
3D0X3 Cyber Surety EPR Bullets


- Directs COMPUSEC/TEMPEST prgms; validates 37 eqpmt/14 networks decertified /750 IT sys; educates 350 users

- Assists w/ peacetime & conventional/nuclear combat communications in support of USSTRATCOM OPLAN 801X
- Collects, inventories, maintains, and destroys COMSEC material to meet daily rqmts supporting 916 OG flying tasks
- Assists w/ the assembly, quality control, issue, retrieval, and disassembly of communication & flight publications kits
- Assists w/ briefing special msn communication & navigation rqmts to ensure msn qualifications are successfully met

- Leads $8M CCC/RF Transmissions pgm; oversees AFNIC inspections iso 2 ARS, 125 arcrw mbrs & 12 KC-135 acft
- Manages largest COMSEC account; ensures vital NC2 links, 48 crypto SKLS; radio transmissions SCAMP operation
- Manages R-14 eqpt accts >$4.6M; safeguards 11.6K crypto aids, secures UHF/VHF C2 deployable air combat assets
- Enforces AFI, tech orders & command/wing directives through Quality Assurance inspections/trend analysis/training

- Directs Info Assurance prgm for 16 PL-2 assets worth $13.9M; maintains sys sec of TS LAN spanning EUCOM AOR
- Executes ntwk management & info protection of hardware & software to eliminate security vulnerabilities & threats
- Governs acquisition, accreditation & installation of all IT systems for 2 SCIFs, 12 SSPs & 7 ntwks valued at $24.6M
- Leads 2 NCOs in 2 AFSs; spts employment of global intelligence reconnaissance ops for 6 units, 2 GSUs, 3 COCOMs

- Oversees COMSEC mgmt for sec agency end-to-end encryption/4 circuits/$1.8M, 17 RC-135 V/W $3B ISR ops fleet
- Manages receipt, custody, transfer, safeguarding, destruction, & reporting for CAOCU $560K cryptographic account
- Manages 96-item COMSEC acct; controls end-to-end encryption for 4 circuits/$1.8M in spt of $3B RC-135 ops fleet

- Oversees EMSEC for 6 msn sys, 5 networks valued at $76M; enables near real-time intel for nat'l agencies & POTUS
- Monitors core svcs & apps; ensures info availability & reliability to 18 Northern European air C2 sites & 22 nations
- Leads Info Assurance System Security prgm f/16 PL-2 assets $13.9M & Top Secret LAN node across EUCOM AOR
- Oversees mx of CIS worth $2.1B iso NATO & 31 Air Policing (AP) components' 24/7/365 Allied Air Defense msns

- NCOIC Cybersecurity Office; manages 9 prsnl--monitor/evaluate policy & procedures to protect enterprise networks
- Expands Wing Cyber Security office; implements Federal/DoD/AF Net Ops/IA directives; advises security measures
- Directs COMPUSEC/TEMPEST pgms; validates eqpmt/3 networks/750 IT sys; educates 350 users/ops procedures
- Guides Cyber 365 readiness pgm; terrain analysis/prescribes solutions f/9 functional areas; secure/defend networks

- Conducts risk/vulns assessments; implements Federal/DoD/AF Net Ops/IA directives; advises site security measures
- Directs COMPUSEC/TEMPEST prgms; validates eqpmt/3 networks/750 IT sys; educates 350 users/ops procedures
- Prgm manager/Cyber 365 readiness; terrain analysis/prescribes solutions f/9 functional areas; secure/defend networks

-NCOIC Cybersecurity Office;manages 5 NCOs--monitor/evaluate policy & procedures to protect wing clients, ntwks
-Leads 5 man COMPUSEC team; disseminates critical information and educates 1K+ users on authorized network use
-Wing Cybersecurity Manager; responsible for identifying enclave vulnerabilities and implementing countermeasures
-Wing ISSM; responsible for preparing, reviewing, and updating risk management framework accreditation packages

- Oversees largest COMSEC program in Air Force; continuous accounting of 24K crypto keys, codes, and equip
- Operates Electronic Key Management System (EKMS); processes key material from request date to destruction
- Administers largest Cryptographic Access Prog (CAP) in AFGSC; 1,200 personnel tracked in online database
- Performs transfer of COMSEC material; receives and prepares Defense Courier Service (DCS) shipments

- Assists wing Information Assurance (IA) mgr to identify IA architecture, requirements, objectives & policies
- Commander Support Staff assistant; manages sq Electronic Management System (EMS) and Leaveweb program
- Provides training and procedural guidance to 65 IA Officers (IAO) in support of xxx ops requirements
- Leads two man COMPUSEC team, disseminates critical info and educates 4K+ users on authorized ntwk use


- 25 AF MG Larson awds finalist; top 10% Cyber NCO across NAF--won Sq & base msn partners NCOY
- 4 AF's 801X cadre; stood-up XXX ARW's OPLAN nuclear msn, created tng for 3 shops--guarantor of national security

- Above & beyond; completed 100% 5-level upgrade training tasks--surpassed training schedule by two months
- Accredited NIPR enclave; authored ATO--certified enterprise support f/14B CSCS weapon sys/121 sites/860K users
- Aced 10 SHs towards Bachelors degree; expanded cyber knowledge toolset...garnered Network+ cert/avg'd 3.5 GPA
- Aced 336 FS deployment; processed 31 crypto/equipment rqmts--F-15E wpn strike ready upon arrival in AOR

- Achieved highest C&A metrics ever; higher than USA, USN and DIA's C&A--secure data to GWOT frontline
- Activated KG-175G roll-out; boosted 25 links' secure bandwidth x10--postur'd RPA video streaming/telemetry
- Administered external media tracking; prevented insider threat and data loss--protected access to 830TBs of storage
- Aided in shops recognition of "best prgm seen to date" during recent AF COMSEC inspection--promote now!

