
Aircraft Armament Systems

See also: Weapons Loader Awards and Decorations


- Performs weapons system maintenance/explosive loading on XXXXXX CV-22 aircraft valued over $620M dollars

- Responds to in-flight emergencies; safely removes jammed guns, unfired rounds and hung chaff/flare from acft

- Performs receiving (RI), shipping (SI)/special inspections; 10.3K line items/four accounts valued at $412M
- Provides ship/receipt functions for OO-ALC acft Mx/ICBM depot prgms/Foreign Military Sales/contractors
- Maintains crew member proficiency for build-up/palletization of Standard Air Munitions Packages (STAMP)
- Enters munitions data into Combat Ammunition System; ensures accurate lot history information is logged

Performance Assessment

- A-10C expert; picked amongst ### prsnl to showcase weapons capability to Maj Gen Kaluzinski, Polish COS
- A-10C expert; showcased weapons capability to Maj Gen Kaluzinski, Polish Chief of Staff of ops command
- Accomplished 18 required proficiency wpns loads; zero errors/100% pass rate...surpassed 85% CAF standard
- Accomplished four Quality Assurance "ZD" graded evaluations...anchored AMXS superb 91% pass rate FY09

- Aced Aug 10 AFGSC NSI; flight lauded as "Impressive"--aided in 2010 AFGSC Daedalian Award; promote!
- Aced Feb 2012 DNSI; Arm Flight named "Superior Team" by AFGSC IG--5 BW rated overall "Satisfactory"
- Achieved 97% pass rate on 68 QA evals; led flts overall 97%/348 insps--awarded QA honor roll 2010 1st qtr
- Achieved LRS acft pallet build cert; assembled 2 5.56/9MM increments/67.8K rnds--flawless...'16 NORI "Effective"

- Active w/integrated weapon interface unit upgrade; prepared three pylons--ensured B-52 system sustainability
- Advised AFMC focal point on MHU-226 pylon adapter; designed and built stand--exceeded customer needs
- AEF Top Performer; crew loaded ##% of ###+ muns loads/###K lbs--zero ATO's missed/### soldiers saved
- Aided 125 line item/$5K spare tools program; monitored critical resources--ensured immediate availability

- Airshow committee leader--coordinated 10 wpn displays/B-52 load exhibition--success for 9K participants
- Always ensures mx is on time; upheld 100% scheduling effectiveness--aided in '10 AFGSC Daedalian Award
- Assisted 60 test, measurement and diagnostic equipment items; delivered for calibration --100% on time rate
- Assisted in 28-day A/C weapons phase insp; completed 19 days ahead of schedule--zero errors/lauded by QA

- Assisted Lockheed missile-launcher failure investigation; enabled safer loading procedures...promote SrA now
- Assisted troubleshooting yoke malfunction; replaced faulty primary drive unit--item returned to service <4 hrs
- Assisted w/16 acft reconfigures; installed 32 LAU-147's/32 BRU-68's w/ops chk; guaranteed 100% FMC f/WSEP '21
- Astounding Floor Chief; expedited/oversaw 2,184 mx insps--accumulated outstanding 96% in-commission rate

- Astute leader during three wpn test preps valued at $2.09M; 100% release rate--validated wpn syst reliability
- Attention-to-detail; maintained 100% pass rate on flight-line evaluations/PEs performed by Quality Assurance
- Audited mx information collection prgm; examined/corrected >450 IMDS DIT entries--vital to zero DIT errors FY17

- B-52H wpns SME; pinpointed 3x jettison sys anomaly/replaced faulty pylon--a/c FMC <2 hrs w/zero repeats
- Balanced duty schedule w/education; aced college composition CLEP-- completed 60/64 credit hrs towards CCAF
- Built focused maintenance team; flight completed 2K+ inspections CY09 with impeccable 97% QA pass rate

- Chosen for TDY to Nellis AFB Live Drop '15; dropped over 83k pounds of live munitions--97% weapons release rate
- Cleared 2-yr brass backlog; certified 7.6K lbs expended small arms/$20K recycled--ensured 22 MXS TOQ for 4Q '16
- Completed ## hours of scheduled maint; performed 2 quality assurance evals--set standard w/100% pass rate
- Completed 31 mx actions; accrued 3 personal QA evals/corrected 2 errors/100% pass--led to sections 99% pass rt 4Q

- Completed 82 End-of-Runway insps; discovered three loose BDU-33 bombs--prevented munition/equipment damage
- Completed 95 scheduled mx tasks; no overdues/98.7% unit mx scheduling effective rate, FY11--beat std by 3%
- Completed five wpns phase insps; guaranteed B-52 system reliability--807 sorties with 5K hrs flown in FY10
- Completed LOTI in 3 wks; performed 11/22 CP insps, repaired 4 harnesses--facilitated AMU completion 2 mos early

- Completed training in pylon removal for TCTO upgrade; removed eight MAU-40 pylons--TCTO/training completed
- Completed Wg's 1st bulk loader acceptance; pinpointed/fixed 9 major faults/taught 5 mbrs--averted $900K mishap
- Conducted 24 HSAB TCTO acceptance insps; pivotal for B-52H wpns sustainability--6 mo ahead of schedule
- Conducted 312 7-day gun no-fire insps; ensured GAU-8 gun sys performance--##K rounds fired/99% rel rate

- Conducted debrief for 432 A/C sorties, inputted landing status codes & over 734 flying hrs--99.3% accountability rate
- Configured A/C for exercise BEVERLY BULLDOG; 10 A/C combat ready <6 hrs--8 FW rated "Satisfactory"
- Configured nine A-10C combat a/c; full load a/c 93/post load all a/c on 1st day--enabled A-10 ATO/war rdy
- Contributed to 12 acfts preparation for Estonia deployment; ensured all configurations and scheduled inspections c/w

