Duty Description
- Expedites cargo data input thru CMOS; prepares Govt Bills of Lading f/surface/air/ocean mvmts/126 global locations
- USCENTCOM deployed; oversees emergency leave/PCS/re-deployment travel via commercial/PE/mil-air channels
- Executes wg PPM prgm; analyzes docs/computes incentive payments/submits pkgs to DFAS for mbr compensation
- Supervises shipment data w/in DPS; govt liaison f/PPty pickup & delivery between TSP/customer/JPPSO/local agent
- Assists QA section; enforces DoD packing compliance by TSP/ensures mbrs complete Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Calculates payment/reimbursment for PPMs; scrutinizes shipment data within the Defense Personal Property System
- Coord's PPty pickup & delivery with TSP/customer/JPPSO/local agent; briefs mbrs on loss/damage claims processes
- Scrutinizes/monitors member shipment data within the Defense Personal Property System for domestic/intl shipments
- Computes customer incentive payments for personally procured moves; distributes docs to DFAS for reimbursement
- Verifies personally procured mvmt costs using Rate Solicitation Guide; briefs prsnl on loss/damage claims processes
- Manages transport of DoD assets w/domestic/int'l freight carriers; prepares/reviews commercial/gov't Bills of Lading
- Key freight movement advisor to wg leaders; processes NWRM/PSRE/boosters/MGS; spts 13.8K sq mi msl complex
- Oversees shipment of AA&E/cryptographic/classified/routine assets; uses Global Trans Network to book/route cargo
- Leads 3 Amn; manages customer data within the Defense Personal Property System for domestic/int'l PPty shipments
- Advises 341 MW customers on PCS/TDY/deployment shipment/storage entitlements; arranges moves w/local agents
- Steers QA section; enforces DoD packing compliance by TSP/ensures Customer Satisfaction Surveys are completed
- Receives/ships AA&E/cryptographic/classified/sensitive/protected assets; enforces DoD mandated policies/directives
- Operates/utilizes Cargo Mvmt Operating Sys to prepare Commercial Bills of Lading for freight surface & air mvmts
- Computes customer incentive payments for personally procured moves; distributes docs to DFAS for reimbursement
- Supervises MW $245M PPty pgm; leads 8 mil/civ; replies to mbr feedback; scrutinizes 128 carriers/ToS performance
- Oversees shipment/receipt of AA&E/cryptographic/classified/routine assets; ensures cradle-to-grave visibility/routing
- Executes wg PPM prgm; analyzes docs/computes incentive payments/submits pkgs to DFAS for mbr compensation
- Mngs 36 Amn cargo ops; oversees logistics enabling repairs of 52 F-15s/backs fwd dply'd flying ops f/51st FW/AEF
- Manages official travel for PCS/TDY/deployed prsnl; evaluates CTO svc obligations & enforces GSA city pair prgm
- Scrutinizes reservation requests; uses GATES to book travel via AMC channels--guarantees trans for >4K wg prsnl
- Counsels mbrs on PPty shipping entitlements; reviews DPS for pickup/delivery; arranges move w/TSP & local agents
- CENTCOM deployed! Coordinates emergency leave/PCS/re-deployment travel via commercial/PE/mil-air channels
- Provides logistical spt to wg's nuclear pgm; processes NWRM/PSRE/boosters/MGS; spt's 13.8 sq mi missile complex
- Receives/ships AA&E/cryptographic/classified/sensitive/protected assets; enforces DoD mandated policies/directives
- Operates/utilizes Cargo Mvmt Operating Sys to prepare Commercial Bills of Lading for freight surface & air mvmts
- Computes customer incentive payments for personally procured moves; distributes docs to DFAS for reimbursement
- Arranges official travel for members in PCS/TDY status/verifies Commercial Travel Office (CTO) routing and fares
- Briefs military/civilian on personal property movements/reviews orders to determine members' shipping entitlements
- Counsels mbrs on HHG entitlements; certifies & routes incentive payments/finalizes PPM reimbursements w/finance
- AFCENT deployed; oversees inbound shipments, monitors cargo rejects/REPSHIPs/delivery for AORs busiest TMO
- Manages nine NCOs/Amn; oversees logistics ops for PSREs/MGS/Boosters/NWRM--spt's <4K wg prsnl/150 ICBMs
- Advises Sr leadership on Cargo Mvmt Ops; enforces strict cargo security/guides transfer of classified/AA&E & equip
- Steers compliance w/DoD policies, regulations, AFIs; manages Wood Packaging Material/Reusable Container Prgm
- CENTCOM deployed/NCOIC Jnt Cargo Processing Facility; directly leads 5 Amn--spt's 120 acft ISO OIR/OFS msns
- Sr leader for 65 mil/civ force; guid'd Log Plans, Air Trans, Veh Ops, Freight, HHGs, Pax Travel--spt'd >4K wg prsnl
- Directs logistical support to wg spt'g nuclear assurance/deterrence msn; 150 ICBMs/>13.8K sq mile missile complex
- Governs >$120K budget/prgm, flt trng/process/manpower rqmts, educates/enforces AFI mandates, flt liaison f/IMSC
- Responsible for $3M/54 veh fleet/trans rqmts, wg mobility, directs/leads wg's NWRM, ICBM-affiliated equip mvmt
- Directs logistical actions for 117 locations and 20 sites supporting contingency operations and over 2.2K aircraft
- Directs Enterprise Solution Supply (ES-S) system records maintenance; ensures database integrity of 966K item records
- Oversees Readiness Based Leveling (RBL) program; 62.7K levels valued at $2.1 billion for all bases & contingency sites
- Manages Nuclear War Related Material Transaction Control Cell (NTCC) Records Maintenance; assures positive control
Performance Assessment
- #1 of 11 NCOs of traffic management! Flight's "go-to" person for Cargo/PAX Travel expertise
- Accelerated 425 MICAPs/$4.2M; upheld msl mx/20 agencies/wgs--aided wg to USSTRATCOM Omaha Trophy win!
