
Public Health EPR Bullets

Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities

- Prevents/controls disease transmission through epidemiological investigation, patient interviews/health education
- Manages Wg food sanitation program; enforces guidelines for 63 base food/public facilities--safeguards 55K patrons
- Supports Medical Employee Health Pgm; updates records/confirms rqmts for 2K medics IAW CDC/AF guidelines
- Directs/manages the Entomology prgm; surveys/traps pests across 6K acres to prevent human disease transmission

- Manages Initial Flying Class (IFC) Pgrm; conducts pre-qualification reviews; coord's/monitors 1.4K exams/yr
- Manages MDG medical standards program; determines medical qualifications for mobility & world-wide duty
- Manages Wing Food Safety Prgm; inspects 26 Food and 15 Public Facilities; ensuring safety of 525K patrons

- Manages Communicable Disease Program; tracks trends, report/advises 81 TRW ldrs on infectious disease incidence
- Performs audiometric tests for 2K Hearing Conservation Pgm mbrs; enforces standards IAW health/safety directives
- Conducts facility inspections; enforces Tri-Svc Food Code/AFI 48-116/48-117 guidelines--safeguards 55K base pop
- Supports Medical Employee Health Pgm; updates records/confirms rqmts for 2K medics IAW CDC/AF guidelines

- Initial Flying Class (IFC) Physical Prgm Mgr; schedules/coordinates exam visits & applies medical standards
- Oversees Force Health Management newcomer review; ensures JBLE Amn IMR ready/worldwide qualified
- Integral mbr of Medical Standards Management Element (MSME); assists w/profiles and medical clearances
- Provides quality control; ensures standards met for medical waivers; physical exams sent to approval authority

- Manages base Food Safety programs; inspects $30M in food safety and security of 34 base food facilities
- Leads West Nile Virus Control prgm; surveys/traps pests on 29K acres to prevent human disease tramission
- Educates communicable diseases patients; tracks treatment/locates illness contacts/reduces spread of sickness
- Directs wg hazardous food/meds warning system; ensures prompt removal/initiates notification for 5K wg mbrs

- Manages MDG medical standards prgm; determines medical qualifications for mobility and worldwide duty
- Performs occupational health related audiograms; provides education and issues hearing protection devices
- Conducts medical intelligence briefings; ensures deploying personnel are aware of health threats in workplace
- Reviews base newcomers medical records and updates IMR database maintaining accurate compliance rates

- Manages Community Health; Communicable Diseases/Sexually Transmitted Infection/Tuberculosis (TB) Pgms
- Supervises AAFB Medical Food Inspection & Sanitation Program encompassing $28M worth of subsistence/yr
- Oversees Clinic Employee Health/Bloodborne Pathogen program; monitors employee immunization compliance
- Manages AAFB Profile Program; coordinates limitations & conducts quality checks of 140+ profiles per month

- Assists the Occupational Health (OH) Program mgr servicing 2,381 personnel/872 aircrew assigned to shops
- Investigates workplace-specific hazards and exposures for civilians/joint service active duty pregnant females
- Performs audiometric testing/provides education on hazardous noise/fit tests personnel for hearing protection
- Provides counseling/education to at-risk populations...investigates disease outbreaks to break chain of infection

- Assists w/ management ops of the Sexually Transmitted Infections, Tuberculosis (TB), and Blood Lead pgms
- Manages the Clinic Employee Health Program; ensures 520 employees are in compliance w/ OSHA standards
- Prevents/controls disease transmission through epidemiological investigation, patient interviews/hlth education
- Screens/updates Individual Medical Readiness requirements/data; verifies deployability of 6.7K AF members

- Screens Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) requirements; ensures deployability for 6.6K Air Force members
- Manages pre/post-deployment medical record clearances, database updates & medical consultation follow-ups
- Conducts medical intelligence briefings for deployers/travelers; provides immunization & medication guidance
- Serves as MDG/UDM/unit CC liaison for medical deployment issues supporting the AF's largest combat wing

- Screens Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) requirements; ensures deployability for inbound base personnel
- Manages med security clearances for Kadena; screens all med records for potentially disqualifying conditions
- Serves as MDG liaison for on-island AF/Army recruiters; coordinates enlistment physicals in six MDG flights
- Researches/briefs AOR medical risks and protective measures to Kadena deployers; ensures personnel health