- Coord'd turn-in of excess wpns support test equipment valued at $750K; assets redistributed throughout CAF
- Coordinated fire cart DIFM swap; issued 67 carts ISO 59 KC-135s--assured safety of flt/16.7M lbs fuel to 2365 rcvrs
- Coordinated hoist repair; succeeded where others couldn't for 2 years--eliminated significant mx ops limfacs
- Coordinated mobility for GUAM TSP; palletized four tons of equip/supply assets; guaranteed mission success

- Coordinated Mustang cable tester refit with Boeing--maintained positive accountability of $725K equipment
- Coordinated vital war-ready assets issued from 5 LRS; 23 A-6 bomb release units verified--100% serviceable
- Created bulk loader tracking prgm; input data/trn'd 7 Amn on process--reduced overdue insps/fortified sects 100% QA rt
- Created FI crse; taught three Amn/ensured strict safety/technical compliance--essential to flts 98.6% QA/QVI pass rt

- Dedicated! assisted w/2.4K insp--flt earned MXG '10 Air Force Association (AFA) Team of the Year Award
- Deployed in support of Ex VALIANT SHIELD; loaded four live GBU-32s...100% release rate/4K lbs on target
- Deployed to Anderson AFB; exercise inject participant during PACAF ORI --36 WG earned "Sat" rating by IG
- Designed supply order database; implemented use/improved efficiency 60%--quality SNCO/promote ASAP

- Destroyed scheduled mx; performed 490 AME inspections--ensured 100% scheduled mx effectiveness
- Devlp'd/deployed bulk loader control policies; noticed JTD changes/rectified/insp all items--anchored $2.4M asset avail
- Diagnosed AIM-9 L/M no tone fault; located/rpr'd recessed pin/replaced PACS CP unit--assisted 856 srts/1135 flt hrs
- Diligent NCO; 100% scheduling effectiveness maintained--aided in 2010 AFGSC Daedalian Award; promote!

- Diligently maintained deployed wpns release equip; 108 MAU-12's maintained--734 bombs/98% release rate
- Diligently repaired MAU-12 bomb rack tester; led 98.9% AME in-commission rate--surpassed ACC 97% goal
- Directed eight wpns phase inspections; guaranteed B-52 syst reliability--99% release rate/600 wpns expended
- Directed NSI prep; verified insp records; flt achieved zero errors--wg nailed overall "Satisfactory"--promote!

- Directed turn-in of 40 obsolete items; reduced waste/increased floor space 20%--improved work environment
- Directed wpns load trainer repair; replaced A-6 release unit lock arm--averted crucial training loss--promote
- Directly supported 195 sorties/1448 hrs; 90 wpns/100% release rate--essential aircrew tng requirements met
- Disco'd broken GAU-18 receiver rivet; coord'd NRTS TIN/mod'd replacement <8 hrs--positioned unit f/dual UTC spt

- Discovered broken aft pylon quick release pin; prevented damage to equipment--protected $197K USAF asset
- Discovered cracked MAU-12 bomb rack J-1 electrical connector; rewired connector--equip combat ready
- Discovered defective B-11 shackle release latch; removed/replaced latch--aided 100% mx effectiveness rate
- Discovered faults during MQ-9 Blk-5 ops ck;pinpointed no-verify/replaced M299 launcher acft FMC >4hrs

- Discovered faulty CLP wiring; captained 3 harness replacements/trn'd 4 personnel--increased CLP FMC total to 92%
- Drove Lightning Protection System checks; inspected 294 terminals/21 explosive facilities--guarded $3.1M stockpile
- Drove MXG's 10K tng events; spt $4.9M drop plan/348 muns/100% rel rate; fueled 5 BW's #1 Strategic Plan/AEF prep
- Drove refurbishment/use of 13 LALs; increased 3WG ability to load acft guns by 50%; combat ready/focused

- Duty NCO for 355 FW Extra Duty Flight; 96 man hrs of base cleanup--re-blued and mentored 8 troubled Amn

- Eagle Eye; discovered/repaired detached jettison grounding wire--avoided missile pylon release malfunction
- Eliminated PACAF shortfall; obtained additional COLT Tester; empowered dual F-22 contingency operations
- Energized unit morale; teamwork resulted in 35 CS winning PACAF Brigadier General Samuel Green Award
- Enhanced unit lethality; configured/ops checked 3 acft for 3.2B upgrade--ensured delivery of a $29.7M upgrade

- Ensured acft missile launcher serviceability; unit generated wg's first AIM-9X flt--enhanced plts trng syllabus
- Equipped 13 MQ-9's; supplied 293 guided munitions worth $223M--contributed to 1282 sorties/18796 hours
- Equipped EOD w/ emergency response kit < 1 hr; averted 20.9K casualties--lauded by Marrion County Sheriffs Dept
- Eradicated elusive no fire voltage; replaced damaged wire/faulty marix--flew sq's first 5.1 intergrate Mod acft

- Escorted 310 civ/AD mbrs; sustained PL-4 security 60 acres--safeguarded integrity 35 acts/$31M ANG/AR/AD assets
- Essential to $51M HSAB upgrade; ensured required equip on hand--improved B-52 capability--promote now
- Established A-10 weapons load crew certification and qual standards--answered critical mission need
- Eval'd on three CBM/pylon mx tasks by QA; zero discrepancies noted--maintained 100% pass rate, June 2013

- Excelled in SMSgt/flight supt billet; led 2.3K inspections--outstanding 100% mx scheduling effectiveness rate
- Excelled in TSgt/assistant section chief billet; 30% personnel change over/upheld excellence--promote now
- Excellent safety management; personnel/facilities first rate--zero errors for Nov 09/Jul 10 ACC ESOHCAMP
- Excellent tech; confirmed system integrity on 16 modified wpns pylons--99% release/1,232 bombs expended

