
Quality Assurance (QA) EPR Bullets

See also: Quality Assurance (QA) Awards


- Leads Quality Assurance, Compliance, Inspection and Self Assessment Program; RF Transmissions Systems SME
- Ensures acceptable quality level standards are developed and published in the unit's evaluation and inspection plan
- Publishes a monthly quality assurance summary, within the monthly comm plan, for flight leadership and wingmen
- Provides assistance, advice, and authoritative references to work-center supervisors, superintendents & senior leaders

- Ensures that functions, processes, equipment, systems, end items or services meet mission requirements
- Enhances mission accomplishment within the confines of public law, DoD/AF policy or technical orders
- Identifies deficiencies, performs analysis, and analyzes trends to determine if systemic deficiencies exist
- Advises senior leadership on flight health, maintenance deficiencies and corrective actions monthly

- Monitors the QA evaluation and inspection program using a locally-developed database accessible to supervisors
- Ensures acceptable quality level standards are developed and published in the unit's evaluation and inspection plan
- Conducts a monthly Quality Assurance Summary Meeting with LRS/CC and squadron leadership to review results
- Initiates actions when additional attention is required to resolve adverse trends or training problems in QA program

- QA chief inspector...leads 33 evaluators across eight AFSC's executing 15K+ inspections on 1.5K personnel
- Advises MXG senior leadership on fleet health and maintenance (Mx) deficiencies/corrective actions daily
- Provides quality oversight on all Mx performed on wing's 53 F-15 and 29 F-22 aircraft (acft) valued at $5B+
- Leads WG Exercise Evaluation Team...assesses wing's abilities to deploy/employ personnel to fly, fight, win!

- Advises 325 MXG senior ldrshp on fleet health and maintenance (Mx) deficiencies/corrective actions monthly
- Provides quality oversight on Mx performed on 325 FW's 53 F-15 and 29 F-22 aircraft (acft) valued at $5B+
- Authors 325 MXG operating instructions...provides clear program operations for the gp's 1.4K+ Mx personnel
- 325 MXG weight and balance (W&B) program manager...maintains flawless database on 83 assigned wg acft

- Advises MXS leadership on inspection(insp)/testing/production of 66 F119-PW-100 engines valued at $726M
- F-22 lead inspector...directs seven quality assurance inspectors evaluating Mx actions on the wg's Raptor fleet
- Leads 32 QA evaluators from 12 different AFSCs/develops & briefs gp monthly/wg quarterly MSEP status
- Performs personnel, technical, quality verification, & special inspections to monitor MXG's maintenance quality

- Enforces & promotes quality through review and analysis of deficiency reports and Mx performance indicators


- #1/35 QA NCOs! Advises MXG senior ldrshp/three sqn CC's on compliance status; enhanced 1.2K workforce

- Advised MXG leadership on fleet health/Mx deficiencies/corrective actions daily...oversaw 6K+ Mx actions
- AETC 2A3X3 Utilization & Trng Workshop member...realigned 5/7 lvl CFEPT's...combat capability up 35%
- AF Safety Investigation Board liaison; supervised 6 key mx tasks...expedited inquiry/completed w/in 20 days
- Aided AFSO21/leaned 15 processes; secured on-time transfers...congressional drawdown success/50 F-15's!

- Assessed 99 restricted/suspended reports; validated serviceability/120K assets...guaranteed stockpile integrity
- Augmented AF Research Lab F-22 emission testing...tests saved AF $500K...results established AF standards
- Authored MXG KTL/RIL program...increased requirements awareness...inspection effectiveness up 20%
- Awd'd 6 humanities crdts; used skills/tm'd w/MRT, org'd largest resiliency event in sq history--95% of mbrs reached

- Briefed eight FCF missions...validated Mx repairs on acft systems...cemented safety of $272M in AF assets

- Cert 9 new QA inspectors; boosted mx stan/eval prgm by 45%...netted group's 3% compliance increase FY12
- Co'ord MXG vehicle inspection; ID'd 30+ discrepancies/provided gp guidance...reduced vehicle fail rate 26%
- Compiled/tracked 19K+ QA insps...verified info for accuracy...provided gp/sq CC's with error-free reporting
- Completed Environmental Safety & Occupational Health crse; executed 46 insps...secured flawless inspection

- Completed evaluator course...attained key evaluation techniques...bolstered 15% increase in flt effectiveness
- Completed Staff Assistance Visit to Andrews AFB; recommended changes to current programs-50% improvement
- Conducted 12 functional check flight briefings...validated Mx actions/documentation...secured $808M in assets
- Conducted 27 mx PEs; enforced sound mx practices...earned group Team Tyndall Awd, '12-2...promote now

- Conducted 471 mx evals; eliminated 48 mx deviations/demanded compliance...solidified gp's 89.6% pass rate
- Conducted six functional check flt briefs...validated Mx actions/documentation...delivered mission-ready acft
- Consolidated 53 instructions w/ AFI rewrite; reduced research time 35%...enhanced Mx on $5B+ fleet/31 acft
- Coord'd 7 new local forms; validated processes/established criteria...brought gp into compliance w/ CAF stds

- Coordinated 150+ depot mx requests...mitigated F-22 down time/more iron on ramp...aided 20% TNMCM rate
- Created local acft towing checklist; listed 250+ inspection items/danger criteria for 14 hangars...zero incidents
- Created Mx inspection plan...completed 14K+ insp...exceeded inspection requirements by 16%/3 yr gp record
- Created/executed engine bay inspection class...five inspectors task qualified...unit's capability increased 20%

- Designed/implemented NDI IMDS job standard; propelled unit efficiency--decreased MIS man-hours by 75%
- Detail oriented; accomplished three A/C Phase Key Task Listing insps--assisted 5 BW meet high MC standards
- Detected 11 safety/tech violations; eliminated situations/conducted tng...aided 18% decrease from previous FY
- Developed active shooter plan; submitted design/implemented procedures sq wide...ensured safety of 154 psnl

- Developed new CANN enhancement JST...created over 30 new tasks...instrumental to 6% F-15 CANN rate
- Developed policies/procedures; enforced sound mx practices on gp's 31 F-22s...guaranteed wg's AFOUA '10
- Developed Quality Assurance program at remote site; program in operation in a week! Outstanding work!
- Developed Raptor Support Team message process; distributed 50+ messages...slashed distribution time >35%

- Directed MXG CC's Mx Std/Eval Pgm; verified/analyzed 24K mx evals--keyed FW's consecutive AF Daedalian Awd
- Discovered unserviceable eyewash in-use...ensured unit removed from service...enhanced workplace safety

- Enforced quality mx practices; guided 110 evals on 7 AFSCs/3 flts/2 MDS's--validated AMU's 96% pass rate
- Enforced strict mx standards; secured sq 95% pass rate/1.5K insps--up 2% from previous FY/325 MXG best
- Enforces quality mx; analyzed deficiency reports & performance indicators...fostered gp's AETC Gerrity Awd
- Equipment Custodian; maintains $57,510.06 of QA aircraft scales--vital to 6 CV weighs FMC HRS 6716.8 '11

- Established MXG augmentee prgm; vacated insp shortfall w/ 5 new psnl...boosted sections capabilities 30%
- Exceeded AF standards...chosen as QA's monthly "Sharp Vulture" Award...set example for peers/subordinates
- Executed 12 acft gun installation evaluations...solidified quality Mx actions...assured 100% gun fire pass rate
- Executed 120 munitions stockpile evals; verified serviceability/integrity 3K+ items...preserved $185M assets

- Executed 270+ inspections...focused senior leadership on deficient areas... drove gp "Excellent" 91% pass rate
- Executed 300 munitions stockpile insps; validated serviceability/integrity 3K+ items...preserved $185M assets
- Executed 585 mx evals; eliminated 41 mx deviations & demanded compliance...cemented gp's 90.5% pass rate
- Executed 99 mx PEs; fixed 2 anomalies/drove conformity...assured MXS '12 Mx Effectiveness Awd...promote

- Executed GAI 134 inspections...identified shortfalls/provided corrective actions...readied MXG for 2008 ORI
- Expert evaluator; performed 659 inspections/guided Amn through proper practices--key to gp's 92.1% pass rate
- Expertly managed resources...executed 98.2% QA targeted inspection rate...smashed recorded history by 20%
- Exposed acft gun spt sleeve tech data error; verified proper update/20 acft...assured 818 sorties/22 CAF pilots

- Filled SNCO WAM billet; accelerated F-35 initiatives/procured $25K crypto SE/authored lcl OI--rtn'd 5K man hrs/yr
- FW OBOGS focal point; verified 28 F-22 oxygen tests were accurate and complete...gathered critical SIB data
- FW PIM mgr; submitted 33 PQDRs deficiencies<48hr reporting...returned $1.4M to CAF/solidified $6B fleet

- Garnered 2017 AFRC QA award; orchestrated NCOIC duties, guided 16 mbr/198 eval; prgm lauded best in Reserves
- Gp Chafing Prgm monitor; investigated five events/led 10% insps...enabled F-22 record setting 53 sortie surge
- Guided four 180-day bldg insps; completed 440 work cards/zero mx delays...secured 98% in-commission rate

- Hand selected to review new Mx operations mgt CBT; 21 total discrepancies identified--ensured accurate tng
- Hand-picked to represent USAF; briefed British RAF CC's on F-35 mx best practices--strengthened NATO alliances
- Hard hitting -persuasive strong communications skills overcame staff reluctant to accept change for workcenter
- Highlighted misconfigured missile trailer...taught proper procedures...safeguarded $2.7M gp missile inventory

- Honed skills outside career field; conducted 4 KTL inspections...key to AMU's 67% Aircraft Availability rate
- Hosted demo for 325 FW/CC shadow prgm; authored itinerary...showcased capabilities/lauded "Outstanding"

- Identified CCI equip issue; spent 2 weeks seeking guidance--ldrshp spt/ new actions preventing flt COMSEC incidents
- Identified improperly configured missile trailer...briefed proper procedures...averted damage to $185K missile
- Implemented DD reduction criteria; incorporated daily review status updates...led to 3.1 avg DD backlog drop
- Improved acft ladder prgm; established 18 step insp procedures...zero evaluation findings on books/equipment

- Instructed F-15 DCC course...taught 14 maintainers on high interest areas...enhanced inspection knowledge
- Instructed TO trng course; mentored prgm mgmt procedures/20 TODA custodians...reduced insp fail rate 50%
- Integrated 22 MXG/OI's into AFI 21-101 TAFB SUP...decreased mx research time 35%/annual reviews >80%
- Investigated damaged F-119 divergent segment; exposed assembly defect...executed new insp/saved AF $73M

- Joint USSOCOM Emerald Warrior ex liaison; piloted tng/150 psnl...solidified 350+ sorties/32 pilot upgrades

- Key task/routine inspection listing monitor...highlighted crucial inspections...met QA customers' eval requests

- Lead Capstone Prep and reviewed 30 programs; 1 minor deficiency, 0 Significants--Highly Effective Unit Sustained
- Lead Crew Chief evaluator; validated quality Mx/2.7K inspections...fueled aircrew tng/529 sorties/588 flt hrs
- Lead crew chief inspector; conducted 357 insps/mentored Amn on proper mx...propelled gp's 90.5% pass rate
- Lead QA Tiger Team; acft down 540 days/reviewed 3K mx actions/127 errors--acft functional release 1st flt