- Coordinates initial flying class/operational support physicals...ensures all applicants 100% medically qualified
- Applies medical stds to physical profile serial reports for overseas/special duty/retraining/security clearances
- Directs/manages the completion of the post-deployment health reassessment (PDHRA) pgm for AEF deployers
- Conducts med clearances/briefings for 6.6K Amn, PACAF's largest PH flt/AF's largest OCONUS combat WG

- Conducts PIMR quality control reviews, initiates and schedules civilian pre-employment physicals/PHAs
- Reviews medical records for technical errors, distributes patient appointments to appropriate techs/doctors
- Conducts audiometric screening exams for OH patients; id's special exam requirements; coordinates w/PHA
- Initiates clearance/security/re-training paperwork, ensures proper tracking; follows timelines for completion

- Conducts audiometric screening exams for 1.3K OH patients; ID's special exam requirements; coord's w/PHA
- Reviews medical records for technical errors, distributes patient appointments to appropriate techs/physicians
- Initiates clearance/security/re-training paperwork, ensures proper tracking; follows timelines for completion
- Executes quality control and admin duty for preventive health assessment/individual medical readiness (PIMR)

- Manages Wg food safety/sanitation program; provides guidance and training for 40 base food/public facilities
- Conducts surveillance of communicable disease; compiles data daily for use in quarterly trend analysis reports
- Assists healthcare provider teams; advises on interpretation/application of medical standards for military duty
- Conducts pre/post deployment medical screening/processing; provides medical intelligence briefs for Airmen

- Conducts comprehensive PHA medical record reviews; tracks individual medical requirements f/ 5K AD/AGR mbrs

- Administers occupational health related audiograms; provides education & issues hearing protection devices

- Assists with daily quality assurance of AF Form 469 physical profiles, coord's/monitors 11K profiles yearly

- Conducts Deployment Health surveillance; reviews records, coord's lab tests/medications for 9.7K AD Airman

- Conducts medical intelligence briefings; ensures deploying personnel are aware of health threats in workplace

- Directs All Food/Drug Activities (ALFOODACT) Prgm; ensures prompt notification/removal for 24 facilities

- Executes daily Force Health Managment (FHM) duties; manages Deployment Medicine--supervises three Amn

- Monitors Epidemiology (Epi) surveillance; educates pts/notifies contacts/tracks tx; reduces spread of diseases

- Performs base newcomers medical records reviews/updates IMR database; ensures compliance rate accuracy

Performance Assessment

- '11 ACC PH NCOY & MDG NCO 2d Qtr Awd; key to Flt 2d Qtr '11 ABW tm Awd--promote ahead of peers

- Accomplished 4 hrs FEMA Public Hlth mods; expanded emerg mgmt perspective--refined shop visit expertise
- Aced Contingency Medicine/Foodborne Illness class; 75 class hrs/9 practicals hrs --elevated training skillset
- Acted as Medical Intelligence Officer; briefed 98 on country specific prevention menthods; enhanced readiness
- Administered critical oversight of '09 Gulf Coast Salute Air Show food safety; protected health of 65K patrons

- Administered med rqmts f/2.7K hospital staff; propelled AF's 2nd largest MEHP to 99.3%--exceeded AF std by 9.3%
- Aided FBI screening/19 psnl; investigated aircrew illnesses--boosted med intel/improved SOUTHCOM hlth risk coms
- Air Show food booth inspector; assessed safety/sanitation of 23 vendors/279 vols--zero foodborne illness/20K patrons
- AOR impact--led med deployment clearance prgm; four AEFs/5K Amn/56K rqmts--amazing 0.1% error rate

- Appointed HCP Mgr; conducted 2K audiograms/ID'd 77 STS/PTS/coord'd f/u care--exceeded AF std by 3.4%/93.4%
- Assist'd "Point of Distribution" activation; interview'd 43 DCP pts/saf'd 7.5K wkrs--laud'd "flawless" by WIT
- Assisted in USA Veterinary Cmd site visit; id'd sanitary problems...protected $5B in DoD food subsistence
- Assisted Wg FVA; advised 17 facilities/323 criteria/ID'd 6 vulnerabilities--safegraurded $19.1M assets/11K base prsnl

