- Performs CST duties; troubleshoots desktop & LAN issues; servicing ~1300 users,~2000 netwrk'd, & 80 iOS devices
- Administers hardware, software & network diagnostic repairs; plans, installs, configures, & validates IT sys upgrades
- Manages collaborative IS suites; provides ERM training, maintains storage facilities & performs crucial data searches
- Analyzes all data & knowledge requirements to facilitate discovery & dissemination of mission essential information
- Oversees system diagnostics and computer system repairs; performs initial disk drive formatting & partitioning
- Organizes, creates, maintains & validates user & organizational accounts; implements info protection standard
- Coordinates local IT service requests; provides technical solutions & schedules voice equipment installations
- Configures/upgrades workstations in support of wg ops; updates security patches to ensure USAFE compliance
- Implements work center policies; removes all non-compliant IS off of the network--improves network security
- 1st resp to afld sys outage; id'd/rpr'd automation s/w fault/4 sys--restored afld mgmt to $4B acft fleet/pwr'd 58K srts/yr
- 2021 AF Asst Fund Div rep; 100% prsnl contact/ran BX donation booth--efforts helped raise $38K/51% of base goal
- Adapted to short notice requirements; ensured processing of over $125 thousand in end of year purchase for 1XXWG
- Advocates follower-ship; ensuring shop airmen teamwork & meeting deadlines--clinching unit mission 100% success
- Aggressively pursuing UGT; completed 3DX5X and 3D151 CDCs within six months--sharpened workcenter skills
- Aid'ed sec remediation; removed 230 rogue devices/protected $120M enclave--awarded coveted Gp CC coin
- Aided COVID-19 relief effort TF Metra; comm SME/built BOM for ntwk'g medical facility--90 room connectivity
- Aided COVID-19 telework surge; configured hundreds of mobile devices-- enabled remote productivity & continuity
- Aided SECAF visit; prepp'd/coord d lodging/comm support--sustained successful diplomatic msn to East Asia
- Aided SOG leadership bldg move; relocated 9 secure telephones--reinstated reachback capes to HQ in <9 hrs
- Aided storage area clean up; ID'd 118 bad batteries/freed 12 square ft of space--secured 545/$2M LMR assets
- Aligned 120 cell device plans under new contract; executed 3-month cost analysis--saved AF $13K annually
- Alternate radio frequency mgr; managed 67 frequencies; enabled airfield comm between 12 NATO countries
- Assembled 9 servers for Windows 10 migration; enabled CSTs to configure multi IS at once--saved 300+ man hours
- Assigned permissions to 45 org email accounts; trained users on accounts--allowed strategic lvl collaboration
- Assisted creation of 600 user accts; expedited network access to warfighter--reduced time from 2 days to 2 hrs
- Assisted in configuring 31 sys for CES engineering--enabled evaluation of 100 design reviews totaling $560M
- Assisted tech refresh proj; helped update 172 workstations--elim'd 12K vulnerabilities/fortified $51M network
- Attended Windows 7 cert class; educated 27 Amn w/new knowledge--bridged tng gaps during CDC rewrite
- Authored Cyber Ops collaboration site; centralized 36 crit prcs/17 svs--provided hi-vis cyber SA f/Sq leaders/85 psnl
- Captured 99.7% radar uptime/60 naut-mile air picture--key to wing's Homeland Security airspace management
- Catastrophic pwr failure resp mbr; coord'd res mx w/24 units/reactivat'd 127 critical sys--revived base C4 svs w/in 3 hrs
- Co-authored Blackberry "how-to" guide; provided OJT tng for 39 Amn--saved SQ $10K in contractor svc fees
- Co-created CFP SharePoint site; guaranteed back-shops 24/7 access to ops guidance and equip maint products
- Complet'd Cyber Sec MS deg/CISSP course; auth'd 2 sec docs/3 inspection cklsts--fus'd edu w/IA/C2 cyber def capes
- Completed 10 ntwk essential CBTs; increased skill set 35%--enhanced ability to manage diverse career field
- Completed 18 Voice Network CBTs; honed new knowledge to enhance ops--earned A+ cert/met DoD mandate
- Completed 19 COMSEC tng modules; enabled 104 secure video sessions--secured sr ldrs reachback capability
- Completed 67 VMPF taskers; ensured 100% turnover of ADPE assets; verified integrity of >$8M ITAMs accts
- Completed 9 hrs w/emphasis in network security; 3 classes shy of BS in Info Systems Security--outstanding 4.0 GP
- Completed A+ course toward CCAF degree in Information Management; 3.0 GPA/two classes shy of degree
- Completed Base X comm reqs; config'd/installed 10 NIPRNet sys/nine phones--guaranteed local ORE success
- Completed traffic reporting sys upgrade; reconciled aviation database--aided in updating/tracking 54K sorties
- Conducted 52 Army Ballistic Missile Defense VTCs--enabled real-world contingency ops/theater-wide OREs
- Conducted Mgmt Internal Control Toolset insp; val'd 29 checklist items/corrected 8 errors--"Effective" rating '15 UEI
- Configured 31 CES engineering sys; enabled evaluation of 100 design reviews totaling $560M--promote now!
