
Munitions Systems
EPR Bullets

See also: Munitions Systems Awards

- 447th EAMXS Liaison for distinguished visitors; briefed mission climate--ensured deployment needs are addressed

- Accomplished ADR Driver crs; cert'd to transport HAZMAT across USAFE--Sq intra-theater trans capes incr'd 20%
- Achieved cargo pallet build cert; inc element quals by 33%--marshaled 18 pallets/23k lbs cargo ISO 9 TDY taskings
- Achieved LRS acft pallet build cert; assembled 2 5.56/9MM increments/67.8K rnds--flawless...'16 NORI "Effective"
- Achv'd test set upgd; inst'd s/w f/$800K eqpt/ran diagnostics/319 msls--ensured tgt reliability f/$150M HARM cache

- Actively pursued 5 lvl; completed 3-volume CDC one month early--bested 12 month standard/84% on EOC
- Actively supported BLU-129 QRC flight test execution; installed TM, monitored EGTV and can data
- Adv'd cmd-dir'd DOM fix; provided MHE spt/1556 MK82 markings rpr'd/298K NEW--14% EUCOM NEW ship rdy
- Advanced first SOF component JNTC ex; directed delivery of 6.1K lbs NEW--enabled 433 jt srt/65 JTACs qualified

- Advanced Maverick can upgrds; coord d dlvrs/insp'd/xfer d 11 msls--boosted TO change compliance/stock 68% c/w
- Aided 880 SMIs; analyzed 1K msls/wpns & ID'd 8 errors/R2'd 500 desiccant units--preserved crit asset serviceability
- Aided 93 EAC completions; notified key prsnl f/585 base orgs/agencies--validated safety/accountability 260 TFI amn
- Aided mgt of muns flt xx vehicle fleet; scrutinized $xx assets tracking data--enhanced wg's readiness posture

- Aided USAFE CAPEX '19; built/repacked 436 GBUs/sim'd muns resply--eval'd Cmd TTP/val'd 31FW's readiness ops
- Aligned Patrick AFB pack-out rqmts; prep'd/coord'd $26K AFSOC shipment--bridged 80 hr pre-deployment ex f/17 PJs
- Analyzed daily msn rqmts; guided 65K movements/28K expends/$6.5M--armed 5.5K srts/8K flt hrs f/78 F-35A JSFs
- Analyzed DSU-38/B to find limit of captive carriage hrs before wpn fails/unsafe--still works at 500+ flt hrs!

- Analyzed XXFW flying schedule rqmts for XX F-22s; coord'd muns deliveries w/ ZDs--spt'd XXK trng sorties
- Anchored 488 explosive ops; selected/issued 2M assets/$5M--armed 2.7K sorties & 26 custody accts over 3 MAJCOMs
- Applied AFSO21 mindset; created flight line trailer flow plan--slashed wait time 1-hr/elim'd excess muns movements
- Appointed Sq SABC admin; provided life/limb saving trng to 106 sq psnl/tracked 610--heightened emer preparedness

- Armed 190th EFS; distributed 138K 30mm worth >$6.9M -- reinforced close air support capabilities in AOR
- Armed 190th EFS; Performed refrag 38 AGM-65 valued $9.3M-- reinforced close air support capabilities in AOR
- Armed 190th Fighter Sqd; processed 23.5K/$1.2M 30MM HEI--re-inforced AFCENT CAS strike capabilities
- Armed 190th Fighter Squadron; distributed 23.5K 30mm $1.25M -- reinforced close air support capabilities in AOR

- Armed 2x Marine ordnance evaluations ex's; expedited receipt/delivery of muns assets--48 srts/54 flt hrs/22K rds exp
- Armed AFSOC overwatch; built 546 105 MM artillery rds/92 SGMs--provided CAS f/4K CF ground troops/610 sorts
- Armed DOD sole joint irregular warfare exercise; generated 9 acft/364K rounds/263 flt hrs--1.5K multi-nation pers trn'd
- Armed OIR msns; coord'd assembly/transport f/ 20 guided bombs/$1M--obliterated ISIL HQ/terrorist C2 capabilities

- Assistant Conventional Lead; trained 12 airmen on CFETP tasks and in NCO skills--led to >1629 sorties/zero missed
- Assistant Line Delivery lead; trained 3 airmen on CFETP tasks and in NCO skills--mentored future leaders & NCOs
- Assistant shop chief; Expedited delivery of 1900 munitions to flight line -- 1629 ATO sorties/9000 combat hours
- Assisted a/c crash resp; recovered/secured damaged munition assets/debris--eliminated FOD hazard/rwy FOC<48 hrs

- Assisted AFSOC muns assessment; 12 acft armed/3 tests completed/125 Airmen trained--fortified 1st AC-130J WIC
- Assisted AS04 in-load op; enabled RI's of 12 AGM-65G2s/$2.2M--increased USAFE's lrgst WRM stockpile/rdy f/CS
- Assisted Conventional Muns shop; built over 1.6K GBUs/89K countermeasures-->9000 ATO hrs supported by muns
- Assisted JDAM TCTO software upgrade; modernized 1061 JDAM/$42M --elevated weapons GPS efficiency

- Assisted Munitions Operations shop; completed inventory counts/recounts--100% accountability of munitions assets
- Assisted wg wpn standardization prgm; dispatched $334K tmg muns qtrly--yielded awd of 104 load crew certs
- Asst d insp sect; drove MMHE supt f/ID corrections f/151 mk-82s/260 30 MM containers--elim d 411 stock discreps
- Asst'd AFSOC A4 UEI prepn; validated 5 munitions prgms/mitigated discrepensies--21 insps complet'd/90% pass rt

- Asst'd Danish & German muns troops; bed down done quickly--fostered greater inter-operabilty between NATO mbrs
- Attained 5-lvl qualification; completed CDCs/43 tasks four months ahead of peers--bested AF 12 month std
- Attained RD/FRD clearance; coordinated with 35 39MXS personnel/multiple agencies--ensured continuity of control
- Attended munitions accountability course; gained critical knowledge/abilities--increased flt productivity 50%

- Authored safe explosive ops; ctrl'd 180 munitions work orders/36 prsnl--captured 97% sq MSE rate/section won TotQ
- Authored two tech data changes; corrected ALCM launcher/pylon cooling air deficiencies--saved 14 man-hrs
- Authored xx emergency checklist; safeguarded xxx prsnl/xx facilities--guaranteed prompt warning notifications

