
Aerospace Medical Service
EPR Bullets

See also: Aerospace Medical Service Awards

Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities

- Coord's xx hr paraprofessional nursing care for xx in-pt beds/xx K admits/post-ops annually/spt's xx specialty clinics
- Fortifies high-reliability healthcare for xx Wings/xx MAJCOMs/xx associate units/xx K AD/xx K diverse beneficiaries
- Mng's/plans/implements & evaluates care for xxK beneficiaries; initiates process improvement projects/spt's changes

- Supervises patient care, performing nursing tasks including medical treatment, diagnostic, and therapeutic services
- Performs and assists physicians and nurses with selected treatments; observe, reports and records the results
- Assists providers and nurses with various clinical procedures including: basic are, vital signs, and dressings
- Performs medical field care in times of disaster, including basic life support and triage in emergency situations

- Ensures medical/admin/AFMRA spt f/clinic patrons; affords care ISO 341MW/DoD's largest msl complex/7K yearly
- Performs paraprofessional exams f/PHAs & Initial Flying Class physicals; supports grounding & waiver mgmt prgms
- Prepares patients for examinations and treatments; operates & maintains flight's diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
- Assists providers with minor surgical procedures, physical exams, preventative health services, orders labs/radiology

- Assists provider with minor surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; procures/transports lab specimens
- Monitors & records physiological measurement during physical exams process ensuring mission ready personnel
- Obtains/records temperature, blood pressure, height, weight, pertinent medical history; updates AF Form 2766
- Supports element providers in managing 33K appointments for 12K military/DOD beneficiaries earning $4.8M

- Directs 24/7 ops unit/emerg resp protocols; guides 22 staff on C2 functions, MCC activation/notification matrix
- Employs Sq CC's prgms; assists Sq supt w/effective strategic mgmt; validates AFMOA/TJC goals & initiatives
- Leads 2 elmts/34 prsnl; oversees outpt/urgent care clinics, $415K budget/$643K eqpmt ISO 11K beneficiaries
- Provides mentorship to 18 enl; guides prsnl on career progression/dvlpmnt, promotes ePME/educational goals

- Assists 2 providers and 1 nurse with minor procedures; provides acute and follow-up care for 3.5K students
- Maintains Basic Life Support and National Registered Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) certifications
- Performs medical treatments, diagnostic and theraputic measures, intravenous access and electrocardiograms
- Ensures optimized patient flow, validates appointments, obtains vital signs, and chaperones all physical exams

- 8 FS SME & IDMT responsible for the medical care and readiness of 24 assigned personnel and their families
- Responds to NASA shuttle mission emergencies and Wg in-flight/Physiologocal Training Center emergencies
- Completes DoD required exams; Initial Flying Class I/II/III and Federal Aviation Administration certifications
- Provides medical/readiness support to four squadrons/150 personnel at one geographically separated location

- Conducts observation/treatment planning on xx bed Medical Surgical Unit (MSU); treated xx patients annually
- Supports the combat capabilities of the xx FW, xx ARW, xx SOG and the xxx CSW--xxK beneficiaries
- Works closely w/ charge nurse; monitors/reports on three bed Specialty Care Unit (SCU); annual census of xx
- Provides initial screening of pre-operative patients; obtains medical history--ensures preparation for surgery

- Directs activities for 9 technicians; implements/monitors training; provides care to 1.3K flyers/family members
- Plans/directs/coordinates maintenance for 2.7K sq ft clinic; manages $28K budget/$46K equipment accounts
- Serves as enlisted mentor/patient advocate; assesses staffing needs/coordinates personnel for special taskings
- Maintains Nat'l Registry of Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification/48 hours continuing education

Performance Assessment

- "Go To" preceptor; trn'd 7 jt svc medics/certif'd 60 OJT tasks; slashed manning deficit 10%/eased staffing constraints
- 1/8 Immunization back-up techs in Gp; scored 91% on exam--boosted Wg ready rate to 98.9%/#2/9 in PACAF

- Aced medical terminology course; applied new skill set in deployed location--61 credit hrs towards PA Prgm
- Active patient advocate; coordinated total care including daily wound care x6wks...member recovery a success
- Actively engaged sponsorship of incoming personnel; made advanced reservations--assuaged PCS anxieties
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support trained; expanded value to SME flight surgeon...Sq crewmembers assured safe