- Led 30 NCOs; advised MXG/CC on compliance stds/1.2K Amn...provided 75+ air dominance pilots to CAF
- Led gp's 12-mo mishap audit; scrutinized 1.2K incidents/dvlp'd trng day brief f/3K mbrs--reduced mishap reports 7%
- Led quality mx; 1K military/258 contractors/52 civilian maintainers... produced air dominance pilots for CAF
- Led six AF Safety Investigation Board test procedures; 30 acft examined...validated F-22 fleet/aircrew safety

- Led team of 25 inspectors performing 1.5K+ inspections...drove iron-clad Mx actions...MXG CC eyes & ears

- Managed section trng program; forecasted/scheduled 100+ events/maintained 25 TBA records...zero overdue's
- Mastered 40 hr IG Inspector's crse; performed 98 psnl evals, Mar-Jan '14--amplified gp's mx capabilities 20%
- Mng'd QA database/cntrl'd access; aced AETC/ACC SAV insps--named "Top Performer" & coined by 924th gp chief
- Modernized roll-over/highspeed taxi checklist; aligned gp response w/JTD--eliminated OCF rqmt/preserved $7B fleet

- Monitored/tracked 322 item wpns account...secured $330K+ assets/100% accountability...zero trng deviations
- MXG CC's Mx professional...led 25 inspectors/8 AFSC's/3K evals of 1.5K maintainers...zero Class-A mishap
- MXG's F-35 lead inspector; governed 14 NCOs/19 OCF's, 7 acft impounds/350 KTL's--earned gp's Mx Supt Pro 2Q

- Orchestrated dedicated insp prgm...teamed up sq leadership/QA...improved overall MXG Mx quality by 8%
- Org'd FW's virtual PIWG; coord'd venue f/12 wg agencies/6 PN's--resolved 150 act items/enhanced F-35 $1.5T prgm
- Organized Acft Structural Integrity Prgm site-visit team; increased data reporting 65%...beat CAF rate by 20%
- Organized AF Research Lab F119 demo; assisted fire suppression research...created eco-friendly recovery sys

- Outstanding ldr; directed 84 Amn in daily mx actions/tng ops/260 sorties/285 hrs flown...nailed 79% FSE rate
- Oversaw flt trng prgm...managed 32 diverse CFETPs/processed 127 rqmts...ensured 100% task documentation
- Oversaw gp proficiency PE prgm; tracked/mng'd evals for 1.2K Amn...ensured 100% completed/zero overdue

- Perf'd 200+ special insps; sustained AF's largest Msn Ready Amn prgm; 550 crew chiefs/76 B-course pilots trned for CAF
- Performed 461 insps; identified 21 deficiencies--readied X MXG for two ACC evals/suppt'd 7.2K flying hours
- Performed 604 mx evals; eliminated 32 mx deviations/demanded compliance...solidified gp's 90.5% pass rate
- Performed 620 evals; focused ldrshp/guided safe/discipline mx practices...boosted gp's 2010 compliance 2.5%

- Performed 85 flightline PEs; sustained mx discipline/keyed safe mx practices...AMXS pass rate increased 25%
- Performed five PEs; ID'd/corrected two errors/provided mentorship/feedback...enforced gp's SDP compliance
- Pioneered new F-22 stabilator freeplay check instrument/procedure...new process incorporated into tech data
- Powered MXG's CPI working gp; developed tool cntrl strategy--nix'd foreign object damage/decrs'd lost items by 20%

- Processed 208 depot mx requests; mitigated acft down time/more iron on ramp...beat FY12 abort rate by 4.9%
- Promoted compliance culture; performed 462 insps/exposed neg trends--safeguarded wg's 18K sorties/176 pilot grads

- Ramrodded AF Repair Enhancement Prgm closure plan; phase-out psnl/$51K AF return'd--$117K cost avoid'd
- Ramrodded inventory of workcenters; reclaimed 100+ items to the inventory system--$5M recovered
- Recognized explosive safety SME; executed two muns EPEs during CI...earned individual "Outstanding" rating
- Rectified wpns support equip shortfall...constructed two T-199 wpns testers...solidified unit's 100% MSE rate

- Researched/processed 16 chafing incidents; generated reports/two OTI's...yielded 2.7K+ sorties/85 CAF pilots
- Resolved '08 ORI "open" discrepancy; reconciled via 3 MAJCOMs...finding closed/F-119 contract awarded
- Restructured phase package documentation...educated Mx technicians...cut MXS forms discrepancies by 30%
- Revamped Eval & Insp plan; created/implemented tracker--oversaw 100% task coverage/ensured safe mx ops

- Reviewed MXG Key Task Listing/Routine Inspection Listing...ensured critical tasks focused upon by QA
- Reviewed two prgms/consolidated three forms w/ AFI rewrite; cut research time 35%...enhanced $5B fleet mx
- Reviewed/validated six local MXG checklist...ensured complete task coverage...enhanced Mx effectiveness

- Scrutinized 10 CFETP specialty codes; cut discrepancies by 75%...garnered gp's HQ AETC Daedalian Trophy
- Scrutinized 2 extended downtime forms; ID'd/remedied 27 findings...led to 2 successful operational check flts
- Scrutinized extended downtime acft forms; ID'd/corrected 32 findings...reduced errors/raised accuracy by 12%
- Select'd QA rep f/Miramar joint service ex; performed 32 mx insps--ensured 38 sorties/7 pilots trn'd/DACT readiness

- Selected as ACC IG inspector...identified 23 shortfalls/provided remedies...Langley/Mt Home AFI compliant
- Solved engine Low Observable obstacle; sought engineer action request...eluded grounding F-22 fleet/29 acft
- Sought advancement outside primary AFSC; completed F-22 familiarization crse...raised QA capabilities 15%
- Sought knowledge outside primary AFSC; facilitated three FCFs...propelled raptor fleet availability by >10%

- Spearheaded F-15 Intake LOTI...validated/verified procedure...reduced FOD potential/preserved $1.5M asset
- Spotted Ground Instructional Trainer Acft shortfall; yielded corrective actions/10 findings...compliance 100%
- Spt'd execution of four urgent action insps; coord'd expedient eval process--readied 325 FW for AFCENT msn
- Spt'd Key West deplymt; generated 12 acft...sustained 116 tng sorties/94.4% MICAP rate/no mx non-deliveries

- Star Quality Assurance inspector-proactively combines inspections with training-23 inspections in 6 months
- Stellar SNCO! MXG commander eyes on the line... performed 120 evaluations...zero aircraft Class-A mishaps
- Stepped outside primary career field; completed 3-day F-22 familiarization crse...raised QA capabilities 15%
- Subject matter expert...guided oldest F-15 fleet to 84.1% .MC rate...325 FW won AF Outstanding Unit Award

- Superb crew chief evaluator; completed 780 insps/eliminated 39 mx deviations...enabled gp's 92.9% pass rate
- Supervised AF Repair Enhancement Prgm section; refurbished 150 components...key to $117K cost avoidance
- Supervised hot refuel prgm; certified 8 psnl/executed 19 psnl evals...locked F-22 record setting 53 sortie surge

- TMDE prgm mgr; insp/verified 18 critical equipment account items msn rdy...warranted sq's staff pro, '12-4

- Val'd 1st F-35 AER ex; eval'd evac response f/8 units/$13B assets--nixed IG deficiency...awd'd sq's NCO o/t Mo, Mar
- Validated 30 storage location discrepancies; solidified 100% stockpile integrity...garnered zero GAI findings
- Validated 5 F-22 depot action requests; verified/approved actions...enhanced fleet health/assured 682 sorties
- Validated/verified six OTI's; keyed MOS 4th consecutive AETC Mx Effectiveness Award...promote to TSgt!

- Wg's CDDAR team chief; revamped tng prgms...co-authored base instruction/crse...produced three team leads
- Worked with all squadron workcenters to identifiy areas needing improvement--improved efficiency by 30%!

Managerial/Personal/Task/Technical Evals

- Initiated 400 evaluations...identified/rectified 23 trends...wg rated AETC 10 yr best "Excellent" '08 ORI rating

- Conducted 20 technical evals; ID'ed 10 trng shortfalls--sustained 98% up-time rate on $120M PACAF systems

- Performed 213 evaluations...provided critical feedback to frontline supervisors...facilitated 94.1% pass rate

- Conducted 296 evals; identified 25 errors/provided mentorship/correction...earned MXG Staff Pro, 3rd qtr '11

- Lead Crew Chief evaluator; oversaw/reviewed 17K+ inspections...massed 92% pass rate/compliance up 2.5%

- Performed 52 Personnel Evaluations; aided AMXS 92% "Excellent" HQ AETC LCAP rating/800+ inspections

- Conducted 650+ field inspections; mentored Amn/compliance...zero acft mishaps/assisted 11K training sorties

- Enforced safety; performed 24 field evals...assured zero acft mishaps/produced 1.8K sorties & 72 CAF pilots

- Led 09-01 MXG Turkey Shoot ...performed 18 Mx/documentation evaluations...lauded success by AMXS CC

- Evaluated "Crown Royal" 09/05 exercise...executed 2 scenarios/3 injects...assured realistic trng/compliance

- Lead Crew Chief inspector; oversaw/scrutinized 17K+ insps...solidified $190M flying hr prgm/11.7K sorties

- Executed 632 inspections...provided MXG/CC Mx trend data...solidified HQ AETC ORI "Excellent" rating

- Piloted 14K inspections...increased gp's inspections by 4%...keyed MOS earning the 2008 HQ AETC MEA

- QA's "go-to" tech; insp'd AFETS tool/equip storage area; slashed inventory 70%/returned $1K equip to supply

- Executed 1K+/27K+ QA insps; fueled FW's 30K flt hrs/295 F-16 pilot grads, key to winning AETC Mx Daedalian Awd

- Led 5 managerial inspects; id'd 13 developmental areas--assisted in 35 CS garnering "Best CS in PACAF '12"

- Revitalized personal task evaluation prgm...managed inspections on 1.4K+ personnel...safeguarded 100% goal

- Maintained MXG personal eval prgm; managed evals of 1.2K personnel...ensured 100% completed/0 overdue

- Performed 14 PE's; ID'd/corrected five errors/provided mentorship/feedback...enforced gp's SDP compliance

- Conducted 168 insps/26 personal evals; ensured effective/safe mx practices across Gp--spt'd 25K fly hr pgm

- Highly effective team member; Quality Assurance evaluations of 200+ items inspected--90% pass rate reached

- Superior inspector...executed 854 QA evaluations...anchored 5 yr best 86.1% MC/76% AA/74.3 8-hr fix rate

- Swing Shift NCOIC...led 14 evaluators across eight AFSC's executing 15K+ inspections on 1.5K personnel

- Conducted 177 evaluations; identified 17 errors/provided mentorship/feedback...garnered gp Staff Pro, 3rd Qtr

- Stellar NCO! MXG CC's eyes/ears...performed 400 evaluations...guaranteed 325 MOS '08 AETC MEA win

- Excelled EPE prgm; critiqued 500+ Personnel Evaluations (PE)...pushed stds/MXG earned 95% PE pass rate

- Conducted 154 field insps; focused leadership/1.2K maintenance personnel...propelled MXG 92.3% pass rate

- Revamped personnel evaluation prgm; created/mx'd schedule/tracker--ensured 100% visibility w/ '0' overdues

- Executed flawless EPE during '13 CUI/LCAP; drove QA's 100% pass rate/'13 CC's Choice AFA Team Award