- Backed 2014 Afghanistan Presidential Election; show of force displayed--1st peaceful democratic xfer of pwr
- Braced TICMS launch; spt'd pre-dplymnt cklist/inventoried 1.4M item stockpile--fed HHQ online dashboard updates
- Broke down/proccessed 555 flying schedules, ensured accurate/timely fltline suppt to Kadena AB tact msn
- Built new AGR20 Laser Rockets; 1st A-10 use in combat--supplied accurate strikes/low collateral damage on Da'esh

- Certified Munitions Inspector; performed 2K mx actions/>2M items/$7.4M--keyed 98.7% serviceability rt/garnered SEI
- Cleared 2-yr brass backlog; certified 7.6K lbs expended small arms/$20K recycled--ensured 22 MXS TOQ for 4Q '16
- Cmplt'd 80 hr AGM65/88 FTD crs; awd'd 2 wpn sys certs/earned 2 CCAF crdt hrs--incr'd sect crew chief quals 25%
- Cmplt'd Maverick container upgrds; insp'd/swapped 53 msls/$2.5M--boost'd compliance f/TCTO/stockpile 95% done

- Collaborated accountability of $121M muns stockpile; 5.8K transactions processed--ensured over 99.9% accuracy
- Completed all ancillary trng; achieved certification on xx shop specific/xxx wartime tasks--met readiness rqmt
- Completed initial build up; 46 AIM-9M/AGM-65 missiles insp'd--air superiority facilitated/100% MC rate
- Conducted 10 loaded launcher/pylon tests; certified $110.6M in missiles for upload--guaranteed schedule met

- Confident Leader! Runs 12 custody/courtesy muns accnts valued at $1.5M/6 facilities worth $5M/64 acres
- Contributed to 30MM HEI ops; 141K total 30MM processed-->400 oil targets hit reduced ISIL income by over 80%
- Contributed to reusable container program success; certified 3K+ containers muns free/empty--$582K to DRMO
- Contributed wkly AMU & Ops sq meeting; analyzed <2.5K muns request vs allocation--vital wg's cmbt tng rqmt met

- Controlled completion of 16K workorders; coord'd with eight work centers--maintained 95% scheduling effectiveness
- Controlled munitions activities; oversaw 218 explosive ops/118 prsnl/17 bldgs/25 vehs--ensured wk orders 100% c/w
- Coord 3 FY11/12 100% stockpile inventories; $183M assets validated < 3 days--confirmed 100% accuracy rte
- Coord d w/27 SOW/IP off; confirmed 5 yr inspection/mx c/w certified 172 high security locks/keys properly stored

- Coord EOD May '12 range run; 2.2K line-items/$1M destroyed--freed 1.3K critical sq ft space for test muns
- Coord'd 42 precision guided missile PEs; primed tactical muns f/ F-22A XDCA msns--deterred Russian AF hostility
- Coord'd shipping ops move for $650K bldg upgrade; 12 Amn/3K lbs NEW/TMO function--seamless depot supt
- Coord'd USAFE-directed demil shipment; 416 CBU-87s/$5.9M/51K lbs NEW without incident

- Coord'd wg's "Show of Force" muns spt; armed 5 acft/700 105/40mm--showcased 1 SOW's combat capes to SECAF
- Coordinated fire cart DIFM swap; issued 67 carts ISO 59 KC-135s--assured safety of flt/16.7M lbs fuel to 2365 rcvrs
- Coordinated inbound; 188 shipments/$104M/377K line items received--provided for 1.6K A-10 sorties on 1009 trgts
- Coordinated inbounds; 120 shipments/$48M/1.5K line items received--reloads provided for sorties on 1009 targets

- Coordinated multi-agency ops; processed >8K munitions transactions/$3.3M expenditures--1629 sorties/zero missed
- Coordinated muns control integration; built a cohesive team of four separate entities--seamless transition ATO made
- Corrected 354 MUNS/768 EABS dilemma; thermally treat'd 7K haz items--rectifi'd ADR cape gap/sav'd USAF $320K
- Corrected fleet-wide MHU-110 surge brake issue; ID'd/rebuilt 40 faulty master cylinders--51 trailers FMC in <36 hrs

- Crafted HQ tasking process for transient acft; streamlined sourcing procedures; AMC benchmark--TSgt now!
- Created munitions movement log; tracker ensured accurate pass-ons between shifts--reduced pass-on time by 50%
- Created Shelf/Svc Life Insp pgm; eliminated/prevented overdue periodic inspections--saved 5 man-hrs/month
- Crew chf'd msl insp ops; led 5 mbrs/val d 378 AUR's/DCAs/updated tac rpt g sys--ensured AGM-65 stock readiness

- Critical to operational success rate; mng'd 85 muns trailers & 24 equipment item--sustained readiness posture
- Cultivated storage procedure implementation; built non-existent MSP--enabled rapid pull and restore of assets

- Day shift storage lead; provided storage support for 12 A-10C/2 AC-130W/16 MQ-1--1.4K guided weapons on target
- Day shift TM lead; provided operational trailers for 12 A-10C/2 AC-130W/16 MQ-1--1.4K guided weapons on target
- Delivered LJDAM AFCENT UON; critical moving tgt deficiency--assets delivered to warfighter 3 mos early
- Delivered muns for deliberate strikes; 10 lines reconfigured ISO strikes--all sorties met/daesh targets destroyed

- Demonstrated superior C2; mngd $XXM muns spt eqpmt--ensured XXX items cmbt rdy/CAF real-time visibility
- Deployed 180 days iso JUNIPER SHIELD; supported 1264 sorties/28K flying-hrs/6 IFEs--advanced $240M ISR msns
- Deployed ISO OIR; assisted build up/delivery 966/$38.6M JDAMs--enabled A-10 GBU-31/38 employment
- Deployed to Al Udeid; tested 66 JASSMs/$27M/ID'd 34 unserviceable--prevented missile mishap/postured 9 EBS ATO

