
AFSC 8G000
Honor Guard EPR Bullets


- Manages, plans, conducts, and supervises United States Air Force Honor Guard activities for XXX WG
- Performs Military Funeral Honors for deceased active duty, retirees, and veterans IAW USAF Honor Guard Manuals
- Plans, coordinates, and advises on Honor Guard activities for installation events like luncheons, retirements, change
of command and promotion ceremonies and civic events that include the Air Force as well as joint service ceremonies

- Orchestrates Joint Color Guard events to include the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard


- Aided AF's #1 tasked Base HG; spt'd 4,015 Funerals/400 events/13 LOAs--advocat'd AF heritage & traditions
- Appointed as MAFB HG Bugler; held first spot/two years--provided seven families w/time-honored military tradition
- Appointed lead trainer of deployed HG; trained members to perform at military ceremonies/memorial services
- Assisted admin process of 2.5K AOR MFHs; coordinated logistics/utilized 8 ARC mbrs--zero missed honors requests
- Attended all HG practices and ceremonies during off duty time; selflessly committed 90+ hours to HG duties

- Base HG Assistant NCOIC; developed new detail training plan for new members--advocated AF heritage & traditions
- Briefed 2 FTAC classes; conveyed HG virtues/storied history to AF's newest Airmen--patriotism seed planted

- CC'd NCO position;lead 21 Airmen as NCOIC of Pallbearers/3 retirees--zero failure/congressional mission
- Colors Flt trnr/evaluator; trn'd 44 Amn/NCOs on 15 colors quals/gave 13 evals--efforts ensured awd of 20 add'l quals
- Colors team member in Lilac Parade; escorted flight/flag thru Spokane--represented AF before 200K attendees
- Committed to excellence; conducted weekly open ranks inspection; ensured proper wear of JBA HG uniform
- Community ambassador; vol d countless hrs as Superintendent of the XXXW BHG--fortified positive public image
- Completed 95 HG details/vol'd 285 hours; provided perfectly folded flag to next of kin--comforted bereaved families
- Conducted X vet funerals/X short notice/X color ceremonies--113counties/4 states/XX miles covered 3rd qrtr
- Coor'd Color Guard for ACC CoC; team performed flawlessy before current/2 former CSAFs & CMSAF Roy
- Coordinated 23 color guard events to include retirement ceremonies, veteran and community events
- Created first ever public Honor Guard webpage--allows info to be shared while decreasing effect on day to day ops

- Dedicated > 28 hrs training new Honor Guard members--honed sharp execution skills of 10 color guard students
- Dedicated 2 hrs trng Howard Univ AFROTC; taught 18 colors flag/rifle manuals--sharpened skills of 20 cadet
- Dedicated HG Ldr! Staffed 70+ Base Honor Guard missions; personified AF professionalism, excellence & respect
- Dedicated! MAFB Honor Guard volunteer; 399 funerals/7 details/58 counties/2 states/78K miles/1K man-hrs
- Devoted 2 hrs during Memorial Service for fallen Amn; guided setup crews--Amn honored/AF tradition upheld
- Devoted 33 hrs off-duty for Quest Center concession booths--earned over $2k for Honor Guard Booster Club
- Devoted 60 hrs to BHG; trained 5 guardsmen/lead f/9 details/2 retirements--lauded by USFK CC/coined by 7 AF/CCC
- Devoted 7 hrs to providing trnng of new HG membrs-- developed color guard movemnt skills of 10 students
- Devoted Honor Guard mbr; mng'd sched for 30 prsnl/71 events--honored fallen warriors/upheld mil traditions
- Diligently arranged transportation, lodging and logistical requirements for 117 military funeral honor details

- Elite Honor Guard mbr; rendered military honors in 47 funeral details--afforded fallen veterans dignity/respect
- Epitomized HG msn; showcased 20 Colors details/03 NCT--bolstered Beale AFB community rapport/Esprit de Corps
- Exceeded families' expectations; dedicated 165 hrs over 30 funeral details/ceremonies--proved crucial asset to HG tm
- Exceeded flight standard; performed 16 details/2.3K mi/23 counties/2 states/65 hrs--awd'd Guardsmen/Month
- Excelled as 81 TRW HG NCOIC; led detail mbrs in 20 funerals; honored sacrifices of fallen patriots/families
- Excellent Base Honor Guardsman; took part in 6 retiree funerals--honored sacrifice of fallen patriots/families
- Exceptional Color Team mbr during 316 WC/CV retirement ceremony--superior send-off for a great AF leader
- Exceptional NCO; superb military image made him the obvious selection for NCOIC of the unit Honor Guard
- Executed 14 double duty details; prevented manpower shortage, saving 168 man-hours--assured successful ops
- Exemplifies leadership skills/commitment to excellence; critical to Andrews Base Honor Guard (HG) success