- AEROVAC’d pt w/in 2 hrs of traumatic injury; transported to higher echelon of care--coined by USAFE CCM
- Aided in 4 FW reintegration; collected post-deployment blood samples--supported processing 650 warfighters
- Aided in coordination of school/sport physicals; provided 480 exams; saved $48K referrals/access up by 35%
- Aided XX SW '11 flu prgm; 6K AD/civ pers vaccinated--secured readiness posture/wg compliance rate at 98%

- Alt Flt Quality Assurance Prgm manager; led 6 civilians/conducted assessments; $900K contract/zero breaches
- Alt Manpower Team Chief during MDG exercise; executed messages from MCC--id'd 4 needed improvements
- Answered the call; stood up 107th vaccine clinic; vol'd f/Operation Inoculation 2K+ SM s/civs vaccinat'd/fit to fight
- Assist'd Gp Practice Mgr w/data; made biweekly reports of clinic encounters f/4 providers/4K pts--aid'd in access to care

- Assisted w/ '12 flu prgm; 5K shots given; 12 sqs compliant 2 mos ahead of schedule--wg rate 99%/#4 in AETC
- Assisted w/care of 2.1K pts/52 surgeries; generated 1.9K eRVUs worth $215K--exceeded business plan 114%
- Astute; completed eight college credits with "B" average towards application for Physician Assistant's program
- Augmented 325th MDG WOMC during manning shortfall; cared f/41 patients-- recovered $124K in outsourcing capital

- Augmented Immunization clinic/5 mos/manning shortage; gave 11K vaccines--saved MDG $40K in outsourcing
- Augmented Labor and Delivery Flight during high acuity shift; obtained vital signs--lauded by charge nurse
- Augmented Peds during critical manning; orientated in 1 day/maintained high ops--180 pts/zero care disruption
- Authored monthly newsletter x5; publish'd biographies of new arrivals/upcoming events; showcased unit ops/83 prsnl

- Awarded CCAF degree in Applied Health Sciences; increased professional toolbox--bolstered performance

- Basic Life Support training site faculty instructor; taught CPR to 50 highschool students--enhanced knowledge
- Bolstered processing of 50 IFC's; guided completion of 11 physicals--increased flight medicine output 22%
- Briefed teen volunteers on unit operations; assisted with hands-on training--shaped possible future AF medics

- Cared for 5 SCU/175 MSU patients; saved $936K--important to USAFE/AF SG's Best Hospital of Year 2009
- CLEP'd Principles of Management; passed test--obtained 63/89 credits towards CCAF Allied Health Sciences
- Committed to sense of duty, an impressive performer who demonstrates high quality leadership and professionalism
- Completed 200+ PHAs to sustain deployable force--lauded by 48 FW/CC for rating number one in MAJCOM

- Conducted 4N tng; edu'd/cert'd 30 staff on nebulizer/orthopedic pin care/9 UGT tasks--ensured 100% msn rdy
- Conducted seven infection control inspections; ID'd/corrected 17 infractions--zero workplace hazards reported
- Conquer'd Sq Prof Dev crse; mastered XX modules/XX hrs--honed supervisory skills/earned NCO Prof Edu cert
- Coor'd review of 2,637 med recs for wg ORE/ORI; ID'd/corrected all discrepancies on spot-wg mbrs msn rdy

- Coordinated TRW CoC medical coverage; covered 8 practices/200 mbrs/treated 10 casualties-0 duty time lost
- Coordinated w/729 ACS for vol pt's MDG exercise; procured 5 moulage pt's--imperative to exercise success
- Covered admin duties/4A manning shortage; executed t-cons/booked appts/referrals--upheld 97% clinic access
- Created BOMC promo campaign f/ staff/patient-orientation; footprint for AF restructure of pt care; 1.4K personnel

- Created master trng plan for five techs; 1K+ inspectable items--personnel 100% in electronic records database
- Created/monitored monthly schedule for 4N0/CNA staff; dispensed workload efficiently; unit ops uninterrupted
- Cub Scout Den leader; led 8 mbrs/planned wkly activities/70 hrs; developed conscientious/responsible citizens

