See also: Air Force Personnel Awards and Decorations
See also: Army Human Resources Evaluation Examples
Key Duties, Tasks and Responsibilities
- Advises and executes 35 personnel programs for two DRUs supporting 290+ Airmen dispersed throughout 15 GSUs
- Supports AFELM/CC, advises leaders, facilitates/initiates/tracks personnel updates maintaining HR systems integrity
- Strategic advisor to 9 Directorates executing all agency-wide enlisted assignment pgms & manning/requisition action
- Administers jt human capital mgmt svcs; coordinates/reviews mil personnel policy/pgms f/10 SES & 3 GO Directors
- Mngs records thru admin of 30 prsnl prgms & in/out-prcs'g actions f/3.5K TFA/dependents ISO C-MAJCOM mission
- Liaison btwn prsnl/MPF/CPTS/SATO; guides mbrs w/student dependent tvl/consecutive overseas tour lv entitlements
- Advises sr ldrs on prsnl/awards & decs/force mgmt/mil evals/SDAP/UHM prgms; ensures data integrity/msn readiness
- Oversees 21 directorates PT prgms as HQ Staff UFPM; tracks myFSS records, rpts fitness failures, coordinates w/FSS
- Sole 3F0 in 2d lgst AMC AMXS; provides A1 guidance on 57 psnl pgms supporting 650 AD Amn/civ's to execute ops
- Oversees manning documents, duty information, classification, quality force pgms; ensuring MilPDS/CMS integrity
- Advises on Sq career impacting pgms including promotion, reenlistment/extension, separation/retirement, & PCS/PCA
- Initiates, tracks, reports accountability progress for all Sq members and dependents during real-life events & exercises
- Performs personnel functions; updates MilPDS, Leaveweb, arranges monthly sq CC Calls, maintain unit evals prgrm
- Maintain INTRO prgrm, assignment process, Duty Status, Special Duty Assignment Pay & Drug Demand Reduction
- Manages 30 Commander Support prgms, ensures compliance w/AFI's governing directives for 600 mil/civ personnel
- Advises CC/1st Sgt on personnel prgms and interprets/implements/brief customers/supervisors on force management
- Directs assignments section/1 NCO; enforces out processing of 22 PCS req's/itemized 26 mandatory remarks for orders
- DEERS Site Security Mngr; scrutinizes ID card issuance/SGLI enrollment/TRICARE eligibility f/Active Duty/family
- Provides personnel functions on 21 admin prgms to 7 sqs/3 GSUs/404 DoD sites/4K remote mil/civ across 2K sq miles
- Liaises w/US State Dept/UK Home office; manages US passport/UK vignette/consular reports of birth abroad requests
- Technical authority regarding admin matters; assists/instructs personnel on documents, procedures and programs
- Establishes/organizes file plans in accordance with squadron OIs and applicable wing and higher echelon directives
- Performs periodic inspections of unit files, publications and administrative documents to ensure squadron compliance
- Assists members with military pay, travel, and orders pertaining to temporary, permanent, or contingency operations
- Advises 2 CC's on 21 human resource/HN policies; directs base AT/FP, EM prgm/issues 3d/AF licenses f/325 jt mbrs
- Provides prsnl support to 11 GSUs/US Embassy London/NATO Maritime Cmd/Japan/Chile AFRL across 1K sq miles
- Directs reg'l DEERS/RAPIDS site; issues DoD CACs/PIN resets/facilitates essential health benefits f/US/Allied forces
- DEERS Security Site Mngr; provides guidance to wing leadership/executes prsnl prgms--supports 14K prsnl/6 gps
- Manages Agent requests, Join-Spouse/Citizenship Applications; processes address changes/marital status updates
- Oversees INTRO Pgm, monitors/distributes/updates sponsor allocation notices; manages base in-processing briefings