- Facilitated 82 TRW CoC; led 4 person colors presentation through 15 protocol actions--lauded by 2nd AF CC
- Facilitated XX retirement ceremonies; led four mbr detail in precision drill Exhibited AF traditions to XX attendees
- Fill'd NCO role; mobiliz'd 39 ceremonies,oversaw $48,000 HG res--ensured dignity/respect for fallen Veteran
- Full time Honor Guard team member; selected Airman in Charge--led 25 teammates on 29 of 52 formal details
- Functioned as JBA HG Assistant NCOIC; Led 28 trngs/196hrs for 25 guardsmen--advocated AF heritage & tradition
- Functioned as NCOIC of HG ceremonies; earned qualifications four weeks ahead of peers--embodied AF core values
- Functioned in full-time base Honor Guard (HG); led 25 mbrs on 29 of 52 details as NCOIC--awarded AFAM

- Guided three sq prsnl in retreat flag detail; executed movements with precision--advocated AF heritage and traditions

- Hand picked out of 20 prsnl; attended 56 hr AF Honor Guard formal tng--team lauded by 99ABW/CC&99ABW/CCV
- Hand selected as HG trainer; devoted 70+ hrs/cultivated 25 member's skills--WG's HG Amn/Qtr, Jan-Apr '06
- Hand-picked f/ base Honor Guard; performed 24 details covering 4 states--embodied AF values/honored families/vets
- Hand-selected to attend formal HG continuation trng at Bolling AFB--improved personal/unit HG performance
- Handpicked for Base Honor Guard; performed 45 CoC, retirement, & funeral ceremonies--AF tradition upheld
- Honor Guard detail NCOIC--professionally led color guard during open house function--filled NCO billet
- Honor Guard detail NCOIC: 56 funerals/4 colors details/400hrs+, trained 28 guardsmen--honored fallen vets/families
- Honor Guard team member; dedicated 50 hrs towards AF drill/ceremony--upheld military custom & courtesies
- Honored fallen & missing comrades; participated in POW/MIA formation--showcased AF legacy of valor
- Honored Mil children; led Honor Guard team/recognized 80 mbr s children--provided sense of pride in USAF

- Internalized concept of flexibility/dedication; finished 7 day HG training course--highest level of performance

- Key mbr largest AMC Honor Guard AOR; 398 AD/AFR/spt'd 600K vet pop--key to AF '14 CINC IEA finalist
- Key mbr lgst AFMC Honor Guard AOR; enabled 5 AD/20 mbr details--honored sacrifices of patriots/families
- Key member to WA State Cemetery; performed nine Army/Navy/AF funerals--increased joint service relations
- Key pallbearer team member; accomplished carry/flag fold f/ AD funeral--afforded dignity to deceased Amn

- Lead Rifle for AD funeral; trained 20 team mbrs 18 hrs--fallen AMN honored with dignity/coined by 99 ABW/CCC
- Lead Trainer; schooled 11 personnel on 39 pos/206 movements/6 ceremonies--increased flight readiness 25%
- Lead trainer; taught 80 crs hrs in basic protocol/honors/ceremonies; graduated 70--increased Wg manning 38%
- Led 13 mbr front range HG team; responsible for AOR spanning 93K miles, 49 CO counties and 8 counties in KS
- Led 15-mbr HG tm during 30th Annl POW ride; posted colors/served on flag detail--honored heroes past & present
- Led 4 JROTC trng sessions; 32 mbrs taught CT sequences--prep'd Jr. Cadets to compete in national drill competition
- Led 557WW Color Guard; facilitated 12 hrs trng for 6 mbrs--honored 3 retiring mbrs/mentored future AF ldrs
- Led 6 mbr multinat'l UNC Paul Bearer tm--spt'd lrgst repatriation of 55 Korean War Heros/1st in 65 years/awd'd JSAM
- Led eight firing-party details; safeguarded $13K in ceremonial rifles--fulfilled NFP duties/received zero insp findings
- Led flag detail; posted colors during National Prayer Breakfast--earned letter of appreciation from WG CC
- Led four prsnl; performed POW/MIA table for Halo for Freedom foundation--honored 210 wounded warriors
- Led HG Dignified Transfer trng pgm; trained 100+ Army chaplains--ensured dignity/respect for fallen veterans
- Led uniform inspections; QC'd/guided 30 pers/fixed missteps/integrated best practices--secured prestigious reputation
- Led Veteran s Day ceremony firing party; boosted AF/local relations--awarded tribute plaque from American Legion

- Main POC for coordinating WG Flag Team events; helped promote esprit-de-corps for entire WG
- Managed two person team; accounted for 2.5K supply items/outfitted 3 persnl--100% inventory/worth $79.6K
- Managed/safeguarded Honor Guard assets valued at over $200K; provided 100% eqmnt accountability w/o shortages
- Marched in 9/11 Remembrance Day parade; read ceremonial flag folding script--somber anniversary marked
- Marked POW/MIA sacrifices; unveiled memorial honoring fallen soldiers/performed wreath-laying ceremony
- Memorized Honor Guard Creed; devoted 6 hrs/instructed 11 peers on HG msn--fostered flight esprit de corps
- Mobilized HG colors; showcased heritage at Columbus Crew Maj League soccer game--AF Ambassador/46K lcl fans
- Natural Ldr! Color Team NCOIC for 20 ceremonies; oversaw 80 Amn/$10K assets--key to 100% msn success

