
Protocol EPR Bullets

See also: Protocol Awards and Decorations

Duty Description

- Develops planning protocol policies and procedures for conducting major installation meetings and visitations
- Determines procedures required to carry out individual programs concerning meeting, greeting and caring for visitors
- Defines requirements of various organizations, conferees, and levels of distinguished personnel and visitors
- Liaisons with Wing and installation officials and makes recommendations on program capabilities and execution

Performance Assessment

- $170K AF Ball team lead; planned 300+ hrs toward DV invites, tickets, reception--2K ppl/COMACC lauded

- A+ ldr w/stunning tempo: 7.6K DVs/132 GOs/CSAF/COMACC/9x 4-star--ldrshp assur'd AF/nat'l/int'l impact
- Adv'd HH-60W Unveiling cere; led 4 psnl/mng'd logistics f/38 DVs/350 psnl --spt'd newest AF NDS, 15 AF/CC coined
- ADVON'd for 17 NATO Air Chiefs; guided schedule/logistics/office calls--17 countries honored by reception
- AMC/CC lauded! No-notice visit; teamed w/418 TW/Boeing VPs--$165M next gen tanker cert'd for B-52 AR ops
- Annual Awds Banquet cmte lead; authored script/timing/VIP/sponsor seating for 550 guests--honored 56 FW's best
- Assisted 14 DV CAOC tours; prep'd f/office calls w/GOs/bolstered flawless transitions--DVs hailed "Exellent Visits"
- Asst'd above scope; masterminded AFSPC/A3 agenda--earned USAFWC's FSS/AFSA Chptr NCO OTY Awds
- Attended 5-day 1st Sgt Symposium; gained admin/disciplinary/resource knowledge--assumed critical additional duty

- Billiant mentor/grows quality Amn--ldrshp earn'd OTS selection/10 qtrly/6 yrly/2 Wetzel "Unsung Hero" awds
- Bridged BW/CC req; coord 7 FTA B-52 static tours/LRS bus trans--cinched msn insight/coined by 5 BW/91 MW CCCs
- Built 1st House Arm'd Svcs Committee Staff's visit; org'd agenda, ADVON, transport detail--STAFDEL coined

- Championed $125K AV/IT refresh; instituted efficient replacement/upgrade timelines--revamped premier conf center
- Chief of Protocol; led immersion/2 DV visits/2 promotions/4 retirements--promoted SOG msn/honored mil tradition
- Cmplt'd Excel crs; applied skills to MAJCOM wrk trckr--enhanced AFSC monitoring prgm/solidified manning needs
- Co-chaired Base Open House; prep'd $60K CC's DV Chalet/parking/ticket & invite design--honor'd 934 guests
- Conducted crit DV trans protocol tng; increased qualified veh ops by 75%--instilled wg std/procedures in 20 Airmen
- Coor'd HCC Induction ceremony; procured location & setup seats/sent invites--strengthened ties btwn base & lcl ldrs
- Coord'd 27 FHFs/50 promos & rets/213 GO lodging reqs; briefed/advised 77 GOs--honored >2K yrs of sr ldr service
- Coord'd AFCENT CCC info dispersion; compiled 18 items/sync'd 80 psnl f/14 Wgs--enabled AOR air ops strat/plng
- Coord'd FW/CC CoC; led 4 teams/50 ppl/org'd prgm/script/seating f/100 guests--flawless event/lauded by 19 AF/CC
- Coord'd plng f/MARCENT ctry tm mtg; enabl'd trans/meals f/15 mbrs liais'd 3 org--postur'd f/Qatar peace talks
- Crushed 2 STAFDEL visits w/i 4 months; synced 17 outside agencies--advanced 5 BW #1 MILCON priority/$13.5M
- Crushed AFGSC Finance Director visit; highlighted need in 45 units--facilitated extra funds/$3.2M msn/$750K QoL

- Develop'd guides: author'd 5-pg OI, rejuvenat'd 109-item sharepoint, revamp'd Civ PD--streamlined 2-base spt
- Developed WEPTAC prgm; merged 4 trackers/140 G.O.'s/enhanced ldrship vis--erased redundancy/saved 24 man-hrs
- Dir'd AF/A4S visit; draft'd itinerary, planned unit tour & Ofcr/Enlisted lunch--spt'd BDG msn brief/coined by Brig Gen
- Directed 2018 Air Show DV tent; 21K attended/30 civic ldrs--showcased AF msn/fortified lcl rels/promoted air pwr
- Directed 485 confs/25K+ guests; executed trans/lodging for 500+ DVs--received LOAs from SecAF/CSAF/JS/CJCS
- Directed 72 base CoCs/retirements/promotion ceremonies; QC'd 200 products/venue setup...upheld AF stds/traditions
- Directed leave prgm/validated 300 leaves; fixed 130 errors, completed 7 audits--key to safe trvl/mx'd 0 discrepancies
- Drove 1 Gov/3 Sen/1 Rep/3 Congressional staffer visits w/i 4 months; advanced wg's #1 MILCON priority/$20.89M
- Drove 2 ceremonies iho AF's 19th MoH recipient; coord'd w/ SecAF/CSAF/CMSAF--commemorated heroic actions!

