Duty Description
- Orchestrates Joint Color Guard events to include the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard
Performance Assessment
- Active mbr of Base Honor Guard; selected for 86 AW 9/11 retreat flag ceremony--honored our fallen heroes
- Aided AF's #1 tasked Base HG; spt'd 4,015 Funerals/400 events/13 LOAs--advocat'd AF heritage & traditions
- Ambassador in blue; member of Whiteman AFB Honor Guard--performed 48 ceremonies for departed veterans
- Appointed as MAFB HG Bugler; held first spot/two years--provided seven families w/time-honored military tradition
- Appointed lead trainer of deployed HG; trained members to perform at military ceremonies/memorial services
- Archived 132 MFH entitlement apps; arranged chronological record of mil prsnl data--prepped prgm f/annual review
- Assisted admin process of 2.5K AOR MFHs; coordinated logistics/utilized 8 ARC mbrs--zero missed honors requests
- Attended all HG practices and ceremonies during off duty time; selflessly committed 90+ hours to HG duties
- AW Honor Guardsman OTY! Filled NCO pos 5 mos/250 hrs/45 details/trnd 60 pers--showcased AF heritage
- Base HG Assistant NCOIC; developed new detail training plan for new members--advocated AF heritage & traditions
- Base Honor Guard mbr; completed 120 hrs trng/over 20 detail hrs/filled 2 pers details--honored AF military traditions
- Base Honor Guard member; presented colors at 45 military funerals; rendered final honors for area veterans
- Base Honor Guard tm ldr; led 7 flag/colors ceremonies, 28 hrs...honored heritage & new promotees f/4 Sqs, 453 prsnl
- Briefed 2 FTAC classes; conveyed HG virtues/storied history to AF's newest Airmen--patriotism seed planted
- Briefed FTAC/12 Amn; promoted HG virtues/traditions & demo'd 9 movements/recited creed--recruited 3 new mbrs
- CC'd NCO position;lead 21 Airmen as NCOIC of Pallbearers/3 retirees--zero failure/congressional mission
- Colors Flt trnr/evaluator; trn'd 44 Amn/NCOs on 15 colors quals/gave 13 evals--efforts ensured awd of 20 add'l quals
- Colors team member in Lilac Parade; escorted flight/flag thru Spokane--represented AF before 200K attendees
- Committed to excellence; conducted weekly open ranks inspection; ensured proper wear of JBA HG uniform
- Community ambassador; vol d countless hrs as Superintendent of the XXXW BHG--fortified positive public image
- Completed 95 HG details/vol'd 285 hours; provided perfectly folded flag to next of kin--comforted bereaved families
- Conducted 9 veteran funerals/flag ceremonies; covered 3 states/1.8K mi traveled--advocated AF heritage & traditions
- Conducted X vet funerals/X short notice/X color ceremonies--113counties/4 states/XX miles covered 3rd qrtr
- Coor'd Color Guard for ACC CoC; team performed flawlessy before current/2 former CSAFs & CMSAF Roy
- Coordinated 23 color guard events to include retirement ceremonies, veteran and community events
- Correct'd manning deficit; train'd 1 Sgt 144 HG mvmnts /10 days /17% faster than avg-- regenerat'd 100% msn capes
- Created first ever public Honor Guard webpage--allows info to be shared while decreasing effect on day to day ops
- Dedicated 2 hrs trng Howard Univ AFROTC; taught 18 colors flag/rifle manuals--sharpened skills of 20 cadet
- Dedicated >28 hrs training new Honor Guard members--honed sharp execution skills of 10 color guard students
- Dedicated HG Ldr! Staffed 70+ Base Honor Guard missions; personified AF professionalism, excellence & respect
- Dedicated! MAFB Honor Guard volunteer; 399 funerals/7 details/58 counties/2 states/78K miles/1K man-hrs
- Devoted 2 hrs during Memorial Service for fallen Amn; guided setup crews--Amn honored/AF tradition upheld
- Devoted 33 hrs off-duty for Quest Center concession booths--earned over $2k for Honor Guard Booster Club
- Devoted 60 hrs to BHG; trained 5 guardsmen/lead f/9 details/2 retirements--lauded by USFK CC/coined by 7 AF/CCC
- Devoted 7 hrs to providing trnng of new HG membrs-- developed color guard movemnt skills of 10 students
- Devoted 8 off duty hrs to Northern Valley Honor Flt; escorted WWII vets to GF airport--honored 96 heroes
- Devoted Honor Guard mbr; mng'd sched for 30 prsnl/71 events--honored fallen warriors/upheld mil traditions
- Devoted! Comp'd 47 Honor Guard details/2 crs's/earn'd 6 credits & CCAF--award'd 96 MSG Amn of the Qtr
- Diligently arranged transportation, lodging and logistical requirements for 117 military funeral honor details