- Conducted 469 mx insps/193 psnl evals; eradicated five technical violations...earned gp's Staff Pro, 3rd qtr '12

- Processed 215 technical evaluations; ensured unit compliance/quality--completed 97% of required evaluations

- Performed over 100 technical inspections in less than a year--ensured adherence to preventive maintenance program

- Executed 298 QA evaluations...provided critical feedback to frontline supervisors...facilitated 97% pass rate

- Drove 2K+ evaluations...identified/corrected 23 faults...keyed wg's AETC 10 yr best ORI "Excellent" rating

Acceptance Inspection

- Coordinated Tyndall's first F-22 generation; established insp std/led IG acceptance...prepped wg for CAF msn

- Led two Nellis acceptance insps; verified acft records/airframe integrity increased wg's acft availability 6%

- Monitored install /acceptance of LAN expansion--incl 7 bldgs; est new precedence for positive QA involvement

Maintenance Standardization/Evaluation Program (MSEP)

- Managed Mx Standardization/Evaluation Prgm (MSEP); reviewed 17K inspections...gp compliance up 3%, '10

- Gp MSEP/qtrly trend analysis mgr; eval'd 688 type event codes/deleted 40 tasks...augmented wg's '11 AFOUA

- AMXS dedicated inspector...prepared/briefed monthly summaries...provided MXG/CC critical MSEP data

- Led 35 NCOs/boosted MSEP production 15%; oversaw 10K insps...gp netted 2.5% compliance increase, '10

- Gp MSEP mgr; reviewed 4.3K+ insps/produced three trend analysis reports...established MXG '12 goal data

- Authored seven mthly/qtrly gp MSEP briefings; illustrated strengths/weaknesses...1.8K+ sorties/72 CAF pilots

- Gp MSEP/QA database mgr; realigned 798 tech codes & tracked 8K evals...assured gp Team Tyndall, 2nd qtr

- Group MSEP manager...developed evaluation/inspection plan...increased QA oversight on Mx actions by 30%

- Authored quarterly MSEP briefing slides...tracked 2K+ inputs...provided WG/CC with critical Mx trend data

- Prepped MSEP analysis...depicted realistic view of gp's workmanship...raised QA inspection requirement 5%

- Blended 32 inspectors/8 AFSCs...conquered wg Mx quality contract...produced 170 F-15/F-22 pilots to CAF

- Created Mx inspection plan...completed 14K+ insp...exceeded inspection requirements by 16%/3 yr gp record

- Orchestrated sq dedicated insp prgm...teamed up w/ sq ldrshp/QA...improved overall MXG Mx quality by 8%

- Managed QA Database reporting; audited 9K+ entries/corrected 350 errors...distributed 720 MSEP summaries

- Created three monthly/qtrly MSEP briefings; highlighted strengths/weaknesses...maintained 92.0% gp pass rate

- Gp MSEP/QA database mgr; realigned 800+ tech codes/tracked 8K insps...ensured 99% contract completion

- Certified two new QA inspectors; boosted MSEP production 15%...gp netted 3% compliance increase, FY10

- Rallied gp MSEP prgm; aided 6.6K insps/ID'd 58 STVs...endeavors validated w/ wg's '13 AFOUA...TSgt now

- Pinpointed 61 MSEP failures; provided follow-up tng--key to 325 AMXS/MXS "Excellent" LCAP ratings '14

Activity Inspection

- Gp Activity Insp ldr; executed five checklists/35 insps/cleared 40 defects...keyed wg '11 CI "Excellent" rating

- Organized Gp Activity Insp; drove 354 insps/four agencies...nailed wg's '12 LCAP "Excellent" rating...promote

- Gp Activity Inspection lead; directed 37 checklists/six agencies/20 SNCOs...secured IG CI "Excellent" rating

- Group activity inspection mbr...inspected 10 visual borescopes/4 errors found...zero AETC IG discrepancies

- Led MXG LCAP prep; integrated Group Activity Inspection (GAI)/20 SNCOs/2K inspections...LCAP success!

- Gp Activity Inspection mbr; performed 20+ mx evals in three agencies...cemented wg IG CI "Excellent" rating

- Group Activity Insp mbr; executed 45 QVI/SI's...aided AMXS "Excellent" AETC LCAP rating, '09...promote

- Gp activity insp mbr; executed 25 evals w/ 3 seperate agencies...key'd MXS '12 Acft Mx Effectiveness Awd

- Gp Activity Insp mbr; performed 20+ mx insps/three agencies...solidified gp Compliance Inspection readiness

- Performed group activity inspection...identified/corrected 26 discrepancies...325 MXG poised for 2008 ORI

- Organized Gp Activity Insp; 1.1K evals/37 checklists/four agencies...locked wg's '12 LCAP "Excellent" rating

- Gp Activity Insp mbr; executed 19 evals/four agencies...keyed wg's '12 LCAP "Excellent" rating...promote now

- Drove Gp Activity Insp; led 32 evals/8 checklists...locked wing's '12 LCAP "Excellent" rating...promote now

Quality Verification Inspection (QVI)

- Initiated 4 acft panel fastener sweeps...focused leadership/verified corrective actions...slashed QVI fails 50%

- Validated 155 QVI insps; ID'd 4 broken safety brake cables/trnd "On the Spot"...averted brake failure/acft loss

- Instructed 19 F-119 engine post test QVI's; created 19 spare motor surplus--bolstered gp's availability by 30%

- Conducted 157 SI/14 PE/11 QVI; ID'd 26 mx shortfalls/provided feedback...drove 3% repeat/recur rate, Mar

- Conducted 144 evals/43 PEs/QVIs; rectified 20 errors/demanded compliance...ensured gp's 88.1% pass rate

- Lead SME EOR AFSO21 event...researched 352 line items...drove by 30% reduction in EOR QVI/PE failures

- Invaluable inspector; conducted 105 QVI/239 SI/29 PE inspections--strictly enforced TO use/MX discipline

- Identified improperly installed F119 thrust mount during QVI...directed fix...prevented damage to $3M engine

- Performed five missile maintenance QVIs...safeguarded quality Mx actions in support of pilot training syllabus


- Commanded overall mx prgm; impounds/FCF/OCF & gp/wg mthly MSEP...1.8K sorties/2K hrs/72 CAF pilots

- Oversaw Weight/Balance (W&B), Evaluator Proficiency Evaluation (EPE), aircraft (acft) impoundment prgms

- Guided overall mx prgm; impounds/FCF/OCF & gp mthly/wg qtrly MSEP...1.8K sorties/2K hrs/72 CAF pilots

- Oversaw 325 MXG QA; reviewed 25 STVs/9 impounds/performed mthly MSEP briefs...enabled 819.9 flt hrs

- Oversaw wpns Mx on wg's 27 Eagles...ensured 100% combat readiness...sustained $918M in CAF trng assets

- Masterfully executed logistics support for seven TDY units; zero mishaps/shortfalls...700+ trng sorties flown

- Directly supervised three NCOs/indirectly supervised seven on flawless mx....key to gp's AETC Gerrity Awd

- Managed flt safety prgm; equipped 18 psnl/prepared & routed safety mishap reports...IG CI "Excellent" rating

- Provided oversite on F-15 transfer order; leaned 15 AFSO21 processes...enabled 51 acft transferred on-time

- Managed MSEP; reviewed 2K+ insps/produced three trend analysis reports...data established MXG FY goals

- Led 35 NCOs/boosted MSEP production 15%; oversaw 10K insps...gp netted 3% compliance increase, FY10

- Managed nine inspector/W&B courses...enabled flt to cross-utilize specialties/increased experience base 33%

- Led/hosted world-wide F-22 W&B TIM; 18 Amn W&B certified...raised training capability 20% for 5 AFB's

- Mng'd gp W&B prgm; supervised 3 acft weighs/cert'd 2 psnl...enabled 93% mx scheduling effectiveness rate

- Chaired MXG avionics working gp...highlighted system issues...slashed break rate by 3.4% over last 3 months

- Gp FCF/OCF Prgm Mgr; executed 18 forms reviews/trained one QA inspector...solidified quality mx actions

- Managed section/gp staff training prgms; forecasted/scheduled 200+ events...warranted sq Verne Orr Awd '10

- Restructured Job Standardization Program...promoted sound Mx practice...slashed documentation time by 50%

- Compiled six mth personnel eval analysis; highlighted tng deficiency/informed ldrshp...advanced pass rate 4%

- Supervised Sq's most diverse flight...provided flexible ldrshp to 33 Mx personnel in eight aircraft specialties

- Authored QA "Newsletter"; captured monthly recap/mx trends...enhanced compliance/MXG's 1.2K workforce

- Expertly managed resources...executed 98.2% QA targeted inspection rate...smashed recorded history by 20%

- Meshed 32 inspectors/8 AFSCs...conquered wg Mx quality contract...produced 170 F-15/F-22 pilots to CAF

- Produced change...cut safety/tech violations 30%/led oldest F-15 fleet to 81% MC rate...crushed CAF average

- Forcasted nine inspector/W&B courses...enabled flt to cross-utilize specialties/raised experience base 33%

- Led QA cross utilization program...exceeded trng requirements/reduced workload...section capability up 30%

- Implemented QA inspector cross utilization prgm...blended tasks of nine different AFSCs...production up 32%

- Cross utilized 17 inspectors/6 AFSCs; conquered insp contract/3.3K evals...guaranteed gp's 88.1% pass rate

- Cross utilized 23 inspectors/five AFSCs; conquered FW mx contracts/2.4K evals...key to gp's 90.6% pass rate

- Cross utilized 32 inspectors/six AFSCs; conquered wg mx quality contracts...propelled sq Verne Orr Awd '10

- Mentored new backshops on TAFB procedures; highlighted shortfalls/trnd psnl...expedited civ to mil transition

- Developed prgm to increase inspectors in Mx work center...vehicle cost cut $12K...inspector presence up 88%

- Directed 14K+ QA inspections...drove gp/wg Excellent rating '08 HQ AETC ORI best seen in 10 years

- Active leadership produced results...inspection quality improved...gp pass rate accurate w/ 300+ more insps

- Established BPO/PR recurring class; developed systematic flow of all 3/5-lvls...boosted msn proficiency 85%

- Rallied crew chief section acft appearance prgm; solidified two top jet victories...bolstered unit pride/morale

- Piloted Supervisor of Wk prgm; selected 32 top Amn/corrected 45 major defects...anchored 91% QA pass rate

Crash/Mishap Investigation/Safety

- Spearheaded acft crash response; collected records/ensured eqpmt impounded...facilitated safety investigation

- Responded to major acft mishaps...assisted interim board pres...expert guidance enabled $284M acft recovery

- Supported mishap investigation...identified shortfalls/published Mx Flash...1.5K Mx personnel 100% informed

- Initiated Bay County Airport crash exer...evaluated joint agencies' response...cemented base/local teamwork

- Blended contractor/wg agencies acft crash recovery efforts...expertly executed 2 acft recoveries...zero mishaps

- Directed wg's crashed acft exer...evaluated Tyndall's response abilities...AETC IG rated event "Outstanding"

- Lean advocate during 15-man rotation; authored QA EAC "red book"; streamlined crash response actions/roles by 15%

- Interim mishap investigation team member...gathered all required documents/equipment...eased transfer to SIB

