
AFSC 3E6X1 Operations Management EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Conducts quality assurance inspections on $15M O&M contract servicing over 140 facilities valued at $842M
- Leads 10 member customer service/unit control center; receives, processes and tracks labor for 300+ craftsmen
- Leads Unit Control Center; responsible for the safety & accountability of 32 facilities & 237 mil/civ personnel

- Oversees & approves work clearance requests/work requests/facility managers/RWP/IWP/warranty programs
- Oversees & evaluates activities of 124 CE contractors in support of 432 AEW RPA & 99 GCTS training msns
- Reviews contract for adequacy & recommends changes to ensure 100% AF, local, state, & federal compliance
- Supervises recording of 12 cost centers' weekly schedules into Interim Work Information Mgt System (IWIMS)

Performance Assessment

- 24/7 Service Call rep; processed 13K DSW's/99.6 acc data/552 facs projts/$8M labor/mat'l-spt'd 1.6K facs/$7B infra
- 799 ABS NCO of the Qtr; developed UCC C2/recall rosters/O-Plans...excels past peers--promote immediately
- 9 CES DCC NCOIC; supported 30 a/c, 40K Open House visitors--provided emergency C2 response capability

- Acting Ops Flight Chief, 2 wks; led 122 Amn across eight AFSCs--completed 400 svc calls & 51 work orders
- Admin'd IWIMS database; creat'd/track'd 200 user accounts--mx'd system integrity/spt'd 9.4K prsnl operational capes
- AFSO21 POC; achieved 100% wg coord for outage protocol notification--10 infrastructure projs/$7.9M value
- Assumed NCOIC Construction Management billet--efficiently managed 4 inspectors/50+ active projs valued at $67M
- Authored 3E6 specific continuity plan; simplified/streamlined pw rights--approval process tm increased 75%
- Averted intel msn interruption; coord'd emer response/restored power #1 fac<1 hr-sv'd ISR platform/spt'd 14 CCDRs

- Bolstered BMC audit prgm; inter-agency liaison/assesed 19 mods/val'd 48 proj's--devoted 86 hrs/secured $243K FY22
- Briefed MSDS procedures; educated 10 prsnl/taught proper HAZMAT techniques--zero spills/mishaps to-date

- CAFB/NAFB liaison; eyes for BCE on 207 work orders--key spt to >75% of AF's live ammo drops on NTTR
- Committ'd SrA; execut'd 185 DSWs/WOs worth $780K--95% customer sat rates/exceeds MAJCOM 90% goal
- Completed AFIT CE Ops Spt/Real Property Mgt courses; received six IACET CEUs--expanded mgt/msn skills
- Coord'd ECS emer pwr outage; sync'd w/elec shop to ID main distro fault--protected $275M ntwrk infra/C2/6 AEWs
- Coor'd jobsite safety pgms; ensured 100% compliance--critical to $251M PACAF Regional Trng Ctr build up
- Coord w/ three flts, directly spt'd 66 rqmts/$2.7M acquisitions <17 days--ensured timely wg EOY11 close-out
- Coord'd emerg multi-shop job, enabled 727 EACS antenna install--SPAWAR msn, secured12K combat sorties
- Coord'd revetments collapse response; dispatched 65 mbrs/15 vehicles--enabled recovery of 13 F-16's/A-10's
- Created 799 AT/FP pgm; wrote/implemented OI--"0" writeups Joint Staff Integrated Vulnerability Assessment
- Created e-WO, streamlined 4K svc calls/508 WOs--cut rvw time 50%, vital to 4,638 sorties/1,632 TIC msns
- Created in- house trng plan; 16 training hours logged/2 prsnl trained--enabled CSU continuity during shortfall
- Crucial to ABS stand-up; created sq wkly brief--guided C2 decisions...lone UCC rep--dev'd contingency capes

- Designed I-WIMS rpt, summarized dorm mx status--enabled visibility at EMSG, QoL boost for 2.8K residents
- Developed weekly Ops Flt mtg slides; charted production of 9 sections/480 pers--earned Apr Craftsman of the Month
- Directed $400K NATO bldg upgrade; increased work area 10%--enabled additional prsnl to support Iraqi trng
- Directed ACC’s largest Production Ctrl Cntr--prioritized 12K svc calls/1.4K work orders/tracked $6.2M labor
- Directed K-span construction ops for ORI; flawlessly executed proj tasking--garnered "Outstanding Team" awd
- Directed replacement, 24 washers/dryers; purchased/installed units--improved six laundries, svd $19K repairs
- Directed sq LMR upgrade; demil'd 250 assets/reclaimed 20 radios--saved $35K replace cost/bridged UCC LIMFACs
- Dply'd 6-mos to AUAB ISO OIR; expedited pwr grid rpr/$180M sys--restored early warno/TBM defense f/7.9K psnl
- Drove 3K acquisition conversions; verified/validated $345K mat'l acquisition--99.5% inventory accuracy rate