- Deployed ** EFS IDMT; managed care for 300 troops/$10K in resources...250 personnel treated in 4 months
- Deployed as sole health/welfare IDMT for 52 combat ready troops--built medical exam room/procured equip
- Designated as key personnel by AFRC Medical Enlisted Development Team; on track to become a top enlisted leader
- Developed extensive 4hr joint trng pgrm; educated 60 EFP on SABC skills--bolstered community relations/FP

- Developed PRP record audit plan/agenda; 1.2K scrubbed/5K+ documents reviewed--Excellent rating on NSI
- Diligently audited 88 flyers' med records; 28 discrepancies corrected...100% compliance with HSI guidelines
- Directed calibration of 8 cardiac output monitors; maintained 36 cardiac post op procedures; fortified pt safety
- Dominat'd UGT; complet'd 22 task/obtain'd 94% EOC exam--achieved qualification 8 months early/lauded by Sq CC

- Earned 9 credits towards PA commissioning program; honed skills required for program--maintained 4.0 GPA
- Elect'd as BOMC cadre; trn'd & certified 13 stdnts/delivered 20 hrs instruction; 100% pass rate, 90% class avg
- Element pt advocate; resolved 10 complaints at lowest level; Flt awarded $205K incentive money from SG/AF
- Empathetic; swapped schedule without second thought--allowed grieving co-worker to go on Emergency Leave

- Encouraged interactive participation; actively engaged in AE missions; improved hands-on training statistics in unit
- Enhanc'd ARMS training; acted as live patient model f/3x AE trg msn-- contribut'd to completion >200 clinical tasks
- Enriched PCMH ops; executed 22 throat exams/9 suture removals/31 injections--recaptured $XXK in services
- Enrolled in 5-level upgrade training; finished first set CDC's within alotted time--67/165 tasks certified/10 mth

- Established IT inventory/control procedures ensuring accountability of acct valued at $###K;
- Evaluated members for EMT refresher; assessed trauma/KED/traction splinting-- upheld NREMT standards
- Excelled at high-tempo pace; set goals/time-lines for supporting fellow leaders--gets job done on time every time
- Expertly managed 2 in-flight kits/23 equipment assets worth 2.4M; 100% essential war readiness training maintained

- Facilitated issuance of AWIS headsets to 50 unit members valued at 75K; improved aircrew communication/training
- Filled front desk manning gap f/3 days; exec'd pt check-in/out steps/ed'd new staff on duties--sustained clnc access
- Filled Trainee Vaccination Ctr shortfall; inoculat'd 3 BMT flts/450 shots--enabl'd IMR rdy force/325 Amn 100% qual'd
- Filled void in nurses' absence; pediatric procedure/treatment expert--taught techniques & mentored junior techs

- Finished Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills/Combat Skills Training--AOR mission ready
- First on scene for multiple casualty accident; assessed/stabilized three pts; packaged for life flight--lives saved
- First responder to MVA; assessed/treated/stabilized pt; secured scene/expedited transport--actions saved life
- First responder; stabilized flyer after chute failed to open--measures prevented long term disabilities/life saved

- First to attend team aerospace operational solutions course; 40+ hrs--implemented 3 major pgm improvements
- Flight Peer Review Monitor; reviewed 650 encounters--confirmed proper medical documentation/8K patients
- Flt MC x12/filled NCO role; led 7 man-tm/xfer'd 3.2K jt-svc mbrs/spt'd 4 COCOMs--sustained DoD 99% pt survival
- Fortified base cardiac response; exec'd spot insps & exs/brf''d bystander interventions--perfected emerg plans w/5 facs

- Fostered 1st K-46 arcft trans; prep'd time sensitive planning/trans 42 pts--val'd PoC as viable intertheater AE platform
- Fully engag'd in 5-level upgrade training; certified 100% OJT tasks/10 mo; complet'd 4N0 CDC; acheiv'd 5 lvl

- Gp POC for College externship prgm; coordinated preceptors for 20; developed clinical assets for community

