prsnl trnd
- Forged Logistics Readiness Flt's drawdown plan; transitioned 4 bldgs/65 functions--reduced HQ costs $16M
- Fortified AOR Retread prgm; reinstated 58 C-130/KC-135/E3 a/c tires--recouped DoD $200K in fltline assets
- Fortified Patriot MDS jt ops; enforc'd sentry duties/missile setup <12-hrs--stabilized Arabian Gulf def/FP '20 AoM Dec
- Fueled weekend ops; validated/sourced/sped 331 hi-pri parts/$31M f/8 CONUS locs--sustained 2 BTF/zero msn delays
- Fulfill'd 5.2K cust requests/$1.5M; spt'd mvmt of 33.9K PAX/14K s-tons cargo--enabled 15K OEF cmbt msns
- Fulfill'd Al Dhafra critical avionics MICAP; rec'd/rout'd/shp'd HUD <18 hrs--F-15 FMC for Afghan CAS msn
- Guid'd Block IIB pgrm; train'd 51 BAF/JBAD monitors < 1 wk--avg'd 1.5 day RCT--crush'd AFCENT std 66%
- Guided $500K CCTV equip transport; met 3 AF directive--enabled surveillance of munitions valued at $81M
- Guided 3K kit recon; id'd/fixed 4 discrepancies--reclaimed $68K critical F-15 assets...averted grounded acfts
- Guided four Amn; oversaw lgst AOR CRF/3 whs's/3.9K assets/$104M--enabled 84K stons cgo alft /232K pax
- Guided PQDR high driver trng; educated 58 MXG psnl--shp'd 2.3K exhibits/$5.1M--keyed low 3% TNMCS rt
- Guided six prnsl in TAR/SDR process; implmted new policy--recover'd $3M in charges/reduced TARs 67%
- Guided Wg MXG/Supply spt; 227 MICAPs/$4M tracked for 5 MDS/53 acft--3.5 day avg TRN/crsh'd 5 day std
- Hand-picked amongst peers; briefed AFCENT/CC & COMKAF on XXX ELRS retrograde msn--lauded by CC
- Hand-selected by USAFE A4RVO; augmented IG during Aviano AB '10 UCI--filled vital MAJCOM shortfall
- Helped manage 8 stk rms/2 kits/$22M; ISU 2.3K rqmts/41 MICAPs/supt'd 33 CAS a/c--12K msns/37K fly hrs
- ID'd 15-mo overdue S/L assets; researched/returned 6K items to stk--spared AF $7.2M in add'l procurements
- ID'd depot discrepancy; correct'd $779K in misID'd items--alerted asset mgrs/78 DoDAACs affected AF wide
- In-checked 1.3K receipts; replenished supply stock for 7 airframes--spt'd 10 bases t/o AOR...3K airlift sorties
- Initiated 2x quarterly DIFM/AWP recon <1 wk; validated 1.3K assets/$1.8M--zero del docs/MMSAV findings
- Initiated 41 CANN actions; exhausted base-lvl assets--efforts key to .3% CANN rate...crushed AMC's 1% goal
- Insp'd 36K suspended JSLIST items; verified 100% serviceability/SL accuracy--increased spt to AOR units
- Instituted first AOR retread pgm; recovered 456 C-130/KC-135/E3/E8 tires; saved DoD $204K vs buying new
- Instrumental in MRAP employment; loaded/expedited 10 455AEW MICAPs--45 vehicle fleet/100% MC rate
- Intercept'd 7 lost assets; tm'd w/ wpns sys mgr/loaded repair code data--$14M Predator spares depot returned
- Interrogated ALC/DLA systems; monitored release of 2K critical parts--increased asset release time by 24 hrs
- Inv 6 stockrooms/1.7K assets; ID'd/recovered 2 lost items--averted ROS/saved AF $23K in replacement costs
- Joined forces w/Boeing; exchang'd 10 Qatari C-17 assets/$72K--sustain'd host nation/HOA humanitarian msns
- Led $80K, 22K lbs shipment; ensured contested signal env for DoD FTX--two CSGs cert'd for rotational deployment
- Led 13 prsnl; authored SOP/tm composition/daily work sched--increased productivity 35%/coined by Sq CC
- Led 14 Airmen/three whses/3.3K parts incl class'd items/$54M; filled 90% ISUs--zero whse ref/sec violations
- Led 140 Amn/90 personnel swapout; oversaw 98K trans--1K msns flown/86% MC rate/10% above standard
- Led 28 Amn/AOR's largest APS operations; cntrl'd 13 whses/286K assets/$260M--2 Compliance Insp "OPs"
- Led 32 at AF's largest CRF; 3 whses/100K assets/$50M--TIN 2K parts avg'd 1.7 DIFM rt--slashed AMC 55%
- Led 4 Amn; directed critical replenish for 8 FOLs; shp'd 252 assemblies/5 airframes--aided 3.5K AOR sorties
- Led 62 mil prsnl during HHQ AFSO21 lean ops plan; reviewed 54 EPRs/58 Decs--flawless mil-civ transition
- Led 9 at AF's lrgst CRF; 100K assets/$50M; TIN 593 parts/1.7 DIFM rt slash'd AMC 55%--aid'd 27K sorties
- Led AFSO "Just Do It" event; prestag'd 8 W/T shp'g connexs at CRF vs TSP--purged 4 steps/saved 60 man hrs
- Led AORs lrgst APS/6 mbrs; expedited 260K critical reqmts f/41 acft--drove 5% drop in Mx rpr time/awd'd Sq ToM Jun
- Led Document cntrl/reject pgms; approximat'd 7.3K docs/clr'd 155 erroneous trans; 0 delinquent--best in AOR
- Led end-of-year post-post recovery for inbound; processed/distributed 437 priority assets--zero discrepancies
- Led IUID initiative; staged $209M in eqpt/enabled marking of 12K assets <2 months--lauded by AF inspectors
- Led MRSP reconciliation; expedited 315 auth updates < 1 wk/beat ACC's std by 23 days--incrs'd part allocation 38%
- Led PACOM pre-position proj; moved $7.2M/22K lbs of equip--forward staging saved $268K/yr ISO jt test/trng msn
- Led WRM equipment transfer for 2010 Air Tattoo; provided 109 pieces/spt'd 246 acft--show lauded by CSAF
- Liaised w/3 sqdn's; processed 87 DIFM items valued at $6M --averaged 1 day turnaround/ensured 100% reutilization
- Liaised w/AFCENT-A4; led tm of 4/transfer/inv critical MRAP kit/154LI/$997K--Cmd lauded ATO success
- Liaised w/TMO; in-checked 100 acft/haz items/prep'd 16 shipments/5 hi-pri deliveries/$8.2M--equipped 2.7K ISR hrs
- Liaised with AFMC item managers; shipped 960+ items--redistributed $14M in critical space support spares
- Liaison to 12 Mx wk ctrs; perform'd 67 spt tasks; redistro'd 5K spares/$99M--awd'd 379 ELRS AOM, Jun '13
- Log jaguar! Raced 410 assets to AOR; 2-day dlvry torched 6-day avg--mx time ↓140%--3K msns, killed Emir of ISIS
- Maintained Master Benchstock listing; val'd/revamped 13 accts/9k assets--reduced mx request/narrowed issue time
- Manag'd daily ops of 78 Eqpmt accts; 107 custodians/5.6K items worth $54.2M--enabled 162 sorties/101 lives svd
- Manag'd whse shelf life prgrm; val'd /insp'd 114 shelf life items, total cost $14k--ensured 100% availability/readiness
- Managed $20.4B CRF engine/LANTIRN pod fleet; choreographed 264 global moves--spt'd 3.9K OCO sorties
- Managed 281 F-15 Sniper pod spares; asst'd parts upgds f/$3.9B fleet/76 acft--solidified wg's '17 USAFE-lvl CINC Awd
- Managed daily listings/reports; pulled 547 orders/suppl'd 300+items/1500+ total trans--instrumental to zero ops delays
- Managed Document Control prgm; scanned/cleared XX audible documents--decreased delinquency rate to 1%
- Managed PQDR pgm; self-taught JDR Sys/rpt'd $49K in deficient parts--avert'd $1M in potential acft damages
- Managed process/shipment of 4 battle damaged Marine C-130 props/$2.8M; at loc <36 hrs--Sq TOM Feb '13
- Managed SL/ESD/FC pgm; validated 4.8K items/$5.4M IAW AF/DoD stds--protected BAF's $1.2B acft fleet
- Managed Stock Control/Document Cntrl process; 100.7K items delivered/cleared--supported 75% HH60 MC rate