- Astounding ldrsp skills; devoted professional & performed with excellent results...bulls-eye on SSgt selection
- Attended Operational Entomology crse; obtained tertiary skill set for 7-lvl UGT--fulfilled rqrmts 5 mos ahead
- Audited 182 pt case files; ID'd 58 errors/bolstered comm disease prgm--process improvement sav'd $3K/referral costs
- Audited HCP; monitored 51 STS/PTS patients to resolution--mitigated VA #1 disability/$2.3M potential comp

- Augmented critically-manned sister flt; fit-tested 98 mbrs on M50 gas mask--Air Commandos mobility req met
- Augmented Mental Health Clinic; proctored 30 exams--guaranteed timely assessment/ensured DoD compliance
- Authored PHA no-show policy; 61% reduction noted--recouped MDG $9.2K in missed appts/98.7% PHA rate
- Awarded BS in Space Studies American Mil University; 3.6 GPA; enhanced ldrship skill; mentored peers, flt

- Bolstered flu prevention prgm; increased active duty/high risk compliance 99%--protected 17K beneficiaries

- Championed 83 criteria/rpts to QI; zero findings 9/11 elements--key to MDG's "Excellent" HSI/AAAHC rating
- Completed 100-hr/14 mod CDC trng/ attended week long DIS crse; Awd'd DIS Nat'l Cert--upgraded prev med skills
- Completed 3.8K audios/4K OH exams; educated mbrs on prevention controls; saved DoD $2M lost duty time
- Completed TRAVAX CME crs; gained area specific intel--expertly briefed mass PDF line on dplymnt hazrds

- Conducted 12 food facility evaluations; fixed critical items on the spot...safeguarded $35M in DoD subsistence
- Conducted 13 audiograms; aided 100% occupational health exam rate...led to '08 AETC/SG Best Clinic Awd
- Conducted 30 audiograms; provided education/tracked f/u for 4pts; guaranteed on-time exams--safeguarded pts
- Conducted disease surveillance; detected/analyzed 331 alerts; ruled-out biological threats/22K populace

- Conquer'd 6 sem hrs twds CCAF PH degree/4hr CDC online crse; boosted job skills--achiev'd 3.6 GPA/100%
- Conquered Epidemiology self-pace crse; scored 82% on EOC...completed 50% of 7-level UGT 10 mos early
- Coord'd 258 food inspections/3 flights during JSOH Air Show; safegarded health of 195K; zero FBIs reported
- Coord'd IFC physicals; cut process time 90 to 45 days--reduced errors 40%; AF received 55 med qual'd flyers

- Coordinat'd/brief'd 188 SFS mbrs on STI/Occ Hlth Hazzards--educat'd populace/prevent'd dz trans on KAFB
- Coordinated laborers base access w/ anti-terrorism flt; ensured unimpeded work of 27 contracts worth $9.6M
- Created deployment med ordering plan; provider workload cut 95%--equipped 5K+ deployers/Wg msn ready
- Critical oversight of '08 Gulf Coast Salute food safety; performed 26 inspections...zero illnesses for 72K guests

- Deploy'd 4 PH experts to support OND/JTF Bravo; provid'd preventive med svcs; mitigated AOR disease risk
- Design'd official emblem/author'd significance memo f/new unit; est'd Sq legacy--heritage protect'd via AFHRA/TIOH
- Developed PrEP campaign; educated 3 SQs/12 PCMs/intiated use of prophylaxis--advocated f/high risk STI/HIV pop
- Directed 62 AD retraining packages; 2 mbrs med disqualified; 60 cleared to retrain; 0 delays; mbrs msn ready

- Directed completion of 3.2K PHAs; reviewed 22.4K med rqmts--raised wg rate 92-99%/blasted AF 80% std
- Directed IFC prgm/tracked 1.4K preliminary exams/cleared 57 to fly--superb force sustainer/100% quotas met
- Directed IMR/OH/MEH prgms; coordinated between 12 sqs/3 GSUs/1 tenant unit--all 3 prgms rated #1 in AF
- Directed largest AFCENT PH tm; vital PM support to 12K; bested DNBI rate avg by 24%--#1/14 in AFCENT

- Directed quality assurance of 1.6K AF 469's; id'd & rectified 125 errors...raised compliance from 60% to 91%
- Dominated largest AF Fetal Protection Program; tailored pregnancy profiles/id'd hazards; 392 fetuses protected
- Drove fetal protection prgm; conducted 40 interviews--educated mbrs/minimized impact of industrial hazards
- Drove flight Safety prgm; led 170 insps/taught 7 brfs/val'd safety checklists 58 item--prevented mishaps f/18 PH mbrs