- High caliber SNCO; revamped WG SAPR Program--lauded by 10 AF as outstanding & coined this as new standard
- Highly dependable wingman; multi-faceted professional/leader/trainer--invaluable Air Force & squadron resource
- Highly effective & competent; she is by far in the "top five" of AECMs; give her the hard jobs & she'll get them done
- Highly engaged Amn! Selected for Sq Morale Cmte Secretary/AF Ball DV escort/med spt for Wg/5 AF CoC
- Highly motivated SSgt...exemplifies standards, constantly exceeds goals, consistently improves...TSgt material

- ID’d patient w/malaria-like s/s; performed blood test/admin'd meds until PCM’s arrival--pt recovered & RTD
- ID'd 3 pts w/respiratory/orthostatic anomalies; performed emer protocols--allayed potential cardiovascular risk
- Id'd pt in critical distress episode; alerted nurse/administered emergency treatment; averted disastrous outcom
- Id'd pt safety situation; triaged patient w/potential life threatening symptoms--lauded by MDG patient safety rep

- Identified life threatening cardiac condition; skill/quick actions ensured patient definitive treatment...life saved!
- Immunization Back-up Technician certified; manned shot line for total of 25 hrs--ensured deployer's inoculated
- Immunized 1100 patients six mo; mbrs protected/ready to deploy...0 discrepancies identified during processing
- Indoc'd WG CC/63 SQ CC/UDMs in AF's new Post-Pregnancy Mobility/PT Test stds; 47 Ldrship versed on new guidelines

- Infection control monitor; maintained clinic with nat'l standards following CDC guidelines; 99% compliance
- Instructed 9 high school students on self-aid/buddy care; town mayor/teachers lauded, "best presentation ever"
- Integral to insp prep; cleaned/rvw'd 18 rms/zero infection control findings--aided Gp's "Excellent" HSI rating
- Integrated AudioNotes telephone system into clinic ops; expedited 1.4K pt lab/med results--saved 233 man-hrs

- Integrated flu clinic in ER fast track; provided care coordination/minimized ER utilization--saved DoD $270K
- Interim Flt Chief x 1 week; managed 25 personnel/196 pt visits/4 providers--maintained seamless clinic ops
- Involved; Assisted jt srv CCATT exercise/secured and transported equipment worth $993K--ensured 100% readiness

- Keen medical skills; identified pt w/ suicidal thoughts; notified physician; facilitated transfer to Mental Health
- Key member of primary care team; 8.5K beneficiaries; access goals maintained during 25% reduced staffing
- Key player '12 Flu campaign; vaccinated 2.8K pers/97% compliant--beat goal by 52 days/Yokota #3/92 bases
- Key to Flt prep; reviewed 48 AFTR records; aided in 2011 HSI "Outstanding"/highest hospital rating in 5 yrs

- Leader NSI Superior Performance Team; guided staff through 1st inspection--flawless planning/event execution
- Led clinical tng; edu'd/25 technicians on wart CSSP/injection placement/--fortified pt safety/peer rvw up 40%
- Led COVID ops; mng'd 47 msns/trans 300+ infectious pts--mitigated exposure to 54K base pop in spt of 4 COCOMs
- Led gp for breast cancer fundraiser; 7-mbr tm processed 400 donors--raised $110K toward state rsch/preventative svs

- Led MDG yoga classes; 8 sessions/1 hr/15 personnel--promoted deep breathing/mindfulness/relaxation techniques
- Led team in execution of 11K visits; 96% access; flt won PACAF Outstanding Pt Centered Med Home Awd
- Led workcenter orientation; trn'd 3 clinic staff on equip/clinic procedures--increased tech availability by 50%

- Managed DNIF/RTFS prgm; 869 flyers grounded; 843 returned to fly > 30 days; 97% fly rate--crit to 200K flying hrs
- Managed FHC sterile supply prgm; trn'd 18/insp'd 250 items/corrected 5 errors--JC ID'd sect for best practice
- Managed mission ready status for AECMs; critical in achieving >90% mission ready status for 2 consecutive periods
- Med liaison for 347 OEF/AG HAISR U-2 msns; performed 36 pre-flight exams--direct spt for 2K+ sortie hours