- Executed $3M eqpt for F-22 lethality/AFMC's #1 priority; assist'd SPO w/coax cable repair--saved $17K/120 man-hrs
- Executed AGE storage; consolidated 20K sq/ft muns--sheltered 23 pieces/$3M eqpt for 1st KC-46/AMC's #1 priority
- Executed gun sys sched'd mx; removed/reinstalled four entire gun sys w/ 100% pass rate--ensured acft fully cmbt rdy
- Executed Master Storage Plan; graphed 20 muns structures/58,392 sq/ft--enabled FY17 munition global redistribution

- Executed proof-load test during Nuclear Surety SAV; task lauded error free--received "Top Performer" award
- Executed RLA depot lvl mx; assist'd SPO w/twist cable repair--saved $17K/120 man-hrs/reduced AWM backlogs 3%
- Expedited repair of MAU-12 over center alignment; 2 hr turnaround--avoided possible hung munition condition
- Expertly managed 591 support items; supervised 43 vital inspections--guaranteed 100% serviceable equipment

- Expertly managed compressed mx schedule; readied 403 AME items 3 mos early--AEF 5/6 100% supported
- Expertly managed safety program; rebuilt continuity books to meet new standards--zero findings during insp
- Expertly managed supply program; $15K stock supported 4.3K AME items--1.6K bombs released/99.6% rate
- Expertly tracked 591 support items; performed 43 vital inspections--guaranteed 100% serviceable equipment

- Exposed 2W0 trng deficiency; coor'd w/LM/explained practices/skilled 18 people--reduced mishaps 57% f/$450K asset
- Extensive F-16 armament knowledge; received four QA personnel evals--zero defects w/100% QA pass-rate

- Fac'd unit KAF dplymnt; prep'd 3 helos f/trans/built 2 wpns increments/secur'd 20 cat II asset--spt'd 144 srts/330 flt hrs
- Fill in expeditor; supervised upload of nine M-117 bombs--key to vital aircrew cert/100% wpns release rate
- Filled floor chief duties; ushered 11 prsnl/200 mx actions/100% MSE rt--bridged manning shortfall/zero FHP impacts
- Flawless 7.62mm/.50 cal gun maint management; resulted in 100% gun-fire rate--over 450K rnds fired FY09

- Flawless control of 165-item waste stream HAZMAT program-- zero errors ACC Nov 11/Jul 12 ESOHCAMP
- Flawless weapons equipment account; managed $3M--error free throughout initial AF Audit Agency inspection
- Flawless; accomplished 569 maintenance actions--zero defects noted/impacted duty section 96% QA pass rate
- Flawlessly reconfigured six F-22A from air-to-air to air-to-ground...enabled Wpns load training/12 crew cert'd

- Flawlessly uploaded 12 B-52's w/flare during Nov NORI; zero defects noted by evaluators--5 BW rated "Sat"
- Flight nuclear certified equipment lead; astounded Special Interest Item inspectors--program 100% compliant
- Focused on continuous improvement; acquired $105K in Armament flight upgrades--15% increase in efficiency
- Fulfilled expediter role; drove >15 live loads/100 mx actions/cinched cmbt acft availability--promote soonest!

- Greatly enhanced USAF capabilities; downloaded/in-checked initial beddown of 32/$4.8M ADM-160Bs

- Hand-picked AFGSC '10 NSI prep; aided evals on 5 programs/2 insps--zero defects/flt "impressive"; promote
- Handpicked as Flt UCI Lead; managed checklist/SII prgms; key to Excellent rating; coined "Top Performer" !
- Headed equipment relocation; reorganized storage/vacated 400 sq ft MMHE overflow--allocated $48M assets storage
- Helped renovation of weapons extended storage bay; organized 400 equip items--increased floor space 70%

- Highlighted schematics error; submitted TO change request--stopped parts ordering error/preserved $25K each
- Highly motivated; obtained 85% on two 5-level EOC test one month early...anchored sections 97% pass rate
- Highly proficient; received "zero defects" on annual load training--maintained flight's superb 100% qual rate
- Honcho'd six Lau-117 insps; ID'd jam nut manufacturer defect/upchanneled to item mgr--parts purged from inventory

- Honed cmbt qual/14 wpns; drove 98% effective sched--dlvr'd 450K/$172K muns rnds/4K 22d ARW warfighters trn'd

- ID'd damaged breech bay drains during 18-month gun insp; R2'd assys--drove flts 100% QVI pass rt/gp best
- ID'd improper slack on ammo loader; upchanneled defect/aided repair--stopped jam/protected $868K gun sys
- ID'd/corrected un-latched plume deflector; averted fuel/hydraulic sys failure...prevented loss of $143K asset
- ID'd jammed AIM-120 misl; coord'd w/ Arm Shop to replace faulty LAU-128 IFL--averted possible damage to equip

- Identified & secured 10 loose AIM-120 fins during one-time inspection--prevented dropped object potential
- Identified critical pitting on M61A2 breech bolt assemblies; submitted DR; effort initiated CAF wide review
- Identified defective B-11 shackle release latch; replaced release latch--aided flt's 100% mx effectiveness rate
- Identified safety hazard; created/coordinated lockout/tagout program w/Wing Safety--boosted employee safety

- Identified/removed soft FOD during 20mm gun sys installation; QA failure averted--saved $209K F-16 gun sys
- Identified/repaired faulty J-1 connector ground wire; 4 hrs ahead of schedule--1.6K munitions/99% release rate
- Identified/replaced faulty B-11 shouldered pin; averted dropped object--ensured 100% tech order compliance
- Impacted Exer GLOBAL THUNDER 13; prep'd yokes--enabled 17 A/C/282 AGM-86s/99% missiles effective

- Implemented AME tracking prog; input data/trained personnel--reduced inventory time 80%/100% accurate
- Impressive logistician; tracked $3M equipment account--error free during initial AF Audit Agency inspection
- Incorporated supply AWP/DIFM/MICAP database; real time access provided; zero D04 discrepancies to date
- Inputted 98 IMDS entries; contributed to sections 0.99%/unit's 0.68% error rates--surpassed wg 3% std, FY11