- Accelerated MDG reefer mvmts; distributed 43 shpmnts w/in 2 hrs of receipt--secured integrity of vaccinations
- Accelerated MICAP/NWRM mvmts; delivered 177 assets/$11M--enabled 2.1K helo sorties/12 PL-1 ICBM convoys
- Accelerated nine a/c engine moves; turned over to AMC <4 hrs--influenced wing's 21-month 94% MICAP rate
- Aced 12-hr USTRANSCOM Mngmt crs; garner'd knwldge on cmd's function/strategy--rcv'd two credit hrs/certificate
- Aced 80-hr HAZMAT crs; enhanced MW readiness/cert'd 20 assets/$30K--acheived 98% avg EOC/3 CCAF credits
- Advanced mvmt of 402 MICAPs/9M; shipped under two hrs/beat AF std by 88%--vital to 50K OIR cmbt hrs flown
- Advised SDDC of short notice PPty moves; facilitated 194 requests/66 tons--5 day reconciliation/beat standard by 75%
- AEW Customs Lead; briefed 37K deployers/stressed GoQ policy--averted 21K equip confiscations/saved DoD $11M
- AEW Customs Lead; briefed 3K deployers/stressed GoQ customs/immigration policy--averted 28 deports/svd $168K
- Aggressively managed backlog; pushed cargo to customer <18 hrs; hold time down 80%--increased velocity
- Aided receipt non-MILSTRIP cargo; handled 1K items/742K lbs processed--enabled 7 msns/$5M material delivered
- Alt BCCO; aided mvmt of nine ISO containers/$23M of equip mvd--spt'd CENTCOM's jnt coalition msn/22 nations
- Amplified 391st Fighter Sq; JI/processed 533 tons/74 pallets/182 rolling stock/516 pax--praised by MHAFB LRS CC
- Analyzed 126 PPMs for accuracy; submitted to DFAS <72 hrs/$101K paid to mbrs--svd DoD $10K in line-haul fees
- Analyzed 200 accessorial services; validated charges/rejected 35 unofficial rqsts--averted $5K/unauthorized expenses
- AOR emergency lv 1st stop; >800 mbrs ticketed/enroute w/in 24 hrs of notification--ensured full service spt
- Arranged 2K commercial trvl reservations; max'd use of contract city-pairs--saved over $2M in excess AF cost
- Arranged mvmt for 8-20 ft shelters to Afghanistan; coor'd w/AFCENT A4--spt'd OCO ops/no discrepancies
- Assisted DLA; removed 550 tons WRM scrap metal/stuffed 80 containers--cleared 13-yr material backlog in 30 days
- Assisted PAX trvl sect; arranged 27 flts thru GATES/maximized AMC 1st pgm--svd DoD $19K in comm'l air travel
- Assisted several customers with DPS website support; provided instructive guidance--increased mbr knowledge
- Assisted WPM pgm; sustained $8K lumber supply/enforced strict pest control--zero audit fails/11th consecutive year
- Asst'd M-16 wpn mvmt; interpreted 29 blueprints/created crates/$2K material--$21.7K equip depot returned
- Authored 1st-ever Cargo Mvmt OI/revamped Explosive Safety OI; coord'd 6 sq's--29 pages detail'd procedures/rqmts
- Averted classified crgo confiscation/147 pcs; diffused crit situation w/US & Qatari mil--prevent'd $1.1M in asset loss
- Backed AFCENT's sole BTC; routed 1.1K blood prods/$2.3M--generated >40 life-svg transfusions/$200K sav'd
- Backfilled NCO duties/2 mos; routed $24M assets/22.2K tons--spt'd USAFE/CENTCOM msns for 18 global locales
- Backfilled PCS'd NCOIC pax; ordered 311 PCS/TDY/deployed reservations--id'd AMC space available/saved $420K
- Backfilled void NCOIC position; liaised w/AMC/booked 311 GATES reservations--saved $420K in comml airfare
- Blocked/braced 25 F-16 engines; manifested/loaded avg 2 hrs ea--cut land bridge transfer 40% from 5/2 days
- Bolstered snow removal ops; dvlp'd 21 revisions f/ S&ICP Wg XP/re-est'd priorities--key to effective Wx ops on afld
- Bolstered TMO QA; KO'd 13 in-residence insps/100% contact w/31 PPTY movers--exceeded AF std by 50%
- Briefed 128 personnel on PPM programs; processed 187 moves valued at $600K--saved $3.3K in gov't shipping costs
- Calculated/processed 1.2K/$960K PPMs & stg reimbursements; avoided erroneous charges--saved gov't $15K
- Cert'd US Customs agnt; rcv'd 20-hr narco/agricultural trng--audited 55 hi-risk crates/protected 304M US acres/crops
- Certified 31 HAZMAT increments/117K lbs; powered 6 bomber acft/13 coalition units/46 msns--181 OIR targets hit
- Certified HAZMAT packing guru; trained section on 108 hazardous shippers declaration--avoided errors saved $1.8K
- Certified invoices on 1.5K NTS lots for 9 TSPs; validated $5.7K in service charges--99% penalty/error free
- Certified TPPS electronic invoices; validated 183 bills of lading /$220K--averted overcharge payments/$2K
- Championed CTO contract transfer w/CS/Century Link; online 48 hrs before launch--wg travel unimpeded 4+K prsnl
- Completed/validated TCN mat receipt via ILS-S; 3500 1348-1As processed/DORs--met TDD standards and op goals
- Conducted HHG entitlement briefs; reviewed 98 separation orders--averted 12 unauth shipments/saved gov't $3.2K
- Coord'd 30 NVG shipment/$82K; prepped/delivered < 4 hrs--protected MSFS patrol/13.8K sq mi msl complex
- Coord'd 368 TPS assets; verified/shipped $33M/50K lbs classified cargo--secured critical pcs w/no errors/100% ITV
- Coord'd 5 M-ATV/SF vehicles to TX; called carriers/secured transport--$460K weapons sys returned to fleet
- Coord'd 6 wg & outside orgs for dignified transfer; expedited 14 docs/no delays--eased family distress/honored mbr
- Coord'd classified mvmts; org'd xfer 291 assets/verified 3K cklst items--empowerd wg surety/protected $1.5M equip
- Coord'd HHG mvmt f/deceased Amn; liaised w/6 jnt agencies/distro'd 14 docs <2 hrs--smooth mvmt 300 lbs/1.3K mi
- Coord'd mvmt for 1.6K lbs AA&E; scrutinized trans docs w/AFMC--100% cradle-to-grave ITV/$22K assets shipped
- Coord'd mvmt for 3K lbs AA&E; scrutinized trans docs w/AFMC--$235K assets received/resupplied SFS/4 MAF's
- Coord'd NWRM validation proj/$700K; tm'd w/8 agencies/org'd material transport--strengthened nuc cmbt pwr capes
- Coord'd SDR/TDR pgms; ID'd 99 shipment/pkg errors/liased w/4 org's for reimbursment--recouped $1.9M for DoD
- Coord'd transport of 25 M-16s; processed $13K sensitive combat weapons--maintained 100% ITV origin/dest
- Coord'd uniform disposal prgrm; develop'd program for Army/19K lbs in uniforms shredd'd--FPCON enforced
- Coord'd w/BCCO; validated acct funding/$2.6M--bolstered AOR's largest container inventory/681 containers shipped
- Coord'd w/JAG; expedited trvl 30 witnesses/forensic experts--ensured due process/findings resulted in 2 yr sentence
- Coordinated deployment ops; manifested 600+ pax/deployed 80+ pcs of cargo--achieved 100% safety/accountability
- COR for 4 contracts valued at $405K; received 40 hrs of trng/DAU certification--bolstered ability to update/brief SOW
- Counseled 2.3K mbrs on PPTY PCS entitlements; processed 5K mvmt docs--sustained positive customer satisfaction
- Crafted IRRIS system geo-fence; enbled real-time TPS shpmt tracking--boosted notification/download process
