
Cyber Transport Systems
EPR Bullets

See also: Cyber Transport Systems Awards

AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport - Page 2

Job Description

- Drives 44 cyber systems supporting global strike/intelligence/missile defense/targeting msns at $106M DoDIN facility
- Executes in-service quality control checks to identify/isolate & repair degradations across 6 installations iso 1.8K prsnl
- Coords upgrade/expansions w/HHQ; manages 519 circuits for US/NATO exs/humanitarian ops/theater contingencies

- Initiates & maintains communications equip throughout DoD s largest installation encompassing 724 sq miles
- Provides C4 capabilities for $4B R&D msns across 6 MAJCOMs, 7 Wg/Wg-equivalents & 40 associate units
- Operates test equip to repair switch faults; maintains critical DC power sys ensuring service for 21.1K clients
- Performs mx on Eglin s 30K-line telephone switch, 6 remote switches & 25K-line VoIP switch valued at $35M


- Acclaimed leader and "go to person"; mentored three inexperienced GS-9's--ensured 850 customer needs met
- Amplified c-SUAS svc suite; est'd 28K ft fiber pathing/3 sites--postured $15M anti-drone def w/Wg Security Initiative
- Appointed as POC to top DoD techs; coordinated 33% throughput upgrade; upped data flow for 6K customers
- Appointed CRO; responsible for T/S & S account vital to secure msn comm--zero discrepancies COMSEC inspection

- Appointed shop POC for first wireless install--connected 96 maintainers; configurations done three days early
- Appointed wireless install POC; let 96 maintainers access CAMS from aircraft--saved 800 monthly man-hours
- Approved 50 field service requests; ensured timely restoration of DODIN assets...enhanced OIF/OEF/GIG ops
- Approved 600 web page updates; guaranteed most up-to-date data--optimized data-sharing for 23K customers

- Assembled hyperlinks for AF Portal deployment; merged 63 items, optimized access to internet resources
- Attacked base-wide network outage; troubleshot and reconfigured router--restored access for 6K customers
- Attacked software corruption disabling 24 switches; reconfigured switches--restored access for 3K customers
- Attacked web server outage; identified, troubleshot, and reconfigured device; restored access for 6,000 users

- Attended Web Site Development and Electronic Records Management courses--direct benefit to the section
- Attention to detail! Provided meticulous oversight of $54K ADPE account; zero accountability discrepancies
- Authored alternate ntwk path; enabled base missile defense sys access to ntwk...protected US/Coalition assets
- Authored first-ever CAA/FTAC budget; procured $12K in resources--essential materials for 22 annual courses

- Authored web site creation process; created approval form to edit web pages--eliminated unauthorized access
- Automated server log push for AFCESA--allowed monitoring of web status for one million users worldwide

- Bolstered 386 AEW/JA; modernized SIPR/migrated VTC--incr'd capes f/hi-vis Court Martial/30+ interviews w/6 GSUs
- Built new 1 AF secure network link; configured seven hardware items--direct support to 590 ONE missions
- Built Wingman training class; vital initiative to reinforce safe and responsible conduct--bolstered readiness

- Capitalized partnerships; harnessed the power of 15 off base organizations--increased services/resources 12%
- Circuit recovery proj tm mbr; reclaimed 304 abandoned voice/data links--averted $18.3K in erroneous billing
- Closed three critical/95 routine trouble tickets in 4 months; vital to 99.9% network uptime
- Clutched 405 EAES Ops msn set; integrated new SIPR f/16 prsnl--facilitated ATO acq/spt'd 9 airevac srts f/35 patients

- Complet'd 45 mx inspections; extend'd $56M voice switch service life-- 8.5K lines/base warfighters msn ready
- COMSEC responsible officer; loaded 200 crypto devices/deleted 600 keys...secured 30 operation ISR circuits
- Conducted 90 accountable container receipt inspections--all mail stops touched--access only to key personnel
- Conducted in-depth QA inspection of A-Staff collaboration room--guaranteed quality audio for JCS exercise

- Conducted ten VTCs for 168 participants--instrumental to success of Exercise BEVERLY BULLDOG 06-02
- Config'd & deploy'd 40+ network devices; prov'd connectivity f/ 800+ users & complet'd BITI NMS/AN BITI upgrade
- Configured command-unique commander's update software; automated C2 information update notifications
- Configured network access for 601 ACOMS; gave UDM readiness system access to update 84 mobility folders

- Configured work ctr's switches; established 24 VLANs, access & trunk parts--drove VITE tng rng for DIP connection
- Configured/deployed 18 assets; enabled deployed-in-place sys for LA, FL, USINDOPACOM--powered 4 cyber msns
- Connected e-mail relay for AFCESA active server page--allowed over 3,000 worldwide users to see database
- Consolidated AFOSI comm; relocated 12 lines/removed 20 unused circuits--recouped $832 in telephone assets

- Coord'd w/10 agencies on 5 outages; drove major power mx at 4 sites--secured $106M C2 node/20% USEUCOM data
- Coordinated base-wide switch reconfiguration; upgraded 23 devices--extra work hours prevented downtime
- Coordinated commercial comm repairs; directed fix of 164 off-base access lines; restored service for 5K users
- Coordinated firewall sensor fix; ensured vital comm access for coalition mbrs...restored REL DMZ services

- Coordinated long-haul hardware upgrade; Wing POC for DISA--zero user downtime for 1 AF, weather links
- Coordinated multiple agencies in connecting last minute VTC for MG Bordelon, Deputy Commander AFFOR
- Coordinated Tyndall web-based voting system; completed in 4 hours--registration time reduced nearly 80%
- Coordinated w/FSST and Creech AFB; upgraded ACN encryption equipment--zero downtown, no mission stoppage

- Coordinated with ESC East; working through ESC failover issues on JWICS/TS network--resulting in zero downtime
- Corrected 1 AF outage; reconfigured three switches feeding 220 personnel; restored ONE duty schedule access
- Corrected 95 FS switch malfunction; restored data link in 20 minutes--averted 40 training sortie cancellations
- Corrected flight simulator malfunction; replaced data relay card--averted cancellation of eight training sessions

- Corrected OG data circuit failure; fixed data link in 20 minutes--averted 40 pilot training flight cancellations
- Corrected safety discrepancies during shop quarterly inspection; ensured compliance--protected force
- Corrected server failure; restored CE control of air conditioning systems-ensured monitoring of 103 structures
- Corrected Silver Flag site outage; restored training reference access--averted training delay for 120 students

- Counter'd coalition ntwk outage; diagnos'd/repair'd failed encryption devices/3 sites--sync'd 4 allies/3 bases ISO NMI
- Created 1 FW web administrator VPN; permitted Langley AFB to update William Tell data--6K viewers/day
- Created 1AF team website--optimal project planning for 1,200 personnel; project approval four days faster
- Created CAA web page; consolidated access to 128 resources--guaranteed 24/7 career reference availability

- Created error notification pages for Tyndall websites--enhanced browsing for users/cut service calls by 20%
- Created FSA/WM help site; cataloged over 5K pubs, forms, and guides--used to support 6K computer users
- Created FSA/WM help site; consolidated tracking tools, pubs, forms, and guides...24-hour, full-scale support
- Created network access for 601 ACOMS; gave UDM readiness system access--84 mobility folders ready to go