- Gp CDDAR team chief; responded to acft recovery/conducted yrly trng...ACC asset salvaged w/ zero mishaps

- Selected as wg mishap team member...organized checklist/equipment...cut 12 man hrs/eased transfer to board

- Led mishap acft recovery...secured acft/documents...drove recovery checklist/safety board investigation efforts

- Critical element to Class-B mishap...performed research/submitted tech data changes...affected F-15s AF wide

- MOS Motorcycle Safety Rep; tracked annual requirements/mentored 30 AMN...key to zero mishaps/fatalities

- Critical to Class-C mishap investigation...uncovered tech data inconsistencies...ensured F-15 safety fleet-wide

- Mng'd safety prgm; trained/equipped 18 psnl/zero violations...assured wg's '11 CI "Excellent" rating...promote

- Oversaw flt safety prgm; mentored 18 psnl; vital to AETC fatality-free Critical Days of Summer...50-yr record

- ACC Accident Investigation Board mbr; dissected 20+ yrs historical acft/mx data...alleviated fleet grounding

- Collaborated with wg analysis...validated safety data from FY06 to present...ensured accuracy of 2 yr histories

Identified Errors/Faults

- Identified broken relay panel retaining clip...prevented potential FOD...saved 8 man-hours/acft impoundment

- I'd two unsecure shock strut bolts; gen'd MXG crosstell/raised awareness; averted Class C/safed $3.5B fleet

- Identified over-due dynamite inspection...briefed recent change to inspection intervals...greatly enhanced safety

- Found missing knob lodged in the ejection seat track...retrieved knob...averted impoundment/Mx non-delivery

- Generated igniter plug QA flash; corrected component turn-in process...reduced supply errors from 32 to zero

- Identified flare module missing condition tags...trained 12 personnel...eliminated safety hazard/ground mishap

- Discovered damaged missle stabilizer...removed component from service...prevented possible in-flight mishap

- Detected explosive storage structure status error...verified/corrected immediately...averted explosive mishap

- Identified incorrectly marked digital calipers...briefed proper procedures....reduced wg lost tool rate by 47%

- Detected two faulty munitions igloo fusible links...initiated 100% link inspection...averted fire hazard/mishap

- Noted AFTO Form 244 documentation error trend...briefed/trained Mx personnel...slashed discrepancies 50%

- Discovered damaged missile umbilical...expedited repair process...ceased faulty data uplink/ineffective sortie

- Found un-etched retaining ring kit...trained five Amn on procedure...prevented lost tools/cut FY07 rate by 47%

- Uncovered three unmarked trng missiles...corrected deficiency...eliminated potential ground mishap/$34M loss

- Identified acft wire chaffing potential...keyed F-22 inverter harness TO change/halted mishaps...saved $980K

- Detected erroneous explosive storage structure status...verified/corrected on spot...zero explosive mishaps

- Razor sharp inspector; id'd two improperly installed pitot probe connectors--avoided acft mishap/saved $90M

- Discovered missing bushing on R MLG Yoke...prevented main gear malfunction...saved $163M F-22 aircraft

- Identified incorrectly installed conveyor system...retrained six technicians...prevented recurrence/damaged acft

- Identified improperly stored aircraft ejection seat catapult...trained two technicians...prevented loss of assets

- Detected burning power cord; isolated circuit/safed situation...averted loss of hangar/four POTUS helicopters

- Identified torque tube installation error; submitted TODCR/approved...eluded damage on 58 doors/$90K each

- Led hydraulic working group...uncovered tech data errors/submitted corrections...ensured safety of F-15 fleet

- Identified T.O. deficiencies...submitted AFTO22 to correct fire push button fault ...guaranteed F-15 fleet safety

- Detected faulty oil/water separator; notified CE psnl...averted storm water sys hazardous waste contamination

- Investigated damaged F119 divergent segment; exposed assembly defect...executed new insp/saved AF $73M

- Discovered two defective 3000 trailers; initiated serviceable trailer transfer...increased gp capability by 25%

Safety/Technical Violation (STV)

- Created QA "Newsletter"; recapped Safety/Technical Violation (STV) trends...STV's decreasd 30% since Apr

- Selected as LAFB LCAP pre-insp team inspector; conducted 1203 insps/33 STVs...ensured "Excellent" results

- Led 325 MXG; drove Mx Stan Eval Prgm/reviewed 9K insps/89 STVs...propelled 2.9K sorties/85 CAF pilots

- Identified six STV's; mentored proper mx practices/conducted follow up PE's...STV's decreased >15%, FY 10

- Lead Munitions evaluator; performed 800 inspections/mentored Amn on proper Mx...STV's decreased by 25%

- Designed mnthly "Knowledge is Power" challenge; tested 30+ Amn on primary duties...reduced STVs by 50%

- Identified five STV's; mentored Amn sound mx practices/reinforced compliance...STV's decreased 15%, FY10

- Detected 20 STVs; eliminated situations/conducted follow-up tng sessions...cut violations by 18% previous FY

- Led GAI eval team; validated 468 inspections/five STV's...unmasked gps 75% pass rate/ensured CI readiness

- Implemented Tyndall's first LCL into IMIS; reduced research time >35%...enhanced efficiency/cut STV's 11%

- Detected four STVs; rectified situations/conducted follow-up tng session...cut violations by 12%/previous qtr

- Detected four STV's; rectified situations/conducted follow-up tng session...affected mx across grp cut >40%

- AF Safety Investigation Board liaison; supervised six key mx tasks...expedited inquiry/completed w/in 20 days

- Ex EMERALD WARRIOR mx liaison; trnd 90+ on airfield ops/local mx hazards...350 mishap free jt tng msns

- Sq Safety NCO; led 42 insps/authored 52 safety briefs/105 Amn...won AETC lvl Geico Mil Service Awd '12

- Led bomb lift truck safety inspection...verified 27% unserviceable/devised recovery plan...zero mission delays


- Instructed Impound Official crse; taught five classes/reduced forms errors 20%...raised skill set of 19 SNCOs

- Trained 4 evaluators on impoundment procedures...increased flight line support...increased capabilities 25%

- Trained five new QA evaluators...strictly emphasized solid Mx procedures...increased gp capabilities 15%

- Trained two rookie QA evaluators...strictly emphasized solid mx practices...elevated section capabilities 15%

- Taught F-15 Dedicated Crew Chief course...instructed 20+ maintainers...enhanced flight line inspection skills

- Conducted 25 functional check flight briefs...validated maintenance/documentation...F-15s airworthy for flight

- Mentored NCOs; coached speaking skills for world-wide F-22 W&B TIM...18 Amn certified across 5 AFB's

- Ramrodded F-22 W&B training...five inspectors trained...keyed '07 325 MOS AETC Mx Effectiveness Award

- Led quarterly wg EET trng events...assessed wg's capabilities to deploy/employ...600+ personnel war ready

- Dedicated trainer...trained 20 maintainers through non-rated evals...ensured 100% on-time skill-level upgrades

- Stellar SNCO...briefed two Right Start briefs...trained 75+ new Checkertails on Mx discipline/T.O. adherence

- Trained 35 new deployed personnel; created TCN escort training plans/25 OJT tasks...boosted capability 75%

- Discovered negative acft forms documentation trend...trained 20 technicians...slashed discrepancies by 20%

- Clarified wpns Mx procedures...trained 11 loaders on 98 tasks...resulted in 100% pass rate on 35 inspections

- Trained Amn on vital Operational Check Flight (OCF) review; 50 OCFs released...acft availability rate up 4%

- Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs released...warranted gp Staff Pro, 3rd qtr

- Mentored/trained 20 SNCOs on GAI; 1.5K+ inspections...per LCAP team: "MXG is a compliant organization"

- Managed wing Hot Pit prgm; trained/certified 23 technicians...propelled 3K+ Raptor sorties/up 13% from '09

- Executed training plan; taught 101 step task/cert'd five Amn on requirements...advanced section's quals by 44%

- Facilitated Naval Dive/Salvage Training Center; directed assembly of 10 demolition kits...60 divers certified

- Spearheaded two sq training days; led two section briefings/revealed 10 shortfalls...enhanced proficiency 25%

- Reviewed Combat Munitions Training Prgm; analyzed course syllabus...facilitated qualifications for 36 Amn

- Authenticated AC Maintenance Training Program OI...corrected eight errors...enhanced Mx effectiveness 20%

- Performed five missile maintenance QVIs...safeguarded quality Mx actions in support of pilot training syllabus

- Doggedly tracked ancillary training requirements...netted zero overdues...enabled personnel 100% AEF ready

- Trained four evaluators on FCF/OCF procedures...increased flight line support...enhanced capabilities 50%

- Gp Emerald Warrior intra-service ex liaison; trained 30 mbrs on airfield ops...AFSOC joint msn trng tasks met

- Chosen to implement a unit training course...taught 18 Airmen on forms documentation...reduced errors by 30%

- Instructed F-22 inspection procedures...trained 25 technicians...cemented wg-high 68.9% mission capable rate

- Restructured job safety training outline; aligned entire sq/51 tasks/11 workcenters...achieved 100% compliance

- Conducted 25 functional check flt briefs...validated Mx actions/documentation...delivered mission-ready acft

- Certified three new QA inspectors; section capabilities up 20%...propelled mthly insps up 35% to 17K+ per yr

- Organized Fighter Data Link Trng course...provided OJT/improved capability's...slashed repeat/recur rate 2%

- Completed three ancillary trng events...zero overdues/sustained AEF readiness...flt achieved 100% readiness

Obtained/Expanded Qualification

- Aced QA Inspector crse; broadened knowledge/skill set...trained three inspectors/section quals increased 15%

- Aced Jet Engine Mishap Investigation Crse; 72 hrs/investigator quals met...averted FW Safety Office shortage

- Attended AF TO Distribution Officer crse; mastered oversight of 333 TOs--facilitated 3.5K SATCOM mx insp

- Attended Quality Assurance Insp Course; five core tasks completed--50% increase in inspection effectiveness

- Completed Environmental Safety & Occupational Health crse; enhanced knowledge...aided flawless inspection

- Completed MAJCOM QA eval course...gained critical evaluation techniques...enhanced section abilities 10%

- Completed course requirements...awarded ERAU Safety Certificate...lowered flightline hazards/safety-minded

- Completed QA Inspector class; mastered 16 key tasks outside primary AFSC...increased flt capability by 17%

- Completed QA Inspector crse; broadened knowledge/trnd three psnl...increased gp's compliance by 3%, FY12

- Completed QA Inspector crse; broadened exec knowledge/skill set...provided mentorship to 18 QA evaluators

- Completed F-15/22 W&B certification...drove MXG Mx effectiveness...zero overdue W&B/capability up 9%

- Completed 16 hr F-22 fam course; expanded toolbox for validation of mx repairs...section experience up 20%

- Completed TODCR trng crse; managed/reviewed 15 TAFBIs/forms...ensured completeness of annual reviews

- Driven/self motivated...completed acft W&B trng 2 months ahead of schedule...increased QA capabilities 25%

- Earned Emergency Response Ops C2/UCC quals; boosted EET knowledge...led to pgrm's "Excellent" CI rating

- Finished QA inspector crse; broadened knowledge/redesigned QA handbook...provided mentorship for 18 psnl

- Mastered 16 tasks outside of primary AFSC; completed ten key task listing insps...increased flt capability 17%

- Mastered IG inspector course; expanded toolbox for validation of QA findings...sections experience up 20%

- Honed skills at F-22 IMIS course; authored oxygen hose LOTI routing...prevented Class-A mishap conditions

- Mastered 16 key tasks outside speciality; performed 13 insps...alleviated shortfall/QA capabilities up by 25%

- Mastered six key tasks outside specialty; performed 12 evals/resolved shortfalls...raised QA capabilities 15%

- Sustained Silver Flag combat repair/survival course; issued 57 munitions/$409K...3K+ pilots trained for CAF

- W&B certified; nailed seven acft weighs/ten Chart-A checks...solidified '11 HQ AETC Mx Effectiveness Awd


- Organized flt line intrusion exer...cultivated war ready posture...awarded sq NCO Staff Professional of 2d Qtr

- Drove wg Exercise Evaluation Team...assessed wg ability...identified 8 deficiencies during four wg exercises

- FW Exercise Evaluation Team mbr; authored nine ex scenarios...postured msn readiness/wg's 5K+ workforce

- Gp EET lead; directed five ex scenarios/corrected 11 findings...instilled AT/FP awareness to wgs 5.1K Amn

- Coordinated active shooter exercise; led 11-man evaluation team...discovered/corrected 14 wg discrepancies

- 325 FW exercise evaluator...provided real-world contingency trng...cultivated wg AEF war readiness posture

- Directed wg MARE...evaluated Tyndall's response capabilities...exercise rated "Outstanding" by AETC IG

- Executed flight line penetration exercise...ensured smooth execution/detection...enhanced war readiness culture

- Wg EET mbr...evaluated major accident response exer...qualified 35 local/AF emergency response personnel

- Wg EET mbr; eval'd active shooter inputs/2 acft generations...efforts validated w/ wg's '12 AFOUA...promote!

