AFSC 3M0X1 is now AFSC 3F1X1

- Responsible for preparing/serving 504K meals a year as part of the largest Food Service Operation in AFMC
- Maintains sanitation and cleanliness standards as defined in the 2009 US Department of Agriculture Food Code
- Ensures implementation of proper food handling procedures, techniques, and uses of related culinary equipment
- Operates Corporate Food Service system (CFS)--reviews production logs, utilizes standard and local recipes
- Supports operations over 9,600 square mile missile complex in direct support of the nation's nuclear war plan
- Prepares & serves meals to personnel at MAFs; maintains health & sanitation standards IAW AF requirements
- Controls inventory/storage for $3K in subsistence; maintains 3% inventory/accounting and $25K equip account
- Responds with facility manager (FM) to emergency situations under strict guidance of missile combat crew
- Directs the preparation of meals for over XXXX customers, ensuring the highest quality product is provided
- Communicates instructions for meal preparation; ensure all meals are prepared in a safe and timely manner
- Assists in Unit Compliance Inspection; researches and assists with the writing of multiple checklists for DFAC
- Organizational master! Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year
- Extraordinary! #1 choice as Group Reservation Manager; NCO-level job, serves as 24/7 on call powerhouse
- Outstanding customer service rep--directly contributed to 92% customer satisfaction rating for 220K bednights
- Superior job expertise and logistical skills saved the Air Force over $50K in per diem/contract lodging costs
- Meticulous application of front desk operations; processed financial transactions of $3M in annual cash flow
- Pivotal member of North Star Inn front desk; garnered Outstanding 94.7% during annual HQ Accreditation visit
- Service before self! Deployed USO tour member escort; dedicated ten hours to feed lodge AFE band members
- Superbly assisted Kirkuk Protocol Officer w/15 DV visits; lauded by USCENTAF CC as "Best seen to date"
- Mgd logistic spt for DoS housing disposition; 100 mbrs/6 rigs moved 4K beds/lockers <2 wks--saved $175M
- Provided msn spt; Prime Knight guest svc rep for 500 crews on/off base--saved $94K TDY cost/0 msn delays
- Tm'd w/48 FSS FSOX; recv'd/inventoried new SSS tent/taught assembly to 13 3F1's/4 lcl's--enabled AF dplymnt trng
- Aggressively led SAR training; responsible for 8,060 sq miles--21 member team rdy 24/7 for crucial mission support
- Updated/verified FSS 2016 Unit Specific Checklist; vital to unit capabilities; tracked updates--unit ready to support
- Mng'd FSS readiness trng; generat'd 738 bi-monthly reports/mbr notifications/updates--30% unit trng improvement
Dining Facility
- Led 4 mbr DFAC tm; overcame no-notice 85% prsnl gap/enabl'd full-svc f/Wg ex--execut'd feeding capes f/890 ESM
- Launch'd FAC CPI; streamlin'd test process/reduc'd 4 tasks/40 admin hrs/mo--2.5K FA scores rdy'd f/EPR/OPR SCOD
- QB'd DFAC X-Mas meal; oversaw 21 mil/JN cooks/$81K oders/sales/coord'd w/80 DV's--4 Amn coin'd by Wg/CC
- Created/taught Food Sanitation Class IAW USDA Code; 15 Amn/5 hrs--zero food-borne illness incidents in 8 months
- Excelled as FTI shift leader; oversaw 7 Amn/provided 200K meals/1.6M in sales--bolstered B-1/C-130 flying msns
- Incorporated 30 new recipes IAW FTI mandate; food variety/choices boosted--patrons satisfaction raised 35%
- Conducted 240 safety/sanitation inspections; guaranteed safe food ops for 42K--100% Public Health pass rate
- Provided food svc guidance to 8 mil/21 ktrs; controlled $264K inventory--efforts enabled 504K meals served
- Directed "first class" meal card prgm for 1.2K Amn daily; 68% facility usage rate--triumphed AF avg by 38%
- Meticulously followed Preface to World-Wide menu--maintained 100% compliance w/HQ AFSVA standards
- Accurately updated menus/documented production & waste logs--reduced prep time 25%/saved 40 hrs weekly
- Categorized 1.5K menu items/5 DFACs; id'd "Peak Performance" nutrition value--marketing to 40K mbrs/day
- Nightshift C2 for Op Super Bowl; 53-mbr tm distributed 10K beers/6 locations--100% acctability/0 incidents
- Instructed 12-hrs Food Service micro-training courses; trained 38--ensured 100% job qualifications achieved
- Led AEW/CC's msn priority; Elite Fitness/Nutrition Cell--inspired "Warrior" culture, connected ops w/fitness
- Aced 36-hr intensive/adv'd Fitness Prgm; scored 92% EOC exam--earned $1K 2-yr "Level 1" instructor cert
- Hand selected AF Combative Instructor; completed 40-hr grueling trng--"Sr Lvl" cert'd, scored amazing 99%!