- Created new NORAD link; 24 more SIPRNET terminals--added 24 Homeland Defense sortie coordinator slots
- Created new secure CONR link; added 24 SIPRNet terminals--doubled Homeland Defense sortie coordinators
- Created secure web site for 17 AF Reserve dignitaries; automated registration process--lauded by attendees
- Created web site continuity folder; compiled 3k pages of material--reduced downtime from 11% to 1%

- Crushed 46 EATKS blackout; isolated/fixed pri uplink <45 min--enabled C2 f/ Kuwaiti ATC Ops/137 flts/2.5K sorti hrs
- Crushed crit SIPR blackout; replaced/config'd devices<1 hr--restored acft C2 cape/2x British MQ-9 landing/debriefs
- Crushed crit SIPR outage; replaced/config'd devices<1 hr--restored acft C2 cape/enabled British MQ-9 emer landing

- Dedicated professional! Contributed to Scope Net team recognizing Tyndall's network as best in AETC
- Dedicated technician! Installed eight short notice VPNs; worked 60 hour week--provided 24/7 MAJCOM C2
- Demonstrated AF values; connected and paid for electricity for destitute neighbor--family not in survival mode
- Deployed 191 days to AUAB; maintained 20 CAOC sys/3.5K assets; delivered C2/air power to Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan

- Deployed antivirus updates to 20 SCI computers; eliminated 46 vulnerabilities--contributed to zero-virus year
- Deployed as Systems Ctrl Officer ISO OEF/GWOT; directed regional ckt ops...maintained 99.9% ntwk uptime
- Deployed commander's update software ... enabled instant notifications; named unit Performer of the Month
- Deployed encrypted dial-up system; doubled NORAD sortie activation speed--ready for immediate promotion!

- Deployed F/A-22 database access; system running in only 3 days--new avionics status monitoring method
- Deployed F/A-22 secure network; oversaw $57K in installs--key to upkeep/training on newest weapon system
- Deployed new remote access system; seamless upgrade quadrupled remote access account pool with 900%
- Deployed replacement web server; tripled processing speed to optimally handle 12K daily connections

- Deployed web server monitoring software; enabled problem alerts/trend analysis--89% uptime rate now 99%
- Deployed wireless tracking system; exposed 15 unknown access points--locked-down network vulnerability
- Designed 1 MAW ntwk; built 2 ckts/80 voice lines/spt'd 14 USMC acft/helos--essential to Ex KEY RESOLVE
- Detected and corrected security flaw affecting 52 web sites; averted loss of data used by over 15,000 Airmen

- Detected and fixed faulty switch; averted total outage at NCOA--guaranteed instructional material availability
- Detected SIPRNet e-mail outage; started work before user impact--classified messaging restored in 30 minutes
- Detected/fixed vulnerability on 62 switches; completed in 11 hours--averted data outages for 6,000 customers
- Developed comprehensive VTC scheduling matrix--improved VTC technician accountability by over 25%

- Devised CAA training plan; validated 22 critical tasks--essential to training/continuity for one-deep position
- Devised first-ever GRE tunnel scheme; analyzed/applied routing techniques to 20 switches--L3 capes fully integrated
- Diagnosed faulty DMS computer; repaired crypto card reader--instant access to encrypted e-mail for 325 OSS
- Directed 15 technicians during base power outage; total downtime 3 hours--restored 6K users connectivity

- Directed 800 equip PMIs; cleaned/optimized 550 ntwk assets...elim'd risk to $24M SIGINT Nat'l Def wpn sys
- Directed Accident Investigation Board setup; ensured network access in 30 minutes--lauded by top investigator
- Directed eTool cabinet replacement; reduced amount of network switches; ensured adequate communication assets
- Directed OSI classified info transfer resolution; corrected hardware failure--key to 11K intel report deliveries

- Directed pilot training web site and database deployment; enabled 24/7 worldwide flying training management
- Directed response to cable cut--orchestrated actions of 24 technicians; 140 users/three rerouted in 30 minutes
- Directed server backup deployment; reduced task from 11 hours to 1, established data redundancy for 24 units
- Directed web staging server roll-out; 33% faster access for 29 web sites expedited data access for 26K users

- Discovered fuel-oil cooler crack; patched leak in 20 minutes--prevented fatal accident/saved $135m resource
- Discovered hacking software on the network; quickly eradicated program--ensured information system integrity
- Dispatched workers to SIPRNet link outage; corrected problem in 15 minutes--restored 1 AF/CC's main circuit
- Doubled F/A-22 network footprint; oversaw $57K in maintenance support installs--100% connection increase

- Doubled F/A-22 secure network footprint; installed $57K in maintenance support equipment-added eight users
- Doubled F/A-22 secure network footprint; oversaw $57K in maintenance support installs--14 new connections
- Drafted 485 situational reports; briefed AOR CCs on ntwk availability...enabled COCOM strategic planning
- Drove Det 3 ops transfr; dev'd action plan/overhauled AMC SIPR-- spt'd 25K users/11 bases/sec'd TRANSCOM msn

- Eagerly volunteered to work with Air Force Flight Standards Agency to perform ASR/IFF baseline evaluation
- Employed File Transfer Protocol for MXG; 20% faster logistics data distribution; added archiving
- Engaged Guam's Dept. of Labor; DOL employee assigned pt to FSC--increased employer outreach by a 100%
- Engaged Spirent backup link; prevented downtime--ensured fluid IRAQI FREEDOM support; promote now!

- Engineered and earned approval for alternate NCC; first-ever redundant capability--optimal continuity of ops
- Engineered Bldg 649 data cabling revamp; optimized safety/efficiency--supports all Team Tyndall data traffic
- Engineered emergency telephone solution at three athletic sites; satisfied FW/CC mandate--key safety initiative
- Engineered F/A-22 database access; system running in only 3 days--new avionics data monitoring method

- Engineered fiber cable scheme for RAS; 1.5 Mbps bandwidth upped to 100Mbps to solve long-term data loss
- Engineered ntwk upgrade; hardened op sys f/353 nodes/zero downtime--cut 10K cyber vulns/$178M IT backbone
- Engineered SIPRNET overhaul; revamped 63 secure circuits--finished eight days early with zero outage time
- Engineered/installed remote Video Teleconference suite--provided 607 ACOMG/CC access at wartime office

- Engineered/installed trunk circuits to AT&T cellular tower; met short-notice deadline to support new provider
- Enhanced Civil Engineer website; created robust search engine--data retrieval 50% faster for 1M users
- Enhanced weather advisory notifications; expanded voice conferencing net; ensured 100% base agency contact
- Ensured 24/7 Air Force Aid coverage; worked five after hours & weekend cases--members welfare addressed

- Ensured workcenter safety standards compliance; corrected 5 safety discrepancies during quarterly inspections
- Entrusted with ADPE custodian duties; flawlessly managed $54K account--100% accountability for AF assets
- Established AFRL web site; enabled online equipment demo--critical to Joint Operations deployment planners
- Established audio support for wing change of command; key to flawless ceremony--lauded by senior leaders

- Established critical vuln target approach; mitigated 4K svrs AF-wide for OAI--Wg MPC adopted & enforced <5 days
- Established network assets for F/A-22 bed down; oversaw $575K training/maintenance hardware installation
- Established new NORAD SIPRNET circuit; used existing SEADS connection--zero-cost redundancy upgrade
- Established OG web site permissions; streamlined presentation creation, expedited 350 pilot training missions