- Organized 12 flight line intrusion exercises...delivered realistic trng...cultured anti-terrorist/war-ready posture

- Wg EET Mx lead...position normally filled by SNCO...cultivated war readiness culture/executed wg exercises

- FW Exercise Evaluation Team mbr; led/organized 12 exercises...postured msn readiness/wg's 5K+ workforce

- FW Exercise Evaluation Team mbr; inspected FPCON procedures/spotted two errors...lifted wg AT readiness

- FW EET mbr; led eight exs/conducted 95 insps/fixed 55 findings...instilled AT/FP awareness to wg's 5K Amn

- FW EET mbr; inspected two exs/four scenarios/four acft generations...assured wg's 2.6K Amn CAF msn ready

- FW EET mbr; validated three FPCON exer scenarios/identified 12 discrepancies...boosted wg AT awareness

- FW EET mbr; managed wg active shooter inputs/ID'd five discrepancies...boosted vigilance to wg's 5K+ Amn

- 325 FW EET mbr; led 8 exercises/7 scenarios/4 acft generations...increased msn readiness for wg...promote

- Conducted flightline pentration exercises...ensured smooth execution...flight line situational awareness assured

- MXG Exercise Evaluation Team member...participated in Mx group exercises...cultivated focus on readiness

- Exercise Evaluation Team member...MXG focal point for trng exercises...cultivated war readiness culture

- FW Exercise Evaluation Team lead; co'ord four MXG scenarios...assured msn readiness/wg's 5k+ workforce

- Aggressor during wg exer...provided real world flight line intruder training...cultivated war readiness posture

- QA EET for three FPCON Delta exercises; reported/corrected five discrepancies--raised 5 BW preparedness

- Led MXG EET team...evaluated wg response plan...blended Tyndall team actions/identified 2 areas deficient

- Led three wg EET ex; conducted 65 insps/corrected 25 findings...postured msn readiness/wg's 5K workforce

- MXG EET lead; coord'd Crown Royal 13-1 active shooter inputs...postured msn readiness for wg's 2.6K Amn

- Consummate EET inspector; instructed 12 individuals on SABC techniques--combat readiness increased 100%

- Trusted agent...evaluated Ex CROWN ROYAL 08-02/reviewed SPINs for Mx feasibility...realistic trng achvd

- Orchestrated physiological event scenario; coord'd tng nine base agencies...validated emergency response plan

- Gp lead for Wg IG team; coord'd 3 ex scenarios/ID'd 10 findings--postured msn readiness for wg's 2.6K Amn

- Led six Crown Royal ex scenarios; coord'd w/ nine base agencies...postured msn readiness for wg's 2.6K Amn


- Validated CSAF Immediate Action TCTO 1566/1567...oversaw task...returned Tyndall F-15 fleet to service

- Created process to validate currency of tech data...heightened gp awareness...corrected two AF deficiencies

- Validated Landing Gear TCTO...verified applicability to 3,455 line items...enhanced wing readiness posture

- Reviewed/approved three technical order changes; implemented new procedures...saved wg 24 man hrs/$10K

- Validated five HAF Safety TCTOs; verified 16 inspection processes...eradicated F-22 fleet wide stand down

- Actuated 104 TO change requests; 47 TO changes approved...boosted TO accuracy by 65%/CAF wide impact

- Validated 5 HQ AF Safety TCTOs; verified 16 procedures...halted fleet stand down/vital to wg's '11 AFOUA

- Scrutinized 77 TO change requests; 21 changes approved...increased TO accuracy by 65%/CAF-wide impact

- Led management of TO distribution; 5K+ TO/TCTO/OTIs...produced 0.1% error rate/beat AETC 3% standard

- Validated five munitions TCTOs...verified applicability to 3,455 line items...cultivated wing readiness posture

- Led Pratt & Whitney TCTO validation team...adopted heat-treated brackets...increased augmentor life by 20%

- Validated 25 TCTO's; identified one major discrepancy/initiated AFTO Form 22...eliminated safety infraction

- Validated two munitions TCTOs; verified acft/muns interface compatibility...led to operational JDAM arsenal

- Expanded tool box; processed/scrutinized 15 TCTOs...produced 0.5% error rate/crushed AETC 3% standard

- Developed/taught basic TO crse; mentored prgm mgmt procedures/20 TODA custodians...upped pass rate 80%

- Verified 11 TCTOs/11 TO requests; rectified four major safety findings...secured $5.3B fleet asset compliance

- Validated/verified navigation lighting time change technical order; 10 aircraft completed...fortified fleet health

- Validated two munitions TCTOs...verified applicability to 3,455 line items...enhanced wing readiness posture

- Reviewed seven F-22 TCTO's...verified/validated Mx procedures...ensured safety of wg's $3.4B Raptor fleet

- Managed F-22 fleet impact on 155 TCTOs; assured sys reliability contributed to 98% mx sched effectiveness

- Authored TOD task verification steps; processed 74 TODCR request 42 technical changes directed AF wide

- Verified three TCTOs/85 TODCR requests; validated flight safety...assured sys reliability/secured $6.5B fleet

- Orchestrated HHQ's F-15 TCTO compliance...engineered "go" teams...secured safety of $918M+ in AF assets

- Alternate wg avionics mgr; orchestrated three mission critical TCTOs/two QA flashes...enabled 3K+ flying hrs

- Validated five HQ Air Force Safety TCTOs; oversaw insp of 16 pivotal procedures...nailed wg's '11 AFOUA

- Led TCTO pgm shortfall solution; initiated/standardized tracking procedures--validated eqpmnt seviceability

- Mx Group TODO alt manager; processed 877 TO changes impacted HOF/200% FMC rate increase Apr-Jun

- Spearheaded AF wide F-15 ramp insp shortfall...authored four safety tech data changes...cut 40 man hrs/$1.5M

- Reviewed 100+ Technical Order Data Change Requests; sent 10 QA Flash reports...60+ TO changes validated

- Reviewed/processed 59 TODCRs; 42 TO changes validated...cemented MXG's HQ AETC Daedalian Trophy

- Validated 85 TO data change requests; scrutinized for proper guidance...promoted safe mx/secured $5B+ fleet

- Validated 20+ F-22 TO change requests...justified steps/approved actions...enhanced Raptor Mx community

- Validated six TODCR's...approved at MAJCOM level...provided safe mx on 29 F-22's acft valued at $5B+

- Validated 44 TODCR's; scrutinized requests/ensured proper guidance...promoted safe mx/secured $5B+ fleet

- Validated 23 F-22 TO action requests; verified/approved actions...enhanced Raptor mx community AF wide

- Led management of TO distribution; accounted for 40K+ TOs...produced 1% error rate/beat AETC std by 2%

- Validated 45 F-22 technical order/action requests; 28 approved to date...propelled Raptor mx/improved safety


- Evaluated/resolved gp's FOM procedures...authored insp criteria...reduced FOD/lost items mishaps by 50%

- Led 1.5K+ gp personnel FOD walk...inspected 6 taxiways/2 runways...slashed FODs 50%/bested last 10 yrs

- Directed three runway FOD sweeps...organized 2K+ Airmen from eleven base agencies...cut FOD rate by 50%

- Led flt line vehicle magnetic prgm...FOD prevention up 400%...cut total number FODs 33%/chargeables 50%

- Directed two runway FOD sweeps/golden bolt; led 2K+ Airmen from 11 base agencies...cut FOD rate by 50%

- Directed three runway FOD sweeps...organized 2K+ Airmen from five base agencies...cut FOD rate by 50%

- Clarified airfield FOD check points...ensured concise prgm oversight...provided guidance for 1.4K+ personnel

- Drove wg's acft panel fastener sweep prgm...executed/verified Mx actions...zero reportable FOD incidents

- Conducted nine Right Start briefings...educated 214 new Checkertails on FOD reporting...increased awareness

- Directed seven runway FOD sweeps...organized 2K+ Airmen from five base agencies...FOD rate cut by 50%

- Drove wg's acft panel fastener sweep prgm...executed/verified mx actions...slashed reportable FOD incidents

- Improved FOD awareness...magnet usage up 400%/chargeable FODs reduced 50%...drove 10-yr best FO rate

- Orchestrated two FW FOD walks; guided 5K Amn & 11 base agencies solidified 0% FO rate/FW 11-yr best

- Orchestrated F-15/F-22 fastener inspection...identified FOD issues/raised awareness...rate dropped by 25%

- Led 18 AMU FOD walks/100 Amn; collected > 10 lbs of debris...decreased reported FOD incidents by 33%

- 325th FW FOD walk key mbr; inspected 6 taxiways/2 runways helped maintained FOD rate to 0%, FY11-2

- Established QA Golden Bolt awd pgm; validated unit FOD walks/cleared 60 lbs of debris; recognized 2 Amn

- Orchestrated three airfield sweeps; guided wg's 5K Amn/11 base agencies...nailed 0% FO rate/FW 11-yr best

QA/Force Protection

- OIF Force Protection Escort; provided security for 200+ workforce/$80M contracts/24 projs...zero incidents

- Lead FP scheduler; prioritized/assigned daily taskings for 89 personnel...provided uninterrupted escort support


- Mx Gp JOAP Mgr; monitored collection/3K+ samples/tracked errors for trends...yielded 99% flawless results

- Leaned hot pit JOAP requirement...maximized acft turn-time...up 50%...2K+ Raptor/Eagle combat trng sorties

- Identified incorrect missile launcher lubricating oil in use...developed wpns QA flash...averted $9K in damage

- Managed Oil Analysis Prgm; corrected error trends/9.5K samples processed...beat gp's 5% error rate by 3.2%

OI/AFI/Local Procedures/Instructions

- Analyzed three local checklists; forged/implemented eight safety changes...enhanced safety/saved wg 8 man hrs