- Directs 2-mbr tm providing admin spt for Wg/Gp Staff, Sq and 5 dply'd flts; provides guidance to CCs, CCC & CCF
- Leads retirements/separations prgm; provide guidance/checklist to customers/1st Sgts & coordinates requests w/HHQ
- Articulates CONUS/OS asgmt rqmts/special duty asgmt pgrms, vOP/OPA & PCS relo policy & processing procedures
Performance Assessment
- A1 Linchpin; QB'd 4 UPC workload in DoD stop mvmt/daily track'g of 650 prs--73 safe PCSs/awd'd Q3 Sq NCO OTQ
- Achiev'd DoS approv'd prg worth $100M; secur'd/escort'd 11 Kuwait FNAVs--bolster'd multi-national ties w/key ally
- Achieved 100% in data integrity--unprecedented achievement for medium sized unit--earned praise of 3F FM
- ADVON tm lead; account'd/bedded down 172 prsnl--100% accountability <3hrs BOG/enabl'd $543K Pararescue proj
- Attended 1st AF Focus 45 Leadership Course; gained key ldrshp/mentorship abilities--enhanced supervisory aptitude
- Authored 1 ECEG SOP; lias'd w/AFCENT/A1/Gp/Sq ldrshp--defined admin/prnsl operations/efficency increas'd 30%
- Auth'd 168 SITREPs; track'd crit COVID vax data f/asgn'd/transient mbrs--dlvr'd real-time stats f/4 Wg agencies daily
- BRSCP SME; verified 28 Amn recrds/develp'd notification tracker--updt'd/secured $40K in/bonus's & retained 9 mbrs
- CCF/MPF liaison; advised 42 pers/30 FTA/14 EPME waivers processed--barred 2-mo delay/$33.6K back pay received
- Corrected 12 SDAP oversights; liaised with UTM/AFPC/finance to rectify mbrs records--resulted in $9k overdue pay
- Creat'd 13 RFFs/CR/DU; rv'd 445 ERMD pos/ID'd 57 DNFs/37 LNR changes--enabled PSAB bare base $13.7M proj
- Created, reviewed, edited/tracked 200 evals/75 decorations/100 docs--ensured high-class quality forms & documents
- DDR Monitor; observed 128 urinalysis tests/zero mishaps/flawless prem ops-enforced AF zero tolerance drug policy
- Dedicated Airman; performed 1000+ COVID-19 screenings f/ VA employees--ensured prsnl safety during pandemic
- DEERS Mngr; scrutinized 2.4K ID cards issuance/dependent enrollments--catalyst f/base security/$2.5M med benefits
- Demonstrated subject matter expert; qualified 5 enlisted prsnl on AFSC specific--increased unit deployment readiness
- Designated section SME 1 month after hire with limited hand off--led to successful CSS Ops Gp cohesion and
- Dev'd sq tracking sys; reconfig 6 stud status docs f/250+ PCA/PCS -- sync d data entry w/MPF & red process by 2 days
- Developed UTA tracker; single source doc of sqd personnel to track completed duty--catalyst to unit program success
- Directed 18 Airmen for 9 deployment exercises, meeting 12 AFFORGEN requirements. His team earned "Top
Performers" recognition from the Wing Inspector General and received the 2023 General Curtis E. LeMay Award
- Directed FY21 SDAP updates; mng'd 37 new program allowances--ensured $273K annual pay incentives f/6 AFSCs
- Directed gp duty status/AEFIs; re-aligned 78 Amn/28 AFSCs on 14 UTCs--postured/solidified cmbt capes f/3 GSUs/7 sq
- Discovered PR formatting discrepancies; processed >75 rater/ratee corrections--lessened grps eval processing delays
- Drove special duty assignment pay; tracked 36 rosters f/7 sqs; ensured $9K pay entitlements/zero discrepancies noted
- Drove UHM prgm f/394 mbr s; coord d 47 appt s/ID d & corrected 75 overdue items--incr'd msn readiness capes 19%
- Dynamic trainer; develop'd documents/train'd 8 mbrs f/3 mo career broadening trng/27 hrs--increas'd cust sat & msn rdy
- Engineered wkly vOP audit; coor'd w/113 mbrs/ID'd 44 disputes--slashed Sq errors 39%/cut final-out wait time 60 hrs
- Enhanced work ethic; tackles tasks above skill level w/outstanding results--delivered quality operations to squadron