- Exceptional communicator! Authored and delivered briefing for AETC/IG; lauded as "impressive"
- Executed $40K radio mod; integrated 2 next-gen optical modems...cinched circuit re-sync/600 Mx-hrs saved/yr
- Executed Benefits Brief; taught 24 people perks of continued service--helped exceed PACAF reenlistment stats
- Executed EOC overhaul; config'd 44 stations/expanded SIPR capes 300%--enabled MRP activation ISO ASAB MARE

- Executed RELCAN expansion; installed 11 links/$43K equipment--enhanced Canadian AF secure data sharing
- Expedited no notice crypto key/vital config; deliverd CT UVDS capes--est'd first 100% vis unclass CONUS exercise
- Expedited SIPR standardization; updat'd IOS/97 nodes/zero disrupt--neutraliz'd 20K vulns/prim'd AFCENT compliance
- Expertly fabricated cable assemblies--prevented simultaneous display failure--no impact to live-fly operations

- Expertly led 1st AF classified web page restoration; re-enabled tool central to Homeland Defense operations
- Expertly maintained positive control over $6M IT inventory; sustained MQ-9 OPs Comm inventory -- 99% reliability
- Expertly refurbished damaged server--reutilized $10K device for full-spectrum network system training

- Fabricated ASR testing unit--enabled remote antenna control--saved man-hours/cut troubleshooting time 75%
- Fabricated cables for SEADS exercise circuit; prevented crippling delays--saved AF $500 in contractor costs
- Facilitated $300K comm upgrade at Ammo site; ran 1K-pair cable--relieved saturation w/650% line expansion
- Facilitated 325 OSS/CSS reorg; upgraded 17 phones/moved 23; same-day services minimized customer impact

- Filed over $200K contracting packages; provided necessary equipment; install vital mission equipment and upgrades
- Filled E-8/Flight Chief pos; led 130 mbrs/fixed flight training issue f/31 Amn; readied psnl to sec/defend $10B AFIN
- Filled in during NCOICs absence; supervised 24 troops on three shifts--directed completion of 39 work orders
- Fixed 1 AF secure network link; reconfigured hardware settings--key support for Operation NOBLE EAGLE

- Fixed 198 comm outages; avg repair times dropped 66%; improved services--new outages fixed in 2 days vs 6
- Fixed 95 FS switch failure; restored maintenance database access--averted cancellation of 11 training sorties
- Fixed authoring problems for Safety website--enabled weapons safety training access for over 2,000 users
- Fixed classified IRAQI FREEDOM web error; restored logistics links, zero combat resource allotment delay

- Fixed equipment rack display unit; reseated loose interface cable--reestablished access to 27 network servers
- Fixed munitions storage network failure; restored access in 30 minutes--averted critical security degradation
- Flawlessly managed Government Purchase Card; 100% documentation accuracy, ensured supply availability
- Found and fixed eight deployment processing errors; guaranteed zero errors during real-world deployments

- Found bad 95 FS network hardware; rebuilt device configuration--only 20 minutes downtime for 110 users
- Functioned as senior advisor to director; served as strategic planner for center--brought three projects on-line

- Halted 82 FW outage; repaired faulty equipment--ensured 100% network connectivity for William Tell judges
- Headed four-person team to remotely connect Vice Chief of Staff to Pentagon; completed requirement within 2
- Helped Civilian Personnel plan supervisory seminar; training for 72 civilians--on track to fix 3-year deficiency
- Helped local AFROTC detachment get PC-III access; on-site admin saved 40 man-hours each month
- Highly skilled communicator! Authored two articles for base paper; discussed diversity and current events

- Identified, researched, and up-channeled need for additional mail sorting equipment--streamlined efficiency
- Identified/corrected 7 HAZMAT errors--ensured no discrepancies during base environmental health inspection
- Implemented automated power supply checks; prevented hardware electrical damage-saved 200 man-hours
- Implemented bandwidth increase for 22 web sites; set up routing/cabling--uptime jumped from 92% to 99.9%

- Implemented command-unique automated update software; enabled instantaneous C2 status notifications
- Improved OG Comm continuity; coord'd completion of 53 equip support guides--streamlined troubleshooting process
- Increased Military Pay productivity; activated voice mail on main line; no missed calls; 100% customer access
- Initiated ntwk overhaul; standardized mx SoPs f/10 crit facs/updated 270+ nodes--modernized data expansion protocols

- Innovative technical approach led to award of unit 325 CS Top-4 Performer of the Month award, January 2003
- Inspired 49-mbr/6-sq OAI MPC tm; elim d 17K domain-access vulns--denied adversary FoM/#1 AFCYBER DCO pri
- Installed 100's of critical system updates; hardened essential mission computers; No category 1 IA violations reported
- Installed 2 tape back-up drives on base network servers; ensured information protection for critical data

- Installed complex network security fix; done 2 days early, closed vulnerability impacting 2K people; promote!
- Installed network management software; allowed 30 more technicians to view--reduced response 20 minutes
- Installed private OSI link; enabled classified antiterrorism data sharing--key to security of 10K base residents
- Installed secure telephone line for 325 FW Crash Investigation Board; provided mission essential voice comm

- Installed security patches on web servers; beat suspense date by two days; increased security protection 35%
- Installed seven security patches on 26 computers; eliminated 19 SIPRNet vulnerabilities--zero user downtime
- Installed VPN link; allowed USAFE/CC access to home base network--enabled remote C2 over 32K personnel
- Installed/repaired multiline phone for VA audiology lab; accommodated 50% manning increase--lauded by CC

- Instructed newly assigned Airmen on BITC operations--all fully capable in two weeks--half the normal time
- Instrumental troubleshooting mission PCOIP outages; mission NIPR reconfiguration; NIPR PCOIP timely restoration
- Integral to $22.4M hospital renovation; merged 10 clinics/200 phones into one facility--minimal ops disruption
- Isolated and corrected configuration error on Remote Access Router--restored connectivity to 700 TDY users

- Isolated and corrected mail transfer error; restored sensitive publication access for 6.5K deployed CE troops
- Isolated and corrected RAS router config error; solved issue stumping other techs--reconnected 700 TDY users
- Isolated crypto failure on primary secure circuit between NORAD Southeast and Western Air Defense Sectors
- Isolated data transfer error; restored pub access to 6.5K deployed CE troops--key to building projects in Iraq

- Isolated faulty MSG connectivity; helped Telephone Shop replace copper pairs--throughput increased 150%
- Isolated faulty PAR cable assembly--temporary replacement prevented 27 days downtime--saved 135 sorties
- Isolated faulty telephone back up system link; restored call database access--zero downtime for 6k customers
- Isolated key circuits hit by lightning; replaced 20 interfaces--restored network/RAS access for Team Tyndall

- Key player in first phase of 1.4 million wireless network deployment for Tyndall's five fighter squadrons
- Key to pager system deconstruction; returned 600 phone lines to inventory--saved AF $55.8K in hardware cost
- Key to web server consolidation; reduced servers from seven to three and saved AF $50K and 200 man-hours

