
Fundraiser/CFC EPR Bullets

See also: Volunteer/Fundraiser Examples

From 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems (Prohibited Comments) Meeting Goals for/Results of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 950, Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel for Contributions to Private Voluntary Organizations, Section 108 Preventing coercive activity, subparagraphs (a through g). Comments pertaining to met/exceeded goals, collected dollar amount, or meeting/exceeding goal or collecting a particular dollar amount. (EXAMPLE: 100% contact, $15K raised, 500 contacted, etc.) are prohibited.

Combined Federal Campaign/CFC

- CFC Keyworker; drove GSU $1K initiative/liaised w/USAF/USA units/100% sq contact--advocated f/20K+ charities

- Drove sq CFC initiative; liaised w/9 units/led 4 Amn/organized BW fund raiser...max'd 6K base prsnl spt opportunity

- Arm twister! 100% contact incl deploy'd, forced 99% contrib--best base CFC rate/highest ever for Minot AFB

- Sq's CFC representative, ensured 100% personal contact--wg earned $303K/surpassed established goal 30%

- Alternate key person for CFC; contacted 12 personnel/collected $42 towards CFC--ensured continuous support

- Managed flight CFC fundraiser; organized event/12 vols--raised $364/Sq collected $13K to support campaign

- Division CFC representative--raised over $1.7K in 1st week--exceeded goal expectations for various charities

- Led unit CFC donation drive; contributed to $260K in donation for 1062 charities by 3 WG; most raised in AK

- Flt CFC rep; 100% contact of 179 staff mbrs/$810 contributed to base target of $182K--exceeded goal by 34%

- Supported 3rd annual POW/MIA 24-hr vigil run--nine tracks/7.2K runners/18K miles/$17.5K raised for CFC

- Flight coordinator for Combined Federal Campaign fund-raiser--netted over $800--achieved 114% of goal

- Donated to Combined Federal Campaign; $123K raised--contributions helped exceed wing donation goal 37%

- Volunteered as CFC flt representative; 100% contact made in one week/raised $13K--promoted esprit de corps

- Flt CFC rep; contacted 50 mbrs accounted for $3.8K--bolstered funding of federal employee charity donations

Air Force Assistance Fund/ALS

- Spearheaded FY2012 AFAF campaign; made contact with four 43d AG agencies--recieved $2K+ in donations

- Vol'd as AFAF POC; aided prgm raise $138.5K--achieved 112% of goal/highest fundraising to date for WG

- Sq Air Force Assistance Fund representative; collected $4.1K--surpassed goal by 60%/sustained nat'l charity

- Air Force Assistance Fund Campaign representative--100% personnel contacted--base raised over $174,000

- Assisted with Air Force Assistance Fund--helped unit raise over $18K--148% over unit goal of just over $7K

- Spearhead'd ALS carwash; fundraiser collect'd $2K--donat'd proceeds to Nevada Homeless Veterans Charity

Unit Advisory Council/UAC/Top 3 Fundraisers

- Aided 5/6 booster council; organized 8 Amn/led food & drink booth--raised $10K/efforts enhanced NCO community

- Active member of sq UAAC; raised over $6K in funds this year--morale boosting actvities enjoyed by all!

- Amn Council mbr; teamed w/AFSA; vol'd 2 hrs t/holiday fundraiser--raised $248 f/VFW/Disabled Vets pgm

- Aided w/ EMS Top 4 phone book fund-raiser; 4K+ books delivered; efforts raised $5K+ for morale prgms

- Spt'd Sq fundraising event; performed 12-hr security detail for 85K concert fans--generated booster club $1.8K

- Spearheaded six Unit Advisory Council fund-raisers--raised $800--boosted morale for 200+ personnel

- Community hero! Active Top 3 mbr; volunteer for air expo/fundraisers/youth baseball head coach; raised $5K

- Team player! Vol'd for sq fundraiser; devoted 10 hrs to security detail--generated $600+ for sq booster club

- Spearheaded six Unit Advisory Council fund-raisers--raised $800--boosted morale for over 200 sq personnel

- Selfless; 5/6 Alliance Treasurer, worked local school book fair & raised funds for 2 Amn's alcohol-free events

- Assisted during squadron fundraiser; prepared/served burgers for 300 people--raised $300 for sq booster club

- Volunteered 4-hrs for sq Booster club; cooked/served food during exercise--raised $265 for unit Holiday party

- Airmen's council charity volunteer; helped organized Children's Mercy Hospital fundraiser--event raised $3K

- Vol'd 10 hours at Ritchie Brothers auction; operated heavy equip--raised $12K for Raging Toros booster club

Disaster Relief

- Organized school fund-raiser--raised $3,000 for Tsunami relief effort--ensured aide provided to disaster areas

- Led fundraiser; 250 Amn/4K man-hrs/raised $2K for Joplin tornado relief--superb mentorship/AF ambassador

- Supported local disaster relief efforts; worked charity car wash--raised $500 for Joplin MO tornado relief fund

- Organized bake sale for Sedalia tornado victims; solicited 1K pastries from local companies--donated $1.8K

Cancer/Research Fundraisers

- American Cancer Society volunteer--helped raise well over $100,000 for cancer research and development

