- Accomplished 12 comprehensive reviews; ascertained Amn CDC base knowledge--garnered 100% pass rate
- AF Wgman; forfeited 2 wkends; donated 16 hrs to DAADD--potentially saved lives/careers of 15 war fighters
- Assisted w/3 vehicle LTIs/$1.04M Wg DEPEX; spt'd 11 chalks 393 PAX/74 TCNs; earned Amn Mo June '11
- Assisted w/CINC IEA insp team visit; prepped $3.2M/20K-sq ft facility; 436AW 1 of 2 finalist/165 AF bases
- Charged w/"Tunner" eng swap; MC 16 hrs/bested time by 50%...crucial hi pri mvt 4 radar sys to war fighters
- Co-authored C-5 jet eng trl tire mx plan; assisted MXG svc'ing 9 trailers $351K/trans 42 acft engine $268M
- Completed 242 mx actions on 58 forklifts; achieved 95.2% MHE MC rate; key to 94% C-17 on time departure
- Completed 33 work orders on multiple vehicle/trail pieces--key to flight achieving 99.5% in-commission rate
- Completed three 60K loader Time Compliance Tech Orders; bested ACC goal by 5 mos--key to 463L 98% MC
- Devised 10K forklift PM&I tracker; complt'd scheduled mx f/68 assets--extinguished 4yr backlog/$4.2M potential lost
- Directed 24 techs/4 shops/sched'd mx 131 Wg assets/$41.6M--91% fleet FMC rate/spt'd mvt 225K tons cargo
- Earned ASE HD truck electrical certification; tn'd/certified 8 techs/22 core tasks...bested 3 to 5 lvl time 30%
- Expedited 60K acft loader acceptance inspection; msn ready <1 wk--raised Wg's cargo capes 27% to 140 tons
- Flt Tech wk winner! Directed 5 Amn; installed 19 deferred parts/recouped $24.5K--axed 709 delayed mx hrs
- Identified/replaced faulty tow tractor instrument cluster w/ salvaged parts--saved $1K+, averted wks dwntime
- Implemented short notice LTI baggage conveyor shipment; shop to acft in 4 hrs; spt'd VPOTUS visit DEANG
- Inspected, prepared 125 material handling vehicles for NSI--key to Wing win "Outstanding" rating NSI 2010
- Kept 10 forklifts in service; utilized parts from three salvaged vehicles/saved $5K+--flt reached 93% MC rate
- Lead 12 members ATSO/egress/SABC; ensured readiness for war fighting msn + success of 436/512AW ORE
- Lead tech! Conducted 96 MHE repairs; spt'd 34K+ line items whse/900+ mx personnel/31 acft valued $5.8B
- Lead tech! Overhauled 2 acft loader steering systems; labored 42 man hrs--spt'd 3K acft msns/moved 2K pax
- Led shop eqpmt pgm; directed 2 Amn & mx 232 pcs/valued $430K--garnered Gp "Effective" rating during UCI
- Managed tool crib ops 228 hrs; ordered $9.3K parts/issued 872 CTK tools--100% accounted/0 FOD incidents
- NCO mo V-flt winner Jun '11! Directed 3 LTIs/$1.04M for Wg DEPEX; moved 11 chalks 393 PAX/74 TCNs
- NCOIC MHE Mx safety pgm; authored section JSTO--lauded by Wg Safety as bench mark & best pgm in LRS
- Outstanding ldrship; helped Amn garner 1 BTZ win/13 Flt "Tech of wk"/2 Sq Sharp Amn awd & 2 OAY nom's
- Overcame 44% mil work force UGT; developed mx checklists; slashed VDP rate .4% & spt'd 128.9k TDY hrs
- Oversaw repairs 1 munitions mvt K-loader; resupplied Navy w/120 TLAMs/spt'd UN & Op "Odyssey Dawn"
- Performed SBs on 8 acft loaders; beat HHQ 5 month suspense by 4 months--spt'd 94% of DoD's alft cgo AOR
- Puts "Go" in cargo; responded after hrs svc call; repaired transient MRAP on acft--MC < 2 hrs/zero msn delay
- Puts the "Go" in cargo! Repaired NGSL auto lube sys; moved 10K lbs cargo of Haiti earthquake relief supplies
- Rebuilt 5 heavy equipment loads, assembled 4 type-5 airdrop platforms and rebuilt 3 combat offload platforms
- Removed and fabricated maint stands on baggage conveyer--avoided 30 days downtime/saved $5K in repairs
- Renown forklift expert! Fixed electrical dilemma >2 hrs; enabled M-flt process $15M property/svc 530 mbrs
- Reorganized benchstock filters--ensured 100% accountability, improved parts procurement, reduced waste
- Repaired scrapped Halverson 25K loader--offloaded 15 acrft/20 tons of equip ISO Royal Air Force Air Tattoo
- Responded to 97th LRS only 13K forklift; rebuilt contol valve--saved $2.3K/14 days NMCS/spt'd 327 sorties
- Restored flt line ops; fixed P-23 drive fault/returned 23% Wg fire fighting capability; protected 31 acft/$5.8B
- Selected as 3d ASOG CFC Coordinator; provided trng to all Sq reps--ensured 100% contact of 350+ personnel
- Serviced 42 acft cargo loader mx calls; achieved 97% in-field repair rate--raised flt's 24 hr repair rate to 57%
- Single-handedly fixed 71 vehs; logged 502 hrs/fixed 805 line items--beat HQ AMC 80% MHE FMC std <13%
- Supported 9th/11th ASOS VM workcenter msn; completed PMIs on 21 vehicles--reduced their workload 33%
- Swapped 2 Hyster 10K tires in-field; 2-hr job done in 35 mins/unblocked C-17--enabled unhindered OEF msn
- Top pick head CSC section; opened/qc'd 446 wo's/dispatched 142 mobile calls; enabled APS move 24K pax
- Trained 2 peers; installed 2 acft loader hyd cyls--completed veh NMC for 200 days...spt'd $27M missile mvmt
- Trained 3 technicians on Halverson loader pitch sensor testing and deck operations--5 core tasks completed
- Versatile NCO! Completed 96 hr deicer crs; augmented snow removal team; enabled launch of 55 AMC acft