- Lauded by AETC Operations Team technician as best in MAJCOM for Directory Services implementation
- Launched cyber security proj; patched 102 devices/trained 5 peers--elim'd 17K attack vectors/hardened $65M wpn sys
- Lead designer for Action Tracker website; simplified TCNO process--improved overall unit compliance 33%
- Lead NCC efforts in eliminating malicious logic attack; guaranteed 60 devices were patched within one hour

- Lead tech on $185K Conference Center upgrade; done 2 weeks early--doubled DV network access data speed
- Lead technician in F/A-22 beddown; oversaw training, maintenance and security system circuit installations
- Lead Technician on 1 AF planning website; eliminated three additional duties, cut administration time 15%
- Led 18-mbr crit infrastructure QRF; averted $9.9M data center disaster--restored access f/COCOM/16 GOs/14K usrs

- Led 21-mbr tm; cut rebuild timeline 84%; sec'd 13 bases--remediated weaponized vuln, #1 DHS emergency directive
- Led 3-mbr ntwk install tm; prgm'd 150 secure & unsecure phones--spt'd $10M ops/modernization for 694 ISRG
- Led 325 MDG Command Staff comm restructuring; reorganized 14 telephones--assured same-day operability
- Led 36 CS software fix team; flawless oversight repaired database connection--supported 4K housing residents

- Led 45 troops during NCOIC s absence--oversaw completion of 80 work orders; sustained optimal efficiency
- Led accident investigation board setup; ran 18 LAN drops/10 phones in 4 hrs vs 2 days; lauded by FW/CV
- Led classified dial-up access upgrade; increased speed 25%; expedited Homeland Defense sortie scheduling
- Led comm setup for accident investigation board; placed 15 lines, 10 phones, and 1K ft wire; full C2 in 4 hours

- Led crash/recovery investigation support; connected 12 PCs/1K ft wire--search started before vital info lost
- Led crucial firewall flaw discovery; performed in-service reconfiguration--purged unseen BAN vulnerabilities
- Led DV suite network access team; provided/monitored connections--afforded C2 options for eight generals
- Led installation of new web server for 325th Medical Group; quadrupled storage capacity and processing speed

- Led network analysis team; proactive efforts ended 46 vulnerabilities--quarantined 11 viruses with no outages
- Led network printer repair team; fixed Legal Office print capability in 15 mins--restored full customer support
- Led server upgrade support team; detected cable mismatch before cutover attempt--averted 1.2K user outage
- Led shop response to cable cut--orchestrated actions of 24 technicians; 140 users/three units up in 30 minutes

- Led SIGINT sys mx; QC'd 12 analyst PCs/tested sensor data info...enabled 171 ISR sorties/19K tgts captured
- Led Silver Flag network project; solutioned/installed major upgrades--doubled network speed for 120 students
- Led SIPRNet vulnerability fix team; replaced three SIPRNet terminals--eliminated seven security violations
- Led software upgrade on 285 switches; 20% more efficient--expedited Homeland Defense sortie scheduling

- Led team for 1 AF/CC SIPRNET link; rerouted vital C2 for Homeland Defense--resolved in under 2 hours
- Led team in $460K Battle Cab sys upgrade--installed 500 ft of cable--reestablished C2 in time for UFL 2006
- Led team repairing network printer; fixed print capability for legal office in 15 mins; restored customer support
- Led Tiger Team troubleshooting switch problem; found/fixed 62 faulty devices--averted total network failure

- Led troubleshooting for ACS connectivity problem; found and swapped faulty cables; solved 2 week problem

- Managed $31M in network equipment; tracked 528 pieces of hardware--100% accountability of AF assets
- Managed 1 AF network overhaul; access for 120 new users--expedited Homeland Defense flight scheduling
- Managed 7 ntwk ops centers; tracked/troubleshot 14K+ USCENTCOM outages...maintained 99.9% svc uptime
- Managed bandwidth increase for 22 web sites; set up routing/cabling--uptime increased from 92% to 99.9%

- Managed bandwidth increase for 8K e-mail accounts; set up ideal cabling scheme--outages reduced 7 percent
- Managed shop security program; ensured safeguard of classified COMSEC during daily ops--no errors
- Managed shop Tech Planning process; validated 11 data network requirements--new equipment worth $115K
- Managed team to attack 325 CES access errors; reconfigured/rewired four switches--raised bandwidth tenfold

- Managed training flawlessly; optimal coordination and documentation--six personnel 100% deployment ready
- Manually processed 8.4K pieces of bulk newsletters for Southeast region retirees--saved Team Tyndall $632
- Metered $17K outgoing mail-- flawless accountability/records keeping; no discrepancies on self-inspection
- Mng'd $68K TMDE prgm; coord'd depot mx/calibration rqmts--delivered 100% accountability/crit circuit testing capes

- Mng'd base DSN voice frame; re-utilized 500 phone lines & corrected erroneous charges--saved DoD $375K
- Modernized HFGCS ntwk; planned/executed 100MB link upgrade--maxed High North-Barents Sea ship-to-shore cape
- Modified web-based appointment request site design; optimal customer service for 9,000 Med Group patrons

- NCC POC for visits by six generals; put in 20-hour day to direct actions ensured uninterrupted connectivity
- Necessity in PMATS DTOC install; helped initialize network infrastructure--vital to missions continual pilot training
- Networked with human resources manager organization; requested to be guest speaker--64 employers educated
- Number 1 airman of 4--dynamic leader/mentor to peers--handpicked as preventive maintenance shift leader

- Obtained and installed security patches; eliminated 12 critical vulnerabilities with no service degradation
- Obtained and installed security patches; eliminated 19 SIPRNET vulnerabilities with zero network downtime
- Only worker of 36 to finish router/protocol course; improved network management--reduced work orders 11%
- Optimized VTC comm paths; enabled critical sys redundancy...ensured 24x7 USCENTCOM/CC availability

- Orchestrated 372 TRS modem installs; updated antiquated connections--optimized critical data speed 115%
- Orchestrated CINC AFSOC visit support; put in 20-hour day to direct actions--ensured flawless connectivity
- Orchestrated comm infrastructure upgrade at ammo complex; removed/replaced 80 phones; activated 480 lines
- Orchestrated squadron-wide training standardization; improved policy eliminated 1,300 training deficiencies

- Orchestrated two enhancement seminars; crucial development of 65 SSgt-MSgt--commended by AEW/CCM
- Organized comm install for 325 MDG systems help desk; upgraded 12 phone lines--enhanced customer service
- Overcame budget deficit; bought books out of pocket--researched/provided five items to Wing Community Plan
- Overhauled cantonment area Giant Voice system; upgraded all audio cables--ensured successful wing exercise

- Overhauled Command Post connectivity; 300% faster access--enhanced emergency response communications
- Overhauled Command Post connectivity; new crypto device employment upped bandwidth from 4 Mbps to 48 Mbps
- Oversaw $8.9M security sys mx; repaired 3 power units/40GB link--cemented USEUCOM cyber sec/spt'd 74K users
- Oversaw 1AF/CC residential network link install; enabled SIPRNET connection--24/7 ONE oversight

- Oversaw 600 updates to 300 Team Tyndall webpages; guaranteed current data shared with base's customers
- Oversaw BITI NMS/AN BITI upgrade proj; integrated crit components, provid'd reliable connectivity f/ 900+ mbrs
- Oversaw CAA and FTAC functions; supervised two NCOs, $15K budget, 25 student Airmen, 32 mass briefings
- Oversaw cable verification; validated 2.4K circuits in 57 bldgs; updated 1.6K records--boosted accuracy 65%