- Developed Flt COVID-19 CTK procedures; instituted decon stds f/hands/tools--dcrs'd germ/virus transmittal f/19 prsnl
- Digitized shop sfty prgm; uploaded/validated 15 AFTO IMT 55s--assured compliance 2 weeks ahead of schedule
- Diligently tracked 16 ADR shipments; assured booking on outbound acft--unsafe assets removed from JBPHH
- Directed build-up of 13K countermeasures; disrupted enemy radar/tracking capes--preserved air superiority

- Directed daily trl/acft inventories; maintained $121M OIR stockpile integrity -- guaranteed 100% accountability
- Directed munitions builds; 1.3K GBUs built and delivered-->7500hrs flown against ISIL in support of OIR
- Directed storage spt for $89.3K egress assets; regulated access to 13 canopy rockets-- acft FMC w/ zero delays
- Drove AGM-65 mx; repaired/tested 12 unserviceable missiles--enabled 27 CAS missions/destroyed 14 HV targets

- Drove AS-69 retrograde op; 90 TEUs/260K lbs NEW/$59M+ assets--US poised for cluster muns disarmament
- Drove F-35A trng msn; processed 70 changes/71 lines added/249 SCL updates--empowered JSF pilot cmbt readiness
- Drove Lightning Protection System checks; inspected 294 terminals/21 explosive facilities--guarded $3.1M stockpile
- Dynamic safety monitor; overhauled sect JSTO/trnd 14 prsnl/procs/mng d rcds--ZDs ID d/sfgrd'd msl mx fac/19 indivs

- Effectively identified DSU-38 laser sensor eff; delivering a 600% increased capability w/sapphire window
- Engineered expended 30MM turn-in process; prep'd 28K lbs for int'l transport--eliminated future bottlenecks
- Enhanced spt sect; relocated/xfer'd two CTKs/177 tools/20 spec eqpt/$2.1M--decr'd ops rdy time/sv'd 520 man-hrs/yr
- Ensured safe muns ops; 400 explosive operations C/W--all operations completed on time without incident

- Epitome of a leader; trained 12 airmen on CFETP tasks and in supervisory skills--coined by a visiting unit member
- Epitome of an NCO; trained xx airmen on CFETP tasks and in NCO skills-- exceptional leadership as PGM NCOIC
- Equipped 27 SOW; controlled delivery of 33K munitions/5 sqdns/63 acft--ensured 75 cmbt tng sorties/684 flying hrs
- Equipped 5 MWD tms; configd/maintained 2 explosive scent kits--secured venues w/Secret Sevice agents f/POTUS evt

- Equipped EOD w/ emergency response kit < 1 hr; averted 20.9K casualties--lauded by Marrion County Sheriffs Dept
- Equipped two FS; processed 10K expend'd countermeasures worth $185K--powered 19K pilot training hrs/6K sorties
- Escorted 310 civ/AD mbrs; sustained PL-4 security 60 acres--safeguarded integrity 35 acts/$31M ANG/AR/AD assets
- Established super shop concept; cut trained 20 personnel on 5 shops--increased upgrade task qual by >60%

- Exceptional shop lead; Expertly performed 117 AGM-65 PII ops; handled >17Klbs NEW -- 100% combat ready
- Execut'd rewarehousing ops; trans'd 99K assets,cleared 3.6K cu ft/160K lbs expl space--primed FW f/EDI muns increase
- Executed AGE storage; consolidated 20K sq/ft muns--sheltered 23 pieces/$3M eqpt for 1st KC-46/AMC's #1 priority
- Executed AGM SMI's; insp d 146 msls/components/ID'd/R2'd/corrected 62 errors--preserved regions lrgst AGM stock

- Executed AGM-65 PIs; insp d/tested 34 msls/R2'd 11 faulty parts/$7M--elevated cmds lgst Maverick stock 99% FMC
- Executed AGM-65 PIs; test'd/rpr'd 121 msls/R2'd 11 faulty parts/$22M--ensured ballistic wpns serviceability/lethality
- Executed Air Staff directed SRC changes; mod'd 65 item identities w/$10M--wg 100% compliant IAW DOD policy
- Executed AMMO flt airfield driving prgm; qual'd/cert'd 50 psnl <10 days--ensured seamless transition/'0' msn delays

- Executed build of 219 APKWS laser rockets; provided accurate/low collateral dmg strike capes--180+ EKIA
- Executed Master Storage Plan; graphed 20 muns structures/58,392 sq/ft--enabled FY17 munition global redistribution
- Executed no notice RAPIDS exercise; uploaded 3 MC-130J's/WRM chaff & flare/$60K--ensured 100% msn readiness
- Executed timely component delivery; transported >8.4K tons muns for bomb builds--supported 1K OIR A-10 strikes

- Exhibited technical excellence/Prepared mobility package to forward deploy and repack--enabled mission to continue
- Expedited 2 Cmd realignments to MSAB; shipp'd 648 advanc'd wpns/$9.8M--360 weapons dropped f/ OIR/137 EKIA
- Expedited 263 mx ops; insp'd/tested 76 msls/rpr'd 23 errors/prep'd 17 R2 reqs--ensured $26M WRM AGM's cmbt rdy
- Expedited build-up of 20 AIM-9 missiles; critical frag change c/w <12 hrs--postured 12 A-10/air-to-air capes

- Expedited delivery of >1900 muns to flight line; enabled >1629 combat sorties -- guaranteed zero sorties missed
- Expedited time-critical flare ops; replaced 28 expiring acft sets <5 wks--ensured 1.6K local departures w/92% LDRR
- Expert Line Driver; deliv'd 145K muns/632K lbs NEW in-place -- supplied 12-A-10C w/CAS muns/zero sorties lost
- Expertly coord'd AC-130J generations; 7 acft/5.5K deployment muns <2 hrs--validated outload practices/capabilities

- Expertly led inventories; one 100% & three 10% inventories C/W & 2.2K line items counted--100% accountability
- Expertly loaded 207 GPS guided wpns/2640 chaff/816 flare; 463 msn's/37 wpns expended--100% release rate
- Expertly managed $121M muns stockpile; >8000 transactions processed--ensured over 99.9% accuarcy
- Expertly monitored $121M muns stockpile; >8000 CAS transactions processed--ensured 99.9% accuracy achieved

- Explosive operations liaison; coord'd delivery 3M assets/88 tons/$13M--enabled 743 SOF aircrew contingency qual'd