- Managed W&T pgm; ID'd kit shortfall/tm'd w/2 orgs/SCOS & sourced 75 assets/$52M--fill rt spiked from 75% to 90%
- Mastered LOGMOD; populated cargo data/arranged trans supt for 34K lbs of cargo--100% JMC on time del
- Mbr of CENTCOM's first all AF customs team; spt'd clearance of 342 pax--reduced transit wait time by 9-hrs
- Meticulously controlled 3K/$51M line items; zero whse refusals--6 consecutive mos w/ 100% inv accuracy rt
- Meticulously inventoried TNB/FOM daily; managed 100+ assets; improved QA pass rate to 100%, Dec 2009
- Meticulously monitored cargo movement; honed critical asset tracking skills--slashed transportation time 35%
- Mng'd $6.1M DIFM pgm; returned 2.2K acft spares to warfighter/3 MAJCOM--62K AFCENT s/ton cgo lifted
- Mng'd $6.4M DIFM pgm; returned 757 acft spares to warfighter/3 MAJCOMs--avg'd 24 hr tin vs AF 4 day std
- Mng'd $6.4M repair pgm; spt'd 3 Cmd's/returned 1K+ items/avg'd 2-day response--beat AFCENT's 4-day goal
- Mng'd 2 EMXS supply pts/166 line items/$1.8M; process'd 424 ISU/TIN transactions--aid'd 26K AOR sorties
- Mng'd 2 MX Supply Pt. Accounts; acct'd for 166 critical spares/$1.8M--reduced customer wait time 6-1 days
- Mng'd C-130 APS shelf-life pgm; validated 2K items/$87K--protect'd BAF $1.3B fleet from expired materiels
- Mng'd HAZMAT turn-in tm; dispo'd 710 items/11K lb HAZMAT valu'd $15K--zero Bio-Environment mishaps
- Mng'd R-14/UTCs; tracked 5K items/$23M--retrograded 120/$592K and repostured 516/$221K across AOR
- Mng'd wheel/tire kits for 6 airframes; replenish'd 10 FOLs w/217 assemblies--direct spt of 113K AOR sorties
- Monitored A-10 CHPMSK; validated 216 assets valued at $11M--achieved 99% fill rate/beat cmd std by 14%
- Monitored AORs repair/supply facility; maintained 3 whs's/3K assets/>$60M--achieved 100% invt acc rating
- Monitored Interactive Comm Interface pgm; cleared 3K+ document errors--synchronized Mx and Supply sys's
- Msn driven Amn; AMC/CASF/FDS/Sq Safety rep--completed Wg insp w/zero findings...2x Flt "TOM" winner
- Msn driven Amn; spt'd 2 FDS/USO/1 TFC/3 CASF msns--protected 42K+ BAF psnl...2x Flt "TOM" winner
- Msn focused; Facilitated F-15 CRSP; loaded 900+ of 2500 Dtl's valued at $500k--slashed completion time by 50%
- Navigat'd NGB communication; enabl'd quick requisition/excess mgmt--aid'd fully qualified HC130 Rescue dplymt
- Nightshift anchor; avg'd 1.5 day RCT/zero/spt'd 50 acft/45.1K fly hrs/13K OEF msns--secur'd $1.2B acft fleet
- Operated AORs depot supply w/3 whses/3.3K assets/$54M; process'd/delivered 1.4K issues--0 whse refusals
- Orchestrated MESAA equip loan; resolved zero balance position on NDI test station--prevented work stoppage
- Orchestrated mx CTK section setup; org'd/labeled 2.3K tools f/checkout--maximized 3.9K mx actions/10-acft ISR spt
- Orchestrated OIR/OFS rqmts; expedited dplymt f/35 msn pivotal assets/$114K--awd'd sq NCO of the Month f/Jan '20
- Org'd semi-annual bench stock review; validated 3K units/$73K--yielded 93% MC rate/zero SAV insp discrepancies
- Organized '10 Turbo CADS TMO spt; prep'd/distributed 53 containers--moved 1.4K lbs munitions worldwide
- Organized Tops In Blue UK tour logistics spt; transported tm's cargo/6 bases in 10 days--saved AFSVA $30K
- Overhauled Supply Discrepancy Report program; reviewed 474 submissions--recovered $600K for stock fund
- Oversaw $52M base trans contract; surveilled 76 mbr team--ensured operation's compliance w/PWS & AFIs
- Oversaw $700K division vehicle fleet; managed 24 vehicles--ensured safety integrity/seamless msn readiness
- Oversaw 2K 2/3 level parts/$129M back in AF inv; 48 hr TRN; cut b/o 29%--beat TNMCS rt on 5/5 wpn sys
- Oversaw 64 Wg MICAPs/$2.7M; tracked status of 5 MDS/53 acft--expedited shpmnt...enabled 199 acft sorties
- Oversaw C-130 MRSP functional check activities; guaranteed item serviceability--zero organizational refusals
- Oversaw Flight Service Center procedures; 2.5K/$237M assets returned to CIRF < 2 day--best'd AF 3-day std
- Oversaw logistical transfer of $1.2M spear pod; high-priority war asset delivered--restored full EW capability
- Oversaw rtn tent sorting proj 45 tri-walls; clear'd backlog 76K assets/$1.1M--complet'd 3 wks ahead of sched
- Oversaw shipment of 52K acft spares/$24M; issued >36K assets/$274M--no whse refusals/no ATO mns lost
- Oversaw TAR/SDR prgm; cleared 1.1K records/423 follow ups across 3 cmds--recovered $20M+ in charges
- Oversaw zero bal/dmd list; cleared 253 empty whse locs--reutilized limited space/increased capacity by 25%
- Paved way for Thunderbird tour; shipped 550 parts; jet jockeys dominated airspace--200 sorties/1K flying hrs
- Phenomenal NCO! Flt NCO mo Jul/Material Mgr Mo Nov/mentored one Material Mgr Mo/coined by ACC/CC
- Piloted AORs CRF supply ops; returned 513 items to 9 FOLs--aided 13K OEF sorties/20K tons cargo dropped
- Piloted lat spt of C-130 gen; coord'd w/4 AOR entities--MICAP rcv'd in 6 hrs---destroyed 5 day AFCENT std
- Piloted section's rej prgm; cleared errors w/in 3-day; beat 7-day AF std/preserved prgm integrity--rate <.3%
- Pioneered eqpt round-up; scrutinized 143 accts/corrected 96 errors--100% authorizations inline w/ HQ AFMC
- POC for AFGSC's CFO data call; modified 69 accts/347 details/$140M--shattered 30-day command suspense
- Polish'd sq eqpmt acct; transfer'd 72 wpns/$45K/ to 4 units--slash'd monthly inv 4 hrs/fortified def cape's w/in Levant
- Powered AF readiness; facilitated 2K authorization changes/supported 128 wgs--generated 1.3M flt hrs/548K sorties
- Prep'd for new C-130 brakes/wheels; loaded 4 accessory kits--awd'd Outstanding Performer Compliance Insp
- Prep'd for new C-130 brakes/wheels; loaded 4 bench stock & tool kits--increased longevity 6 times vs old sys
- Prepared for EOY degraded ops; retrieved & validated required reports--zero rejects during system recovery
- Presided over equip transfers; validated/deleted 15 erroneous hung trans--cleared $138K/21 backlogged assets
- Prevented zero past due inv >3 months/tracked 210K/$26M assets for five whse--crushed DoD FIAR standard
- Primary IT equip custodian; inventoried over 220 assets worth $184K--maintained 100% inventory accuracy
- Primary Reverse Post monitor; processed 515 transactions/corrected ILS-S discrepancies--achv'd less than 1% sq goal
- Primary Wg POC for OGMVC audit; navigated last minute changes/7 accts & 70 assets--reduced DoD AIA findings
- Primed Wg's DLADS pgm; trnd 22 base reps/prcs'd 3.K assets--recovered $585K to DoD inv/key Sq's '19 Large Tm4Q
- Proc'd 2K serviceable TINs; gained accountability of assets/$46M--bolstered AOR redistribution capabilities
- Processed 1.2K retrograde TINs; averaged 1.4 day turn-around vs AFCENT 4 day std--coined by ELRS CEM!