- Configured 50 voice lines; transitioned AMC into $21M PAX terminal--flawless comm support for 100+ Amn
- Configured postal virtual private net; activated USPS secure connection--enabled processing of 670K lbs mail
- Configured Scheduling Application Tool Sys; enabled maintenance reports for 68 aircrafts--saved 50 man hrs
- Conquered 137 core tasks; raised bar/role model for 132 SQ Amn--completed UGT 6 mos ahead of schedule
- Coord'd OSI AFNET migration; prepared 6 agent accounts/manually configured 1 user--on target w/ DoD deadline
- Coord'd reset of network port; resolved Japan Air Defense sys disconnect--enabled joint ops scheduling <1 hr
- Coord'd/cleared 47 firewall port requests; certified customer access to msn critical data--promotion warranted
- Coordinated 100+ maintenance actions; ensured immediate work center response--minimized comm downtime
- Crafted ECP gate guard pgm; augmented 8 SFS entry controllers--cut entry wait time 80%/processed <2K prsnl daily
- Created CJ2 distro lists; automated info distributed to 109 people--reduced raw intel data processing by 50%
- Created static address for 3 wg ldr devices; 48 hour task finished in 4hrs--15 ldrs given timely print capability
- Critical leader in PME ctr IT proj; configured 60 sys; zero tng delays/solidified $35.7M install--promote BTZ!
- Crucial CST team mbr; updated 140 694 ISR IT assets to Windows 7--completed 1 mo ahead PACAF deadline
- Cyber Warrior! Flexible and versatile NCO w/ great potential; adapts to any tasking/attacks challenges w/ confidence
- Dedicated to self-improvement; completed CDCs 10 months ahead of schedule--earned 89% on course exam
- Defused alarm indicator fault; config'd/patched 5 switch ports--averted warning sys fail/hardend IDS integrity f/4 vaults
- Detected eroded MUNS vault circuit; piloted modem cable repair--secured tracking of $4M PACAF munitions
- Developed IT sectors w/ zoned approach to outages; led section to zero tickets in queue
- Developed NATO unclas computer plan; ID'd overages/re-allocated machines--saved NATO $12K
- Diagnosed inop MSG staff computer; resolved error <2 hrs/validated data integrity--averted critical info loss
- Direct'd upgrade of 205 SFS radios worth $932K; verified programming & encryption capes--promote to SSgt!
- Direct'd Wg IT eqpt pgm; steer'd ops f/244 custodians/37 units/23K assets--fused $17M in cyber eqpt w/3 Wgs data svc
- Directed 10-mbr comm tm; resolved 1010 trouble tickets/created 820 network accounts--lauded by EMSG/CC
- Directed 11-mbr support team; facilitated 22K remediations--sustained $47M network/2nd largest AOR comm hub
- Directed 47 secure VTC sessions; ensured comm between USFK/USSOCOM ldrs--sustained 100% uptime rate
- Directed classified VDI health check; remediated 24 priority-1 environmental concerns--secured multi-national ntwk
- Directed five squadrons through cyber migration & two-flight construct--recognized by ACC as CSC standard
- Directed PA tech refresh; installed/configured 10 sys w/Photoshop--enabled processing 6K photos/videos/24 events
- Directed prompt closure of 44 airfield sys communications outages--anchored 20 FW 10.22K annual sortie rate
- Directed training plan collaboration w/ AFETS; modernized sq VDI pgm--facilitating personnel 100% msn qualified
- Drove combat alft msn! Guided resolution of 337 trble tickets/1 vs 3 day avg--pwr'd $24M ntwk...C2 f/2K+ acft sorties
- Drove combat alft msn! Mng'd 23 mbrs/1K trouble tickets/34 SharePoint sites--energized $24M ntwk f/$3B acft fleet
- Drove compliance w/DoD mandated acct validation; verified 1.9K in 1 week--ensured network 100% secured
- Drove div IT eqpt pgm; guid'd 2 liasons/3 accts/52 devices--fus'd $38K in assets w/2 Wg's/2 tenant units cmbt alft msn
- Drove F-22 beddown CST team; installed 17 NIPR/15 voice sys <3 hrs; supported 235 sorties--promote now!
- Drove VTC upgrade; migrated 3 ntwk suites/eliminated 10 sys threats--enabled 14 secure sessions for Wg leadership
- Engineer'd fix actions to afops sys; pinpoint'd/resolv'd outages for h/w valued at 35k--bolster'd arfld C2 uptime by 80%
- Engineered 39 firewall port requests; certified customer access to msn critical data--uninterrupted connectivity
- Engineered CCRI sys imaging; slayed 142K threats/26 violations on 5K sys--1 of 2 Wgs w/"Excellent" on both ntwks
- Engineered data center design; established space/power/HVAC requirements--prepared new facility for $24M ntwk
- Engineered Win 7/scanner integration solution; met DISA data integrity std--published process for WG CSA's
- Equipment custodian; managed 216 phones & 180 radios valued at $600K; sustained 98% inventory accuracy
- Essential in ALS ntwk install; config'd 10 machines & two printer ports--provided NIPR access to 48 students
- Established new Wg sr ldrs comm; setup unclass/class voice/data capability--provided critical C2 w/in AOR
- Evaluated 17 authorized service interruptions; reconciled key AFNET comm sys--sustained $47M C4I network
- Excellent Tech; prioritized over 200+ tickets relevant to mission needs--ensuring Unit/Wing tasks complete over 90%
- Excellent technician; imaged 30+ clients w/latest Vista software--implemented three months' prior to AF tasker
- Exceptional CST; provided Group support to 1.7K+ personnel in five squadrons--ensured 98% up-time rate
- Exceptional Leader; confirm'd shop airmen completed 100% 5-level skill tasks/CDC's--strengthen'd workcenter prsnl
- Exceptional technical skills; highly trusted technician for VIP/team visits--always 100% msn ready/capable
- Exec'd EFDB rqmts; coord'd w/3 ofcs/led 6 Amn/ntwk'd 1 switch/14 PCs--enabled Wg/CC & Sq/CCs to strat top SSgts
- Executed ISR GP recall; mobilized 650 mbrs during coalition exercise--100% accountability in 2 vs 3 hrs std
- Executed weather satellite/chat software install; configured four terminals--extended forecast/8K weapons released
- Exemplary Tech; manag'd/support'd more than 2,000 user accts for Wing--warranting 13 squadron msn 100% success
- Expedited 1.1K rprs; crushed PACAF avg fix time by 12 days & earned Sq Tm of 1st Qtr '13--promote to MSgt
- Expedited SAT phone repair; restored services <20 min--enabled real-time air support for 9K coalition combat sorties
- Expertly managed Luke's $7.5M C4 Blueprint; validated five IT requirements--postured for new $21M comm facility
- Expertly organized F-22 bed down; installed 17 NIPR/15 voice sys <3 hrs; 18 WG OPLAN msn rdy--promote!