- Insp'd 25 nuclear pylon fairings; replaced seals--aided Exer GLOBAL THUNDER 99% missile effectiveness
- Insp'd nine cluster bomb racks for 5 BW AFGSC Challenge efforts; 54 munitions/100% release--promote BTZ!
- Inspected 16 modified wpns pylons; confirmed system integrity--99.6% release rate for 1.6K bombs expended
- Inspected/maintained 43 equip items; 100% accountability--third quarter 5 LRS inspection/zero defects noted

- Inspected/tracked/repaired section's -21 equip; 99% in-service/100% accountable--allowed 97% FSE Aug 09
- Instrumental in $51M HSAB upgrade; obtained required equip--contract on schedule/B-52 capability enhanced
- Instrumental in startup of $51M pylon upgrade; contract on time/schedule--B-52 weapons capability enhanced
- Isolated faulty MAU-12 grounding wire; repaired J-1 connector/wire harness--99.9% release rate/1.9K bombs

- Isolated IFL anomaly; fixed S1/S3 wire/switches w/o contract support--saved 50 man-hrs/14 months downtime/$2.9K
- Isolated LAU-128 no ID fault; found/rpr'd broken wing bulkhead wire--spt'd AMU 0.6% repeat/recur rt/77.3% MC rt
- Isolated MAU-12 bomb rack fault; adjusted in-flight lockout solenoid plunger--enabled 100% mx effectiveness
- Isolated MAU-12 tester failure; replaced bad transistor/elect checked good--enabled 100% mx effectiveness

- Isolated pylon environmental control sys air leak; averted component overheat--saved critical $81K AF asset

- Jump started TCTO; 6 LALS completed 12 hrs ahead of std; 1st PACAF F-15/F-22 dual ammo load capability

- Keen eye for transfer/acceptance insp; 162 equipment items serviceable--guaranteed successful 69 BS standup
- Key mbr in RI overhaul; reduced 75 day backlog to 5--efforts directly resulted in 2009 AFMC MEA selection

- Lead briefer for various muns displays, Misawa Air Show 08; impressed 70K+ visitors--event huge success
- Lead flawless HazMat/haz waste program; 165-items/1 waste stream--zero errors for '10 ACC ESOHCAMP
- Lead Hazardous material program; 165 items/1 waste stream--zero discrepancies for '11 AFGSC ESOHCAMP
- LEAN expert; created F-22 WWP extended storage prgrm; reduced F/L insps by 50%/saves 108 man-hrs ea yr

- Led 10% muns inventories; scrutinized 573 lines/ID'd 46 discrepancies--validated stockpile for 5 Wg's/3 MAJCOM's
- Led 40 wpns mx insps; corrected 22 defects/100% mx scheduling effectiveness rate--deployed F-22 fleet CMR
- Led 5 BW Nuclear Surety SAV prep; 17 programs/7 CTK inspections/24 evals--perfect results w/zero errors
- Led AMXS manning assist; provided postload/flare crew coverage--ensured successful Global Thunder 10-2

- Led AWP prgm; found 35/$80k unaccounted pcs/built new tracking/TIN method--awarded Muns Mx Pro NCO 3Q17
- Led GAU-18 "Red Ball" tm; ID'd/rpr'd bent trigger bar/avoided "runaway gun"--fired 1.2K rnds nxt srt/cert'd 2 SMAs
- Led hoist repair; succeeded where others could not for 2 years--eliminated significant maintenance impairment
- Led LAU-131 mx actions; clean/lube/insp'd/loaded ## launchers--insured reliability of ## WP rkts/##% rel

- Led PATS-70 tester training; demonstrated use of new equipment/6 Airman trained--boosted section knowledge 10%
- Led UEI prep tm; Id'd 4 TCTDs due/insp 112 items/corrected 103 serviceability errors--crucial to Sq's "Effective" rating
- Loaded ## tons of weapons; supported OEF; ### Close air support sorties flown, ## tons dropped on target
- Loaded 24 live munitions during Jul 10 Peninsula ORE; zero defects noted--247 combat training sorties flown

- Maintained 2 ADU-537's in absence of fellow load crew; accomplished/verified 4 TCTO's--equip mission rdy
- Maintained 55 pieces of Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory items--ensured 100% item availability
- Maintained tool accountability system; audited 1,000 critical equipment items--no findings ’11 AFGSC LNSI
- Maintained wpns release equip; insp'd 108 bomb racks--aided 5 BWs 801 munitions/99.3% release rate FY 12

- Managed 16 CTK program; ensured accurate tracking--2011 Nuclear Surety Staff Assistance Visit/zero defects
- Managed 758 inspection items; zero overdue--MXG won AFGSC '11 Air Force Association Citation of Honor
- Managed OTI on 21 UALS; verified/corrected chute count; mitigated F-15/F-22 gun system/UALS catastrophe
- Managed repair cycle; updated info/coordinated 6 MICAP upgrades--capped 98% WSR/0 Unit Type Code shortages

- Managed SPRAM prgm w/zero errors; vital to Sq's "EFFECTIVE" UEI rating--named by IG/"Top Performer"
- Managed superb DIFM program; 30 assets valued at $2.3M processed in 1 day--surpassed AFGSC 5-day std
- Mastered mx disciplines; zero discrepancies on 3 mx evaluations--awd'd 380 EMXG QA Honor Roll, Oct '14
- Mastered pgms! Excelled in 6 add'l duties/managed 254 tools/$10K HAZMAT--secured 100% QA pass rate/237 insps

- Mastered __ wpns proficiency loading evals/__% pass; section netted 98% pass rate--annihilated wg 94% std
- Masterfully prep unit for Andersen AFB, Guam deployment; 37 troops/792 tools/equipment in place--on time
- Methodically drove compressed mx schedule; readied 403 AME items 3 mos early--AEF 5/6 100% supported
- Methodically maintained training munitions acct; 6K+ items, valued $1M--zero discrepancies noted last insp

- Mobility lead for 2012 Andersen AFB, Guam deployment; 37 troops/792 tools/equipment in place--out on time
- Monitored 60 calibrations items; no findings during May '09 Nuclear Surety SAV--earned "Satisfactory" rating
- Monitored due-in-from-maintenance program; processed two assets $500K in 1 day--smashed AFGSC 5-day std
- Mx leader; IG lauded his section as "Impressive" during Aug 10 AFGSC NSI--zero findings; promote now!

