
Intel EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Manages 47 pilot records & ensures complete accountability of external intel trng/security/personnel recovery

Performance Assessment

- 1/3 NCOs triple cert'd in SOC/SURVO/EA; established new std for 10 mbr tm--beat tm avg by 75%/added 80% flex

- Acquired $161K TSCIF at no-cost--liaised w/AFSOC to develop new UTC/trng f/30 mbrs--dbl'd wg's deply'd TS cape
- Analyzed 137 SAFIREs/394 IDFs in AOR; provided crucial intel to AMC enroute aircrews--mitigated threats
- Analyzed 4K cmbt msn rpts; ID'd 663 enemy trends & assessed air/grnd threats--enabled 4K OIR/OFS tactical sorties
- Appt'd trainer in 436 OGI WICC-T pgm; shared expertise w/2 new analysts--ensured compliance w/new regs

- Arranged intel guidance for 48 Red Flag msns; passed plan material to 970 prsnl--accomplished 4.5K trng hrs
- Assessed downed Syrian acft incident; ID'd/digitally recreated defense sys responses--MAF impacts briefed to 4-Star
- Attended Threat Aggressors Crs; trained 16 mbr Div on emerging global threats--brought expertise back to unit
- Authored 19-pg intel guide; fused 4 cells threat assessment processes--ensured seamless spt to AMC nuclear alft msn

- Authored 2 NATO SOF studies; ID'd friendly capes/limitations--prep'd JSOAC planners f/future KLEs/spt'd 1 joint ex
- Authored 5 day Wg Ex scenario; replicated near-peer adversary thrt w/41 prods--modernized trng f/79 pilots/2 Wgs

- Blasted aircrew tng cert/cut cert time 50%--instructed 10 hrs--38 crew mbrs current on critical Go/No Go item
- Briefed emerging analysis capes at annual intel conf; demo'd 12 exploitation tactics--enabled $320K software license
- Built 50 EPAs/E&E kits for contingency msns; critical to crew survival--500 protected en-route to OND/OEF
- Built scenario presentation f/STS demo day; ID'd adv'd msn capes to 90 pers--faciliated recruiting event across 3 bases

- Captured threat SAFIRE/lasing TTP/trends in 51 OCO MISREPs--increased intel & aircrew threat awareness
- Conducted 45 debriefs; time critical threat data reported--aircrews armed with life-saving intel while in AOR
- Conducted 8 IT brfs on AIT/MANPADS/terrorist TTPs; increased div's knowledge--mbrs 100% on req'd tasks
- Conducted msn plng for 4 exercises; vital piece in 172 sorties/improving TTPs--poised FW to certify strike rdy

- Constructed 25 brfs for JCS directed P-Alert continuous readiness msn; provided 250 crew mbrs w/vital intel
- Constructed 3 SAAM briefs; supported vital analysis for safe transit of CENTCOM/CC, ACC/CC & VPOTUS
- Constructed 4 wkly INTSUMS; kept Wg leadership current on worldwide emerging threats--lauded by Wg/CC
- Constructed scenario f/10 CSAR Ex; amplified trng f/7 Sqs/2 Gps/110 pilots/foreign JTACs-- facilitated 13 adv PR quals

- Crafted 12 wkly INTSUMs for AMC Stage; ensured global threat SA to Sq/CC--impacted 726 AMS plans/ops
- Created 104 combat folders; armed sq w/ prev inaccessible war items--36 FS/CC noted absolutely excellent
- Created 4 intel rpts/2 cmd brfs; rvw'd 120 sources/dlvr'd to 1.5K pers--enabled 2.2K sorties/2 SECDEF msns/3 GCCs
- Created 70 EPAs; provided 526 aircrew mbrs w/current CSAR info/procedures--ensured zero combat losses

- Created div's new pre-msn checklist & template; streamlined all brfs w/current standards--zero discrepancies
- Created ORS 1st rqmts driven ISR allocation process; responsive/transparent--FOC in two mo's, 10 mo less than OIR

- Delivered 10 changeover briefs to ICC/CC; ensured 24 hour ISR asset spt--critical EX KEY RESOLVE player
- Delivered 12 pre-msn brfs; armed 80 aircrew mbrs w/vital AOR threat intel--ensured 100% successful sorties
- Delivered 13 JCS-alert msn brfs; provided 178 crew mbrs w/vital intel--enabled Nat'l Cmd Authority taskings
- Delivered 20 classified intel training brfs to 400 mbrs; ensured crews aware of enemy threats/weapons/TTP's

- Delivered 3 CIBs to Wg ldrship/CC; provided vital intel on future op locations--impacted 436 AW plans/msns
- Delivered classified 25 AIT briefs/300+ members; ensured SA on AOR enemy threats/weapon systems/TTPs
- Deployed 189 days as CJTF-OIR tgting analyst; marshaled 631 tgts through deliberate tgting process drove 502 strikes
- Deployed ISO 1st combat aviation brigade C-5 multimodal transload op--88 msns launched w/4.6m tons cargo