- Expertly performed ADPE custodian duties; managed $374K acct/406 items--maintained 100% accountability
- Expertly rebuilt & upgraded 700 sys; ensured compliance w/ std configuration--decreased ntwk vulnerabilities
- Extended ntwk access; configured 7 mobile devices w/encryption cert--provided secure 24/7 mobile ntwk redundancy
- Extraordinary leader! SQ's '11 "Outstanding Client Systems NCO of the Yr"--a must pick for STEP promotion
- Fabricated/installed iridium antenna systems--solidified outside-the-wire comms for two SOF Task Forces
- Fac'd 5 VTC sessions for 18 WG/CC; coord'd w/HHQ/est'd secure links to 10 PACAF bases--pwr'd bi-lat def msn plng
- Facilitated 47 VTCs for combined forces; secured comm w/USFK & USSOCOM leaders--kept 98% uptime
- Facilitated 51 MXG/CC office move; installed eight computers/phones--restored comm w/ minimal downtime
- Facilitated main hub generator upgrade; coordinated outage request w/ 14 agencies--preserved $1.1M comm asset
- Facilitated short notice rescue msn; dispatched techs/radio sys install <4hrs--secured 170+ US/UK embassy personnel
- Facilitated Tax Center tech refresh; migrated/installed 10 sys--recouped $630K in tax returns for Kadena Amn
- Facilitated ULUC2 trng for 6 mbrs; prep'd tm for UCC contigency response--ensured accountability of 75 prsnl
- Facilitated upgrade of 14 Emergency Mgmt LMR's; verified firmware install--enabled uninterrupted ORE ops
- Facilitated Win10 Migration project; migrated > 1,200 Wg PCs--no cyber vulnerabilities or mission critical outages
- Filled-in for NCOIC/1 mo; led 6 mbr tm/resolved 613 tickets--ensured comms for 4K users across 15 MAFs/5 groups
- Finished "Learning Japanese" class; increased verbal/cultural proficiency--linked five LNs to SQ msn/goals
- Finished 16-hr comprehensive A+ course/40 hrs online tng--furthered job knowledge/personal education goals
- First class NCO; led 9 tng sessions/led 2-flt structure CST consolidation w/in 3 mos--promote to TSgt now!
- Fixed AFNET migration glitch; revised outdated mail protocol address--reinstated/upgraded 33 digital senders
- Floor Chief fill-in; spt'd/mentored 12 Amn; slashed ticket process time by 30%--enhanced customer svc reports
- Focused cyber ops/5 AFSCs; mng'd/coord'd job ctrl f/7 sections/57 technicians-- thwart'd 15M cyber attacks on 7K sys
- Forged office tng sessions; formulated outage/customer svc vignettes--raised work ctr TBA compliance to 98%
- Fueled $122K AEW CC C2 upgrade; config'd 4 ntwk devices <2 hrs--fortified $84M domain/pwr'd IDF resp action
- Gave superb C4 spt to 191 NATO mbrs supporting largest build up in KAF history! 14K-20K prsnl in 6 mos
- Graduated 40-hr Security+ course; awarded SEI necessary for net admin privileges--DoD Directive 8570 compliant
- Guid'd Base Pubs & Forms pgm; liais'd w/37 Sqs to rvw/publish 26 Wg AFIs--fuel'd Sr leaders C2 & 4+1 alft rpt'g ops
- Guided 2 techs for AFOSI migration; migrated 6 accounts/ntwk switch/manually configured 10 sys--saved AF $15K
- Guided AFOSI base ntwk integration efforts; transitioned 28 devices/14 agents--satisfied major Air Staff milestone
- Guided air-to-air/air-to-surface tactical exercise C2 spt; bridged comm gap w/ no-cost solution--1st ever F-35 LFE
- Guided CSC operations/9 technicians; steered workflow/resolved 548 trouble tkts--garnered Sq Small Tm Awd 3d qtr
- Guided MPF transfer reqs; pinpointed data/voice lines--moved 11 offices w/in two days/in svc ahead of sched
- Hand-picked as Info Technology lead for Green Flag 11-4--sustained 209 mbrs and 147 jnt combat trng sorties
- Handpicked f/ VDI training TDY; mentored WADS technicians on advanced TS techniques--coined by WADS/CEM
- Hand-selected for IT Tech refresh tm; config'd 494 sys/$308K--zero down time/solidified $951K PACAF proj
- Handled short-notice tasker; set up new Blackberry <2 hrs--ensured MSG Supt TDY on track/coined for effort
- Headed DRMO dropoff; organized disposal of 800lbs\54 items; enabled reutilization of $9K equip back to AF
- Helmed A3X VIP spt tm; killed 139 tickets/synced w/2 Sqs/4 Wk Ctrs f/ntwk fix actions-fuel'd Sr Ldr C2 f/25 div pers
- Highly motivated & technical CST; provided superior support with empathetic flair-- exceeded customer expectations
- Honcho'd 18 LRS kiosk standup; developed pgm baseline/trn'd 4 Amn--pwr'd IDRC C4I/tracking of 7.4K deployers/yr
- ID'd 2 security incidents; initiated reporting & secured equip--protected classified data and $28K ntwk devices
