See also: Security Forces Awards and Decorations
See also: Law Enforcement Awards and Decorations
- Instructs small arms and heavy weapons courses--trains and qualifies base personnel for CONUS and OCONUS msns
- Range Safety Officer--enforces all safety protocols during weapon quals--provides safe environment for 177 FW pers
- Inventories $550K+ in eqpmt/ammo/wpns/radios--maintains 100% accountability--manages SF armory ops for the Wg
- Performs general force protection duties including the use of deadly force to protect personnel property and resources
- First responder--applies self aid buddy care and other lifesaving procedures while performing daily installation duties
- Executes sentry duties--verifying Common Access Cards, ensuring only authorized personnel gain installation access
- Leads, manages, supervises, and performs security force activities--including installation and weapon system security
- Responds to law enforcement incidents including traffic accidents, domestic disturbances, shoplifting's, and assaults
- Enforces state and local traffic regulations and corrects, issues citations, detains or apprehends offenders as required
- Protects base resources, enforces state and local traffic regulations, and operates speed enforcement RADAR/LIDAR
- Responds to flightline incidents and provides protection f/PL3 assets as member of the external security response tm
- Responsible for training, administration, & classroom discipline of over 1,300 active duty & reserve personnel
- Works w/ HQ AFPC training advisors and career field management officials to validate courses' field accuracy
- Develops/maintains lesson plans, course materials, written tests, appraisals, study guides, and course critiques
- Maintains accurate count/control of over 150K rounds of small arms ammunition and plans future expenditures
- Assistant Flight Sergeant - ensuring personnel under his leadership maintain all Air Force Standards
- Supports Flight Sergeant by enforcing policies, practices and desired direction of Flight Sergeants orders
- ESRT/ISRT Patrol Leader, performing over 100 random Anti-Terrorism Measures ensuring base security
- Trains flight personnel to exceed standards set for squadron by helping with exercises and evaluations
- Defends USAFE's only ARW/SOW; 1,165 facilities/109 housing units/1,163-acre perimeter/16.8K+ base community
- Led 8 man security detail for USAF marathon; provided armed response for disgruntled runners--incidents adverted
- Upgraded ECP; source&installed 65" CCTV monitor/PCs/shredder/chairs/veridesks--improved QOL 88sfs personnel
- Led security detail for USAF marathon; provided show of force to disgruntled pers--thwarted probable pandemonium
- Demonstrated superior professionalism during DV visit; lauded f/solid postbrief/coin'd by Grn County Commissioner
- On-scene Commander f/ explosives detection; detained suspect/coor'd w/ EOD/evac'd civs--stellar command/control
- Flawlessly led expedition of DEA convoy; spt'd mammoth narcotic distro msn--showcased sq's apex professionalism
- LEADS SME; verified 13 warrants/extradited 2/denied unauthorized contraband--upheld SECDEF #1 & #3 priorities
- 1 of 2 unit FMs; load'd 15 work-orders/initiated upgrade projects/ceased 55 gal pr day leaks--reduc'd carbon footprint
- Attended 6hr FLIR crse; id'd erroneos process/trnd 75 defenders--implemented improved standards for IED detection
- Created quick reference guide for un-escorted NCIC access requirements--streamlined process for background checks
- Key contributer OI TIGER TEAM; discovered OI/IDP inconsistencies/93 submissions--polished 88SFS publication
- Earned six credit hrs Computer Science BA; designed PYTHON application for 88SFS--eng'd digital tool for Airmen
- Promoted volunteerism within unit; led Amn to volunteer at local nursing homes--enriched the lives of local seniors
- Deployed 179+ days; conducted cbt ptrls as Quick Reaction Force (QRF) mbr at Joint Base Balad (JBB), Iraq
- M2 gunner for lrgst OTW SF group since Vietnam; Balad protected--IDF attacks reduced 60% to historic lows
- 130 ptrls/1.5K hours C-IDF/IED msn's w/in 60K acre battlespace; protected 28K personnel/$20B war assets
- Discov'd wpns cache w/ 57/107mm mortar/rockets; swept area for evidence/secondary devices--EOD demo'd
- Posted Sentry for 600+ prsnl; stood up first SF Sq for USAFRICOM--secured over $400M+ in AF PL 2 assets
- Controlled entry to MQ-1/9/F-15 ramp; safeguarded 400 prsnl/17 armed PL2 resources--galvanized readiness
- Vigilant EC/ISRT; conducted 20+ patrols/15+ RAM's/vetted 200+ ID checks--protected $400M in PL 2 assets
- Orchestrated entry to four AC alert launches; enabled 20 prsnl rapid response--amplified GWOT/OEF mission
- Selected for three joint patrols of CLDJ; provided response to 4K prsnl/MSA--$500M DoD resources secured
- Ambassador in blue for 726th EABS/SF; interviewed by Combat Camera--illustrated first-class representation
- Embodied wingman concept; saved fellow defender from drowning during MWR outing--prevented loss of life
- Elucidated 12 DVs on SF capabilities; facilitated pass of 726th EABS inspection--Coined by 380th AEG/CC
- Dispatched SF Patrols; 10+ alarm activations/2 vehicle accidents/suspicious person--mitigated loss of crit assets
- Led 120-person SF Operations section; provided planning & organized security--readied to fill E-8 at moments notice
- Piloted range training ops; wrote and instructed SMC/CQB course--prepared Security Forces f/ Outside the Wire msn
- Directed scrty detail f/Armed Forces Day 21; led 17 SF/safeguarded 1K prsnl/20 vendors--event lauded by Wg ldrshp
- Led 10 MTA investigations; sync'd w/5 agencies/id'd causes/gen'd data f/AFSFC reporting--restored traffic flow <1 hr
- Fulfilled crit duty posn as Flight Chief--mng'd C-Flight f/3 months as a SSgt--ensured A-1 msn continuity f/Flt ops
- Instructed SECFO combatives crse--enhanced self-def/weapons retention f/75+ Defenders--dvlp'd cmbt rdy Airmen
- Excelled as C-Flight's FTO--trn'd mbrs on Flt ops/procedures--prepped 5 Defenders f/DPEs--produced msn ready Amn
- Provided AUOF/PRAP/Lautenberg tng--ensured Defender's quals were current to bear arms--maintained lethality f/SFS
- Impeccable C2 f/ 100+ alarm activations--swift/concise collaboration w/SF patrols solidified security f/all psnl & assests
- Responded to 19 acft scrambles--provided 360 deg sec f/msn rdy acft--provided safe taxi routes--enabled rapid departure
- Augmented CATM during manning shortage; conducted range-block safety duties--175+ personnel fired w/o incident
- Piloted 3 suicide responses; est'd/mng's ECPs & patrols/coord'd w/4 agencies--preserved scene integrity f/OSI actions
- Honchoed C2 f/4 medical emers/2 fatalities; aided EMS resp/care/transport--grieving amn guided to helping agencies
- Sfgrd'd three unsecured bldg's; shielded >$XXk of msn essential assets--efforts averted any loss to warfighting ability
- Controlled Wg's largest weapon/munition account; managed 535 assets--safely expended 2.6M rnds across 11 classes
- Corrected firearm qualification deficiency; initiated 84 UoF briefings--2K stud's/54 inst's certified, 0 mission stoppage
- Oversaw $3M of equipment supporting 7 SOF crs's; enabled 500 hrs ATW trng--qual'd 308 joint warriors f/deployed ops
- Prevented 371 SOCTS msn stoppage; conducted 2 Wg safety insp/2 DRA/BBP dev'd--2 ranges AF cert'd/awrd'd IO3Q
- Revitalized Wg wpn accountability prgm; authored armory opening/closing SOP's--ensured weaponizing of 7 CCAF crs
- Qual'd 6 SOS 34 mbr team; cord'd movement/storage of $96K of guns/ammo--enabled last minute SOF deploy'd msn
- Sel'd as RCP 6 team lead--led 13 pers ISO OIR--secured $2.9B in AJAB assets/2k+ pers--AFCENT/CC initiative met
- Appointed by SFM f/SFDO prgm; interviewed 5 functions/89 prsnl--ID d 3 crit deficiencies--set COAs for CC action
- Assisted w/CRF ops; conducted convoy escort duties/provided /30+ hrs recon for mvmts--secured 13.8K square miles
- C2'd 15 recap/recovery exs; dir'd 150 resp tms/ID'd shortfalls/conducted on-site trng--enhanced flt's resp capabilities
- Tm lead for 20 CATs/45 SETs; est SDPs/provided 95+ hrs 24/7 site security--ensured safety of USAF nuc resources
- Completed 40 hr C-UAS crs; assisted w/20+ 15 & 5 RFs/deterred adversaries--ensured unhindered defense operations
- Led rapid SAM responses; conducted 67 LF checks/109 RAMs/ID'd 15 deficiencies--negated weapon security sys risks
- 1st on scene f/base access breach; detained/denied arm'd subj from entering AF lrgst CONUS med ctr--coin'd by Top Cop
- Executed TAFB first ever wildfire evac; cleared 3.5K base prsnl/29 acft/1.3K housing units--rcv'd Gp's Sq OTQ awd!