- Authored one-time inspection...prevented inlet ramp lowering/raising malfunction...saved $7M in wg assets

- Authored TO change and 4 LWC/LPS validation process...eliminated tech data error ...ensured 100% accuracy

- Authored nine Tyndall OI's...ensured clear/concise prgm oversight...provided guidance for gp's 1.4K personnel

- Authored monthly MSEP briefing slides...tracked 2K+ inputs...provided MXG/CC with critical Mx trend data

- Authored 4 local page supplements...processes implemented...directed personnel/secured $1.8B+ in AF assets

- Authored LOTI...ensured correct brake system components installed...reduced failures 15%/saved $11M asset

- Authored 53 local instructions...ensured accuracy/relevance...provided clear guidance for 1.4K+ Mx personnel

- Consolidated 53 instructions w/ AFI rewrite; reduced research time 35%...fostered mx capabilities on 32 acft

- Consolidated MXG IPI listing...coordinated multiple workcenter inputs...eliminated redundant IPI's by 20%

- Consolidated 53 instructions w/ AFI rewrite; reduced research time 35%...enhanced mx on $5.3B fleet/32 acft

- Created Tyndall AFI 21-101 supplement...blended 56 gp OIs/one source for technicians...bested Mx capability

- Culminated AFI 21-101 TAFB Supplement rewrite; implemented 43 changes...aligned gp w/ CAF/ACC rqmts

- Directed 20 MXG OI reviews; developed F-22 specific instructions...abolished all F-15 post drawdown rqmts

- Designed Operational Check Flt forms tracker; analyzed 1K write ups...eradicated F-22 fleet wide stand down

- Expediently authored F-22 rudder LOTI...6 hrs from MXG/CC order OTI was INW...prevented 2 acft mishaps

- ID'd 21 F-22 critical interest items; led coordination w/ 10 AFSCs...produced first ever F-22 IPI listing in AF

- Operational Instruction (OI) manager...60+ MXG/TAFB OIs reviewed/updated...Mx tasks precise to 21-101

- Orchestrated annual local checklist review; updated 30/30 technical manuals...completed 100%/14 days early

- QA records custodian manager; maintained and reviewed 13 OIs...assured continuity of regulations and forms

- Revamped local manufactured tool prgm; reviewed 150 requests/developed new OI...streamlined gp process

- Reviewed/edited seven local instructions...ensured tasks precise to AFI 21-101...guided 1.4K Mx personnel

- Revised two local checklists...ensured 100% task coverage...provided 1.4K personnel clear/concise guidance

- SME...reviewed 2 MXG OIs/identified 3 deficiencies...led MXG/CCs Safe, Disciplined, Professional culture

- Spearheaded AFI 21-101 TAFB SUP...revised 3 operating instructions...guaranteed safety of wg's $3.4B fleet

- Developed policies/procedures to ensure sound Mx practices on 53 F-15s and 29 F-22s valued at over $5.1B

- Authored Tyndall AFI21-101 supplement...combined 53 instructions...increased awareness/currency by 50%

- Authored MXG KTL/RIL program...increased requirements awareness...inspection effectiveness up 20%


- Rejunvenated JST/Local forms prgm...created tracking/review schedule...100% during HQ AETC LCAP insp

- Flawless Master Aircaft Forms mgr...intergrated local reqs into 00-20-1 sup...reduced acft forms fails by 9%

- Created Operational Check Flt forms tracker; analyzed 1K+ write ups...eradicated F-22 fleet wide stand down

- Spearheaded unit training course...taught 18 Airmen on proper forms documentation...reduced errors by 30%

- Eliminated acft data documentation error; taught/trained mx psnl--elavated fabrication flight to 90% pass rate

- Restructured phase package documentation...educated Mx technicians...cut MXS forms discrepancies by 30%

- Executed 88 FCF/OCF forms reviews...solidified quality Mx actions...drove 325 FW AA rate up 10% FY 09

- Completed Advanced Aircraft Forms Doc class...solidified knowledge base...increased QA capabilities 15%

- Reviewed/corrected 1,800 acft forms entries...16 flawless QA inspections...guaranteed flight's 100% pass rate

- Analyzed extended acft downtime forms; highlighted 135 deficiencies...reduced errors/raised accuracy by 20%

Weight & Balance (W&B)

- GP W&B pgm mgr; tnd 4 prsnl on CG calculations...46 acft Chart A reviews c/w--safety ensured for 23K flying hrs

- Led/hosted F-22 W&B technical interchange meeting; 18 Amn certified...trng capability up 20% for five AFB's

- W&B technician; led eight weighs/eradicated one grounding condition...secured 80 F-15/F-22's valued at $5B

- Assisted Worldwide W&B Technical Interchange Meeting; facilitated instruction...certified 16 Amn/five bases

- Accomplished W&B class; trnd one/executed two weighs/three Chart As...vaulted section's certifications 25%

- Increased W&B technicians 50%; produced 36 acft weighs/75 visual inspections...prgm impressed LCAP team

- Increased W&B technicians 60%; produced 10 acft weighs/25 visual inspections...prgm impressed IG CI team

- Key W&B mbr; executed 11 acft weighs/19 Chart-A insps--key'd 96% mx scheduling effectiveness rate, FY14

- Hand-selected to attend F-15 Mx conference...provided valuable recommendations for new W&B program

- Dynamic NCO...trained/certified four QA evaluators on W&B procedures...increased flight's capabilities 50%

- Blended mission needs/production...produced 3 W&B certifications...zero acft delays/increased capability 8%

- Completed F-15/22 W&B certification...drove MXG Mx effectiveness...zero overdue W&B/capability up 9%

- Orchestrated W&B on 65 acft...ensured safe center of gravity...solidified 100% Mx scheduling effectiveness

- Selected for software testing conf; detected/corrected 7 programming issues...fortified W&B process AF wide

- FW W&B mgr for 32 F-22s; certified four psnl/three weighs/Chart-As... facilitated 96.8% MSE/1.8% increase

- Authenticated three critical acft weight/balance recs; ID'd four discrepancies--backbone to Wg's XXK sorties

- Drove QA's Weight & Balance critical equipment list...prevented TMDE overdues...zero Mx scheduling dev's

Operational Check Flight (OCF)

- Trained Amn on vital Operational Check Flight (OCF) review; 50 OCFs released...acft availability rate up 4%

- Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs released...warranted gp Staff Pro, 3rd qtr

- Developed OCF forms review tracker; monitored 1K+ discrepancies...eradicated F-22 fleet wide stand down

- Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs released...earned gp Team Tyndall, 11-2

- Scrutinized 9 OCF/FCF acft forms reviews...acft Mx integrity assured...increased AMXS FCF release rate 9%

- Trained four evaluators on FCF/OCF procedures...increased flight line support...enhanced capabilities 50%

- Managed FCF/OCF prgm; scrutinized 12 flights/acft forms reviews/id'd 173 errors...cemented acft Mx integrity

- Aided Operational Check Flt prgm; analyzed 6 acft forms/eliminated 173 errors...monitored release of 10 acft

- Led Operational Check Flt prgm; analyzed two acft forms/fixed 65 errors...raised msn capable rate by 8%, Jul

- Processed/validated 21 Operational Check Flights; provided safe acft...boosted mission capable rate 4%, '10


- Managed equip inventory database...ensured accountability of $350K in equip...zero discrepancies during ORI

- Developed ADPE database...tracked $350K in equip...prgm lauded as "2d best" during wg annual inspection

- Revamped inspection contract/data base...inspections up 28%/safeties down 36%/9% increase QA pass rate

- Managed QA database...tracked 3100+ insp/elevated Mx results...provided gp accurate data/led 96% pass rate

- Repaired Mx contractor's database...troubleshot/replaced faulty codes...saved eight yrs of Mx data collection

- Compiled/tracked 7K+ QA inspections...verified info for accuracy...provided gp CC with error-free reporting

- Upgraded 9 computers w/ ADOBE PRO...trained section/met MOS/CC target...cut document routing time 50

- Diagnosed poor database performance...engineered/loaded batch file...improved MSEP processing time 80%

- Scrutinized 2 acft gen templates; reviewed 28 mx data entries--prepped TAFB's first combat unit for deplymt

- QA database SME; realigned 167 tech codes/drove gp's compliance w/ CAF stds--refined focus AOR mission

- Managed QA database...provided trend analysis/focused corrective measures...enabled MXG's 91% pass rate

- Initiated LEAP QA database; setup/tested pgm op/identified errors--notified AMC/repairs applied Cmd wide


- MXG WIT inspector f/Wg Phase 1/2 ex; eval'd prsnl processing/ATSO actions--ID'd 3 RIAs/530 mbrs FSR trn'd & rdy

- 325 FW WIT evaltr; executed 3 exs/5 scenarios; awd'd '15 ACC CINC Installation Excellence--STEP worthy!

- Program manager/authored six self insp checksheets...ensured compliance...MXG '08 ORI rated "Excellent"

- Led MXG prep of MAJCOM LCAP insp/47 personnel in comp of 3K+ insp...LCAP success...best in AETC

- Inspected 4 MXS prgm continuity books...identified/corrected 16 errors...zero findings during LCAP insp prep

- Selected as LAFB LCAP pre-insp team inspector; conducted 1203 insps/33 STVs...ensured "Excellent" results

- MXG lead for '12 LCAP prep; 1.1K evals/37 checklists/four agencies...locked wg's overall "Excellent" rating

- Scrutinized acft instructional prgm; identified 30+ findings...ensured 325 MOS "Outstanding" '12 AETC LCAP

- Increased Wt & Balance psnl by 50%; yielded 20 acft weighs/32 visual insps...prgm impressed IG LCAP team

- Prep'd MXG for '12 LCAP; performed 81 evals/37 checklists/four agencies...nailed wg's overall "Excellent"

- Inspected 21 gp prgm continuity books...identified/corrected 14 errors...zero findings during LCAP insp prep

- Inspected 53 QA prgm books; scrutinized for compliance/fixed 37 errors...cemented zero findings on SAV insp

- Ensured 150 weekly briefs/3 AMUs; identified trends...drove AMXS 92% "Excellent" HQ AETC LCAP rating

- Transcended three gp prgms; spotted/fixed 14 deficiencies...100% pass rate/zero findings on HQ AETC LCAP

- Hand picked as inspector for LAFB LCAP pre-insp team; conducted 1K insps...guaranteed "Excellent" results

- Built self-insp audit; prioritized trouble areas/fixed 18 errors...catalyst behind Wg's '12 HQ LCAP "Excellent"

- Received two IG evals/zero defects; recognized Top Performer...pivotal to sq '12 LCAP "Outstanding" rating

- Wg weight & balance mgr; trnd/cert 4 psnl/directed 20 weighs/32 visual insps...prgm impressed IG LCAP team

- Performed LCAP prep; insp'd six sqdns/ID'd 700 issues; QA recognized as wg 'Strength'-49/49 EPEs--promote

- Participated in LSAV insp on 726 MX QA; ensured 100% unit compliance--Mx rated "Outstanding" LCAP insp

- Performed gp self inspection...located/rectified 11 shortfalls...wg rated AETC 10 yr best "Excellent" '08 ORI

- Managed QA flt's self inspection prgm...detected/rectified 18 deficiencies...zero defects noted during '08 ORI

- Led inspectors on MXG self inspection; reviewed/ID'd gp shortfalls...focused leadership/1.2K gp maintainers