- Processed 389 demand data updates; captured base requirements/repairs--saved $1M in excess stocking costs
- Processed 4,787 supply transactions; ordered 21K items valued at $500K--supported 19 orgs/2.5K customers
- Processed 6.5K DoD retrograde shp's; mov'd 85K units/$7.2M in excess parts 3 mnths--POTUS '14 rqmts met
- Processed F22A canopies; safeguarded/delivered 6 assets/$2M--spt'd 83 sorties/86% MC msn delays
- Procured 12 acft tire racks; environmentally controlled 48 assemblies--increased indoor storage capacity 15%
- Procured 207 critical rqmts/$3.3B for 538 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles--garnered 91% MC rate
- Proficiently accounted for kit and shop stock items valued > $5M; kept balances accurate--enabled daily ATOs
- Propell'd annual APS warehouse inventory; aid'd validation f/8.2K line items valu'd at $19M--achiev'd 99% accuracy rt
- Provided after-hours MX support; issued 200 msn essential assets worth $10M--contributed to C-17 70% avg MC rte
- Provided outstanding customer supply support; 2 wings and 27 GSUs--zero customer complaints or msn delays
- Pwr'd C-130 FHP; stck'd 315K parts/prcs'd 30K rqmts/$437M--back'd 5 Cmds/22K msns/1K aircrew trn'd/Flt '20 Ao2Q
- Pwr'd his-vis AFSOC rqst; dvp'd SOPs/process'd 1.6K change rqsts f/kit recon--beat susp <2 days/rcv'd LOA from A4R
- QB'd TACR requirements; submitted ##$ allowance changes request--solidfied ## acct new msn requirements
- Quick-turned 45 C-130 W&T to Afghanistan--aided 9.2K lbs resupplies airdropp'd...awarded MMoM Mar '12
- Ramrodded Mx spt ops; tm'd w/AFSC/expedited 537 components/$29M--aided 370M lbs AOR fuel offloaded
- Received/moved 1K retrogrades to MXG backshops; amazing 1.4 day avg turn around--aid'd 17K AOR sorties
- Reconciled 100+ G081 sys back orders; maintained 15% delayed-discrepancy rate--crushed AMC's 24% goal
- Rectified 2-yr inv error; 99% acc rate/incrs'd stock lvl/ID'd missing assets/fwd d to depot--sv'd DOD $556K in losses
- Refin'd Wg alt armory; catalog'd 173 wpns/$110K w/serial # tags--reduc'd inv time 90 hrs/mo/aid'd w/12 fwd dplymts
- Reinforc'd unit reject pgm; cleared 30 erroneous trans <12 hrs--bested 24hr AF std/0.1% delinquent 6 mo avg
- Relocated APS/FSC bldg; transported/whs'd 66.3K units/$20.3M <2 days--negated $700K in construction fees
- Reorg'd 3 whse's; val'd 171K assets/$93M/fix'd 59 discreps/incrs'd storage space 21%--svd AF $385K/seal'd 22K flt hrs
- Replenished 125 shop stock line items; added 35 items not maintained on base--averted maintenance delays
- Replenished acft parts for entire AOR; performed swift transfer 5.2K shipments--augmented 50K AOR sorties
- Replenished RSPs/10 FOLs/7 airframes; swiftly expedited 785 shipments--92% AOR fill rate vs AF 85% std
- Repositioned 15K AGE assets; slashed fleet operating commitments by $500M--empowered 6K F-15 missions
- Research'd equip out-of-balances; submitt'd 14 TACRs/$498K/processed 19 TIN's--redistribut'd $269K assets
- Researched 407 monthly backorders; located/shipped 34 vital assets--reduced MICAP O&ST from 6 to 4 days
- Researched misdirected shipments; initiated tracer action/slash'd from 64 to 7--recovered $2.9M to O&M fund
- Resolved AETC eqpt shortages; coord'd w/ CEMO/redistributed $322K in assets--filled rqmts at three bases
- Revamp'd ESD area; process'd/FCS'd 170 line items/$4.8M--increas'd whs space 15%/reduc'd pull time 50%
- Revamp'd whse layout; assembled lifelong shelves/rearranging 46K/$1M units--increased whse space 200 sqft
- Revamped Manas AB Supply Discrepancy Report program; analyzed 8 data bases; recovered $100K for stock fund
- Revamped Post-Post process; trn d 6 mbr during 4-day IT failure/created suspense--100 trans/$515M/0 delays
- Revamped precious metal pgm; segregated 100+ items--ensur'd 100% TAV/security f/$40K in pilferable stock
- Revamped TMDE transportation schedule to distant laboratory; tracked 53 assets/$75K for cal--zero overdues
- Revised eqpt briefing slides; aided 26 cmdrs on acct management--coined by sq CC/efforts lauded by FW/CC
- Revitaliz'd ESD pgm; centraliz'd 227 items/ID'd 32 TCC challenges to IM--avert'd $15M in potential damages
- Revitalized ESD pgm; revised validation checklist/consolidated 87/$3.8M assets--increased whse space 45%
- Revitalized Precious Metal Recovery Prgm; coord w/ 7 units/17 train'd--cleared two yr MICT backlog < 1 mo
- Scrutinized 3K open MICAP incidents; 8K erroneous hours deleted--balanced historical files for 108 accounts
- Scrutinized zero balance/zero demand listing; deleted 175 locations--increased put away effectiveness by 50%
- Seasoned supply talent w/amazing track record; sourced/acquired 30K MICAP assets--pivotal to OCO success
- Seasoned supply talent; sourced/acquired 155 AWP BO's/172 DIFM's; averag'd 2 TIN vs AFCENT 4 day std
- Secured two new $500K range cntrl suites; overhauled tracking procedures--maximized STTR capes for DoD needs
- Secured Wg redplymnt; tm'd w/5 units f/returns/recoup'd 18K assets--replenish'd stock levels/pois'd 846 prsnl f/R&R
- Selected to assist contingency ops; processed 3.5K shipment action requests--yielded 2.5% AGE TNMCS rate
- Single-handedly sourced/acquired 12/$217K Avionic terminated assets--efforts svd $1M repair/shipping cost
- Sole controller of C-130 prop movement; routed 24 shipments/$9M--11M tons AOR cargo/26.1K pax airlifted
- Sole monitor of PQDR Prgm; coord w/Item Manger to ship 8 deficient assets--recoup'd $650K in O&M funds
- Sole PQDR pgm mgr; coord w/Item Mgr/ship'd 2 deficient assets/2 vs 4 days--recoup'd $150K in O&M funds
- Sourced critical prop component; asset received 4 hrs--serviceable in 24 hrs vs 4 days/100% AOR kit fill rate
- Spearhead'd launch of AM; provided real-time vis of GLSC transactions--improved shp response time by 6 days
- Spearheaded enterprise redistribution process; coordinated 3K xfers/$236M--fulfilled 10K critical shortages AF-wide
- Spearheaded eight inventories; accounted for 57K org units/$9M--regained acct integrity w/zero whse refusals
- Spearheaded OCP transition; Effectively processed $8k clothing orders/expe'd 188 requests for Airmen down range
- Spearheaded processing of 140K units; loaded into MICAS w/in 5 wks--total asset visibility to USAFCENT
- Sply Discrepancy Rpt monitor; tm'd w/insp & receiving/fixed 35 errors/$546K--elim'd 24 mo backlog by 70% <48hrs
- Spt'd 300K acre CA wildfire msns; powered 3 acft/44 sorties/205 flying hrs--secured wg '20 Meritorious Unit Awd
- Spt'd 33 events w/$124M in comm equip--key to STTR's '16 MAJCOM Space Crew OTY & Von Karman Awd wins
- Spt'd 5 mx back shops; promptly issued 1.4K line items for DIFM assets--708 spares returned to the warfighter
- Spt'd no-notice POTUS msn; dlvr'd 45 parts f/$1.8M MSK robust--enabled 12 F-15C dply'd/3 jt airstikes Syrian tgts
- Spt'd TFC mission; seiz'd 150 illegal articles/13 indirect AQ contacts--42K BAF personnel/$1.3B acft secur'd
- Staunch control of Hazmat; TIN 98 gallons of flammables and excess hazwaste--ensured safety compliance
- Steered DIFM prgm: validated 44 NRTS asset turn-ins/$1.2M f/depot repair--reduced repair cycle time avg by >50%
- Sterling Perf'r; cond'd 200+ line whse val's/val'd 300K/Id'd 40+ lost items/ass'd locs-100% Accountability of Asset
- Strategically planned 25 DRMS runs; moved 21 vehs/380K lbs of equip--met HHQ strict base drawdown plan
- Streamlin'd C-130 bulk storage area; constructed shelving units f/58 units/$14M--increased storage space 15%
- Strengthened AF's largest CRF; maintained three whses/110K assets/$67M--FMC 86%, beat standard by 11%
- Substantiat'd 99 local NSNs/$2M; ID'd two critical special testing equip--exceed'd cmd's suspense by two wks
- Superb customer spt; aided 5.6M shipments to commercial carriers--cut transit time 75%/saved 2K MICAP hrs
- Supported 5 FOBs/2 NATO forces; prepared/issued 55 MICAP assets/$1M--solidified OIR msn sustainment/47 BoT
- Supported live muns TDY for 12 aircraft, 83 sorties/193 flt hrs--est'd USAFE's 1st acft mx loc f/Ex African Lion '17
- Sustained 10 FOL/7 airframes; shp'd 1.5K W&Ts--facilitated transport 326M lbs fuel/77K tons cgo/280K pax
- Sustained 7 airframes/9 FOLs; bolster'd 31K airlft/air refueling msns--379 ELRS/LGRM Tm of Month, Jun '13
- Sustained 8 FOLs; shp'd 225 C17/KC135 W&Ts--facilitat'd transport 115M lbs fuel/26K s-tons cgo/101K pax
- Sustained wheel/tire kits for 6 airframes; replenished 10 FOLs w/167 mated assemblies--attained 88% fill rate
- Sync'd w/CEMO; ID'd/removed incorrectly assigned codes f/24 eqpmt items/$58K--saved 10 mnpwr hrs/trn'd 6 Amn
- Systems Manager; daily LIMS-EV/ILS-S reprts upload/degraded ops continuity--100% data backup/0 discrepancies!
