See also: Air Force Dental Assistant Awards
Duty Description
- Oversees daily ops of records/reception element; verifies eligibility for care; maintains/files charts for 2K pts
- Dental Radiology NCOIC; calibrates digital software on 12 x-ray units--ensures 100% diagnostic radiographs
Performance Assessment
- 59 DG promotion ceremony emcee; recognized 4 amn/narrated f/60 mbrs--exemplified AF traditions/standard
- Aced 2/3 Nat'l Dental Assistant bd exams; earned 24 CEUs--poised f/final test/cert attained by 12% in AFDS
- Aced DANB exam; completed 10 sem hrs f/CCAF/Dental School pre-req's--awarded CDA cert/held 3.2 GPA
- Aced Nat'l dental lab certification exam; awd'd coveted NBC "Recognized Graduate"--1/8 AFSC wide/1st AF history
- Aced National dental lab certification exam; awarded coveted NBC "Recognized Graduate"--1 of only 8 AFSC wide
- Achieved 15 sem hrs; fulfilled 4 Science/Math crs's f/Dental Hygiene pgm--awd'd CCAF/Deans list 3.9 GPA
- Alt stone rm monitor; assisted overseeing 1.1K procedures/398 casts constructed--instrumental to 99% flt insertion rt
- Assisted 2 dentists w/ 1K pts/1.8K procedures/$180K; contributed to Sq $5.4M in care--13.4% > FY13 goal
- Assisted 28 OMFS tx tms; enabled 7K surgical procedures/trauma cases--tm delivered $1.1M pt centered care
- Assisted 5 dentists w/1.9K proc's/933 pt visits; generated $155K in care--instrumental to Lg Dental Clnc OTY
- Asst'd 11 dentists; mng'd sched for 33K pts/158K procedures/$10.5M in care--vital to AFSOC's Med Dent Clin OTY x3
- Assisted provider w/ xxx dental procedures/generated $xxxK--contrib'd to Wg xx.x% readiness rate; ## in AMC
- Asst'd local city health dept w/dental outreach prgm; treated 176 poverty stricken pts--provided $63K in care
- Attended 7 prof development crs's; completed 12 CE hrs/bolstered career competency--sustained national cert
- Audit/repair tm mbr; proc'd 18K dental charts; verified 100% accuracy--ensured classification 7K warfighters
- Audited 100 dental records monthly; verified Class I & II rates--DS outshined AF dental readiness goal by 3%
- Audited DRC-2 roster; ID'd/appointed treatment f/238 prsnl--wg 82.2% DRC-1 rate/17% >AF std/YAB best/#1 in cmd
- Aug'd manpower/security tm; devoted 1K hrs screening/directing traffic--protected 305 staff/14K per month
- Augmented DIPC during renovations; provided transport f/237K kits/2 clinics--upheld ops/zero delay in pt tx
- Augmented EMEDS crs; led 6 hr trng sessions/10 mbrs/set-up field eqpmt--provid'd AF w/msn rdy med techs
- Augmented preventive dentistry during staffing shortages; treated 66 patients, 194 procedures valued at $8.3K
- Augmented Support Flt; screened due/delinquent list/scheduled 41 AFDRAP exams--contributed to 99.1% wg rdy rate
- Captured 11.6K x-ray images; bolstered tx capes f/22 providers/6 depts--drove 10.3K pt visits/$6.6M annl productivity
- Co-facilitat'd postgrad crs; asst'd 6 TDY dentists w/certifications--reduc'd reliance on civ care at home stations
- Commanded $135K yrly budget/$1M eqpt account; awd'd $97K UFRs--Gp earned USAFE SG Best Clinic OTY '15
- Community minded; led 13 personnel/brief'd substance abuse awareness--promoted healthy living to 140 civs
- Completed 9 credit/24 ADAA CE hrs & aced CLEP--improved career skills proficiency/CCAF graduation Spring '18
- Completed AF Oral Hygiene crs/aced clinical trng; earned 4 hrs/118 CEUs--coined/praised by #13 CMSgt AF
- Completed treatment on 725 patients valued at $130K in care--key to wing's 99.5% dental Class 1 and 2 rates
- Conducted 76 IV sedations; 304 procedures/4 day access to care--80% ahead of AF std/$2.4M care provided
- Coord'd Defenders MWD emer surgery; team re-implanted/stabilized K-9's tooth--full recovery/mitigated $30K loss
- Coord'd specialty care; rendered 444 tx proc's/390 lab cases f/186 pts--expedited svcs w/zero delays/produced $113K
- Created 59th MDW recognition bd; developed 4 designs/displayed 21 mbrs--promoted Wg qtrly awd winners