- ID'd fire dept console outage; aided in upgrading hard disc/operating sys--restored comm < 2 hrs/zero msn loss
- ID'd MSG/CC secure phone outage; replaced faulty wiring/restored svs < 2hrs--emergency C2 response online
- ID'd OSI outage; managed/executed Biometric software solution--aided processing 12 suspects/9 federal convictions
- ID'd OSS weather forecasting sys conflict; config'd new software updates--spt'd 260 pilots w/vital msn briefs
- ID'd weather forecasting sys conflict; installed/config'd new update--supported 12 sorties w/critical msn briefs
- ID'd wpns software error; repaired operating sys--facilitated cert of 43 munition types w/99.9% accuracy rate
- ID'd/resolved Osan base network patch error; restored admin accts/comm spt to 180 IT assets--promote to SrA
- ID'd/tracked supervisor AFOSH checklist; developed roles for 32 mbrs/inspected 4 bldg's--eclipsed IG susp <24 hrs
- Identified 69 MFR infractions; coord'd/led corrective measures; prevented mismanagement of 85 ITAMs accts
- Identified and repurposed excess Wing IT assets to meet additional unit requests; saved the 176 Wing $7500
- Identified antiquated data retention policy; implemented user profile management plan--recovered 600GB storage cap
- Identified critical MTO f/VDI service accts; swiftly performed fix actions/scheduled mx--avoided future system outages
- Implemented Windows 7 install; upgraded 767 PCs w/latest op sys--increased security for $15M Wg network
- Innovative NCO; relocated Electrostatic Discharge center prior to building demolition--saved flight $1.5K
- Installed 15 voice & 30 data lines; key to new CST build-up/centralized 30+ Amn work center--lauded by CC
- Installed 168 Time Compliance Network Orders; eliminated 100% identified vulnerabilities--secured network
- Installed 18 sys for reintegration brf; enabled 35 Amn to file voucher on-the-spot--cut 2hrs from redeploy brief
- Installed 35 TCNOs on 5 computer sys--updates key to on-time completion of acft accident board investigation
- Installed 47 phone lines; ensured C2 for 200+ Joint Forces personnel during UFG '10--lauded by deployed CC
- Installed 50 computers/6 printers/11 telephones for tent city--flawless comm support for 800 TDY personnel
- Installed antivirus software updates; configured 300 computers--fortified $51M KBAN from 227 virus attacks
- Installed four tool control sys; config'd client/server protocol--enabled accountability of 11.3K tools/$2.1M
- Installed NIPR for Safety Investigation Board; activated six computer ports--ensured excellent comm support
- Installed/config'd MDG logistics software; critical to ordering $70K annual med supplies--SSgt well deserved
- Installed/imaged 2 AMXS sys; config'd tool control sys--enabled accountability of 11.3K tools worth $2.1M
- Integral to DEE to CHES/O365 conversion; develop'd & implemented self help strategies-- improved user experience
- Key member of SDC 5.X team; upgraded ~1200 clients/patching thousands of vulnerabilities-- hardened wpn system
- Key to base CST merger; enabled AFSO 21 geographic posture--enacted process improvement checklists/goals
- Key to DRMO disposal; purged/turned-in >$25K AF items--guaranteed 100% info protection/OPSEC integrity
- Lead AHLTA tech; bolstered service to 100% of joint medical laptops--enabled access to 9.2M med records DOD wide
- Lead responsible for mx of >300 virtual assets; ensured 416 critical software pushes--key to 601 AOC/1AF mission
- Lead tech on $1M COMM center modernization; installed 16 equipment racks--allowed vital C4ISR across 2 AORs
- Lead tech; open'd 242 tickets/resolv'd 500+ trouble calls/admnst'd $10K+ PWCS dvcs--ensured mission critical comm
- Led $3M blood storage facility stand-up; built security infrastructure--solidified safety of 10K units of blood for OIR
- Led 20 MDG Call Management System upgrade; enabled 91.8K customer calls--maintained 99% server uptime
- Led 22 SIPR sys installs; reimaged/reestablished OSS intel connectivity w/in 2 hours--ensured 100% C2 capes
- Led 23 man-tm; mng'd $2M Windows 10 upgrade/ID'd/coord'd IT rqmts--fielded 82 test sys...key to Sq SNCO of Qtr
- Led 3-man team; installed 11K crucial updates/created std sys image--reduce potential loss/compromise of PII to <5%
- Led 8 mbr tm; remedied 2K C4I outages/on-the-spot fixed for 90% jobs--sliced customer wait time 60/15 days