- Dvlp'd/executed $10K Spit Fire Trng Ctr renovation; 2x'd prime fitness realestate, athlete attendance up 150%
- Rectified pricing/linking errors in CFS system; maintained 95% inventory accuracy--saved food service $45K
- Elite storeroom manager; meticulous practices/procedures--key to food ops meeting AF 3% gain/loss tolerance
- Superbly guided purchases/set-up/prep for holiday meals--made it a festive family atmosphere for 450 patrons
- Crisis manager! Facilitated relocation of perishable subsistence during freezer failure--saved facility $60K
- Processed 1.3K food orders/receipts valued at $650K annually--supported 7 BW/317 AG with 99% accuracy
- Maintained stringent food sanitation stnds IAW USDA Food Code--kept prsnl safe w/zero foodborne outbreaks
- Utilized culinary, leadership skills to support 916 ARW; provided 750 meals for reserve unit on weekend duty
- Outstanding SrA; recognized as John L. Hennessy Professional performer for superior work ethic & knowledge
- Executed shift ldr duties normally held by NCOs; managed $2M fac/4 prsnl/food production--didn't miss a beat
- Executed all phases of flight/ground meal program w/no discrepancies--critical support to 3 Wing's flying msn
- Filled-in as flt kitchen mgr, normally a NCO job; led four Amn in production of 9K meals--met base ops rqmts
- Prepared 473 short notice transient meals--ensured speedy mobilization of Alaska's largest Army deployment
- Trained new Chefs on 1st cook duties; coor'd trng w/ shift leaders--amass ACC CINC Food sv exellence awd
- Verified prod logs w/ Aloha sys; used POS interface/matched to menu--Langley won '08 ACC Hennessy Awd
- Utilized culinary skills; served/catered to 42K+ JBER military/civ members monthly-- enhanced teamwork stds
- Learned NAF cash custodian duties; safeguarded $1.6K daily NAF cash ops-- zero bank deposit discrepancies
- Retooled internal processes; created two storeroom continuity binders--enhanced continunity for rotating prsnl
- Fill'd FC flight chief pos; led transition f/23 mil/2 civ/mng'd 3 facilities/$177K equip--restor'd normal ops f/23K mbrs
- AFSVC liaison; provid'd critical feedback f/AFFMS II upgrade/boost'd throughput 15%-- optimiz'd prcs f/1.8M Amn
- Instructed S&R ops f/sq; develop'd/deliver'd trng f/2 AFSCs/20 psnl/max'd msn caps--reinforc'd AMC mission/vision
- Wg CPR/AED instr; integrated 40.5 hr COVID compliant life-saving techniques--boost'd AEF readiness/85 prsnl cert
- Advised CCC on FAC ops; forg'd COVID PFA prcs/sync'd 6 Wg agencies/HHQ/trnd 7 mbrs--crushed ops wkld 15%
- ID'd AFFMS II discrepancies; updat'd 1.2K noncurrent mbrs/correct'd erroneous PASCODEs--returned 86 hrs to units
- Led AF Fitness Prgm; oversaw 338 FAC mgrs/reg'd 825k AFFMS II records--ops sustained f/86 bases/15k FA tested
- HAF/AFPC SG3PM liaison; dev'd COVID-19 OEG f/10 MAJCOMs--key to <4% AF case rate: 25k of 225k w/in DoD
- AFI 36-2905 SME; tm'd w/Public Health/armed CC's w/real-time ops data--bossed DoD #1 pri "restore mil readiness"
- Guided JBAB Naval fitness ops trans; auth'd sister svc MOU f/smooth IOC/drove $75K KT--nailed SECAF milestone
- Inked FC/Sports guides; steered 289 fitness ops re-openings thru pandemic uncertainty--incrs'd safety f/390k TF mbrs
- Vetted 7k line items f/120 FACs; coord'd w/36 IGs/ID'd sig PII violations in 96 units dev'd CAP--MGA closed <1 mos
- QB'd 3 wk outage plan f/PTL-B trng; created ADLS alt dlvry bypass f/40k UFPMs--abated msn hurdle/sv'd 825k rcds
- Penned AFMAN chg; codified AFPD w/outdat'd fitness concepts into strat lvl doctrine--enacted CSAF Action Order D
- Simplified new AFFMS II sys f/207 SLs; ID'd LIMFACs/fortified admin nexus firewall--0 downtime during s/w upgrd
- Chaired 1st virtual AF Marathon; coord'd 55 runners/sv'd $164K TDY cost--upheld 23 yr tradition amidst global crisis