- Piloted unit self insp prgm; guided 22 section reps/256 insp items--zero findings in 20 work centers during UCI

- Created QA dedicated inspector prgm...lauded by ORI inspector...recognized as '08 ORI Superior Performer

- Reworked 325 MXG key task/routing inspection listing...focused on critical inspections...325 MXG ORI ready

- Developed sq dedicated inspector prgm...coupled sq ldrshp/QA...cut adjustment time 66%/noted ORI strength

- Detailed SI monitor; reviewed/revised 12 acft production policy/appointment letters...prgms 100% compliant

- Meticulously reviewed sq certification roster; resolved 35 missing tng documents...propelled 100% accuracy

- Executed 620 PE/SI insps; eliminated 33 anomalies/conformed mx...efforts spt'd MXS Mx Effectiveness Awd

- Selected to augment WR-ALC LSET inspection team...identified shortfalls...ensured programs AFI compliant

One-time Inspections

- Authored one-time inspection...affected 39 MJU-1 bomb lift trucks...prevented brake failure/ground accident

- Authored one-time inspection of F-15 mooring points...prevented gear failure...$1.2B in AF assets safe for flt

- Authored one-time inspection...prevented inlet ramp lowering/raising malfunction...saved $7M in wg assets

- Collected findings on 100 F-15 brake one-time insp's; isolated 4 faulty brakes...drove safety/avert aircraft fire

- Certified five one-time inspections...validated corrected acft system deficiencies...yielded $5.3B in safe acft

- Drafted local one time wiring insp; MXG/CC order executed w/in 1 day--c/w 25 insp/averted 4 acft mishaps

- Honed writing skills; authored 13 one-time inspections...shared vital information w/ F-22 community AF-wide

- Honed writing skills; authored six one-time inspections/two QA Flash notifications...raised safety awareness

- Stellar performer...initiated six one-time insp/four AF crosstells...won 325 MXG Staff Professional of 1st Qtr

- Spearheaded acft ramp one-time inspection...gained depot support/eliminated cause...beat CAF MC rate by 3%

Emergency Action checklists/Work Cards/Continuity Books

- Analyzed 31 Emergency Action checklists; streamlined CAF redux acft procedures...cut notification time 40%

- Scrutinized 22 emergency action checklists...streamlined munitions flight notification measures...cut time 20%

- Perfected emergency action checklists; examined 66 forms & alleviated 23 errors...100% notification accuracy

- Test Drove 7 EA checklists--identified process gaps and failures--guided rewrite/improved shop readiness

- Inspected 18 gp prgm continuity books...identified/corrected 14 errors...zero IG findings during '08 inspection

- Performed eight hourly postflight work card inspections...validated quality of Mx...slashed acft downtime 23%

Engine Eval

- Lead engine evaluator; managed 556 mx insps/rectified 45 findings...propelled gp 91.4% "Excellent" pass rate

- Lead engine evaluator; reviewed 2K inspections/guided 701 psnl...propelled gp's 94.5% "Excellent" pass rate

- Mng'd engine work package AFSO 21 lean event; slashed 120 man hrs...reduced documentation workload 97%

- Directed damaged engine harness analysis; uncovered root cause/informed gp ldrshp...safeguarded $11M asset

- Scrutinized test control unit fault; replaced power supply...launched spare engine availability, Apr/sq 2-yr high

- Validated F-100 engine borescope course...identified/corrected two errors...ensured 100% trng objectives met

- Authored local instruction...rewrote engine guidance...blended 75 users responsibilities/repeat rate down 4%

- Drafted engine installation QA Flash...spotlighted critical task process...zero reoccurrences since publishing

- Oversaw/validated 22 F-119 engine TCTOs...streamlined Mx actions...boosted efficiency/slashed 88 man-hrs

- Conducted four engine FOD investigations...identified improper inlet case bolts installed...cut FOD rate 12%

- Detected three loose engine throttle clamps...expedited repair effort...averted in-flight engine anomaly/mishap

- Located/removed loose safety wire in variable inlet ramp...prevented engine ingestion...avoided $1.2M loss

- Controlled production flow; tested four engines/no awaiting mx...clinched 100% spare lvl, Apr '11/flt record

- ID'd safety hazard on engine removal job; penned mx crosstell--rectified process CAF wide, TSgt immediately

- Identified improperly installed anti-rotation clamp...expedited repair effort...prevented damage to $13M engine

- Identified improperly installed F119 thrust mount during QVI...directed fix...prevented damage to $3M engine

Aircraft Impound

- Drove Impound prgm rewrite; blended prgms from 5 bases/built new process...facilitated 14 impound releases

- Impound Official instr; qual'd 18 SNCOs/28 impounds w/ zero defects...'11 HQ AETC Mx Effectiveness Awd

- Meticulously managed 9 acft impounds...validated maintenance/documentation...ensured acft worthy for flight

- Impound official instr; five crses/qual'd 12 SNCOs/45 impounds...key to '11 HQ AETC Mx Effectiveness Awd

- Impound Official crse instr; educated nine SNCOs/four classes...bested wg repeat/recur goal rate by 1% FY11

- Reviewed five acft impound records...verified corrective Mx actions...drove two QA Flashes/one AF crosstell

- Managed 154 impounds/23 weighs/6K Mx actions...wg earned HQ AETC 2009 AETC Mx Daedalian Award

- Handpicked to assist acft impound team...diagnosed eng start fail/assured quality fix...increased MC rate 15%

- Handpicked to assist acft impound team...diagnosed AFCS failure/assured quality fix...increased MC rate 15%

- Oversaw 108 acft impounds/5 acft weighs/24 FCFs/16K Mx actions...drove AA rate of 73%/beat goal by 10%

- Dissected 40+ FCF/OCF/impoundment forms; validated solid Mx actions/documentation...zero acft mishaps

- Cleared 20 impoundments; scrutinized mx records/ensured compliance...increased acft availability rate by 4%

- Dissected 70 impounds; verified documentation/fixed 2K+ discrepancies...destroyed FY12 break rate by 1.9%

- Dissected 5 impounds; verified documentation/corrected 12 discrepancies...led to 2.9K sorties/78 CAF pilots

- Conducted nine impoundment briefings...validated Mx actions/documentation...solidified 100% release rate

- Directed 100+ acft impounds/9 acft weighs/19 FCFs/6K+ mx actions...drove AA rate of 73%/beat goal by 8%

- Reviewed 145 impounds; verified documentation/fixed 7K+ discrepancies...distributed 10 AF-wide crosstells

- Scrutinized 29 acft impoundments; focused deficiency areas...drove 73% acft availability rate/beat std by 10%

- Instructed Impound Official crse; taught two classes/educated seven SNCO s...ensured 1.0% repeat/recur rate

- Reviewed 80 impounds; verified documentation/fixed 3K+ discrepancies...enabled low 1.0% repeat/recur rate

- Re-vamped MTF impoundment crse; coord'd 11 classes/26 SNCOs certified--cleared 32 acft/eqpmt impounds

- Oversaw 20 acft impounds/5 acft weighs/4 FCFs/6K Mx actions...drove AA rate of 73%/beat goal by 10%

- Managed 10 acft impoundments...validated Mx/drove 43 AMU 78% MC rate...bested AETC goal by 13%

- Certified F-22 impound official; investigated forward body nose damage...solidified flt safety/2.6% IFE rate

- Scrutinized six acft impoundments; focused ldrshp/deficiency areas...fueled aircrew tng/701 sorties/800 flt hrs

- Investigated 23 impounds...reviewed/challenged Mx actions...drove three AF crosstells/two local inspections

- Gp impound mgr; scrutinized mx actions on 61 impounds...solidified '11 MOS HQ AETC MEA...promote now

- Audited two acft impoundments; provided Gp leadership root cause analysis--maximized $7.2M O&M budget

Software Testing

- SME during AF test evaluation team visit...validated RWR software upgrade...yielded 83 combat trng sorties

- Executed AF 1st/wg acft software testing...provided hardware/software trng...reduced upgrade time by 75%

- LMR Prgm Mgr; oversaw software updates/eliminated sparking condition...ensured safe flightline/fuel cell ops

- Developed F-22 automated Form F program...improved software reliability...decreased man-hours by 40%

- Spearheaded the flight's efforts to prepare for the merging of the squadron's equipment management software


- Managed damaged LRU prgm...highlighted handling issues...focused awareness on delicate equip repair costs

- Managed damaged LRU program...evaluated $350K+ in components...ensured supply critical parts available

- AFSO21 process mbr...highlighted supply turn-in shortfalls/streamlined procedures...slashed turn time by 40%

- MXG depot/CFT liaison...reviewed/corrected 79 ETAR/validated TADS entries...secured $5.1B in AF assets

- Resourcefully managed five equip accts valued at $90K...zero mission delays...flawless during wg evaluation

- Managed $64K equipment account; tracked eight items/fixed 10 errors...received zero findings during wg audit

- Managed five GPC accounts...solidified effective resource mgmt of $90K funds...zero findings during wg audit

- Monitored two GPC accounts; controlled $118 budget...garnered outstanding results w/ zero findings wg audit

- Garnered repair authority for F-15 misc relay assembly...created supply assets...saved $15K each/2 MICAPS


- Led CAF EW testing at Tyndall...53 acft tested/provided command feedback...enhanced real world capability

- Masterminded acft Compass Rose deficiency...located/procured new site...saved wg $200K construction costs

- Meticulously managed High Speed Taxi prg...verified Mx/documentation...slashed faults 20%/ensured integrity

Aircraft Maintenance

- Coordinated 19 post-phase depot repairs...expedited engineering disposition requests...100% on time roll rate

- Oversaw Mx on wg's 53 F-15/29 F-22 acft...drove 9 QA flashes/4 OTIs/8 incident reports...produced 9 pilots

- Subject matter expert...guided oldest F-15 fleet to 84.1% FMC rate...325 FW won AF Outstanding Unit Award

- Led repair/recovery of off-station F-15...completed mission w/ limited resources...named superior performer

- Led mx of 1K+ military/258 contractors/52 civilian maintainers...325 MOS Lt Gen Leo Marquez Awd winner

- Led MXG prgms; validated three mx stan/eval prgm briefs/seven acft check flts...fueled 701 sorties/800 flt hrs

- Led 1K military & 310 contractors/maintainers; championed wg $16M FHP...nailed '11 MOS HQ AETC MEA

- Driven ldr! Lead/supported 750+ AMXS Amn; ensured success of wg $190M FHP...propelled 11.7K+ sorties

- Coordinated two AMU drawdowns; reallocated $39M of equipment...transferred 50 acft/$1.5B/on schedule

- Enforced mx stds; judged best practices/acft/Amn for Turkey Shoot 10-01...revitalized pride/esprit-de-corp

- Meticulously reviewed sq SCR; identified/corrected 30+ missing vital trng documents...SCR 100% accurate

- Eradicated AGE shortfalls; secured 25 units from AF drawdown...utilized by 12 TDY deployments/2K sorties

- Initiated F-22 Inprocess Inspections (IPI); scrutinized 5K tasks/validated 31 IPIs...process adopted CAF wide

- Revamped GITA prgm w/ MTF; scrutinized processes/yielded corrective actions...HQ AETC 100% compliant

- Supported eight WEG units; provided safekeeping of US/allied assets/$50M...enhanced multinational relations

- Provided oversite on F-15 transfer order; conducted ten Chart-A insps...enabled 49 F-15's transferred on-time