- Amassed C4 for 3 SECDEF directed msns; protected 22 US acft, 3 naval vessels--rapidly loc'd 2 enemy wpn sys in 4 hr
- Assessed 33 SVRO accounts; complied w/ NSA policy--maintained network integrity/secure link w/ 9 AF/CC
- Assisted w/ 33 SVRO inspections; enforced NSA policy/109 terminals--delivered secure C2 $5.1B acft fleet
- Attended remote CCC Level II Cert Course; garnered Core AFSC skill level task knowledge--awarded five skill level

- Audited 22 illegal connection inquiries; revoked access/validated compliance rqmts--ensured B-1/MQ-9 data integrity
- Audited cryptographic equipment; 5 MB of data downloaded/reviewed--ensured integrity of 15K crypto assets
- Authenticated 20 foreign officers clearances; validated system access--strengthened 6 nation Pacific allied operations
- Authored 28 BW netwk scty assessment policy; est'd guidance/id'd 27.7K vulns/threats--prepped C&A f/base enclave

- Authored COMSEC plan; created 12 checklists/standard operating procedure--increased 150 users' awareness
- Authored key IA documentation, conducted trng, fixed deficiencies--brought 1st ANG predator mission on-line
- Averted national security incident; directed system cleanup for 81 senior leaders--mitigated disruption to 225 systems
- Awd'd Gp lvl 'Info Dom'; scrutinized 96 sys audits/examined 88.4K line-items--secured C4ISR assets worth $27.4K

- Briefed 300 DOD VIPs C&A process at DoD DRSN conference--defined way-ahead for new implementations
- Briefed AIRCOM Sr Enl strategic vision; aligned CAOC NCO objectives w/HHQ...prof developed 21 NATO NCOs
- Briefed new Sq/CC on COMSEC deficiencies; provided history/improvement COAs--critical to 4 FW FHP
- Built inventory/control procedures; accounted for 300 items of classified equipment--$5.5M wg assets secured

- CAOC Int'l Night US lead; guided 14 volunteers/$1.7K budget...morale event success f/300 partner mbrs & families
- CAOCU 19' NCOTY! Provided data/voice CIA for NATO's premier air C2 entity...MSgt promotion selection spot-on!
- CCC leadership critical to XXX ARW's AFRC Verne Orr Award nomination, 2 yrs in a row & AFA President's Award
- Certified 5 DoDIIS Sites/trained 100+ IAMs, performed 3 SAV's--USAFE, ACC, PACAF, AFMC 100% SAT

- Certified 8 DoDIIS Sites/trained 150+ IA Mgrs/4 SAV's--USAFE, ACC, PACAF, AFMC 100% compliant
- Certified/accredited NCA secure phone sys; herculean feat enabled POTUS trusted comms w/world leaders
- Chosen f/ AIRCOM NCO ldrshp seminar; CAOC voice f/ Enl Force role in NATO...max'd 14 nations' interoperability
- Coined by 25AF/CC; provided crit voice link for 6 tanker bridge/2 ISR acft msn--3 enemy chem wpns plants destroyed

- Composed & modernized wg IA tracking tool; created trng database--validated 65 IAO compliance agreements
- Conducted 10 secure voice program assessments; corrected 13 deficiencies; strengthened base OPSEC posture
- Conducted 100% CAP review; eval'd/audited 19 CRO unit validations/31 SVROs--assur'd AFNIC compliance
- Conducted 2 out-of-cycle CRO classes; accommodated 916 ARW schedule--assured 250 refuel msns/16 acft

- Conducted crypto equipment modifications; upgraded 41 key loaders--ensured $5.1B acft fleet interoperability
- Conducted IA SAVs on 16 accts; identified 27 issues/corrected on-site--100% compliant with DoD directives
- Conducted Simple Key Loader audit; tracked 8K+ keys--zero errors ID'd/directly spt'd 2.8K sorties per month
- Controlled comm f/1.3K sorties; expedit d 450 comm assets f/990 AOR msns--75Mlbs fuel offl d/enabl d 285 strikes

- Controlling authority for TS crypto; sync'd B-2 secure radio comm links--key vital to conventional/nuclear ops
- Coor'd SIPR write solution; cut wpn software download <30 min vs 3 wks--1st self-mng'd upgd to $228.5M JASSM inv
- Coord'd 5 COMSEC trng sessions; provided crypto security/handling clarification--qualified 40 eligible CROs
- Coord'd 8 CRO training sessions; taught 74 prsnl critical asset controls--secured comm for $5.1B aircraft fleet

- Coordinated on-site Regional Tier 3 data mgt device training; instructed 32 CROs--fortified C4ISR readiness
- Coordinated resolution/6 NDCIs; sanitized 22 servers/50K accts/61 locations--contained AF-wide CMI/thwarted DoS
- Crafted PMO COAs f/system monitoring; built scty scan/patch tracker--ensured CIA of B-1/MQ-9/AFFSC msn data
- Created 1st COMSEC tracking tool; organized 1.6K items/categorized keys--eliminated GPS load inaccuracies

- Created inventory/control procedures; accounted for 100 pieces of classified equipment--$5.5M assets secured
- Crew Comm guru; managed largest COMSEC account w/100% compliance of 438 items--zero loss to global mobility
- Crushed HQ crypto inspection; yielded 0 finding "excellent" rating...flawlessly defended $560K AP COMSEC acct
- Ctrl'd Wg USB scty proc; investigated 27 incidents/blocked user access/dir'd remedial trng--safeguarded $42M netwk

- Curated investigation data; provided 3K log lines--protected testing equipment for 6.5K joint/allied transiting aircraft
- Cyber Readiness Inspection prep team mbr; remediated 202K deficiencies/2K systems; 4 FW rated "Excellent"