- NCOIC of AETC OAY ceremony: led 8 man sword cordon--honored 36 prsnl/300 perm party & local leaders
- NCOIC of colors detail in 92 MSG Chg of Cmd; represented AF before 350 attendees--exalted by wing ldrshp
- NPB for dignified arrival/AD funeral; trained team 4 hrs/100% rdy--perfected HG image/honored with dignity

- Op Yellow Ribbon team mbr; coord'd events/provided service for deployed prsnl--served 200+ Amn/families
- Orchestrated vehicle repair; sacrificed 2 hrs/identified 3 urgent traffic safety concerns--saved 7 lives/AF $3M
- Organized $40,000 worth of new honor guard uniforms/accessories--increased storage space available by 40%
- Organized coverage of dignified transfer/memorials; captured 90 images/honored fallen AF mbr--reached 2.2K
- Oversaw staffing for over 100 Joint Service CU/AF missions; participated in at least 30 funerals/Flag Folds/Events

- Participated in 25 FHFs including 1 for a General Officer; rendered honors--offered final salute to AFs fallen
- Participated in Pope Francis visit to WWI Military Cemetery; paid honor to fallen--enhanced Italy/US relations
- Peerless expertise! Mentored/trained newly selected HG superintendent; created smooth transition--zero lost MSNs
- Precision performer on Color Team for 89 ASG Combat Dining In; flawless performance praised by Wg ldrs
- Primary HG Colors Team Trainer; trn d 13 AMN/20 tasks prepared guardsmen for proper ceremony/procedure
- Primed 20 guardsman; instructed 87 hrs of drill/ceremony training--prepared Amn for msn success/supervisory roles
- Provided 150 mil honors; traveled 43,047 mi/1141 hrs w/n six states AOR-key to HG 3rd qtr large tm awd 17
- Puts others first; received praise for ceremonial spt during 459 AASTS CoC ceremony; ceremonial work-horse

- Render'd honors for POW/MIA ceremony; lauded fallen members for 100+ attendees--honored heroes past & present
- Rendered 10 military funeral honors; ensured proper dignity, honor, and respect given--eased hardship for loved ones
- Rendered 65 military funeral honors ensuring that proper dignity, honor and respect were given to the families
- Respectfully presented colors during WG CC promotion ceremony--earned letter of appreciation from General

- Seasoned CG; 73 MFH/44 veterans/27 retirees; 6 state/110K square mile AOR--ensured zero failure/federal missions
- Selected as deployed Honor Guard mbr; created trng plan/OI--standardized procedures for 50+ annual details
- Selected for JBSA Honor Guard; unmatched professionalism/dedication to duty--upheld AF customs/courtesies
- Selfless amn; Vol'd 20+ hrs f/ Base Honor Guard/execut'd 7 Color Post/4 CoC's/3 jnt svs--represented AF w/ dignity
- Served Aviano's Honor Guard; committed to 7 details/73 hrs--upheld AF tradition/supported vital 31 FW msn
- Sharp military image as formation mbr during 89 ASG CoC ceremony; professional impression on all attending
- Sharpened mgmt skill; attended CSAF "Revitalizing the Squadron" initiative--infused knowledge w/HG peers
- Shined in 2.9K HG details/8K hrs; won USAF HG mbr OTY/awarded by CMSAF/coined by ACC CV/ACC CCMS
- Skillfully executed US flag bearer precision at ALS Graduation; epitomized traits of a ceremonial guardsman
- Spearheaded 14 Color Teams; led 56 mbrs/achieved flawless execution-->4K spectators witnessed superb AF image
- Spearheaded HG PTL program; created comprehensive workout plan for 24 guardsman--ensured flights' zero PT fails
- Superbly guided 10 honor guard members during 4 funeral ceremonies--honored fallen war heroes' sacrifices
- Superintendent of Base Honor Guard; effectively tripled the number of HG missions conducted between FY15 & 16
- Supported over 100 military funerals in less than a year while maintaining workcenter qualification

- Tireless ldr/volunteer; sacrificed 4 weekends/zero details canceled--ensured congressional mandate sustained
- Top 1% out of 30 guardsman! Recognize by HG leadership for outstanding professionalism/dress/appearance
- Trained X prsnl; XX hrs/enforced excellence in uniform dress/appearance/trng/msn--upheld highest standards

- Vol'd for dplyd base Honor Guard; committed 18 hrs/appt'd tm lead--completed 4 flawless details/recg'd by base CC
- Volunteered as ceremonial bugler for American Legion Stuttgart Post #6--enhanced ceremony Espirit de Corps

- Wg Honor Guard mbr; performed 5 details/certified ceremonial guardsmen--time-honored traditions preserved
- Wg Honor Guard mbr; trained new eight-person drill tm--efforts led to time-honored Memorial Day ceremony
- Wg Honor Guard trainer; devoted 87 hrs/led 60 Amn/executed 18 ceremonies--awd'd Wg Honor Guardsman/3rd Qtr

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