- Diverse HG rifleman; lead rifle for Gp Annual Awards/rear rifle for Wg Annual Awards--lauded by 501 CSW/CCC
- Elite Honor Guard mbr; rendered military honors in 47 funeral details--afforded fallen veterans dignity/respect
- Epitomized HG msn; showcased 20 Colors details/03 NCT--bolstered Beale AFB community rapport/Esprit de Corps
- Exceeded families' expectations; dedicated 165 hrs over 30 funeral details/ceremonies--proved crucial asset to HG tm
- Exceeded flight standard; performed 16 details/2.3K mi/23 counties/2 states/65 hrs--awd'd Guardsmen/Month
- Excelled as 81 TRW HG NCOIC; led detail mbrs in 20 funerals; honored sacrifices of fallen patriots/families
- Excellent Base Honor Guardsman; took part in 6 retiree funerals--honored sacrifice of fallen patriots/families
- Exceptional Color Team mbr during 316 WC/CV retirement ceremony--superior send-off for a great AF leader
- Exceptional NCO; superb military image made him the obvious selection for NCOIC of the unit Honor Guard
- Executed 14 double duty details; prevented manpower shortage, saving 168 man-hours--assured successful ops
- Executed 39 ceremonies/led 6; travel'd 5.6K miles/200 hrs/tm complet'd 195 MFH/ 74 civic events--7 LOAs/4 coins
- Executed 6 Honor Guard ceremonies/48 hrs; cultivated warrior ethos/professional culture--coined 51 FW/CC
- Executed ceremonial spt; led 350+ cmds/37 funerals f/AF 2nd lrgst HG AOR--coined by Navy O-6/earned BHG PoM
- Exemplifies leadership skills/commitment to excellence; critical to Andrews Base Honor Guard (HG) success
- Facilitated 82 TRW CoC; led 4 person colors presentation through 15 protocol actions--lauded by 2nd AF CC
- Facilitated XX retirement ceremonies; led four mbr detail in precision drill Exhibited AF traditions to XX attendees
- Fill'd NCO role; mobiliz'd 39 ceremonies,oversaw $48,000 HG res--ensured dignity/respect for fallen Veteran
- Full time Honor Guard team member; selected Airman in Charge--led 25 teammates on 29 of 52 formal details
- Functioned as JBA HG Assistant NCOIC; Led 28 trngs/196hrs for 25 guardsmen--advocated AF heritage & tradition
- Functioned as NCOIC of HG ceremonies; earned qualifications four weeks ahead of peers--embodied AF core values
- Functioned in full-time base Honor Guard (HG); led 25 mbrs on 29 of 52 details as NCOIC--awarded AFAM
- Guided three sq prsnl in retreat flag detail; executed movements with precision--advocated AF heritage and traditions
- Hand picked out of 20 prsnl; attended 56 hr AF Honor Guard formal tng--team lauded by 99ABW/CC&99ABW/CCV
- Hand selected as HG trainer; devoted 70+ hrs/cultivated 25 member's skills--WG's HG Amn/Qtr, Jan-Apr '06
- Hand-picked f/ base Honor Guard; performed 24 details covering 4 states--embodied AF values/honored families/vets
- Hand-selected to attend formal HG continuation trng at Bolling AFB--improved personal/unit HG performance
- Handpicked for Base Honor Guard; performed 45 CoC, retirement, & funeral ceremonies--AF tradition upheld
- Honor Guard detail NCOIC--professionally led color guard during open house function--filled NCO billet
- Honor Guard detail NCOIC: 56 funerals/4 colors details/400hrs+, trained 28 guardsmen--honored fallen vets/families
- Honor Guard team member; dedicated 50 hrs towards AF drill/ceremony--upheld military custom & courtesies
- Honored fallen & missing comrades; participated in POW/MIA formation--showcased AF legacy of valor
- Honored Mil children; led Honor Guard team/recognized 80 mbr s children--provided sense of pride in USAF
- Innovative eqpt custodian; maintained assets w/ofunds/restored 4 rifles w/old parts--saved $1.2K/2 Colorguard details
- Internalized concept of flexibility/dedication; finished 7 day HG training course--highest level of performance
- JROTC drill prgm judge; vol'd 16 hrs at Biloxi, MS high school while TDY--sharpen'd skills for 200+ cadets
- Key base Honor Guardsman; trn'd 28 mbrs/coord'd 12 events/funerals--devoted 250 hrs to upholding customs/courtesies
- Key mbr largest AMC Honor Guard AOR; 398 AD/AFR/spt'd 600K vet pop--key to AF '14 CINC IEA finalist
- Key mbr lgst AFMC Honor Guard AOR; enabled 5 AD/20 mbr details--honored sacrifices of patriots/families
- Key member to WA State Cemetery; performed nine Army/Navy/AF funerals--increased joint service relations