- Dedicated to Wg success; completed expeditionary tng to comply w/SECAF vision of 100% Reserve Force readiness
- Delivered key CCC tng brief; validated 16 aircrew handling COMSEC eqpmt--enforced annual go/no-go requirement
- Deployed 68 days ISO OIR; issued 425 comm kits f/14 acft & 21 crews--improved comm force/enabled 496 cbt msns
- Deployed 94-days ISO 3 COCOM's; oversaw FOL 2.4K item COMSEC prgm--ensured 122 weapons delivered on tgt

- Deployed NCOIC; led min manned ops for four months--awarded XXX EARS "Team of the Month" in February 2019
- Detected global IFF error; protected 50 acft in contested A/S--fortified assets worth $5.2B, guarded 1.4K aircrew lives
- Developed media prgm; trn'd 8 mbrs/mng'd 157 classified msn assets, resolved 2 yr deficiency--coined by 55 WG/CC
- Directed bi-annual Crypto Access Prgm review; 130 users validated/authorized--ensured AFNIC compliance

- Directed CSL trng f/132 psnl; provided TEMPEST/netwk scty/new IT rqmts--ensured 24 orgs compliant w/DoD prgms
- Directed DRSN C&A of FBI, DHS, NSC, OSD and COCOMs--single secure voice system for all communities
- Directed upgrade to 52 electronic key loaders; identified 18 defective--ensured operability; promote to SSgt!
- Directly spt'd 7 916 ARW KC-135s surge msn; executed four 60-day rqmts/65 keymats--promote to MSgt now!

- Directly supported XXX AES; repaired critical SKL errors--eliminated msn delays, restored acft to 100% effectiveness
- Dispatched 35 inspection teams; concluded exhaustive C&A of AF DoDIIS sites; highest rate of all services
- Downloaded/reviewed 70 SKL audits; tracked 8K keys--zero errors ID'd/directly supported 908 sorties/month
- Dply'd AD CCC ISO Op JUNIPER MICRON; built COMSEC pgm/install'd secure sys--bolstered US/France alliance

- Drove $22K SPC roll-out; issued 7 devices/trained 10 users...enabled 24/7 theater-wide Sr ldr secure reachback cape
- Drove 18 IAAP inspections; ID'd/fixed 62 discrepancies/inventoried 8.5K items--fortified wg's seamless C4I
- Drove 2 day CUAS upgrade; configured uplinks hosting 8.5K crypto items--protected 5GB msn critical data
- Drove 2 day CUAS upgrade; configured uplinks/8.5K crypto items--prep'd 76 F-15Es/16 tankers for flying ops

- Drove 27 mbr accreditation tm; authored 16 policies/71 artifacts/1K controls--restored ATO/averted ntwk shutdown
- Drove 540 SKL security audits; analyzed >13.5K events/zero incidents--solidified encryption integrity for 40 devices
- Drove 68 IAAP inspections; ID'd/fixed 58 discrepancies/provided Sr ldrship vis--fortified base C4I readiness
- Drove 750+ SKL security audits; analyzed 20K+ events/zero incidents--solidified encryption integrity for 32 devices

- Drove A6 cyber coordination cell; tracked US/ROK IT rqmts/malicious events--secured 21 C4I sys f/25 locs in KTO
- Drove C-21 fleet friend-or-foe id sys; uploaded 228 crypto keys/5 DV acft--secured SACEUR alft...83 sorties
- Drove cyber sec prgm f/ 180 mbr CAOC; eradicated 1.1k critical ntwk vulns...sustained Europe AOR info dominance
- Drove test of Oval Office Special Compartmented Info (SCI) phone--vulnerabilities blocked--100% secure

- Drove wg COMSEC prgm; tracked 2.3K aids/mo--facilitated C4I spt for $17M ntwrk/94 F-15Es/$5.1B fleet

- Earned 37 credit hrs towards B.S. in Information Security; degree 52% complete w/3.5 GPA sync d prsnl, prof goals
- Earned prestigious CEH/CDNA cert; assessed netwk scty posture/weakness--mitigated external/insider threat potential
- Elim'd 24/7 manpower reqmt; doggedly pursued nat'l SCIF exemptions--recouped 10.5K man-hrs/yr to unit core msn
- Enabled crypto load for 5 GPS launches; issued keys/coord'd w/five remote sites--dlvr'd COCOM $300M sat's

- Engineered remote email solution for USMC sqdn; suppt'd 30 day live fire ex--qualified 150 deploying war fighters
- Enginr'd business automation tool; streamlnd lifecycle track'g of $560K crypto...recouped NCIA 24 Amn-hrs f/ FY19
- Ensur'd integrity of 2.3K crypto material/COMSEC keys; 52 accts/2 wgs--spt'd 3.3K F-15 sorties/KC-135 ops
- Established COMSEC upgrade procedures; eliminated 89 database errors--slashed digital key losses by 85%

- Established phys scty rqmts/CSL prgm; trn'd & insp'd 27 sites--rpt'd 14 findings/critical SA on readiness to unit CC's
- Ex BALTOPS IT lead; estab'd SATCOM for jt ops, 424 msns & 15K prsnl...synch'd multi-domains, NATO war ready!
- Execut'd emerg COMSEC issue; allocated items in <2 hrs to 916 ARW--16 acft/3.2M pounds of fuel msn ready
- Executed 18 emergency COMSEC issues; allocated 916 ARW items <2 hrs--16 acft/3.2M lbs of fuel msn rdy

- Executed 3K a/c electronic crypto fills; facilitated 1.5K combat trng sorties--attained 98% HF/UHF reliability
- Executed 53 emergency super sessions; destroy'd 636 codebooks within allotted window--eliminated sys compromise
- Executed 78 electronic Simple Key Loader/crypto fills; supported 90 sorties--achieved 98% UHF connectivity
- Executed assigned duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through devotion--positive force in workcenter

