
AFSC 8M000
Postal Specialist EPR Bullets

This AFSC will merge with AFSC 3A1X1, Administration

Duty Description

- Processes personal & official mail for 2K remote personnel, 7 GSUs, 17 Jt Svc & NATO commands across 1K sq miles
- Custodian of Postal Effects; manages $520K postage/equipment/$1.1M mixed currencies/inspects 3 finance accounts
- Receives & dispatches mail; identifies damaged or missent items & reports irregularities & postal offenses via AMPS
- Assists 27 Unit Mail Rooms/78 unit reps and advises patrons on mail weight, rates, dangerous goods & transient time

- Oversees six sections; issues postal supplies & conducts quarterly audits on COPE & Blenheim Crescent Post Office
- Coordinates with USAFE AIRPS to resolve mail transportation, facility, rules, regulations and official mail concerns
- Scrutinizes mail security; provides protection f/$100K postal effects, access to mail areas & $1.1M mixed currencies

- Leads a 10-member postal team; processes personal & official mail f/7 GSU's/23 units/2K patrons over 1K square miles
- Provides postal services f/7 GSU locals, 2K patrons & 27 units. Advises patrons on mail weight, rates and transit time
   f/personal & official mail. Processes outbound mail, stamp sales & money orders IAW USPS/DoD/USAFE regulations

- Advises patrons on mail weight, postage rates, unauthorized/hazordous items & transit time for personal/official mail
- Manages Directory service for authorized patrons, identifies/mitigates postal privilege abuse & processes USPS claims
- Dispatches 150 million pounds of mail in support of 400,000 joint service members across three combatant commands


- 1 of 3 finance clerks--acct'd f/$100K money orders/stamps/XXK outbound pkgs/$XXK--generated $XXK revenue

- Adapted Holiday ops; trained 20 volunteers/delivered 23K items/saved 140 man-hrs--alleviated wait times for 1K prsnl
- Adapted receipt/dispatch ops; sent 2 Amn to Wg hub/handled 265K in/out mail--averted 14 truck delays/late packages
- AFCENT/A1U's #1 choice! KO'd turnover prc improvement/dvlp'd Postmaster/COPE checklist--set MAJCOM std
- Aid'd customer svc section; dlvr'd 6.5K pkgs/process'd cert'd mail<3 hrs--beat DoD std/43%/sv'd JMPA $7K in claims

- Aided Directory; repackaged 165 damaged packages/rerouted 605 mis-sent items--averted $8.5K in customer claims
- Assisted directory section; ID'd undeliverable items & rerouted 1.4K packages/letters--averted $8.5K in USPS claims
- Assisted Molesworth PO redesign, saved $40K, eliminated redundant del svc, reduced cust wait 50%
- Assisted Parcel Service Ctr; processed 58K lbs inbound/outbound & delivered 7K items <3 hrs--bested DoD 48 hr std

- Attained postal certification/all sections; finished 3 months ahead of schedule--maintained overall 85% avg
- Authored $150K budget; purchased $50K postal notification system/processed 6.5K parcels--beat DoD standard/43%

- Chaired 12 MCA reviews; synced w/HN Customs/insp'd 300 pkgs f/contraband--seized 30 items/fortified ally relations
- Co-led Parcel Service Center/6 Amn; sorted 250 daily items <3 hrs/delivered 67K parcels--bested DoD 48 hr standard

- Developed National Stamp Collect'g month promo; setup drawings/contests/$1K in prizes--300+ mbrs ecstatic
- Devoted 6 hrs to IAB Official Doc Ctr; offloaded/sorted 500 pkgs--ensured seasonal parcels delivered on-time
- Directed 6 sections/10 mail clerks; validated 8 programs/116 msn critical items--groomed Sq Airman of Quarter/3Q19
- Drove directory prgm; fixed 8.1K undeliverable items/managed disposition for 2K members--return to sender rate <1%

- Engineer'd 3 databases; streamlined operational reports/data f/missing mail--benchmark'd by AFCENT/MPSA/DoD
- Engineered virtual labeling concept; linked 6 packaging phases/embodied CSAF #3 priority--benchmarked by USAFE
- Established 4-member CPI team; created inventory tracker/revamped mail distro--garnered 2 Below the Zone Amn/3Qt

- Finance clerk for 7 GSUs; maintained $100/$500 stamps/$100K money orders/aced 8 audits--generated $19K revenue

- Implemented lithium battery prohibition; re-rout'd HAZMAT--ensured safety of 1.6M/11K acft valued at $3.9B
- Instituted new PO augmentee trng prgm; edu'd 9 prsnl on DoD/AF regs--boost'd package pickup time 20 hrs/wk
- Instrumental in the receipt/dispatch of mail; processed 11K+ lbs mail--major QoL factor for 56K in community