- Mentored 7 army medics; 100% "Soldiers Development" crs pass rate--efforts cultivated jr ldrs f/ NCO roles
- Mentored other team mbrs; learned responsibilities quickly and shared information with peers; better team dynamic
- Meticulous attention to detail; maintained 23 subordinates NREMT/BLS certifications--ensured 100% mission ready
- Mng'd care f/1.2K beneficiaries; charted 250 pt encounters/36 tele-med appts--generated Gp $13K worth in revenues

- Most sought after EMT instructor; taught 6 refresher blocks; skills station evaluator--100% first-time pass rate
- Motivated Amn; finished CDC set 2 wks early/scored 90% EOC exam--coined by MDG/CC/earned 1-day pass

- Onscene IC suicide incident; guided 20 mbr tm/resusitative effort--FW/CC coined/maint'd organ viability for donation
- Operates immunization services of >1.5 WG mbrs, screens/educates patients IAW Ctr for Disease Control guidelines
- Orchestrated manning assist for 42% staffed lab; implemented tech rotation--prevented degradation in service
- Oriented Airman in record time; provided job knowledge/expertise--prevented curtailment of clinic services

- Outstanding clinical ability; aided 77+ joint svc PDHA/eval ensur'd SM health/incr wg IMR stats/100% msn success
- Outstanding medic; received Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification--skills typically garnered by officers
- Overhauled unit IC trng; rewrote slides/info; praised by Gp ICM/benchmark program adopted by another MTF
- Oversaw ASIMS for 4 GPs/16 SQs; resulted in the 92.8% WG IMR rate; #1 in AETC, #1 in state-side MAJCOMS

- Overseas Clearance monitor; reviewed medical records & booked physicals--cleared 140 for PCS/deployment

- Peds Alt Infection Control monitor; executed 25 evals/15 prsnl--0 pt infections/eclipsed Nat'l Pt Safety Goals
- PEPP Mgr; tracked/performed 50 initial flying class/enlistment exams; made trng binder; trng met for 3 AFSCs
- Performs medical counseling/record review for Preventive Health Assessments (PHA) and deploying members
- Personally assisted peers on individual training needs; effort resulted in 25% overall increase for unit training stats

- Pivotal lead medic f/three mass casualty exercises; triaged 97 patients--vital f/MDG "Excellent" '12 ORI rating
- Postured medical coverage for 4K flying hrs; called to 48 in-flight emergencies--survival link for 484 aircrew
- Precepted 9 tri-svc medics; validated understanding of 4 procedures & 15 tasks--expanded war skills aptitude
- Preventative health authority; performed 100 pre-deployment PHA/OH exams in <1mo...7 EFS ready to deploy

- Primary tech f/3 mbr tm; managed 886 pt empanelment/ schedule/ templates/AMRO msn--key to Meritorious Unit awd
- Processed 436 deployers; facilitated pt appts/expedited rx's/cleared in DMC--critical to on-time departures
- Provided 20 medical scenarios to test medic/provider capabilities and response--vital to realistic base-wide LRE
- Provided Flt Med in-service; demonstrated how to process deployers in DMC--ensured AOR msn readiness

- Provided oversight of Aircrew Training MICT checklists; supported 439 AW Highly Effective 2015 Capstone rating
- Provided spt to 1.5K Operational & Mx prsnl; screened/treated 300+ patients on site--ensured AOR readiness

- QC'd 150 medical records--identified/avoided 5% errors--improved quality assurance for documentation of pt care

- Readied team's rapid response gear; inspected/maintained $30K in life-saving items; malfunctions non-existent
- Recogniz'd system error, pt book'd f/2 appts same day w/ two providers--elim'd billing error/ensur'd pt needs met
- Recognized for potential; worked to maintain communication lines with supervisor; improved USAF core protocols
- Reduced Wing PIMR delinquencies; conducted 200+ medical record reviews--key to 97% base readiness rate

- Registered 380 pts in MiCare prgm; reduced appts/t-con demand; Flt led MDG w/ 24% empanelment enrolled
- Rendered emergency care for vehicle collision--rapid assessment/intervention led to positive patient outcome
- Responded to real-world anaphylaxis during exercise as SF medic; correct interventions prevented Airman's death
- Responsible for tracking 15+ students in AET upgrade trng improving unit msn readiness; 100% readiness attained