- Executed emergency COMSEC issue; 18 codebooks issued after DOD recall--zero interruptions to flying msn
- Executed lrgst COMSEC reorg in decade; org'd 2.8K pcs' acct merge--combin'd 3 wgs/3K users to 1 mgmt sys
- Executed secure terminal eqmnt upgrade; rekeyed 33 terminals/42 accts--protected $9.6K assets/rendered FMC
- Executed two emergency supersessions; destroy'd 28 codebooks within allotted window--eliminat'd sys compromise

- Exhibited military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--valuable mbr of 1st Integrated Wg in USAF history
- Expedited 2FA cert; reviewed 158 accts/elim'd 28 cyber threats/issued 114 tokens--saved 57 man hrs f/enterprise ops
- Expedited no-notice Reaper sys rqmts; deliv'd MQ-9 crypto/launched aerial link <4 hrs--enab'd 5K ISR sorties
- Expeditiously responded to 20 critical flt line calls; troubleshot flt equip issues, ID'd crew tng needs--zero msn delays

- Expert instructor; prepped/certified 25 crew on IFF/safe passage--ready to support National Defense Strategy 24/7/365
- Expertly trained two mbrs; instructed DoD/AF guidance--100% COMPUSEC qualified 1 month ahead of sched
- Exploited expertise/vol'd as lead CSL; mng'd $65K assets/repair of 14 systems...enabled national msn access f/ 28 Amn

- Facelifted TPC trng; cert'd 9 on 905 NC2 tasks--cut qual time 2 to 1 mo...earn'd '14 EUCOM insp highest rating
- Facilitated $5.4M AEHF terminal upgrade; prgm'd interface sys w/crypto keys--linked Aegis cruiser BMD ops
- Filled section chief role, 6 mos; mng'd 6 NCOs/334 crypto items--Wg COMSEC lauded #1/22 prgms/3-best practices
- Fine-tuned COMSEC prgm; tracked $1.8M comm assets/130 users--C4 ISO $17M network/enabled 7K sorties

- Fined-tuned COMSEC prgm; tracked 2.3K aids mo/52 accts--C4 support $18M network/96 F-15s/16 KC-135s
- Fulfilled rqmts as excellent Citizen Airman; upheld IMR rqmts--AFRC nominated XXX ARW for Verne Orr Awd '18

- Generated 182 COMSEC kits; provided authentication/encode/decode docs--enabled secure comm for flight duration
- Global footprint: issued 24/7 acft crypto keys f/141 dir'd msns, 845 rcvrs-8.46 mil lbs fuel offload--"ISIS annihilated"
- Guided 916 ARW COMSEC spt; executed four 60-day rqmts/65 keymats--directly spt'd a 7 KC-135 surge msn

- Hand-picked to be Alternate COMSEC mgr; highly motivated/ready for broader scope--must promote to SSgt!
- Handled/destroyed and inventoried over 500 secure documents; zero mishaps; maintained 100% accountability
- Handpicked for CSS duty; accomplished 45 hrs of EMS training--acquired skillset outside of primary AFSC
- Headed 2.6K COMSEC aids disposition; followed meticulous processed--ensured complete aid destruction

- Headed cyber awareness mo/5 psnl; teamed w/DHS/built 5 Wg campaigns--educ'd 8.2K mil community sec concepts
- Headed disposition of 2.6K COMSEC aids; ensur'd destruction/no compromise--safeguarded 11.2K sorties/yr
- Hosted 12 CRO crses; enforc'd COMSEC SOPs/NSA stds--85 Amn trn'd/secure comm in 5.8K sq/mi airspace
- Hosted 12 SVRO classes; enforced rigid NSA standards/regulations--66 users trained...100% user operability

- ID'd 26 defective electronic key loaders; upgrad'd s/w/fixed all devices--ensur'd 100% user/system operability
- ID'd crit GSU ntwk defect; coord'd crypto distro across 3 orgs/short notice TDY...enabled secure comms for JAPCC
- ID'd defective PSC-5 radio; coordinated critical radio repair--tanker AOR communication range extended by 500NM
- ID'd non-value-added crypto; developed plan f/ 15 stagnant devices...freed $20K in assets to re-purpose across NATO

- ID'd security clearance deficiency; blocked 7 uncleared personnel access to vault--thwarted serious security violations
- ID'd, resolved ntwk outage; reconfig'd device, liaised with 2 agencies...restored secure ops for 68 JAPCC users <2 hrs
- Ignited wg COMSEC prgm; tracked 2.3K aids per mo--C4I support for $17M network/94 F-15Es/16 KC-135s
- Implemented qtrly crypto audits; validated 824 devices/3K keys/erased 9K errors--assured $54M enterprise

- Implemented shop Info Awareness CBT tracking tool; modernized IA trng visibility--validated user compliance
- Imposed security directives f/136 prsnl; guaranteed ntwk uptime/7 enclaves--delivered 25 serialized/7.2K tactical rpts
- Initiated EKMS tech refresh; migrated 8.5 equip files to new sys--amplified lifecycle sustainment/$20M msn
- Initiated emergency JCS recall/2.1K nuke codebooks; processed for shipment in <48 hrs--met tight suspense

- Inked new COMSEC trng prgm; 230 tasks revised w/ AFI change--23 aircrew averted non-qualification status
- Inspected 12 SCI DRSN sites; fixed/documented findings for action--reached 1st ever 100% accreditation rate
- Inspected 3.8K SCI, 645 class/1,200 unclass data sys; fixed 235 defects--network perimeter security hardened
- Inspected 38 units IA prgms; ensured compliancy of 4K checklist items--key to xxx "Excellent" CUI rating