- Led 8 mbr tm; steered printer MTO/updated firmware 268 assets <2 hrs--enhanced security/boosted compliance 97%
- Led 9-mbr validation tm; verified 4.5K & disabled 971 accts <12 hrs--eliminated real-world ntwk compromise
- Led audio comm for COMKAF change of command; 250 prsnl attended; lauded by COMKAF & Afghani VIPs
- Led combined spt ctr's comm setup; ntwk'd 331 sys for 152 prsnl--co-located 3 sqs/1-stop svc, 20K custs yrly
- Led CSC CCRI tm; slayed 142K threats/26 violations on 5K sys--1 of 2 Wgs w/"Excellent" on both ntwks in AMC
- Led cyber risk assessment f/BLOS comm system; eval'd 256 security ctrls--cemented JFACC TS C2 capes w/msn acft
- Led DRMO run; reduced flt's storage footprint/sanitized 150 assets--ensured proper disposal/reuse f/$25K in IT equip
- Led flt line ops LMR upgrade; pgm'd/installed radios valued at $23.6K--power'd 184 sorties/four KAB GOV's
- Led FSS website review; validated & inspected 11 ext web links--infused 27 units ops w/real time access f/8K patrons
- Led install of radios valued at $39.2K; directed flt line ops upgrade--powered 184 sorties/eight KAB GOV's
- Led Public Key initiative; config'd 25 SIPRNet card readers--enabled C4 interoperability across five countries
- Led QA skill-lvl upgrade evals; inspected 9 techs on 135 core tasks/written exams--deliver'd amazing 100% pass rate
- Led SAN backup and recovery upgrade; secured $100K in IT equip--enabled 18TB off-site storage for critical data
- Led sq maintainers to 99.9% uptime of meteorological aids; vital in adverse weather--protected 85 F 16s/$2.2B
- Led TLR Cloud migration; tracked 5K accts/enhanced storage by 2K%--coord'd AF $1B initiative/finished 1 mo AoS
- Lifted network quarantine; installed 15 patches on cargo tracking computer--enabled uninterrupted shipments
- Maint'd 57 accts/$11M in assets; aided in correcting 25 discrepancies--drove compliance to 94% vs 80% std
- Maint'd PACAF 2nd lrgst ntwk; aided closure of 3.1K trouble tickets--ensured ops/msn readiness for KAB $81M ntwk
- Manag'd CFP; revamp'd/author'd & maintain'd CFP continuity guide for 7+ mbrs--ensuring airmen career progression
- Managed $110K IT equip acct/135 items; turned in obsolete assets worth over $4.1K--sustained 100% accountability
- Managed $18K IT acct; inventoried 40 items/replaced four archaic sys--maintained 100% inventory accuracy
- Managed $4M PWCS account; purchased/issued $18K cell phones/cards--overcame KAF-wide LMR jamming
- Managed 121 MICT assessments/3.7K tasks; assigned permissions/led 9 SAVs--stage set for Unit Effectiveness Insp
- Managed 15 govt veh's; trained 34 operators/protected $540K assets--recv'd no discrep's from no-notice SAV
- Managed 212 client svc trouble tickets; swiftly repaired 35% w/in 24 hrs--7 days ahead of USAFE standard
- Managed 67 webpages w/500+ links while deployed--improved workflow between NATO HQ/tenant units
- Managed creation of 600 network user accts; liaised between four units--enabled msn capes for GP C4ISR ops
- Managed NIPR/SIPR loss crisis; organized 2 backshops spt/ECES power restoral--returned C4I to warfighters
- Managed Operation SENTIENT ARMOR survey; conducted industrial control/ntwk review--hardened AFIN security
- Managed OPSEC/TEMPEST prgm; trained 67 prsnl/led 3 inspections/100% compliant--secured msn data for 6 FOBs
- Managed shop readiness pgm; tracked 35 mbr's deployment tng/folders--guaranteed 100% ex/worldwide ready
- Managed Sq Sponsor pgm; processed/tracked inbound allocation notices--ensured 18 newcomers 100% tracked in sys
- Managed Wing IT equipment accounts and equipment custodian training; ensured 100% accountability of assets
- Managed wing Share Point migration; trained TLSO's on configuration techniques-- streamlined unit knowledge mgt
- Managed/edited 67 COMKAF webpages w/over 500 links; improved workflow between NATO HQ/sub units
- Manually installed 170 network security patches/83 sys; eradicated 34 vulnerabilities--fortified $51M KBAN
- Manually loaded 170 Time Compliance Network Orders base wide--eliminated 100% identified security flaws
- Mbr of Vulnerability Mgmt team; operational/sec vulnerability risk mitigation f/ approx 1,200 NIPR and 25 SIPR IS
- Member of critical CFP bullpen; routes workload & notifies OPRs & senior leaders-- enhances mission effectiveness
- Mended primary crash sys; exchanged corroded wires/restored 11 ACF feeds to Naha Airport--TSgt spot on!