- Designed 9-wk IAAFA language crs; instr'd English curriculum/250 mbrs/18 countries--boost'd nat'l/foreign relations
- Dev'd customized workouts; coached/trn'd 3 struggling tm mbrs--boosted mbrs' FA score by 15%/13% above Gp avg
- Dev'd mnthly flt trng; taught 6 mbrs 1-hr AF Hygiene CE/new pgm reqs--align'd flt w/insp agency/MDW stds
- Devoted off duty time; volunteered 45 hrs as team lead for CF and CPS--bolstered AF image with local comm
- Dir'd clinic ops f/9K AD pts; led 18 staff/12K svs/$918K in prod--drove rdy rt to 98.6%/beat AF tgt despite 25% ATC
- Directed Nat'l Children's Dental Hlth Mo; synced sched w/3 orgs--educated 358 children on oral hygiene techniques
- Directed radiology trng; taught positioning techniques & tips/800 images--36 core tasks complet'd/3 Amn awd'd 5-lvl
- Directed yrly eqpmt inventory; located/id'd flt allocations/300 items--ensured accuracy/acct'd f/$1.2M eqpmt
- Dominated flt's customer surveys; garnered 97.3% pt satisfaction--efforts contributed to top 10% ranking in AF
- Enhanced flt UGT prgm; trained 5 mbrs/15 skills/cert'd 75 tasks--increased FMC manpower efficiency by 25%
- Excelled in ortho trng rotation; complet'd 13 tasks in 50% of time--only 3 out of 17 Amn sel'd/incr'd flt capes by 20%
- Excelled in UGT; tackled 41 of 62 core tasks/5 CDCs/scored 85% on EOC--on-track f/5-lvl 2 mos ahead of schedule
- Exec'd AFDRAP PI; est'd new sched prcs/averted $52K lost prod/415K hrs--decrs'd no-show rt 5.8% to 0.9%, 2-yr best
- Execut'd AFDRAP msn; provided $3K in treatment--support'd gp's $5.6M production/98% pt satisfaction rate
- Executed MICT assessments; validated 25 items/id'd safety pgm shortfall--implemented corrective action plan
- Executed operative care/5.2K patients; performed/assisted 12K procedures--upheld 97.6% dent rdy 2.7% >AF goal
- Facilitated Children's Miracle Network 24-hr event; accounted $1K assets/250 participants--yielded $38K f/med care
- Facilitated oral hygiene outreach program; prepared/organized supplies--educated 4 local schools/900 students
- Filled Flt Chf x1 mth; oversaw 3 elements/7 sects/24 prsnl/60 pgms--ldrshp key to FY '19 AETC Small Clinic OTY!
- Filled manning shortfall; processed 276 trainees/captured digital panographs--sustained 37 TRW $320M msn
- Flight logistics custodian; mng'd clinic supply levels/tracked $550K eqpmt/ID'd 4 gaps--magnified TJC stats/msn ops
- Flt record audit tm mbr; 500 files inspected/updat'd deployment rdy class/fixed 60 errors--5 wgs 99% rdy rate
- Fortified clinic capes; facilitat'd 1.4K procedures/treated 494--key to 99% rated prsnl rdy rt/4% above AFMS standard
- Front Desk SME; lead trainer/mng'd 44 provider sched's/4K appts/resolved comm issue--led to 98% rdy rt/3% >AF gl
- FTAC liaison; briefed tobacco cessation f/25 Amn--early education led to <10% JBSA rate/6% below AF avg
- Hand-selected f/59 DG CC/CCC msn brief; coord'd w/21 mbrs/demo'd flt msn capabilities--coined by gp CC
- Id'd 116 non-deployable mbrs; prioritized care/coord'd schedules f/5 teams--achv'd 98% msn rdy across 5 wgs
- ID'd PI op; revamped prosthetics lab section/audited 8 pgms/cut inefficiencies--recouped $4K in material costs
- Infection Control rep; inspected 31 DTRs/validated 26-item checklist/fixed 84 errors--secured 100% pass rate
- Instruct'd 14 OS techs proper impression pouring; enabl'd accurate dental replication--vital to 52 implant guides fab'd
- Interim IPPD Team Chief; led 22 pers/inventories equipment worth $79K--decon fully operational in <12 mins
- JBSA Op Jr Expeditionary POC/12-mbrs; org'd deploy line experience/250 kids--elevated dep mil knowledge
- Jt svc team mbr f/DENTRETE NH msn--deliver'd $138K tx f/271 low income pts--bolstered US/DR relations
- Key mbr DAC holiday party; assisted set-up/tear down/crafted decorations--enabled gp camaraderie event f/471 mbrs
- Key presenter during Sq/CC call; reinforced Dress & Appearance stds/briefed CLEP process--educated 54 staff mbrs