- Revised unit Injury Log prgm; trained 38 pers/ensured 100% reporting--3rd party collections recovered $343K

- SABC coordinator! Authored IFAK/hemmorage control refresher trng--heightened emergency preparededness
- Safety PM; performed section resiliency trng/10 members--trng reqs 100%/protected AF's most valuable asset
- Section NCOIC; led 13 mbrs/dvlp'd schedules f/4 PCM tms/guides daily ops--delivered 2K appts/$750K medical svcs
- Served as sqdn SABC instructor; briefed/trained 60 pilots--built combat ready wingmen/mbrs 100% proficient

- SME; launched AFMS-directed Base Operational Medicine Clinic (BOMC); on target for "Patient-First" concept
- Sole jr enlisted ACLS certified; completed 16 hrs tng/8 CEU's/grasped 20 skills/8 algorithms--incr'd EMS capes 20%
- Spearheaded 4N Phase II prgm; oriented/trn'd 26 stdnts/certified 68 tasks; 100% trng obj met/all awd'd apprentice lvl
- Spt'd US Embassy Friendship Festival; ID'd seven pts in distress & initiated emer care--lauded by Ambassador

- Sptd Wg flu campaign; led 4 venues/2.5K vaccines--3 Wgs/HQ USAFE rdy rate 94%/beat DoD std in 5 wks
- Standardized walk-in clinic; streamlin'd 5 CSSP prcs/trn'd 4 prsnl/dvlp'd schedule f/2 sections--decr'd UC visits 80%
- Steered baby basics crse; educated first-time parents in newborn care/car seat install; prepped 38 families f/new roles
- Steered MDG PRAP pgm; qual'd 9 Wg CMAs/ID'd hi-vis deficit/re-trn'd 55 MDG prsnl--protected Wg's $1.1B assets

- Strong sound technician with leadership skills; future Non-Commissioned Officer masterpiece--promote now!
- Superior ability to adapt; interim 4N Element leader during absence AFTR Record; maintained skill lvl compliance
- Supported logistics squadron as tractor trailer driver; moved $500K+ redeployment equipment--fixed shortfall
- Supported short notice deployment; reviewed medical records--Airman readied to leave within 24 hour period

- Surpassed 7-lvl UGT milestones; certified 100% OJT tasks/4 mnths early--earned 96% EOC/raised standard for peers

- Taught Intravenous therapy to 108 4N's; shared clinical knowledge--recertified fellow medics on wartime tasks
- Team deployment resiliency leader; reviewed 262 records/seen in DoD timeline; 96% compliant/#1 in PACAF
- Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety briefer; taught Communication concepts
- Tracked all joint svc not in training status; reported to MTLs--ensured 100% accountability of 3.5K students
- Trained 40 HCP on profile process; provided 10 hours of instruction; decreased documentation errors by 10%

- Unbounded potential; AE expert; stands above her peers in leadership & critical thinking skills; a vital AF asset
- Unit AF Safety Rep; generated AF safety prgm; updated safety policies/assured full compliance for 20 AF mbrs
- Unit crash cart monitor; attentive to detail notice--zero discrepancies found during Health and Safety Inspection
- Unit Safety Rep; conducted monthly briefings/boosted staff awareness; safeguarded 83 prsnl/zero on/off duty mishaps
- Updated scheduling process; created Outlook calendar for Airmen Clinic personnel--decreased discrepancies

- Versatile skillset; assisted w/standup/ops of TARC/PNT COVID testing prgm/schedul'd 42 prsnl optimiz'd NGB abilities
- Visionary NCO; id'd obsolete protocols/revamped 8 operating instructions improv'd MDG IBT prgm efficiency 95%
- Vital player in 484 Preventive Health Assessments; ID'd/cleared flyers mission capable--160 deployment rdy
- Vol'd 24 hrs/med spt for '12 base open house; treated 251/178K attendees/largest ever--fortified int'l relations

- Vol'd for MDG Health Fair '12; completed set up/tear down--facilitated education awareness for 95+ attendees
- Volunteered for DDR Wing Program x 2; observed 20 AD members/7 civilians--endorsed drug free Air Force

Star Line

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