- Instructed 17 CRO/SVRO courses; trained 53/enforced NSA standards--vital secure comm for $5.1B acft fleet
- Instructed 3 CRO/SVRO crses/36 mbrs; revis'd prgm/material--0 security incidents/1.2K SIPRNet users online
- Instructed three COMSEC classes; validated 24 aircrew handling COMSEC eqpmt--enforced go/no-go annual rqmts
- International night committee lead; guided 14 volunteers/$1.7K budget...fed 300 mbrs/represented US culture/cuisine

- Invaluable to wg IA msn; DV spt team lead--developed top-notch SVRO prgm--promote to SSgt immediately!
- Inventoried 8K COMSEC line items; reconciled material w/ COR--zero discrepancies/100% accountability
- Issued COMSEC aids to 916 ARW; allocated secure items/mng'd acct--3.2M pounds of fuel/16 acft msn ready
- Issued/retrieved >150 comm kits; provided authentication/encode/decode docs--enabled safe passage across 4 AORs

- Joint Partnership: assisted 3rd Helicopter Battalion w/COMSEC standards and account creation--secured safe for ops

- Key manager/performer during 4 FW UEI '15...COMSEC "Best seen to date" & "Superior Performer Team"
- Key new member of CCC; attended encode/decode and simple key loader tng----enhanced shop readiness & manning
- Key role fielding DRSN switch; created/updated AF policy; DoD laison with Raytheon--99.996% availability
- Key support to ONE, OFS, OIR, COCOMS--916 ARW garnered A/TA Lt Gen Sherrard Award 2018, #1 MAF Wing
- Key to UCI prep--ensured 98 personnel 100% complete on trng; 900 courses, 6 mediums; unit had NO findings

- Lauded by 55 Wg/IG/settled 6 SAV write-ups; instituted 3-prgms/7 SOPs <3-months--concluded 2-yr Sq deficiencies
- Lead AF unit on Electronic Flight Bag certification; loaded/updated 45 iPads w/ flight data--saved AF $7.2M
- Lead UFPM for 21 prsnl; guided 3 PTLs/navigated COVID fitness assessment guidance...achieved 100% Sq pass rate
- Led 11 mbr CCRI prep stand-up tm; key'd CCRI spt f/2 AMC ntwks--assured global air refueling capes f/15 KC-135s

- Led 16-mbr C&A tm; validated/assigned 1.2K scty controls--rec'd ATO/applied fed mandated std process to all NSIS
- Led 24 cybersecurity SAVs; id'd 36 discrepancies/enforced 23 fixes for CSLs--enhanced 28 BW/CC dir'd cyber pgrms
- Led 3 mbr multi-natl COMSEC tm; controlled $560K crypto items...ensured secure comms engagement w/29 nations
- Led 92 IOS COMSEC Insp prep; streamlined 106 CROs/66 SVROs processes--HHQ lauded "Best in ACC"

- Led base-wide STE software upgrade; scheduled 100+ phones across 33 units--ensured secure voice mission
- Led C&A staff assistance visits to USAFE, RENO ANG and Elmendorf AFB; prepped units for 100% success
- Led CAP review; validated 18 CRO/34 SVRO accts/spt's 459 crypto users--assured 100% AFNIC compliance reassure
- Led crypto eqpt recall; ID'd 4 faulty simple key-loaders/averted crypto failures--enabled $5.8K in recoupments

- Led crypto tm COVID response; stood-up alt ops floor <24 hrs...secured uninterrupted C2 of 1.8M Northern EUR flts
- Led DoD-mandated STE s/w upgrade; ensured $35K crypto/comm integrity for 109 terminals/42 accts/2 wgs
- Led DoD-mandated STE s/w upgrd; 109 terminals/42 accts/2 wgs--dlvr'd secure C2 ntwrk for $5.1B acft ops
- Led GPS key migration; loaded 8 KC-135s w/32 crit keys <4 hrs/supervised CCC tm in process--acft 100% msn rdy

- Led GPS key update; loaded 11 KC-135s - Led infrustructure tm visit; replaced 3 EOL routing devices/eliminated critical sec flaw...protected 28 peer GSU ntwk
- Led KC-46 SKL loading instructions; created guide book--11 pilots/booms trained on crypto load/verification process
- Led three software upgrades for 32 SKLs; ID'd/fixed seven devices--enabled communication for 5.8K sq mls airspace

- Led two semi-annual COMSEC insps; ID'd & corrected 40+ deficiencies--no write-ups, awarded OSS Sr Civ OTY19
- Loaded/reviewed 16 simple key loader audits; 5.5 MB data downloaded--94 F-15Es/16 KC-135s cmbt ready

- Managed 72 CPA re-certifications; applied 242 sys TEMPEST countermeasures--averted 28 BW negligent data spills
- Managed accreditation of FBI HQs to SCI DRSN; enabled secure voice access to 1,000s of phones/agents
- Managed AF DoD Intel Information System prgm--achieved over 90% C&A rate; highest among all services
- Managed disposal of 350 COMSEC items; zero security incidents in 18 mos--maintained 100% accountability

- Managed electronic key loader program; tracked 2K+ crypto keys--100% accountability/vital to wg 32K FHP
- Managed IA SharePoint site; posted 40 documents--enabled 24/7 access to key IA processes for 65 wing IAOs
- Managed largest COMSEC SA; serviced 663 items ISO KC-46 operations--enabled strategic nuclear deterrence msn
- Managed largest Wing COMSEC Account; ensured vital NC3 link with NSA 100% accountability of XX line items

- Managed wg's largest COMSEC acct; meticulously reviewed 154K line items--received highest rating last insp
- Managed/processed 9 DCS shipments; controlled 800+ crypto items--secured data for ONE msn/$345M FHP
- Mastered 16 SHs towards cyber BS/earned Project+ cert; honed IT talents...used skills to bolster unit ntwk sec prgm
- Mastered 2-wk crypto mgr trng; used skill/innovated keymat transfer process...NATO benchmarkd f/ future application