- Enforced integrity; inspected 5.5K DSWs/5.6K RWP items--validated $13.2M contractual obligations fulfilled
- Enhanced education above CCAF; completed two tech writing classes--six credits/3.0 GPA in Mgt Studies BS
- Established arfld damage repair (ADR) team, provided training for 120 mbrs--ADAB benchmark, FMC ADR
- Evaluated 5 BPA bids; provided valuable data analysis--enabled 5yr/$27M GSA/COCESS pilot test program
- Excelled in 4-wk long Special Capability mx course; acquired training for global missions--deployment ready
- Exceptionally tracks/monitors 1051 facs/$380M+infrastructure/450 fac mngrs--key to FW 23K combat sorties
- Expedited AUAB/CC directive; dispatch'd 3 tms/upgd'd 35 door rooms 1 mos AoS--boosted critical LHS def/8K psnl
- Expert technician; directed section UEI efforts/piloted 71 item cklst--AMC/A7 id'd flt WO pri pgm "Strength"

- F-16 incident UCC lead; coordinated spt rqmts for EOC--provided IC w/45 personnel & $1.5M equip <3 hours
- Facilitat'd base RWP scheduling/annual validation; ensured compliance of 1K items--assets valued at $200K+
- Facilitated mulit-craft AFSC range proj; built $35K BOM/process'd doc statement--25 EOD warriors cmbt rdy
- Facilitated tng for 26 Amn; completed 6 credits/2nd CCAF; volunteer--Race for Cure & Emirati gate clean up
- Facility Manager program; guided/advised req's 809 FM's + E&T RAFM --better QoL for 1.2K base facilities
- Filled 30-day NCOIC gap; mngd 10 mil/8 LNs/259 wrk requests/12 utility outages--sustained $194M FHP/9K sorties
- Fit NCO; ran Lake Havasu/Death Valley/Hoover Dam 1/2 Marathons--raised $52K for NV school/cancer fund
- Flying High Toastmaster's member; improved speaking prowess--briefed sq procedures to 99 ABW leadership
- Focal pt f/CE enterprise rejuvenation strategy; certified 1200 WOs f/IT transformation-aligned W/DoD security rqmts
- Focuses flight efforts on all in-house infrastructure/facility distrainment including construction, maint & repairs

- Gen'd ops metrics; compil'd weekly data/208 hrs/$3.1M rpr costs-equipp'd AUAB decision makers f/ crit path of CC
- Graduate! Earned 6 credit hours; awarded 7-level UGT and Maint Production Management CCAF--2nd degree!
- Guided $190K form 9 purchase; readied 2K ft underground electrical cable proj--in-house work saved $500K
- Guided BC-3 shutdown emergency response, coord'd fix <1 hr--restored power to CENTCOM C2 & 10 arflds
- Guided Material Control/Self Help shop, facilitated issue of 1K supplies--completed 46 jobs, key to wg QoL
- Guided UCC ops--implemented cklsts/tracked battle staff directives/launched recovery team/tracked 226 Amn

- ID'd 17 Unified Facilities Criteria deficiencies; pushed rqmts into $63M/10 yr contract--met SecDef mandates!
- Improved Work Rvw Brd, coord'd 294 requests/300 facility mgrs--maintained 413 bldgs/key to $35M projects
- Initiated 379th EOG proj; scheduled techs f/wiring/rpr of 4 Intel Sq CPUs--backed AOR comm capes/3.3K srts annly

- Key to QoL, QA'd svc contracts/championed $2M FY12 funds--seamless custodial/laundry/refuse for 3K mbrs
- Knowledgeable NCO; completed all taskings beyond expectations...a true technical expert--promote to MSgt