- Led official mail ops; instr'd 78 UMCs proper postage/40 hrs & conduct'd 96 inps/ID'd 10 errors--rdy'd 17 jt units f/UEI
- Led Official Mail ops; taught 78 unit mail clerks/conducted 96 inspections fixing 12 errors--2.3K unit parcels delivered
- Led official mail ops; verified 250 transactions/consolidated mail for lowest postage rate--saved Gp $850 in unit funds
- Led SecDef lvl-visibility prgm; process'd 944 absentee ballots--ensur'd mbrs right to vote for '12 Pres Election

- Managed $50K account for Blenheim Crescent; prevented prohibited items/sold stamps/money orders--generated $3K
- Managed lockbox maintenance program; completed on the spot repairs/changes--resolved 175 customer issues
- Managed postal volunteer program; trained 35/garnered 140 man-hrs--alleviated wait times for 2.4K+ patrons
- Managed receipt/dispatch ops; sent 2 Amn to Wg hub/handled 265K in/out mail--averted 14 truck delays/late packages

- Managed trng plan; implemented 6 month postal/admin rotation & trng milestones--5 Amn ahead of skill level upgrade
- Mentor; conducted tours of post office for local DoD elementary classes--kids informed how mail is processed
- Meticulously maintained $3K fixed finance account; all unannounced audits well with in 1% tolerance-sold 95K
- Mng'd official mail prgm; asst'd w/cost analysis f/postal supplies f/7 GSUs/reduced inventory--37% below Qrly budget

- Operated $4K COPE account; led 6 finance clerks/54 audits--accounted/deposited $187K in postal revenue
- Organized training plans; managed training of 14 SrA & 4 NCOs w/weekly regimen--100% OJT/completed
- Oversaw $520K COPE/3 finance accounts; led 4 clerks/secured $10K federal credit w/0 shortage--gen'd $50K revenue
- Oversaw Postal Publicity program; administered 48 base-wide briefs--educated 26 units/2.5K members on postal ops

- Performed mailroom audits; reviewed 231 line items/advised reps of mail security--upheld USPS standard for 7 GSUs
- Perfomed stringent PSC QC checks--removed excessive cmd rqmts--cust svc incrs'd/saved 60+ man hrs/year
- Performed final disposition>300 parcles; identified/returned unclaimed mail--created 25% more shelf space
- Piloted postal volunteer program; mentored 3 instructors certifying 3 SNCOs/2 Colonels--2 Amn coined by 3rd AF/CC

- Pioneered postal vol'd prgm; led trng for 12 mbr team--incrs'd holiday spt by 140%, 400 patrons dlvr'd 5K lbs of mail
- Postal Augmentee pro; assist'd w/sq SAV prep--hailed by USAFE/A6 w/"Best seen to date" user training pgrm
- Postal champ! Qual'd on 107 tasks; support'd 300+ prsnl--keyed Wg "Outstanding Small Postal Facility" award
- Prepared 1K parcel notices daily; processed/pitched w/in 12 hours-- led to same day delivery of 400K parcels

- Processed 156K lbs of bulk mail; made available to patrons w/in 24 hours--surpassed DoD standard by 67%

- Quality checked inbound parcels; repackaged/rerouted 4.4K packages/trained 4 clerks--averted $32.5K in USPS claims

- Ready'd PO for holiday season; open'd 6 extra days/36 hrs additional mail-runs--commended by CC/community
- Receptacle Inspector; inspected 1.8K mailboxes for 7 GSUs & corrected 48 violations--upheld Federal law/USPS regs
- Relocated DoD's largest AF post office <24hrs;moved 25K lbs mail/assets--maintained 100% accountability

- Salvaged Blenheim Crescent postal; sent 2 Amn & filled 100% manning gap--enabled $2.4B warfighting tech research
- Secure mail lead; processed/escorted 28 SECRET parcels w/o error--secured $1.1M mixed currency/same day delivery
- Secure mail lead; taught new clerk & processed 22 SECRET parcels w/o error--secured $500K cash/next day delivery
- Secured mail lead; processed/escorted 28 SECRET parcels w/o error--sec'd $1.1M mix'd currency/same-day delivery

- Spearheaded absentee voting program; delivered/routed 1K ballots in <1 hours--crushed DoD stds by 96%
- Spearheaded National Stamp Collection Month; promoted at local school/conducted raffle--$1K door prizes
- Supervised self-inspection; assessed 35 checklist items/corrected 15 discrepancies--poised for 2012 inspection!
- Supported CFC w/1K+ boxes official mail; ensured distro all federal employees--key to $13.6M in donations

- Tackl'd cust #1 concern; ID'd 1K missing pckgs/track'd 7K parcels f/4 locs/rpt'd discreps--drove AFCENT investigation

- UMR inspector; insp'd 7 mail rooms/reviewed 231 msn crit line items w/0 finds--cert'd mail security f/500 customers

- Vital member of largest Mail Control Activity in AOR--supportd 23 units and 13K combat warriors

Star Line

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