- Mentored seven Airmen to complete 90% 5-level skill tasks; leads client service center by example ensuring success
- Meticulous review of MDG facility renovations; identified shortfall in comm room design--averted $9K retrofit cost
- Migrated Knowledge Ops work ctr; installed 20 voice drops--deflected tng disruption/centralized tutelage ctr
- Mitigated classified message incident; wiped/restored affected sys--Army tenant unit OIC operational < 45 min
- Mng'd 4-mbr PC refresh tm; cleared backlog & config'd 216 sys <5 days--upgraded 13 sq's msn essential equip
- Mng'd acft trng relocation on-site comm spt; installed 29 ntwk devices--crit to USMC air/grnd cmbt tactics trng
- Mng'd div IT pgm; guid'd 2 liaisons/3 accts/56 devices--fus'd $38K in assets/spt'd 2 Wgs/2 tenant units cmbt ops msn
- Mng'd Ex ASAN FURY comm install; ntwk'd 112 sys in 4 facs--crit to live ordinance loading/deployment trng
- Mng'd Postal Svc Center mil transition; streamlined crit prcs/tnd 3 psnl--key mail spt f/900 patrons sav'd AF $42K/yr
- Mng'd STO COMSEC pgm; dir'd 3 CROs/$70.6K inventory/17 crypto eqpmt items--sec'd JFACC classified C2 capes
- Navigated 19 AW Pubs & Forms pgm; mng'd/track'd 80 pubs f/25 unit reps--fused AMC's busiest afld w/crit data ops
- NCOIC of CFP; ensured CFP processes and doc remain current for 125+ processes-- continous workcenter continuity
- NCOIC Wg CST; led 4 person cell resolved 1.5K trouble tickets--vital to 24/7 comm support to 2.8K wg Amn
- Orchestrated Wi-Fi stand-up; led install/design--enabled 3D map software for 450+ mbrs/AFCENT deployed CE msn
- Organized comm mandates for depl'd F-22 unit; installed 17 NIPR/15 phone drops--facilitated 37 flt tng sorties
- Organized LMR reqs for depl'd F-22 unit; coor'd mx on 27 assets/sustained 184 flt sorties--continue to mentor!
- Organized LMR reqs for HH-60 crash; aided mx on 35 radios--enabled rescue/recovery ops comms w/13 orgs
- Organized white cell/EOC comm spt/3 ex's; set up/config d 20 C4I devices--sustained msn readiness/Wg CC #1 prioity
- Overhauled IDRC SP site; revamped 8 data libraries/4 unit pages--crit C2 spt f/9 acft to dlvr 291 pax...119 tons of cargo
- Overhauled TO program; researched/updated 21 TOs; removed 3 outdated--ensured zero findings during UCI
- Oversaw 148 Priority 1 outages; coord'd fix actions w/TCF & ACCC--ensured C2 operability for $6B+ air fleet
- Oversaw 3.4K routine/priority maintenance actions completed; ensured continual air space msn coverage
- Oversaw 31 comm status briefs; coord'd closely w/msn ops--furnished Wg Ldrs/AFCENT HHQ cyber picture
- Oversaw Awards/Decs pgm; created SharePoint sites/processed 12 Decor6s--boosted morale/incentive/esprit de corp
- Oversaw firewall request; expanded $193M BC3-T video system--provided C2 lead with 900K sq mile airspace pic
- Oversaw issue of life cycle IT assets to wing ECs; ensured timely replacement of outdated assets within 1XXWG
- Oversaw NIPR/SIPR ntwk accreditation; mng'd 2K cyber defensive measures--1st in AMC w/2 yr cert f/both platforms
- Oversaw SFS tng rm move; relocated crucial IT assets/no gaps in key tng for 382 prsnl--STEP promote to TSgt
- Oversaw Wg printer tech refresh; remotely configured/STIG'd 85 devices--met DISA integrity std/saved 170 man-hrs
- Persistent initiative and desire for increased knowledge; pursuing Project Professional Certification and OJT training
- Piloted $2.5K Internet install; upgraded Kwang-Ju MDG facility--enabled users to order critical med supplies
- Piloted SVS/MSS-to-FSS client acct merger; ensured flawless ntwrk access--surpassed Wg tasker by 11 days
- Piloted USSTRATCOM/CCC call; setup comms/thwarted display issue--imparted CCMD priorities/400 MAFB mbrs
- Pioneered mobile comm system for troubled KAF fuel contractor; assured 24/7 fuel ops for over 12K sorties
- Pioneered PA equipment database; ID'd $46.3K assets--aided 100% accountability of vital support equipment
- Pioneered Sq E-staffing prcs; digitized psnl mgmt updates/GPC requests--slashed coord/approval time from 6 to 2 days
- Prep'd radio reqs for three KAB events/spt'd 940 athletes/boosted US/JP relations--raised $5K for Red Cross
- Prepared 35 PC's for SDC re-image; valid'd 42 acct's/14 security group permissions--reduced IAO ticket queues 60%
- Prioritzed/closed 7.438 REMEDY outage tickets--established new CSC product/sq customer service baseline
- Processed over 40 IT purchasing requests for 176 Wing units; ensured timely execution of over $150,000 of funds
- Programmed/delivered 67 IG LMRs; enabled monitoring of 80 talk GPs--ensured critical C2 for ORI IG Team
- Projo for $2.7K Giant Voice move; verified antenna/comm net link--continue to challenge/promote when ready
- Promptly met EOC ops reqs; activated 30 voice sys/60 computers/six printers--guaranteed local ORE success
- Propelled JSTARS C4ISR capes; ID'd/fixed crypto error--restored IMINT capes across 8 sys/22 analysts/$244M acft
- Proven ldr! led 8 Amn/dir'd B-2 C2 sys/GSC Annex spt/fuel'd biennial Ex f/7 Wgs/600 prsnl--SMSgt promotion ready!