- Oversaw classified remote access upgrade; removed 11 vulnerabilities--secured Homeland Defense ops data
- Oversaw equipment/procedure inspections-ensured 100% accuracy no Class A/B mishaps over 700 flights
- Oversaw IMPAC purchases; purchased $5k in supplies--keen foresight ensured mission required spares
- Oversaw network installs at FW/CC and CV quarters; up in minutes--enabled 24-hour C2 to over 6K personnel

- Oversaw network mapping team; established 23 new diagrams--enhanced troubleshooting supporting 800 users
- Oversaw replacement of damaged 53 WEG switch; restored access in 2 hours--brought 800 users back online
- Oversaw telephone trouble desk; led 10 technicians/cleared 944 outages; cut response times from 36 to 6 hours
- Oversaw web-based voting system setup; completed in under four hours--voter registration time reduced 80%

- Participated in 2018 Cyber Shield ex; mitigated 10 attacks/secured critical assets--hiked deployed capabilities by 25%
- Patched 50+ critical sys; closed 150+ serious vuln <48hrs requr'd TCNO deadline--secur'd ntwk w/zero msn stoppage
- Perfect oversight of $31M in equipment contributed to flight/group/wing "Excellent" ORI rating; promote now!
- Performed as acting FSC Director on several occasions; directed efforts of eight staff--FSC mission focused

- Performed cable verification; worked 4 weekend hrs--met contractor suspense; on-time start for $812K project
- Performed network installs at FW/CC and CV quarters; up in minutes--enabled 24-hour C2 to over 6K people
- Phenomenal customer assessment skills; targeted individual needs--boosted referrals to FSC programs by 10%
- Phenomenal leader led highly technical 28-person shop, sustained 100% round-the-clock C2 network integrity

- Phenomenal NCO led highly technical 28-person shop/$3.1M in equipment; guaranteed 24/7 comm availability
- Phenomenal records technician--processed over 700 records--ensured an impressive 100% accuracy rate
- Picked over 23 3C2s for 1 AF SCIF duty; versatility and vast knowledge resulted in Shift Leader assignment
- Piloted FW/CC VTC project; set-up TACLANE, provided sec data--shielded comms between Wg & MAJCOM/SAF

- Pinpointed and fixed error-prone switch; averted total outage at NCOA--crucial to training 120 USAF leaders
- Pivotal to creation Stan-Eval office creation authored unit guidance for regulatory compliance inspections
- POC for AF Portal deployment; merged 63 electronic references--expedited global access to internet resources
- Powered AF's 1st virtual messaging summit; revised litigation proc--sync'd 380 GO/SES ldrs with Congressional law

- Prepped ITN for e-mail server install; complex switch configuration done in 1/2 hour--quadrupled bandwidth
- Primary trainer for augmentee training program--coordinated and conducted in-depth VTC set-up/ops training
- Primed 6-mbr cyber strike tm; hardened AF's core email svcs--liberated 900K accts/1.2M users from zero-day threat
- Proactive! Detected/fixed vulnerability on 62 switches--averted data outage/compromise for 6,000 customers

- Proactive! Redirected unused equipment to Defense Reutilization Material Office--saved Air Force over $13K
- Processed 300+ time-sensitive msgs; disseminated critical info worldwide...provided AOR CCs status C4 ops
- Processed over 180K pieces of incoming mail and 4K pieces of accountable mail; zero discrepancies
- Procured web server monitoring software; provided oversight of base computers; increased uptime 10%

- Provided access to Automated Base Supply System; streamlined secure acquisition--cut collaboration time 20%
- Provided connectivity solution for Joint Air Force/Navy Homeland Defense exercise AMALGAM VIRGO
- Provided SOC, VITE & DIP LANs cable drops; ensured 100% connectivity--delivered secure cyber ops for 180 days
- Provided support for COVID-19 work from home initiative; coordinates laptop usage and distro--zero work stoppage

- Published detailed diagram/procedures for VTC ops--ensured long-term continuity--provided critical trng tool

- Quickly repaired crypto device--zero delays in 1 AF $40M Battle Console Station-Fixed (BCS-F) testing
- Quickly repaired hospital's appointment desk console; reprogrammed station--reduced customer hold time 25%
- Quickly resolved PC hard drive problem; returned vital mobility reporting tool to service in less than 30 mins
- Quickly tested/fixed FAA circuit to Jacksonville; restored tower-to-tower comm; minimized air control impact

- Ran 300 ft cable in Personnel Readiness Unit; high-speed access to network--enhanced deployment processing
- Ran comm to base tax office; ensured on-time office opening--facilitated $194K tax prep savings for customers
- Rapidly relocated MDG/UCC comm; moved 16 C2 circuits; fully operational in 2 hrs; in time for base exercise
- Re-connected base-wide secure circuit; reset essential network hardware--reduced outage to under 20 minutes

- Reacted to 1 AF crypto outage; detected/fixed faulty config--primary connection for 1 AF Vice Commander
- Reacted to 1 AF TACLANE outage; reconfigured malfunctioning hardware--key to ONE duty schedule access
- Reacted to SIPRNet outage; activated alternate path--restored AFCESA pub access to OIF pavers and builders
- Reconfigured 600 remote user accounts; restored immediate access to Homeland Defense mission planners

- Reconfigured hard drive on logistics readiness PC; returned to service in < 30 mins--ensured vital secure C2
- Reconfigured network management server; improved analysis reduced data errors 20%--saved 120 man-hours
- Reconfigured VTC connectivity; cut error rate to less than 1%--flawless video/data transfer for C2 activities
- Reconstructed Master Training Plan--assigned over 900 tasks--reduced personnel qualification time by 50%

- Rectified 36-month web review deficiency; led public site update and compilation approved by FW/CC
- Rectified 95 FS switch malfunction; overcame outage in 20 minutes--averted 40 training sortie cancellations
- Redesigned SEADS network; installed new hardware and cable--ONE flight coordination expedited tenfold
- Reengineered AFCESA SIPRNet; bandwidth up 200%--sped secure sharing of construction TOs with OIF units

- Reengineered flight file plan; meticulous upkeep of vital records--used as example for other file plan POCs
- Reengineered network management database; enabled instant error notification--cut average downtime 25%
- Reengineered Remote Access System (RAS) database; increased speed 20% and enhanced security 40%
- Reestablished 1 AF SIPRNet path; identified vital powered off circuit--averted 590 ONE sortie cancellations

- Refurbished server for use as test bed; optimized service for 223K monthly page hits; saved Air Force $15K
- Reinstalled network interface card driver; restored Safety Office in 30 minutes--prevented late safety reporting
- Reinstalled network interface card software; restored connectivity--vital resource for 325 FW Safety Office
- Relocated base Leaveweb server behind firewall; provided additional security--eliminated vulnerabilities

- Relocated drone facility cable; transferred 300 comm circuits to enable renovations--beat all project deadlines
- Relocated seven PCs for Base Honor Guard move; no interruption through 100 ceremonies; promote now!
- Remotely led CENTCOM circuit ops; activated 4 continuity of operation plans...prevented lapse of comm svc
- Repaired air traffic information system; completed depot level maintenance--provided pilots crucial updates