- Lead flt PTL; designed individual fitness plans/10 mbrs; guid'd teammates to success--drove 95% Sq pass rate
- Lead tech in AF's lgst AEGD-2 residency; delivered 63 clinical trng hrs/comp care--key to 100% grad success
- Leader! Master of Ceremony f/Dental Group promotion & Holiday party POC--impacted 465 prsnl/successful events
- Led 24 UGT amn; dev'd OMS trng pln/revised 144 clinic rotations/sav'd 2.4K man-hrs--inc'd trnd staff by 45%
- Led annual sports-guard drive; coord'd 6 vols/8 hrs/crafted 30 impressions--saved mbrs/families $6K in civilian costs
- Led BMT Cl 3 pgm; tx'd 55 f/DLC conditions/enabled 99% PCS rdy rate--saved AF $XXXK in holdover costs
- Led Children's Dental Health Mo/7-mbr tm; demo'd OHI/distributed dental care kits--educated 670 JBSA kids
- Led flt IC prgm; conducted 42 DTR inspections/ID'd/corrected 21 discrepancies--safeguarded tx f/24.1K pts/21 staff
- Led gp CFC event; collected registrations/donations/briefed f/3 sqs--$5K raised benfited 3K+ charitable orgs
- Led Gp sportsguard clinic; coord'd 21 vols/mng'd appts/directed workflow--provided $6K in injury prevention equip
- Led infection ctrl pgm; conducted 192 insps/32.2K items/64 bio-tests--id'd 1K non-compliant defects/insp rdy
- Led Oral Surgeon SAV team; coordinated 53 patients with 6-mbr team--boosted clinic productivity by $113K
- Manag'd dept IC prgm; oversaw inspections/8 DTR's/100% compliance--guarante'd pt safety/1.2K encounters
- Managed $1.5K linen exchange prgm; directed stock levels/distribution for 52 mbrs/100 lab coats--mitigated IC risks
- Managed $12K emerg crash cart eqpt; trained 13 mbrs/secured critical care items--Flt garnered Gp Tm 1Q '16
- Managed clinic record reviews; inspected 1K records/corrected 300 discrepancies--reduced error rate by 3%
- Managed clinical performance; tm generated $1.2M in care/6.7K patients/16K procedures--garnered Sq Tm OTY '15
- Managed flight pers records; accomplished 132 record reviews monthly--zero DNIF mishaps/ready rate 100%
- Manpower tm mbr; provided med spt for MASCAL exer/JBSA '17 airshow--strengthened emerg capes/250K visitors
- Maximized schedule for 6 providers/techs; decreased access to care by 13 days--shattered AF 21 day standard
- Meticulous; perform'd daily check on medical equipment/supplies--confirmed 100% emergency ready response
- Mission partner; task manager for virtual outprocessing implementation; streamlined process for departing pers
- Mng'd annual dental records audit; led 10 teams/tracked 5.3K charts/archived 119 charts--recovered 99.4% AD charts
- Mngd flight radiology prgm; calibrated eqpmt/updated $141K software--max'd tx f/60K pts/clnc 100% AF compliant
- Mx'd $500K specialty eqpmt; coord'd trng f/3 sqs/residencies--enhanced care/advanced tech trng worth $30K
- NCDHM ambassador; demonstrat'd proper OH techniques/nutrition--contribut'd to education of 1.5K children
- NCDHM outreach tm mbr; distributed toothbrush kits/4 locations/edu'd 513 youth--facilitated life long healthy habits
- NCT/8 mbrs; taught/directed drills f/3 retirements/DG inaugural CDO--flawless execution/coined by Wg & Gp CCs
- Org'd AFs lrgst Perio Residency sched; oversaw 12 mbrs/created yrly templates--overcame 15% staff shortage
- Org'd gp fundraiser/Dental Activity Cmte; led 20 mbr tm/$804 total/170 orders--raised 10% f/gp holiday party
- Oversaw high caries prgm; trk'd/sched'd 74 mbrs--86% enrollment/ >36% AF std...Flt awd'd Sq Tm OTY '15
- Oversaw PI f/Jt-svc IMR prgm; estab'd ADDP remote referral line--max'd manning capes/incr'd crit ATC 65% f/9K pts
- Partner'd w/SA elem school; demo'd OHI/distributed home care kits f/4 class's--educat'd 30 special needs kids
- Performed 1.2K lab procedures; fabricated 82 removable appliances/$27K value--contributed 98% readiness rt/5 wgs
- Performed 500+ prophylaxis appointments; contributed to dental class 1 rate of 79%--eclipsed AF goal > 14%
- Performed 573 prev dent procedures; facilitated 500 pts/$8K--helped WG 99% Class 1/2 rate/ 4% above std