- Nailed ESOCAMP insp; 37 shops insp'd; only ZD; contributed to JBER's Gen White Pollution Prevention awd
- Nov '10 NORI player; mx rated "Excellent" by inspectors--MXG garnered '10 AFGSC AFA Citation of Honor

- Orchestrated implementation of electronic tracking program for AME--reduced time by 80%/100% accurate
- Orchestrated/coordinated cart locker license for 1600 impulse cartridges; vital to A-10 ATO-- 0 sorties miss
- Organized 52 mx inspections; repaired/maintained >$136M AME assets--solidified 4.9K flying hrs/950 sorties FY17
- Organized wpns test equipment upgrade; separated cables into manageable groupings--cut testing time by 80%

- Outstanding front line leader; always delivers excellence--5 MUNS SNCO of Yr 09; SMSgt selection spot on!
- Outstanding SNCO, true professional; section earned 100% QA pass rate during his tenure--promote to SMSgt!
- Outstanding support during 69 BS Jan 10 Limited NSI; no errors--doubled 5 BW strategic nuclear capabilities
- Outstanding support of 17 MUNS/5 AMXS for Jan 10 Limited NSI--no errors; SMSgt promotion well-earned!

- Outstanding technical knowledge/unparalleled professionalism--awarded '09 Muns Amn of the Year; promote!
- Oversaw 11 18M gun/handling set insps; ID'd/fixed elongated hole on exit unit--avoided IFE/hung gun/saved $125M
- Oversaw 185 sched'd mx tasks; performed flawlessly on four QA evals--mx actions crucial to section's 89% pass rate
- Oversaw subordinate's upgrade/CDC progression tng; avg'd 82.5% on EOCs--protected flt's 100% pass rate

- Oversaw turn-in of 40 obsolete items; reduced waste/increased usable floor space 20%--improved work area
- Owned wpns SPRAM acct; tracked/mx d control 159 AEF deployment assets--supported 100% liability/six countries

- Painstakingly tracked calibration due dates for 60 TMDE items--secured quality shop equipment/100% on-time
- Participated AFGSC '12 NSI prep; aided evals on 5 programs/2 insps--zero defects/flt lauded "superior team"
- Participated in set-up and planing for '15 squadron holiday party; helped plan the evenings events--boosted unit moral
- Participated in wing change of command ceremony; exemplified AF heritage--bolstered Wing esprit de corps

- Perfect flight performance during 09 LSET w/zero discrepancies--raised sq from "Satisfactory" to "Excellent"
- Performed 16 A/C pre-generation checks; 80 tasks/400 steps--vital to 5 MXG "Excellent" rating for Tech Ops
- Performed 264 End-of-Runway insps; discovered 12 loose TER-9/A breeches before take-off--prevented a/c damage
- Performed 42 flightline loading evals; daily flying un-interrupted--ensured safety of flight/zero wpns mishaps

- Performed daily wpns postload; spotted/fixed 3 discrepancies/negated possible trends--acft downtime avoided
- Performed duties out of AFSC; assisted in the recovery of eight A/C chutes--CBP training sorties uninterrupted
- Performed end-of-firing day inspections; unit released 589 bombs/99.4% release rate, FY11--SSgt!
- Performed launch/recovery operations; supported wg's 30K hrs/23K sorties--295 cmbt-rdy plts trained, FY11

- Performed Loading Demo at the '15 Whiteman airshow; demonstrated loading procedures--enhanced Air Force image
- Performed NSI A/C quick response duties; fixed broken yoke cable restraint--assured 99% msl effectiveness
- Performed three F-22 acceptance inventories; 40 parts verified...ensured 100% wpns equipment accountability
- Phenomenal AMN who leads by example; 100% pass rate on ## WSS evals, # QA/# supervisory inspections

- Pioneered personnel tracking program; saved 140 man hrs--recognized as "Strength" by IG during Aug 10 NSI
- Planned/coordinated 5 MXG annual Maintenance Professional of the Yr banquet--recognized 5 MXG's finest
- PME focused; completed 9 CCAF crds/aced Criminal Justice crs at WSU--attained 4.0 GPA/Dean's List recognition
- POC for Wing's monthly promotion recognition ceremony--first-class program recognized 120 Airmen on base

- Prep'd Phase 1 ORE; COLT checked 5 a/c w/pylons...11/12 aircraft accepted/49 WG gen timing "Excellent"
- Prepared flt for Aug 10 ACC/AFGSC NSI; no findings assessed--inspectors lauded Armament as "Impressive"
- Proficient tech skills; sustained 100% scheduling effectiveness--MXG awarded AFGSC '10 Daedalian Award
- Provided quality flare assets; 18 aircraft expended 40K countermeasures--rescued 766 NATO combat prsnl

- Quick response team for AFGSC NSI; repaired yoke lock indicator--A/C wpns ready/wg rated "Satisfactory"

- Ran load crew during manning shortage; ensured mission success/zero ops deviations--wg grad 250 plts, FY11
- Rapidly responded to live 20mm gun jam; safely cleared/removed rounds; averted destruction of $135K system
- Readied a/c for Theater Support Pkg; 12/12 jets deployed on time/executed next day PACOM ATO...promote
- Rebuilt the 442 Fighter Wing's Debrief Guidance book; cut debrief training time--zero findings during unit inspection