- Earned 12 sem hrs twd Organizational Mgmt Master's deg; maintained 4.0 GPA--advanced knowledge to lead teams
- Engineered SLOTUS visit; coord'd agenda/security/logistics--lauded by Secret Service as "their best organized visit"
- Executed 19 AF/CC's base tour; briefed on F-35 beddown/ramp & prsnl issues--equipped to solve F-35 prgm hurdles
- Executed Navy/AF Warfighter Talks logs; secured lodging/Air House visit for 10 GOs--enabled jt force cooperation

- Facilitated DLA Director/O-9 visit; enabled cross-talk/stressed logistic needs; slashed cold wx gear delivery delay 67%
- Facilitated K-9 Vet's Day event; arranged performance at assisted living home--honored past/present MWD/handlers
- Facilitated PA support; foster'd media coverage f/20 coalition/PNs-relationships--imagery fortified AFCENT's IO pln
- Facilitated special FW/CC social func; coord'd logs/prep'd setup/pro greeter--enhanced relations/43 civic ldrs/guests
- Filled Protocol Ofcr pos in DV Ops; 2-Star/CCs'/Cmd Chiefs' trust/cohesion of unit--OTS acception deserved!

- Guided 39th Intl Mil Ball; teamed w/Minot Chamber of Commerce/209 CAN guests--promoted US/CAN cooperation
- Guided inaugural Nigerian A-29 Pilot Grad; collab'd w/81 FS, lent logistics/DV spt--125 psnl attended/honored 73 grads
- Guided SNCOI ceremony; postured cmtee/trained key prsnl/recognized 60 inductees--exemplified AF heritage/values
- Guided VCSAF through ANC to honor MoH recipient; delivered precise pre-briefing--interred Hanoi Hilton Survivor
- Guided wg's centennial celebration; honored MAFB 1st B-52 pilot/crew-chief--solidified 100 yrs of BW hist f/395 guest

- Handpicked to assist 8 AF during CoC events; organized 5 NAF events w/in 9 days/98 attendees--coined by 8 AF/CC
- Handpicked/wing protocol pos'n; swift master/DV lodging/191 rqmts/637 nights--secured $69.5K AF Inns revenue
- Headed high-vis O-5 retirement; authored script, coord'd trans & billeting--honored last in-svc AF POW/coin received
- Hi-cal SSgt! Off-chart tempo/int'l impact: 7.6K DVs/81 nations/7 CSAFs/7 CHoD CPVs/POTUS--OTS ready!
- Hi-impact MSgt! NCO & SNCOQ/WC's Boles Mentorship Awd/STEP'd to MSgt--promote SMSgt this board
- Hosted CMSAF; showcased 2 nuc wings/strengths/challenges/met with community ldrs--equipped w/key nuc edu
- Hosted French ambassador; arrang'd f/OC, assist'd COD tour-- AFCENT msn highlight'd/fortified US/foreign relations

- Initiated 324 DV & 831 billet nights for 5 Wings/52 tenants/NTTR--CSAF, 3 NAF & 4 MAJCOM CCs lauded
- Initiated CAOC bldg security access; aid'd vetting/plng of 40 DVs/tm mbrs--affirmed CONOPS msn security f/TS/SCI
- Instructed 3x protocol fundamentals crse; taught 8-hr blk/84 mbrs--solidified stds for 8 MAJCOMs/17 bases AF-wide

- Led 5 BW/CC survey initiative; id'd neg tech instr feedback trend f/20% of FTA--gen'd AETC asst in shaping wg's image
- Led 5 member tm; dir'd 61 DV visits/20 ceremonies/6 events--showcased msn capes/cmbt ops f/AF premier RPA wg
- Led Air Attaché crse; coord Sr ldr sched/8 brfs/enabled 40 trng hrs f/45mbrs--bolstered security capes f/UK embassies
- Led Australian ambassador visit; coord'd CAOC/battlecab tour--unif'd coalition prtnrshp/ adv'd CFACC Pri #4
- Led Eielson Civic Leader visit; spt'd 28 DVs/5 briefs--showcased F-35 assets to 11 AF/CC/coined by 354 FW/CCC
- Led JPC for POTUS 41 State Funeral; directed 3K+ attendees/coord'd logistics--flawless ceremony viewed by 17.5M
- Led logistics f/3-day AFGSC Senior Leader Conference; 116 DVs/flawless trans plan--AFGSC/CC: "best SLC ever"
- Led ops during Deputy Chief of Protocol's absence; hosted 8 AF/CV and AFGSC/CCC--DVs hailed "Excellent Visit"
- Led Scientific Adv Brd logs: agenda & mult venues/security lvls--study enabled hi-lvl recommendations to AF
- Liaised w/34 agencies; mitigated LIMFACs f/165 DV visits/36 base events--hailed best Protocol office in MAJCOM
- Logistics lead f/CMSAF 2 day visit; craft'd schedule/coord'd 6 sq tours--highlight'd ACE capes/2 wgs strategic/cbt msn