- Performed 91 oral preventive procedures; max'd flt production/yield $9.6K in care--awd'd sq Amn 2nd Qtr '16
- Piloted AFTR audit; scrubbed 15 records/corrected 31 admin discrepancies--sq compliance jumped from 92% to 96%
- Piloted flt safety pgm; created digital reference site/briefed 29 mbrs--set UEI std/Wg earned "Effective" rating
- Piloted flt tissue pgm; instr'd techs/implemented $137K f/bone tracking database--aced wg insp/zero findings
- Piloted PI; implemented new referral form/prevented unintended PHI disclosure--nominated Gp "Trusted Care Hero"
- Piloted Zoll AED trng; org'd 7 sessions/trnd 125 prsnl on new guidance--enhanced emerg response/30K pt encounters
- Prepped flight for TJC insp; brief'd 55 mbrs on anes storage/pt safety--led to 0 dental findings/awd'd SrA BTZ
- Primary Perio technician; enabled 57 surg's/12 implant placements worth $222K--decreas'd Wg DRC-3 rt 1% to 0.6%
- Process'd 1.4K BMT's; captured $146K in diagnostic imaging/initiat'd records--sustain'd 37 TRW $320M msn
- Provided flexible short-notice prophylaxis support; 16 pts/$1.9K value--contributed 97.1% wing readiness rate
- Radiology NCOIC; briefed 42 DS mbrs annually/resolved 120 MIPACS issues--100% compliant with OSHA
- Radiology SME; goto Amn f/3D imaging/creat'd trng binder--ensur'd accurate placement 1K surgical implants
- Safety Coach/RIE mbr; revamped pt safety guidelines--influenced AFMS lvl processes/coined x2 by DG/CC
- Safety pgm mngr; coord'd trng/tackl'd Form 55 rev/update f/60 mbrs--acv'd 100% compliance/postured f/TJC success
- Select'd f/AFSA Prof Amns Conf; attended ldrship forums/gain'd HHQ perspective--brief'd flt on strategic vsn
- Skilled in customer service; managed schedules/47 providers--16/21 day access to care/76.1% above AF goal
- Skillful tech; performed 716 procedures valued at $120K--efforts elevated class 2 rate by 4.4%/#11/75 bases
- Sole hygiene tech/7 mos; treated 2.1K pts/provided $89K in care--led to 99.5% Wg rdy rt/beat AF goal by 5%
- Sole Perio Therapist; executed 211 procedures f/88 patients/recouped $16K referral costs--key to cutting no-go rt to 3%
- Spearheaded increased production initiative; scrubbed roster/filled broken & canceled appts--appt availability up 16%
- Spt'd COVID-19 vaccine line; rev'd screening docs/dir'd pt flow--key to 99.2% wg vaccination rt/#1 in cmd/#2 AF
- Sq PTL; piloted workout sessions for 56 prsnl/5 mock tests--unit's "Excellent" rose from 42% to 50%, 98% pass rate
- Strengthened annual flt trng day; JSTG/HAZMAT/Occupational Safety review f/33 prsnl--safeguarded pts/clinical ops
- Supply mngr; eval'd stock levels/procured $45K in supplies/equip/12 techs--availability reduced tx interruptions 15%
- Supported 14 providers; treated 8.7K pts/$2.4M in care--key to dental 98% IMR/5 wgs/exceeded AF goal 3%
- Tackl'd 24 ADAA credit hrs; enhanced pt centered focus/HRO tenents--exceeded annual AFSC goal by 12 hrs
- Tackled 2 classes towards BAAS/6 semester hrs/3.0 GPA sustained--awarded Dental Assisting CCAF degree
- Targeted PD; complet'd 6 hrs twds ASHA/6 ADA CDE--mentor'd 7 peers on AFSC advances/deg completion in sight
- TASO monitor; troubleshot PC issues on 22 computers worth $150K--key in ensuring minimal record errors
- Taught 11 assistants preventive maintenance; oversaw $160K equipment account--ensured 100% accountability
- Top producing OPA! Deliver'd $36K in care/215 pts; lauded by name/12 pts & 24AF/CCC--vital to DG 98% sat rate
- Trained Red Cross Vol in dental assisting; expanded on chairside procedures/tasks--aided 29% staffing boost
- Tri-Svc Orthodontic Residency Prgm SME; briefed 4 CODA inspectors clnc proc's--vital to Gp rec'g '18 accreditation
- Trnd 7 mbrs/perio specialty procedure; provided 560 UGT hrs/--incrs'd msn capability 39%/cert'd 7 core tasks
- Wg SME; pioneer'd tissue tracking sys/scann'd $25K inventory/trn'd 47 mbrs--ID'd best practice f/beta test site