- Tackled monthly whse validations; certified 72K/$3M assets--100% account'ty/98% inventory accuracy rate
- Tackled whse renovation proj; guided 4 prsnl/relocated 6K items/$14M--svd 224 man-hrs yrly/keyed 19 AW AFMUA
- Taught PQDR high driver trng; educated 58 MXG psnl--shp'd 2.3K exhibits/$5.1M...keyed low 3% TNMCS rt
- Teamed w/Al Dhafra on 2 critical MICAP repairs; quick turned in <24 hrs--F-15's FMC for Afghan CAS msns
- Teamed w/FSC; processed 361 DIFM items valued at $7.2M--averaged 1 day turnaround/ensured 100% reutilization
- Tm'd w/AFREP; coord'd reparables/260 assets rpr'd/$1M costs avoidance--key to MXG $818K budget credit in FY16
- Tm'd w/ESFS f/surprise raid; insp'd 350 prsnl/seized 30 illegal items/wpns--shield'd 7K dply'd prsnl from deadly attacks
- Track'd daily MICAP status; updat'd >300 slides/real-time status/informed MXG/CC--enabl'd HH-60 67% avg MC rte
- Tracked 406 MICAPs/$7M; briefed real-time status/2.8% total non-msn-capable rate--slashed Cmd's 4% goal
- Transferred unusable assets to DLADS; 2K+ items worth $2.5M--assured sound stewardship of AF resources
- Turned-in 137 expendable spares; returned $31K to stock fund--satified Kuwait MICAP/acft FMC 2 vs 5 days
- Upheld JBER Arctic Anvil Ex; issued 14 critical assets f/ 327 AS/2 C-130s--bolstered cbmt trng f/3K jt Amn/soldiers
- Validated 2K/$4M requisitions; verified requirements/canceled 127--saved $245K requisition/shipping cost
- Validated 375K Asset Mgmt transactions; ensured sys records accurate--100% delivery/year low .4% TNMCS rate
- Validated 8 RH UTCs; id'd/shipped equip/assets valu'd at $92K--ensured Bagram AB $1.3M proj msn success
- Vol'd f/ Wg OCN tasking; dply'd 186 days AUAB/guarded 2K foreign nat'ls--protect'd $7B QoL fac projs/earned AFAM
- Worked daily listings; sustained acct integrity ILO system limitations captured 5K reqs--BAF cust requests met
- Zealously supported 7.7K AOR vehicles/$997M; shipped 150 MRAP items--helped save warfighters' lives

DRMO/Turn-in/Waste Buster
- DLA liaison; processed 21 pallets/22K lbs excess equip for DRMO turn in--reallocated $37K assets to AF inventory
- Orchestrated DRMO excess equipment turn-in; packed and delivered 3 pallets--reclaimed $6K for AF usage
- Coord'd SSA/ERT/DRMO turn-in; delivered 1.1M lbs/$3.5M excess equip/assets--spt’d Afghan #2 priority
- Recycled excess equip for DoD re-use; turned in 4.5K parkas/ponchos/mittens--saved $1.4M requisition cost
- Wastebuster program mgr; turned-in 527 serviceable assets to warehouse--$208K returned into sqd O&M fund
- Enforced PACAF mandated D23 clean-up; processed 1K turn-ins/reduced ISU days by 96%--coined by MFM
- Led warehouse structuring tm; ID'd 17 undocumented B-1B assets--Waste Busters Turn-In/reclaimed $52.3
- Fueled chem gear turn-in action; processed 1.1K items/redistributed DoD wide--saved $32K in procurements
- Mastered turn-in process; returned 36 assets/$5K, C-130 kit fill rate at 95%--bested MAJCOM goal by 10%
- Waste Buster pgm mgr; expedited >2K serviceable TINs--recycled $183K consumables...averted $41K IADs
- Handcrafted 40 TIN/shipments; coord'd w/ 26 IMs/17 orgs f/ dispo--redistributed 924 assets/$8.7M across AF
- Quarterbacked U2 recon; deleted <350 lvls/TIN'd/shipped 3.5K L/Is--redistributed $3.7M assets AF wide
- Coord'd waste buster insp; recovered over 250 items valued at $600K--returned critical assets to AF inventory
- Enforc'd strict Waste Buster pgm; process'd 480 L/Is totaling $83K--launch'd 26 airstrikes against Syria & Iraq
- Mng'd DRMS pgm; coord'd disposal 349 itms...trnsprt'd 40K lbs to ASG-KU--secur'd $5M pilfrbl DoD assets
- Initiated uniform disposal pgm; coord'd destruction 1.3K pcs--secur'd OPSEC 1.4K lbs JTF/Coalition frc itms
- Executed AF Space Surveillance Sys closure actions; disposed of 200K+ items--garnered 100% accountability
- Coord'd 35 vehicle disposal plan; utilized organic vs contracted assets--avoided $18K in transportation costs
- Supported local agencies; donated excess office equip to US Border Patrol & US Navy--reutilized gov assets
PQDR/Quality Deficiency Report
- Dominated Quality Deficiency Report turn-ins; stored/shp'd 25 exhibits--recouped $639K in Air Force funds
- Controlled Wg PQDR prgm; rec'd disposition for 31 acft parts from Item Mngr--recouped > $100K repair cost
- Support'd Wg PQDR prgm; receiv'd dispostion for 11 acft parts from Itm Mngr--$60K AF repair cost recoup'd
- Coordinated w/# MXS/QA on QDR exhibits; ensured 100% docs accuracy--recouped $200K in materiel cost
DIFM/Due In for Maintenance
- Wg DIFM Mgr; directed 582 shops/5K returns processed--saved $113M/powered F-16 $1B fleet/$72M FHP
- Wg DIFM prgm mgr! Chaired weekly DIFM validation...briefed # LRS/CC--no disc/prgm integrity preserved
- Steered DIFM pgm; returned 5K reparable parts/$18M/prevented 85 MICAPs--increased AF lvl depot rpr 3%
- Completed DIFM recon; visited 14 orgs/verifyied 387 items/$19M--fixed three errors/100% accountability
- Teamed w/Mx; directed >2.5K DIFM turn-ins/$198M to repair facility <2 days--averaged 1-day 2LM returns
- Located/turned-in 1.1K DIFM assets; returned $22.3M to supply chain--avg two day turn-in/cut ACC std 50%
- Worked D23 Due-in from Maintanance rpt; 2.5K/$237M assets returned to CIRF < 2 day--best'd AF 3-day std
- Managed DIFM pgms; processed 2.2K assets valued $274M/rtrn'd to stock/depot--ensured 100% reutilization
- Attack'd DIFM pgms/listings; processed 2.2K assets valued $274M/rtrn'd to stock--ensured 100% reutilization
- Mng'd D23/7 MDS; TIN/SHP'd 2K L/I/$180M DIFM assets back to Mx repair depots--avg'd 1 day turnaround
- Mng'd DIFM pgms; accept'd 2.2K L/I/$274M/rtrn'd to stock/depot--blank'd AF std...average 1 day turnaround
- Skillfully Managed D23; ensured reconciliation of 2.5K DIFM L/I/$237M--coordinated with 6 AMU's/55 acft
- Tm'd w/mx; directed >5K DIFM parts valued at $237M; rcv'd 0.04 avg Post Repair Time--beat AF's 3-day std
- Performed quarterly DIFM reconciliatons; updated location/status of over 50 assets--zero discrepancies noted
- Implemented QC procedures for flawed DIFM prgm; cleared 250 assets/zero rejects--bested ACC std by 50%
- Issued/turned in 1400 DIFM items valued at $16M; achieved 40% turnaround rate; 8.8 TNMCS/ACC std 10%
- Quarterback'd D23 listing; administered accountability of 2.5 XD2 assets/$237M/8 airframes--xxx rebels KIA
Repair Cycle
- Key to successful repair cycle program; achv'd 2-hr turn-in time--enabled rapid movement to repair facilities
- Scrutinized daily repair cycle mgmt list; garnered 6-day turn-in average--smashed AF standard by over 4 days
- Crafted DIFM mgmt crs; trained 5 pers--ensured timely flow of $70M parts through base repair cycle pipelines
- Revitalized $2.5M/2LM prgm; reviewed >80 repair cycle records...enhanced 48 hrs TAT--2-day AF std met
- Created repair cycle time pkg for HGI; reported assets in DIFM status >10 days--enhanced DIFM visibility
- Conducted repair cycle data validation; verified base level and depot repair destinations--2K records updated
- Facilitated AFSOC's combat capabilities; resolved 9,306 MICAPs/136 aircraft--aided 15K sorties/50K flying hours
- Screened/verified 34 MICAP requests; ID'd/corrected 15 incorrect part orders--slashed shipping time by 50%
- Prep'd daily SITREP slides for EMXG/CC; dev'd real-time part tracking--vital to 95% AOR msn effective rate
- Led material support section; managed 512 MICAP requests--enabled 2 AMU/ 6.8K sorties/9.9K flght hours
- Ast. Chief of Supply; led supply spt w/14 mbr tm/satisfied 123 MICAPs/$4.7M--awarded EMXG top performer
- Aided MRSP xfer; built 11 pallets 120K/$15M/24K lbs acft prts--satisf'd 38 Incirlik AB MICAPs/41% redux