- Drove beyond AFSVC fitness prgm CI; dev'd FA trkr/tgt'd XX non-currencies--AF benchmark/upped compliance 12%
- Adv ldrshp cert'd; built 32 hr Fitness Ops crs, edu'd/imprv'd 21 mgrs knwldg/skillset--sv'd AF $60K TDY annual cost
- Rectified 10-yr discrepancy; ID'd/fixed FAC prsnl misallocation f/2 bases--recouped $252K in NAF f/17k Amn
- Led 4 virtual iMentor seminars; liaised w/27 JBSA orgs/resorces--linked 1k AFIMSC fams w/on-line helping agencies
- Top 9% of NCO tier; cmplt'd Comm BA rqmnts/dev'd fitness ntwk website--sync'd 676 mbrs/impr'd C&I f/300 FACs
- Readied Amn at all lvls; 48x PDC chair/grew WAC aptitudes f/13k enl/ofcrs--echoed AF priority "Grow Strong Ldrs"
- Operated $1.7M Sports Budget; equipped/mng'd 20 sports/30 tms/324 mbrs--garnered AFIMSC Tm Awd 1st Qtr '17
- Anchored AF Fitness/Sports; braced 162 FCs/$9.4M prgm initiatives/21K eqmt worth $51M--spt'd 50M CY patrons
- Executed $216K HQ AIRCOM funds; coord'd 4 events/88 athlete's logistics--cultivated 6-nation NATO competition
- Conducted 2 on-line Fitness crses; instruct'd sports application process/36 FSMs--eliminated $90K TDY cost to AF
- Partner'd w/AF Marketing/AMEX; procured 208 uniforms/publicized events--saved AF $60K/benefited 104 athletes
- Revised AF Sports social media platform; craft'd 12 articles/18 posters--received 1.3K applications/39% CY increase
- DTS RO; scrutinized 47 TDY requests/ID'd/corrected 29 discrepancies--prevented $1.2K in unauthorized payments
- SHAPE BBall Tournament POC; led $74K budget/lodging contract/19 mbr's travel--primed AF Gold 2nd yr in a row
- Champion'd 7 CISM events; synchronized logistic spt/$140K allocation--fueled international relations w/45 countries
- WCAP SME; managed elite athlete/process'd TDY requests/tracked trng results--provid'd spt for '18 Olympic hopeful
- Pioneered 1st ever Women's Armed Forces Rugby tm; benefited/integrated 5 AF athletes--ignited Jt Svc sports prgm
- Co-led Shooting prgm; tracked $65K assests/12 TRs/65 mbr's EIC Status--foster'd tm skills/CAF spt /#1 natl ranking
- Controlled warehouse inventory; maintain'd $75K assets/received/distributed supplies--fundamental for 324 athletes
- Conquered myPers CX; tackled 1.3K inquiries/303 submissions--provided guidance/interpretation to 10 MAJCOMs
- Developed AF Sports PTDY matrix; optimized timeline/eliminated DTS step--saved 660 manpower hrs for 230 Amn
- Created FY17 Sports Calendar; tracked 20 sports/real-time updates/4 AF webpages--postured 87 bases' participation
- Selected AFSVA/USAFE BBall rep; 1/6 brd mbrs/assessed event schedule/reviewed budget--shaped MAJCOM prgm
- APPTRAC admin; implemented on-line application prgm for 1.3M DoD mbrs--received AFSVA NCO 3rd Qtr Awd
- Influenced 3F1 CFETP rewrite; provided 34 edits/48 hr turn-around--advanced fitness framework for 819 FSS Amn
- Addressed ACC's sport officials contract elimination; initiated volunteer referee program--saved DoD > $61K
- Authored specialized endurance/strength courses; taught 112 classes--lifted PT scores/health of 44 failing Amn
- Stellar support of fitness ops; tracked 35 weekly grp exercise classes/10 volunteers/20 hrs--base "Fit to Fight"
- Co-led nine base 5K fun run; participation increased over 15%--enhanced 4K+ Airmen's war time capabilities
- Resident expert; assembled $200K fitness/cardio equipment, reduced service cost--saved the Air Force $10K
- Exceptional NCO! Taught 100 fitness aerobics classes at Joint Base Balad; 7K Airmen/Soldiers fit to fight
- Managed $10K renovation of Joint Base Balad Fitness Center; sq footage doubled--increased QoL by 50 fold
- Performed timely repair and extended life on $1.1M worth of equipment--saved AF $12K in maintenance fees