- Facilitat'd 27 custodian spt ops; pull'd 79K muns supporting 14 accts--equipp'd STS tm w/rockets f/ pri msn/13 EKIA
- Facilitated 6 A/C mission frag changes; facilitated GBU-31/38/12 swaps and reloads -- destroyed >175 ISIL vehicles
- Facilitated DCA ops; rvw'd 340 rcds/sched'd 240 insps/mng'd updates--ensur'd data accuracy f/33.4M AGM-65 stock
- Facilitated rapid A/C reconfigs; 12 A-10Cs configured to evacuate on <12hrs notice--commanders options enabled

- Fed SecDef initiative; mng'd TICMS start-up docs/transactions--eased transition/sec'd 100% accountability/1st in AMC
- Filled E-5 insp role;perf'd 19 SMIs/fixed 11 defects--val'd serviceability 6 GCSs f/cave tsk'g/dstry'd ISL wpn cache
- Filled NCOIC position f/2 mos; mng'd 47 insps/classified 681K explosives--postured 27 custody accts/14 CCs/5 Cmds
- Filled Wg Weapons Safety position during primary's deployment; Wg/CC's #1 selection--seamless transition

- First Class Line Driver; delivered >1900 muns in-place supporting 12 A-10C-- led to >9000 combat hours flown
- First Rate Equipment Custodian/maintained and updated 14 IPads/created helpful info file/Ensured accurate tech data
- First-Rate controller; supported 288 munitions operations--directly enabled 1629 combat sorties with no lines missed
- First-rate crew chief; expertly led 54 muns ops; built 325 GBUs/202 RKTs worth $27.7M-->1629 sorties/zero missed

- First-rate crew chief; function tested 479 MAU-209s valued >$4M--98% accurate strikes/250 ISIL vehicles destroyed
- First-rate crew chief; masterfully Orchestrated >90 muns ops--Resulted in the generation of >1900 complete rounds
- Flawlessly verifi'd 5.2M assets/$204M during semi-annual inv--key'd MXG's 5th USAFE Daedalion Awd win
- Flt's mx scheduler/6 sections; mng'd >XXXw/o, armed XXX bomb drops--gen'd XXX cmbt srts/crushed ISIL targets

- Forecasted monthly ancillary tng requirements; 100% on-time completion rate--nine personnel mission ready
- Fueled 154 mx ops; assembled 2K guided bombs/1M lbs NEW/$90M--weaponized 390 combat sorties/1.8K BoT f/OIR
- Fulfilled 11 USAFE RDOs; id'd/analyzed serviceability of stockpile assets--svd AF $10.5M in shipment costs
- Fulfilled urgent missile RDO; transferred 48 JASSMs/$40M--incrs'd largest B-1 unit w/ long range stand off strike capes

- Function test 331 MAU-169/209; validated proper laser detection ops-- enabled 211 expenditures of GBU-12s
- Function tested 182 MAU-169/209 CCGs $679K; validated proper laser detection--100% accuracy/zero overdue

- Gen d Mobility Guardian SCL; executed 2K flare bld/delivery--keyed jt combat ex success f/4K multi-national aviators
- Gen'd 25 GBU-12 & 21 JDAMs worth $1M; facilitated precision attack aircrew tng--pilots deployment ready!
- Governed '08 AMC UCI/LSEP prep; comp 35 evals/20+ pgm insps; "Excellent" rating--promote to TSgt now!
- Governed ITEC acct; inv d 18 tech items/ID'd/R2'd 1 GETAC mal essential to ops-- guaranteed seemless workflow

- Great initiative/Created local crew book for 447th Munitions Flight/Streamlined operational procedures
- Guided 30MM processing; over 110K 30MM processed-->400 oil tgts hit reduced ISIL income by over 80%
- Guided ATOC inbound ops; rcv'd 126 SDBs--elim'd low density/high demand asset shortfall/flt winner NCO 4th qrtr
- Guided F/L ops; delivered/returned for processing 216K+ flares/$5.4M+/25K lbs NEW--zero QA findings

- Guided inventories; five 10% & two 100% inventories C/W & 3.5K line items counted-->100% accountability
- Guided WSEP 20-15; sync'd 2nd SRAN/guided moves f/47 wpns/$1.2M/16 srts--afforded 86 FW rqmts/100% exp rt

- Hand-picked Increment Monitor; c/w 2 day LRS course f/mobilization/CDF prcs--cemented Wg's #1 strategic initiative
- Hand-selected TDY tm mbr; armed DoD's largest JTAC CAS ex/fed 24 sorties/132 flt hrs--coined by USSOCOM/J44
- Heroically responded/evacuated 12 per spot 34 Hobart fire; extinguished fire--Flightline Safety Pro/April '14
- Honed cmbt qual/14 wpns; drove 98% effective sched--dlvr'd 450K/$172K muns rnds/4K 22d ARW warfighters trn'd

- ID'd explosive safety LIMFAC; liasied w/Metals Tech f/52 haz signs--nixed shortfall/24 bldgs emer response compliant
- ID'd faulty ECP keypad; rpt'd/develop'd entry procedures/CES rectified <1 wk--protected 83 acres/$44M infrastructure
- ID'd road hzrd; mapped alt explosive route/staging area/working pln in 6 hrs; reduced public exposure by 80%
- ID'd six drones encroaching Muns Area; mitigated security breach--section lauded by ESFS 'AMMO set reporting std'

- Identified faulty 1760 cable amid JDAM power-on check; diagnosed fault/reseated connectors--sortie secured
- Identified faulty ESTS test cable plug; saved $25K in unnecessary parts replacement/$1.5M ALCM EWO ready
- Identified faulty ESTS test cable pin; saved $241K in components/15 man-hours--$1.2M ALCM EWO ready
- Identified restricted munitions during AMC LCAP 2010; customers issued safe assets--MXS rated "Excellent"

- Implemented Block-10 TCTO; upgraded software on >2K JDAMs--armed pilots w/advanced wpns sys
- Increased combat effectiveness; inspected all munitions prior to delivery--no muns rejected/1009 targets eliminated
- Increased job knowledge; learned CAS and PGM tasks on down time--force multiplier/depended on during surges
- Initiated 14 emerg action checklists; executed 2 pot mishap evacuations safegaurded 22 facilities/117 pers & 25 veh