- Reconfigured A/C; removed six heavy stores adapter beams for HHQ ops--saved AF $306K in fuel/man-hrs
- Removed & replaced gun system in under 12 hours--enabled A/C to meet tanker spt
- Removed and reinstalled three GAU-8 gun systems for inspection; zero QA findings--enabled a 98% gun firing rate
- Repaired F-15 missile sys; maintenance discipline critical to 3 WG success; 19 FS garnered Raytheon Trophy

- Repaired two broken cluster bomb rack terminal boards; ensured equip reliability--1.6K munitions released
- Repaired two MAU-12 racks; equipment returned to service--contributed to AFGSC Aug 10 NSI "Sat" rating
- Resident tool accountability system expert; audited 1,000 CA/CRL equipment items--zero findings during LNSI
- Resp'd to GAU-2 "Red Ball"; ID'd faulty feeder install/cleared/timed sys/negated srt impact--guarded 87% FSE 2Q18

- Responded to A/C redball; assisted w/bomb bay wiring repair--enabled aircrew training/100% wpns relaease
- Responded to dmg'd ammo chute incident; recovered FOD/replaced parts/coor'd fab w/3 agencies--saved $46K f/repair
- Responded to flightline mx call; id'd/replaced failed arming solenoids--next sortie/six weapons/100% release
- Revamped AME storage; separated 1.1K end items/remedied 14 tags/mended 11 assets--lauded by WWM during SAV

- Revamped F-22 AME trailer; ensured safe transport of 4 WWPs/2 gun systems; lauded by 525th supervision
- Revamped self-inspection prgm; tracked 210 critical items through wing weapons manager--100% compliant
- Revamped wpns sec Demil prgm; educated 2 prgm leads/est'd standards--NDN during CUI insp/125 items dismantled
- Revised upgrade pgrm; 100% TBA qual's/141 tasks <6 mo--awarded 5-level/initiated trng for 2 tech school Amn

- Reviewed 12 programs for 2013 Consolidated Unit Inspection; IG named "Superior Team"--rated "Excellent"
- Rewired 12 MAU-12 bomb racks; $300K in equipment expertly repaired--in-service 18 hrs ahead of schedule

- Safed aggressor/Osan AB a/c after an in-flight emer; first to respond--EOR parking area cleared w/in 15 min
- Scheduled/supervised 74 wpns insps; ensured zero overdue mx tasks--99% MSE rate/beat ACC std by 4%
- Scrutinized by Wpns Stan; conquered 5 of 5 flight line loading evaluations--facilitated section's 100% pass rate
- Scrutinized NCE/safety/CTK prgms; detected/corrected 20 deficiencies--prep'd flt/no discrepancies noted during NSI

- Selected for A/C recovery in Kentucky; made A/C safe for maint/assisted in APU repair--A/C returned safely to base
- Set incredible std during Aug 10 NSI--zero findings--IG lauded as "Impressive"--5 BW earned "Satisfactory"
- Skillfully in-checked over 3.6K accountable assets--ensured 100% accuracy of items accepted into stockpile
- Skillfully managed 125 line item $15K bench stock program--ensured immediate availability of critical assets

- Skillfully uploaded/downloaded ### HEI 30mm rnds; zero ALA stoppages--ensured 100% successful reloads
- Slashed 2 yr mx backlog; reconstruced six LAU-128 misl launcher wiring harnesses--averted potential AME shortage
- Sound TO manager; zero findings for 2012 NSI/no discrepancies noted--effort played part in flts overall rating
- Spearheaded 69 AMU AME beddown; 162 inspections completed/storage plan executed--AMU standup ready

- Spearheaded AEF 5/6 preparations; readied 403 AME items, 6 personnel, 792 tools/equipment items--perfect
- Spearheaded T.O. change; requested ETAR f/hardware PN update/authored AFTO 22--drove fleet wide improvement
- Spearheaded two Sniper pylon acceptance insps; ID'd/fixed four discrepancies--equip returned to svc in 48 hrs
- Spotted improperly loaded AIM-9; corrected aft dampner/trnd psnl--halted damage to $85K misl/acft impound

- Spt'd Ex COMBAT ARCHER; reconfigured 3 F-22s--ensured 100% release/15 misls/2.3K rounds/97 sorties
- Static Load team member; monitored two-person concept during 2010 NSI--IG Quoted "especially noteworthy"
- Stood-up deployed wpns/grnd safety prgms; executed 8 self/spot insps--zero discrepancies noted from wg SAV
- Strict adherence to technical data; received 100% pass rate on nine QA evals--key to 8 MXG's 92% pass rate

- Strictly enforced TO use through spot/supv insps; 94% QA pass >540 insps; Arm flt's NCO of the Qtr Oct-Dec
- Strived in Exer PRAIRIE WARRIOR 12-1; team constructed 6 pallets/equip prep'd for AEF--vital trg recieved
- Submitted six required CES work orders; flight building custodian--supported safe maintenance environment
- Superb building custodian; identified/submitted 34 CES work orders--ensured safe/healthy work environment

- Superb DIFM management; 100% on-time turn-in of assets for 3 consecutive years; shattered PACAF standard
- Superbly mgd equip account; inventoried/insp'd 222 items valued over $10M--100% tools/parts accounted for
- Superior troubleshooter; repaired four pylon electrical connector pins--enabled flts 98% AME in-service rate
- Supervised 180 training events/qualified 40 Amn; key to 99% fire rate--Gp won '10 AFSOC Daedalian Trophy

- Supervised 80 personal evaluations; achieved 100% load crew certification--crushed 85% PACAF standard
- Supervised muns mvmt; consolidated 18 bldgs/20K explosives/$2.3M stockpile--freed 27 acres for McConnell AFB
- Supervised nine wpns phase insps; guaranteed B-52 system reliability--807 sorties w/5,051.4 hrs flown FY10
- Supervised/trained one Airman during three A/C phase insps; ensured wpns sys reliability--807 FY10 sorties