- Key pallbearer team member; accomplished carry/flag fold f/ AD funeral--afforded dignity to deceased Amn
- Lead Rifle for AD funeral; trained 20 team mbrs 18 hrs--fallen AMN honored with dignity/coined by 99 ABW/CCC
- Lead trainer <3 mos TOS; led 5 sessions on 39 movements/rifle pos/8.5 hrs--honed sharp execution for 7 guardsman
- Lead trainer for 18-mbr jt color guard team; directed 78 hrs jt drill trng doctrine, enabled 18 details--awarded JSAM
- Lead Trainer; schooled 11 personnel on 39 pos/206 movements/6 ceremonies--increased flight readiness 25%
- Lead trainer; taught 80 crs hrs in basic protocol/honors/ceremonies; graduated 70--increased Wg manning 38%
- Led 13 mbr front range HG team; responsible for AOR spanning 93K miles, 49 CO counties and 8 counties in KS
- Led 15-mbr HG tm during 30th Annl POW ride; posted colors/served on flag detail--honored heroes past & present
- Led 4 JROTC trng sessions; 32 mbrs taught CT sequences--prep'd Jr. Cadets to compete in national drill competition
- Led 557WW Color Guard; facilitated 12 hrs trng for 6 mbrs--honored 3 retiring mbrs/mentored future AF ldrs
- Led 6 mbr multinat'l UNC Paul Bearer tm--spt'd lrgst repatriation of 55 Korean War Heros/1st in 65 years/awd'd JSAM
- Led eight firing-party details; safeguarded $13K in ceremonial rifles--fulfilled NFP duties/received zero insp findings
- Led flag detail; posted colors during National Prayer Breakfast--earned letter of appreciation from WG CC
- Led flt ops; oversaw four financial prgms/obligated $15M supplies/$105K equip--fortified svcs for 53K beneficiaries
- Led four prsnl; performed POW/MIA table for Halo for Freedom foundation--honored 210 wounded warriors
- Led HG Dignified Transfer trng pgm; trained 100+ Army chaplains--ensured dignity/respect for fallen veterans
- Led uniform inspections; QC'd/guided 30 pers/fixed missteps/integrated best practices--secured prestigious reputation
- Led Veteran s Day ceremony firing party; boosted AF/local relations--awarded tribute plaque from American Legion
- Led William Tell kick-off team; executed flawless William Tell kick-off color guard--enjoyed by 1K viewers
- Main POC for coordinating WG Flag Team events; helped promote esprit-de-corps for entire WG
- Managed 9.1K man-days; secured 32 ARC posns/cut AD rqmt by 12 pers--enabled spt f/600 MFH/100% msn success
- Managed two person team; accounted for 2.5K supply items/outfitted 3 persnl--100% inventory/worth $79.6K
- Managed/safeguarded Honor Guard assets valued at over $200K; provided 100% eqmnt accountability w/o shortages
- Marched in 9/11 Remembrance Day parade; read ceremonial flag folding script--somber anniversary marked
- Marked POW/MIA sacrifices; unveiled memorial honoring fallen soldiers/performed wreath-laying ceremony
- Memorized Honor Guard Creed; devoted 6 hrs/instructed 11 peers on HG msn--fostered flight esprit de corps
- Mobilized HG colors; showcased heritage at Columbus Crew Maj League soccer game--AF Ambassador/46K lcl fans
- Natural Ldr! Color Team NCOIC for 20 ceremonies; oversaw 80 Amn/$10K assets--key to 100% msn success
- NCOIC of AETC OAY ceremony: led 8 man sword cordon--honored 36 prsnl/300 perm party & local leaders
- NCOIC of colors detail in 92 MSG Chg of Cmd; represented AF before 350 attendees--exalted by wing ldrshp
- NPB for dignified arrival/AD funeral; trained team 4 hrs/100% rdy--perfected HG image/honored with dignity
- Officiated defense ministry visits; directed 2x jt 8 man color tm--enhanced relations w/3 partner nations/CCDR Pri #1
- Op Yellow Ribbon team mbr; coord'd events/provided service for deployed prsnl--served 200+ Amn/families
- Orchestrated vehicle repair; sacrificed 2 hrs/identified 3 urgent traffic safety concerns--saved 7 lives/AF $3M
- Organized $40,000 worth of new honor guard uniforms/accessories--increased storage space available by 40%
- Organized coverage of dignified transfer/memorials; captured 90 images/honored fallen AF mbr--reached 2.2K
- Oversaw staffing for over 100 Joint Service CU/AF missions; participated in at least 30 funerals/Flag Folds/Events
- Participated in 25 FHFs including 1 for a General Officer; rendered honors--offered final salute to AFs fallen
- Participated in Pope Francis visit to WWI Military Cemetery; paid honor to fallen--enhanced Italy/US relations
- Peerless expertise! Mentored/trained newly selected HG superintendent; created smooth transition--zero lost MSNs