- Crafted travel worksheet/pre-briefed sq leaders; streamlined customer service process--cut wait-time 50%
- Delivered agile combat supt; transported 36 M-16s/12 M-9s--provided to Yokota airlift w/in 24 versus 72 hrs
- Diligently performed CDF tasks; completed seven air cargo manifests for 28 short tons--critical to ITV support
- Direct'd APOD ops; brief'd 12K dplyers/stress'd HN law--ID'd illegal equip/averted 202 deports/svd $2M gov't assets
- Direct'd NWRM validation/$700K; coord'd mvmt w/8 outside agencies--strengthen'd nuclear cmbt pwr capes
- Directed 20 PPTY reweighs; ID'd 15 errors/corrected DPS shipment data--saved mbrs $8K in potential excess costs
- Directed 27 AA&E inbound shpts; expedited rcpt of 41K lbs/$7.3M muns--armed SFG warfighters w/cmbt resources
- Directed 27 wg PCS briefs; educated 120 families on PPty entitlememts--svd 150 man-hrs/reduced process time 75%
- Directed 3 HN agencies' QA inspections; processed 306 outbound shpmts--cleared 3 custom holds/averted 3 mo delay
- Directed 4x HHG reweighs; ID'd 2 discrepancies/corrected DPS shipment data--saved members >$2K in excess costs
- Directed Cargo ops; mng'd 32 classified shipment receipts/$3.9M--100% crgo delivery confirmed REPSHIPS
- Directed immigrations/process'd 5K aircrew; 1.2K cmbt flying hrs/750K lbs payload dropp'd--vital to OFS/OIR/ORH
- Directed multipack usage; combined 1K pcs/slashed shipment cost per item--reduced charges 45%/saved $2K
- Directed mvmt 108 PSRE/MGS/NWRM/msl booster; process'd $346M assets <2 hr avg--crucial f/US nuc deterrence
- Directed mvmt 30 NVGs <4 hrs; $82K equip fwd'd to CENTCOM Amn--critical to OP INHERENT RESOLVE ms
- Directed PE usage; scrutinized $300K in govt appropriations/issued 220 tickets--svd DoD $150K in comm'l air costs
- Directed retrograde mvmt; redeployed $6.2M MRAP wpn sys--right-sized WRM inventory/war readiness upped 22%
- Directed sensitive HR PPty mvmt; org'd 2 shipments f/fallen heroes--dignified transfer/8.5K lbs expedited to families
- Directed shipment of HR/evidence; processed 209 lb container <3hrs--pro sense of urgency lauded by OSI leadership
- Directed US Customs prgm; regulated 101 vehicle imports/exports w/ out value added tax--recouped $237K to mbrs
- Dispersed 3K items/191 short tons; stored <48 hrs--allowed 99% customer fill-rate w/98% inventory accuracy
- DLA liaison; processed 21 pallets/22K lbs cgo machinery f/turn in--reallocated $37K assets to DoD inventory
- DLA mediator; teamed w/6 agencies/shipped 700K lbs to depot/27 trucks--returned $3M/21 pallets equip to AF stock
- Dominated '17 NSI; spt'd 183 in-field wrecker svs f/90 SFS armored HMMWVs--key to Wg 1 NSI's Sec "Excellence"
- Dominated MW logistics; oversaw 634 HHG shipments/1K pax reservations--spt'd nuc msn/15 MAFs/98% alert rdy
- Dominated QA/CBA pgms; led 210 insps/resolved 44 disputes/reconciled acct in 3 days---elevated rt 51%/$0 interest
- Drove base E-Leave prgm; expedited 200 mbrs/guarant'd trvl < 24 hrs--returned warriors f/ family & hurricane crises
- Drove DRMO CPI/digital solution; liaised w/DLA/40 Units--cargo processing time decreased 70%/lauded by Gp/CC
- Drove TMO freight ops; in-check'd/secured 25 NWRM items/$5M/380K lbs--fortified 341 MW nuclear msn
- Embodied AMC First stnd; reallocated 136 unused acft seats to AUAB--cut layover by 1 week/saved DOD $215K
- Embodied USDA Customs process; coord'd w/ARCENT/TRANSCOM for trng--18 prsnl/program operational
- Enforced $26K wood cert pgm; insp'd $8K lumber/10-step pest-free analysis--preserved 247M acres & crops
- Enforced HHG reweigh pgm; directed 7x PPTY reweighs/ID'd 2 DPS shipment errors--svd mbrs $2K in excess costs
- Enforced PE use/26 redeployment msns; issued tickets/briefed itineraries/4.9K prsnl--spt'd CENTCOM AEF rotation
- Enforced TPS cargo certification; certified 16 CCIs/$1.1M & 36 weapons/1K lbs--achieved 100% ITV/averted DSVs
- Enforced WPM & RCP prgm rqmts; inspected $18K lumber/repaired 56 crates--saved unit RA $23K in loss/damage
- Enforced WPM pgm; inspected $10K lumber/fixed 5 SPI crates--saved $550 replacement fees/protected 247M acres
- Engaged limited pet space concerns w/ HQ AMC; shuffled Patriot Express allocations--saved 12 families/$9K
- Engaged w/CLO/CBCAP; refined int'l prcs/450 shipmnts cleared TR/US customs <10 days--avoided $54K HN fines
- Engineered Wg's PCS orientation prgm; cut rqmts 80%/executed 12 briefings--edu 120 mbrs/svd DoD 192 man-hr yrly
- Ensured proper packaging/mark of OB ESD assets; 19 pcs/195 lbs--prevented $660k damage to depot reparable items
- Est'd packaging recycle pgm; salvaged/reused 2K ft preservation material/377 boxes--sav'd sq $2.2K annually
- Est'd QA tracking proc; recorded 120 svc failures/rebuked 44 carriers--enforced ToS/resolved 35 customer grievances
- Established aggressive trng prgm; tracked CDCs/EOC tests/core tasks/CBTs--slashed upgrade trng times 40%
- Established ULN cgo process; staged 876 assets/31K lbs/$13.1M--key to 1st defense fortification f/Camp Simba afld
- Execut'd HN customs/5 ports/4.4K sq mi AOR; transf'd 16K wpns/766 CWRs/$19M--key to 2.5M lbs bombs on ISIS
- Execut'd VCO duties f/ 14 vehs; taught 2 hr crs/created slideshow f/ 48 prsnl--facilitated 5 repairs/upheld $420K fleet
- Executed 5 yr MSG initiative; led TMO relocation proj/moved 3.5 tons equip--zero msn loss/seamless transfer
- Executed 5-yr gp initiative; led flt relocation proj/coord'd 3 sq's/3.5 tons equip trans'd--unified 116 functions/21 mbrs
- Executed 6 warehouse insps; eval'd 60 items/100K sq ft warehouse space--corrected 15 errors/averted PPty damages
- Executed 613 MICAP/eng mvmts; led 14 Amn/set 2-hr fix/shipped $33M parts--beat AF ship rt by 52%/USAFEs best
- Executed CTO transition; new contract est'd <1 mo/converted 99 reservations--upheld DTS travel capes/6K wg prsnl
- Executed download for 7 AA&E trucks; expedited 39K lbs munitions--added $800K to WSA supply/armed SFG amn
- Executed MICT evals/38 items; ID'd/fixed 1x CBA deficiency--averted card suspension/affirmed $7M CY '17 airfare
- Executed MICT evals; inspected 18 items/ensured compliance--efforts led to 379 ELRS earning UEI 'Effective' rtg
- Executed mvmt 36 NWRM/MGS/PSREs; precision process f/$49M assets <2 hrs avg--vital to US nuclear deterrence
- Executed MW nuc msn; led cgo mvmt/3M lbs/5 grps--upheld vital defense f/13.8K sq-mi msl complex/98% alert rdy
- Executed transfer $125K of explosives; liaised w/AFMC/off-loaded 7 trucks--resupplied 4 MAFs w/1K lbs munitions
- Expedit'd GHQ waiver/4.1K cmbt vehs; rcv'd apprv'l in 10 days vs 21 day avg--$26M equip rcv'd/zero seaport delays
- Expedited 10 no-notice discharge mvmts; secured airfare/PPty pickup <72 hrs avg--smooth mvmt 60K lbs/24 flights
- Expedited 12 MRT shipments; parts dispatched for acft repairs in <6 hrs--sustained C-5/C-17 CENTCOM msn