- Mentored Top 3 & 5/6 orgs f/5 base-level promo releases; revamped scripts/695 prsnl--ushered-in newest AF NCOs
- Mng'd 2 projos f/CMSAF visit; wrk'd w/7 agencies, advised All Call/2k participants--coined by CMSAF/48 FW/CCC
- Mng'd ACC/A2, AF Chief Scientist & Defense Intel Sr Ldr visits; tailored itins garnered spt for CC's priorities
- Mng'd largest HQ AFDW staff budget; recon'd 6 GPC accts/executed $715K/aced annual inspection--saved AF $25K

- Orch'd psnl log plan; research'd/filtered hi-vis info f/12 CDB--CFACC coined/praised:"CMD Conf 2x more effective"
- Orchestrated SecAF's LAFB visit; org'd spouse engagement/showcased 56 FW's $10B mission--coined for excellence
- Orchestrated two SECDEF dir'd APEX visits; hosted 65 SESs, demonstrated RPA msn--enabled civ/GO lvl support
- Org'd Nike Exec immersion; showcased base/flightline/SOF/T-birds--estab'd relation b/w Nike & AF athletes
- Org'd Protocol kitchen remodel; coord'd mold removal/new cabinets--elim'd health risk/improv'd aesthetic..saved $30K
- Oversaw 16 CoC events; mentored 83 sq lds/trained proper AF protocol etiquette--eased sr ldr transition f/16 wg units
- Oversaw AW's Promotion Ceremony; mentored 7 cmte mbrs w/script/event prep/execution--42 promotees showcased
- Oversaw JBAB 100th Anniversary Parade; sync'd Navy Band/CG w/ AF Band/HG--historic jt ceremony/20k viewers

- Piloted Canada/Ukraine Air Chief counterpart wreath-laying at TUS; led logistics/ceremonies--fortified int'l alliances
- Piloted DCID visit; led 2 psnl, dsgn'd prgm f/tact radio/BDG air ops demo--coin'd by ACC/A6 Brig Gen & Comm Sq/CC
- Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs
- Plan'd/coord'd Royal RSAF, CSAF CPV visit; bolstered critical GWOT alliance--coined by CSAF & ASC/CC
- Preserved 56 DV suites; sustained 29.3K sq ft, $400K inventory, maintenance checks--embraced by 1.1K prsnl
- Primed base for hi-vis agendas; org'd frmr Speakr, NV Gvnr, STAFFDEL itins--AF needs her as a SMSgt now
- Protocol chair for 1st Family Practice Resident Grad; ran dry-run/script write--praised by 2 Senators/200 prsnl
- Provided setup for APEX 35, Chaplain recruits, COMACC, 2-day CF--71 GOs/SESs & 18 DVs mission ready

- QB'd 19 DV visits; led 79 mbrs/sync'd w/21 units/3 locs--showcased 2.1K Amn/47 coins/spt'd 50K flt hrs/5.4K msns
- Quarterback'd 11 WG & JBAB AFELM CoC; guided sr ldrs/AF Band/HG--flawless ceremonies/upheld AF traditions
- Quarterbacked protocol spt for DV visit; coord'd luncheon/tour route/comm spt/all call--coined by 3 AF/CV

- Sparked Col Day advancement/H2H concert; synced 16 vols/greeted DVs/public--supported CSAF msging initiative
- Spt'd 8 mbr Wg CoC tm; directed 99 UK/US DVs/2K attendees/DIO brief f/tri-wg/CCs--strengthened relations w/LN
- Steered CATM ground-breaking event; liaised w/state sen/8 civic ldrs--gen'd spt f/$23.4M fac/proj prgm'd FY20 build
- Steered CJCS Conf w/ 83 CHoDs/Dep CHoDs/7 US CCDRs; spt'd 30 hrs of set-up--vital to multi-nat'l strategic mtg
- Steered Portrait Unveiling for 23rd SecAF; coord'd with Artist/AF Protocol/Band/HG--awed SecAF/CMSAF/50 GOs
- Streamlined Protocol trng prgm; coached 5 prsnl on 64 tasks/100% task qualified--reduced OJT qual time <2 months
- Supervised SF all-in-one de/activation & CoC event--impact'd 2 bases/1 gp/3 units--seamless merger for 350
- Support'd 5-day SLOC C4I; lodged 200+ DV/100% comm uptime--150 GO/spouses benefited from sr ldr mentorship
- Synch'd CMSgt Induction crmny; guided 14 CMSgts/seating for 84 guests--rcgnz'd legacy/honored 6 CMSgt selects

- Tackled EUCOM SEL visit; supervised 2 projos/5 briefs--demo'd enlisted force engagement/future F-35/surety prgm
- Trusted expert; accomplished 28 DV visits/33 retirements/11 promotions/13 chgs of cmd--honored military traditions

Star Line

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