- Repaired airfield communication console; replaced touch entry display--returned primary position to 100%
- Repaired ASR interface in half normal time--regained 100% target control in 20 minutes--restored flight safety
- Repaired broken ASR waveguide coupler--temporary fix restored back-up channel--averted 5 days downtime
- Repaired cables on BCS-F test circuit; again prevented crippling delays--saved AF $500 in contractor costs

- Repaired classified server; reconfigured router in 2 hours--key C2 message support for Homeland Defense
- Repaired failed PAR amplifier--reduced technicians required for maintenance--saved 104 man-hours annually
- Repaired faulty PAR remoting equipment--restored system during critical outage--prevented 1-week red time
- Repaired motor during ASR channel failure--innovative idea saved $32K part and averted 3-day supply delay

- Repaired Northeast Air Defense Sector link; reprogrammed bad crypto--ensured 100% U.S. airspace coverage
- Repaired PAR module received defective from supply--saved 36 hours downtime--reinstated PAR operations
- Repaired SIPRNet web page; restored ONE flying schedule--100% U.S. airspace coverage, POTUS protection
- Replaced obsolete switch; increased 10 IS U-2/Pred ops; 24 more analysts keeping troops safe

- Replaced outdated hubs with switches at 823 RHS; speed increase ended data errors--users up from 48 to 96
- Replaced outdated network devices for 95 FS; worked through the night--helped OG units beat flying hour goal
- Reprogrammed three 1 AF switches; 220 people back online--restored Homeland Defense flight plan access
- Rerouted 12 network components to end MPF classroom outage; facilitated inprocessing 60 new arrivals

- Rerouted printer access at 325 CONS; expedited $35.4M in contracts and contributed to flawless processing
- Resolved 325 FW/CP comm outage; rerouted 25 radio/voice circuits after cable cut--C2 operability in 4 hours
- Resolved SEADS secure circuit failure; rerouted link in just 40 minutes--averted critical security degradation
- Resolved Southeast Air Defense Sector (SEADS) classified link failure; isolated and rerouted problem circuit

- Responded to 325 CES network outage; replaced failing router card--restored HVAC control for 103 facilities
- Responded to backup SDP link outage; redundancy restored in 45 minutes--maintained 100% data traffic flow
- Responded to pwr failure; load'd 22 crypto units/CISCO module replaced...restored ntwk capes to 200 analysts
- Restored 325 MDG video teleconference outage; fixed in 30 mins--met deadline for MDG/CC to ACC/SG call

- Restored ASAB OCN vetting process; ID'd/fixed AFOSI SIPR eqpmt failure--powered 550 annual sec investigations
- Restored crash phone sys; mod'd call routing tables--ensured rapid 1st responder notification for 56 acft/$1.4B
- Restored HQ ACC/A4 SIPRNET; rebuilt encryptor gateway--restored resource allocation to 30 deployed units
- Restored virus protection and back-up capability for Det 1, Corey Field; rebuilt servers--site on-line in 2 days

- Revamped msn systems; tech refresh'd 20+ systems valu'd >100k--replaced outdated tech enhancing ops msn abilities
- Revamped network core; replaced obsolete hardware with no customer impact--optimal service for 6K users
- Revamped ofc safety prgm; initiated 6 trng tasks/digitally tracked 21 prsnl--Sq Safety Rep lauded "best to date"
- Revamped ORI prep website publishing--enabled inspection preparation schedule tracking, checklist reviews

- Revamped shift OJT methods; facilitated certification in 8 tasks weekly--monthly training rate increased 19%
- Revamped shop OJT system; compiled 25 task checklists; eliminated 130 training deficiencies on eight people
- Revamped shop training plan to comply with new standards; first done in the flight--promote immediately!
- Reviewed and edited 10K web pages to obtain Handicapped Access law compliance; first in MAJCOM!

- Scheduled and prioritized over 150 VTCs for 1,850 UFL theater-wide participants including 105 flag officers
- Seamlessly converted over 7K network devices to Windows 2000 naming and addressing management scheme
- Seamlessly coordinated multiple GCS swaps; maximize mission comm connectivity; no GCS swap comm error 2020
- Selected for comm liaison during visit by Gen Burkhart/NORAD and NORTHCOM/CC; flawless C2 support

- Selected to attend Node Site Coordinator Conference; only A1C there--updated shop DISN equipment training
- Selected to head housing software fix team; meticulous analysis corrected 2 week service deficiency in only 2 days
- Selected to lead eight-person VPN setup team; established high-speed remote connections for ACC, AFSOC,
- Selfless! Voluntarily changed hours to compensate for two manning crises; covered swings and weekend duty

- Set up Accident Investigation Board data network; connected 12 PCs in 30 minutes--lauded by OG/CC
- Set up AETC commander's conference computers; provided flawless C2 resources for 28 MAJCOM leaders
- Set up comm for William Tell competition; activated 24 circuits; 83 FWS Liaison/Op Center ready 6 mos early
- Set up FAA remote access; secure real-time radar for regional air traffic management--zero air incidents

- Set up fiber optic links to homes of six commanders; 24-hour network access--boosted C2 access 66%
- Set up Tyndall's web-based voting system; completed in under four hours--voter registration time reduced 80%
- Set up Wage Survey team's comm; installed 10 phones; on-time start to base-wide survey of civilian employees
- Set work center benchmark; completed year-long CDC in 6 months; scored notable 92% on end of course exam

- Shop POC for major wireless install; 96 maintainers remotely linked to CAMS--tracked 66 jets/1.2K people
- Single-handedly controlled 200+ VTCs/local broadcasts--provided C2 and real-time planning for KAOC ops
- Single-handedly created additions to computer patch tracking system; vital to best patch stats in MAJCOM
- Single-handedly isolated indicator module malfunction--performed depot-level maintenance--saved $3.6K part

- Solved weather circuit issue stumping top techs; rerouted link to bypass bad hub; averted canceling 12 sorties
- Spearheaded $350K VTC central hub upgrade--increased capability 100% while adding wartime redundancy
- Steered LRS VoIP upgrade; installed 88 data ckts/$90K equip--sq processed 80 tons cargo/25K passengers/yr
- Stepped up during NCOIC absence; supervised 24 troops on 3 shifts--directed completion of 39 work orders

- Stood up website for anti-terrorism; configured hardware--ready information to ensure air sovereignty
- Streamlined coalition ntwk spt; revamped encryption method/saved 200 mx hrs yrly sync'd 4 allies/3 bases ISO NMI
- Streamlined web server permissions process; increased security 50%, reduced administration 10%
- Strengthened OG SIPRNET; upgraded OS on 2 vital ntwk device/min downtime--hardened svs/inc'd robustness+50%

- Superior public address support; provided outstanding sound support for Airman Leadership School graduation
- Superlative performance during 2003 HQ AETC ORI resulted in award of Chief's Group "Sharp Troop" coin
- Supervised Bldg 649 data cabling revamp; optimized safety/efficiency--supports all Team Tyndall data traffic
- Supervised maintenance service on C2 Data Wall--provided heads-up display of theater threat/air ops picture

- Supervised major self-help project; refurbished ceiling in entire NCC--eliminated hazards and improved morale
- Supervised Rabies Assistance League auction...raised $2K for medicine to keep estimated 11,000 animals safe
- Supervised remote access router upgrade; refurbished $12K router--improved dial-in C2 speed by 100%
- Supervised VPN router installation; quadrupled remote access account pool--enabled 900% faster connections

