
Surgical Service EPR Bullets

See also: AFSC 4N1X1 Surgical Service Awards

Duty Description

- Performs duties as sterile scrub technician & non-sterile nurse circulator for 14 specialties supporting 355 physicians
- Pulls OR case setups, transports pts/specimens; provides support to 100 clinics/wards throughout 425-bed med center
- Provides operative care in DoD's sole lvl-1 trauma center; supports 21K surgical encounters/240K JBSA beneficiaries


- Aided infection control prgm; audited 8 sterilizers/validated 292 biological tests--critical to <1% surg site infection rt
- Assist'd TOSA harvest case; procur'd/preserv'd 7 viable organs f/transplant--prolonged life expectancy of 7 recipients
- Assisted with the medevac of 120 patients to role III care--ensured continuity of care and survival

- Broadened skills/Sq capability; pursued nursing degree/surgery certification; awarded 3.3 GPA & national credentials

- Cared for 250 trauma and outpatient local nationals and coalition forces--amplified local medical assets
- Conduct'd surgical technique training; 4 classes/26 3lvl techs/8 nurses--vital core task completion f/CDC 5lvl upgrade
- Conducted quarterly SPD inventory; relocated $20K worth of instrumention--slashed manpower/prep time by 102 hrs
- Coord'd dept insp w/AF consultant; demo'd 32 processes/rectified 6 findings/27 mbrs--attained dept validation/JC rdy

- Deployed to Balad AB w/surgical team--cared for 125 casualties, performed 100 surgeries--saved dozens of lives
- Dept social committee mbr; coord'd venues/organized activities f/60 tm building events--bolstered morale f/320 mbrs
- Dev'd mnthly utilization report rvw; incorporated AFMS chgs to OR metrics--recaptured 5% resource hrs/briefed CC
- Developed 4N1 tng program; briefed 14 medics/eval'd surgery tasks--sustained Joint Commission/CMRP compliance
- Dir'd dept ops; led 22 Amn/mng'd $1.7M in equip assets/sterilized 3.5K items--spt'd 11 clinic msns/svc t/27K enrollees
- Dvlp d future enl ldrs; captured 4 promotees/2 CCAF degree grads/5 qtrly & 2 annual MAJCOM Amn/NCO awd wins

- Elim'd 7-year SPD ref gap; ID'd/revamped 11 outdated IFUs & doc'd continuity f/CPI--sec'd 1.8K surgl assets/0 pt harm!
- Established a mobile field surgical facility, orchestrated 80 Aeromedical Evacuations, transported 90 patients
- Established sterile fields and sutured wounds for 22 emergency room patients--zero complications, quick recovery
- Executed over 200 flawless pre-operative interviews--ensured appropriate/optimal medication and care

- Flt IC monitor; tracked/reported immediate use sterilization trends--facilitated hosp rates to 2.5% below nat'l average

- Identified unstable cardiac patient prior to surgical procedure--averted complications and tragedy
- Implemented the exchange of latex supplies for silicone--made facility latex free and increased standard care
- Interim SPD NCOIC/2 wks; oversaw 6 AD/civ/secured $150K in resources--aided 18 clinic msns/315 surgical cases

- Led 39 EoC insps; examined 14 eyewash stations/28 ORs/initiat'd 5 maint requests--safeguarded 320 prsnl/OSHA std
- Led emerg plan; tm'd w/Navy Med Ctr/dir'd 3 transport tms/18 convoys--averted ops shut down/125 surg's performed
- Led infection control prgm; audited 8 sterilizers/validated 550 biological tests--critical to <1% surg site infection rate
- Led Nat'l Surgical Tech wk event; org'd 5 stations/enl 8 participants--bolstered comradeship/event enjoyed by 50 psnl
- Led patient safety prgm; monitored assessments/strategies f/patients; ensured 100% National Patient Safety Goal met

- Managed 32 obstetric deliveries with individualized patient care--facilitated anxiety-free births

- Ops NCOIC/22 days; supv'd 13 AD/civ techs/coord'd daily sched f/8 OR's--executed successful completion/330 cases
- OR night manager 8 rm lvl 2 trauma center; scrubbed 24 emerg cases; safegaurded $38M resources f/154 bed facility
- Org'd annual MDG/SPD tng; briefed 90 medics/eval'd 175 tasks--sustained TJC compliance/RSVs 100% re-certified

- Performed 100 surgeries and managed 1,000 outpatient visits--generated $500,000 in revenue
- Performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on pulseless child--patient stabilized, transported to role III care
- Prescreened 200 Soldiers during 6 blood drives, two under indirect fire--increased supply/optimized patient care
- Provided optimal pain control for 44 severely injured troops--eased their anxiety of extensive wound care
- Provided top care during 11 mass casualities, 80 hours of surgical care and ICU recovery--force multiplier

- Rapidly mobilized the operating room, blood bank, and ICU--saved the life of deployed hemorrhaging patient
- Rendered 214 hrs on-call; scrubbed 12 urgent/emer procedures; afforded 24/7 lifesaving care f/AD/Vets/dependents
- Researched/coord'd $223K laser upgrade; decr'd pt re-admit/stay by 2 days--reinforced Trusted Care/HRO CONOPS

- Scrubbed 80 surgl procedures; safegaurded asepsis/225hrs/15 specialty svs/spt 28 ORs--powered $153M production
- Stewarded $2M eqpmt acct/1K items; team'd w/4 depts/15 prsnl--guided SPD renovation plan/4 ERAA packets/$850K
- Support'd Operation Red Eagle; established field surgical facility, orchestrated 4 emerg surgeries; commended by CC
- Supported and assured flow to 5 simultaneous operating rooms--boosted service and unit efficiency by 50%

- Taught 12 new mothers breastfeeding skills--built confidence, encouraged optimal nutritional starts for newborns
- Train'd 39 jt-svc technicians; taught field mgmt/demo'd instrument set-up/trauma protocols--increas'd FMC staff 10%
- Trained 14 Phase II students; led 6 preceptors/val'd 55 tasks/672 OJT hrs--ensured 100% on-time grad/skill lvl awds

- Vital member of the Air Force's first Forward Surgical Team--provided life-saving care 200 miles forward

- Weekend shift lead; mng'd 7 jt svc techs/sync'd staff/assembled supplies f/325 procedures--enabled 24-hr OPTEMPO

Star Line

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