- Afforded excellent customer service 38K patrons/mthly; 97% satisfaction rating best in ACC--#1 of 12 bases
- Led maintenance of 62 cardio/25 selectorized/29 free-weight machines--contributed to 98% availability rate
- Launched FAC; created OIs/procedures 1 mo ahead of AF schedule--4 staff mbrs ready/prep'd to test 5K Amn
- Identified FAC equipment/supply shortages; garnered $1.2K in funds--benchmarked testing equipment for ACC
- Filled in for NCOIC, Sports Dir; managed 4 intramural prgms/field maint--Sq involvement up 27% since FY09
- Masterminded 1st-ever Warrior Challenge; created 9 grueling stations--100 warriors left craving more abuse
- Organized Poker Run; designed concept/layout for 47 participants--15 lottery winners received $500 in prizes
- Facilitated 2nd annual "Le Tour de Dyess"; improved route/org'd 13 vols; 50 cycling die-hards praised event
- WG PTL; led 2.5K Amn thru 64 Back-to-Basics classes/impacted 10 Sqs--raised WG's PFT pass rate to 95%
- Supervised 4 staff mbrs; ordered parts, material, repaired $1M fitness assets--saved AF $103K in maint costs
- Outstanding performance; captured 2010 ACC "Fitness & Sports Prgm of Yr" award/FSS Airman of the Year!
- Executed FAC transition; developed/implemented new augmentation/FA process--increased efficiency by 9%
- Integrated private sector trend; created 2 functional fitness rms; met customer demand/rated #1 facility upgrade
- Aggressively pursued/received $25K 7 FSS/CC funds; obtained 109 fitness equip items--enhanced fitness ops
- Rearranged weight room layout; moved 326 pieces of equipment/accessories--reduced safety mishaps by 12%
- Led 4 mbr tm; developed/executed equipment inventory/storage area re-org plan--amplified space by 800 sq ft
- Top PTL instructor; led 240 "Back-to-Basics" classes/21 Airmen supported--contributed to Wg 94% pass rate
- Wg UFPM trainer; taught 115 PTLs est. procedures/standardized Wg case file mng't--Dyess 90% currency rate
- FAC lead; supervised/trained 4 PTLs/conducted 1.6K FAs/managed 173 case files--4.6K Amn "Fit to Fight"
- Invested 249 hrs off-duty time; briefed Gp CC & AAC Calls/conducted no-notice FAs--educated 500 Amn/civ
- Installation Fitness Mngr; supervised 2 civ/conducted 1.6K FAs/mng'd 173 case files--4.6K Amn "Fit to Fight"
- Spearheaded FAC transition; implemented Dyess guidelines/trng plan/FA sched--increased efficiency by 89%
- Afforded excellent customer service 38K patrons/mthly; 97% satisfaction rating/best in ACC--#1 of 12 bases
- Created specialized strength trng class; led 70+ "Warrior Fitness" for 30 Amn wkly--3/3 prior fail to pass rate
- Extended life on $1.1M worth of equip; performed mx/repairs to 116 items--saved AF $12K in overhead costs
- Leader! #1/27 NCOs in flt; selected FC NCO of the month for May 2012-- model NCO for peers/subordinates
- Aggressive UFPM; managed 150 7 FSS military members FAs--readiness sight pic secured/90% currency rtg
- Exceptional NCO! Taught 100 fitness aerobics classes at Joint Base Balad; 7K Airmen/Soldiers fit to fight
- Managed $10K renovation of Joint Base Balad Fitness Center; sq footage doubled--increased QoL by 50 fold
- Performed timely repair and extended life on $1.1M worth of equipment--saved AF $12K in maintenance fees
- Engineered FAC transition plan; devised time saving testing schedule--potential to save AF 156 man hrs Qtrly
- Led 25 "Back-2-Basics" for 30 Amn weekly; created specialized strength classes--3/3 prior failures pass rate
Management/Resource Advisor
- Asst. Resource Advisor corrected $400K error; key to buy 5K tons rock; enable $171K TMSA pad completion
- Corrected 15 rqmts; researched best price <60 days--svd $239K/ no work stoppage for 191 CE craftsmen
- Streamlined rqmts; developed, enhanced & briefed electronic Form 9;--decrease procurement by 4 days avg.