- Expedited $100M COVID-19 med msn; vett'd 600+ vehs & driver's/cleared supplies/PPE kits--slashed India's rt by 85%
- Armored AMC's 2d lrgst base; conducted 1.6K RAMs/sec'd 60 acft/$11B PL assets--key to highest UEI rating in 6 years!
- Directed gate runner resp; coord'd 5 patrols/initiated veh challenge/detained/processed subj--sec'd AMC's lrgst Wg/26K
- Detected DUI & subj w/load'd firearm; translat'd SFSTs f/lcl PD/both charged--subjs prosecuted/barred from installation
- Steered patrols to 4 alarms activations; sec'd scene/est'd cordon/purged facs--ensured 4K combat sorties ISO 5 COCOMs
- Reinforced U.S. Marshal svc capes; provided CONAIR sec for 2 agents/5 patrols--120 high risk detainees transferred
- Volunteerd f/setup/teardown; spt'd National Night Out/partnered w/9 orgs/110 prep hrs--boosted com rel for 250 guests
- Dispatched patrols f/30 PL 2 & 3 comm failures--orchestrated cordons/initial sweeps--mitigated loss of critical assets
- Briefed 90 SFG mission brief f/90 MW CC--demonstrated high professionalism & instilled trust in all defenders
- Attended a specialized training course; Standardized Field Sobriety Test increasing training and readiness
- Completed rigorous Taser & Baton training--enhanced less-than lethal capabilities for cooperative control
- Attended E911 training; gained superior knowledge & expertise--increased emergency response capability
- Trained on Backscatter vehicle x-ray sys; enhanced VBIED explosive detection capabilities--FP integrity intact
- Trained on cargo pallet build up--now capable of organizing logistic details ISO SF deployments world-wide
- Attended eight hours of Humvee Egress Assistance Tng; enhanced egress skills--increased readiness in AOR
More Security Forces Training/ Qualification/ Certification Examples
Trainer/Training Monitor/Instructor
- Assisted UTM during 100% OJT record scrub; 205 records checked/corrected--zero findings during unit's UCI
- Trained/mentored eight Amn for duty position evals; overall 96% flt average--contributed to 100% pass rate
- Volunteered to assist CATM during AEF firing surge; became force multiplier/ensured mission accomplishment
- Trained five newly assigned personnel for RFL; yielded overall 100% pass rate with a 95% average test score
- Certified/trusted Airman--trained two fellow Airman in crucial armory duties/ensured critical position stability
- Masterful instructor, used state of the art instruction techniques; instrumental in CATM's 94% qualification rate
- Implemented quarterly wing training in SFMIS--350+ wing trainers certified to schedule unit weapons training
- Established Annual Training Plan for CA; ensured 22 mission essential units remained world wide qualified
- Assisted SF training during ASP certification course; instructed 16 prsnl on baton use--certification rqmts met!
- Assisted SF Training w/domestic violence tng; realistic scenarios for 40 Sq mbrs--honed SF response tactics
- Taught three Ground Combat Skill classes; eight hrs of convoy/combat tactics--fifty SF prep'd for deployed ops
- Taught two week pre-RAVEN crs; trained three candidates on tactics/skills--prepared mbrs for rigorous course
- Taught Verbal Judo skills to Raven selectees; prerequisite before attending formal crs--100 % course pass rate
- Assisted Combat Skills Training as opposing force; created realistic tng for 40 Wg personnel; Airmen ready!
- Assisted Combat Skills Training; performed OPFOR--realistic tng prepared 44 AW mbrs for AOR deployment
- Trained four AW NCOs on ABD CONOPS/tactics; all certified as AW ECST instructors--vital to msn success
- Trained Iraqi police on vehicle search procedures--prepared trainees for increased security responsibilities
- Trained NATO int'l police to conduct base security--ensured smooth transition of power to 600 security prsnl
- Established accurate tracking of SF ancillary tng; ensured 100% of SF are highly competent & trained for msn
- Developed CDC study pgm; prep'd 4 trainees for EOC exam--all upgraded on time w/100% pass rate; promote
- Developed dynamic core-task Flt tng plan; increased stan eval results 40%--plan benchmarked throughout S3
- Volunteered to assist CATM during AEF firing surge; became force multiplier/ensured mission accomplishment
- Directed fund raiser supporting local fallen riders; united motorcycle riders--raised $3K for medical expenses
- Processed/tracked 589 EPRs/DECs; developed checklist/implemented by Ops Supt--reduced late reports by 85%
- Effectively puts plans into action; authored "active shooter briefing"--ensured appropriate hostile response
- Orchestrated semi-annual IBDC briefing; kept FW/CC informed of 5 security deviations effecting $5B+ assets
- Drafted USAFE BBP; detailed camera initiative/potential manning redux-secured $65K/recaptured 5 bodies!