- Deployed to Rota NAS for 120 days; key to safe transport of 12M tons cargo & 26K pax ISO OEF/OND/HOA
- Designed C-17 tng range scenario; built playbook for realistic threat mitigation--key to successful OEF sorties
- Devlp'd threat overview f/ISR op; coord'd w/3 agencies/ID'd 6 nat'l RFIs--mitigated risk to 80 aircrew/75 tgts collected
- Dir'd multi-Sq/Gp intel effort; adhoc'd theater ISR asset/ID'd high-pri tgt--pub'd multi-int prod/armed USFK w/nK

- Directed in-house creation of 25 new msn charts; boosted pilot/grnd controller integration 87%--saved sq $9k
- Drafted 15 detailed pre-deployment brfs; prep'd/informed Dover warfighters on AOR wartime situation/threats
- Drove construction of $500K Ground Truth project; led 16 people building, 60 tgts...proved data integrity/S&TI capes
- Drove sq ALOE #8 intel reporting; delivered 15 multi-int rprts--receiv'd 5 star critical feed back from AF/NGIC

- Drove sq ORE intel for 117 sorties; executed 8 brfs/32 post-msn reports--delivered current picture across 7AF

- Enforced sq recovery pgrm reqs; effected 100% currency, 1st time in 6 yrs--secured 7AF authentication capes
- Est'd new guidelines f/intel trng rqmts; rewrote lcl intel msn qual prgms f/ACE--fed A10 intel trng updates/7 Wgs
- Evaluated risks to 9K OCO msns; validated 261 intel rpts/ID'd 57 aircrew lasings--moved 312K tons cargo/599K pax
- Exceptional Briefer! Provided 50+ TOD brfs for two sqs; aircrews up-to-date on enemy threats/world events

- Exceptional Briefer! Provided TOD brf for 2 sqs; prep'd warfighters--aircrews current on enemy threats/TTPs
- Executed ops test of $230K mobility and satellite comm. equipment; assured readiness of 4 deployable UTC's
- Expertly delivered 95 msn brfs; armed 712+ crew mbrs w/threat info for 6 continents--100% successful sorties
- Expertly filled OIC role/2 wks; led 5 mbrs/spt'd 1K global msns--Chiefs' Gp Perf of the month & AMC 2018 AOY!

- Expertly prep'd 178 Evasion Plans; safeguarded 600+ crew mbrs w/current CSAR info ISO OEF/POTUS msns

- Facilitated target graphic update; provided 79 aircrew 98 cockpit-friendly products--Sq completed 8 upgrades
- Flawlessly delivered 8 in-depth threat brfs; armed MAF aircrews with critical intel--ensured 100% safe return
- Flt/CC's #1 pick for jt PACOM Ex KEY RESOLVE; provided 10 ICC briefs/24 hr spt--coined by ROKAF Col
- Flt/CC's #1 pick to spt joint airdrop Ex; crafted 4 pre-msn briefs/vital msn planning mbr--critical to Ex success
- Focused deployed analyst; key to intel spt during 400% surge during volcano & intermodal OEF helo transport

- Guided 17K ISR hours; provided spt to four msn CCs & 20 cmbt lines--assured 7.2K cmbt sorties/14 strikes/64 EKIA
- Guided new FA UFA; adopted/disseminated by STRATCOM to all JRISE/DET--provided 100% continuity/tracking

- Handpicked Ex KEY RESOLVE tasking; crafted scripts crucial to CFC decision making--coined by ROK O-5
- Handpicked to translate for largest HAP event; interpreted for GTM Pres & MOD--spt'd DoD LATAM stability efforts
- Headed 67 SOS intel during 2 wk ldrship absence; mng'd work schedules/met alert posture--spt'd 265 sorties/6 TDYs
- Hosted Wg Intel SAV of SERE pgm; identified poss shortfalls--ordered $500 in aircrew survival/evasion eqpt

- ID'd new thrt acft/1st seen alliance-wide; updated nat'l database/briefed NGA ldrshp--fueled inaugural UAV AFTTP
- Implemented 436 OGI Google Earth pgm; provided crews w/updated information--complied w/AMC standard
- Implemented administrative task tracker; improved DeKalb com w/ STRATCOM--increased msn effectiveness 30%
- Instructed 60 Security Forces on in-depth insurgent TTPs; mbrs AOR rdy--faster threat ID, strong base defense

- Instructed 98 threat briefs; 42 pilots readied against 41 enemy systems--enabled excellent trng for 1,254 sorties
- Instrumental to ISIS tgt sys analysis; QC d non-standard, time-sensitive tgts eliminated 194 tgts from the battlefield
- Intel/Comm spt POC; mitigated 35+ eqpmt/Intel sys failures/saved Flt 60 man hrs--ensured zero work stoppage