- Drove new ORI screening; 17 med tm's/102 medics align'd--2K Amn cleared/cut mbr processing time 75%

- Educated MTF on Ebola response plan; linked MOU w/Eglin/FL EMS--postured HF f/immediate containment
- Enforced 633 ABW Receipt Insp Prgm; monitored $75.1M sustenance--ID'd/condemned $42.8K unfit salvage
- Enhanced wg deployment process; medically cleared 359 OIF/OEF deployers...zero AFCENT reported errors
- Ensured OIF/OEF COCOM received CMR Amn; med cleared 635 personnel--zero USAFCENT discrepancies

- Escorted 600 personnel at Kirkuk AB; selected as Force Protection Outstanding Amn of the Month for Aug '08
- Execut'd SG direct'd Aerospace Med Transformation; stood-up 4E-MSME/PHA cells; SG vision met/on-time
- Executed 300+ audiograms; wg Occupational Health compliance rate 100%...20 months in a row...#2/80 in AF
- Executed base med clearance pgm; processed 601 reviews…id’d 16 retraining disparities…zero discrepancies

- Exemplifies Ldrship; named Gp NCO of the 3rd Qtr'10, MDG "Top Performer", key to 3x ORE award winner
- Expedited 18 USA forward deployer PHAs; coord immunizations/updat'd MEDPROS--coin'd by 3rd JCSE/CC
- Expedited 3 CENTCOM dplmnts; validated 98K med components--processed 2.3K mbrs readiness ensured rqmt met

- Flt Property Custodian spt'd 24 prsnl w/ $38.6K eqpmt--IDMT trainer for 12 techs w/ 40 hrs of PH trng per yr

- Governed Fetal Protection pgrm; enacted controls for 125/cut completion time 7 to 4 days--blasted AF std 27%
- Gp liaison to Wg Re-Integration prgm; eval'd 1K Amn/8K rqmt's/coor'd "one-stop shop"--100% f/u care rcv'd
- Groomed champions; mentored two ORE superior performers--key to Flt's receipt to 3rd Qtr '10 ABW tm awd

- Head'd wing church service Chapel Corps; provid'd religious servs f/ 40+Amn/families--cultur'd KAFB bond
- Headed GSU pandemic crisis; led 3 man tm/discover'd 4 hlth hazards/ed'd 11 Amn on CDC guidance--Laud'd by CC
- Honchoed new DoD PH/DH assessment pgrm revitalization/supported 13 GSUs--saved $85K/2.5K man-hours

- ID'd 2 pts w/infectious dz/investigated 8 pts f/FBI; assisted w/PH survey/guidance--prevented further illness
- ID'd 25 ESSENCE illness alerts; interview'd/educat'd 102 pts--prevent'd disease outbreak f/31K empanelment
- IDed 3 base food facility hygiene failures; re-educated all LN food workers; protected 5K base psnl from FBI
- IDMT educators; outlin'd 510 crit job skills; ensur'd 100% task proficiency; bridged knowledge across AFSCs

- Implemented new DoD dplymt health assessment; acted as beta-test base; provided critical info to write policy
- Improved AFSOC's largest IFC program; 234 physicals/85 waivers--reduced certification process by 126 days
- In-processed new wg mbrs; audited 958 med records...spotted/corrected 496 defects...assured fit to fight force
- Inprocessed 75 prsnl in Med Employee Health pgm; all received critical shots/lab rqmts; rate 97%/7%>AF std

- Insatiable drive to learn; earned food vulnerability assessor certificate...reduced terrorist threat to 5K wg mbrs
- Inspected 106 food/public facilities; rectified 35 critical discrepancies--protected $53M food supply/55K population
- Inspected 746 MRE cases; tested 76 specific samples; ensured 89K meals fit to eat/ready for deployed Airmen
- Instituted OH PI; revamp'd insp checklist/65 criteria/educ'd 200 work-center sups--rectified 2-8 mo MICT deficiencies

- Invaluable Amn; pivotal contributor to flt success...definitely ready to lead own element...promote immediately
- Investigated 20 suspect H1N1 flu cases; educated on prevention--deflected widespread outbreak in community
- Investigated/educated 104 patients w/STI; ensured med exams/treatment completed; minimized spread infection