- Awesome manager; creative funding securing 11 civilian overhires, FW/CD loved it "all units need to pursuit"
- Directed 2 controlled area surveys-provided AFI guidance; assured security of $400K+ wpns/classified docs
- Led $151K CCTV upgrade initiatives; base security enhanced; increased already dynamic AT/FP capabilities
- Reviewed 70+ HHQ/wing/unit plans, instructions and polices; 99% suspense rate-de-conflicted inaccuracies
- Created new local supplements for AFI 31-401/501-took out repetitive information-much easier to work with
- Endured grueling manpower drill affecting three positions--met the match by validating requirements--zero lost
- Coordinated w/ base supply to obtain gear for 79 defenders, devised system for accountability; SORTS success
- Provided agile combat support; prepared individual items for 300+ deploying troops--100% requirements met
- Counseled subordinates on importance of off-duty education; 3 Flt mbrs awarded CCAF/60 sem hrs completed
- Posted as police unit; identified individual w/suspended license/open container--removed hazard on roadways
- Confiscated xx expired ID cards; prohibited unauthorized access--maintained safety/security over installation
- Identified unauthorized person taking photos on flight line; detained/removed from RA--secured flight line area
- Hand-selected for AAFB's first-ever gate section; forged new standard of excellence--praised by PACAF/CC
- Oversaw process w/physical assault/unlawful entry; review'd major case works for SJA--violators prosecuted
- Provided C2 for subject resisting arrest/UAD; six members apprehended/questions--ensur'd solid case for SJA
- Processed, reviewed & corrected 939 traffic citations & 1400 reports in minimal time; excellent administrator
- Identified individual attempting entry w/fraudulent tax disc/registration--ensured compliance w/base & HN law
- Mitigated threat! Closed RAFF pedestrian gate; eliminated vulnerability to 5K pers/FW's highest PL resource
- Stellar ldr! Captured gate-runner during UCI; EMX scenario terminated early--lauded by AMC/IG; promote
- Detained 2 prsnl trying to enter MAFB; both ID'd as illegal immigrants--violators removed/base safety restored
- Detected 35 fake identification badges; detained suspects--ensured only authorized prsnl gained entry to FOB
- Detected driver w/illegal drugs entering MAFB gate; coord'd actions w/JAG--subject charged/barment issued
- Dispatched to Main Gate for Moblisa hit; violent offender ID'd/barred from base--ensured AW prsnl security
- Observed 3 TCNs attempting to illegally enter Bucca; prsnl challenged/detained--prevented possible terrorism
- Detected illegal drugs entering MAFB; coord'd response actions with JAG--subjects charged/barments issued
- Detected illegal narcotics entering McChord; street value of $100--two individuals barred/convicted; promote
- Detected illegal narcotics entering McChord; valued at $300; 2 individuals barred--criminal activity deterred
- Detected illegall transport of firearms on base; detained violators/coord'd civ response--four barments issued
- Detected two barred prsnl attempting base entry; both detained--suspects apprehended/charged w/trespassing
- Combated DUI; certified on BrAC Datamaster/Portable Breath Test--apprehended violator/barred from MAFB
- Combated DUI; gained certification on BrAC Datamaster and Portable Breath Test--apprehended one violator
- Combated DUI's; apprehended individual driving under-the-influence; made base streets safer for all drivers
- Assisted with five DUIs; criminals apprehend & charged--removed unsafe drivers from roadways/saved lives
- Detected and processed two drivers suspected of DUI; both mbrs prosecuted and convicted--barments issued
- Detained/processed two DUIs; subjects apprehended/cited; ensured safe roadways for base populace--promote
- Outstanding patrolman; persistence resulted in two DUI's--removed dangerous drivers from Aviano AFB roads
- Certified on BrAC datamaster; skills used to combat DUIs--two violators ID'd/detained/removed from roads
- Conducted two sobriety tests; drivers charged with DUI/taken off roadways--protected civilian/mil community
- Detected six DUIs while patrolling Kadena AB; all processed IAW US/host nat'l stds--lives saved/roads safe
- Detected three prsnl for possible DUI; apprehended and processed violators--ensured safety on base roadways
- Detected two driving under the influences; apprehended/processed violators--ensured safety of base personnel
- Detected two DUIs; superb apprehension process resulted in barment of drivers--enhanced safety/saved lives
- Detected two individuals driving intoxicated; conducted field sobriety tests/both charged w/DUI--lives saved
- Detected two individuals DUI; conducted field sobriety tests/both charged with DUI--protected lives/property
- Detected two suspects for DUI; criminals apprehended and cited--eliminated dangerous motorists from roadways
- Detected/processed four DUIs IAW AF/state stds; 100% conviction rate--increase responsibilities & promote!
- Detected/processed two subjects for DUI; two base barments issued--enforced wing's zero tolerance policy
- Determined suitability to drive of two prsnl; conducted sobriety test from start/finish--both charged with DUI
- Detected eight Driving Under the Influences; apprehended & processed--safe environment for base populace
- Hand selected as Flight Admin; single-handedly oversaw flt personnel actions--assured 30+ mbrs fit for duty
- Task competent professional ready for the challenges of increased responsibility--Promote immediately!
- Exceptional performer who accomplishes all aspects of his job as a true professional--sets the example
- Extensive job knowledge--achieved an 85.5 percent on his initial Stan-Eval as a Basic Force Protector
- A highly professional and dedicated airman--challenge with increased responsibilities--ready for promotion
- Performance/professionalism directly contributed to ## SFS winning CINC's '07 Installation Excellence Award
- Outstanding performance & volunteerism contributed to ### SFS winning AF "Best Small SF Unit Award" '15
- PACAF's '12 SF Flt lvl Amn of the Yr; selected over 1.4K Amn--exceeded standards/inspired peers/AF icon
- Vanguard of all SFS Amn; consistently outshines/exceeds all of his peers--selected as SrA Below The Zone
- Standout SrA w/fortitude to accomplish any task assigned; catalyst of flt winning 2x SFS Flt of the Qtr honors
- Chosen ahead of peers as Arclight Defender of the Month awd; recognized as top performer--coined by CC
- Accomplished ldr who completes assigned tasks and possesses superior management skills--a "go to" SNCO
- Recognized 886 ESFS SNCO of the Mo. for Jan 08; elected Bucca's Top 3 VP; epitome of outstanding ldrship
- Top NCO! ID'd by Sq ldrship for outstanding duty during deployment--nominated for Billy Jack Carter Award
- Top NCO, selected as #1 out of 153 peers during predeployment trng--received Ft. Dix Top Performer Award
- Towers above peers; selected #1 of 91 eligible NCOs;62 SFS NCO of the 1st Qtr '08--ready to promote now!
- Exemplary ldr--displays standards & bearing of highest caliber; one of my best NCOs--promote to MSgt now!
- A multi-talented force protector! Hungry for additional responsibility; continue to challenge--promote now!
Security/Restricted Area/Alarms
- Dispatched forces during 60+ PL-2 & PL-3 alarms f/two installations—safed USSF PL-2 site & 24 F-35s
- Stalwart Security! Protected $8.7B+ in acft; deterred crime/terrorism--enabled 100s of sorties--zero mishaps >
- Dispatched to four PL 3 alarm activations; secured scenes/ID'd alarm causes--situations resolved incident free
- Led base-wide trespassing issue; Id'd 9 subjects/$34K upgrades/targeted patrol/K9 ops--eliminated deficiency
- Diffused Helping Hand situation; identified/detained/swiftly removed suspect--zero threat to PL 3 assets/eqpmt
- Detected 2 prsnl trespassing; thwarted illegal base entry--ensured safety/security of critical warfighting assets
- Quickly responded to gate runner call; contained subject/blocked flight-line access--ensured PL asset security
- Developed intel fusion cell w/base/local/federal agencies--provided critical info vital for installation security
- Revamped quarterly/annual trends analysis; id'd 30+ deficiencies--improved SF LE tactics/PL1N security ops
- Executed 2 PNAF msns as Pad Sup/led 76 Amn/304 mn-hrs; enabled USAFE stockpile tests--true ldrshp qults!
