
AFSC 8F000
First Sergeant EPR Bullets

See also: Army First Sergeant Performance Report Statements


Provides the commander a mission-ready enlisted force to execute the unit mission. Must remain vigilant for, and move to resolve, issues that, left unchecked, would adversely impact the readiness of enlisted members. Prepares enlisted personnel of the organization to deploy in support of mission requirements. Exercises the necessary leadership to provide and sustain a mission-ready workforce for the commander.

Advises the commander on a wide range of topics including the health, esprit de corps, discipline, mentoring, well being, career progression, professional development, and recognition of all assigned enlisted members. Assists the commander in preparation and execution of unit training and information programs (e.g. commander's call). Attends staff meetings. Represents the commander at base meetings and councils, and when conducting tours through unit areas.


- Mentored new cmd tm; led sq thru ldrship turnover/DEOCS; ushered peak sq culture/morale--wg Tuskegee awd nom

- QB'd two Red Cross calls; coord'd travel f/2 mbr's/5 dependents amist COVID--expedited overseas return w/in 24 hrs

- Led AF EFMP summit selection; sourced 1 of 3 mil spouses/AFSPC--provided SME for prgm Tiger Tm/AF initiative
- Sourced free conveyance from regional transit auth; procured safe metro trans for mil deps--saved fams $660K yearly
- Led SoCal Retiree Expo; guided 19 mbr tm/allied retirees with federal/state org services--honorably served 600+ vets
- Hosted LAX Honor Flight prgm; charioted WWII/Korean War veterans to DC War Memorial--honored 23 US heroes
- Bob Hope USO emissary; secured 189 tixs/sports evts/red carpet premieres--demo'd selfless devotion to unit's morale
- Quickly responded to sister srvc FA/CPS case; assessed abuse/relocated family--expedited srvc mbr return from AOR
- Organized prominent golf gala; led 36 mbr jt service tm/wounded warrior org--secured $100K ISO local disabled vet
- Space force governor; managed 23 NJPs/UIFs/separations/courts-martial/Art 15s--enforced SOD for 5K service mbrs
- President LAAFB 1SG Council; mentored base prof orgs/CGOC/Top3/Rising 6/CLC--guided 3.1K future AF leaders
- Awarded DoD Mediation Certification; endorsed/trained to employ conflict resolution--skills utilized ISO SMC Amn
- Selected 1/250 AF wide for CCAF Profeciency Prgm; proofed Air University syllabus--validated CCAF accreditation
- Led base holiday relief effort; unified 20 local orgs/non-profits/raised $12K ISO 200+ fams--garnered LAAFB FSOY
- ID'd Assembly Bill 306 error; coor'd amendment thru state office--CA legislation adopted/185K DoD fams defended
- Authored/taught Enlisted 101 crs; educated civ/ofcr raters on force dev--drove accurate evals/mentoring for 256 Amn
- Restructured Key Spouse prgm; created 3 AORs for major metropolis coverage--produced instant supt for 1.1K fams
- Hosted South CA Honor Flight prgm; transported 56 WWII veterans to NCR ISO memorial visit--honored US heroes
- Advised 15 O-6/equiv Directors; guided prsnl actions/coord'd w/16 base agencies--drove best outcomes for Amn/AF
- Instructed FTAC/SNCO/NCO PES crs; provided SEL vision/mentorship/28 Amn--armed students w/career dev tools
- Secured 246 tix/8 major sports evts--orch'd LA Dodgers Hero/Game honoree--demo'd selfless devotion to unit morale
- SEL mentor to base Rising 6 prof org; mapped direction/steered prof dev for E6s & below--guided 189 future AF ldrs
- Organized prominent golf tourney; led 140 jt srvc tm ISO wounded vet non-profit org--raised $255K/community supt
- President First Sergeant's Council; led base holiday relief drive/unified 19 local orgs--raised $22.3K ISO 201 families
- Earned 2nd AA degree; completed 12 crdt hrs/BS Bus Admin/HR Mgmt--ldrshp acumen tried/med read best/AFSPC
- Interim SMC Supt; ID'd two obsolete duty positions/validated 8F mnpmr study req--confirmed UPMR for 97 AFSCs
- Led base Thanksgiving appreciation ceremony; procured 600 pies/100 turkey dinners/$7.7K--served 500+ SMC fams
- Introduced state Spouse Unemployment bill; proposed to CA Chairman of Veteran affairs--earned NAF-equiv FSOY

- Motivated! an example to Amn having PT difficulty; modeled fitness by running marathon, attempted 100-mile run

- Enforced standards; transported inmate to CONUS, exercised maturity/judgment; AF judicial system enforced

- Motivated! Provided tools to Amn having difficulty with PT; monitored progress--decreased fitness failures

First Sergeant Misc

- Provides the Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force to execute the mission in a professional timely manner
- Personifies diligence, consistency, loyalty, and professionalism, earning the respect of his peers and supervisors alike
- Unquestionable adherence to Air Force Core Values; Leads by example/holds subordinates to Air Force Standards
- Maintains the highest level of integrity providing one on one counseling, leadership and guidance to all Airmen
- Provides readiness, health, welfare and morale guidance as focal point for the 81 personnel in 13 sections of the OSS
- Quickly reacted to mental health/suicidal threat--member received crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty
- Assists the Commander in preparation/execution of ancillary training, resident SME on all military training programs
- Mature, respectful, and conscientious; exhibits positive attitudes towards superiors, co-workers, squadron customers
- Advises recommended actions/plans to officer and enlisted leadership pertaining to administrative and legal issues
- Coordinates with and encourages the use of referral agencies available--provide airmen info on resources available
- Represents the 174 OSS/CC at Wing meetings and multiple base-level councils; a recognized group advocate for unit
- Empowers Airmen and supervisors to perform at their highest level of professionalism to complete assigned tasks
- Supplies administrative support to the OSS Commander and the Senior Enlisted leadership throughout the squadron
- Member of the base First Sergeant Council-served as President & Treasurer-providing leadership and support to peers
- Initiated Diamond Sharp Award in the Operations Group, recognizing and highlighting our sharpest Airmen quarterly
- Highly respected leader providing mentoring to the enlisted force by participating in the wing mentorship program
- Manage Family Care Program--ensures Airmen are providing current & required information for contingencies ops
- Coordinate/execute building 613 upgrades/repairs--provided additional storage/training area--increasing throughput
- Voluntarily attended Additional Duty 1st Sgt Trainer course, developing the enlisted force building a better Air Force
- Mission focused, trusted agent trained and critical to the integrity of the Commanders urinalysis program
- Plans, sets up and participates in numerous commander's calls-- performing awards, decs and promotional ceremonies
- Voice for the enlisted force to the commander, ensures to up-channel needed information and suggested solutions
- Motivated, provides tools and encouragement to Amn having difficulty with PT; monitored decreased fitness failures

Star Line

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