- Maximized tactical comm; equipped B-2 w/ critical Link-16 crypto keys--enhanced wg's SA & C2 reachback
- Mbr of KC-46 $85M proj Bldg Team; SATAF visits/design confs/env impact study--Wing readied to receive aircraft
- Mentored 12 CPAC Amn; trn'd COMPUSEC safeguard procedures--mitigated threat/averted security violations
- Mentored tm to win: OG 'Prof Performer'/3x Sup Tm/2x Wg Qtrly wins/3x coined by Gp/won AFRC CCC SNCO Yr

- Meticulously assisted wg COMSEC mgr; inventoried/issued 2.2K items monthly--secured comm's base-wide
- Meticulously guided 6 CROs through wg COMSEC inspection; largest base account /1K pieces...no write-ups
- Meticulously managed COMSEC disposition; 665 keys/aids disposed--100% life-to-death COMSEC integrity
- Mitigated vulns; refined 27 POAMs/enforced STIG compliance--elim'd 68 CAT I deficiencies/fortified defense posture

- Mng'd 34 AF Ball ticket sale reps from 29 units as sub-cmte lead; raised $18K for Wg event--honored 71-yr heritage
- Mng'd 65 SKL's w/zero IFF failures during pre-mission launch; critical receivers met--reinforced OIF air superiority
- Mng'd crypto for USAFE's 1st BOSS/$6.2M simulator; bridged Ex Unified Vision ops--sec'd trng for 3K MNF
- Mng'd IA prgm for 300 Amn; led cyber defense of $178M RC-135 ISR acft--key to 252 sorties spanning 3 COCOM

- Mng'd wg COMSEC; inventoried/destroyed 2.3K items per month/tracked 104 accts--secure C4 for 44K FHP
- Mng'd/proces'd 6 DCS shipments; account'd/control'd 500 crypto items--secure data for ONE msn/$345M FHP
- Mngd 473-item COMSEC acct; encrypted 17 comm links across 12 sites...safeguarded 2.6M sq mi AOR/14 nations
- Monitored DIA intel system vulnerability status; tracked 60 alerts/ensured 14 MAJCOM & agency compliance

- Nuclear ops proven; 28 aircrew 801X cert'd, key spt f/Ex GLOBAL THUNDER--Wg rdy for nation's #1 priority msn

- On the road 133 days, 22 TDYs--ensured JWICS nodes, DoD switches secure: 5,800 systems, 1,100 SCIFs
- Operationalized 3 SCI voice networks; direct connect USAFE to CENTCOM--quick intel/shortened kill chain
- Orchestrat'd crypto equipment mods; 105 SKLs upgrad'd--ensur'd $204K crypto/comm integrity/42 accts/2 wgs
- Orchestrated 54 CRO & SVRO assessments; ID'd/corrected critical discrepancies--sustained wg C4I readiness

- Orchestrated 5th SIG SATCOM rpr; prgm'd KIV-7/1st of 3 sites online--restored $275M fac/C2 to 40K MNF
- Orchestrated CCRI COMSEC prep; inspected 68 accts/resolved 12 issues--awarded DISA's "Excellent" rating
- Orchestrated crypto eqmnt mods; 105 SKLs upgraded/42 accts--enabled secure comms/facilitated 2.5K sorties
- Orchestrated crypto equipment mods; 36 SKLs upgraded/redistributed--ensured 100% user/system operability

- Organized/created 8,500 user accounts/PCs on domain; ensured unit IA compliant--guaranteed C2 connectivity
- Oversaw 8-item COMSEC acct; standardiz'd corr procedures/documentation sys--aced semi-annual audit w/ 0 errors
- Oversaw 84 electronic packages/427 codes; inventoried 119 boxes/5.5K line items--reinforced two wgs' C4I
- Oversaw AD MTO; coord'd w/Wg ldrsp/id'd 3.2K stale scty grps & sys/org accts--validated 2.8K netwk vulnerabilities

- Oversaw mgmt of 334 COMSEC items; spt'd 126 sorties/1.6K TACREPs--Wg inspectors "#1/22 prgms" 2 yrs in a row
- Oversaw procedures for 52 accts/2 wgs; ensured integrity of 2K crypto materials--supported 2.8K F-15 sorties
- Oversaw SCIF re-accreditation; coord'd w/insp tm/9.4K sq ft space--certified $23M PL-2 facility/allowed 2-yr ATO
- Oversaw training of 34 AOC mbrs; drilled crypto TTPs/emergency actions...protected NATO cryptologic enterprise

- Participated in 3-day event w/Group ldrship; culminated in 5 yr plan for OSS/OG--secured future for TFA Ops Group
- Perfectly handled/destroyed 350+ COMSEC documents; zero security incidents--upheld 100% accountability
- Performed shop COMSEC account material reduction; identified items for deletion--inventory reduced by 25%
- Phenomenal; rcv'd '13 9 AF Info Dominance Outstanding IA Element Team Awd--promote to SSgt this cycle!