- Authored KAFB Open House TA/RA; mitigated possible threats--safe event for 50K+ attendees/25K vehicles
- Secured F-16 PL 3 resources; enabl'd FPCON measures for 9-11 anniversary--cont'd Op NOBLE EAGLE msn
- Remarkable SF responses for largest military aircraft hub in Afghanistan--resources vital/ground support sec'd
- Located, detained, and searched individual for trespassing onto the installation--resulted in 1 year barment
- Analyzed, identified and eliminated short falls of the installation personal surveillance radar system
- Protected 83 F-15 a/c, 5 HH-60G helicopters, PL 2 DET 4/18 IS/various wpn systems-secured >$8B in assets
- Response force mbr; immediate armed response to non-nuclear munitions areas-alerts leader of any situation
- Responded to nine alarms; cordoned off and searched affected areas-security of PL 2/3/4 resources provided
- Identified critical weapons storage violation at base armory; 3K weapons now secure-saved $225K initiative
- ID'd/corrected errant command post protection level designation; HQ AF validated change-saved 2 SF posts!
- Led $151K CCTV upgrade initiatives; base security enhanced; increased already dynamic AT/FP capabilities
- Swept exterior of FOB after 3 rocket attacks; cleared UXOs & assessed damage--maintained base prsnl safety
- Executed 80+ hours of LP/OP outside the wire duties; prevented attacks against Area Operation Security units
Security/Helping Hands
- Directed WADS/PL3 Helping Hand situation; rapidly secured C2 Center for Western Hemisphere--"zero loss"
- Took control! Executed initial command/control for two Helping Hands; sanitized areas--secured PL assets
- Responded to two Helping Hands; established cordons/challenged suspects; secured vital PL assets--promote!
- Responded to two Helping Hand situations; restored integrity of flightline & PL assets--operations unhampered
- Performed C2 for two Helping Hands; set up cordons/sanitized areas; zero damage to PL resources--consider
- Natural ldr! Performed C2 for two Helping Hands; set up cordons/sanitized areas; secured PL assets--promote
- Investigated Helping Hand at Command Post; established cordon & assessed alarm--protected PL 3 resource
- First responder for two Helping Hand incidents; restored integrity of flightline/PL assets--no delay in msn ops
- Expertly handled 60 in flt emer/fuel spills/Helping Hands--contributed to flight awarded "Team of the Month"
- Dispatched to two Helping Hands; challenged suspects/established cordons--eliminated threats to PL assets
- Dispatched to two Helping Hands; challenged suspects/established cordons--critical war fighting assets secure
- Directed SF during four Helping Hand situations; investigated incidents/detained violators--security restored
- Area supervisor during two Helping Hand incidents; restored integrity of flightline/PL assets--ops unhampered
Security/Controlled Entry
- Controls entry/exit to RAFL/RAFF; 3.5K+ vehs and 5K+ prsnl processed daily--deterred unauthorized access
- Performed duties as an Installation Entry Controller and an Explosive Team Responder--ensured readiness
- Controlled entry for McChord Air Expo 08; secured 150K/ensured 375K enjoyed event w/o incident--promote
- Controlled entry to 08 UCI EMX cordon; maintained cordon integrity--unit earned "Excellent" rating; promote!
- Controlled entry to Port As Sayliyah; 225 vehicles searched/cleared daily--VBIED free environment; promote
- Controlled entry to US/NATO security changeover ceremony; 92 DV/VIPs protected--deterred crime/terrorism
- Controlled LE and security rqmts during McChord Air Expo 08--375K community mbrs enjoyed two day event
- Controlled personnel entry during McChord Air Expo 08; 375K personnel enjoyed two day event w/o incident
- Controlled port entry; 225 vehicles searched/cleared daily--20 tons of logistical supplies delivered w/o delay
- Dispatched to 08 UCI/EMX; performed traffic control & ECP duties--efforts garnered AW Excellent rating
- Flawlessly led & coord'd ECP duties for CENTCOM/CC Conference; secured 40+ Flag Officers--no incidents
- Hand-picked to stand SFSOCC SCIF ECP during DV visits; projected positive image of professional defender
- Instructed 12 Defenders CENTCOM & SFSOCC ECP/SCIF procedures; built continuity--enhanced PL security
- Learned and executed ECP duties for CENTCOM/CC Conference; secured 30+ Flag Officers--zero incidents
- Performed EC during Air Expo 08; checked 100K+ visitors--ensured 375K+ enjoyed 2 day event w/o incident
- Performed EC duties at Camp Bucca; maintained 100% detainees/critical item accountability--zero escapes
- Performed EC duties for CENTCOM/CC Conference; provided positive entry for 30 DVs--incident free visit
- Performed ECP duties at FOB; searched 6K+ prsnl/13K+ vehicles/97 fuel trucks--mitigated VBIEDs & IEDs
- Sector supervisor for ECP during Air Expo 08; record setting 377K+ visitors enjoyed incident free weekend
Random Access Measures (RAM)/Force Protection
- Conducted 100+ RAMs; kept ops unpredictable/deterred terror--enhanced security of 62 AW & base personnel
- Brilliantly secured PL3 resources; coord'd execution of 500 RAM's; mitigated threat to priority assets--no loss
- Created database to track 5K RAMS; set a pattern of unpredictability wing-wide--hardened base against attack
- Executed 200 RAMs; discovered breach along perimeter fenceline--protected $8.7B Wg assets/base populace
- Crafted random security check database; set pattern of unpredictability AW wide--enhanced security on MAFB
- Executed 240 hrs of Random Anti-terrorism Measures; deterred hostile threats to 62 AW--PL 3 assets secured
- Executed 25 RAMs throughout McChord AFB; deterred crime and terrorism--made installation a harder target
- Executed 50 RAMs; detected holes in perimeter fence/provided input for fix--maintained physical security std!
- Managed base prgrm; oversaw 10K+ RAMs/5K+ man hrs; upchannel'd FP vulnerabilities--KAFB a hard target
- Executed AT/FP VA & blast mitigation for all PMO bldgs; expertise ensured living/working areas hard target
- 407 AEG SNCO, Apr 08; meticulous ops, mentorship & admin support ensured FP for 15K US/Coalition prsnl
- Deployed to Ali Al Salem in spt of OIF; performed force protection duties--secured $3.2B in assets/3K+ prsnl
- Deployed to Ali Al Salem in spt of Op IRAQI FREEDOM; performed FP duties--mixed acft package secured
- Conducted 400+ hours of RAMS; enhanced force protection/deterred terrorism--increased security of MAFB
- Briefed force protection on 38 aflds--provided sight picture to DIRMOBFOR--security assessed w/zero losses
- Tm Ldr for first Georgian conflict prsnl transport; escorted 2K troops from Iraq to Georgia--enhanced intl ties
- Piloted multi-agency sec f/ VPOTUS visit; melded 10 agencies/250 mbrs--zero sched delays/praised by USSS
- Completed 10 convoy msns; secured 50 semi-tractor trailers--$3M in war-fighting assets delivered w/o loss
- Completed 10 convoy security msns; escorted $8.4M of Army assets--ensured msns completed w/o incident
- Conducted Contingency Skills convoy tng; 50 AW prsnl trained; lauded/praised "best training" by 62 MSG/CC
- Conducted convoy escort to Al Udeid; $3.8M+ of GWoT eqpmt transported--100% msn success w/o incident
- Conducted convoy port security msns at Al Udied AB; secured $8.4M of Army assets--completed w/o incident
- Conducted three convoy missions; secured 35 Strykers from As Sayliyah to Al Udied--zero loss of war assets
- Conducted UPHMMWV tactics tng with 17 deployers; life-saving skills gained--vital info during convoy ops
- Convoy escort for $8.4M of equipment to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; completed successfully without any incidents
- Convoy ldr for transfer of war fighting assets to Al Udeid; $1.8M escort completed successfully--zero mishaps
- Deployed to Camp Bucca; performed duties as M-240 gunner--secured convoys and detainees during transport
- Directed escort for the Sec of the Army visit to MAFB; ensured security of convoy--coined for professionalism
- Directed security along convoy route during CJCS visit to McChord; ensured unimpeded access--coin received
- Performed security during six convoy missions; 450 miles traveled--no loss of supplies/vehicles to hostile acts
- Selected for high profile mission to South America--provided air-tight security for 15 general officers acft
- Secured motorcade route during CENTCOM/CC visit to Adder; troop visit--morale builder for assigned troops
- Escorted Gen Hertog from Baghdad to FOB FALCON during AOR morale visit--transported w/zero incident
- Escorted Int'l Red Cross in/out of Iraq; ensured unimpeded access to detainees; enabled int'l mandate to be met
- Escorted MAMC ambulances to 10+ E911 calls; quick responses prevented loss of life--promote to TSgt now!