- Launched multi-shop project, relocated guard tower--reused $250K asset, secured $400M Patriot Battery site
- Lead material Control and processed a total of 250K in supply items; supplied 9 projects totaling over 1.5m dollars
- Lead Sq AFPAAS mgr; verified 1.1K Gp prsnl safety status--ensured 100% accountability f/129 mbrs f/6 ex/rw events
- Lead WH equipment oprtr in RADR; 750k RADR material postion'd w/o incident-set stndrd f/1st RADREX in AOR
- Leads WOs material info updates; 15 shop chiefs informed daily--75 projects completed/valued at $225K+
- Led 3 RH ANG teams; coordinated forms/concrete placement on $570K building--total force advanced project
- Led 3; drove inventory depletion/reduced 1.2K line items--created >25% floor space/GSA pilot prgm on track
- Led 67 Amn/directed 30K man-hrs/100 jobs--99% on-time completion, key to OEF/NEW DAWN/CJTF-HOA
- Led C2 for two power outages; provided spt rqmts for 6 wgs/52 tenants/13K Amn--enabled $900K in upgrades
- Led eight Amn; oversaw e-W/O implementation, streamlined 5K jobs--cut rvw time 50%, enabled $15M projs
- Led fac mgr prgm; taught 150 personnel on CE procedures/revised 115 trng slides--safeguarded $5.2B infrastructures
- Led snow control ops; tracked 52 prsnl/equip/applied 225 tns salt w/ 8 in accumulation--Balchen Post Award
- Led three Amn; tracked 36K man-hrs; facilitated completion 4,508 jobs--support'd OEF/OND/CJF-HOA msns
- Led/trained 57 deployed RH ANG/AFRC personnel on K-span machine ops/mx--enhanced readiness for 3 units
- Logistics SME! Develop'd/mentor'd 7 Amn/3, 5 levels award'd; showcas'd AFS knowledge/leadership growth

- Maintained Squadron phone directory/recall rosters; allowed 100% accountability during ORI/ORE exercises
- Maintained weekly RWP prgm; tracked >4K items/25K+ labor hours--cut WO backlog 90%/< 5% defer rates
- Managed $2.2M special capability program; exceeded maintenance/trng rqmts--ensured unit 100% msn ready
- Managed 2K fac/SDO pgm; directed 7 AFSCs/217 pers/$42K rpr costs/554 labor-hrs--mitigated 203 outages < 24 hr
- Managed 6 man crew; applied 10K sq ft of spray insulation in 2 buildings--saved $22.5K over contractor cost
- Managed A/C repair at network control center--enabled ops of $9M servers, sustained AOR C2/200K troops
- Managed FY11 EOY closeout; closed 304 work orders at $564K--secured $1.6M facility sustainment projects
- Managed Gp fac proj rqmts pgm/578 wo's; proc'd 984 labor-hrs/$126K mat costs--secured 54 proj closures/Wg FMC
- Managed UCC ops in five wg exercises, ensured TBMCS event tracking--ensured accountability of 212 Amn
- Managed work clearance prgm; coord'd 192 requests w/ 432 Wg leadership--$180M projs/no RPA msn impact
- Mentored 6 Airman; track'd/QA'd 13.2K wo's/229K labor-hrs/$8.4M cost--sustained 12K MFH/O&M facs/$8.2B infra
- Mentored sq resource advisor, increased efficiency/accuracy--processed 144 Form 9s, slashed errors by 45%
- Mitigated dorm fire alarm deficiency; coord'd $3.5K alarm install--coin'd by ABW CCM/eliminat'd fire watch
- Monitored $25K self-help store stock; ensured emergency item availability--spt'd 450 facility mngrs/1051 facs

- NCOIC Heavy Repair; managed 32 mil/civilian psnl--maintained 200 Lackland Main and Kelly Annex facilities
- Nellis Frontline Supervisor Instructor; cultivated 70 leaders--taught life saving intervention & resiliency skills

- Ops prgm mgr; revamped scheduling process for 12 sections--drove receipt of $219K HQ performance award
- Ops/prgms flt liaison; streamlined warranty and new facility acceptance procedures--TSgt promotion spot on!
- Orchestrated partnership w/ Seabees, utilized six Seamen/org'd 300 man-hrs--key to Navy SEAL beddown
- Outstanding mountaineer; completed online NCOA while deploy'd to AOR; sharpened communication/leadership skill
- Outstanding Performer in GENEX; won Sq Bi-Monthly Team Awd; sq nominee, EMSG Warrior of Wk Awd
- Overhauled Materiel Control inventory; scrutinized 3K records/added 200 materials--eliminated part selection errors
- Overhauled U-Fix-It pgrm; reorg'd/reordered $27K supplies/issued 2.8K items-sppt'd 9.4K base pop/26 msn partners
- Oversaw 297 wrk clearances; protected 63.3K mi utility infa/11 bases--enabled 174 self-help requests/$7.9M GoJ projs
- Oversaw Real Property prgm; created/instituted new tracking rqmts--upheld accountability of $842M in assets
- Oversaw work clearance prgm; coord'd 75 dig permits/41 utility outages--$126M sustainment projs completed