- Piloted 33 SVRO/sys insps; enforced NSA policy/complaince--maint'd ntwrk integrity/secure link w/9 AF/CC
- Piloted 335 FS deployment; processed 31 crypto/equipment rqmts--F-15Es ready to engage upon AOR arrival
- Piloted 916 ARW COMSEC spt; executed four 60-day rqmts/65 keymats--directly spt'd 7 KC-135 surge msns
- Piloted bi-annual CAP reviews; 18 CROs/34 SVROs/459 members validated w/ precision--AFNIC compliant

- Piloted DMD overhaul; educated 35 users/648 procedures--cut customer svc/wait time 65%...72 man-hrs a yr
- Piloted semi-annual CAP; validated 435 COMSEC users--averted unauthorized access/loss US classified info
- Piloted semi-annual Crypto Access Prgm; validated 18 CRO accts--assured access cntrl/435 COMSEC users
- Pioneered extensive update of AF IAM course; revamped curriculum--latest info/policy given to the field

- Prep'd acct for 3 year insp; mng'd 689 NSA items w/100% accountability--"Best large acct ever seen" CYSS audit tm
- Primary ADPE custodian; controlled 125 computers/VOIPs/printers/external drives--maintained $75K worth of equip
- Primed rqmts f/$22M assets; planned C4I footprint f/75K multi-national forces/2 Wgs--enabled 23K US/ROK sorties
- Proactive mindset; reviewed CCC standard operating procedures to ensure compliance--amplified Sq's AFI adherence

- Processed 2 DCS shipments; accounted & controlled 100 crypto items--secure data for ONE msn/$345M FHP
- Processed 21 network certification packages; vetted systems for approval--AF DAA auth to connect validated
- Processed 31 crypto/eqmnt rqmts; ensured deployment of 336 FS--readied F-15Es to engage upon AOR arrival
- Processed 6 DCS shipments; accounted & controlled 898 crypto items--secure data for ONE msn/$345M FHP

- Processed 7 STE requests; cut 25 fortezza cards/deleted 5 DAO codes--safeguarded network from adversaries
- Processed 84 COMSEC pkgs; ensured control 698 crypto line items--error free during 24th AF COMSEC audit
- Processed 84 electronic packages/427 codes; inventoried 119 boxes/5534 line items--C4I/two wgs reinforced
- Processed 84 LCMS parcels; inventoried 119 boxes/5.5K line items--ratified 427 wg codes/error-free C4I ops

- Processed/issued 3.4K PCM items to bomber/missile crew members--ensured base remained nuclear capable
- Procured vital crypto key; sync'd B-2 secure radio comm links--TS key essential for conventional/nuclear ops
- Promptly destroyed 2.6K COMSEC aids; ensured destruction w/ no compromise--safeguarded secret msn data
- Provided ground resp for in-flt emer; liaised w/ 3 foreign ATCs/medical/mx--28 crew mbrs safe-on-deck in 90 mins

- Purged sqdn COMSEC account material; identified items for removal/deletion--account holdings reduced 20%

- QB'd 916 ARW COMSEC spt; mng'd 2/60-day rqmts/65 crypto aids--16 KC-135s ready for OFS/Coronet mns

- Received/processed 6 DCS shipments; inventoried 500+ items--ensured 100% accountability/secure flying ops
- Reconfigured 140 workstations; applied 1K security patches--mitigated potential classified data compromises
- Recruited for wing tiger tm; assessed 22 units, ID d/fixed 374 findings 4 wks--base re-cert achieved, coined by CS/CC
- Rectified C-17 aircrew key loss; re-enabled access to 400 SPINS <24 hrs--prevent'd AFCENT CSAR msn fail

- Redistributed 36 crypto devices; ensured world-wide AF CCI redisposition--conserved >$30K in AF assets
- Reinforced DRSN key upgrade; revived 5 inter-cmd trunks--secured voice capability of 4 COCOMs/180 VIPs
- Represented Wg at two hi-vis; briefed Gen/CMSgt on Crew Comm job requirements--fostered military unity efforts
- Resolved DLP error/6 org's; fixed HBSS LIMFAC on data access--met DoD sensitive info compliance/auditing rqmts

- Resolved USSS comm outage, coord'd crypto for 12 devices--bolstered Air Force One's security--awd'd WHCA LOA
- Restored vital SATCOM link; coord'd emergency OTA crypto xfer...ensured sec NATO C2 over north Europe AOR
- Revamp'd 12 DMD laptops; coord'd sys upgrd/patches--enabl'd mobile database/cut hacker/virus targets 15%
- Revamped base COMSEC SharePoint; forms/regs at fingertips--provided 54 sub-accts tools to secure C2 ops

- Revamped netwk scty proc; impl'd 1.2K cyber countermeasures/coord'd w/3 MAJCOMs--sustained netwk f/B-1 msn
- Reviewed 15K COMSEC items/rectified 89 errors; 100% compliant--HAF highlighted "best pgm seen to date"
- Reviewed 528 SKL security audits; analyz'd >49.2K events--zero incidents/solidified integrity of primary CCC msn
- Reviewed 95 Simple Key Loader audits; monitored 15K+ keys--zero errors/facilitated 12.1K F-15E sorties/yr

- Revised DC4 CONOPs; developed ROK/US cybersecurity TTPs f/  6 sites--expanded wartime cyber ops pic f/CACC
- Revitalized CAOC cyber sec prgm; dev'd regular vuln scan SOP/slashed 1.8K flaws...shielded $2.1B NATO wpn sys
- Revitalized crypto prgm; eliminated 73 antiquated items, ID'd/resolved 110 prgm flaws...streamlined CAOC AP msn
- Revived C4ISR ntwk across 2 MAJCOMs; dct'd CMI response f/3 offices/6 techs--saved TS enterprise f/35 operators

- Revived cyber security prgrm; eradicated 1.1k crit flaws/briefed ldrs on current trends...hardened 260 NATO systems
- Revived DoD 8570 prgm; tracked progress f/22 mbrs/auth'd 3 vouchers--facilitated new cert f/2 techs/federal req met
- Revived Syria region SA; fused 2 agencies/deploy'd crit key--restor'd coalition air defense/3 Navy nets/J2 msn
- Routed 75 OPR/EPRs through EMS; ensured proper hand off between squadron officials--zero evals overdue