- Initiated 2 time change service life extensions; implemented ES dispo on $6K assets--averted F-15C grounding
- Instituted no-notice breakout; provided custody egress asset/$4k--ensured 1.1K sorties/51 F16's/$1.97B/87% MC rate
- Instrumental to 30MM HEI ops; >20K total 30MM processed-->400 oil tgts hit reduced ISIL income by over $37M
- Integral to munitions surety; supervised escort duties for 520 hrs/47 agencies secured $55M stockpile/ zero violations

- Integrated Army/AF ops; uploaded 268k muns/<$1M value--ensured 173rd Brigade/EUCOM cmbt deployment 24hrs

- Key mbr f/8 MRX's; spt'd wood fab f/305 ISOs/278K muns/1M lbs NEW--adv'd Sq outload cape/awd'd sup perf'r 2x

- Lead Controller; oversaw 12 additional programs/key to '21 UEI Highly Effective rating--awd'd ACC "Superior Team"
- Lead tear down of MAC I tables; supervsd setup of MAC II gantry and tables--increase bomb build productivity 50%
- Led 10% muns inventories; scrutinized 573 lines/ID'd 46 discrepancies--validated stockpile for 5 Wg's/3 MAJCOM's
- Led 100% inventory tm; validated 1.4M explosives <18 hrs--cemented 99% accuracy f/$1.7B stockpile/AFCENT's lrgst

- Led 22 Joint Service muns persnl for Ex JADED THUNDER; sptd 17 acft/41 sorties--2K muns assets on target
- Led 3 fix tms requested by UCI Inspector; 39 line items verified/reliable--seven agencies re-certified msn rdy
- Led 3 small-arms mobility pallet configs; provided 3K rds to ROCKI players--beat muns timelines f/no-notice Phase I
- Led 606 muns ops;dlvr'd 14K adv wpns/40k CMs/52K lbs NEW--armed 13K srts/27K flt hrs w/745 GBUs/787 EKIA

- Led 710 muns receipt ops at AF's busiest receiving activity; 2M items received--100% accountability sustained
- Led accountability initiative; developed enduring OIs for muns operations--unit in compliance with AFIs
- Led Air Staff review $247M/3596 line items; ID'd 230 AF SRC inconsistencies--gen'd no notice correction actions
- Led CCG IMRS prgm; ID'd/fixed 39/$500K clerical errors/expended 227 CCG's--est'd accountability $3M AF assets

- Led msl PI ops; tested 13 HARMs/cmplt d 261 mx actions/ID'd/R2 d faulty parts--cut AWMs 6%/incr d FMC rt 98%
- Led munitions control section; supervised three controllers--controlled all munitions transactions for fifty personnel
- Led muns re-frag operations; trailers reloaded daily supporting ATO--enabled 1.4K bombs & 138K 30MM on target
- Led PGM team; assembled/inspected/tested 24 AIM-9M Missiles-- resulting in weapons being ready for instant use

- Led reusable container program success; certified 2K+ containers munitions free/empty--$268K turned in to DRMO
- Led shift of 22 personnel; provided muns support for 12 A-10Cs-->1350 combat sorties none missed for muns
- Led six Amn daily 379 EAMU AGE inspection; 23 msn crit items--ensured zero deficiencies prior to acft use
- Led storage shop of five; stored/monitored $121M stockpile--enabled 1.6K combat sorties/>7K hrs in support of OIR

- Led storage/inspection initiatives; developed enduring processes for muns operations--unit in compliance with AFIs
- Led support shop of 3; stored/maintained $3.6M equip acct--enabled 1.3K combat sorties/>7K hrs in support of OIR
- Led T.O. validation on BLU-129 QRC--certified assembly for warfighter within 3 mos--combat effective now
- Led two MASO turnover inventories; validated 91 line items--assets valued at $54M/100% accountability

- Led/advocated/obtained Wg approval for 4 bldg/$2.5M project/multi-yr facility renovation; 3K sq/ft gain
- Led/conducted 340 exp ops/89 RIs/108 SIs/62 RMIs/37 PIs; 100% QA pass rate--rcvd MXG Honor Roll Awd
- Leveraged GACP dir'd lateral spt; secured transport f/4K 5.56MM marking carts--solidified MS ANG contingency trng
- Loaded four bombs during Ex GREEN FLAG at Barksdale AFB; 100% release rate, vital to pilot upgrade trng

- Managed 172 high-security locks/keys; validated 741 issues/retained 100% integrity 17 bldgs/96 acre MSA secured
- Managed 18 day shift personnel; built over 1.6K GBUs/89K countermeasures--9000+ ATO hrs supported by muns
- Managed 22 custody accounts; outlines provisions to custodians/commanders--uninterrupted munitions support
- Managed CAS transactions on 447 AEG munitions stockpile worth $121M--dicrepancies timely fixed/100% correct

- Managed deployed TMRS database; accounted for >300 AUR missiles & components-- assured 100% accountability
- Managed FMS transfer; 100 BLU-109 prep'd/delivered to NATO ally--$3.1M transaction completed in <4 hrs
- Managed weekly a/c spt; dir'd 5.5K explosive ops f/3 elements/9 sections--provided muns f/3 flying units/$85M FHP
- Mastered DoD Lightning Protection Certification; inspected/documented 12 Wg bldgs--ID'd 18 discrepancies

- Mastered pgms! Excelled in 6 add'l duties/managed 254 tools/$10K HAZMAT--secured 100% QA pass rate/237 insps
- Masterful Technician/Participated and 7-level checked GBU-12, 38, 31, 54 munition builds/Ensuring serviceability
- Meticulous maintainer; performed IBIT on 772 KMU-572&556 fins/$18.3M--optimiz'd A-10C use/1526 ATO sorties
- Meticulously perform IBIT; programing for 653 KMU-572/556 tails C/W-- weaponized 12 A/C, 1649 combat sorties

- Meticulously verified expenditures; ensured over $23M of expenditures were reconciled--50K 30MM & 700 bombs
- Mng d HUREVAC ops; 14 tons equip/163 pers/100% assets relocated--safed wg's $7.9B fleet/CONPLAN readiness
- Mng'd B-1 countermeasure prgm; insp'd/assembled 5.8K pyrotechnics/$1.5M--fed def capes f/12 aircrews/4 MDS/$3B
- Mng'd flt ADPE pgm/354 items; ID'd/corrected 9 discrepancies from 6 prior inv--critical to 100% EMS IT accountability