- Supported $2.09M Nuclear WSEP; readied six MAU-12 bomb racks--increased 5 BWs nuclear capabilities
- Supported 24 techs/2.4K insp--flight earned MXG '10 Air Force Association (AFA) Team of the Year Award
- Supported OEF; hauled 84K lbs NEW enabling 157 bomb expenditures--broke 451st monthly expenditure rate

- Tracked uncommanded weapons release to faulty TER-9/A; removed and replaced TER-9/A--next sorty flew code 1
- Trained and certified all 2W weapons loading personnel for A-10A and A-10C qualification
- Trained four Amn; led installation of Shielded Mild Detonation Cord lines--increased section knowledge 20%
- Troubleshot A/C 79-113 Maverick interface fail to broken ground wire; repaired wire--returned aircraft to wpns MC

- Troubleshot faulty J-1 pylon connector; ground wire repaired < 3 hrs--next sortie/eight weapons/100% release
- Troubleshot nuclear loaded MAU-12 faults; developed new checklist--mitigated $120K/180 man-hrs per fault
- Troubleshot stores comm failure; performed mgmt sys reset mx--averted grnd abort/saved sortie/acft Code-1
- Troubleshot Weapons Interface Unit crosstalk failure; replaced broken MAU-12--returned A/C to wpns MC

- United Arab Emirates F-16 advisor; prepped unit for 1st RED FLAG--enhanced relations w/coalition partner
- Unrivaled Flight Chief! garnered 99% QA pass rate; 5 MUNS SNCO for 4th Qtr 09--SMSgt well deserved
- Uploaded MK-82 bombs/zero safety incidents; wg clinched '11 AF Explosive Safety Plaque--promote now!
- Uploaded 6K rounds of 20mm ammo; unit expended 82K rounds/most in wg--99.4% gun fire out rate/best in sq

- Uploaded two AGM-86B missiles for $5M Weapon System Evaluation Program--critical capability verified
- Utilized in-house cable repair knowledge; facilitated 17 wpn test set cables rebuild; saved Air Force $110.3K

- Verified insp records during AFGSC NSI prep; flt received zero errors/noted "impressive"--wg earned "Sat"

- Wg’s rep for integrated wpns interface unit kit proof; networked w/wpns experts--expedite selection to CMSgt
- Wing weapons Mgr's first choice for lead wpns self inspection pgm; zero discrepancies during 10 Limited NSI
- Worked aircraft set-up for 2015 'Wings Over Whiteman' airshow; removed all impulse carts--safe for public viewing
- Worked five hard broke heavy stores adapter beams; replaced coaxial harnesses--17% reduction to mx backlog

- Worked w/item manger; returned 80 mission critical line replaceable units to supply system--saved AF $1.54M
- Worked w/medical/firefighting personnel; staged head injury...honed MARE response/lauded as huge success

- Zero discrepancies during 09 Limited NSI; IG noted "Commendable motivation"--highest "Satisfactory" rating

AFSC 2W1X1 Aircraft Armament Systems Occupational Badge
AFSC 2W1X1 Aircraft Armament Systems Occupational Badge


- Action oriented; coordinated spray booth requirements w/CE and ND Department of Health--approved for use
- Directed six wpns phase inspections; guaranteed B-52 syst reliability--99.4% release rate/511 wpns expended
- Directed weapons system tester TCTO; five testers modified in 1 day--all in service 89 days ahead of schedule
- Eval'd during seven special interest items; drove flts 94% QA pass rate--solidified 5 MUNS outstanding 97%
- Evaluated Phase II ORE; identified 32 critical deficiencies--directly impacted wg's CORI plan/preparations
- Expertly managed $3M CA/CRL account; zero discrepancies during '09 LSET--garnered "Honor Roll" status
- Guided Nov 09 Nuclear Surety SAV preparations; 17 programs/7 CTK inspections/24 evals--no errors noted
- Impacted Exer GLOBAL THUNDER 13; prep'd yokes--enabled 17 A/C/282 AGM-86s/99% missiles effective
- Key to annual Weapons Fest success; assisted in event set up/tear down--enhanced morale in 2W1 community
- Led maintenance bay lighting project; replaced 500 bulbs--mitigated safety problem/improved work conditions
- Managed DIFM program; 23 assets worth $1.6M processed within 1 day--surpassed AFGSC’s 5-day standard
- Mission orientated; instructed 240 personnel on post attack reporting procedures--maintained sq war readiness
- Nailed six Qaulity Assurance evals; aided Arm flt's 454 insp w/94% pass rate--drove 5 MUNS 97% pass rate
- Observed by Quality Assurance during seven evals; garnered 100% pass--upheld flt 97% pass rate/264 insps
- Prep'd critical war reserve assets; six A-6 release units processed w/i two days--surpassed AFGSC 5 day std
- Proficiently monitored DIFM program; 23 assets worth $1.6M processed within 1 day--surpassed ACC's 5-day
- Re-vamped 2K+ supply residue storage; vastly improved tracking/accountability--reduced inventory time 25%
- Solid example of leadership; mentored technicians through 221 QA evaluations--outstanding 97% pass rate
- Superior mx oversight; led three successful nuclear evaluations--validated 5 BW $7M wpn system reliability

Resource Management/Decision Making (MSGT and above)

- Directed weapons system tester TCTO; five testers modified in 1 day--all in service 89 days ahead of schedule
- Oversaw 61 TMDE calibration due dates; no overdue inspections--enabled flight's 99.5% AME readiness rate
- Led flight upgrades; acquired $57K in tools/equipment--increased technician morale/work efficiency up 12%
- Superb $51M pylon upgrade oversight; met team/B-52H requirements--implemented cutting edge technology
- Outstanding $2.3M due-in-for-mx program; 99% of assets processed w/in 1 day--shattered ACC 5-day turn std
- Coordinated solenoid inspection replacement criteria w/ACC; aided engineer eval--assured system reliability
- Executed two Report of Survey investigations; identified/fixed faulty vehicle inspection process--saved $40K
- Handpicked by Gp CC as AMXS Self Inspection Mgr; ran 102 checklists in 14 work centers--100% compliant


