
Financial Management & Comptroller
EPR Bullets

See also: Financial Management Awards and Decorations

Duty Description

Computes, audits & scans military Permanent Change of Station vouchers. Assists walk in customers and responds to telephone and email inquiries related to travel/military pay issues. Provides customer svc/support to 18,500 active duty, guard, reserve, civilian, and retired psnl across 30 units.

Performance Assessment

- A proven performer who delivers rock solid results; provided outstanding customer service to 2,000 customers
- Aced E-7/Flt Chief role; fixed 10 obs/rtrn'd 107 hrs/yr--tm won: Levitow/Gp NCOQ/'20 PACAF/FM Special Acts awd
- Addt'l duty RA covered 4 mo LN absence; process'd 20 docs/cordinated lease to buy of two heavy equip--saved $98K
- Administered sep files; proc'd 198 vchrs/computed 47 pymts/pd $365K/0 rej--73 mbrs allowed seamless trans
- Administered separation files; proc d 203 vchrs & computed 376 pymts--paid $1.2M operated at NCO level
- Assembl'd monthly AIF/USACE report; 3-FYs/22 projects review'd--$915M validat'd for CENTCOM & OSD
- Assisted 1.5K customers; processed 2.3K trans w/avg 95% accuracy & timeliness rate-mbrs paid on time/every time
- Audited 1.1K dplymt/PCS milpay transactions; disbursed $385K w/95% accuracy--kept Amn focused on msn not pay
- Audited 1.9K trvl vchrs; maintain'd 97% accuracy rating during UEI--1st ACC base with highly effective rating
- Augmented travel tm as DTS AO; approved 22 vouchers worth $31K--reduced pymt delay 58%/ensured msn success
- Author'd travel voucher tracking pgm; imprv'd payment timeliness/prevent'd stagnant/lost claims--coin'd by FW CCC

- Base lead DTS admin; mgd 551 emails/travel inquiries--resolved 135 high-visibility obstacles w/no msn delay
- Bolstered e-commerce in AOR; processed $558K+ in vendor & $98K in SDP deposits w/ Eagle Cash system
- Briefed 100+ reservists on deployment entitlements; provided AOR spec trvl entitlement info; mbrs msn ready

- Captained Wg GTC pgm; cleared 259 overdue accts/destroyed 2% std w/0.12% delinquent rate--secured $24K rebate
- Cashiered 25+ food svs/medical/debt vchrs totaling >$17K in cash/checks--100% accountability maintained
- Catalyst f/excellence; led 8-man tm as NCOIC/mng'd $219M bdgt--tm won 3x sq Amn OTQ/lx Amn OTY/gp tm OTQ
- CC selected as AFRICOM Paying Agent; safeguarded $15K for C-17 landing fees--vital to Wg's global mobility msn
- Championed Wg GTC pgm; beat 2% AF delinquencies std/0.xx avg 3/3 mos--earn'd $xxK rebates f/QoL pgms
- Collected $700K+ in deposit vouchers; ensured prompt processing/quality assurance; zero discrepancies noted
- Compl'd CDFM crse/40 CPEs earned/enhanced gov't accting ops/augmented skills--trn'd Amn on top-level FM
- Completed FMSuite and Fiscal Law Trng; 3 professional education hrs--enhanced document processing skills

- Demonstrated strong ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems; resulting in collection of $146K in debts
- Developed pre-accrual travel process; dropped GTC del rate <2% for entire yr--earned $77K rebate for wing
- Developed sign-in comp sys efficiency; created e-sign doc/adopted by AFAFO--svd 1K vchrs/12 man-hrs/wk
- Direct oversight of 3-man Special Actions team--assisted Scott AFB mbrs w/ special mil/tvl pay & debt needs
- Directed $45.6M AEW msn budget; execut'd 16 ser'v contracts/11 BPAs/195 PRs--seamless F-35 beddown support'd
- Direct'd cmpltn 73 trvl vchrs on G00 report; aid'd 4.2% open order rate--met 5% ACC std...1st time in 6 mnths
- Directed CMS pgm; coord'd w/MPF, DFAS & AFPC/correct'd xxx cases w/in 5 days--smash'd metric 3/3 mos
- Directed disbursement of 10 Treasury checks; $300K+ accurately disbursed--zero findings in AFDW/A8 SAV
- Disbursed $100K+ emergency/advance payments & collected $15K+ in checks; 100% accountability achieved
- Distinguished Graduate (Top 10%) from NCO Academy; recognized for academic achievement (#1 of 76)
- Driven NCO and leader! Personally handled all the toughest FM requirements with ease; promote to TSgt now!