- Escorted med prsnl to ten E911 calls; expedient response prevented loss of life--ensured mil/dependent safety
- Escorted med prsnl to ten E911 calls; expedient response prevented further injury and/or loss of life--promote!
- Escorted military prisoner to out of state confinement; provided first line security for 450 miles--zero incidents
- Escorted Quick Response Forces into hostile area; secured 30+ prsnl; mitigated terrorist threats--promote now
- Escorted Secretary of State to war torn Georgia; conducted security sweeps with USSS--incident free visit
- Escorted Secretary of the Army during visit to MAFB; ensured safe route w/o incident--coined by Mr. Geren
Security/Personal Security Detail (PSD)
- Hand selected among peers to perform PSD mission for CJCS/J4 LTG Kathleen Gainey's visit--airtight security
- Hand selected for seven PSD driver msns at Cp As Sayliyah; ensured safety of 23 Flag Officers/VIPs--promote
- Assistant NCOIC for PSD operations at As Sayliyah; secured six Flag Officers/20+ VIP routes--zero incidents
- Assistant NCOIC for all PSD operations at As Sayliyah; escorted six Flag Officers/20+ VIPs--zero incidents
- Primary PSD driver at As Sayliyah; secured 23 Flag Officers and 20+ VIPs--100% msn success w/o incident
- Primary PSD driver during CENTCOM Commanders' Conference; ensured forty General Officers/VIP safety
- Supervised 10 explosive detection sweeps for 11 DV/VIPs--ensured an explosive free environment each time
- Primary PSD driver for CENTCOM CC's Conference; secured 40+ General Officers/VIPs--incident free visit
- Primary PSD driver; ensured 'top knotch' techniques utilized, 23 Flag Officers/VIP safety--total msn success
- Primary PSD driver; secured 23 Flag Officers and 20+ allied VIPs--100% mission success with zero incidents
- Provided PSD msn spt; escorted Deputy CC/CFLCC from As Sayliyah to Al Udied--coined by Gen. Lovelace
- PSD NCOIC during US Ambassador to Afghanistan visit; provided flawless security--terrorist actions deterred
- PSD NCOIC for U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan William Wood's visit; airtight security through entire event
- Selected as M2 gunner for PSD msn during ACC/CCC visit to Bucca; ensured safety of four VIPs--no incidents
- Selected for high profile PSD msn; provided security for Gen Hardy/Deputy CC CFSOCC--incident free visit
- Stellar strategist! Flawlessly orchestrated 22 port security/nine PSD msns; 100% success--thwarted terrorism
- Superbly protected 90 DVs during their visit to Qatar; deterred terror and criminal activity--morale goal met!
- Directed 10+ MWD explosive sweeps; secured area for NAOC/DV's--protected vital $223M/C4 resources/dignitaries
- Piloted multi-agency sec f/ VPOTUS visit; melded 10 agencies/250 mbrs--zero sched delays/praised by USSS
- Worked security detail for CENTCOM/CC visit; staunch protection of 40+ General Officers--threats mitigated
- Detainee compound Shift Ldr--led 23 Amn, seized contraband, de-escalated 3 fights--prevented escapes
- Deployed as fire team member to Camp Bucca, Iraq for OIF/OEF-provided security for over 8,500 detainees
- Conducted in-processing of enemy combatants; provided direction/guidance to 300 new inmates-incident-free
- Conducted 10 convoy msn; 5K+ detainees escorted to and from Bagram AB; 100% mission success--promote!
- Deployed to Cp Bucca as .50 Team Mbr; secured 93 sq km/9K US/CF/16K detainees--enhanced convoy ops
- Accomplished DOD directed ILO tng at Ft. Dix, logged 600+ tng hours--prepared to perform detainee op msn
- Assigned Compound Shift Ldr duties; oversaw security/safety of 1K+ detainees--kept peace with no escapes
- Assigned Sgt of Guards; supervised 94 US/Iraqi forces--host nation forces better prepared for detainee op msn
- Assigned to Counterinsurgency tm; collected intel from 500+ detainees--info used to harden Bucca from attack
- Assisted U.S. Army Special Forces by securing 34 detainees during HUMINT interviews--obtained vital intel
- Hand selected from 186 personnel to conduct six convoy missions; escorted 90+ detainees--zero incidents
- Escorted 19 detainees to acft for transport to Cp Bucca; prsnl/route searched & cleared--incident free transport
- Escorted 250+ detainees for appointments at Camp Bucca; searched for wpns--prevented harm to SF/detainees
- Escorted 300+ detainees to/from medical appts; all searched for weapons--prevented any harm to medical staff
- Executed FOB exterior sweeps for escaped detainee; search led to quick capture--attempted escape thwarted
- Diligently provided 100 hrs of ancillary tng to 40 Chenega guards/10 new SF mbrs--proficient/ready for duties
- Deployed to Cp Bucca in support of OEF/OIF; performed detainee ops--safeguarded 22K US prsnl/detainees
- Deployed as Truck CC at Camp Bucca; safeguarded 93 sq km/9K coalition forces--enhanced mission readiness
- Deployed as Sq Ldr to Cp Bucca; safeguarded 21K detainees/2.5K Coalition Forces--supported GWoT tasking
In lieu of (ILO) Tasking
- Completed 33 day ILO predeployment tng; enhanced tactical skills/life saving techniques--prepared for GWoT
- Completed 14 day RTC predeployment tng; enhanced detainment skills and ABD tactics--prepared for ILO msn
- Deployed to Camp As Sayliyah in spt of ILO msn; executed base security--2K prsnl & $1B+ assets protected
- Executed 35 ILO missions at NORMANDY Iraq; critical for the security of USA/CF--thwarted terrorist attacks
- Executed 35 ILO msns at NORMANDY Iraq; critical for security of US Army/Coalition Forces--built int l ties
- Led 13 Amn through Detainee Ops Deployment Training for ILO msn; mentored squad on tactics & discipline
- Led 13 SF through 33 day ILO predeployment tng; enhanced squad ldr tactics--tm prepared for GWoT missions
- Led 13 SF through Ft. Lewis ILO tng; 45 days of Detainee Ops procedures--tng measures implemented/msn met
- Performed 32 ILO missions w/US Army 1st Cav Div at FOB STRYKER Iraq; critical joint forces multiplier!