- Walk for the Cure team leader--led 12 person team--efforts raised over $10K to assist with cancer research

- American Cancer Society advocate--participated in Relay For Life--efforts helped exceed base goal of $100K

- Volunteered off-duty time to Relay for Life foundation Walk-for-a-Cure--earned over $4K for cancer research

- Participated in 5K Mud Run; solicited event sponsors--raised $200K toward Leukemia Research Foundation

- Volunteered for American Cancer society; participated in '10 Relay for Life--event raised $74.4K for research

Christmas Party Fundraisers

- Extremely innovative leader--held off-shift burger burn--earned over $500 towards squadron Christmas party

- Led AGE flt Holiday party committee; selflessly coordinated nine fund raisers--off-set tickets/prizes by $3.5K

- Managed fund-raiser--raised $250--funds offset Christmas party ticket price for over 30 enlisted personnel

- Efforts reduced cost per individual for Christmas party tickets by over 50 percent--over 200 people attended

- Volunteered for sq booster club; worked food booth during '10 air show--raised $950 for annual Holiday party


- Led GF Fur Ball fundraiser/headed 3 cmtes; mng'd 7 vols/coord'd log spt/300 tickets--raised $90K f/animal adoptions

- Vol'd 10 hrs to Susan G. Komen Race; set-up/manned vol check in station--spt'd 20K runners/raised $750K

- Vol'd 8 hrs w/local toy drive--distribut'd $200K+ worth of gift cards and 2.7K bikes donated to needy families

- Vol'd eight hrs at Shriner's Hospitals fundraising event; efforts contributed to raising > $9M for pediatric care

- Led Sq Red Cross/Alzheimer's fundraiser; secured 150 pints of blood, helped raise $140K--incrsd fundraiser tgt 25%

- DS Morale Committee President; led 8 events/oversaw 6 fundraisers/earned $3K--boosted morale for 41 mbrs

- Projo/9th ann'l WABC biker ride; rallied 330 riders from MAFB/GF/200 mi--garnered $7K f/Cascade County victims

- Spearheaded unit-wide fundraiser; raised $1.7K toward annual 9/11 Remembrance 5K run shirts--surpassed goal 24%

- Partnered w/Rotary Club; oversaw 13 vols/coord'd food vendors/led six mbr security tm--raised $50K for youth camp

- Volunteered 6 hrs w/EFSS; served drinks/food/facility management--raised $2K for MWR events/funded 12 concerts

- Positive AF image! Organized Sodo Cano AB, Honduras Airman's fund-raiser; raised over $1K for orphanage

- Spt'd Women’s History Mo luncheon; sold 250 tickets/oversaw seating & guest list; event praised by lcl Mayor

- Assisted 1st Sgts w/Op Warm Heart fundraiser--raised $15K for Enlisted Widows Home/fellow base Airman

- Steadfast volunteer; supporter of Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Alaska; raised $1,000 during fund-raising efforts

- Take charge NCO! Managed flight snack bar--raised over $1500 to support unit morale of over 250 personnel

- Fundraising lead for St re-naming/SSgt Griffin/SF Iraq KIA; 10 events/90 vols/raised $15K--awesome tribute

- Organized VA fundraiser; honored mil vets/raised $10K--all proceeds used to improve local VA med facility

- Community minded; PTO vol mbr/fundraiser coordinator--raised $2K improved community's edu environment

- Single-handedly coordinated fund raising golf tournament--raised $10,000 to benefit Oklahoma Highway Patrol

- Single-handedly coordinated fund raiser--raised $10K for youth center--provided an after school program

- RHS Booster Club president; orchestrated 10 unit morale/fund raiser events--raised $2K for kids holiday party

- Coordinated Children's Miracle Network fund-raiser for flight--raised over $900 for challenged children

- Organized pizza fund-raiser--raised $380--sent to local family for medical expenses--eased financial burden

- Selfless individual--organized flight fund raiser--efforts raised $3,000 to aid needy squadron member's family

- Worked 12 hrs for "Haunted Trail" fundraiser; performed skit for AGE flt--successful event generated $5.4K

- Raised $1.5K; vol PTO mbr/coord'd school fundraiser--ldrshp ability improved community's edu environment

- Provided spt for local church garage sale; sold $5K in donated items--funds used to enhance local community

- Supported offbase community, participated in Give a Child a Christmans, raised over $1K during fund raiser

- Volunteer cook for airlift section chili cook-off fund-raiser--raised $300 student/instructor morale fund

- Volunteered as Operation Warm Heart collector; raised holiday spirit/funds for those in need--mustered $9.4K

- Aided Whiteman charities/associations; supported five base wide golf tournaments--totaled $15K contributions

- Contributed 8-hrs to community fundraiser; rang holiday season bell--raised $7.6K for Operation Warm Heart

- Involved in fund raising events; volunteered/participated in two golf tournaments--raised $2K for AFSA/AFAS

- Contributed 8 hours to Wounded Warrior Project fund raiser; set-up/enabled 5K run--exceeded $4K event goal

- Supported Wounded Warrior charity; donated funds/competitor in 5K run--supported wounded soldiers in need

Star Line

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