- Eradicated 1.1K DOS/ETS pay mismatches; process'd 175 reenlistments/288 ext/15 SRBs--reward'd $16.5M to mbrs
- Established relationships w/500+ grp mbrs; elevated CSS rapport w/organization--reinstated customer satisfaction lvl
- Executed Trusted Agent DDR prgm; aided SOCOM DDR order--394 mbrs tested w/100% compliance/accountability
- Executed UCC ops f/3 Exs; distro'd 68 CAT-Ds/issued 450 M-16s--spt'd $254M expenditures/709 sorties/1.1K flt hrs
- Executed UFPM/EPR/OPR/decorations/AROWS/DTS; tracked stats/processed mil/civ pay--guarant'd unit compliance
- Experienced DTS ODTA; assisted w/200+ authorizations/vouchers--accelerated accuracy/timeliness of e-transmittals
- Expertly mgd COVID-19 stop movement; validated 64 ETP memos--mission essential leaders continued movement
- Filled 50% manning gap; expedited 37 assignment RIPS/16 PCS/2 humanitarian orders--crushed AFPC 60-day standard
- Filled Retentions NCOIC psn f/7 mos; conducted 118 reenlistment/127 extensions--secured $32.9K in SRB payments
- Focal point for all GP CC correspondence; tracked > 90 docs--ensured accuracy/adherence to standard; proper routing
- Framed EFDP process; guid'd 17 Sgs/2 Dets w/OOAs/maintained EFDD *24hrs--primed 1.3K reds f/5 promo cycles
- Group Functional Area Records Manager; coord'd file records management for 21 offices--ensured 100% compliance
- Guided CC thru 3 promotion issues; synced w/MPF f/3 erroneous discharges--ensured mbrs considered for promotion
- Helmed Base Leaveweb Prgm; edu 23 UPCs on sys updates--cleared 637 unreconciled lv requests/restored 57 lv days
- Identified 31 quality force errors; pinpointed caused/repaired files/conducted training--records 100% correct
- Initiated asgmt's f/CAA trng relocation; authored process & created 40 CMS sites/orders--facilitated 35 low cost PCS
- Interim DEERS Manager; issued 141 ID cards/dependent enrollments--supported 2K remote personnel over 1K sq miles
- Issued 90 ID cards/dependent enrollment--secured $64K DEERS/RAPIDS network assets/supporting 250 customers
- Key person in charge w/ Non-Profit Hopeful Liberia; 16k raised for Liberia cmmnty for greater quality of life
- Launched Salesforce testing; dedicat'd 3 wks/tested 27K rcds/175 LIMFACS found--postur'd f/roll-out/$218M contract
- Lead 3F0 ops; proc'd 650 posn/duty info updates/resolved 14 UPMR mismatches--assured data accuracy f/185 prsnl
- Lead Prsnl Reliability Prgm monitor; verifies admin certs/prsnl processing codes/medical/dental & security clearances
- Leave Monitor; coord'd 300 ordinary/COT requests--assured 100% accountability/$24K entitlements claimed w/o error
- Led 4 Amn; coord'd w/AFCENT/UPDU/clear'd 3 mo dec backlog <48 hrs of arrival to AOR--coined by Gp CC/CEM
- Led 46 CSS pgms; executed 700+ time crit tasks f/Wg/Gp/Sq staff/250 prsnl--spt'd AMC's RGM...Sq NCO 4th OTQ
- Led assignment prgm refresh; drove add'l NCO slot/divided work load/dvlp'd final out brief--lauded by outbound mbrs
- Led CSS SAVs; insp 9 sqs/19 prgms/57 observations id'd/provid'd gudance/COAs--ensur'd msn focus/AF compliance
- Led sq's FY21 SDAP updates; mng'd 17 new prgm allowances--expedited $40K in annual pay incentives f/3 AFSCs
- Led tng f/ 2 flts on new voucher process; consolidated 12 routing lists--streamlined process/eliminated sys discrep 75%
- Liaised w/US Embassy/DoS; processed 86 passports/birth certs/visas/$11K in fees--saved 450 hrs/$42K traveling costs
- Liaison between CPTS/FSS; managed/resolved 804 CMS cases/eliminated 362 JUMPS rejects--rectified 116 pay rcds
- Liaised w/US Embassy/DoS; sent 227 passports/birth certs/visas/$8.3K fees--saved patrons 450-hrs/$30K travel costs