- Piloted 6 Wg FM trng pgm briefs; led 8 Amn/7 agencies/trnd 94 jt-svc mbrs--spt'd 22 DoD/JSDEF units/4.8K O&M fac
- Piloted engineering supporting 91 MILCON projects worth $493M--Cannon's 2027 Development Plan foundation
- Piloted wg's Work Clearance prgm; pushed 199 permits through 18-step review--facilitated $357M in projects
- Positively accounted 95 332s; $150K+ labor/materials--protected $3.5B AF resource/$12M O&M Ops budget
- Pushed 157 job orders & 30 proj executions; $14M--platformed 10 GCS to overwatch 200 Amn on OEF msns

- Relocated Squadron UCC to new OPS facility at NWF under 48 hrs; maintaining units ability for rapid mobility
- Resolved 6-mo cost deficiency; coord'd w/5 orgs/void'd wk req/nix'd ktr fence--budget capital/freed AF $2.6K/qrtly
- Resurrected neglected training prgm; integrated 77 Material Acquisition tasks--TSgt promotion well deserved
- Retained valuable knowledge of squadron radio/comm. Equipment; saved AF $20k in TDY cost in training psnl
- Revamped facility mgr prgm; taught 210 custodians rqmts process--vital to mx on 380 facs and over 2.3K acres
- Revamped sect continuity; modernized 10 pgm binders/e-files--alleviated IT transition hiccups/100% AFI compliant
- Revised standby procedures; assisted w/Fire Dept and shops--tracked 105 after-hour emergency response calls
- Revolutionized new process to digitize 45K+ as-built drawings--blueprints easily accessible to all/saved AF $30.5K

- Scrubbed 3K records; erased duplicates/purged 1048 bldg files/slashed backlog 15%--revitalized CC work pri prgm
- Selected by peers as top performer; led eight study grps/11 students--NCOA 2012 DG proves worthy of MSgt!
- Spearheaded the overhaul of 2 building machines; installed $228K in new parts--restored $1.4M in UTC eqpt
- Sq softball team mbr; advised community project/technical guidance for KIA memorial--promoted teamwork
- Supercharged SNCO; dev'd const proj outage rvw/synch'd 2 flts--dovetail'd wg msn/avert'd delays $3.1M proj
- Supervised receipt of 15.3K line items valued $323K; filled 3.4K BOMs--sustained $3.5B+ wg infrastructure
- Supported 9 CE AFSCs; executed 175+ emergency material acquisitions--CE completed 2.8K+ DSWs & WOs
- Sustained accountability of 145 heavy equipment fleet; allowed for future projects to begin transition smoothly
- Synergized Svc KTs & QA tm; drove $96M portfolio/469 ktrs/mod'd rvw prcs--100% f/asset data reporting/visibility

- Top 3 mbr; ran AF 1/2 marathon & Army 10 Miler; volunteer, wg bazaar/dorm upgrade--impacted entire AEW
- Tracked 179k direct/indirect man hrs of 160 personnel; aided in faster completion of 6 PRTC projects to date
- Tracked work clearance requests; routed 72 pkgs/validated locates prior to excavation--protected $678M utility systs
- Tracked/monitored 1051 facilities; infrastructure worth $380M--Luke's self help prgm on-point--promote next!
- Trained 10 Guard counterparts on expeditionary radio equipment/procedures; zero radio mishaps during ORI
- Trained 20 Amn on Ultimate Bldg Machine ops--provides PACAF's only rapid facilty construction capability
- Transferred 22 items to DRMO; purged/updated CEMAS database--returned $8.7K material to DoD inventory

- Unit mail clerk; track'd 15K mail items f/18 sections--bolstered 514 mbrs morale/"Best Unit Prgrm" Wing postmaster
- Updated daily MAF mx slides; detailed CE work status/activity--improved MW/CC msn oversight w/accurate reports
- Updated flt weekly slides; enabled 14 shop leads/Ops Flt Chief on mat/supply status--85% work productivity
- Upheld DoD's lrgst DBTC; merg'd 3 shops/re-est'd fac HVAC cooling cape--sustain'd 100% AFCENT platelet supply
- US Driven QA tm linchpin; analyzed $31M BMC f/3 bases/6K assets--key to runner up f/'21 Best Ops Flt in USAFE!

- Validated ADAB work requests; oversaw 1K task/$7.1M--mitigated 3.2K emer/ saved 5k-man-hrs/flt AOTQ
- Vetted FY23 IMSC ExPlan; cmplt’d 1st phase of req's build f/5 ktr--finished >2 wks AoS/confirm'd $4.8M portfolio
- Vital link between customers/craftsmen; CE complet'd 4.7K work orders--spt'd 56 FW's 23K sorties--promote

- Wpns armorer f/CE; inventoried eqpmts/housed M4/M9/tracked ammo f/60 prsnl--secured mil assets valued at $80K
- Wg Wrk Clearance prgm mngr; aided 174 rqts/16 outages--enabl'd AFCENTS's $1B USDA /PAT site project

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