- Expedited 141 EL reservations; secured travel to 10 global destination <24 hrs--eased family hardships/undue stress
- Expedited 3.6K crit shipments; garnered 96% AF dispatch speed/best in cmd--vital to '20 DoD Pkging Achvmnt awd
- Expedited 4 AMC MICAP repairs; coord'd delivery C-130 props to KAF <24 hrs--boosted AFCENT airlift ops 12%
- Expedited 626 AMC/AFCENT MICAPs; provided 379 EAMXS with $31M in critical items--zero msn delays
- Expedited 74 MICAP cargo/$70K <1hr each; pulverized DoD shipping standard by 66%--enabled 1.8K 40 HS sorties
- Expedited 8 misdirected shpmts; repacked/recert/reshipped to AOR < 24 hrs--averted $15K in property losses
- Expedited 80 MICAP/high-priority shipments; parts shipped in eight hrs ea--crushed DoD shipping standard by 66%
- Expedited 85 999/MICAP/TP-1 shipments; high priority arcft parts mv'd w/in 12 hrs--bested DoD std by 50%
- Expedited 89 RED HORSE mbrs for pre-deployment trng Ft Bliss <1 hr--saved DoD $30K w/GoPax vs comml acft
- Expedited download/receipt 23 AA&E trucks; processed 106 pieces/41 tons cargo--critical for US nuclear deterrence
- Expedited emergency lv trvl/19 tickets issued; liaised w/CTO/secured trans <12 hrs--united families/reduced hardship
- Expedited log f/22 no-notice discharge mvmts; sec'd pickup <72 hrs avg--smooth mvmt 102K lbs/zero transit delays
- Expedited mbr deportation; ticketed <48 hrs/immediate departure--avoided HN imprisonment/prevented intl incident
- Facilitated 60 PPTY mass briefs/28 short-notice moves; arranged pick-up dates <72 hrs--zero delays/reduced anxiety
- Facilitated mvmt of five F-16 engines; routed <24 hrs/enabled 2.3K sorties--generated responsive air power
- Facilitated Pakistan humanitarian relief mvmt w/Army/EFSS/EAMS; 12 tons mvd--saved thousands of people
- Facilitated yrly hi-vis Glory Trip; 22 NWRM asset mvmt/$13M--sustained Vandenberg AFB ICBM test launch prgm
- Fervently tracked 179 unused travel documents; secured refunds w/in 2 days--permitted prompt return of $92K
- Filled NCO role/6 mos; booked/routed $125M DoD assets/20 global locations--spt'd multi-msns/35.5K tons shipped
- Filled QA NCO void/2 mo; oversaw compliance/8 contracts/352 insp's--ensured svc rqmnts met/beat DoD std by 49%
- Filled QA NCOIC pos/2 mos; enforced packing compliance/126 insps/achieved 99% insp rate--beat DoD std by 49%
- Finished NWRM Fundamentals crs; gained vital tools to execute wg ops--spt'd AF #1 core function/nuke deterrence
- Flawlessly reconciled 12 Centrally Billed invoices/$1.4M; prcs'd docs w/in 48 hrs--slashed 10-day DoD std by 2 days
- Flight ADPE monitor; inventoried/inspected 55 item/$25K account--discovered 8 missing items/initiated RoS
- Forged SOTF-EA partnership; obtained 318 FP assets f/Op OAKEN KINDLE--sustained 500 troops/won 2x ToQ awd
- Freight chief 6 mos/guided 15 Amn/3 civ; oversaw crit mvmt 38 NWRM assets/$8.4M/2.5K lbs--'18 sq NCO 1st qtr!
- Freight NCOIC; steered 10 amn/6.5K nuclear asset shipments--coined by AF Director of Log/won Wg NCO 2nd Qtr!
- Fulfilled 2 semi-ann'l warehouse inspections/65 items; id'd deficiencies/ensured corrective measures--key to best TSP
- Governed $2.5M CBA acct; enforced 68 AMC msns/booked 83 chartered flts--saved DoD $150K in comm'l air costs
- Governed 5.4K trans rqmts; 3.2K pax/3M cargo tons trans'd >102K mi msl complex--key 97% VIC/nuc msn/security
- Governed CBA; reviewed $9.4K trans charges/submitted payment <1-day avg--exceeded AF payment std by 9 days
- Governed Inbound cgo ops; proc'd 700 receipts/$110M/95% spares kit fill rt--generated 194 MQ9 sorties/4K cmbt flt hrs
- Governed NTCC; ensured PIC of 68K NWRM assets/zero breaches--assured total asset visibility over Air Force #1 priority
- Governed SDR/TDR prgms; ID'd 129 shortages/damages & doc discrepancies--recouped $1.6M from DoD item mgrs
- Govrn'd pax trvl rqmts; enforced AFCENT/DoD/HAF guidance--9.6K pax moved/$8.5M allocat'd/zero errors
- Guaranteed 1st class spt; mng'd mvmt 874 HHG shpmts/722 PAX; key to sq's Tm OTY/wg's "Effective" UEI rating
- Guided 27 wg newcomers briefs; counseled 360 mbrs/coord'd delivery 55 expiring lots--svd $225K add'l storage fees
- Guided mvmt of eight NWRM assets; inchecked into CMOS <30 min ea--led to wg garnering '15 Blanchard Trophy
- Guided Pax OP; approved 203 DTS requests/1.3K psnl/ID'd 10 LOA errors--svd $7K trans fees/svd DFAS 8K man hrs
- Guided QA function/49 insps; enforced TSP compliance/upheld 100% insp rate--earned 341st MW tm of 2nd qtr awd
- Guided receipt/processing elements; 10K pcs/182 short tons of cargo moved--sustained 51 FW/28 tenant units
- Guided receiving ops; processed 81 classified assets/$23M--monitored ITV/delivered to customer <24 hrs of receipt
- Guided WPM pgm; insp'd $8K lumber/repaired 4 crates--sav'd $497 replace fees/protect'd 247 acres US crops
- HAF/USAFE/AFCENT compliant; honed AF Resiliency trvl ops; 1.1K mbrs mvd/99% on time rate--superb!
- Hand-selected DV PPTY coordinator; briefed 4 VIPs/monitored agent pickup--earned 3 LOAs/smooth mvmt 60K lbs
- Hand-selected/ELRS PPty clerk; liasied w/mbr & TSP/coord'd 37 complex moves--secured 99% mbr requested dates
- HAZMAT Coordinator; inspected/packaged/manifested 55 pcs/38K lbs--prevented reportable mishaps/zero violations
- Headed RHS deployment; 152 mbrs/162 cargo tons; 27 trng/port dates met--prov'd direct spt f/2 COCOMs
- Help'd 60 walk-in customers; brief'd PCS entitlement/mov'd 80K+ lbs HHG/UB/NTS--receiv'd 100% customer praise
- Hosted 26 trng sessions; created 3 quick reference guides/svd div 1.7K man-hrs annually--increased sect output 7.5%
- ID'd 3-yr PDF deficiency; cut Op Northern Edge processing time 85%--expedited 2x F-16 trng det msns to England
- ID'd 5-yr PDF deficiency; restored CMOS process/time reduced 92%--key to deployment 400 pax/2x F-22 trng msns
- Identified 26 discrepancies on PCS/TDY orders; MPS corrected--halted erroneous briefings/excess cost to customers
- Implemented 20 AF/CC's intent; mng'd PPM surge/coord'd 152 PCS cases w/MPF--svd AF $304K...MSG/CC coined
- Improved Alpha Alert ops; liaised w/5 ofcs/authored 2 checklists--led aircrew expectation/key'd 133 sorties/0 deports
- Improved PPTY sect; led 6 mass briefs/counseled 116 mbrs on shipment entitlements--reduced doc backlog by 25%
- In-checked 32K parts/$6B; expedited 1.2K cargo tons to 23 units <12hrs vs 24 hr std--spt'd four jnt msns/8.5K prsnl
- In-checked/receipted 382K lbs general cargo; managed ES-S/CMOS input--upheld positive ctrl/no assets lost
- Inbound cargo specialist; utiliz'd ES-S to deliver 2734 pcs cgo/63K lbs/$27.2M--sprt'd 69 RG/Global Hawk msn
- Inherited non-compliant records prgm/amended 500 crit PII violations/created file plan < 30 days--IG write up closed!