- Supported OEF/OIF/JTF HORN of AFRICA AEFs--provided security of 35 construction sites valued at $33M
- Supported Presidential visit; worked 8 off-duty hrs to satisfy request for White House Communications Agency
- Swiftly reacted to equip failure; suppressed bldg fire/alerted 1st responders...saved $3M in AF infrastructure

- Tackled ADPE custodian duties for $54K account; 100% inventory control--all assets ready to support mission
- Tackled Tech Ctrl Facility cable mgmt; ID'd/elim'd 10K ft cabling/recouped 450 sq ft--crit rack upgrade back on-trgt
- Taught six CPR classes; instructed/certified 61 people--cleared unit-wide deficiencies/boosted AEF readiness
- Terminated degraded link; reconfig'd circuit/revived USTRANSCOM tracking--fortified 1K acft/7K mbr mobilization

- Thoroughly proficient sys admin; often relied on to solve complex issues-- sustained > 99% reliability rate since 2015
- Transferred 11 tactical comm packages to five deployable combat sqs--facilitated cyberspace ops realignment
- Trouble-shot abnormal bandwidth utilization; identified/fixed configurations--returned to normal operation
- Troubleshot 1 AF weather circuit; mission-critical link fixed in 35 minutes--averted nine sortie cancellations

- Troubleshot 1 SFS network; reconfigured two routers--restored video surveillance of $6.2B Priority 1 assets
- Troubleshot 81 TSS circuit; fixed mission-critical link in only 35 minutes--averted cancellation of 12 sorties
- Troubleshot and corrected classified e-mail server problem other technicians could not resolve; reset services
- Troubleshot blown PAR power supply--detailed repair saved $12K--prevented negative flight training impact

- Troubleshot Conference Center outage--replaced faulty pair gain; restored conference attendee network access
- Troubleshot RAS router link; isolated faulty power unit--reinstated 1K users remote access in under 30 minutes
- Troubleshot unusually high bandwidth utilization; identified/fixed configurations--returned to normal operation
- Troubleshot/repaired ITN outage--replaced faulty fiber patch; restored Command Post/Base Ops C2 functions

- Troubleshot/repaired sluggish SEADS ITN--replaced and rerouted dated fiber connections; errors down 60%
- Troubleshot/repaired Tyndall tower's telephone circuit with FAA--reestablished direct link to local airport
- Tyndall's web expert! Awarded AETC Inspector General and Chief's Group coins for top-notch performance

- Upgraded 83 WEG comm node on short notice; installed router and power supply--completed in under 3 hours
- Upgraded global NC2 circuit; crafted transmit/receive site fiber links--delivered 8K USSTRATCOM emer action msgs
- Upgraded munitions storage LAN link; 965 line items/39.8M managed--reduced tenfold inventory access time
- Upgraded NORAD s classified dial-up connections 25%, key to 32 units Homeland Defense sortie planning

- Upgraded SEADS secure link; replaced outdated equipment--increased bandwidth from 1.54 MB to 100 MB
- Upgraded web development software; standardized 52 websites' interfaces, file sizes reduced by 10GB
- Upped server bandwidth 125%; ended file transfer errors--restored sensitive CE pub access to 29K personnel

- Validated tactical svc db; compiled 1K AOR GIG connectivity status updates...secured 99.8% svc accuracy
- Verified 600-pair hospital cable; identified/recovered 187 unused phone lines; saved $30K in equipment costs
- Vigilant over SQ GPC program; procures essential equipment vital for mission success--successful closeout FYXX
- Vital to GSU ntwk renovation; updated 20 switches & routers configs--bandwidth raised 50x f/1.8M acre bomb range

- Voluntarily changed shifts to deal with manning issues; worked three extra days--ensured 24/7 NCO presence

- Worked 10-hr days 2 wks straight; facilitated completion of 190 service orders--reduced shop backlog by 87%
- Worked 84 hours in one week to restore Remote Access to network; re-enabled leadership access to C2 data


- Group EET Lead; normally SNCO job; directed 7-person team--top-notch evaluation of 11 AFSCs in 8 shops
- Created new exercise scenarios; 20 activities successfully tested A Staff interoperability--first-ever capability
- Coordinated augmentee reception; integrated TDY forces into workcenters--34 crucial wartime jobs covered
- Oversaw exercise coordination and eval; sustained top-notch programs--critical training for 8K participants
- Meticulous! Discovered/fixed augmentee allocation conflict; averted degraded wartime ops in three squadrons
- Key UFL planner; merged 70 exercise scenarios into master script--flawless measurement of theater comm
- Led perpetual scenario updates; reviewed 74 injects w/SMEs--realistic ATSO/task evals for 245 Group Airmen
- Delivered comm capability for deployed-in units; 27 systems integrated--connected 5.5K warriors across KTO
- Comm planning expert; hand-picked for 7 AF exercise simulation cell--seamlessly tracked 4K exercise events
- Secured augmentees for UFL; seamlessly integrated 34 TDY personnel--optimal C2 of wartime C4I functions
- Conducted comm support brief; educated joint team on requirement processing; all 18 requests met on time
- Selected exercise scenarios; delivered 20 injects, discovered four action items--100% ACC objective coverage
- Developed ATSO tests; focused on 25 key survival items--full spectrum threat response skills for 176 Airmen
- Created C2 system login accts for 40 Ex ULCHI FOCUS LENS '06 users--enabled ITO access within 24 hours
- Updated TPFDD requirements; reviewed 10K items--key force packages of 15K warfighters/625 cargo tons
- Conducted evacuations for bomb threat exercise; building clear in record time--lauded by flight leadership
- Engineered network for Exercise COPE NORTH--ensured deployed personnel NIPRNET communications
- EOC relocation tm mbr; established 20 voice & data links--delivered 96 TW SIB C4 capes during base mishap


- Drove CCRI prep; removed 102K DISA write-ups across 450 devices--KO'd 294 STIG discrep, cleared 3-yr backlog
- Led ofc self-insp prgm; unprecedented zero Sq findings...key to Wg's "Highly Effective" UEI rating--promote!

Web Portal

- Attacked web server outage--identified, troubleshot, and reconfigured device--restored access for 2,500 users
- Assembled hyperlinks for ACC Portal web page--merged 12 items--optimized access to air battle applications
- Streamlined AOC web portal design--eliminated 12 legacy items--optimized 2K users' access to C2 web apps
- Portal administration expert--first to call to configure, & troubleshoot web related issues on coalition network
- Helped repair SIPRNet web page; restored NOBLE EAGLE flying schedule--100% U.S. airspace coverage
- Corrected 1 AF web page error; restored briefing access for 3K Operation NOBLE EAGLE warfighters
- Corrected 325 OG's pilot training web page--restored key data, averted cancellation of 12 training sorties