- Key contributor to FW deployment line; processed 86 warriors for OIF/OEF...zero down-range discrepancies
- Key mbr in 07 food vulnerability survey; evaluated/reported exposures...improved wg anti-terrorism measures
- Key mbr of Ops Homecoming; med cleared 2.6K air commandos f/4 AORs--MTF lauded AFSOC Clinic OTY
- Key player f/PHA-PCM integration; revamped prgm model--rate catapulted to 12-mth high 98%/#1 in AFSOC

- Lauded by IG, "best reports seen in two yrs" Epi & PH Surveillance Element--"Outstanding" rating f/ '11 HSI
- Led largest AFCENT PH tm/10 prgms; created first PHA Cell in AOR--coin'd by AFCENT/SG for model pgm
- Led MEHP; verified 3.7K vaccines/lab rqmts f/315 medics/enhanc'd Trusted Care f/10K benes--reached 100%/^17.4%
- Led MSME team; validated 8.2K profiles, maintained 81% ready rate/beat AF std--"Excellent" rating '11 HSI

- Led msns after extraction of Army PM Det; investigated active TB/targeted foodborne illness; protected 18K+
- Led OH/3 man-team; executed 1.1K tri sv hearing exams/track'd 757 workers--#1 USAFE/#2 AF compliance rt f/4 mos
- Led wg food safety pgm for 30 facilities; protected $30M in subsistence...rated "Outstanding" during '08 HSI
- Lynchpin/two OREs; med cleared 1.3K/assessed 14K rqmt's--key to securing flt two WEET med cell tm Awds

- Magnificent PH technician! Immeasurable potential, will make outstanding AF leader...promote immediately!
- Manag'd 2.9K audiograms; ensured follow-up of 106 exams; 0.78% permanent shift rate; beat AF goal of <3%
- Manag'd Comm prgm; assist'd w/ inagural STI clinic/team'd w/Army & Navy--100% contact/slash'd dz spread
- Manag'd completion of 1.8K PHAs; fulfill'd 22K IMR/ID d 1.2K OH reqmnts--garner'd 99% compliance rate

- Managed 263 STI pts; traced 87 contacts/notified MSDH; facilitated proper treatment/f/u--decreased incidence rt 8%
- Managed pre & post-deployment clearances; cleared 900+ Keesler combatants; 100% AOR-ready/fit-to-fight
- Managed Tuberculosis detection Pgm; assisted provider with investigation/15 cases; ruled -out active disease
- Manned 4 deployment lines; cleared 120 members; all reqmts met/100% accuracy--guaranteed on-time departs

- Meticulous! Processed 108 Korea PCS clearances; disqual'd three Amn--zero PACAF prsnl medically returned
- Meticulously conducted six food facility evals; captured & corrected 11 critical discrepancies--protected 10K
- Mngd Food Sanitation Prgm; 41 facilities/237 insp, validated 1.2K FDA Food Code Rqmt’s--98.7% pass rate
- Mngd largest AOR food safety prgm; extend'd $502K products f/11.5K jt svs mbrs--379th EMDOS NCO OTM

- Monitored 189 sanitation inspections; trained 37 food service mbrs--guarded $26M food supply/31K patrons
- Monitored Fetal Protection prgm; recommned duty restriction f/45 mbrs--minimized industrial hazards impact f/fetus
- Motivated technician; dedicated to msn accomplishment...ready to lead an element...selection for SSgt on target

- Office supply custodian; diligently mngd $23K supply account...ensured smooth operation for 14 flight mbrs
- One-man Med Stds Mgmt Elmnt; process'd 305 AF Fm 469s/56 AF Fm 422s--incr'd svcs to 3K deployed prsnl
- Orchestrated 785 clearances/5.5K DH assessments; deploy'd 2 Fighter Sqs/1K Airmen--20 FW awarded MUA
- Orchestrated career day presentation; vol 5 hrs with 662 at-risk students--strengthened mil/community relation

- Org'd 18 visits to high risk industrial shops; trained 30 supervisors/100% concurrent--averted OSHA illness/injury f/1K
- Organiz'd first Keesler PH/MSDH meeting; coordinat'd w/15 civ clinics--plann'd future PH resp/campaigns/ex
- Organized 41 visits to high risk shops; trained 123 supvrs; 100% AF compliant/averted injury to 377 OH staff
- Organized annual food safety training class; trained 41 base food mgr--upheld sanitation std and averted illness