- Mng'd PGM op stock; inv d 14K items/req'd 13 items/revived sply chain w/items avail--enhanced spt sect AWP prod
- Mng'd PWCS acct/$149K; controlled 49 radios/cell phones--upheld critical comm infrastructure/100% acct integrity
- Mng'd sect op stock; audited/replenished 14K items/resolved 22 issues--incr'd mx prod 27%/revived dwindling sply
- Mng'd upgrade tng/48 Amn; drove flt to 100% pass rate/90% EOC avg/bested AF 81%--lauded "best in gp" by gp CC

- Mngd $xxx key/lock prgm; strictly verified xxx high/medium security locks--secured $xxx muns stockpile
- Mngd status on 85 muns trls/24 eqpmt items; no overdue periodic insps/uninterrupted posture--airspace secured
- Mobilized 169 Amn ISO 17 TDY; prepped 1k tons of spt equip--showcased wg readiness/supported COCOM tasking
- Monitored/updated muns flt LMR prgm; secured $xxx comm assets--maintained xx radios to meet msn rqmt's

- Monitored/updated wkly flying muns rqmt; ensured spt for 3.7K trng msn/16K FHP--rectified/approved 300+ change
- Multi-disciplined/Vehicle Trainer; trained 11 ea. personnel on 6K F/L, passenger bus/Enhanced operator availability
- Munitions crew chief; built >200 GBU's/$1.4M in support of OIR--supported war effort 1009 ISIL targets 1200 KIA
- Munitions flt administrator; observed 663 explosive ops w/5 work centers/117 pers 100% completion w/no incident

- Mng'd security detail f/370 prsnl; steered 5 MSA upgrade/$14M--align'd infrastructure spt f/F-35 test/trng msn increase

- Navigated ATO f/acft carrier escort; armed 14 F-16s w/5 wpn sys/$1.4M<12 hrs--enforced AOR deterrence objective
- NCOIC Munitions Operations; provided support for 12 A-10C/2 AC-130W/16 MQ-1--1.4K guided weapons on targt

- Ordered 3.6K supply items/$200K; ensured replacement/repair of 83 items--14 AWP workorders cleared/RTS
- Organized 243 foreign military sales shipments w/item managers; supported 51 US allies--seamless ammo ops
- Organized Global Lightning prep; mobilized 4 pers/758/$37K muns items--evaluated new GPS navigation system
- Organized munitions retrograde; returned 37K+ items to depot--1st shipment in 6yrs/critically short items repaired

- Outfitted Wg FSR compliance; rcv'd/insp'd 356K small arm rds f/CATM allocation--catalyst f/>1K prsnl weapons qual
- Outstanding leader; expertly supervised 2 PE of AIM-9Ms NEW 1K, $782K -- ensure 100% serviceability
- Oversaw ATOC muns storage; tracked 1.8K+ plts/1.5M+ lbs of NEW/6.4K+ tons/22M assets--no exp mishaps
- Oversaw blocking/bracing op; 60K brds cut/704 ISOs--spt'd largest WRSA-I outload in history/svd Army $3M

- Oversaw Flt mx schedules; coord'd w/4 units/val'd 24 requests f/12 meetings--bridged ACC/AW rqmts/briefed ldrshp
- Oversaw inbound shipments; 188 shipments/$104M/377K line items received--1629 combat sorties for OIR
- Oversaw preparation to fwd deploy during Turkish coup; able to move on short notice--muns ready to cont mission
- Owned sect MC2; scheduled 421 JCNs/3K TICMS inputs--cemented time mgmnt stds f/81K assets/nixed 5 LIMFACs

- Participated in 24 bomb builds to fulfill SCL; 450 bombs built--1200+ EKIA, 493 vehicles and facilities destroyed
- Partnered w/DynCorp; config'd 360 containers/shipping docs--freed 4K sq ft/returned $294K assets f/AOR reutilization
- Partnered w/LRS; prcs'd/cert'd 16 shipments/$293K/4.3K muns f/distro--fulfilled A4 global asset positioning directives
- Pen'd Flt Standby Guide; trn'd 15 mbrs on sec/agencies/mvmt procedures--incrs'd on-call rpt time 15% f/7 acft uploads

- Perf'd HARM TCTO ops; converted 29 ctrl sects/R2'd legacy parts/$13.6M--cut AWP 37%/shelf-life extended 32-yrs
- Perf'd HARM TCTO; R2'd legacy ctrl sects f/49 AGMs/$5.6M/cut AWM backlog 87%--incr'd wpn service life 32-yrs
- Perf'd HARM TCTO; swapped/upgd d 7 ctrl sects/R2'd legacy parts--decr'd AWP log 29%/shelf-life extended 32yrs
- Performed four monthly 10% inventories; 1.2K assets/$105M--assured 100% muns for OCO msn sustainment

- Performed GCS maintenance; Swap for 4 bad AGM-65D valued $740K-- Ensure 2 serviceable asset saving $370K
- Performed GCS swap for 4 AGM-65Ds valued at $288K; produced 2 additional serviceable assets / $370K savings
- Performed routine muns reconciliation/inventories; 162.3K expenditures/$9.4M--preserved integrity/$148.3M arsenal
- Periodically performed Assistant Flight Chief duties/managed 24 personnel/ ensured 100% mission success

- POC f/3 AMUs; dispatched 15K countermeasures/6K expended--powered 3K flt hrs f/3 Cmds/won Sq's NCO MSPoQ1
- Prepared 44 egress issue requests; 70+ assets/$150K--ensured muns availability for wg $1.34B/50 F-16 fleet
- Prepared 650 ammo items/$8M for shipment to demil activity--10K sq ft vital space opened for WRM storage
- Preserved 1 SOW HUREVAC allocation; validated/staged 23K/$1M gunship & EOD assets--postured f/emer lateral spt

- Proactive ldrshp; rejuvenated awaiting mx/parts pgm; completed 53 work orders--reduced mx backlog by 91%
- Processed 113K 30MM HEI rnds; enabled destruction of XX ISIS VBIED--preserved lives of coalition mbrs
- Processed Haz Class 1.2 munitions movements; 26 line items repositioned--safety of Honolulu taxiway upheld
- Produced 68 LOCO bombs; armed close quarter combat ops-- destroyed critical targets/minimal civ casualties