- Managed <$1.9M purchases contracts; QA'd 4 contracts--ensured cont' custumer services through out the wing
- Retrieved $8.5K trailer; enable safe transportation of 2 ATVs--zero mishaps during EOD range operation
- Managed six laundry facilities; moved washers and dryers; installed four towel dispensers; ensure a pers QoL
- Assistant RA; completed & processed 90 form 9s in 30 day period; immeasureable impact for Wing operations
- Operations focused; processed 50+ Form 9’s acquiring more than $630K military assets—supporting 1.8K PP
- Vital Logistical support $185K DV dorm renovation; DV QoL uplifted--376 AEW Liberandos image upheld
- Managed squadron assets; reclaimed misinventoried provisions--saved tax payers $100k in duplicate ordering
- Unit Supply Rep; aquired $20k office provisions for 2 Flights/10 facilities--sqrdn daily operations maintained!
- Responsive to special assignment; volunteered 12 off duty hours as night libarian during manpower shortage
- Deployed to Kirkuk AB; revived dormant Library ops; mgd 4.8K media valued at $130K; 100% accountability
- Work ethics/contributions were instrumental in the CAC Team receiving the 380 ESVS "Team Award" Jul 07
- Re-catalogued the library reports, increasing accountability, cutting inventory time down by 24 hours
- Provided clean, courtesious LRC environment for 1500 personnel to check out reading and studying material
- Managed 12 hours of the morale media center--significantly contributing to the morale of 350 personnel daily
- Revamped the DVD/CD/Games checkout system, accountability at 98%; reordering of media placed on cycle
- Enrolled 37 Airmen in over 9 foreign languages in Rosetta Stone; improved language barriers in local area
- Leaning forward; enhanced CAC appearance by giving 2nd floor new paint--maintained/improved morale
- Expertly managed phone center; vital link to home/family for 360 daily visitors; happy Airmen make planes fly
- Led 4 mortuary dignified transfers; processed remains < 24 hrs to NOK--3 LN military mbrs & 8-yr LN child
- Fallen warrior team membr; devoted over 15hrs/4 FW ceremony--honored sacrifices of fallen patriots/families
- Mission essential mortuary team member; processed 4 remains < 24 hrs to NOK--honored military traditions
- Fallen warrior team membr; devoted over 23 hrs/4 ceremonies--honored sacrifices of fallen patriots/families
- Led mortuary team of 6; processed 4 Afgan nationals remains w/in 24 hrs--ensured adherence to local customs
- Oversaw 376 EFSS mail program; secured/maintained/distributed 3K packages--boosted 116 warriors moral
- Vol d 6 hrs to Aiea High School; painted/cleaned drainage ditch; enhanced school appearance/community ties
- Initiated Santa/Elf Booster Club fundraiser; raised $532 for sqdn holiday party--efforts secured VP nomination
- Facilitated 14 Wing events; developed equip/task checklists--instilled competition/camaraderie into 850 Amn
- Assisted 4th Annual McMurry Univ football clinic; led set up/tear down tm--100 youths learned fundamentals
- Orchestrated Kids Triathlon blowout event; ensured safety & event flow--30 kids/parents soaked w/enthusiasm
- Selected by 7BW/CC for DV visits; escorted AMC/AETC/CCs & Congressman Neugebauer--coined 2x by DV
- Ambassador; distributed $1K in school supplies to less fortunate youth--solidified 376 AEW ties with locals
- Continued 21-yr Sq tradition; set-up/tore down for South Park charity feast--fed/served 200 Abilene citizens
- Proffered 7 FSS CoC ceremony; exuded professional excellence to 200 attendees--honored military traditions
- Aided w/setup/tear down for 2012 Dyess AFB Rockin' in the Park--enjoyed by 3K Airmen/retirees & families
- Volunteered 1st-ever Breakfast w/Santa; prepared mouth watering meal--increased holiday spirit of 500 guests
- Top 3 member; AF Birthday 1/2 marathon; Army 10 mile run; voluntary baazar; replace dormitory ceiling titles
Promotion Statements
- Steadfast leader, supervisor & problem-solver; provides positive results without fail--promote to TSgt ASAP!