- Provided Ex COPE NORTH '13 C3 spt; stood-up 1st jt TOC ISO 1.9K MNF--823 sorties demo'd jt strike cap
- Provided on-the-spot fixed for 95% jobs; restored 119 C4I outages--slashed customer wait time 15 vs 60 days
- Pwr'd island-wide printer/scanner upgrd; trn'd 4 Amn on config & install/qual'd on 4 tasks--dlv'd 42 sys ISO $2.1M proj
- Qual cust service process; ensured tickets & status updates comm'd to cust in timely manner--improv'd cust satisfaction
- Quickly educated on new Virtual Prsnl Ctr; dvlp'd unit guide for decorations/EPR processing--trained 35 supervisors
- Quickly handled EOC ops ctr reqs; activated eight phones/networked six laptops--aided ORI C2 "Excellent"
- Radio communications POC for OREs; supported 1K wireless devices--kept response time to < 30 min
- Ran shop ancillary pgm; tracked core task tng for 37 prsnl/obtained 98% compliance level--TSgt well earned!
- Ran sys maint spt to community center wireless network inst virus protection for users community success!
- Rebuilt 16 PCs & upgraded SDC version on 45 clients; cut vulnerabilities--applied AF mandated configuration
- Recovered deleted document library; restored 70 operation planning files--enabled execution of 75 SOF msns
- Rectified 15 e-Tool user accounts; maximized real-time mx data--solidified 2K ISR sorties with 6K targets engaged
- Relocated 11 MSG Command Sec client sys/peripherals; updated sys names on network--coined by Gp/CC
- Relocated 18 MSG cmd section in <6 hrs; installed eight systems/13 phones--enabled uninterrupted operations
- Relocated 772 EAS comm; installed 60+ IT devices< 72 hrs--enabeled 1,228 combat sorties/220 airdrop msns
- Remedied 189 C4I outages; provided on-the-spot fixes for 99% jobs--slashed customer wait time 60 to 15 days
- Repaired 14 AMXS computers; coord'd reset of network ports--restored access for 250 prsnl/IMDS reporting
- Repaired 56 computers remotely; trained five CST Amn on new process--reduced troubleshooting time by 90%
- Repaired 911 console; substituted graphics card/reinstated 48 emergency access lines--coined by 18 CS/CEM
- Repaired corrupted AGE software; fixed five sys <2 hrs--prevented engine overhaul/saved $120K in man-hrs
- Repaired fuel station alarm sys; secured delivery of 250K gals of JP8--powered 31 sorties/3K Kadena GOVs
- Repaired six ISDN lines/four VTCs; re-initiated faulty equipment--restored secure path for USFK & 7 AF/CC
- Resolved & closed 930+ Remedy tkts; enabled users to keep working w/min downtime--mitigated degradation to msn
- Resolved 110 C4I trouble tickets; provided on-the-spot fixed for 95% jobs--decreased ticket backlog by 43%
- Resolved 225 Remedy tickets; accomplished 99% first-time fix rate--increased user accessibility to network
- Resolved 34 intel outages; upheld $11M analysis functionality--694 Intel Spt SQ 3rd Qtr '10 winner--promote!
- Resolved 360+ trouble tickets; provided spt for 4.6K users/13K ntwk devices; ensured uninterruped base msn
- Resolved 500+ customer trouble calls; sustained ops capability for 4K+ users--selection to E-5 well deserved!
- Resolved 640 service desk calls/2,970 IT tickets; eliminated tier-two technical spt--saved ESD helpdesk 81 man hrs
- Resolved 85 Remedy tickets/accomplished 95% first-time fix rate; 100% customer satisfaction--promote now!
- Resolved CEG comm outage; ID'd/reconnected severed circuit--restored vital secure C2 to GP/CC w/in 2 hrs
- Resolved cmd post sys issue; coord'd onsite CST spt and installed alt sys--resolved <30 min/readied tm for MARE Ex
- Resolved digital sender disconnect; revised outdated IP address' due to server upgrade--reinstated connectivity
- Resolved OSS primary crash phone outage; piloted cable repair/restored C2 capes in 1 hr--promote SrA BTZ!
- Resolved pax terminal phone outage; piloted cable repair action--enabled mvmt of 13K pax/11K tons of cargo
- Responded primary crash outage; replaced faulty wiring/restored service < 1hr--emergency C2 response online
- Responded to 18 SFS SFMIS outage; upgrd'd DBIDS s/w on 7 sys <2 hrs--ensured safety of 24K prsnl/$6B installation
- Responded to 733 AMS hotline outage; coor'd repair of faulty cable pair--< 2hr emergency C2 response online
- Responded to 82 RS SIPR outage; imaged/configured 2 workstations--enabled msn briefs supporting 35 pilots
- Responded to DV quarters request; ID'd/resolved GP policy error <1 hr--enabled VIP critical msn data access
- Responded to Osan's severe typhoon flood threat; relocated 160 eqpt items--protected $54K of msn IT assets
- Responded to weather flt aircrew sys fault; replaced defective warranty part--saved $800 unit replacement cost
- Restored deleted document library; recovered 70 OPLAN files--enabled execution of 75 Special Ops sorties
- Restored emergency frequency to JP 1st responders; ID'd/elim'd illegal air traffic RF--zero wg sorties missed
- Revamped education ctr ntwk capability--ensured testing confidentiality/integrity for 8K community personnel
- Revamped PWCS turn-in procedures--captured 251 pieces of excess equipment valued at $628K w/in 30 days
- Revamped Vulnerability Mgmt pgm; streamlin'd tracking prcs/clear'd 63 Tasking Orders--99% compliant/best in AMC
- Reviewed 49 CE work-order requests; ensured flawless redesign--improved node replacement project time-line by 20
- Revised outdated mail protocol address; fixed AFNet migration error--reinstated/upgraded 58 digital senders
- Revitalized CST program; provide trng & extensive Comm spt to approx 30 new CSTs--reduce outages across Wing
- SECAF C2 spt team; prep'd two NIPRNet sys/printers/phones/WiFi capability--strengthened US/east Asia ties
- Section lead for AF lvl manpower study--compiled/organized 2 yrs data; established AF wide AFSC manning std
- Sel'd 1/2 EBN replacement tm; installed 80 ntwk switches/$2.5M proj--key to resolution of 82 Cat II STIG violations
- Setup Ex KEY RESOLVE '10 comms; installed 35 lines/ran 500ft cabling--supported multi-national operations
- Setup four MWR laptops in CUWTF gym; created local hearts-apart link--provided internet accces to 225 pax
- Showed expertise beyond AFSC; handpicked to work base-level port security mx--reduced down time by 35%
- Single-handedly orchestrated resolution of 168 wing trouble tickets--14 day ticket limit slashed to 30 min avg
- Skillfully managed FW Fitness Center renovation design; established dedicated comm room--averted $20K oversight
- Solely answered average 85 client trouble calls daily; superb cust svc lauded by Gp/Sq CCs & Superintendents
- Solved 139 C4I tickets/processed 254 Motorola invoices; QA'd contract billing--verified $209K of expenses
- Solved 70+ job backlog; restructured tech roles/response times/slashed 2.5 month backlog to 1 week promote
- Solved postal sys error; applied registry fix--ensured timely processing of 1.4K pieces of mail--promote now!