- Manag'd Dependency Discrepancy rpt; ID'd/fixed 90 pay issues/eliminated fraud--$25K entitlements/benifits restored
- Managed 24 assignment notifications/15 PCS orders; exceeded AFPC 60 day standard--ensured AF families #1 priority
- Managed 24 monthly UTAPS Absentee rosters; tracked/coord 60+ excused/resch mbrs--fortified 100% accountability
- Managed leave prgm; validated 362 leave requests/permissive TDYs--enabled $24K entitlements/100% accountability
- Mentored 174 sq mbrs w/specialized 3F skills/training; corrected 3.4K prsnl records' issues--secured 244 AF careers
- Mentored CSS on new processes; steered 3 amn on flight prgms--increased w/c task knowledge/proficiencies by 30%
- Mitigated SFS shortfall; absorbed IACS/entered 600 biometrics f/base access--streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/4K mbrs
- Mng d asgmt prgm; updated DTS records f/230 mbrs/coord d 94 PCAs w/11 units--set stage f/AFSOFORGEN model
- Mng'd 27 short-notice taskings ISO Dorian rel effort;coord'd CPTS/LRS--dply'd msn rdy Amn/2.5 cargo tons <12 hrs
- Modernized Sq AFPAAS COR ops; author'd unit SOP/trn'd 8 POCs--slash'd 1.2K Amn/fams C2 reporting delay 30%
- MPF SME; supported last minute Wing task/fulfilled 12 DSD positions--saved 12 mnpw hours f/ time critical tasker
- MPF trng prgm ld; execut'd CFETP updt/guid'd 5 Amn/3.5K JQS cplt--CMSgtAF top priority met/100% EOC pass rt
- Natural Leader! Cultivated readiness;challeng'd & inspired sec, trn'd 4Amn on prgm's-^'sd sec morale & profic'ncy
- Navigated SEL through sq manning review; aligned 244 billets for PRP stand-up--assured CJCS force support f/E-4B
- Orchestrated correction of pay/GTC affecting DTS cases; coord d w/20 mbrs/finance--combat mission ready enabler
- Overhauled sq retention prgm; administered 15 contracts/streamlined process w/MPF--drove $125K in SRB payments
- Oversaw 63 CMS cases; expedited 50 MilPDS data updates/orders/13 pay affecting issues--sec'd $68K on-time mil pay
- Oversaw CC's prgms; QC d 50+ EPRs/LOEs/managed Smartbook f/250+ mil --98% on-time closeout/readyed sq CC
- Oversaw DJMS/MilPDS transactions; cleared $450K in pay discrepancies--maintained 100% rec accuracy f/ 213 me
- Oversaw CSS virtualization; led 61 admin function transition to alt means--ensured NC3 msn amidst global pandemic
- Oversaw DoD Name-in-System prgm; monitored 304 taskings/503 LNR--145 Amn cleared/supt 4 COCOMs/3 AORs
- Oversaw Overdue Gains; liasi'd w/4 CSSs/verifi'd 54 docs--cleared 18 records/2 month backlog/benifits uninterrupted
- Oversaw production of TDY assignments; 303 TDY orders >2697 trng days w/$235k in travel--zero msn degradation
- Penned CSS continuity; merged 14 pgms/primed Sect Cmdr successor--prep'd future 3F0s for career field skills shortage
- Performed 465 military personnel data system action/resolved 1.4K data reject--corrected $25K pay affecting updates
- PERSCO Tm Chie f/ROCKI; trnd 4 Amn/accounted f/619 players/Id'd 670 discreps--most comprehensive ex in AMC
- Piloted PCS retention req's; expedited 47 DEROS ext's/10 EFMP assignments <30 days--crushed AF's 60-day std/50%
- Piloted SRB/SRP prgm; verified 390 Amn records/fixed 35 errors--secured $500K in bonuses/saved 12 Amns careers
- Piloted UFPM; authored new Sq PT OI, complied w/10 obj, finalized 96 ASIMS updates--301 mbrs/99% rdy to F2N
- Prep'd 39 wkly directorate staff mtg notes; info gathered, tracked, QC'd/readied--aided GP leaders' oversight abilities
- Pursued advanced college deg; earned three credits toward MS Human Resources Management--maintained 3.9 gpa
- QB'd 6 CSS SAVs; inspect'd 61 3F prems/dev' d 4 action plant/cird 18 LIMFACs/rdy'd We f/UEl/best d AF s tds 65%