Trouble Tickets

- Directed computer support efforts for White Cell; took ownership of maintaining 120 computers--zero outages
- Trained six co-workers on trouble ticket process--closed jobs 20% faster--achieved 95% monthly closure rate
- Revamped work center's trouble ticket-database--decreased queued jobs 100%--slashed response time in half
- Masterful technician; solved 47 of 68 Tech Control trouble tickets--major player in rare 100% uptime stat
- Resolved 14.2K trouble tickets/141 mx actions; maintained 8 voice/data sys--sustained 99.9% ops uptime rate
- Finished 8-hr Leading Tms crs; id'd redundant mx steps/streamlined ops--decreased 4-step ticket process to 2
- Closed 22 of 92 Net Engineering tickets; most among NCC Airmen--brought total tickets to zero; lowest ever!
- Closed 23% of all jobs; extensive knowledge contributed to mission success ready for immediate promotion!
- Self-motivated! Tackled additional duty of ensuring proper Remedy ticket updates--reduced stagnant jobs 70%
- Expert Shift Leader; oversaw 21 workers and 11 additional duties--shop closed 1.2K tickets, most in the NCC
- Performed Shop Chief duties flawlessly; coordinated 21 technicians' actions--shop closed 92 trouble tickets
- Trained five co-workers on trouble ticket procedures; closed jobs 12% faster--99.8% uptime rates achieved
- Revitalized antiquated CCSD db; processed/reviewed 1K+ tickets/wk...ensured 100% integrity/1K+ circuits
- Resolved 200 circuit outages/mx tickets; replaced $150K domain infrastructure...secured 472 High-Alt sorties


- My #1 of 63 Amn! Performed mx PMI on 10 tactical radios; ordered 23 pgm/tactical parts--flawless C2 comm
- Automated LMR tracking--100% accountability of 105 items worth $395K--ensured safe arrival of 7 convoys
- Takes the lead! Refurbished 120 aging LMR batteries in two wks--saved AF over $72K in replacement costs
- Taught 33 Amn proper setup/teardown of tactical radio equip--ensured pen-wide secure C2 comm for 10 sites
- Instructed 20 Airmen Demand Assigned Multiple Access--ensured seamless transition into new technology age
- Issued 30 LMRs in support of unit Sergeants' Day--enabled training objectives for 160 Amn at 8 stations met
- Provided uninterrupted LMR/phone valued at $140K; supported UFL--world-wide access for deployed crews
- Innovative! Developed satellite radio quick reference setup sheet--ensured training cohesive w/AF directives
- Facilitated $2.2M narrowband radio upgrade; engineered/wired/tested 32 circuits to accommodate new system
- Lead technician in Base Ops radio outage; repaired defective audio cable--restored aircraft dispatch capability
- Led aerial targeting radio repair; replaced voltage converter--returned weapons evaluation mission to 100%
- Orchestrated efforts of three agencies; restored gulf range radio set--no interruption to Eglin's fighter mission
- Repaired SEADS radio system; replaced faulty squelch module--ensured 100% comm for homeland defense
- Resolved two air battle manager radio faults; reset modem connections--ensured wing aircraft missions control
- Restored airfield final approach radio set; realigned entire system--reestablished comm to landing aircraft
- Restored local control radio system; replaced AC converter/tuned cavity--ensured control of taxiing aircraft
- Restored Tyndall Tower's primary radio; replaced faulty intermediate filter--ensured safe C2 of wing aircraft


- Meticulously trained three Airmen on critical system tasks--completed mission qualification training in 25 days
- Orchestrated flight training; performed drill instruction for five new members--increased section manning 50%
- Directed OJT/ UGT documentation for 30 personnel; highest CDC scores/fastest qualification times in flight
- Managed shop STS revamp and CAMS overhaul; guaranteed zero skill-level delays--lauded by unit leadership
- Created position qualification test; key training validation--helped unit exceed Stan-Eval implementation goals
- Led NCC training center overhaul; added 24 new training stations--best learning environment for 114 workers
- Orchestrated weekly shop training; trained 50% of tasks for four new members--top training stats in the flight
- Authored local troubleshooting guide; vital aid for 7 technicians--cut qualification time from five weeks to four
- Analyzed and corrected 2.5K JQS entries; ended serious 12 month deficiency--praised by flight leadership
- Identified and updated 5,000 incorrect JQS entries; fixed year-long problem, reduced qualification time 20%
- Co-authored Controlled Area Training Handbook--decreased overall training time for new personnel by 30%
- Completed 3 specialized training packages; received 100% crypto equipment certification--applied knowledge
- Created RAS router training manual; trained five personnel--reduced outages 30%/improved training 60%
- Dedicated! 68% qualified--46 tasks ahead of schedule--early skill upgrade and standby qualification assured
- Demonstrated true expertise; assigned as trainer to 11 personnel-led training on 320 upgrade training tasks
- Implemented first interactive web hosting training simulator best possible resource to train nine technicians
- Implemented fitness training program for 33 personnel; scheduled weekly events--ensured AEF readiness
- Self-taught HP Openview Administrator--trained 11 troops on advanced error analysis; ten related jobs closed
- Self-taught VPN expert; trained six troops on procedures--assured William Tell C2 support for eight Generals
- Trained five coworkers on over 200 tasks; helped improve number of station-qualified personnel on-duty 40%
- Trained six co-workers on web design software; boosted shop capability 40%--lauded by flight commander
- Training focused! Certified three co-workers on over 100 tasks--increased station qualified personnel by 12%


- Optimized SIPRNet; revised IP scheme/sec protocols f/243 devices, moved gateway link--upped speed 4x f/398 users
- SIPRNet overhaul tm lead, replaced 19 legacy devices, est'd remote mgmt--elim'd 75 vulnerabilities, svd 200 man-hrs
- Pioneered first remote re-key; utilized new software/hardened 20 encryption devices--cut 30 man-hrs, SIPRNet sec'd
- Centralized SIPRNet eqpt; dir'd 5-Amn, combined/removed mult ntwk racks--reduced footprint 50%, recouped $25K
- Corrected 1 AF SIPRNET error; fixed link in 10 minutes--avoided canceling 12 Homeland Defense sorties
- Led Alert Facility SIPRNet renovation; removed failing equipment--ensured 100% local air defense coverage

Phone/Red Phone

- Guided EOD test range voice repair; redirected 2 fiber optic paths--delivered C2 during UXO detonation trng
- Eng'd DSL solution; upgraded 40 devices, implemented remote mgmt capes/mult ntwks--svd AF $2K/3K man-hrs/yr
- Replaced 2 faulty line cards; rectified Navy EOD school voice outage <1 hr--spt'd C2 ops to 2.2K students/yr
- Isolated Guided Wpns Eval Facility phone outage; id'd/changed fiber module--restored C2 to $223M test prgm
- Config'd/tested 27 voice circuits <2 hrs; spt'd USSOCOM Det 1 move--enabled $2.4B AC-130 R&D initiative
- Orchestrated efforts of four agencies; restored Tyndall/Eglin hotline--critical to control of restricted airspace
- Responded to 1 AF/CC secure voice outage; rapidly rewired circuit--C2 comm restored w/minimal downtime
- Expert technical skills; troubleshot/fixed DCG Commander's multiline phone; reprogrammed all direct lines in


- Installed data path/linked scrty capes; restored 96 TW/CC home intrusion alarm <1 hr--secured family/assets
- Terminated 2 circuit paths; fixed 96 MXS muns facility alarm circuit--safeguarded $6M wpns cache--promote!
- Restored after-hours munitions alarm failure; rapidly responded/fixed outage; averted need to post armed guard
- Moved base alarm system to data network; eliminated 80% of false alarms--key to protecting $6B in resources
- Set up trouble alarm system; enabled instant circuit outage notification--average outage reduced 30 minutes

Star Line

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