- Guided org box; isu'd xxK spares/MICAP/$xxM<10 mins--facilitated xx precision air rebels KIA
- Completed 16K ISU transactions; dispersed $271B in critical acft spares--enabled 5.2K sorties/46K flying hrs
- Accelerated MICAP requests; shp'd 20 critical assets worth $10.3M < 12 hrs--solidified OEF/CJTF-OIR ops
- Validated shipment suspense rpt R59; expedited 720 MICAPS to outbound cargo--spt'd 49 acft/30K flying hrs
- Accelerated MICAP requests; shp'd 20 critical assets worth $10.3M < 12 hrs--solidified OEF/CJTF-OIR ops
- Expedit'd Mx requests; satisified 380 orders/$65M<15 min--fuel'd 507 sorties...60+ DAESH targets wiped out
- Expedited MICAP requests; ISU'd 20 critical assets worth $10.3M--launched 26 air strike against Syria/Iraq
- Advertised MICAP status CAF-wide; pushed 200 constraint-ridden spares to ops; HoF/AA soared--2K sorties
- Directed release of 307 MICAP requests; reduced 1 FW F-15/F-22 customer wait time by 25%--4.5K sorties
- Enforced OEF sustainment; resolved 368 MICAPs--455 AEW amassed 13.5K flying hours/3K combat sorties
- Guided 507 lateral spt req's to nullify long-lead b/o's; amassed 723 57 Wg/Nellis WIC/RAP pilot tng sorties
- Hard-charger; processed/tracked 1K F-16 engine MICAPs--contributed to 21K combat sorties/34K flying hrs
- Logistics bloodhound! Located 250 misdirected parts for 455 AEW--890 sorties/3K hrs/3% S-rate vs 8% goal
- Networked w/item mgrs; procured 426 MICAPs/$1.5M for 18 FW--spt'd 877 combat sorties & 1.2K flying hrs
- Perfectly monitored 30 shipping delay follow-ups--efforts decreased F-15E MICAP order/ship times by 75 hrs
- Polished professional; expedited 186 MICAPs to 57 FW; ensured 723 combat tng/weapon instructor crs msns
- Presided over 51 FW MICAP spt; expedited 285 vital parts/$25M--catalyst to 320 OCO sorties/3K flying hrs
- Problem solver; reconciled 78 long-lead F-15 requests--fleet attained an amazing 1.1K combat sorties/55K hrs
- Tracked/managed 800+ MICAPS valued at $44M; reduced work stoppage; contributed to wing's 94% MC rate
- Heightened readiness; secured 55K MICAP requisitions/redirected $50M in assets--impacted 410K flying hrs
- Updated daily MICAP slide; kept supervision updated--drove key decisions increasing fleet MC rate over 3%
Prevented or Reduced MICAP
- Eliminated MICAP incidents; requisitions 285 shortages--decreased backorders/$2.9M F-15 assets filled WW
- Handled 513 lateral spt requisitions; secured 100% parts release by end-of-day--spared 160K MICAP hours
- Teamed w/Lockheed Martin; obtained 145 F-22A spares/Nellis AFB--723 weapon instructor crs sorties flown
- Resolved 120 ground radar MICAPs; reallocated parts in forward supply accounts--averted 4.9K MICAP hrs
- Eval'd MICAP cause codes; increased MRSP kit levels by 4%--enabled 3.9K sorties/152 lbs mun expended
- Managed IREP program; enabled repair process for 240 MICAPS/briefed MXG commander--saved AF 20M
- Task driven; cut 52 FW MICAPs 10% in 30 days; raised targeting pod MC rate to 90%--OEF/OIF taskings met
- Reorganized 2K line items benchstock; items inspected/28 shelf-life extended; prevented 20 Micaps in January
Supply Point
- Est'd 23 AMU fwd supply point; assets at the rdy--reduced MX red balls action by 25%/del time by 30 minutes
- Quarterbacked Supply Point recon; audited/corrected five accts/47 assets/$922K--enabled FW's $62M FHP
- Organized supply point reconciliations; inventoried 1K+ line items worth $13M--ensured 100% accountability
- Managed $87M supply point program; proc'd replenishment actions--facilitated 99.2% inventory accuracy rate
Mobility Readiness Spares Package (MRSP)
- Completed U2 MRSP recon; validat'd 2.6K LI/$3.7M--spt'd ISR ops...1K images captur'd/70+ bldgs destroy'd
- Oversaw U2 MRSP reconcillation; verified 2.6K line items/51K units/$21M--achieved 99.9% inv accuracy rt
- Oversaw U2 MRSP val; verified 51K units/$3.7M--spt'd ISR ops/1K images captured... destroyed 70+ bldgs
- Performed F-22 MRSP reconciliation; processed 200 transactions/moved $2M in property--zero discrepancies
- Managed deployed RQ-4 MRSP; modified 74 kit details/170 assets worth $15M--powered four UAVs/227 ISR msns
- Oversaw MRSP BLR; scrutinized 1.9K item listing w/MXS--postured 35 FW for "Fight Tonight" capability
- Piloted MRSP recon <10 days; built & realigned 1.8K kit item/returned 28K assets/$490K--crushed ACC 30-day std
- Lead 2S Ex COPE TAUFAN; develop'd supply channel/2K MRSP L/I/$8M/99% fill rate--187 sorties/2.6K flight hrs
- Accomplished 11 MRSP validations; verified 1K line items/136K units/$184M--garnered 98% inv accuracy rt
- Initiated MRSP re-org; segregated 4.1K L/Is/3 airframe packages; ID'd 3 missing acft parts--saved AF $120K
- Lead MRSP ops; authenticated 48 containers/163K acft parts v/ $341M--smashed ACC std TNMCS rate 61%
- Led 4 mbrs; oversaw 48 MRSP segments/11 val/12K L/I /$341M--earn'd 98% kit fill'd AF std by 8%
- Mgn'd 48 MRSP segments/143K L/Is/ $227M; replsh'd 2K spares/$124M--solidifi'd 3K sorties/31K flying hrs
- Mgn'd 6 AMUs MRSPs/$227M; satisfied 2K part requests--contributions led to winning NCO bi-monthly awd
- Reconciled 15 Mobility Readiness Spare pkgs; inventoried 950 items/$3.5M--spt'd wg's $58M UTC alert rqmt
- Spt'd MRSP ops; authenticated 48 ISU-90s/163K a/c parts/$341M--fueled 1K OIR sorties launch'd...300 KIAs
- Validated 3K MRSP whse locations, ID'd/corected 4 discrepancies--recovered $68K critical F-15 acft assets
- Managed 3 MRSP kits val'd $96M; researched 2K line items for FY13 BLR--3 MXG postured for TSP tasking
- Led inventory schedule/re-design for MRSP; performed monthly inventories/$11M--maintained 96% fill rt
- Phenomenal ldr; directed movement of 1K ESS transactions--4 MRSP recons c/w 2 weeks early/no rejects
- Overhauled Kadena MRSP; LEAN'd layout/inv process--reduced MX del 20 min per trans/ aver't 9 red ba11s
- Keen attention to detail; id'd computer discrepancy for MRSP replenishment--prgm fixed/elimated 120 man hrs
Consumable Readiness Spares Package (CRSP)
- Perform'd U2 CRSP recon; adjusted >350 lvls/TIN'd 3.5K L/I process'd/shipp'd $3.7M--redistribut'd AF wide
- Performed U2 CRSP recon; adjusted 350 lvls/TIN'd 1.6K assets--processed/shipped $3.7M back to AF depot
- DMS lead ISO Ex DF; mng'd 7 mbrs/2K RSP L/I's/$7.8M/sync'd multi-ntl ops--enabl'd 134 sorties/258 flt hrs
- Critical cog w/A-10 mvmt; ID d/prep d whse/2 RSP >19K L/I/120K pcs/$23M/37K lbs--mnt d 100% vsblty
- Coordinated w/cann dock to fill readiness spares package; replenished 13 items--kit stocked 100% for TDYs
- Dominated AF/A4R inventory directive; rectified DOLI on 1K equip details--smashed 30 day task in 14 days
- Supported ES-S formulation w/LGRM user input; coor'd w/ 3 NGB orgs--reduced inventory time of 15 accts by 75%
- Conducted command directed stock screenings; inspected 260 suspended assets--zero defected items in stock
- Meticulously performed inventory on 4.8k line items totaling $24.7M achieving 97% inventory accuracy rate
- Inventoried 22 supply pt details; validat'd 565 W&Ts/6 wpn sys--facilitat'd 1.3K AOR acft refueling missions
- Ushered in new validation policy; ID'd corrected 67 discrepancies/$3K--cut scheduled inventory time by 30%
- Managed Sep '12 NWRM inv; audited 20 records/16 transactions--validated $4.2M top priority assets secure
- Inventoried 55K ballistic plates/$27.3M; verified lot number for DoD recall--completed 2 wks ahead of schd
- Inventoried unserviceable whse; monitored pulls and assigned storage locs--attained positive inventory control
- Meticulously inventoried 31K+line items/ $300M fixed 2500 discrepancies saved AF 305K/accuracy rate 95%
- Oversaw nine whse validations/inventories; authenticated 88K assets/$82M--95% FY10 inventory accuracy