- Inspected 5K PPty shipments; provided on-time customer spt/evaluated 250K lbs--bested DoD insp rate std by 40%
- Instructed 2-day/16 hr CDF trng; taught 19 prsnl deployment mobility process--vital to FW "Fight Tonight" ms
- Key Speaker at Smooth Move/Right Start briefings; 120 mbrs brief'd/22 entitlement cover'd--eased transitional stress
- Key to DOD resiliency; redeploy'd 230 mbrs via DTC/bridged cbt vets w/homefront skills--integrat'd mental stability
- Keyed CBA account; validated/approved 249 requests/$69K--enforced DoD IBA usage policy/zero misappropriations
- Lead pax rep; org'd 217 PCS moves/46 pax AFGSC Challenge mvmt--secured 201 mbrs trans/'17 Blanchard Trophy
- Lead QA function/55 inspec's; enforced carrier compliance/achieved 99% inspection rate--surpassed AF std by 49%
- Leaned cargo ops; est'd material reuse pgm/recycled 4K sq ft pack material/1K boxes--reduced annual budget by $7K
- Leaned cargo ship/receiving ops; reviewed 151 processes/corrected 39 deficiencies--saved 4.4K man-hours annually
- Leaned HHG file sys; purged 2K obsolete docs/uploaded 1.1K PPty rcds online database--eliminated paper files 98%
- Leaned shipping process; est'd recycle pgm/reused 2K ft material/377 boxes--redux annual budget rqmt $6.4K
- Led $55M equip xfer; coord d 530 systems swap w/AFSFC--expanded PACAF's comm across 53% of Earths surface
- Led 186 PPty/18 no-notice briefs; routed docs to JPPSO <1-hr--sec'd requested pickup dates <48 hrs/eased mbr stress
- Led 2 sections during supervision's 1.5 mo absence; mng'd 356 vehicle fleet/18 mil/civs--unabated service to 1K mbrs
- Led 330 HHG briefs/88 cklst items ea; liaised w/10 agencies/sec'd 99% rqst'd dates--pwr'd mvmt 770K lbs to 32 bases
- Led 55 Amn/3 AFSCs in AOR's busiest TMF & APOD; moved 9.6K pax/4.3M tons--optimized global reach
- Led 6 mass briefings; counseled 195 mbrs on PPty/NTS entitlements--svd AF $206K detention/excess storage costs
- Led AORs largest PAX swap; mvd 62K deployers in/out theater/halted 93 deports--svd DoD $300K excess trvl costs
- Led AUAB's pax office/7 Amn; coord'd 4.7K flts from AOR--key to AEF pivot/spt'd mvmt to Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan
- Led cmd-dir'd wpn xfer; supv'd block/brace f/shipment/12 M-60s--enabled installation perimeter def f/5K dply'd prsnl
- Led COVID-19 Stop Mvmt ETP process; guided 8 Amn/166 short notice PCS shipments--obliterated AF goal by 16%
- Led CTO integration; new contract online <24-hrs/maint'd 800 travel reservations--continued DTS/CBA svc/4K prsnl
- Led download/receipt of 28 C-trucks; processed 1.5K pieces/103k short tons of crgo--cordinated with 19 units
- Led flt during '10 HQ PACAF UCI; 202 of 203 items compliant--IG "Best Lock out/Tag out prgm seen to date"
- Led Gonzaga University cadet briefing; 42 prsnl educated on PCS entitlements--saved cadets 40 hrs of commute time
- Led GT '17 surface mvmt/trans'd 21 assets/$9.5M/129K lbs; powered ICBM test & launch--nuc ability demonstrated
- Led HAZMAT packing ops; certified 54 pieces/4.5K lbs of dangerous goods--zero mishaps/100% compliant w/DOT
- Led HHG section; escorted OCNs f/ 154 shipments--supported HAF's new QA guidance/coined by 379 ECES/CEM
- Led inbound cargo f/AFAFRICA; rcv'd 4K pcs/49K lbs/$17.3M--gen'd 1.7K srts/13K flt hrs f/21 acft/lauded by DLA
- Led PPTY/QA sec; oversaw 831 briefings/1.2K shpmts/90% QC insp rate--bested HQ Air Force standard by 40%
- Led QA function/tm acheived 348 inspections; enforced strict compliance/attained 100% insp rt--beat AF std by 49%
- Led QA/8 mbrs; enforced USDA law/652 hi-risk moves--beat AF inspec rate by 46%/protected 304M acres US crops
- Led receipt 68 ICBM assets/$5M; inspected 5K lbs msl spt equip--key to cmd's 1st-ever UEI "Highly Effective" rtg
- Led single largest AMMO move on record; coord'd 127 trucks for 65K pcs--eradicated munitions backlog
- Led six wg right start briefs; counseled 195 mbrs on NTS release & POV pick up--saved $296K detention/storage fee
- Led three elements during NCO absence/6 mos; scrutinized 358 PPMs/routed to DFAS <48 hrs--$685K paid to mbrs
- Led TMO QA function/325 insps; enforced mvmt compliance/achv'd 99% overall insp rate--exceeded AF std by 19%
- Led TMO QA prgm; provided oversight for 3 contracts/132 insp's--ensured DoD regulations met/beat AF std by 20%
- Led USA ann'l tng/8 soldiers; demo'd 41 pack/crate/mvmt tasks--lauded by QM/CO...key to 2x LRS Qtrly Awd wins!