- Accurately audited 1,000 TAS entries; trained four new personnel--increased section tool accountability 50%
- Aided 36th MXS arm personal w/MAU-12 re-wire; trained three airmen--improved flt mx effectiveness 33%
- Balanced duty schedule w/education goals; finished 9 credit hrs--completed 64 semester hrs for CCAF degree
- Balanced duty/family/education; completed 6 credit hrs towards CCAF w/3.5 GPA--60/64 credit hrs achieved
- Completed 8 hr Microsoft Access training; improved support tracking program--reports generated 10% faster!
- Completed A-set career development course; scored 83% on end-of-course test--2 months ahead of schedule
- Demonstrated Heavy Stores Adapter Beam (HSAB) stand mx tsk; six Airman trained--flt capability raised 13%
- Discovered pylon rigging fault during phase insp; completed procedures < 24 hrs--increased AME longevity
- Education advocate! Completed 3 hrs towards BA; enhanced leadership/mentoring in flight safety--4.0 GPA
- Expanded skills; completed 9 hours towards BAS in Professional Aeronautics--earned cumulative 3.9 GPA
- Expertly trained 5 personnel on MAU-12 bomb rack rewiring practices--mx workflow increased 29% overall
- Identified derailment; directed weekly CORE tng focused towards 1st term Airmen--100% deployment ready
- Instructed MAU-12 tester repair; trained five newly assigned personnel--increased equipment knowledge 50%
- Key to annual Weapons Fest success; assisted in event set up/tear down--enhanced morale in 2W1 community
- Learned MAU-12 tester repair; one of five newly trained personnel--increased equipment knowledge by 50%
- Maintained 100% QA pass rate on 5 insps; awarded 4th Qtr Honor Roll--enhanced flt 97% pass rate/383 insps
- Progressive leader; completed two conflict mgmt courses--increased flight personnel problem solving abilities
- Received over-the-shoulder task evaluation by QA; maintained 100% pass rate--assisted flt 97% QA pass rate
- Safety lead; identified JSTO errors/added three missing equipment items--personnel safety/training enhanced
- Supported CMSAF reading program; read "10 Propositions Regarding Air Power"--expanded prof knowledge
- Taught pylon connector procedures; trained two Amn on arduous wire/connector repair--flt capabilities < 20%
- Team lead for training event; instructed Amn on MAU-12 proof load procedures--mx workflow increased 20%
- Trained 18 members on Litening Pod pylons; six pylons AEF deployment ready--enhanced B-52 wpns platform
- Trained 2/4 newly assigned SSgts; instructed on 7-level insp procedures--increased flt qualified NCO's 20%
- Trained eight members on fwd yoke drive unit install; 45% increase in wg qualifications--enhanced readiness
- Trained on nuclear certified equipment; astounded Special Interest Item inspectors--program 100% compliant

Leadership/Team Building/Followership/Mentorship

- Assisted AMXS wpns personnel w/faulty MAU-12; realigned bomb rack linkage--HSAB fully mission capable
- Assisted EAMXS weapons personal with MAU-12 after-fire insp; 734 insps completed--zero hung munitions
- Assisted ten pylon mx stand inspections; team replaced two faulty casters--ensured personnel/equipment safety
- Cross-loaded 154 training AIM-9/120 missiles; A/C 100% wpns ready--zero wpns delays/2.56K sorties flown
- Diagnosed defective MAU-12 bomb rack S1/S3 switch; repaired <5 hrs--aided 96% equip in-commission rate
- Diligently inspected LRS supply assets; eight A-6 release units verified serviceable--spares kit ready for AEF
- Exceptional logistician; maintained/tracked $3M in CTKs/testers--facilitated a 98% AME in-commission rate
- Flight nuclear certified equipment lead; astounded Special Interest Item inspectors--program 100% compliant
- Flight nuclear certified equipment lead; awed 2011 AFGSC NSAV inspectors--program lauded “exceptional”
- Key Litening Pod pylon tech; taught 10 techs insp requirements; six short notice pylons AEF ready--mission met
- Managed pylon fairing repair; trained two personnel/repaired 12 pylon fairings--reduced AWM inventory 68%
- Mentored account custodians; $3M/66 items perfect--received "Outstanding" rating for 5 LRS semi-annual insp
- Methodically drove compressed mx schedule; readied 403 equip items/3 mos early--AEF 5/6 100% supported
- Monitored/tracked $3M+ in CTKs/testers; 80 inspections completed--facilitated 98% AME in-commission rate
- Organized two flight picnics for 28 personnel; appropriated funds/supplies/entertainment--built cohesive flight
- Outstanding leadership drove flight's overall 99.3% AME in-commission rate--surpassed ACC's 97% standard
- Participated in Operation VALIANT SHIELD; 2.2K flight hrs/857 sorties/120 A/C--zero air or ground mishaps
- Performed 84 End-of-Runway insps; isolated/secured AIM-120 fin--prevented FOD/damage to $386K missile
- Self-help tutor; retiled two 450 square foot offices--imparted skills to personnel/improved facility appearance
- Self-help tutor; revamped two CTKs/fixed up office--imparted skills to personnel/increased pride in facilities
- Supervised transfer/acceptance insp; 162 equipment items serviceable--guaranteed successful 69 BS standup
- Team player; arranged AMXS MUSTANG cable repair trng; three tester cables refurbished--tester 100% FMC
- Team player; organized AMXS 1760 cable repair trng; five trained/30 cables restored--inventory 100% FMC

Star Line

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