- QC'd SDAP roster; rectified 30 Start/Stop actions/turn'd<36 hrs/#1/26 sqs--shielded $94.2K entitlements for 78 mbrs
- Rebuilt sq UPMR; scrutinized 625 funded manpower rqmts/solved 526 pos mismatches--erased 2-yr shortfall <10 days
- Recognized as Sq CSS with the least RWOA items from wing--products successfully processed with minimal errors
- Rectified critical 21E8 MEL error; coor'd w/3 units/AFPC HQ f/time-sensitive updates--mitigated EPR process delay
- Refreshed duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's/4 GSU's f/reps/authored TDY checklist--sec'd line of duty f/1K mbrs
- Rejuvenated duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's f/reps/authored sq guide--secured line of duty/$500 SGLI benefits
- Revamp'd INTRO; ID'd mismanagement/centralized info of 25 sect chiefs--sponsors appointed w/in 72 hrs vs wkly
- Revamped eval/dec prgm; mng'd 5 SCODs/201 evals/124 TRs/15 Decs--amassed 4 qtrly/1 HGOTY/Diamond sharp awd
- Revitalized Sq in- & out-processing sys; gained 43 mbrs/validat'd 946 items f/6 secs--ensur'd BAS rcvd f/29 d Amn
- Spearheaded PDF/NCOIC rqmnts; assertively directed proc's & prsnl f/25mbrs-2 succsfl NORE PDFs w/zero discrep's
- Spearheaded SAV w/100th FSS; scrutinized 67 line items/fixed 15 errors/revamped 3 programs--422 ABS/CC coined
- Sq AFPAAS dir; led 4 mbr sec during duty status cert f/394 mbrs/fams--showcased real-world recall capes f/disasters
- Steer'd G-Series order pgm; ID'd 17 order log errors/revis'd trng/coord'd w/JA--ensur'd timely cmd authority f/31 CCs
- Steward to the Profession of Arms; Amn of Qtr '18/OG Amn of the Qtr '18/Team Awd '17--model for sqd to emulate
- Streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/11 GSUs; combined DEERS/IACS/updated biometrics f/ID holders--1-stop f/4K mbrs
- Streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/11 GSUs; combined IACS/UK license/veh reg prgm w/orderly rm--1 stop f/4K mbrs
- Superior student; c/w 6 credit hrs toward UMUC MBA pgm, prof lauded "exceeded expectations"--flawless 4.0 GPA
- Superb Airman; secured success of UIF prgm/1st Stop processes--contributed to unit's "Excellent" UCI rating
- Supervised prsnl issues; identified/corrected 50 MilPDS discrepancies--averted negative impacts on 20+ mbrs careers
- Surveyed SAR codes against UMD; fixed 4 major discreps/initiated 2 upgrades--mitigated potential security violation
- Systematized Gp Staff Mtg slides; maint'd current info from flt to gp lvl--enhanced ldrshp alignment w/ Wg Priorities
- Team Lead f/ PDF line; proc'd 400 airmen during LEER exercise/Id'd & corrected 36 items--incr'd msn readiness 100%
- Trusted Agent for Drug Demand Reduction; facilitated testing of 300+ grp airman--enforced AF zero tolerance policy
- UIF pgm SME; tracked/corrected 27 MilPDS record anomalies & dvlp'd checklist--lauded by MPF/adopted by 26 Units
- UIF prgm SME; tracked/corr'd 33 MILPD record anomalies/develop'd checklist--lauded by MPF/f zero discrepancies
- Updated members rater/add rater; ID'd/performed/verified 394 MilPDS changes--corrected 20+ errors before SCODs
- Ushered Wg adverse action prem review; champ'd 52-red audits /id'd 25 discreps--cleansed process/max'd CC NIP capes
- Validated 96 leave/official travel; processed 8 TDY orders/46 duty updates--enabled $24K entitlement/100% liability
- Valuable member! Filled E-7 pos/6 months; led 6 mil/civ mbrs/wrkg grp w/RAF Alconbury--awd'd Sq NCO OT1Q
- Versed AROWS-R/DTS/RTS specialist; reviewed/processed 75+ member pay pkgs--reduced $20K monthly backlogs
- Vol'd w/Yellow Ribbon reintegration; assisted 300+ mbrs w/info and svcs--increased resiliency for NJANG membrs