- Completed DOD directed ILO training at Ft. Dix, logged 600+ tng hrs--ready to perform detainee op mission
- Completed 600+ hrs of ILO tng; skills executed down range--increased security for FP/detainee ops mission
- Completed 60+ hours of ILO training; skills vital for GWOT--increased security for FP/detainee ops mission
- Completed 600+ hours ILO training at Ft. Lewis, improved detainee ops skills--ready to perform ILO mission
Law Enforcement
- Swift actions led to the apprehension of a suspect and recovery of $100.00 in Base Exchange property
- Responded to a stabbing, rendered first aid, restored order and effected an apprehension--promote!
- Diffused two domestic disturbances; investigated incidents/detained aggressors--restored order in base housing
- Responded to an emergency 911 call where an individual was attempting to commit suicide at base housing
- Uncanny ability to remain calm and think clearly under intense circumstances quelled a volatile situation
- Volunteered off-duty time to process merchants during two bazaars and perform crime suppression patrols
- Ensured the continued safety of the Eskan populace from potential criminal and terrorist activity
- Patrol response to 2,344 housing units located in five separate areas worth over $3.1B-shields >15K residents
- Oversaw process w/physical assault/unlawful entry; review'd major case works for SJA--violators prosecuted
- Provided C2 for subject resisting arrest/UAD; six members apprehended/questions--ensur'd solid case for SJA
- Detained four personnel for possession of controlled substance/paraphernalia; criminals cited/barred--promote
- Detained Nevada top 25 felon wanted for embezzlement/grand larceny; coord'd extradition--community safe
- Detained subject w/felony warrant; criminal transferred to Pierce County--maintained airtight RP& FP integrity
- Assisted SF Investigations w/narcotics case; searched and transported female suspect--enforced drug free base
- Assisted SFOI; participated in underage alcohol sales/MIP sting--one violator apprehended/processed/charged
- Assisted AFOSI in larceny case; allocated flt resources to investigation--case solved/$13K property recovered
- Detected minor drinking underage in dormitory; subject charged; supported AW's zero tolerance--promote now
- Detected trespasser on MAFB; suspect apprehended & charged with trespassing--efforts lauded by AW ldrship
- Detected trespasser within family housing; suspect apprehended/charged with trespassing--coined by SFS/CC
- Detected unauthorized photography of afld; subject apprehended/Helping Hand thwarted--msn uncompromised
- Detected weapon in vehicle during high risk traffic stop; gun confiscated and suspect arrested--order restored
- Dispatched to prsnl attempting illegal entry; subjects detained/questioned--MAFB barments issued; promote!
- Dispatched to seven med emergencies; cleared incident areas--ensured victims safety until paramedic arrival
- Dispatched to sexual assault incident; coordinated response with SARC--violator apprehended & prosecuted
- Dispatched to theft of prescription narcotics; interviewed witnesses/id'd subject--criminal apprehended/cited
- Dispatched to three alarm activations; analyzed situations and directed responding forces--secu
- Escorted ambulances to five E911 calls; expedious response prevented loss of life--ensured personnel safety
- Escorted EMT prsnl to 10+ 911 dispatches; expedited aid/prevented loss of life--ensured safety of AW prsnl
- Directed domestic violence response; suspect detained/order restored--increase responsibility & promote now
- Directed emergency actions during suspicious package call; cordoned/evacuated area--no loss of life/property
- Directed emergency response for attempted suicide; secured incident scene--quick actions saved victim's life
Law Enforcement/Shoplifting
- Investigated 2 shoplifting incidents; reviewed security tapes/collected evidence--executed apprehension
- Coordinated Security Forces response to shoplifting where two suspects fled the Hickam Base Exchange
- Coordinated SF response to four shopliftings; $200+ in AAFES merchandise recovered--four criminals barred
- Detained & processed eight prsnl for shoplifting; recovered $700+ of AAFES property--eight criminals barred
- Detained & processed one individual for shoplifting; recovered $300 of AAFES property--issued one barment
- Detained & processed two prsnl for shoplifting; recovered $400 of AAFES property--issued two barments
- Detained/charged/processed eight prsnl for shoplifting; recovered $1K+ of AAFES property--criminals barred
- Detained/processed six personnel for shoplifting; $2K in AAFES merchandise recovered--six barments issued
- Detained/processed three BX shoplifters; $800 in AAFES merchandise recovered--three base barments issued
- Detained/processed three prsnl for shoplifting; $300 in AAFES merchandise recovered--three barments issued
- Detained/processed two shopliftings at the BX; $150 worth of stolen property recovered--two barments issued
K-9/Military Working Dog (MWD)/Explosive Detector Dog (EDD)
- Vol'd 40 hrs at kennels; enhanced K9 QoL w/fac mnx, detection/patrol trng f/9 MWDs/6 handlers--cert'd DoD rqrmts
- Executed EDD for Army's only combat tracking K-9 tm; 50+ routes cleared--ensured safe passage for K-9 tms
- Completed DODs MWD Handlers course; awarded "Top Dog" awd--first amongst 15 AF/Army K-9 handlers
- Oversaw K-9 training program; eight tms validated & certified/6K hr effort--key to 1K RAMs/$15B in assets secured
- Delivered EDD support f/ eight Secret Service msns; oversaw IED sweeps f/ POTUS/SECDEF/SECAF--incident free
- Led three EDD teams on 300+ K9 sweeps during 08 MAFB Air Expo--377K prsnl enjoyed incident free event
- Aided 7 BW/OSI w/ Op Cheech/Chong; 50 urinalysis/three dorm searches--deterred contraband from entering DAFB
- Governed accountability of narcotics & explosives; $500K of proficiency training aids secured--zero inventory losses
- AT/MWD SME; selected to augment AFGSC/IG f/ CUI 2 BW; selected inspections #1 augmenter/coined by IG
- Tracked all SAV team MWD write-ups until closed out; zero during UCI--"Excellent" unit UCI rating; promote
- Directed 10+ MWD explosive sweeps; secured area for NAOC/DV's--protected vital $223M/C4 resources/dignitaries
- Selflessly volunteered for 7 on/off base MWD demos--300 ROTC/civilian/MAFB prsnl briefed on K-9 ethics
- Attended rigorous 21 day Jt Force MWD tng w/USMC; sharpened K-9 team skills--enhanced msn effectiveness
- Attended five day Jt MWD FTX w/Ft Lewis infantry; honed K-9 trainer skills--strengthened interservice ties
- Supervised 12 explosive detection sweeps for 13 DV/VIPs--ensured an explosive free environment each time
- Completed 100+ hrs jt tng; 30 int l service CCs briefed on AOR MWD Pgm--educated ldrs on K-9 utilization
- Chosen as lead EDD tm to attend 5 day jt MWD FTX w/Ft. Lewis; trained on K-9 tactics--deployment ready!