- Supervised Prime Knight pgm; lodged 700 crews/enabled 2K sorties--polished NCO/SNCO ready...MSgt now
- Dedicated NCO with initiative to accomplish the job and be a mentor to young Airmen--promote to MSgt today
- Superior leader & professional; sets high standards for his peers to emulate--promotion to SSgt well-deserved!
- 1st to step forward; performed tasks reserved for NCOs--section Amn of the Month, Nov/4th Qtr Oct-Dec 09
- Superior performer of the month 7 BW; Coined by 7 BW/CC--sets example for all Airmen--#1/7 NCOs
- Razor sharp pro, whose can-do attitude set her apart; outshined nine Amn--Food Svc's Amn of the Mnth Feb '08
- Tm'd w/48 FSS FSOX; recv'd/inventoried new SSS tent/taught assembly to 13 3F1's/4 lcl's--enabled AF dplymnt trng
- Created Heat Stress Conditions trng; educated 20 staff mbrs on heat related safety--injuries down 28% prev yr
- Completed 70-hr Activity Mngrs Crs; enhanced mgmt skills--expanded strategic knowledge for AF 2023 vision
- Attended Joint NCOPE; enhanced skill/knowledge of joint DoD operations--mentored 5 Airmen on Joint issues
- Vital to accreditation prep; ensur'd completion of 87 daily chklst items; efforts led to impressive "4 Star" rating
- Secured TFI concepts; trained 12 psnl/10 units; qualified 17 core tasks/1.3K hrs--AFR/ANG deployment ready
- OPFOR 12 mbr SERE tm lead; 204 hrs of realistic hostile scenarios--trn'd 689 Aircrews mbr's survival skills
- Completed PTL/TRX courses; instructed 864 Amn on new techniques--increased fitness programming by 15%
- Certified S&R Team member; 1st-rate player/36 hrs trng/ready to execute any role--Wg prepared for response
- Led from the front completed SABC and FSS Combat Skills Training--ready for world wide 3M deployment
- Primary advisor to high-profile DVs; orchestrated 12 AF/CC & Rep Neugebauer visits--lauded by 7 BW ldrsp
- Dedicated to duty, 641 personnel on Services Trips, assisted six 380th squadrons in planning personal tours
- Communicates with confidence; conducted 44 Force Protection briefings enhancing personal safety off base
- Enhanced and improved morale; revamped procedures for volunteer drivers/leaders accomplished 102 trips
- Renegotiated pricing with Resorts and Sunset Safari, generated $12,599 in revenue from Trips and Tours
- Energetic NCO! Bingo Program mananger, offered 48 tournaments, $18,335 in prizes given to troops
- Liaison with 380th ELRS as squadron VCO coordinated paperwork and maintance of 12 squadron vehicles
- Key player in Unit Compliance Inspection; penned/delivered flawless brief to team--100% facility compliance
- Expedited 4K aircraft/260K+ PAX/40K tons of cargo--maintained FP security at CENTCOMs busiest port
- Provided CI support to the warfighter; controlled 35K TCN workers/10K escort msns--zero security incidents
- Responsible for timely completion of 12 construction projects/$2.7M contract--critical support to GWOT
- RST member; patroled/checked stantions for contamination--sped-up base recovery/1 FW "Exellent" rating
- UCC Rep; Coordinated 10 post-attack recovery sweeps for 5 functional areas; personnel 100% accounted for
- Deployed 126 days to Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan; supported OEF--Shooters Rec Center AF Entertainment Coord'r
- Shooter's "Amn of the Month"; worked 107 QoL events/214 man-hr--uplifted 840 daily patrons morale