- Piloted Colors team; presented colors at Formula Drift/Alanta United game--applauded by 200k crowd/Nat'l televised
- Precision performer on Color Team for 89 ASG Combat Dining In; flawless performance praised by Wg ldrs
- Presided colors display f/COCOM CoC; joined 10 man tm f/600 attendance--dignified unit bearing to SECDEF/CJCS
- Primary HG Colors Team Trainer; trn d 13 AMN/20 tasks prepared guardsmen for proper ceremony/procedure
- Primed 20 guardsman; instructed 87 hrs of drill/ceremony training--prepared Amn for msn success/supervisory roles
- Proudly performed in 37 funerals; perfect execution of ceremonial movements--military honors exemplified
- Provided 150 mil honors; traveled 43,047 mi/1141 hrs w/n six states AOR-key to HG 3rd qtr large tm awd 17
- Puts others first; received praise for ceremonial spt during 459 AASTS CoC ceremony; ceremonial work-horse
- Render'd honors for POW/MIA ceremony; lauded fallen members for 100+ attendees--honored heroes past & present
- Rendered 10 military funeral honors; ensured proper dignity, honor, and respect given--eased hardship for loved ones
- Rendered 65 military funeral honors ensuring that proper dignity, honor and respect were given to the families
- Respectfully presented colors during WG CC promotion ceremony--earned letter of appreciation from General
- Seasoned CG; 73 MFH/44 veterans/27 retirees; 6 state/110K square mile AOR--ensured zero failure/federal missions
- Sel'd f/ HG instructor; train d 22 AMN/144 hrs/27 positions/ >400 movements--garner'd 100% successful turnover rt
- Selected as deployed Honor Guard mbr; created trng plan/OI--standardized procedures for 50+ annual details
- Selected as President for Honor Guard booster club; provided funds for section activities--strengthened morale
- Selected for JBSA Honor Guard; unmatched professionalism/dedication to duty--upheld AF customs/courtesies
- Selfless amn; Vol'd 20+ hrs f/ Base Honor Guard/execut'd 7 Color Post/4 CoC's/3 jnt svs--represented AF w/ dignity
- Served 2 months in base honor guard; 13 military funerals/5 color guard details--Amn honored/AF tradition upheld
- Served Aviano's Honor Guard; committed to 7 details/73 hrs--upheld AF tradition/supported vital 31 FW msn
- Served multiple tours on TAFB Honor Guard; four funerals & one retirement--paid respects to fellow warriors
- Sharp military image as formation mbr during 89 ASG CoC ceremony; professional impression on all attending
- Sharpened mgmt skill; attended CSAF "Revitalizing the Squadron" initiative--infused knowledge w/HG peers
- Shined in 2.9K HG details/8K hrs; won USAF HG mbr OTY/awarded by CMSAF/coined by ACC CV/ACC CCMS
- Skillfully executed US flag bearer precision at ALS Graduation; epitomized traits of a ceremonial guardsman
- Spearheaded 14 Color Teams; led 56 mbrs/achieved flawless execution-->4K spectators witnessed superb AF image
- Spearheaded HG PTL program; created comprehensive workout plan for 24 guardsman--ensured flights' zero PT fails
- Superbly guided 10 honor guard members during 4 funeral ceremonies--honored fallen war heroes' sacrifices
- Superintendent of Base Honor Guard; effectively tripled the number of HG missions conducted between FY15 & 16
- Supported over 100 military funerals in less than a year while maintaining workcenter qualification
- Talented ceremonial rifleman; devoted additional training hrs f/HG mbrs--prepared f/RAFW remembrance ceremony
- Tireless ldr/volunteer; sacrificed 4 weekends/zero details canceled--ensured congressional mandate sustained
- Tm'd w/RAFA for integrated tm; coord'd trans/4 practices/lead rifle for Wg Annual Awards--coined by committee lead
- Top 1% out of 30 guardsman! Recognize by HG leadership for outstanding professionalism/dress/appearance
- Top-notch; performed flawlessly at nine ceremonies--represented TAFB at three funerals and four color guards
- Trained 2 jt mbrs; instructed 12 dual msn tasks/guided on the job trng, 176 hrs--increased production capability 50%
- Trained X prsnl; XX hrs/enforced excellence in uniform dress/appearance/trng/msn--upheld highest standards
- Volunteered as ceremonial bugler for American Legion Stuttgart Post #6--enhanced ceremony Espirit de Corps
- Wg Honor Guard mbr; trained new eight-person drill tm--efforts led to time-honored Memorial Day ceremony
- Wg Honor Guard trainer; devoted 87 hrs/led 60 Amn/executed 18 ceremonies--awd'd Wg Honor Guardsman/3rd Qtr