- Eagle eye! Oversaw on-time contract payments of $576K for "must pay" accounts; avoided all interest charges
- Eagle eye! Identified and corrected $4.7k reserve travel system payment errors; fixed with no affect to member
- Effectively handled all MilPay rejects promptly, avoiding delays and overpayments
- Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs
- Equipped humanitarian aid; load'd $3M to ECONS charge card--enabled 35K critical buys f/125K evacuees in transit
- Executed $76.8M Wg budget; received/organized $60K Fitness Equip UFR from AMC--improved QoL Cario/EAMS

- Fill'd SNCO function; prioritiz'd $100K National Space Admin alt fuels test funding--enabl'd DoD/NASA connection
- Filled NCO posn; led 2 WIT GTC Insp/ID'd 5 discreps--Wg on track w/100% compliance/awd'd CPTS AoQ 2nd Qtr
- Financing the Fight! Purchased $355k in Security Forces strategic battle gear for 1st deployment; combat ready!
- Flawlessly guided WSA through wing ORE with zero major discrepencies-contributed to wing Excellent rating
- Flt tng instructor for 13 mbrs; taught debt remissions/waiver process/GTC pgm mgmt class--enhanced team readiness
- FM Warrior; multi-tasked deployed FSO & Paying Agent duties; safeguarded $950K cash on hand/disbursed $823K

- Generated 340 debts/courts martial/Art15; collect'd $311K for AFRH/$115K+ govt pymts--reutilized AF funds

- ID'd KOFAX sys break; performed 2 TDYS to JBMDL/prevented msn failure--expedited 537 hi pri tvl pymts
- Id'd meal deduction processing error; corrected 1.4K Amn pay records--recovered $24K erroneous payments
- Initiated prompt casualty payments of $200K to greaving families; ensured honorable burial of fallen warriors
- Input 136 Sep/Ret payments totaling $491.5K; disburs'd w/ in 3 days of DOS--annihilat'd 10-day FSO standard
- Instrumental in the processing of over 75 bonus payments in excess of $500K; rendering customer satisfaction

- Keystone in days/dollars execution--managed 32,000 workdays and $24.7M; 100% accountability at year end

- Ldr amongst peers; trained flt w/entitlements & form prep--vital w/pgm continuity/flt postured w/future success
- Lead separation payment auditor; disbursed $31K w/in 24 hrs--eclipsed HHQ open separation metric 10 mos straight
- Led deployed entitlements RIE; streamlined input of 4K pay transactions--reduced payout time by 30 days f/2.1K pers
- Led dynamic 14-mbr flt; provided Amn w/ldrshp/guidance--2x CPTS mo Star Perf/1x AoQ f/Wg & AMC FM
- Led Heartlink/FTAC/Det 3 briefs; instr 6 crs/120 mbrs/explain'd LES/eFinance--left pos 1st impression of FM
- Led MXG DTS filing flow; processed 632 vchrs, $675K for returnees--restored >200 man-hrs to flightline ops
- Load'd $3M to ECONS charge card--enabled 35K critical buys f/125K evacuees in transit--equipped humanitarian aid

- Managed $861M bdgt; pvd'd fiscal oversight to 10 down trace units--ensured steady transition to Resolute Supt
- Managed 55 case files; assumed 25% addtl CPTS case wkload--100% closed <45 days...smashed 95% AF std
- Managed DTS CTA pgm; smashed AF goal w/0 records overdue--1/9 bases AF wide/pgm rank'd #1 w/in Command
- Managed transactions of $194K+; processed 60+ collection vouchers; erroneously disbursed funds reclaimed
- Managed Wg debt pgm; closed 208 cases/prep'd 4 remission pkgs--composed & collected $127.5K in payment plans
- Meticulously audited 100+ travel payments before submission to AFFSC; $75K+ pd to members w/in 20 days
- Meticulously certified 1.2K mil pay documents w/ 99% accuracy; ensured the 52 FW Amn are focused on msn
- Meticulously certified 327 separation/retirement payments; $2.4M/2.2 day avg-eased transition to civilian life
- Meticulously input 2.2K MilPay transactions w/98% accuracy; eclipsed AMC's 95% standard--member's win!
- Meticulously input 6.1K milpay trans; achiev'd 98.2% accuracy--eclips'd AF COLS 95% std/mbrs msn focus'd