- Production supervisor; Masterfully Orchestrated >100 muns ops--Resulted in generation of 1900+ complete rounds
- Program coordinator; directly provided support for 12 A-10C/2 AC-130W/16 MQ-1--1.4K guided weapons on target
- Promoted culture of compliance; enforced AF standards & regs--all taskers and missions met by munitions
- Provided daily muns support; delivered 600 GBUs/50K 30MM on time--enabled 1629 ATO sorties/9K combat hours

- Provided munitions to FOB rescue unit; shipped 34K items/$1.2M <24hrs--enabled CSAR capability continuation
- Provided RQS spt; insp/delivered 77K small arms rounds/$225K--enhanced Jnt rescue trng/AF special ops capability
- Pumped/conditioned 3K gallons of JP-10; coordinated 18 fuel samples--extended ALCM service life 18 years
- Purged 38 excessive equipment items; relocated $118k assets for AF reutilization--reduced custodian workload 25%

- Pursued Microsoft Office Certification; completed three advanced tng courses--knowledge streamlined flt data

- Quarterbacked daily flightline spt; oversaw 734 trl mvmts/46.1 munitions delivered/5 sqs gtd 185 cmbt tng sorties
- Quarterbacked multi-agency tm for emer shipment to Al Dhafra AB; three acft FMC in 48 hrs--saved AF $20K

- Ran flt resource protection prgm/led 156 point insp/75 security checks; secured $52M muns arsenal promote
- Re-fragged/Processed 67.5K rounds of 30mm ammunition; contributed to destruction of 175+ vehicle enemy convoy
- Readied mob package for redeployment; consolidated 36 item UTC footprint--decreased airlift burden 18%
- Rec'd and inspected 15 MHU-110/141 trailers valued at $1.5M, enabled Royal Singapore AF F-15S/G beddown

- Recieved eight ISO's; D/L/palletized 38 CBU's/four GCS's/worth $12.6M+--muns supplied to OEF front line
- Refined MSP; managed 24 facilities/52K sq ft/504K muns--postured OIR assets/joint mission LIMFACs eliminated
- Relocated 500+ propulsive state muns--moved 100K lbs Net Explosive Wgt, alleviated major discrepancies
- Responsible for following/enforcing strict safety measures; controlled all aspects of explosive ops--zero safety write ups

- Resrched, acquired 122 items to establsh $12K benchstock; guaranteed parts avail, increased mx prod 20%
- Revamped CMT crs; modified trng for 72 hands-on contingency tasks--certified 56 Amn/100% postured for deplymt
- Revamped inadvertent squib fire mx procedures; directed turn-in of excess stock--ensured 100% accountability
- Revamped upgrade pgrm; 100% TBA qual's/141 tasks <6 mo--awarded 5-level/initiated trng for 2 tech school Amn

- Reviewed CDDS weapons fault; troubleshot to circuit breaker/repaired circuit--acft returned FMC/one hour
- Revised explosive safety prevention pgm; audited 1.4M+ lbs intransit assets--zero FY08 Class A/B/C mishaps
- Revised missile op stock program, fixed 30 discrepancies and led to munitions flt "Outstanding" '10 LCAP
- Revised operating procedures; updated SOP with mission changes--enabled 99% accurate expenditures and reporting

- Revitalized accountability initiative; tailored OIs/SOPs for ever-changing muns ops--unit in compliance with AFIs
- Revitalized op-stock/supply program, created new tracking process/drove 610 items/$65K; minimized AWP downtime
- Revitalized SMI program; identified/corrected 100+ discrepancies--40% increase in QA passes/service life increased

- Safeguard'd MSA security; preform'd Wg escort duties/65hrs/three agencies--secur'd $196M stockpile/zero violations
- Safety focused! Demanded/got quality ops; recognized as the 2007 Sq/Gp Mx Tech Knucklebuster of the Year
- Saved AF cost under DAMTC contract; saved proposal prep costs; saved 1280 internal JDAM man-hrs
- Scheduled depot/test level insps; 4 SRANS/144 line items/$1M--efforts led to 2010 AFMC MEA selection

- Scoured 14 muns inventories, assured 100% accountability--assured stockpile integrity throughout Nellis
- Scrutinized 100% TMRS/TICMS val; 462 AUR msl s/1K components--ensured accountability $88M PGM stockpile
- Sect scheduler; coord'd w/3 flts/drove 4 FTD crs'/fixed 23 errors--373 JCN's c/w/98% MSE rt/crew chf quals up 76%
- Secured 3K addit'l training chaff and 2K flares when levels low--allowed trning to continue without dlay

- Selected f/ CoM 100% inv tm; counted 2.3K line items/66 locs--val'd accuracy of $84M AFCENT/AFSOC stockpile
- Self Improvement; sustained fitness regiment that resulted in loss of 40+lbs -- Achieved an excellent on fitness test
- Senior Controller/led 4 mbr tm; drove 98 explosive movements/500 lbs NEW--selected as ROCKI ex "Top Performer"
- Served as representative for joint mission; ensured seamless communication--OIR/39th ABW Surety mission success

- Set-up 7th Special Forces Gp spt event; provided meals to 57 deployers/family--raised sister service members' morale
- Set-up EOD wrk cntr; coor'd mvmnt/2 UTC/$3.2M eqpt--protect'd 220 facs & $140M infra/elim'd 4-yr AFI discrepancy
- Single point manager for Chaff/Flare inventry; >89K sticks/$4.6M verified expenditures--maintained 100% accuracy
- Skillfully performed five QA evaluations; earned 100% pass rate--bolstered 379 EAMXS 94% eval pass rate

- Solely developed/implemented Flt Microsoft Sharepoint; coord'd w/AMC A6; linked/trained 200+ custodians
- Solid mentor; provided guidance/discipline to 3 AMN/NCO--2 promoted and successfully qualified in PGM duties
- Solved small arms shortage; released 403K previously suspended CATM rnds f/ use--added 2K additional base M4 quals
- Spearheaded munitions container turn-in; 3K items/$851K delivered to DRMO--cleared >2 yr residue backlog

