See also: Navy Mentor Evaluation Examples
- Aced 4 crs's f/Org Mgt MA, authored/instr'd PDS, impl'd OT&E proj--trn'd/dvlp'd 15 mbrs...est'd MTP trng bench-mark
- Airmen his top priority; led Professional Development/mentored NCOPE instructors--invested in future leaders
- Attended 6 wk finance/bullet writing crs; mentored 3 mbrs on fiscal knwldg/budgeting--primed Amn for career success
- Attended 6-hr John C. Maxwell crse; diversifi'd comm skills/ldrshp insight--mentored 20 mbrs/enhanced w/c cohesion
- AUAB Top III Prof Dev Chair; reviv'd latent pgm/creat'd 14 lessons/6 jnt workshops--mentor'd/shap'd 183 future ldrs
- Awd'd Green Belt qual/aced proj mgmt crs; coached troop...ed oprtny--earned 3 credits twds B.S./troop awd'd degree
- Chaired 5/6 Mentorship committee; org'd 21 events/42 hrs--provided 84 NCO briefers/dvlp'd 3K Amn wg-wide prgm
- Chaired AETC CCC ABU discussion group...highlighted maintainers' concerns...senior ldrshp made aware
- Chaired Top 3 recog cmte/led E-8 rls social/2 promo ceremonies; synch'd 7 orgs, Wg/CC--recognized 84 Amn
- Challenged junior NCOs by assigning additional responsibilities; promoted continuous professional growth
- Completed 3 PD crs/Toastmasters; bolstered public speaking skills/career growth--briefed 3 sq trng evnts/83 psnl/3 hrs
- Completed Essential Mentoring Techniques course; honed effective leadership skills--briefed 16 coworkers on topic
- Conducted weekly mentoring sessions w/ newly arrived airmen from BMT--mentored over 1,200 students
- Counseled 12 students for poor behavior--instilled AF Core Values--all graduated without further incidents
- Crush'd 2 crs's f/Org Mgt 'Masters' deg, pln'd trng proj f/15 mbrs--dvlp'd round'd Amn...est'd trng bench-mark f/element
- Dedicated Amn/mentor; key contributor to comm flt's '14 "Sq Team of the Year" award--promote to SSgt now!
- Delegated effectively and empowered subordinates; produced most confident and competent Amn in the Group
- Devised sq mentorship prgm; built schedule/26 hrs of prof dvlpmt for 48 staff--coached BTZ/3 wg qtrly awd winners
- Directed gp's Wingman Day activities; steered 5-mbr facilitator tm/CAF domain trng--reinforced resiliency/200 mbrs
- Directed joint enlisted training; developed continuity training across 3 services--supported enlisted prof development
- Effectively mentored seven Airmen on career advancement/duties...produced four gp/seven sq award winners
- Elite Leader; guided 6 mbrs/led mentorship; SNCO winner/4th QTR & Annual FY 16--prompted NCOIC apptmnt
- Engaged Supervisor; mentored 4 subordinates on mission tasks & career advancement--invested in future C2 leaders
- Enhanced communication skills; briefed four Right Start forums...instilled compliance/expectations to 60 Amn
- Enlisted Council Member! Represents SOLRS to allow enlisted voice heard to be heard throughout the wing!
- Ensured Amn were aware of career opportunities, benefits, and entitlements; primed Amn for career success
- Established rater-ratee evaluation protocol; kept up-to-date records--streamlined communication and appraisal efforts
- Expanded upon BS degree; tackled strategic ldrshp crs/earned 3 semester hrs--inspired 8 enl to seek higher education
- Experienced mentor--provided guidance and instilled discipline for 10 marginal performers--all graduated
- Forged professional Amn; authored & instr'd bullet writing seminars, led PT sessions--harden'd 37 rdy-to-fight warriors
- Innovative figurehead; developed and implemented EPR working group--increased capability & compliance in GMU
- Instituted wkly "5 Things to Know"; informed Gp/Sq mbrs on AF policies--enhanced prgm knowledge for 1.6K
- Kept Amn informed on cross-training/retraining/reenlistment options & limits--committed to thriving team
- Mentored 12 marginal Airmen--provided guidance/instilled discipline--all graduated without further incidents
- Mentored 3 Jr Amn; enabled one FA fail-to-pass/43 hrs of PT, groomed to be on-shift lead--1/3 troops won Oct POM
- Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs released...warranted gp Staff Pro, 3rd qtr
- Mentored five marginal performers--instilled discipline--raised scores over 20%--all successfully graduated
- Mentored four Amn on 5-level CDC taskings...100% task completion...upgraded two months ahead of schedule
- Mentored peers value of education; prov d degree/employment outlook/asst d w/strategic goals--2/5 earned CCAF
- Mentored seven marginal performers--provided guidance and instilled discipline--all successfully graduated
- Org'd 17 wk mentorship event; led 4 mbrs thru conflict resolution strategies--dedicated 63 hrs guided intr dev'g Amn
- PACE certified instructor/mastered 11 PDS...140 hrs--briefed 15 ldrshp panels/mentored 550 Amn...earned Vol OtQ!
- Propelled recognition prgm; drafted 2 pkg's/chaired qrtly board--authored 1 COCOM qrtly & Won Info Dom NCO '19!
- Provided special individual assistance to four marginally performing students--all successfully graduated
- Rising 6 speed mentor; lobbied long-term strategic view/mended skill gaps f/ 25 Amn--accelerated future ldr evolution
- Solid mentor--provided guidance/discipline to 10 marginal AMN--all successfully graduated--saved AF $90K
- Solid mentor--sponsored new instr--ensured smooth transition from flight line to technical training environment
- Sought mentor; guided 7 NCOs/6 Amn on pro dev, AF comm, CAF & ed--primed ldrs f/future roles, 1 sq Amn OTY!
- Sponsored new Airman--ensured smooth transition--helped secure housing/trng requirements in minimal time
- Sponsored new Airman: helped secure housing/trng/OJT requirements in min time--ensured smooth transition
- Stellar SNCO!...mentored seven Airmen on career advancement...yielded two BTZ stripes/five MXG awards
- Stellar SNCO!...mentored seven Airmen on career advancement...yielded two BTZ stripes/five MXG awards
- Stellar SNCO; led three Right Start briefs...trained 100+ Tyndall new Airman on mx discipline/TO adherence
- Strives for progress; aggressively tackled assigned program responsibilities--ensured assigned Amn progression
- Taught 26-hr Financial Management crse; instructed 15/heightened budget skills...cut students' debt by $50K+
- Trn'd credit score crs/19 mbrs; coached financially delinquent intel NCO--clearance reinstated/eliminated debt in 5 mos
- True mentor; volunteered over 200 hours at local elementary school--increased reading & math skills for 24 children
- Trusted junior Amn with critical msn segment--delegated effectively--turned bystanders into invested leaders
- Vol'd 14 hrs to Jack's Place/shred detail/CC cleanup; facilitat'd 3 PDCs/25 attendees--bolster'd Amn resiliency
- Warned Amn of consequences of actions--shared weekly police blotter--preempted discharges, sustained AF talent