- Accepted responsibility for flt msn, dedicated on and off-duty to shop goals--positive force in workcenter
- Active CES Booster Club Secretary; aided 2 Krispy Kreme fundraising events--raised $1.8K for holiday party
- Adroit negotiator! Bartered cost for rental vehs down 50%; outstanding comm skills sav'd sq $3.8K outsourcing costs
- American School of Doha mentor; provided 1-on-1 counseling/6 students--enhanced intl relationships/17 nationalities
- Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community
- Attended 3-day interpersonal comm crs; honed resiliency & stress reduction tools--enhanced supervisory/mgmt skills
- Attended ANGEDS; cmplt'd 1 hr/gained career knowledge--enhanced mentorship skills/sharpened ldrshp capabilities
- Attended John Maxwell Leadership seminar; enhanced supervisory skillset--incorporated techniques into work-center
- Attended PDC; indoc'd into basics of bullet writing/providing feedback--mentored 11 prsnl/dvlp'd ldrshp capabilities
- Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant
- Bearer of military tradition; 509 MXS/MOS/MUNS change of command set-up member--honored newest CC's
- Booster Club Pres; led tm of five/mng'd six fundraisers/seven Sq events/gen'd $5K--boosted QOL f/90 prsnl/families
- Booster club VP/guided Maxwell ldrshp crs; asst'd morale events/briefed "Laws of Growth"--powered 20 NCOs PD!
- Chaired holiday party cmte; coord'd gift giveaways/meal preps/event set up--enabled COVID safe morale booster f/Sq
- Challenged Amn with complex tasks; mistakes seen as steps toward success, not failures; imprvd tng environment
- Committed to success! Completed AF Trainer's crs/92% OJT tasks completed--higher than 87% of his peers
- Continuously builds on strengths! Completed Senior Enlisted Joint PME--improved leadership cap in joint commands
- Coord'd ELRS qtrly morale events; rallied 12 vols/led set-up & tear down tms--strengthened camaraderie/350 prsnl
- Dedicated 16 hours to Air Show fundraiser; directed 2 shifts/16 prsnl/256 total vol hrs--raised $3.1k f/Sq Booster Club
- Delegated effectively and empowered subordinates; developed most skilled and fearless technicians in Wg
- Delegated key responsibilities and empowered team--produced highly efficient and confident professionals
- Developed junior NCOs by assigning them additional areas of responsibility--produced able and confident ldrs
- Displayed next-level ldrship; acted as Msn Sppt flt lead on two occasions; met on-time drill schedule trng objectives
- Drove mx during Large Force Exer; diligent efforts enabled eight B-2s airborne at once--first ever for 509 BW
- Elected Honor Guard team leader; trn'd 18 amn/managed 4 funeral ceremonies--mil bearing far exceeds peers
- Embraced AF culture and role as mx sppt--volunteered for increased responsibilities--strong peer influence
- Embraced responsibility for LGRDA on/off RSD; dedicated to +15 mbrs and LRS mission--exudes professionalism
- Empowered/developed Amn by removing all obstacles to efforts, trusted them w/ critical tasks--gained ldrs
- Engaged leader; tackled insp workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data--2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner!
- Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member
- Faced unpopular but necessary decision and persuaded team to support it; ldrshp guaranteed msn continuity
- Focused on Airmen well-being and development; resisted NCO privilege; set best example of leader/NCO
- Goal oriented Amn; attended 5-lvl train-the-trainer crs/30 hrs advanced GIS trng--production skyrocketed 76%
- Hand-picked by MSG/CC for AFGSC's Leadership Enhancement crs; est'd monthly stand-up briefs--mentored 74 Amn
- Hand-picked PTL; oversaw 19 PT sessions/286 psnl--exceeded AF standards/98% current/75% excellent avg
- Handpick'd to fill 4 mo SNCO vacancy; upheld unit stds/21 prsnl--demonstrat'd ldrshp abilities/0 msn degragradation
- Hands-on mentor/leader; demanded quality stds on pgms/processes--vaulted QA pass rate to 92%, 1st Qtr '15
- Hard-charging SNCO; possesses solid-gold professionalism & leadership needed for SMSgt--a must promote!