- Sorted/delivered 11.2K letters & 1.5K packages to 37 Activity Distribution Offices--executed timely mail center ops
- Spearhead'd isolation of 2 CMIs; ensured integrity of classified mission ops--safeguarded security of $15.6M network
- Spearheaded Ex FORAGER FURY comm spt; config'd 15 devices--1st ever PACOM ex w/Osprey integration
- Spearheaded Standardized Desktop Operating Sys proj; migrated 800 PCs--deterred 75K threats/sec'd $200M enclave
- Spectrum mgr; oversaw/coord'd 67 frequencies--vital to nonstop airfield communications/12 NATO countries
- Spt'd Recon Sq IT rqmt; mod'd 75 e-tools apps f/4 acft--exec'd 14K enemy threats id'd/104 sorties/sec'd $2B U-2 msn
- Spt'd ULCHI FREEDOM GUARDIAN; oversaw comm install/67 IT assets--furnished C2 capes for 800 prsnl
- Sq/flt eqpmt custodian; managed 216 phones/180 radios valued at $600K, sustained 98% inventory--promote!
- Stabilized Vulnerability mgmt posture; ensured countermeasures are ack'd and complied w/-- network uptime 100%
- Steered MXG online TO restoral; led reconciliation 11 web links--zero msn loss...enabled 500 per access to 2.9K TOs
- Steered units's lrgest work ctr; track'd/resolv'd 45 new IT rqmts--lead C4 ops f/tng msn spting 1.8K grads/46 countries
- Stood up Theater Battle Management Core Systems during 5 Wg exercises--provided CC 100% data delivery
- Superb technician; resolved 310 client trouble tickets; 100 more than any CST Amn --100% satisfied clients
- Superior Technician; contributed to 90% completion of all CFP IT tasks--exhibited determination to Unit/Wing msn
- Superior Technician; exhibited loyalty and determination--contribution to 90 percent completion of CFP IT tasks
- Supervised 4-prsn install tm; config'd 29 secure ntwk devices ISO $1.6B msl def sys--shielded 180K residents
- Synced joint DRMO f/3 divs; rallied 4 pers/processed 109 assets f/DoD reallocation--recouped $36K in IT resources
- Tackled AMXS port security issue; three computers back on-line <1hr--150 mechanics/15 acft, zero mx delays
- Tackled STO planners crs; bridged AFSC w/advanced skillset/knowledge/tools--bolstered AFGSC STO capes by 25%
- Teamed w/Cyber Ops; upgrd'd 5K computers to Win 7--led PACAF as 1st MAJCOM in AF 100% compliant!
- Trained three call center personnel; completed tasks 25% quicker than shop std--customer service uninhibited
- Transparently removed unauthorized software on 100 clients; zero mission loss/network evictions--impressive
- Troubleshot crit VDI CPU anomaly; ID'd 690 NOS s/w config fault--revis'd performance SOP f/ virtual mgt AF-wide
- Troubleshot FUOPS' VTC suite; restored strategic level collaboration capability--identified future SOF targets
- Troubleshot network outage; ID d/rectified ckt error/restored 24 lines--rescued vital Misawa AB comm link
- Troubleshot OSI LMR outage; reconfig'd talk group/channel error--saved 12 manhrs/$1.3K in contract mx costs
- Updated permissions on 6 critical sys; resolved diagnostics error--enabled analysis of 800 acft engines <2 hrs
- Upgraded 350 sys in 9 days; implemented AF mandated configuration--slashed network vulnerabilities by 40%
- Validated 32 WOMS tickets; enabled acquisition of 138 assets; $142K equip primed for purchase/distribution
- VIP cyber spt advisor; led response/resolution f/15 crit IT issues--fuel'd Wg leaders 24/7 C2/tm coin'd by 4 Gp/Sq CCs
- Virtual Private Network SME; config'd four VIP laptops/provided robust 24-hr C2 capabilities--promote now!
- Vital ATSEP Inspection Team support; installed 10 unclassified network sys--enabled airfield ops evaluation
- Vital to Op TOMODACHI; staged 31 IT sys--primed WG to receive 20K evacuees/ensured vital comm <4 hrs