- Warehouse bin row crew chief; validated 5.7K items valued at $1.9M--achieved 98% inventory accuracy rate
- Conducted command directed stock screenings; inspected >24 items valued at $50K--zero defect items in stock
- Monitored Items Not Put-Away Report; verified/assigned $2.6K warehouse locations--provided 100% asset visibility
- Led custodian validation; researched/corrected 110 custodian errors in AFEMS--accurate/reliable data f/ cmd
- Led receipt/inv of 1K bins from Bahrain WRM; counted 188K items in one mo--now MICAS visibility 100%
- Piloted 100% inventory; completed in < 30 days/assigned 7.4K locations--training/real-world equip secured
- Monitored delinquent shipment list; corrected 400 shipment suspense detail/$5M--reduced list 99%/0 delinquent doc
- Resolved 70 delinquent equip shps; cert'd 25 acct rqmnts--cleared $36M backlog...sq earn'd '15 NDTA award
- Ramrodded section's DDL prgm; aggressively cleared >300 delinquent documents--reduced DDL rate by 70%
- Guided delinquent outbound shpmt list mgmt; 200+ shpmts expedited to TMO--reduced list by 75%/spt'd global msn
- Righted delinquent pgm; educated 19 Sq CC's on Eqpmt responsibilities--Sq noted as "Highly Effective" for '14 UEI
- Researched delinquent outbound shipment list; corrected 100 shipment suspense details--reduced list by 75%
- Implemented refined MXG benchstock process; direct ordering/instantaneous clearing--saved avg 100+hrs annually
- Executed annual Bench Stock review; validated 69K items valued at $1.4M--reduced ordering errors by 20%
- Oversaw inventory/replenishment of benchstock items--parts readily available/reduced parts wait time by 35%
- Diligently worked 2K monthly bench stock issues; on-time delivery--attained 97% bench stock availability rate
- Reorganized 2K line items benchstock; items inspected/28 shelf-life extended; prevented 20 Micaps in January
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
- Revamped ESD storage; prcs'd 80 FCS transactions--increased asset repository/garnered 98% inv accuracy
- Reorganized 316 ESD items/$9.4M; first-in/first-out directives--zero org refusals/supply related sortie delays
- Mng'd Electrostatic Discharge prgm; validated/stocked >1K spares--launched 26 air strikes against Syria/Iraq
- Worked ESD pgm; inspected/inventoried 633 units/$44M--safeguard'd 8 airframes/$6B...46K acft flying hrs
- Aided ESD pgm; inspected/inventoried 633 units/$44M--guaranteed 7 airframes/$6B...0 Supply ground aborts
- Assist'd w/ ESD pgm; inspected 592 units monthly/$44M--safeguarded 60 acft/$6B...0 Supply ground aborts
- ESD pgm mgr; directed inventories of 633 units/>$44M--guaranteed 7 airframes/$6B...0 Supply ground aborts
- Honcho'd ESD pgm; inspect'd/inventor'd 633 units/$44M--5.2K sorties/ensur'd demolition of 7.6K ISIL targets
- Managed ESD/Shelf-life pgm; inspected <700 assets/$1.5M-- safeguarded 52 acft/$6B...fueled 15K flying hrs
- Mng'd Electrostatic Discharge prgm; validated/stocked >1K spares--launched 26 air strikes against Syria/Iraq
- Oversaw 700 ESD assets & shelf life pgms/$1.5M--safeguarded 52 acft/$7B...powered Wg's 15K flying hours
Shelf Life Program
- Worked ESD pgm; inspected/inventoried 633 units/$44M--safeguard'd 8 airframes/$6B...46K acft flying hrs
- Manag d whse shelf life merge; re-postured 3.5K assets worth $15K--ensured 100% storage space utilization
- Primary Shelf Life Monitor; inspected 659 L/I/$5M--ID d 25 expired assets 100% MICT compliance < 1 mo
- Revived shelf life pgm; mg'd 659 L/I/325K units/>$5M--27 expired assets supply ground aborts
- Scrutinized shelf-life listing; identified/inspected 564 critical spares/$5M--guaranteed 0 Supply ground aborts
- Shelf life mgr; expertly researched/inspected 659 L/I/325K units/>$4.5M--garnered mx 100% effectiveness rt
- Managed shelf-life prgm; conducted monthly check/implemented swapout plan w/HAZMART--deployment rdy
- Primary Shelf Life Monitor; inspected 659 L/I/$5M--ID d 25 expired assets 100% MICT compliance < 1 mo
- Aided in shelf life pgm; conscientiously inspected 659 L/I/325K units/$5M--bolstered mx 98% effectiveness rt
- Scrutinized MICAS shelf life data; updated 3K chem suit extension authorizations--saved $960K reorder costs
Random Length Program
- Supervised Random Length prgm; 70 line items/$13.4K validated--zero findings during three whse inspections
- Reorganized 6K elastomeric items/$15K; followed first-in/first-out directives--zero org refusal/sortie delays
- Primary Monitor for Random Length Program (IEX 4); 100% compliance/accountability--ensured OI compliance
- Assisted w/ Elastomeric Program (SLC 0); FIFO directives--ensured items do not deteriorate before shelf-life
- Shelf-life prg mgr! Inspected 325K units/$5M; drove FIFO policy--98% Msn effectiveness rt...46K flying hrs
- Maintain'd AF's largest CRF whse/$40M ops; prcs'd 1.9K trans--enabl'd 2.9K tanker sorties/106 wpn releases
- Phenomenal whse facility mgr; rigorously monitor'd bldg valued $56M--assured 100% security w/zero mishap
- Conducted whse validations; 10 stockrooms/16K L/I validated--key to 5.2K supply ground abort
- Mng'd whse ops/17 mbrs; oversaw 14K transactions/$531M--key to 30K flying supply ground aborts
- Oversaw 13K items put-away; replenished warehouse stock levels $155M--enabled 94% Stockage Effectiveness rate
- Managed Days INPA Report; verified/assigned locations 1.5K items/$124M <6 hrs--demolished AUAB goal 1 day
- Revamped entire warehouse; increased storage capacity by 80%--enabled storage area for tools worth $61K+
- Manag'd whse validation 16.5K items/$22M; verified assets in proper location--filled 99% of all order rqmnts
- Oversaw zero bal/dmd list; cleared 17 empty whse locs--reutilized limited space/increased capacity by 10%
- Piloted 5 whse pgms/mo checklists; safeguarded 53 acft/$5.9B--aided 3K hrs flown/82% MC rt/beat 74% std
- Revamped whse/$50K; relocated 103 items/max'd whse space--completed < 7 days/9 days ahead of schedule
- Mg'd 15 stockrooms; oversaw 14K transactions/$53M/30 flying hrs--launched 26 air strikes against Syria/Iraq
- Sustain'd 10 whse stockrooms; acct'd for 16K L/I/$200M--spt'd 6 AMUs...fuel'd 5.2K sorties/3K bldgs level'd
- Sustained 10 whse stockrooms; acct'd for 16K L/I/$200M--spt'd 6 AMUs/55acft/5.2Ksorties/46K flying hrs
- Escorted contracting tm; directed 24 ppl relocated/built new warehouse shelving--increase stockroom utilization 75%
Bin Row
- Appointed Bin Row Crew Chief; scrutinized 2K L/I/46K units/$700K--ensured accountability of hi--vis assets
- Bin Row Crew Chief; reorg d bulk storage/430 L/I/$93M--increased storage 15%...decreased pull time 5 min
- Bin row monitor; conducted monthly validations 2K L/I/46K units/$700K-- aided demolition >10K ISIL targets
- Bin row monitor; single handedly validated 2K L/I/52K units/$8M--ensured proper asset ID and location
- Implemented Bin row crew chiefs; 10 stockrooms/16K L/I/$193M--51% reduced inventory adjustment FY 15'
- Secured classified prpty; 10 assets/valu'd $473K/enforced strict handling procedures--zero security violations
- Streamlined RQ4 beddown; mng'd 10 classified shipments/$225K--enhanced PACOM ISR capes/100M sq mi
- Efficiently handled classified assets; processed 2K assets/>$22M--launched 26 air strikes against Syria/Iraq
- Directed classified/pilferable assets; safeguarded >2K assets/$22M--launched 26 air strikes against Syria/Iraq
- Efficiently handled classified assets; processed 2K assets/>$22M--launched 26 air strikes against Syria/Iraq
- Governed 3 classified RSP vaults; inv'd/secured 62 high-vis assets/$28M--zero violation/whse refusals/4 mos
- Piloted new classified inventory method; secured 3K items--secured >$33M in assets w/100% accountability