- Certified as Patrol Ldr 21 days ahead of schedule; scored 100%--simultaneously completed K-9 CDCs w/86%
- Briefed Assistant Secretary of Legislative Affairs on MWD msn; provided insight on K-9 ops--promote now!
- Awarded Top Detector Dog Team in MWD School--set the standard for DOD K-9 handlers--promote now!
- Ambassador in Blue! Led 24 on/off base MWD demos; schools/FTAC/JROTC etc--800+ taught in K-9 ethics
- Completed Iraq pre-deployment training at Brave Defender; received "Top Dog" honors--set bar for K-9 peers!
- Conducted 100 hrs jt tng; 30 int'l service CCs briefed on AOR MWD pgm--educated ldrs on K-9 utilization
- Conducted 120 hrs jt tng; 29 int'l service CCs briefed on AOR MWD pgm--K-9 utilization/flexibility attained
- Conducted 11 MWD demos; briefed 400 prsnl from local schools/ROTC on K-9 programs--bolstered relations
- Deployed to Kirkuk AB, Iraq; provided MWD EDD spt for 11K+ US/CF prsnl--$40B in PL assets protected
- Conducted 12 K-9 sweeps in support of Task Force Iron; vital to mission success; awarded ARCOM--promote
- Conducted 125 combat msns; 14K miles patrolled--secured Camp Bucca's Main and alternate Supply Routes
- Conducted 17 compound searches at Cp Bucca; ID'd 96 weapons/digging tools--prevented harm to security tms
- Conducted 64 explosive/narcotic detection tng scenarios; enhanced K-9 capabilities--ready for OEF/OIF msns
- Coord'd inter-service K-9 tng; conducted 40+ hrs of tng for five MWD tms--enhanced K9 combat capabilities
- Guided JBLM K-9 transformation; 30+ MWD tms prep'd for combined tng/deployment--leading JB initiatives
- Provided MWD spt for Senator Obama visit to Oregon; conducted six K-9 sweeps--ensured incident free visit
- Re-organized K-9 Logdet eqpmt pallet; inventoried/accounted for 1K items of K9 deployment eqpmt--OIF rdy
- Representative for 3rd ID in laying foundation of $8M kennel facility; #1 QoL for all Iraq deployed K-9 teams
- Stellar NCO! Selected from 24 K-9 teams for DOS msn--ensured airtight security for SOS Condoleezza Rice
- Safely provided EDD detection as the Army's only cmbt tracking K-9 team; 50+ patrols--$1M+ resources safe
- Deployed to Camp Cropper in spt of OIF; provided EDD K-9 support--secured 4.8K US prsnl/2.5K detainees
Fitness/Appearance/Military Bearing
- Dedicated 120+ hours to strength/cardio trng; prepared 15 Amn for PFT--increased pass-rate by 35% to 100%
- Dedicated/professional Airman--bearing, dress/appearance, duty ethic set high standard for others to emulate
- Exhibits superior military bearing/professionalism at all times; true role model & leader of his peers--promote
- Outstanding duty performance and teamwork contributed to his shift's selection as "Shift of the Quarter"
- Superior military bearing/dress/appearance; a model for his peers to emulate--handpicked for special aircraft security
- Participated in emotional memorial service for fallen unit member KIA in Iraq; honored fallen fellow warrior
- Dynamic member of our squadron; directly contributed to ### SFS winning AMC's "Best Large SF Unit Awd" '12
- Assisted sq PTL; evaluated 15 prsnl for unit's semi-annual PT test--100% pass rate/SFS met "Fit to Fight" std
- Certified as PTL; developed physical training program to meet AF/CC intent--eliminated flight PT failures
- Certified as PTL; provided five Amn w/tailored fitness programs--efforts led to SF Armory 100% PT pass rate
- Certified on PTL/FAM crs; developed physical training pgm to meet AF/CC intent--eliminated flt pt failures
- Certified on PTL/FAM crs; organized nutrition classes for 150 Operations prsnl--helped condition Defenders
- Completed PTL certification course; administered fitness test to 32 prsnl--ensured 100% compliance IAW AFI
- Completed PTL crs; administered fitness test to 15 squadron prsnl--ensured 100% compliance to AF standards
- Hand selected by Flt leadership as Asst PTL; prepared 50+ prsnl for annual PT test--94% of flt prsnl fit to fight
- Coined by SFS/CC & SFM for superior post briefing/dress & appearance--established std for peers to emulate
- Developed flt based PT program; ensured 12 flt pers maintained fitness readiness--embedded warrior ethos
- AT/MWD SME; selected to augment AFGSC/IG f/ CUI 2 BW; selected inspections #1 augmenter/coined by IG
- SFG OPSEC Monitor; 0 write-ups during SAV--lauded by Wing program mgr/program Id'd ABW benchmark
- Postured S5 flight for MAJCOM UCI/intense review of 1.8K checklist items & programs--rated "Excellent"
- Addressed concerns on 4 USAFE AFI Supplement reviews and UCI checklists->40 items ID'd/program guru
- Localized Unit Compliance Inspection checklists for four separate areas-benchmark for squadron leadership
- Closed 24.8% of AW's UCI write-ups; lauded by all ldrshp levels for meticioulous attention to detail; diligent
- Tracked all SAV team MWD write-ups until closed out; zero during UCI--"Excellent" unit UCI rating; promote
- SF incident commander for wing level/AFIMS scenario; displayed exceptional C2; all training objectives met
- Fire Tm Mbr for Feb 08 MOBEX; honed warfighting skills and AW's readiness--prepared for upcoming ORI
- SF CC's #1 MSgt! Selected to lead unit as SF EOC rep and C-2 forces for five MOBEXs and the 2009 ORI
- Selected to lead UCI preparation Tiger Team; enhanced unit readiness; Squadron garnered "Excellent" rating
- SFS UCI Tiger Team lead; directed inspection of 180 Ops & SF prsnl--efforts evident with "Excellent" rating
- Spearheaded trn'g/exercise 1st WS Hook Echo VIII; 40 Combat Weathermen trn'd/qual'd--ensured pgm success
- Developed escalated/de-escalated/Use of Force/dynamic scenarios--enhanced officer response in weak areas
- Helped establish cordon during 08 UCI EMX chemical spill exercise--earned "Excellent" unit rating; promote
- Helped establish cordon during EMX; critical to success of 08 UCI--unit earned "Excellent" rating; promote
- Technical expert! EET mbr--eval/provided feedback to improve/enhance actions during peace/wartime ops
- Stellar Sq EET rep; eval'd response for three 62 AW exercises--ID'd strengths/weaknesses; promote to MSgt!
- Meticulously executed C2 for 3 AW-level exercises; ID'd discrepancies/improved readiness--praised by EET
- Entry controller for UCI EMX; established cordon for mass casualty scenario--helped garner "Excellent" rating
- Established cordon during UCI EMX; directed response forces--"Excellent" rating for Wg; promote to TSgt
- Established Sq tracking database to meet ancillary requirements; reported as "Outstanding" by 08 UCI officials
- Executed traffic control duties for 08 UCI; maintained cordon integrity--"Excellent" rating for 62d Airlift Wing
- Exemplary squad leader for UCI/EMEX "Break The Base" scenario--squadron garnered an "Excellent" rating
- Performed aircraft security during 08 UCI; helped manage flight line EMX--"Excellent" unit/Wg rating earned!