- Highly motivated/stepped out of comfort zone; coordinated/led two flt/one sq PT events--enfluenced 284 Amn
- Indoctrinated 10 LO apprentices; familiarized on chemicals/tool inspections--amplified trng qualification 20%
- Inspected Amn individual equip/uniforms regularly, provided on-the-spot corrections; most compliant section
- Judged JROTC drill meet; briefed Arming Regulations to 300 cadets--groomed/mentored future AF recruits
- Key Phase II ORE mbr; trn'd base beddown actions/produced NBC map for Wg/XP--safeguarded 2.5K ex psnl
- Ldrship energized 197 LO mx'ers; raised capacity 33% despite 75% manning--backlog dropped 50%/2 yr low
- Led AFSA Chapter 1257 Adopt-a-Highway; removed 900 pounds of debris--enhanced 3 miles of I-70 freeway
- Led GA JROTC drill meet event; 5 judges/13schools/22 teams/600 cadets--shaped/mentored future AF leaders
- Master of Ceremony for retirement ceremony; event dignified and professionally ran--lauded by all attendees
- Mastered leadership/dev skills thru John Maxwell 8-hr crs--bolstered personal growth & team cohesion/role-model civ
- Mature young NCO; high level of integrity--enforced Air Force standards of conduct among subordinates and peers
- Mentored new Amn until they established themselves in the workcenter--promoted shop harmony and efficiency
- Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized
- Motivated; attended SNCO Professional Enhancement Crse--increased supervisory/leadership responsibilities
- Orchestrated 450 trng hrs for 10 Amn; improved controls & trained 18 core tasks--established 42 benchmarks
- Organized MXS/CC call; coor'd time/location for eight briefings--climate survey/critical info delivered to Sq
- Organized, lead PT; member of sq Soccer/Volleyball/Softball teams--strong peer/Airmen influence...promote
- Organized SSO/SVO breakfast event for GPS MQT class; 55% of the class attended the event; boosted class morale
- Outstanding sq PTL; coord'd/led 65 trng sessions--heightened 20 Amn scores 25% & generated 95% EA avg
- Overhauled flt trng prgm; created curriculum/slides/guides for 17 amn/NCOs--up'd flt deplymt readiness 17%
- POC f/non-profit; organized 50 Amn vols f/local festival/5.5k attendees--generated $925K to city revitalization efforts
- Produces consistent MX; shows desire for self improvement--accepts leadership opportunities to assist others
- Proffered Wg CCAF graduation; honored 103 mil mbr's distinctive accomplishments--promoted esprit de corps
- Propelled section awds pgm; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered 2 BTZ/4 qrtly/4 annual awd winners
- Raised an inherited unsatisfactory section to a SAT rating within 60 days--rallied morale and production
- Rallied section; tackled 17K mx actions/81K mx hrs--met MXG goal...8 acft w/in 5 days/backlog under 4K hrs
- Rallied/motivated section; achieved 8 acft w/in 5 LO backlog days--met MXG/CC goal for 1st time...promote
- Recognized at Silver Flag trng; displayed 20 tents <1 hr/setup afld <3 hrs--EA team picked "best of exercise"
- Recognized super'r performance; counseled, gave + reinforcement/constructive criticism--effective tng env
- Restor'd Svc desk after Covid shortfall; implement'd 24x7 Ops--spprt'd seven classified ntwrks for 150 SOCOM mbrs
- Restructured shifts/implemented teams; raised capacity 33% despite 75% manning--backlog reached 2 yr low
- Revised Master Training Plan phases into simple-to-complex order--encouraged Amn and improved completion rate
- Role model amongst peers; impeccable appearance and bearing--persistently displayed the positive military presence
- SABC Instructor! Led expeditionary skills trng for 53 Amn--received "Excellent" rating/mx'd #1 HST/PB prgm
- Section administrator; processed 73 EPRs/decorations--sustained sterling 100% on-time submission rate
- Seized all opportunities to illustrate point; turned mistakes into learning events; increased Amn involvement
- Silver Flag trng all-star; 20-tent beddown < 1hr/briefed MOS selection--coined by DET/CC for "Leadership"
- Solidified SNCO induction; chaired committee/proffered/setup/escorted--107 promotees/lauded by ACC/CC
- Spearheaded NSI prep; achieved 100% nuke surety test pass rate/10 perfect scores--wg rec'd highest rating
- Spearheaded unit training course; guided 20+ Airmen on proper forms documentation---reduced forms errors by 30%
- Spt'd Wg Top 3 event; setup/served dorm "Loft" residents fellowship dinner--holiday QoL boosted for 30 Amn
- Sq's 1 of 10 selected for DM Honor Guard; executed 65 color ceremonies/funerals--upheld positive AF image
- Superb motivator; vaulted production/support effort--helped wg achieve 1.1K sorties/5.6K flying hours, FY14
- Supervised 3 APS augmentees; provided 40 hrs instruction on WHS function/duties--spt'd 20 multi-acft Wg/24/7 msns
- Supervised six thru-flight assessments; corrected 43 defects--100% of sorties met for Jun 2012...a MXG first!
- Supported CES/CC secretarial position; organized 355 CES/CC Change of Command ceremony--upheld C&C
- Sustained section tool crib; ensured serviceability of $10M assets--secured AFGSC largest support inventory
- Thrust behind LCAP prep; groomed Amn/corrected 150+ discrepancies--6 Outstanding Performers recognized
- Top 3 vol; honored retired mil mbrs/set-up breakfast event/200 guests--improved camaraderie, community relations
- Trained 3 non-AFSC augmentees; instructed on 41 basic warehouse/APS functions/order process--incr'd msn cap 20%
- Trained eight personnel on support procedures; 67 task completed in 3 weeks--zero loss to MX productivity
- Trusted junior Amn with critical segments of the Wg mission--turned bystanders into invested AF leaders
- Uniquely motivated Amn; consistently accepts crew leadership opportunities to better himself and assist others
- Upheld mil tradition; proffered 3 sq/gp-level events/provided setup for gp CoC--maintained positive AF image
- Visionary; devised weekly preventive mx sched--slashed deferred defects by 50%...MXS '11 Mx Pro of Year
- Wing enabler; poised quick-turn teams/fixed 4 safety defects--record breaking surge/55 sorties/311 fly hours