- Spearheaded reconfiguration for quick departure; reconfigured 15 trailers/8 aircraft during adverse conditions <12hrs
- Spt'd CAPEX '19; delivered 1.9K bombs/components, armed 126 sorties f/72 hr ATO--showcased 31FW's cbt readiness
- Spt'd USAFE CAPEX '19; built/repacked 436 GBUs/sim'd muns resply--eval'd Cmd TTP/val'd 31FW's readiness ops
- Spt'd WRSA-I mx; prep d /loaded ISO w/4 msl test sets/130 spec tools/408 TMUs--enabled jt-svc muns mx/200 msls

- Steered JDAM tail kit IBITs; completed 2.7K TCTO actions--enabled build-up of $100M precision munitions
- Steered munitions retrograde; returned 37K items to depot--1st shipment in 6yrs/critically short items repaired
- Stream-lined munitions ops; instituted numerous build processes-->1700 wpns and >138K 30MM against ISIL
- Streamlined flt Bench Stock prgm; captured/tracked 12.5K+ mx ops items--zero UEI discrepancies annotated

- Substantiated lcl AGR-20 load procedures; safeguarded sensitive components--reduced mx cost/time 80%
- Superb leader; expertly enforced explosive safety standards during 474 explosive operations-zero QA findings
- Superbly led 23 personnel; built over 1.6K GBUs/89K countermeasures-->9000 ATO hrs supported by muns
- Supervised coup pack-out; 12 aircraft and all muns prepped for shipment <12 hours--CC options enabled

- Supervised muns mvmt; consolidated 18 bldgs/20K explosives/$2.3M stockpile--freed 27 acres for McConnell AFB
- Supported 12 A-10s; 1.4K GBUs/380 Rockets/missile--enabled 1629+ combat sorties/guaranteed zero sorties missed
- Supported 160th SOAR joint exercise; coord d transport 155K rounds/2.75 rockets--enabled 108 flt hrs/72 trng sortie
- Supported 30MM operations; processed >50K rounds/$2.5M-->250 ISIL oil tankers destroyed/$37M revenue lost

- Supported CAF's largest operational flying sched; delivered 11.5K STONs--7.7K trng sorties/11.6K hrs flown
- Supported DoD largest JTAC CAS ex; generated 24 sorties/3K rnds exp--simulated cmbt ops/114 AFSOC jt pers trng
- Supported FW flying msn; ID d critical defects/replenish'd 2.4K rnds/20MM/$9K--averted grounding 51 F-16/$1.9B
- Supported K-9 Det w/munitions tng aid; facilitated SFS certification--seven security detection teams qualified

- Supported Op ODYSSEY DAWN; built 37 plts/$7M/19K NEW--assets readied 24hrs prior to airlift arrival
- Supported PGM element; conducted >50 GBU-12 20-flight inspections--rapid turn-around time & 98% on target rate
- Supported six B-1's for naval interdiction; seven opposition force vessels inhibited--intel shared with 11 allies
- Supt d change of MASO inv; acct d f/1.3K line items/9K s/t/ID'd 13 stock errors--abetted USAFE's lrgst WRM cache

- Surged contingency capes; packed/divved 108K 5.56/9MM rds/809 pax armed--firmed ROCKI ex/194 ton cargo loaded
- Surged def capes f/3 AMUs; insp'd/divvied 15K pyrotechnics/6K exp'd--outfitted 62 C-130s/2K sorties/3K flying hours
- Surpassed 5-lvl upgrade milestones/6 mos; completed CDCs w/XX% EOC avg--2 of 43 UGT tasks remaining
- Sustained 2nd Bomber Sq Ops; verified XX trl moves for XX sorties--100% on-time asset delivery

- Sustained intense production rate; assembled 3K+ GBU/produced 1340 sorties--1661 EKIA/Mosul liberated
- Sync'd 4 sections/19 prsnl; govern'd 306 mx actions/outfitted 27 muns accts--arm'd 62 C-130 acft/2K srts/5 MAJCOMs
- Sync'd C-130 TCTO software upgrade; reconfig'd 137 flare dispensers/4K muns <3 wk--pwr'd acft gen/$57K expended

- Tackled unit exers; drove MHE spt/perf'd B&B f/278K muns/RDO d 128 ISOs--val d outload capes/secured 19 MGA
- Team player! Detached from DASFC to deploy in PAFSC--skills proved invaluable in mentoring 5 junior NCOs
- Team Player! Supported 4 bomb builds; built 144 GBU-31/38/54s--ensured 1009 enemy targets eliminated
- Team player; Key leader in line delivery element in month of June -- Team of the Month June 2016

- Tested 164 MAU-169 CCGs; validated proper laser function--enabled 207 successful air interdiction missions
- Top-notch line driver; compl'd all tasks/1st to volunteer for addit'l duties--coined by Chief Lewis/AEG team winner
- Tracked 10 sections' MC2/CAS updates; drove 2.4K work orders--facilitated X FW/XX FW trng/TSP taskings
- Tracked wkly man hr lost/flying schedule change; new mx & ops scheduling practices applied--recouped 758 lost hrs

- Track'd xx element's MC2/CAS updates; controlled xxx work orders--facilitated 100% xx FW muns taskings

- Validated 124 storage location discrepancies; solidified stockpile integrity--lauded by 2010 LSET evaluators
- Validated 59 posted fire symbols; data promptly conveyed to FD--cemented safety of emergency responders
- Validated daily aircrew wpn expenditures; verified $XXM muns trng allocation affirmed 100% accountability
- Validated daily combat expenditures; verified $5.5M munitions within 1hr--ensured 100% accountability maintained

- Verified daily munitions stockpile; ensured 100% accuracy of assets worth >$2M daily--issues fixed/99.9% accuracy
- Vetted entry for 1.5K visitors; assigned 655 escorts/preserved $54M stockpile--protected 209 MSA pers/19 facilities
- Vital AFMC/IG ORI crew mbr; 80 aircraft pallets/$9M/201 short-tons--garnered squadron "Excellent" rating
- Vital to sq exers; built B&B/dlvr d/loaded 237K muns/91 ISO's/563K lbs NEW--val d outload capes/secured 19 MGA

- Volunteered to move body armor for AFCENT initiative; moved 3.4K/$5.3M kits--reduced transportation cost 100%

- Wrangled 1 SOW weekly flying schedule; processed 2.3K deviations/gen'd 4.2K sorties--critical to wg's 71.6% FSE rt

Star Line

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