- Outstanding NCO; elevated readiness compliance 94 to 98.7%--base #1 rate in ACC-- definitely promote now!
- Overhaul'd Animal Bite prgm; review'd/amend'd 58 cases, ensur'd timely F/Us--streamlin'd 3 clinics processes
- Overhauled PHA pgms; "Outstanding" Expeditionary Med Ops rating; pivotal to overall Gp HSI "Outstanding"
- Oversaw 37 animal bite cases; harmonized base/local agency support; 100% on-time follow-up/eliminat'd Rabies risk

- Oversaw 40 IFC/commissioning physicals; streamlined pgm; cut processing time by 2 weeks; 100% w/in stds
- Oversaw disease non-battle injury stats of >700; isolated adverse trends; certified for SOUTHCOM resolution

- Performed 24 vendor evals during base Open House; educated 100 foodhandlers--safeguarded 900+ attendees
- Performed HSI self-assessment at Altus AFB; assisted, identified and corrected several critical discrepancies
- PH Power Outage team lead; inspected 21 facilities/salvaged $4.1k/condemned $1.5k of food--recognized by WG CC
- Piloted AFDW's largest deployment med pgm; screened/cleared 1K Amn/4 wgs; zero AOR PH discrepancies

- Piloted base Fetal Protection pgm; 26 workplace evals done/controls applied; zero fetal anomolies/moms safe
- Piloted digital discrepancy review; implemented 2 mnths ahead AFCENT policy--slashed 324 mn-hrs annually
- Pinpointed MilPDS duty status code glitches; reconciled 908 profiles/ID'd 89 errors--raised IMR 5% to 83%
- Processed 3.6K vaccinations/2015 Influenza campaign; key support/21 day rollout--drove 90% 81 TRW compliance

- Processed 30 PCS medical clearances; gaining units received 100% IMR ready personnel...zero discrepancies
- Provid'd 6 wks manning assist to Pentagon Flt Med clinic; manag'd PH ops; mentor'd 2 Amn; pgms insp ready
- Provid'd HG services for 3 AD funerals/trainer for base Brass Tm--support'd mission/coin'd by 81TRW/CCC
- Provided admin support/Immunization Clinic's flu shot line; 1.1K shots track'd--raised completion to 70%/1wk

- Ran VOP Prgm; reviewed/cleared 89 records for PCS & separation--ensured medical requirements 100% met
- Reintegrated 331 Commandos; captured 50 referrals...96.8% health assessment currency--#2/64 CONUS bases
- Responded to 12-hr basewide power outage; drove 14 food facility inspections--salvaged >$2M in wg assets
- Responded to base flood crisis; insp'd 11 AAFES/DeCA facilities--salvaged $5K assets/restored ops<72 hrs

- Revamp'd MEHP; review'd 600 due/overdue prnsl/3.6K med rqmts--drove 99% comp/surpass'd AF 95% std
- Revamped 3 OH pgms; 2K prnsl/92 shops/audited 50 case files/ID'd 25 errors--96% compliance/3/13 in ACC
- Reviewed 1.1K medical recs; verified 18.8K deployment rqmts--enabled IMR ready force/backed 6 COCOMs
- Reviewed 1.9K newcomer/DLC records; validated asgmt quals; wg 86% deployable--crushed AF std by 6%

- Reviewed 739 med records; verified 13K rqmts/disqual'd 8 Amn--enabled IMR ready force/saved AF $7.5K

- Screened 25 TB cases; coord'd doctor/lab visits/bridged 4 clinics--guaranteed 100% comp/protect'd 83K PAR
- Screened 80 TB cases; coord'd doctor's visits w/four clinics; protected patients from developing active disease
- Scrutinized 2K newcomer/DLC recs; validated 22K asgmnt quals--FW 85% deployable/crushed AF std by 5%
- Scrutizined 42K BMT medical records; disqualified 450/assured AF standards; saved $2.7M in training costs

- Seized ldrship during NCOIC absence; aided 431 clearances/20 med board results--increased production 17%
- Selected by AF Med Spt Agency Senior Ldrshp to rewrite PH CFETP Part I--promote to TSgt now!
- Selected by flt ldrship to stand-up MSME; streamlined process/trnd nine staff mbrs--cut patient wait time 12%
- Selected f/FEMA MRE insps; partnered w/Army/cleared 60K rations/valued $2.4B--vital spt f/nat'l disaster relief ops