- Sanitized 200 hard drives; eliminated indications of secure info--averted leakage of classified/Privacy Act info
- Scheduled 50 medical readiness appointments; developed sq tracking database--ensured 100% accountability
- Secured 4x Op JUNIPER SHIELD msns; enabled 24x nat'l agency analytical rpts--sourced AFRICOM's #1 intel rqmt
- Secured ISR 2 ops/4.9K hrs; 14 raids/18 EKIA/$13K assets seized--C4I directly enabled Iraq/Syria ISIS reduced 33%

- Self-Insp mgr; scrutinized 49 MICT criteria/cleared 6 obs's--validated compliance ISO Cyber incident/RMF programs
- Skilled tech; coord'd repairs & resolved 123 workstation issues across 4 ntwks--reduced imaging time by 50%
- Smashed 6 credits twd A.S.; flexed mgmt skill-set--backed collection of 10.9K TB of ISR data/all CCAF rqmt's met!
- Sole C&I sys admin; provided 36 end-users IT & VoIP support...delivered critical USAF network access for 3 GSUs

- Solved CSEL ops blackout; trblshot locator/revived sys <1 hr--salvaged 2 C-130J msns...transport of 132 pax
- Spearheaded 43 SAV's; coord'd with IAOs to prepare for IAAP assessment--contributed to Wing "Sat" rating
- Spearheaded 84 LCMS parcels; inventoried 119 boxes/5.5K items--ratified 427 wg codes/error-free C4I ops
- Spearheaded AFRICOM key order; rcvd <3 hours vs 7 days--resupplied 50 SOF/med evac ops...saved 2 lives

- Spearheaded critical AF response to DIA IG audit--pushed 100s docs from 14 MAJCOMS to IG; zero findings
- Spearheaded Regional Tier 3 data mgt device training; instructed 32 CROs on-site--fortified C4ISR readiness
- Spurred 15 mbr team; drove OPS floor reconfig/65 desks/130 desktops--ensured compliance w/WG TEMPEST pgm
- Standardized 12 DMD laptops; coord'd sys upgrade--enabled mobile database/cut hacker/virus targets 15%

- Standardized 12 DMD laptops; coordinated vital upgrades/patches--maximized mobile COMSEC C2 database
- Steered 6 CROs through two COMSEC IAAP inspections; largest BW acct/900 pieces--2nd yr zero write-ups
- Steered COMSEC mgt initiative/plan; built/configured 12 deployable sys--provisioned mobile spt/5 mx units
- Steered RMA intiative; guided 67 orgs/abated 113 cyber insecurities--repurpos'd 166 SKLs...saved AF $205K

- Steered semi-annual inspection; zero discrepancies; 100% COMSEC accountability--received "Satisfactory" rating
- Stood-up FOL SCI cryptographic acct; delivered 5.4K NSA items/trn'd 4 prsnl--1.1K near real-time intel reports gen
- Streamlined initial/refresher COMSEC trng; 115 aircrew/96 hours--100% compliant/zero CUI discrepancies
- Supervised 14 GSU mx TDYs; loaded 30 crypto keys/PMI'd 2 encrypt devices...facilitated CAOC battle-net linkage

- Supt'd 13 mbr/PACAF DCO msn; val'd reqs/4 tms/37 prsnl--incr'd link capacity at 4 sites/drove TSP ops/1.5K sorties
- Svc'd AFE CSEL pgm; cntl'd/updated/issued crucial cypto keys--established explicit GPS emer recovery ops in AOR

- Tackled 28 MUNS deficiency; dev'd secure software download solution/30 min vs 3 wks--1st self-mng'd JASSM upgrd
- Tackled crypto equipment modifications; upgraded 70 key loaders--ensured 100% SJ acft sys interoperability
- Tackled STE mgmt sys outage; fixed 6 errors--re-enabled 180 French & US ISR sorties...fort'd anti-terror ops
- Taught over 150 SCI IAMs/ISSMs, 5 locations--students equipped to secure systems/perform C&A functions

- Technical expert; trained two airmen thru CDCs, qualified on 226 core tasks--contributed to the success of CCC ops
- Top performer; 4 FW UEI '15...Cybersecurity "Best seen to date"/"Superior Team"; "Outstanding" 92 IOS audit
- Tracked DIA intel system vulnerability status; monitored 60 alerts/ensured 14 MAJCOM & agency compliance
- Transitioned 536 IP phones to SOCOM ntwk; verified MAC & pvd'd numbers--improved customer satisfaction

- Troubleshot four MAF outages; coord'd with commercial/local elements--restored comm to isolated facilities
- Troubleshot/resolved cypto device issue; coord'd password recovery/re-key--avoided TS COMSEC incident

- Unified 2 Wg's spt; remotely equipp'd 56 emergency cryptographic keys--safeguarded 24 crit CENTCOM ISR sorties
- Updated 35 crypto devices; performed software updates--readied wg for short-notice contigency comm rqmts
- Upgraded six NC3 nuke codes for acft syst upgrade; coord' w/MAJCOM--enabled secure comm/27 B-52 acft
- Upgraded software/issued 70 SKLs; ID'd/fixed 25 defective devices--guaranteed comm in 5.8K sq/mi airspace

- Validated 951 flight publications; executed 11K trng sortie hours--championed flight safety for $44B B-2 fleet
- Virtualized security service center; created 5 digital processes--tracked 736 requests/accomplished all within 24 hours
- Vital eqpt repair; contacted XXX COMM RF Transmission Team w/radio error--ensured C2 of 10 air refueling assets
- Volunteered at local high school; educated three students about employment career paths--empowered future leaders

- Wg's premier COMSEC accountant; supplied NCC 20 TACLANE keys--assured SIPRNet 99.9% up-time

- XXX ARW Family Day Committee leader, 4th yr in a row--coord'd BBQ event for 1.2K reservists--lauded by Wg/CC
- XXX ARW Top Three Secretary; priotized community events--ensured vital information passed to Wing's SNCOs

Star Line

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