- Led USN VP-10 rotation manifesting team; prepped 19 sailors/2.6K bags; postured PACOM antisub/recon msn
- Led warehouse re-org proj; consolidat'd 22K lbs excess crgo/readied for turn in--increas'd DRMO stock $37K
- Liaised w/ATOC; manifested/shipped 2K items/$1.2M--re-supplied AOR w/25 cargo tons of war fighting parts/equip
- Liaised w/KBR; org'd 33 TMRs f/120 critical assets/40 truckloads/22K lbs--sv'd 93 prsnl hrs/amp'd efficiency by 60%
- Liaised w/SCO & TSP during Bluebark move; prepped docs/assured compliance--dignified trans/eased family stress
- Linchpin f/SOTF container mvmt; consigned 21 conexe's/776K lbs--powered assets reutilization/earned LOA 786th CC
- LRS QAE; executed WIT duties/110 insp items/3 elements/18 Amn--postured sq readiness/earned "Effective" rtg
- Magnified military airlift utilization; moved 500+ DoD PAX--avoided $600K in potential non-use losses
- Maintained CMOS Surface Freight IB Turnover Records; document'd 2300 pcs/31 st GPC assets--minimal cust delay
- Maintained PIC of crit equip; cataloged 8K sensitive shipments/466K lbs cargo--1.1K msl field mx repairs completed
- Managed 1K shipments; resolved schedule conflicts/ordered 29 direct deliveries--negated $76K handling/storage fees
- Managed AF's largest ACSA prgm; linked w/5 coalition partners/10 functional areas--recoup'd $2.8M to DoD
- Managed annual $1.5M CBA; settled bills in 3 days/DoD's std 10 days--incurred zero interest in penalties
- Managed download for 32 AA&E trucks; expedited 144K lbs muns--increased WSA stockpile by $4.7M/armed SFS
- Managed GSA City Pair program; audited 2K PCS/TDY itineraries to 42 locations--cut $9.1M from travel expenses
- Managed TPPS billing; reviewed 3.5K invoices/corrected 308 acct errors--certified in 1 day/slashed DoD std by 66%
- Managed weapons mvmts; consigned 129 shipments/liaised w/ATOC f/ACA/$81K--secured transition/MSG ToQ win
- Managed WPM pgm; sustained $20K wood supply/enforced strict pest-control--key to no IG/QA audit findings
- Mastered 80 hr HAZMAT crs; achieved 85% EOC exam--expertise key to FW deployment/mobility readiness
- Mentored 3 Amn; provided crit NWRM/TPS OJT/42 tasks--saved 504 man-hrs annually/flt capability increased 52%
- Met DoD Prompt Payment Act; researched/resolved $3M CBA charges--acheived on-time CTO payments/82 airlines
- Meticulously evaluated CTO performance; verified GSA fare usage on 2.3K tickets--earned $50K cost savings
- Meticulously process'd OB small parcel cargo via CMOS; 7000 pcs/354 st valued at $97k--TAC/SDN/TSP compliant
- Mitigated COVID-19 threat; overcame 300% manning LIMFACs--spt'd 426 mbr thru-put/recouped $952K in benefits
- Mng d 2 Personal Property Sect's; guided 16 amn/processed 2.3K storage extension--avoided PCS stress/$4M charges
- Mng'd 11 pers; executed travel/trans for 1.2K PPty moves/1.1K pax--MW's #1 select for Woman Ldrshp Symposium
- Mng'd 180 inbound shipments; resolved schedule conflicts/ordered 29 direct deliveries--negated $70K stg/handle fees
- Mng'd 3 Amn/downloaded 45 arms mvmts; insp'd 44K lbs cargo/expedited delivery--increased wg artillery by >$3M
- Mng'd cmml travel contract; oversaw $2.6M account/2 prsnl--average pymnt processed <3 days/avoided $60K interest
- Mng'd customs f/SecDef & NATO visit; diffus'd sensitive import issue/14 TS assets--personally prais'd by Secret Svs
- Mng'd HHG shipment f/deceased Amn; coord'd w/SFG/led no-notice brief--smooth mvmt 300 lbs/eased family stress
- Mng'd IAA; vetted 6K applications/purged 40 unauthorized rqsts--cleared $98M assets through Qatari Customs Dept
- Mng'd inbound cargo ops; mvd 12K parts/1M lbs/$11M--drove MAFB msn/spt'd 4.5K helo sorties/'17 LRS Amn/Yr!
- Mng'd log f/22 no-notice discharge mvmts; secured PPty pickup <72 hrs avg/102K lbs--vital to MW Tm OT2Q awd!
- Mng'd PAX ops/MSG ex; 103 prsnl/3 chalks manifested--validated PDF CPI solution/answered IGEMS deficiencies
- Mng'd PPM pgm; eval'd 133 mvmts/routed to CPTS <24 hrs/$114K paid to mbrs--svd $12K in carrier line haul costs
- Mng'd PPty reweigh pgm; ordered reweigh 150 overweight lots--id'd 10 errors/mbrs averted paying $4K/excess fees
- Mng'd RADAR survey equip trans; mvd/secur'd $40.3M classified assets--upgraded DoD layered missile def strategy
- Mng'd receipt/$13K CES flt line assets--enabled rapid repair/12 in-op field lights--increased visibility 15K ft runway
- Mng'd TMO 'Smooth Move' prgm; revamped slides/trn'd 3 briefers/svd 30 man-hrs--eased arrival f/124 mbrs/families
- Mng'd wg container pgm; trn'd 5 sqs/32 mbrs/led inventory 2K containers--98% reuse rt/svd wg $1K replacment fees
- Monitored ILS-S receipts; distributed 89 MICAPs/2K lbs/$1.6M--smashed 4-hr AF std/enabled repairs f/$986M fleet
- Moved $3.2M/19K lbs missiles to Shariki defense site; detected enemy launches--protected PACAF's airspace
- Moved high-visibility Trans Protection Svc assets; sec'd 126 parts/$8M/23 WW locales--optimized global reach/ntl def
- Negotiat'd no-notice apprv'l/577 ammo containers; liais'd w/GoQ/rcv'd clearance in <4 hrs--muns stock lvls up $89M
- Niamey's sole cgo mvmt liaison; proc'd 1.5K pieces/211K lbs/$1.2M/2 GSU's--sustained log spt f/Operations OJS/OIR
- Orchestrated in-checking ops during AEF Iron 5/6; 140 cargo tons/87 increments--produced 7/7 on-time chalks
- Org'd 528 comml flts f/PCS/AFGSC Challenge tm; resolved acft seat shortage <1-day--key to '17 Blanchard Trophy
- Org'd 6 no-notice humanitarian PCS & separating mbrs; liaised pickup w/JPPSO <72 hrs--avoided housing hardships
- Org'd 6 PPty mvs for no-notice humanitarian/separating mbrs; same-day brief/liaised w/JPPSO--rcv'd <72 hrs pickup
- Org'd HAZ cargo f/Ukraine; upchannel'd status/spt'd $800M/1.6M lb munitions airlift--aid'd POTUS/SECDEF priority
- Over-hauled inbound filing sys; purged obsolete records/rebuilt database/trained 8 prsnl--saved 10 man-hours weekly
- Overhauled mass brief prgm; solved ofc bottleneck prob/est'd 32 add'l briefings; raised capes 50%/MSG/CC coined
- Oversaw 42 PPMs; calculated expenses/scrutinized erroneousness fees--routed to DFAS <48 hrs/$5.1K paid to mbrs
- Oversaw 88 deployment reservations; liaised w/CTO/coord'd $220K travel--key to Op INHERENT RESOLVE msn
- Oversaw DBIDS/MoD contractor ID program; coord'd 57 badge applications--fortified FP ops/safety of 900 personnel
- Oversaw equipment TIN program; diligently processed 5.2 TINs/$8.8M--proper disposal IAW item managers
- Oversaw Pax travel; arranged 148 flts thru GATES/Maximized use of AMC first pgm--svd DoD $119K in Air travel
- Oversaw PPM pgm; scrutinized 145 applications/secured $1M in reimbursements--saved $50K in prohibited refunds
- Oversaw PPty sect/4 Amn; coord'd w/JPPSO/educated 87 mbrs on trans entitlements--smooth mvmt 450K lbs HHGs