- Key Intel Oversight prm manager; instructed 16 mbrs annually--div scored 97.7% on SAV exam/best in AMC

- Lead 6 jr intel analysts; supervised execution of mission drawdown and reorganization--created 2 new divisions
- Lead external training pgm manager; div compliant on all 11 checklist items--efforts garnished "Best Practice"
- Led 100 Amn for 5 months as yellow rope--FTAC class ldr of 32--earned "Sharpest Amn" award by MSG/CC
- Led 36-pers flt; dlvr'd 91 intel/224 imagery rpts ISO 4 wgs/1.2k pers--spt'd 3 sqs/enabled 488 sorties/4 exs/1 deplymnt

- Led 6-man team, intg'd new BAF/5wks; intg'd ISR allocation w/Ops--dlvr'd effects & decr'd ISR dynamic retasking 7%
- Led 7-mbr intel/tactics working gp; penned 1st detectable signature rpt--verified DOD-lvl OPSEC vulnerability study
- Led intel tac msn plng; devlp'd 5 scenarios/replicated C2 functions--enhanced tng realism f/25 aircrew/SOCEUR #3 pri
- Led intel threat analysis for successful hi-vis SECDEF msn; safeguarded crews/VIP flying to Iraq/HOA/Libya

- Led intel trng f/3 Sqs; instructed 30 lessons/graded 75 briefs w/88% pass rate--upgraded 8 Amn 5/7 lvl & 21 mbrs CMR
- Led mapping project; 128 tgt folders depicted graphically--enhanced trng for 81 aircrew/ enabled 6.8K sorties
- Led Thumrait flag pgm; coor'd flight of 225 flags over AFG during OEF--honored US service mbrs & families

- Maintained 12 month AIT tracker of 400 aircrew mbrs/two flying sqs; ensured currency on vital go/no go item
- Maintained 300+ CSAR kits; filled SERE manning gap--efforts key to providing vital crew survival equipment
- Maintained flawless Records Custodian pgm; 15 req'd forms archived/available--unit compliant w/AF policy
- Managed evasion/recovery prgm; executed 51 item CSAR review process--Sq rdy for worldwide deployment

- Managed IO program w/32 joint members; enabled seemless transition/updated documents--100% compliance met
- Managed vital intel database; updated MIDB record & tgt list management increased accuracy & efficiency by 27%
- Max'd trng efficacy; created 58 new grnd attack products--revitalized auxiliary sq msn despite fewer flying hrs
- Meticulously accounted for 300 blood chits/25 Global Posn Systems/$4000 in supplies--critical items in-stock

- Meticulously created 15 EPAs; ensured 90 crews mbrs current on CSAR info/procedures--zero combat losses
- Mng'd 2 intel sharepoint sys; streamlined pgm & functions/94 products--ensured Jt/CAF info--promo deserved
- Mng'd branch OJT/upgrades; taught 96 core tasks/cert'd 5 new analysts--increased msn rpt spt to 104 MAF units 50%
- Mng'd sq pers recovery/security pgms; rvw'd 36 ISOPREPs/initiated 6 reinvestigations--met US/NATO stds/0 discreps

- Monitor'd Red/Green Flag Ex development; tailor'd thrts for 86 Sqs/3 nations/2.5K sorties--3.5K ppl OCO rdy

- Newly appointed SVRO; ensured training up-to-date--aced bi-annual compliance inspection w/zero write-ups
- Organized 3 tng sessions on ATO/ACO/SPINS; increased div's knowledge base--17 mbrs 100% on req'd tasks
- ORI top-performer! Delivered 4 pre-msn brfs/2 MISREPs; mitigated threat to crew mbrs--lauded by AMC IG
- Oversaw 1226 IZ & SY tgt noms; QC d basic/intermediate tgt dev attention to detail facilitated 0 CIVCAS incidents
- Oversaw sq pers recovery pgm; reviewed 37 ISOPREPs/created 48 evasion kits--ensured unit prep'd f/crisis response

- Partnered w/UDRI; provided FMV expertise/recommended to sys engrs...optimized utility of future AI/ML discovery
- Partnered with SERE for 5+ tng exercises; fostered solidarity btwn orgs--evasion expertise passed to aircrews
- Performed NCO duties as deployed EET; spt'd 2 exercises/wrote 20 intel injects--prep'd Thumrait for VBIEDs
- Performed NCO duties when OIC/NCOIC deployed; mng'd 3-pers shop w/50% manning; excelled above grade