- Validat'd classified/pilferable assets; safeguarded 2K parts/$22M--launched 48 airstrikes against Syria & Iraq
- Controlled 100/$XXM classified items; expedited shipment to depot--zero delay/carcass constraints prevented
- Controlled $80M in classified assets; oversaw/monitored wkly inventory--maintained accuracy/zero incidents
- Safeguarded 195 classified assets worth $42M; enforced strict handling procedures--zero security violations
- Authenticat'd wg COMSEC serial num's; key to zero flt findings '16 UEI--lauded by IG tm "Best supply to date"
- Coord'd Wg COMSEC 100% validation; 320 assets cross-checked--beat NGB susp by 5 days/100% accountability
- Analyzed 22 COMSEC/wpn accts; id'd/fixed 25 invalid serial numbers--forged custody of $235K vital assets
- Govern'd CIC pgm; safeguarded >3K/$33M critical/hi-vis assets--propelled 26 air strikes against Syria & Iraq
- Completed CIC asset backlog; processed 14 receipts/>$3.5M--accomplished 4 hr/ensured deliver to AF depot
- Direct'd classified/pilferable asset inventory; secur'd 2K assets/$22M-- insur'd 48 airstrikes against Syria/Iraq
- Aided w/RSP classified pgm; conducted wkly inventories/62 assets/$28K--fuel'd 5.2K sorties/2K blgs level'd
- Efficiently handled classified/secret assets; processed/delivered >2K assets/$22M--100% inventory accuracy
- Inventoried classifed RSP/3 vaults; secur'd 109 CIC assets/>$9M--enabled 31K flying hrs...94% msn cap rt
SPRAM/Special Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance
- Resurrected $383M SPRAM's prgm; developed PoA f/ 10 accts to correct errors--complaint within two weeks
- Managed 10 SPRAMS accts; re-authored authorization letters for all accts--ensured correct qty for$383M pgm
SAV/Staff Assistance Visit/Self-Inspection
- Led 7 MXG SAVs; 26 checklist items inspected--Id'd/fixed critical CANN reporting flaws--100% compliance
- Revitalized Flt's self-insp prgm; reconciled 91 discrepancies w/in 7 sections--all areas 100% compliant now
- Perform'd 139 Equipment SAVs; rectifi'd 15 on-the-spot discrepanci's for ECs--upheld integrity of $283B pgm
- Conducted 7 MXG SAVs; 26 checklist items inspected--Id'd/fixed CANN reporting errors...100% compliance
- Prepared workcenter for MMSAV; conducted 51 checklist item self-insp on Veh Ops; now 100% compliant
- Finalized Care of Supplies in Storage annual inspection; 17K L/I validated/$193M--100% compliance < 3 mo
- Mng'd CC Safety pgm; conducted 3 spot inspection/ID'd 9 hazards--ensured safety compliance of 214 sq mbrs
Equipment Accountability Element (EAE)
- Revamped EAE database; generated visibility of 154 accts/$200M in assets--slashed delinquent SAVs by 75%
- Devised EAE tracker; combined five reports/SAV schedule/10 processes into one--sav'd 150 man hrs annually
- Pioneered eqpt round-up; scrutinized 16 accts/corrected 274 errors--100% authorizations in line w/HQ AFMC
WSM/Weapons Safety Manager
- 1st choice to tackle tough E-3/E-4/E-8 WSM duties; steered fix of 100 E-3 spares--2K sorties/28K flying hrs
- Directed armory clearing barrel barrier; relocated 100 sandbags--protected 18K prsnl from potential ricochet
- Initiated corrective actions on 56 Armory deficiencies; areas fixed in one month--Armory 100% AFI compliant
- Led installation of video cameras; enabled 100% surveillance 24/7--enhanced security of 2K weapons/$600K
- ID'd security flaw in Base VoP checklist; assisted 379 ECS w/ correction--secured 100% assets accountability
- Adjusted 150 requisitioning objectives; nourished ACC F-16 flying program--33K operational/training sorties
Arms, Ammunition and Explosives (AA&E)/Weapons
- Oversaw receipt/7K lbs AA&E; expedited in-check process/51K assets--restored Muns stockpile/armed missile SFS
- Provided 24 hr armory access; facilitated 19 coffins/228 weapons movement--Amn deployed w/ critical equip
- Cntrls Wg mobility armory; 992 weapons/$665K/negotiated GUU shpmt--zero security issues/100% accountability
- Worked 376 AEG/CC high priority weapons rack requirement; coordinated with USCENTCOM--expedited shipping
- Oversaw 56/944 FW semiannual wpns inv; accounted for 1.2K wpns--enabled rapid deployment of vital asset
Small Arms/Light Weapons (SA/LW)
- Oversaw 5K wing SA/LW's; deployed/ordered for five accts/valued at $4.2M--100% weapons accountability
- Phenomenal management of 1.5K SA/LW weapons/$838K on 18 accts; stellar 100% weapons accountability
- Led alert wpns build up; 131 wpns & 41K rounds--deployed 105 mbrs ISO 1st CRW real world alert in 3 yrs!
- Order'd replacement SW/LWs; sought upgraded grenade launchers necessity for 442 FW--UTC 100% satisfied
- Ensured processing 500 weapons; assured delivery within 4-hour limit--total control
- Built ESTA kit ISO Ex COPE TAUFAN; spt'd 14 a/c/187 msns/273 flt hrs--sealed US/RMAF interoperability
- Deployed kit ISO Ex PITCH BLACK; robusted 28K L/I/$8M--spurred 99% fill rate/A7bested HAF std by 19%
- Postured $11M Cope North equip; synergized US/JASDF/RAAF air ops--facilitated 289 sorties/522 flying hrs
- Enforced deployment COAs; spt'd 2K flt ops/102 acft/5 locs--abort rate 4%< ACC std/lauded by PACAF/A4
- Deployed kit ISO Ex PITCH BLACK; robusted 28K L/I/$8M--spurred 99% fill rate/bested HAF std by 19%
- Lead 2S COPE TAUFAN; develop'd supply pipeline/26 shipments--improv'd US/RMAF interoperability
- Org'd 442nd FW Estonia dplymnt; deploy'd ## equipment--secur'd CAS msns...### A-10 sorties/### flight hrs
- Mann'd DCC f/ GT '17 ex; mov'd 158 ST of cargo/78 PAX--commend'd by USSTRATCOM/CC & AFGSC/CC
- Enabled short notice TDY for 442 FW; trained 2 DC/deployed five accts/31 details--A-10s posed for success
- Coord'd certification of 6K IFAKs/$180K w/EMDG; verified expiration--vital life saving assets to deployers
- Orchestrated short-notice F-22 RSP kit deployment; 13 pallets val'd $2.4M ready w/in 48hrs--zero TSP delays
- Drove supply effort Ex POLAR FORCE 12-7; generated 34K cargo short tons--100% accepted by EET <6 hrs
- Deployed 6 ship package for COMBAT HAMMER; execut'd robust procedures--aided 16/16 JDAM release rt
- Mng'd Wg Deplymt Assistance Tm supply; procured MREs/water worth $80K--launched 1st ever JTF-PO alert
- Deployed to Ex RF; track'd 72 MICAPs/$6M/spt'd 97 acft/18 sqs--spurr'd 1K sorties/coin'd by 354th LRS/CC
Unit Deployment Manager/UDM/Personnel
- Skillfully executed Sq UDM duties; processed 325 personnel in/out of AOR--sustained OEF/OND msn rqmt's
- Processed 348 Red Horse deployers; isu'd 2K IPE assets/$2.7M error free--ensured deployers combat readied
- Directed IPE bag inspection process; deployed 1K OEF/OND/TSP passengers & issued 2.2K bags--
- Phenomenal IPE line; processed 154 C-1 Bags/prsnl w/in 1hr despite MICAS migration--46 sec avg line time
Form 9/GPC
- Flawlessly processed/tracked 140 Form 9's valued at $1.5M; shops replenished--zero mission degradation
- Facilitat'd Supply Form 9 pgm; 128 items/$3.2M validat'd/purchas'd--improv'd OEF deployment/safety operations
- Processed 360 GPC requests/$347K in eqpmt; rated "Outstanding" during 60 CON audit...vital to wg AFOUA
Maintenance/Operations Support
- Spt'd MXS workload; complet'd 5K transactions/$52.1M/100% delivery--enabl'd 87% issue effectiveness rate
- Supervise'd mid shift ops; delivered 14K assets/$329M <10 mins--propell'd xx air strikes against Syria & Iraq
- Supervised 17 prsnl/24 hr flt line ops; managed 16K L/I totaling $193M--spt'd 55 acft/$6B/7K bldg destroyed
- Provided After-Hours ops spt; issued 12K critical assets/$5.4M; contributed to mx 80% Mission Capable rate
- Supported local/outlying base orgs; issued 106 pieces $1.2M/MSI'd 122 value $8.8M--timely mission support