- Oversaw shipment processing; expedited 500 MICAPs <4 hrs/beat AF std 95%--$9M critical assets delivered/4 units
- Oversaw TMO QA prgm/3 NCOs; enforced compliance/556 insps--achv'd 99% overall insp rate/beat AF std by 19%
- Packed/cert'd 7K gen cargo assets; enforced DTR/DoT standards/100% ITV--instrumental to 5K CENTCOM sorties
- Partnered w/341 MUNS; shipped nine PSREs/$7.9M under two hrs ea--extended ICBM life expectancy by 13+ years
- Partnered w/HNCC; submitted 115 CWRs ISO OIR/OFS--strenthened combat capes/$402M equip/materials shipped
- PDF lead; manifested 31 NSI insp/crushed DSOE process time <1 hr; svd $17.2K in airfare--LRS rec'd 2 "Strengths"
- Penned Explosives Safety Std OI; draft'd 9 pgs/coord'd w/XX units--val'd trans rqmts/$2.2B cmbt wpn assets
- Penned Wg PCS guide; coord'd w/HHQ/JPPSO/ID'd/fixed 10 out-processing rqmts--svd TMO/MPF 1K man-hr qrtly
- Performed 40 QA inspections; ensured 100% carrier compliance/achieved 99% inspection rate--beat DoD std by
- Personal Property SME; steered tm through peak season; audited 500 records/neutralized 75 errors--svd govt $750K
- Pilot'd 1st ever DTC Cell movement; 936 pax/100% ALD met/< 96 hrs w/zero errors--CSAF's vision success
- Piloted UGT pgm for two sections; trained/certified 47 core/wartime tasks; secured 5-lvl upgrade for two Amn
- Pivotal to AOR's busiest PAX trvl ops; ticket'd 8.3K commercial/1.3K AMC flts/$8M--awd'd 379 ELRS Amn OTQ
- Pointman for intransit AMMO shipments; inspected 35 pcs/$5M/2 tons NATO explosives--zero security errors
- Power'd 13 US/coalition flying sqs; clear'd customs f/1.8M gal jet fuel/$109M--spt'd 3.3K sorties/39K cmbt hrs flown
- Powered 13 US/coalition flying sqs; cleared 498 manifests w/HN customs--enabled 4.2K sorties/45K cmbt hrs flown
- Powered 65 mbr force/6 sections; serv'd 6x Wg/Gp awd board mbr/pres--est'd biweekly enlisted Flt call/unified chain
- Prepared 1.3K classified shipments; 92K lbs/$146M distributed across USCENTCOM--spt'd 6.3K ISR & CAS sorties
- Prepared OB CBLs for freight/air movement via CMOS/ATR; packed 71 pcs/25k pounds at $30k+--met 100% RDDs
- Prepped/routed 15 M-16 & M-4 wpns; restocked MSFG w/war-fighting assets/$20K--sustained HoA/OFS cmbt ops
- Processed 53 postal/storage reimbursements; validated receipts/routed to DFAS <36 hrs avg--$7K paid to customers
- Processed 60 grenade launchers/$204K; applied strict protocol/47-pt checklist--equipped SFS/boosted arsenal
- Processed 667 TPS shipments; validated preservation compliance--disseminated $101M assets/upheld 23 MW units
- Processed 7 DPM contractors invoices; reviewed/certified $1.6K in fees--submitted w/ in 3 vs 7 day suspense
- Processed MILSTRIP IB cargo via CMOS; 7000 pcs/117 short tons--verified proper TSP render'd services/100% ITV
- Processed seven no-notice separating mbrs; led same-day briefing/short notice mvmnt--property booked w/in 72 hrs
- Propell'd AOR's busiest cargo ops hub; adv'd 9.2K mixed cgo/$514M--4 airframes/3.1K sorties/13K hrs ISO OSS
- Promoted PPMs; counseled 1K mbrs/6 A&FRC briefs/persuaded 180 prsnl to use pgm--svd DoD $35K linehaul fees
- Propelled post-post ops; processed 7 ES-S shpmts during AMS outage/zero rejects--assured ITV/seamless spt
- Propelled PPM pgm; validated claims for 349 mbrs--ID'd/fixed 26 errors--secured $1.3M pmt/saved govt 5%...$65K
- Propelled PPM pgm; validated claims/delivered 329 pckgs to DFAS <36 hrs avg--secured mbr reimbursement/$685K
- Provided secure storage $10M radio equip; cood'd w/341 SSPTS/HARRIS rep's--enabled crit comm modernization
- Provided spt to wg nuclear assurance/deterrence msn; completed Trans CCAF requirements--secured degree/3.5 GPA
- Ran $900M cargo op; led 36 mbrs/facilitated 40 prgms/made digital work center/continuity--keyed '20 Daedallion win
- Re-certified as HAZMAT preparer; finished 80-hr course/earned certificate--increased deployment readiness by 20%
- Readi'd crit assets f/shipment abroad; process'd 30 NVG's <4 hrs/secur'd vital equip--enhanc'd AFRICOM ops
- Readied 74 msl components/boosters; processed $181M equip/beat 8 hr AF std 75%--spt'd Wg Blanchard Trophy win
- Rebooted Smooth Move prgm/8-mo gap; led 6 Amn/73 seminars/620 families--svd 450 man-hrs/cut process time 75%
- Reconciled $130K CBA bills; 12 on time payments; beat HAF suspense date by 9 days--averted $3K in late penalties
- Rectified 7-yr TBA AFJQS chronic issue; created/submitted proposal HQ--AF Mgr remov'd/saved 240 UGT hrs yrly
- Redesigned PPTY process; implemented self counsel vs mass briefings--saved 144 man hrs/reduced process by 85%
- Reformed base safety prgm; initiated qrtly self inspections/rectified 19 violations--'17 CENTCOM IG Inspection ready
- Refurb two damaged reusable containers; prevented TDRs/shipping delays--saved sq $497 replacement costs
- Refurbished 21 acft FW crates; returned containers to service in 4 hrs--saved AF $9K in new construction fees
- Regulated PPTY actions; compliant w/Qatari/HNCC customs--uninterrupted service/customers 100% satisfied
- Repaired 28 damaged crates; protected items/prevented TDRs & shipment delays--svd AF $300K in replacement fees
- Repaired 34 damaged shipping crates; rtn'd to svs <4 hrs ea/protected $855K material--svd $68K new purchase costs
- Researched regulatory guidance/changes; updated PAX training pgm--reinforced section's effectiveness
- Restored QA ops; coord'd eqpt/MHE w/TSP f/inop elevators/8 bldgs--assured 99% desired pickup/delivery dates met
- Revamped Niamey Exoneration pgm; cleared 120 pcs/$22K--slashed Customs clearance by 3 weeks/cgo rcvd <48 hrs
- Reviewed 160 PPMs; validated expenses/fixed 10 erroneous charges--submitted to DFAS <48 hrs/$90K paid to mbrs
- Reviewed/reconciled monthly CBA; processed $1.3M for payment <48 hrs--beat DFAS 10-day standard/$0 fees paid
- Revis'd HHG doc; enforc'd 100% compliant w/TOS time-frame policy--simplifi'd move by 25%/zero shipment delay
- Revitaliz'd wg Reusable Container Pgm; trn'd 62 mbrs/6 units--avoid'd $4K replacement cost/reuse rt up 30%
- Revitalized PPty QA; managed 423 inspections/resolved 44 mbr/carrier disputes--beat AF inspection rate std by 5%
- Rewrote AUAB 24-101 SUP; coord'd w/MAJCOM; >100 man-hrs invest'd--AFCENTpax process stndrdiz'd
- Routed RED HORSE spt equip; sched mvmt 4 ISU containers/20K lbs--$7M assets deployed ISO AFRICOM msns
- Routed targeting sys ISO AEF ops; coord'd secure mvmt f/63 assets/$34M--enabled demise of 30 ISIS finance centers
- Rushed maint stand/staircase trk equip return; org'd truck--items p/u & returned to MXS <24 hrs after msn canx
- Safeguarded war-fighting material; handled 32 TPS assets/enforced strict ITV--$4M assets protected/spt'd ANG msns
- Scripted $1.5M packing, containerization, local drayage contract; met DoD/AFI reqrmnts--secur'd best service