- Sharp; ID'd three theater reporting instruction errors; provided ACC/SG with fix--changes made through DoD
- Sharpened MDG PT tng; formulated 25 fitness routines/67 mbrs/devoted 20 hrs mentoring--key to 98% Gp pass rate
- Sparkling HSI for 38 mbr flt/tm; zero worker protection/PH surveillance findings; IG lauded, "Best prgm seen"
- Spearheaded MEHP; validated 2K CDC criteria f/421 mbrs & safeguarded 13K pts--99% compliance/#1 ACC

- Spearheaded ORI med clearance tm; secured Wg/Force Health "Excellent" rating--ACC IG "Superior" tm Awd
- Spt’d ‘11 Air Power over Hampton Food Safety Prgm; performed 21 evals--protected health of 165K patrons
- Spt'd IMR drive; notified overdue pts--catapulted IMR rate to 85.5%/5 yr high/on target w/MDG strategic goal
- Sptd IMR rodeo; boost'd Wg fit/rdy force/2 day 12hr ops/ID'd 215 overdue mbrs--enhanced msn readiness capes by 3%

- Steered SQ IMR rqmts; coor'd appts/notified 115 mbrs/reported compliance to CC; #1 in GP/4% abv AF stnd
- Steered wg IMR program; monitored 4.5K mbr's readiness status...bolstered IMR rate to 88.8%...#1 in AETC
- Stellar JBA pgms; 1.4K pers OH exam pgm at 99%--#2/80 AFBs; amazing 2K pers MEHP at 100%--#1 in AF
- Strengthened Fetal Protection prgm; enacted controls/completed 195 evals--improved profile completion 73%

- Superior pgm mgt; BBP expposure processes lauded by AAAHC, "best ever seen"; vital to MDG accreditation
- Superior PHA manager; fundamental to ACC Team Aerospace & ACC Clinic OTY awd--promote immediately
- Supervised 79 overseas clearances; referred 4 to PCM for follow-up; found 2 PCS ineligible; saved AF $25K
- Suppli'd SQ UDM; coord'd mobility rqmts/115 pers; inspect'd 1.4K PRF items; rais'd compliance 67% to 95%

- Support'd DHCE visit; provided occupational education f/2K/16 trng hrs/fit 713 PPE--incr'd safety/20K event attendees
- Support'd JTF CapMed mobile vaccination tm; AFDW AFCITA SME; updat'd 252 AF pers; 8K flu shots given
- Support'd med response f/Libya; clear'd 633 deployers <24 hrs--generat'd 52 combat aircrews/$1.48B aircraft

- Team Mbr in Wg Pandemic Flu exercise; processed 994 mbrs/1.5 hrs--team prepped for potential flu pandemic
- Team player; conducted 83 audiograms...assisted in 100% occupational health compliance rate...best in the AF
- Teamed w/local health department; inspected 33 LAFB '10 AirFest booths; guaranteed 9K visitors food safety
- Timely completion of 212 upgrade tng core tasks; completed all requirements...attained vital wartime readiness

- Tracked 31 ALFOODACT/ID’d FDA recall on LAFB, notified DoD--avg closure < 31 hrs/57% above AF avg
- Tracked reqs/2.1K MDG employees; captured 200 due/overdue personnel--drove compliance 89% to 98% < 90 days
- Trained 12 MDG teams on proper profiling; enforced new policies/directives--reduced profiling errors 35%
- Trained 9 3-lvl techs/5 7-lvl IDMTs; guided 31 core tasks/hands-on food safety tng/recalls--bolstered PH knowledge

- Trnd 10 medics '11 Flu Venues webIMR data input; 9.7K beneficiary data entries--88.3% Wg compliancy rate

- Validated 447 profiles/Id'd 216 discrepancies; re-educated 21 med tms--increased CC profile availability 50%
- Vital mbr for three deployex; provided med spt during '08 ORI..."Best in AETC in the last 10 yrs"...19 AF/CC

- Wg medical std's advisor for 9.7K AD; reviewed 11K profiles/fixed 1.5K errors--ID'd 900 disqualified mbrs

Star Line

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