- Orchestrat'd $1.6M EOY urgent project; enabl'd FSS to host live vets tribute b-ball game--attended by 3.1K mbrs/fam
- Orchestrated Civ Pay program; ensured new hires & changes were processed effectively for 200+ employees
- Orchestrated SAF-FM Quad 9 review; halted 2 yrs of invalid entitlements for 14 mbrs--returned $55K to AF
- Oversaw 120+ trvl pay claims; achieved 96% accuracy--facilitated ACC meeting 5% reject std...1st time ever!
- Oversaw disb ops; spt'd OAR w/2.4M QAR & $126K cash pmts/904K QAR spt f/9 msns--pivotal to POTUS dir'd evac
- Oversaw processing of 400+ payment & collection vouchers worth >$3.2M in Centralized Disbursing System

- Partner'd w/DFAS/MPF/HQ; clos'd 116 CMS cases w/in 4 day avg--solv'd complex pay issues/beat 5 day std
- Problem solver; created & consolidated continuity for RC manual processes--key to Nov '15 Team Accuracy of 99%
- Processed $298K+ in payment vouchrs w/ 100% accuracy & timeliness rate; members paid on time/every time
- Promotes best business practices; created and distributed detailed FM system guidance to 29 Resource Advisors
- Propelled $2.3M C-sUAS JUON dplymnt; led multi-player funding execution team--critical capability gap eliminat'd

- Recieved NCO 1/4 for USAFE; Mobility and readiness mission success being recognised at MAJCOM level!
- Reduced financial hardship on deployed members; ensured timely and correct posting of deployed entitlements
- Reinforced CMS pgm; coord'd w/MPF/DFAS/AFPC & solved 150 cases w/in 5 days--topped HHQ metric 12/12 mos
- Researched/purchased over $40k of vital tactical combat equipment providing increased combat effectiveness
- Resolved 240 aged invoices/72 contracts; prevent'd vendor payment delinquencies--direct spt to e-commerce in AOR
- Resolved 255 CMS cases; computed 48 pymts f/mbrs erroneously sep/$103K released--averted zero dollar paychecks
- Restructured FWG/FMB; implemented requirements list process--funded 46 msn asks/totaling $3M returned < $100K
- Revised PCS in-process; cross-fed to PACAF, reduced debts by 50%/svd 240 man hrs yrly--rdy f/F-35 Amn influx
- Revitalized interest penalty process; base interest >$100/M 4 mos straight--freed $ for Wg/CC EOY priorities

- Schooled 2 team mbrs on pymt entitlements/comps; ensured understanding--reduced tng interruptions for $
- Secured $11.3M f/crit FSRM proj's; executed 15 dorm/work ctr kt--improved QoL f/4.1K prsnl/extend lifecycle 8 yrs
- Serviced 2K+ customers in the NCR; members rcv'd 100% accurate, exceptional svc w/immediate turnaround
- Single-handedly completed all tasks in financial management flight with 2 vacancies; 27k workdays and $24M
- Skilled cashier; controlled 195 pymt vchrs >$383K--prepared 4 treasury chks at $8.2K w/100% accountability
- Skillfully interpreted military pay regulations to effectively research and resolve pay processing discrepancies
- Solved Case Mngmt Sys pay problems; forged bond w/FSS--fixed 63 cases/9-day avg--smashed 15-day AF std
- Special Actions lead; audited 165/$660K sep pymts/10% incr w/FM pgms--pd w/in 5 day avg/min trans stress
- Spt'd 6K customers; certified 2.6K docs/attained 95% accuracy--beat AFCOLs 93% std/awd'd Jan Sq Star Performer
- Staunchly researched/approved $195K of vital vehicle management requests--increased fleet mission readiness
- Steered GTC prgm; 653 accts; slashed delinqs 30% in 3 mths/eclipsed ACC 2% goal--Wg earned $36K rebate
- Superior debt mgmt pgm; resolv'd 120 aged cases/prepar'd 2 remission pkgs--devis'd pymt plan/recoup'd $70K
- Sustained Case Management System; forged bond w/FSS--fixed 33 cases/9-day avg--smashed AF 30-day goal

- Tackled 840+ CMS cases w/ MPF & base agencies to drastically reduce no. of stagnant cases >5 days to zero
- Team Player! Facilitated 750 customer svc inquiries; resolved 12 complex pay issues--earned 100% satisfaction rate
- Technical Master! Seamlessly assumed DDO responsibilities; balanced $500K to the penny--no msn stoppage

- Upgrad'd $1.2M GPC/TDY prgm; ID'd systemic bottlenecks--cut approval time 25% f/44 mbrs, sav'd 256 man-hrs/yr
- Ushered 2.9K entitlement starts/$8.7M; utilized 4 amn tm--obliterat'd MAJCOM std/input 100% w/in 5 days f/ CY16

Star Line

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