- Scrutinized 20 trans tracer listings/450K line items; resolved status for 35 lost parts--rebalanced inventory/svd $15K
- Scrutinized 397 PPMs for accuracy; submitted to finance <36 hrs avg/$3.5M paid to mbrs--saved govt 5%...$178.6K
- Scrutinized SDRs; initiated 38 reports to DoD item mgrs--aced pkg preservation rqmnts/cemented compliance
- Scrutinized SIT log; ID'd expiring lots/directed delivery 48 shipments--negated $21.6K monthly drayage/storage fee
- Secured charter airlift for AFGSC/IG to Minot; 73 pax moved; saved DoD $52K--5th BW nuclear readiness assured
- Secured Muns assets; drove 89-step certification/198K wpn rounds--protected $74K assets/boosted stock lvls 6K lbs
- Selected sq veh ctrl NCO/mgr 5 vehs; provided trans for 5 munitions mvmts--$125K cargo to msl maintenance prsnl
- Serviced 6K DoD customers; coord'd travel arrangements for 13K PAX--99% customer satisfaction rate
- Shift lead AOR's busiest cargo section/13 prsnl; processed 7K acft part/$98M--sustained 20K OFS/OIR flying sorties
- Solidified redploy/1st-ever Japan/UK ex; guided manifest f/2x short-notice C-17 msns--expedited mvmt/7 allied prsnl
- Solved customs gridlock; mediat'd vital blood transfer/halt'd seizure--12 units shipp'd to Iraq/transfusion f/3 wounded
- Solved logistics dilemma; coord'd delicate transfer/52 barrels hypochlorite--crucial to clean water/>12K AUAB prsnl
- Solved WRM clearance dilemma; liaised w/GoQ /rcv'd dip-apprvl; 320 containers cleared/ammo stock lvls up $60M
- Sparked AEF 5/6 on-time departure; expedited PDF/CDF ops processing/200 stons/221 Amn--mobility ready
- Spearhead'd movmnt; over 500 tns to disposal site--shrank AUAB log footprint/postur'd for TSP site transition
- Spearheaded IRP; oversaw instr of 8 2T0s for AOR test pgm--99.6% accuracy rate/set bar for AFCENT bases
- Spearheaded section's EL pgm; furnished responsive/quality travel service to 198 Amn--zero msn degradation
- Spt'd Army IRF Det; redeploy'd 138K lbs/$10M eqpt f/cgo reset--reinforced med aid f/15K Afghan refugees ISO OAR
- Spt'd wg recycle pgm; coord'd w/5 units/collected scrap metal/hazwaste--prevented $16K lbs toxic debris in landfills
- Sq SEM 5 mos/engag'd ldr 191 Amn; systemic gp/wg commitment & Op Global Citadel spt--sq '17 Sijan SNCO nom
- Steered 88 PPty applications; scrutinized entitlements/blocked 8 prohibited mvmts--svd govt $3K unauthorized costs
- Steered AORs largest PAX swap; led smooth immigrations f/42K deployers--averted 243 deports/saved DoD $4.1M
- Steered inbound HHG ops; scrutinized SIT/directed delivery 31 shipments 72 hrs avg--negated $167K storage fees/yr
- Steered mvmt for 1.4K MICAP/999 shpmnts; influenced FW's 84% F-16 MC supply rate-->3% PACAF std
- Steered SDR/TDR prgms; ID'd 52 shortages/damages & doc discrepancies--recouped $260K+ from DoD item mgrs
- Steered TMO freight ops; in-checked/secured 15 NWRM assets/$6.4M/2K lbs--key to Wg's 1st DoD Phoenix awd '17
- Steered TPFDD scrub; 23 units/1635 deviations submitted to AFCENT/A4--up-to-date data/streamlined mvmt
- Streamlined FATS program; consolidated 875 of 1.2K requests/5 drivers for 397 prnsl--increased on-time travel 26%
- Streamlined filing system; uploaded 1.1K personal property records into on line database--eliminated paper files 98%
- Supervised 45 PPTY shipments; proc'd/briefed entitlements/coord'd pickup w/JPPSO--achieved 98% customer svc rtg
- Supervised 47 HHG reweighs; ID'd 14 discrepancies/updated shipment rcds--averted $4.7K in potential excess costs
- Supervised PPM validation; analyzed 97 claims/ammended 14 unauth charges/routed to DFAS--$133K paid to mbr
- Supported Kadena missile relocation; mobilized 26 cargo tons/67 personnel--sustained US/JASDF air defense
- Synced 3 dets w/USTRANSCOM guidance; coached 71 agents w/AFI refresh--rocked HAF implementation by 3 mos
- Synced TMO/E-Lab/msl mx tms; org'd ICBM parts shipments ISO Glory Trip; validated crit US nuc deterrence caps
- Take-charge ldr; coord'd 5 RS relocation from Suwon AB; used 14 trucks to move 70+ tons--mission sustained
- Teamed w/peers, established 40-hr tng pgm; aided completion of 116 TMO core tasks--2 mbrs fully qualified <4 mos
- Tested flt compliance pgm; ran checklists/id'd deficiencies--sq earned '10 PACAF LCAT "Satisfactory" rating
- Tm'd w/Casualty Asst ofcr; coord'd trans for 14 deceased svc mbr's--provided dignified transfer/reduced family stress
- TMO wizard; 183 UB shpmts/60K lbs prcss'd; zero customs issues/mishaps/99% customer satisfaction rating
- Tracked mvmt 4 acft engines; provided real-time status/$16M critical cmbt assets--efforts lauded by ANG/rcv'd LOA
- Trained three mbrs on wing directives; educated on NWRM/TPS checklists--work center knowledge upped by 30%
- Transfered custody 141 small arms/$493K; equipped 1.4K SFG mbrs cmbt equip-- enabled def 4K wg prsnl/150 LFs
- Transpt'd classified/MICAP/NWRM mvmts; delivered 1.5K parts/$4.8M--spt'd Wg One's 150 ICBM nuc msn
- Trnd sister svc's on AF entitlements; led 24 mbrs/resolved 600 retirees HHG issues--saved $6M storage extension fees
- Unit CCO/tracked 110 seavans; updated JCM/secured $4M assets--guaranteed no detention fees/100% accountability
- Validated 15 PPM reimbursements; fixed 3 erroneous charges--submitted to finance <36 hrs avg/$7.4K paid to mbrs
- Validated 375 AFSC specific tasks; provided functional data to AFCFM--drove 30 career field changes/2K 2T0 prsnl
- Validated/approved $10M in CWA/DPS; processed invoices w/ in 3 days of receipt--saved $25K in late fees
- Verified 900 PDF manifest line items; resolved critical data conflicts--provided total personnel accountability
- Vital to Red Flag '16 deployment; 1 chalk/60 tons/180 Pax/1 B747 100% airlift---spt'd 35 FW cmbt readiness
- Wg DLA rep; processed 600K lbs/10 trucks to depot/shipped 50% faster than std--re-allocated $4M to AF inventory
- Wg emerg leave rep; arranged travel/expedited 200 crit requests--returned war fighters home <24-hrs avg/eased stress
- Wg ldr! AFOUA wg '16 Chair/20 sq's/penned 42 impacts/spt pckg; wg's '16 Annual Awd emcee--authored new script
- Wg PAX trvl SME; directed COVID trvl req's/23 global locations--220 comm'l/AMC flights booked/$330K allocated
- Wg PPM prgm assistant; handled 91 moves/partnered w/CPTS/$124K paid to mbrs--svd $29K industry line haul fees
- Wg PPM prgm mgr; direct oversight 322 mvmts/routed <24 hrs/$553K paid to mbrs--svd $97K carrier line haul fees
- Wg Reusable Container Mngr; trnd 9 units/62 prnl on pgm rules--98% re-use rt/svd gov $4K replacement fees
- Wg TMO POC/3 peak season PCS seminars; provided PPty briefs/135 families--reduced mvmt anxiety/rcv'd 4 LOAs
- WPM mngr; scrutinized lumber/enforced USDA standards of 3K shipping crates--protected 247M acres of US crops