Duty Description
- Leads 5-mbr customer svc tm; providing financial svc to the DoD's largest jt ISR/Fire tech trng wg supporting 16k mbrs
- Reconciles critical pay issues in Case Mgmt System; performs record analysis/reviews performance data for accuracy
- Administers PCS in-/out-processing, retirement & separation briefings; certifies military advances & partial payments
- Serves as principal financial advisor for 90 MSG/5 Sq CCs support 1K Airman; manages budget in excess of $24.7M
- Interprets MW financial policy; aids budget officer in preparing financial plan, unfunded requirements & closeout ops
- Approves propriety of funding, accounting line accuracy, daily audit, and availability of funds on funding documents
- Verifies outstanding orders and delinquency reports, GPC AO/AAO for 1 card, RTF member as financial advisor
- Actioned mulit-agency BAS fix; verified MPF/FMF data reports--process'd $50K in corrections/eliminated $25K debts
- Administrated eight GPC master accounts; $376K expertly utilized--100% balanced budget/zero delinquencies FY16
- Aggressive focus on GTC prgm! Lowest delinquency rate in 3+ yrs; rcv'd rebate providing add'l funds for Wing
- Augmented CPTS w/2019 RPS; led 2-amn tm/priced 350 HHG items/12 locations--legitimized COLA ent f/535 prsnl
- Authored Status of Funds SOP; integrated data briefed to 3-star cmd/ARCENT--ensured execution of $9.6B authority
- Centralized SAF GTMO oversight; managed entitlements/cut process time 50%--UN Peacekeeper mission sustained
- Certified 244 financial documents worth $1.1B; tracked RC submissions--earned 955 AES Amn Top Performer OTM!
- Choreographed integration of PCS In-Processing and e-Finance web-based systems--improved svc w/o svc interuption
- Collaborated w/DFAS/SAF/bases; propelled stagnant CMS cases to resolution--$12.5K due to members/paid in 1 day
- Competent professional; skillfully planned/executed AF BAH Audit, documented over 1000 dependency updates
- Coordinated/report'd GTC data to MAJCOM FM/base APCs; advised Wg leadership/delinquencies declined 5%
- Designed new prsnl mgmt sys f/59 MDW; educated proper mgmt of prsnl--beat cust expectations & MDW/CC goal
- Directly responsible for the input of civilian payroll budget >$24.8M and 380 employees--ANG model displayed
- Discovered missing equip during SAV/insp; initiated 7 ROSs/kept process on track--recovered $16K assets f/20 FW
- Educated 122 PCS-in newcomers 1-on-1/id'd 32 high cost of living hardship issues/reduced brief time by 30%
- Engaged w/Wg ldrs to build case for E-6 BAS approval; reduced DFAC overcapacity by 15%--superb decision supt!
- Examined 113 DFAS site visit rpts; 355 discrep/ID'd 31 neg performance trends--arranged addt’l trng/10 MAJCOMS
- Executed $206K AMXS budget; sq on course to close out FY16 FHP--facilitated 10.6K srts/21.6K hrs flown to date
- Executed annual RAB inventory; permitted 625 mxer's to focus on mx--fueled 98% MSE rt, FY17/dwarfed 95% goal
- Facilitated workload transfer; base w/o disbursing ops--37 docs processed/$245K/40 man-hrs restored/crisis averted
- Guided $300M FY 23 execution plans--reviewed/validated 600 lines, outlined Wing future financial needs/shortfalls
- Guided Incirlik NEO; developed central repository of critical guidance/directives/docs--enabled 24/7 access for prsnl
- Innovative Amn! Engineered/implemented PCS milpay spreadsheet/coding tool--elim'd 100% paper/6 hrs saved/wk
- Instrumental in FY20 close out; uncoverd >$350K in unused funds resulting in 5 FW UFFR purchases--enhnce miss
- KO'd '19 Retail Price Survey;team priced 708 items on local economy--direct impact to COLA index/Tm Misawa pay
- Lead DTS deployment official; approved 120 vouchers f/400K w/in 4 days--key to securing 2020 AETC/FM FSO OTY
- Leverage'd IT; prgrm'd sharepoint delivery >50K MilPDS files to 150 JBSA CSSs--cited 502 ABW/CC Best Practice
- Managed $44.6M in Wing level appropriations; meticulously ensured legality/propriety of pivotal resource programs
- Managed CMS discrpncy rpt; ID'd/fixed 65 pay related cases/corrected backpay/debt issues; secured $984K in FLPB
- Managed FW workday program; 14,059 AT/633 ST/41 WYs/99.95% executed--maximized training/mission support
- Milpay SME for 10 DETs/MAJCOM; facilitat'd wrkload xfer fr MAJCOM to DET--allow'd for seamless changeover
- Money master; quickly obtained eFinance/DTS AO certs--successfully managed squadron travel budget of $2M
- Organized 2 no-notice cash verification audits; validated $51.5K cash-on-hand--100% Disbursing Ops accountability
- Outstanding RA! Mng'd 557 GTC accounts/$902K GTC expenses--upheld 1.8% delinquency rt/bested ACC's 2% std
- Oversaw annual fuel budget; monitored Sq's 46 vehicle fleet--reduced monthly liabilities by $7K during sequestration
- Oversaw cust svc; processed 22k transactions/400 milpay batches/rcv'd 9/10 cust approval rating--$115M paid <5 day
- Penned Disbursing Ops training guide; trained cross-functional team procedures--equip'd to sppt 80 disbursing offices
- Performance tested; led PACAF f/station gains/voucher balancing/pay case mgmnt & turn@--fast/accurate pay f/Wg
- Prep'd 16 AFCYBER units f/ reorg; dvlp'd HR sys transition plan--avert'd prom/assign/pay errors f/900 cyber Amn
- Procured $48K of PPE/cold wx gear; 625 mxer's focused on mx effort--upheld 98% MSE rt FY16/dwarfed 95% goal
- Pushed Sq's Land Mobile Radio upgrade; procured 26 assets/$175K--strengthened mx/warfighter's comm capes 60%
- Ramrodded 62 time sensitive DTS accruals/paid $76.2K late GTC bills; mitigated DoD AEF cycle bottleneck
- Recog'd among peers/active; 2 Must Promotes/2 HQ FM POM/2 Sq POM--162 hrs given this qtr to US/bi-lat events
- Resolved $77K LOF action; ID'd potential liability--receipts submitted/trng conducted/2 personnel retained for duty
- Secured/mng'd $880K in new contracts; led acft sun shade/travel pod overhaul--spt'd 10.9K srts/23K hrs f/FY17 FHP
- Selected f/in-pro tm; exec'd 40 BMT/153 permanent party travel brfgs f/1.8K mbrs--crushed AFIMSC barcode 95% std
- Spearheaded Shaw's $58K intake/exhaust cover replacement contract--enhanced appearance/boosted FOD prevention
- Spt'd 52 acft HUREVAC <24 hrs; gen'd orders f/47 Amn/protected $2B fleet--keyed Grp's '16 Mx Daedalian Trophy
- Stellar DTS Reviewing Official; fixed/processed 100+ travel vouchers--val'd $25K in claims/eased fiscal constraints
- Tested ACE concept; deployed pay agent f/Resilient Typhoon--acq'd $5K in equip/ID'd as best practice among 4 Wgs
- Trusted AO; built on-time, on-target products--armed 502 ABW/59 MDW/16AF Sr ldrs w/critical data f/msn success
- Vital to org stand-up; seamless transfer of MAJCOM capes--tm garnered HAF's Gen Spencer Special Acts/Svc Awd