- Asst'd acft msn shift; ID'd/prep'd >3K A-10 prts/13K lbs--rd'd 35% whse stock 9 days before AFCENT dirctn
- Guided org box; isu'd xxK spares/MICAP/$10M<10 mins--facilitated 26 precision air strikes...300 rebel KIAs
- Implemented 6K issue transactions; distributed L/I/$140M critical assets--enabled 5.2K sorties/46K flying hrs
- Led 5 Amn/mgn'd 6 AMUs kits; process'd/pulled>2K part--key to winning 380 the ELRS NCO bi-monthly awd
- Led 6 Amn & 4 work center; acct'd for 16K L/I/$200M--spt'd 6 AMUs/55 acft/8K sorties...7K bldg destroyed
- Led 24/7 consolidat'd ops/3 mbr tm; acct'd for 16K L/I/$200M--spt'd 55 acft/46K flying hrs/level'd 3.3K bldgs
- Spt'd 24/7 consolidat'd ops; accounted for 16K L/I/$200M--fuel'd 5.2K sorties/ensur'd destruction of 3K bldgs
- Mng'd 24/7 consolidat'd ops/4 mbr tm; acct'd for 16K L/I/$200M--spt'd 55actf/46K flying hrs/fuel'd 5K sorties
- Satisfied EMXG requests; filled 380 ISUs $65M<15 min--yielded 507 sorties...60+ DAESH targets wiped out
- Tackled F15 MX priority requests; expedited 380 acft parts v/$65M <15 min--key component for 507 sorties
- Bolstered after-hours OCO spt; fulfilled MICAPs/$435M for 25 AOR bases--provided 100% customer support
- Managed 624 F-16 aggressor spt rqmts for 757 AMXS--bolstered 2K Red Flag sorties/zero supply deviations
- Accurately processed 497/$20M msn capable assets; directly supported 3,114.9 flying hrs/727 sorties in FY09
- Accurately processed over 2K supply transactions; $22M in parts/key to generation of 16 acft during WIC TDY
Maintenance Recovery Team (MRT)
- Enabled 3 MRT/20 mbrs; surged 31 critical parts--lynchpin in retrieval of down'd F-15E/undisclosed location
- Governed "Items Not Put Away" rpt; ensured 2K assets sanitized/stored < 2 hrs--gen'd 968 sorties/89% MC rt
- Prepar'd 3 MRT/20 mbrs; surged 31 critical assets--lynchpin in retrieval of down F-15E/undisclosed location
- Enabled MRT; processed >30 critical parts to MX--linchpin in retrieval of down F-15E/undisclosed location
- Orchestrated transport of 85 E-3 MRSP shortfalls; 5% TNMCS rate/'08 best--amassed 600 CDO/OEF sorties
Awaiting Parts (AWP)
- Mng'd base AWP prgm; coor'd w/SCMG/IM on 50 critical b/o rqmts--conduit to 86.1% MC rate beat 82% std
- Jumpstarted wing AWP program; trained/certified 14 unit monitors--enhanced base repair capability by 50%
- Coord'd w/Boeing reps on MRSP shortages; expedited parts/filled shortages for TSP--averted 11 CANN act's
- Transfered 31K F-15/F-22 acft parts/$32M; filled 14 req's/$3.1M--spt'd 24 jets/$2B/26 precision stirkes/Iraq
- Rectified 600 F-16 spare shortages; redistributed 450 critical parts--332 AEW attained 6K sorties/23.9K hrs
- Wg Awaiting Parts monitor; ID'd/resolved 3 prgm discrepancies/authored tng--educated/spt'd 56 unit monitors
IPE/Individual Protective Equipment
- Directed research of missing level IV body armor; prevented 9 reports of survey--recovered $36K--
- Managed AF's largest ETDC; maintained 1.4M items worth $103M--equipped 22K warfighters w/ zero delays
- Prep'd CWDE/IPE for HQ redistribution; ship'd 21K assets/$2.7M w/in 3 wks--Thumrait Mobility operational
- Transferred 3K CWDE assets to DLA-DS; allowed reutilization by other DoD agencies--prevented unserv isu
- Revised IBA laundry contract; added 8 components/cut costs 55%--enhanced equipment spt to OEF/OIF/OND
- Orchestrated FAC reorg; optimized issue efficiency from 60 to 100 prsnl--decreased processing time 20 minutes
- Piloted consolidation proj; validated/consolidated 125K CWDE assets/$2M--freed astounding 100 whse loc's
- First choice to instruct Wg/Group/Sq CCs on proper assy/wear of new FRIOTV; increased leadership safety
Helmet, Advanced Combat (ACH)
- Spearheaded priority HQ ACH tasker; Insp'd 95 helmets in 48 hrs--200+ deployed CE Airmen combat ready
- Expedited ACH recall; verified 20K ACHs/shp'd 10 helmets to FOBs w/ in 24 hrs--warfighters combat ready
- Enduring fixes; redeployers reconstitute ACH helmet; saved 72 hrs per troops to critical tasks
Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM)/CBRNE
- Potential life-saver; meticulously inspect'd 1K/$260K JSGPM/validat'd JSMLT date--id'd 300 required testing
- Spearheaded recall of M-50 Gas Masks for 5K+ prsnl in two weeks--ensured AUAB 100% mission readiness
- Led 12 pers team; streamlined IPE whse/sorted 8K CBRNE by lot/exp--slashed pull-time 15 to 6 mins per bag
- Coordinated laundry service of 12K chem suits/sleep sys; equip returned to inventory--reutilized/saved $10K
- Led IPE storage effort; transferred $8M CBRNE from metal to plastic bins--evaded $60K latent loss/damage
- Revamped CBRNE rollup database; ID'd/corrected pgrm deficiencies--decreased HHQ report time by 24 hrs
TCTO/Time Compliance Technical Order
- Aided w/TCTO Inventory/reconciliation; corrected 80+ whse/backorder discrepancies--100% accountability
- Tackled Wg TCTO prgm; tracked 32 spares/$1.3M--49 acft combat rdy...3.4K sorties flown/6.1K munz drop'd
- Excelled as LRS TCTO monitor; updated/corrected 6 non-compliant areas--achieved 100% prgm turnaround
- Wing TCTO prgm mgr; acquired $4M kits--enabled loadmaster crashworthy seat installation for 7 C-130 a/c
- Hand-picked flt trng mngr; provided core task training/updated 13 prsnl--aided 100% on-time skill lvl upgrade
- Trained 40 base DIFM monitors; provided squadrons w/critical information--postured Wg/Sq for UCI success
- Limited Inspector trainer; overhaul'd training prgm/5 class--29 certified inspectors...291K/$1B assets screen'd
- Certified forklift trainer; provided three Amn 10 hrs OJT/qualified in 1 week--increased msn capability 40%
- Led 10 section ATSO trng sessions/10 hrs; inst UXO procedures--compliant w/ MSG direction/ORE success
- Aced SFS active shooter eval; text-book scenario execution/ensured Armory integrity--zero security breaches
- Completed Record Custodian trng; put knowledge into action; org'd 10 section folders--record keeping up 70%
- Mastered the Block IIB, Repair Cycle training; shared knowledge w/co-workers--vital to Sq UCI preparation
- Managed MHE re-certification trng prgm; 40 mbrs trained on 9 vehicle types--prsnl met strict safety directives
- Conducted wkly compliance training; improved task knowledge for 5 pers assigned--ensured continuity of ops
- Engaged LRS resolve on trng non-progression; aligned 12 sections w/master plan--62 Amn now on career path
- Exceeded training standard EOC done 3 months early/5 months ahead in task qualification
- Mastered TBA; researched regs/authored trng slides/plan for MRSP/IPE--aided sections 100% EOC pass rate
- NCOA Class leader/aced academic crs; designed study plan layouts--garnered critical skills for SNCO duties
- Led equipment/Unit CC trng crs's; certified 78 509 BW/442 FW prsnl--drove sq's '15 AFGSC Daedalian win
Daily Document Register/D04
- Established Daily Doc Register pgm; verified >3K critical assets accy/99 FCSs--garnered 98% inventory rt
- Executed D04 analysis; studied 305K transactions/$200M--ID d 35 errors diminished whse refusals 50%
RDO/Redistribution Order
- Spreadhead'd WAFB RDO process; track'd/process'd 17 cmd redistributions orders--Zero delays in shipments
- Handled 374 redistribution orders; zero denials--shipped $3M+ excess assets to higher priority requirements
- Streamlined BAFB RDO; shipped WAFB equip for testing repair part--tested part satisfied critical B2 MICAP
- Managed excess listing; communicat'd fix actions f/ 33 details/six accts--redistribut'd 52 equip assets AF wide
- Coord'd w/735 SCOG; shp'd 2K excess assets/$106M--filled DoD shortages...relocated asset closer to flt line
- Tackled FW/CC tasking; liaised w/IM to dispose 43 excess fuel tanks...100% compliant--lauded by xx LRS/CC