- 62 SFS UCI Tiger Team Lead; directed inspection of 180 Ops & SF prsnl--efforts evident with "Exc" rating

Desk Sergeant
- Steps ups and delivers; outstanding 92% on Standardization Evaluation for the critical position of desk sergeant
- Achieved a overall score of 95% on initial Desk Sergeant QC--top 5% in sq; set example for peers to follow
- Identified wrong information given on security incident; raised to USAF; saved destroying all wing hard drives
- Superior Desk Sgt & outstanding NCO w/honorable work ethic--consistently unable to adapt to AF fitness stds
- Trained five peers for desk sergeant duties; certification critical to success of operational msn--100% pass rate
- Deployed to As Sayliyah in spt of OIF; revised Desk Sgt notification proceedures--enhanced AOR compliance
- Thoroughly processed 11 Driving suspensions/51 Exchange revocations; appropriate due process of offenders
- Led 5-man Raven team in security ops and force protection measures ISO USAFRICOM and HOA msn taskings
- Member of Raven team that ushered Mrs Biden into Dadboo Refugee Camp, Kenya--raised famine awareness
- He is the best Raven seen to date; driven, tactical; 500 combat flying hours!
- Assisted in creation of Raven staging area in Kuwait; developed plans/procedures--ensured operational stds
- Assisted in creation of Raven staging area in Kuwait; helped develop plans/procedures--secured acft/assets
- Assisted RAVEN section during Pre-Raven tryouts; prepared ten SF prsnl for rigorous crs--100% pass rate
- Assisted w/annual audit; accounted for $100K in RAVEN eqpmt/supplies--streamlined in processing/recovery
- Briefed AMC/Ft Lewis ldrshp on RAVEN pgm and Joint Basing; lauded for superb brief--coined by AMC/CC
- Completed AMC Phoenix RAVEN crs; graduated as RAVEN #1671--earned six hrs towards his CCAF in CJ
- Completed physically challenging PHOENIX RAVEN crs--obtained skills to protect acft at home and abroad
- Conducted Afld Survey of high profile afld in Iraq; helped AMC TWG create Raven Required Location policy
- Conducted RAVEN demo for local Boyscouts; briefed 20 children; fostered AF/community ties--promote now!
- Deployed for 60 days to Ali Al Salem AB; flew eight Raven msns in spt of OIF--safeguarded 2K+ USA troops
- Deployed to Udeid as RAVEN tm mbr; secured acft/11+ tons of cargo--critical re-supply items vital to GWOT
- Developed Phoenix RAVEN Pgm commercial for AFN--showcased capabilities to DoD svc mbrs worldwide
- Flew 36 Raven msns w/in CENTCOM AOR; delivered war-fighting assets to 15 countries--100% msn success
- Selected for RAVEN msn to Georgia; escorted 300+ Georgian troops from Iraq to Georgia--built int'l relations
- Team Leader for 5 RAVEN msns; escorted 100K+ lbs in eqpmt/supplies to South America--100% msn success
Security Manager/Clearances/Background Investigations
- Completed security manager trng; increased unit capability to process security clearances; prsnl ready for duty
- Focal point for OPM investigators; processed 1500 background investigations; maximized interagency support
- Issued over 300+ Restricted Area Badges and 50+ Geneva Conventions Cards; ensured mission preparedness
- Energized UK Host Agency Checks-completed 1,100+ security background submissions on foreign nationals
- Authority on Special Needs Passes; redefined requirements, approval rate ^ 86%; processing time down by 2/3
- USAFE Benchmark; >185 to 4 overdue Periodic Reinvestigations in past yr-ISPM to CC effort; awesome #'s
- Mng'd RAB pgm; created 208 badges; crucial to authorized access to critical areas & RPA msn--spt'd $2.2B in assets
- Helped conduct background checks on 75 govt contractors; maximized RP on McChord--secured prsnl/property
- Developed procedures for scheduling security interviews; increased productuion by 50%--maintained security
- Coor'd Yankee White clearances w/ Andrews AFB; processed 100 + --directly impacted Presidential Security
- Implemented new Security Information File (SIF) execution notification to CC's--ISPM oversite now clarified
- Reached new limits with Continuous Evaluation-SIF #'s went from 20 to >50; classified information protected
- Established the SIF Tracker-tracks SIF's cradle to grave-gives CC weekly visibility on cases and suspenses
Ceremony/Change of Command/Air Show
- Coord SF Facility Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; showcased "state of the art" SF facility to base ldrshp/community
- Air Boss liaison during Airshow 2010; coord w/venue setup/emergency response personnel; best Airshow ever!
- Provided "Usher and Greeter" duties for 435 ABW/CC change of command--US Air Force tradition upheld
- Dedicated base honor guard tm mbr; preformed 32 ceremonies/burials--highlighted/honored yesterdays heroes
- Positioned 207 barriers for July 4th festival; parking/crowd control areas created-safe event for >21K guests
- SF Airshow rep; helped plan all security rqmts for Air Expo 08--375K community mbrs enjoyed two day event
- Organized Air Show 08 arming needs; SF prep'd/rdy--377K+ prsnl secure during MAFBs largest show ever!
- Hand picked as guidon bearer for JTF 134 Change of Command; excellent ESFS rep--produced stellar event
- Hand picked to perform flag detail during retreat week; symbolic to end of duty day--honored military tradition
- Performed crowd control for Air Expo 2008; record setting 375K visitors enjoyed two day event--incident free
- Executed traffic control during McChord Air Expo 08; parked 100K+ cars/375K visitors--no critical incidents
- Airshow hero! Matched 2 lost childr to parents; revived heat strk victim; coord car tow, restored traffic flw
- Deployed to PATRIOT DEFENDER exercise; gained NCO skills to mentor & develop airman--poised to lead!
- Volunteered to deploy to Eskan Village, Saudi Arabia, in direct support of Operation Southern Watch
- Observant; conducted 500+ veh & 1300 personnel searches daily at IEPs--zero IEDs entered the base
- Accomplished pre-embarkation inspections and gauging for 3 deploying team's wpns; met wing requirements
- Deployed to Darfur in spt of UN peacekeeping msn; protected valuable cargo--deterred terror/criminal activity
- Deployed to Kandahar Airfield ISO OEF; provided security for 10K coalition prsnl/assets--thwarted terrorism
- Deployed to Kandahar in spt of OEF; performed base security duties--11K prsnl/$40B in PL assets protected
- Deployed to UAE in support of OIF; performed force protection duties--secured $12B in assets/1700K+ prsnl
- Revitalized dilapidated Armory w/ paint/flooring & preserved historic mural; saved $2,200 in repainting costs
- Helped remodel Armory for AMC/IG visit; entire facility painted and tiled--$3K+ savings to the AF; promote
- Volunteered 40+ hrs remodeling deployed kennel facility; built up K-9 obstacles & painted building--promote!
- Painted restrooms in SFS bldg/wrapped gifts for UAC--enhanced Sq appearance/raised $212 for Booster Club
SF Augmentee
- Hand selected to augment Security Forces--improved manning and security posture for the defense of Kingsley Field
- Processed 600 IDs daily; allowed only authorized personnel on base--prevented unauthorized entry onto installation
- Volunteered 20 hrs monthly as SF augmentee--rectified chronic security deficiency--allowed SF out of 12 hr ops
- Searched 30+ contractors/vendors daily--allowed no unauthorized items--ensured the safety of personnel, resources