- Performed Unit Spt NCOIC duties for 30 days; led 5-person shop w/50% manning; maintained high ops tempo
- Phenomenal analyst & leader/CJ2T 4Q 16 NCOQ! Absolute professional presented coin by CJTF-OIR DCOM (O-8)
- Phenomenal dress/appearance; 1st Sergeant's pick for Wg flag detail--lauded by Wg/CC & coined by OSS/CC
- Prepared/executed 48 KTO threat brfs; supported 10 pilot upgrades/2,413 sorties--enabled 100% sq readiness

- Presented 11 threat brfs for 720 crew mbrs; prov'd vital intel on enemy TTPs/weapons--key to mitigating threat
- Presented 4 classified AIT brfs; ensured 190+ mbrs current on enemy threats/TTPs--critical go/no-go rqmt met
- Presented 78 threat briefs; prep'd 38 pilots/ 784 sorties--validated threat countertactics/ ensured cmbt survival
- Presented 9 tng brfs; instr'd 35 intel mbrs/50 aircrew on adv'd enemy capes--ensured 100% CMR/prep'd f/crisis reponse

- Presented OPSEC vulnerabilities at ATA; highlighted social media risk to US ops--shaped future collection strategies
- Presented theater overview to 16 pers; presented emerging threats/political issues--primed sq to spt future EUCOM ops
- Provided 8 TOD briefs to 2 Sq's/30 pre-msn brfs; 180 mbrs safeguarded--aircrew up-to-date on enemy threats

- QB'd J2T MTL assignment process; apportioned 2072 TDNs to tgt dev rs deconflicted efforts in 2 AORs/582 EKIA

- Ran shift during 144 hr hostage alert; prep'd imagery/ threat data--31 FW ready to execute AFRICOM tasking
- Recognized by Wing as CCC Amn of the Week! Basic Training Honor Grad & 436 OGI Intel Amn 2nd Qtr '12
- Reinforced ntwk extension wkg gp; linked 3 sites & cut xfer time 2 days vs 3 wks--enabled eploitable intel f/27 nations
- Rendered intel for five LRIs; aided 172 sorties/ improved wing TTPs--poised FW to crush NATO Strike Eval

- Researched and developed vital MWS & LAIRCM briefings; appointed SME for C-17/C-5 defensive systems
- Revamped 5 trng pgms doc; purged 50% redundant data, dates/377 line items--accurate credit f/29 mbrs/aligned w/HHQ
- Revamped Sq daily intel instruction; increased aircrew academic retention by 40%--praised by Sq leadership
- Revamped wg's HUMINT pgm; coord'd trng/streamlined QA prcs--increased rpting by 300%/answered 30 DoD rqmts

- Revitalized deployed FP pgm; instructed 246 SF mbrs on current insurgent TTPs--intel spt'd AEG defense plan

- Scrutinized 248 OCO base attacks/207 SAFIREs; briefed 95 C-5/C-17/KC-135 aircrews; zero combat losses
- Scrutinized over 61 adhoc tgts for ops spt; triggered isolation of 2 cities & enabled ISF maneuver 153 JDPIs struck!
- Seized learning opportunities! Flew 2 msns ISO OEF; gained aircrew insight--enabled tactically focused intel
- Selected f/ASO upgrade; 9 hr immersion in CCT, JTAC tactics/tradecraft--enhanced critical STS ops-intel integration

- Shaped new AMC/A2 EPA policy; coordinated w/AMC stages to ID concerns/solutions--MAF-wide impact
- Shined during in-house qual trng; 93% academic avg--omitted need for TDY/ ready for duty as sq intel NCOIC
- Skillfully instructed 4 threat brfs to 2 flying Sqs/700 aircrew; prepared mbrs w/crit intel & tactical threat info
- Sole analyst f/SECDEF directed msn; dlvr'd 10 threat updates/9 msn rpts/ISO 40 cmbt hrs--enabled 24/7 CSAR alert

- Spt'd Op UNIFIED RESPONSE; id'd unique FP concerns for 5 C-17 msns--vital cgo delivered safely to Haiti
- Steered social media intel study; detailed N. Korean risks to '18 Winter Olympics--benchmarked new AF pgm tactics
- Superstar Amn deployed & in-garrison! Earned 436 OG "Best Dorm Rm" OTQ/Intel AOQ & 816 EAS AOM
- Supported/briefed 60+ C-5/C-17/KC-10 aircrews while deployed to EUCOM AOR--100% combat readiness

- Tackled DoD intel exploitation crse; guided new AF capability/coord'd legal review--sparked HAF/A2 pgm guidance
- Transformed external trng pln; crafted 2-wk intel force protection qual crse--facilitated threat briefs f/182 Wg defenders

- Validated 26 device configs; enabled 75+ network vuln/compliance scans/10+ msn crit sys to operate--HVT captured
- Vectored 26 tgt dev cell msn analysis; installed novel fused-intel process reqt guidance spurred 317 multi-INT tgtrs

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