- Performed 40 ESOHCAMP inps; ID'd/corrected 23 deficiencies...key to zero findings during HQ AETC audit

- Directed 5 man Mx team...directed preparation of acft/forms/tools...swept four AMXS qtrly "Top Jet" Awards

- Selected to augment WR-ALC LSET inspection team...identified shortfalls...ensured programs AFI compliant

- Tackled complex Mx troubleshooting...mentored nine 7-levels...solidified wg-best 84.4% mission capable rate

- Completed AF Production Superintendent class...gained acft reporting skills...ready for advanced duty position

- Directed quality mx; led 701 military & 258 contractors/maintainers...clinched Gp's SNCO Staff Pro of Yr '11

- Developed policies/procedures; enforced sound mx practices on gp's 31 F-22s...earned gp's Leo Marquez win

- Coor'd w/ ACC on KOV initiatives; captured data/350 modules...completed 28 F-22s 1 mth ahead of schedule

- Spearheaded AF Corrosion Severity test; gathered test panel data...critical to the F-22 Structural Integrity Prgm

- Performed weekly inspections on 78 acft suspension items...reviewed IMDS...achieved 100% accountability

- Recognized unsafe pylon rack configuration...installed correct hardware...prevented equip failure/$56K+ loss

- Expedited mid-shift ops...performed 150 scheduled Mx actions...catapulted flt to awesome 97% QA pass rate

- Led Tyndall Combat Shield Trng Prgm...53 acft tested/83% pass rate...smashed CAF standard by over 30%

- Chaired MXG Avionics Working gp...highlighted system issues...slashed gp overall break rate by 3.4%, FY09

- Subject matter expert...guided oldest F-15 fleet to 84.1% MC rate...325 FW won AF Outstanding Unit Award

- Strictly led GAI Prgm...organized team/prepared data...keyed selection 325 MOS Lance P Sijan Ldrshp Award

- Attended F-15 WR-ALC avionics conference...provided system concerns/suggestions...focused key prgm mgrs

- First ever Red Flag North QA representative...performed 80 Mx inspections...secured 92 sorties/94% MC rate

- Accelerated depot-lvl mx; oversaw contract mx/60 insps/five acft...fostered gp's HQ AETC Daedalian Trophy

Turkey Shoot

- Drove 325 FW Turkey Shoot competition...named Superior Performer/led 12 man team...competition success

- Led MXG Turkey Shoot '09-01...performed 18 Mx/documentation evaluations...lauded success by AMXS CC

- Piloted gp's Turkey Shoot 11-01; judged best practices/acft mx/Amn...competition lauded success by Wg's CC

- Turkey Shoot 11-01 team mbr; conducted four competition inspections...efforts enhanced unit espirit de corps

- Enforced mx stds; judged best practices/acft/Amn for Turkey Shoot 10-01...revitalized pride/esprit-de-corp


- Correlated Tyndall ASIP shortfalls...authored directive, increased reporting 65%/smashed CAF rate by 20%

- Collected findings on 100 F-15 brake one-time insp's; isolated 4 faulty brakes...drove safety/avert aircraft fire

- Performed acft hydraulic line damage analysis; revealed root cause/informed gp ldrshp...secured $165M asset

- Drove quality Mx awareness...created 2 yr analysis for senior ldrs...gp Mx std up 6%/safety defects cut 5%

- Researched 15 dropped objects...highlighted product deficiencies/submitted reports...saved $200K+ in assets

- Revamped QA "Newsletter"; identified trends/enhanced gp's adherence 1K+ Amn...STV's down >15%, FY10

- Sought out knowledge; completed F-22 fam course...developed insps to identify trends/assuring gp compliance

- Performed 250 evals; focused ldrshp/slashed negative 13 mth trends 25%...enhanced efficiency/cut UCR's 11%

- Qtrly trend analysis mgr; evaluated 688 type event codes/removed 40 tasks...keyed '11 MOS HQ AETC MEA

- Overhauled QA "Newsletter"; highlighted trends/enhanced gp's adherence 1K+ Amn...cut STVs by 36%, FY11

- Authored QA "Newsletter"; captured monthly recap/mx trends...enhanced compliance/MXG's 1.2K workforce

- Created QA "Newsletter"; recapped Safety/Technical Violation (STV) trends...STV's decreasd 30% since Apr

- Developed 13-month trend analysis; detailed 22 TECs below 90%...provided target goal/3 sqn's QA pass rate

- Analyzed 13-mth trend analysis; highlighted 12 TECs below 90%...cut down 46%, FY10/gp 94% QA pass rate

- Performed 82 PE's; focused ldrshp/slashed negative13 mth trends by 46%...propelled gp's 94% QA pass rate

- Conducted 515 mx evals; focused ldrshp/reduced negative 12 mth trend by 25%...sealed gp's 90.5% pass rate

- Performed 285 psnl evals; eliminated negative 12 mth trends by 41%...produced 2.3K sorties & 41 CAF pilots

- Executed MXG QA surveillance plan...tracked problem areas/highlighted trends...focused squadron leaders

- Completed 22 F-22 BPO/PR inspections...rectified/negative trends...drove AA rate of 53%/beat goal by 5%

- Exported 803 monthly inspection results; allowed units to self-identify negative trends...raised gp pass rate 4%

- Executed GAI...trained 15 SMEs/ran 25 checklists/identified 23 negative trends...readied MXG for 2008 ORI

- Analyzed F-15 acft trends...drove 3641 safe flying hrs...contributed to historic 140K mishap-free flying hrs

- Performed 131 psnl evals; slashed 12 mth negative trends by 46%...led to 2.7K sorties/sq Leo Marquez NCOY

- Compiled mx data; authored/disseminated 10 QA Flashes--cross-tell prevented systemic negative safety trends

- Compiled Mx indicators...provided MXG accurate account of inspections...influenced commander decisions


- Section CTK Prgm Mgr; revamped TAS tracking identification/tool location...guaranteed 100% accountability

- FW CDDAR program lead; verified 178 CTK items inspected/21 team mbrs trained...ensured stellar wg EAPs

- Executed 45 tool box/equipment inspections; corrected 25 disparities...solidified 97.8% flt pass rate, Apr '11

- Identified unmarked retaining ring kit...researched/highlighted requirements...reduced wg lost tool rate by 47%

- Corrected hold-back tool graphics error; ensured proper install/setup..drove safe afterburner operations check

- Oversaw 45 tool/equip insps; identified 25 findings...pivotal to flts 98% Quality Assurance pass rate, Apr '11

- Mng'd local manufactured tool prgm; maintained/accounted for 105 items/forms...guaranteed wg's '11 AFOUA


- Designed HAZMAT inspection criteria; validated 18 evals...key to zero findings, gp ESOHCAMP inspection

- Tripled HAZMAT sampling; reviewed/directed 250 evals/averted $15K EPA fines...zero findings on wg audit

- Tripled HAZMAT sampling; mng'd 250 evals/averted $15K EPA fines...flawless during gp ESOHCAMP insp

- Performed 12 HAZMAT insps; ID'd/rectified five findings...secured zero findings, gp ESOHCAMP inspection

- Performed 40+ samplings; promoted HAZMAT knowledge...aided gp's '09 "zero findings" ESOHCAMP insp

- Performed 51 ESOHCAMP insps; propelled gp's perfect results...1st base w/zero HAZMAT findings in 15 yrs

- Executed 25 HAZMAT insps; fixed 2 major findings...led to gp's "best-ever" Environmental Compliance insp

- Executed 12 HAZMAT insps; corrected two major findings...nailed gp's "best ever" external ESOHCAMP insp

- Executed 26 HAZMAT insps; corrected 21 major findings...key to gp's "best-ever" External ESOHCAMP insp

- Executed 218 HAZMAT insps; corrected 20 major findings...vital to zero findings, gp ESOHCAMP inspection

- Meticulous program manager; ensured HAZCOM/Safety binders w/in established guidelines--zero CUI defects


- Developed Raptor Support Team message process; distributed 40+ messages...slashed distribution time >35%

- Drove crosstell procedures; developed five mx flashes/10 reports...forwarded info/alerted F-22 mx community

- Anchored wg awareness...published four QA Flashes...promoted sound Mx practices/guaranteed safe actions

- Oversaw Mx on wg's 53 F-15/29 F-22 acft...drove 6 QA flashes/2 OTIs/8 incident reports...produced 6 pilots

- Developed five QA flashes; ensured clear/concise prgm oversight...promoted safe mx/safeguarded $5B+ fleet

- FW RST MSG mgr; distributed 5 critical mx fleet crosstell letters...efforts directly enabled 740 sorties/811 hrs

- Authored monthly newsletter/recurring pubs; devised/published 20+ flashes/buzzes; kept 2K+ techs informed

- Institutionalized cross tell procedures; developed 18 mx advisories...process adopted by Raptor mx community

- Compiled mx data; authored/disseminated 10 QA Flashes--cross-tell prevented systemic negative safety trends

- Investigated 23 impounds...reviewed/challenged Mx actions...drove three AF crosstells/two local inspections

- Reviewed 145 impounds; verified documentation/fixed 7K+ discrepancies...distributed 10 AF-wide crosstells

- Directed wg awareness...published six QA Nuts & Bolts...solidified safe Mx procedures/sound Mx practices

Ground Instructional Training Aircraft (GITA)

- Revamped GITA prgm w/ MTF; analyzed processes/generated corrective actions...HQ AETC 100% compliant

- Executed 10 trng missile quality inspections...clinched 100% MC rate...sharpened CAF pilots' real-world trng

Inprocess Inspections (IPI)

- Initiated F-22 Inprocess Inspections (IPI); scrutinized 5K tasks/validated 31 IPIs...process adopted CAF wide

- Reviewed 325 MXG propulsion IPI's...coordinated six work center inputs...eliminated redundant IPI's by 20%

- Consolidated MXG IPI listing...coordinated multiple workcenter inputs...eliminated redundant IPI's by 20%

- Executed 33 F-22 IPI; scrutinized 5K tasks...new process adopted CAF wide/fostered gp's AETC Gerrity Awd

- Chaired MXG IPI review...consolidated list for AMXS, MXS, and DS2...streamlined inspection criteria 10%

- ID'd 21 F-22 critical interest items; led coordination w/ 10 AFSCs...produced first ever F-22 IPI listing in AF

- Scrutinized In-Progress Insp listing; audited 190 tasks/consolidated lists...processes adopted by Raptor nation

- Developed 1st-ever F-22 Inprocess Inspection plan; Tyndall leading the way! Standardized mx on F-22 fleet

- Overhauled In-Progress Insp listing; audited 190 tasks/consolidated lists...processes adopted by Raptor nation

- Overhauled In-Progress Insp listing; audited 190 tasks/implemented 2 new...secured fleet health/$5B+ assets

- Reviewed in-progress inspection listing; scrutinized 190 tasks/consolidated list...reduced inspection time 10%

- Finalized In-Progress Inspection listing; scrutinized 190 tasks/consolidated list...reduced inspection time 10%


- Flt community of practice mgr; examined COMSEC data/validated 320 records...enabled 347 users/5K views

- QA CoP mgr; scrutinized critical COMSEC data/validated 320 documents...info utilized 347 mbrs/5K+ views

- Ran avionics retrofit plan; coord'd w/ seven agencies/verified COMSEC security...prepped 32 acft for updates

Divider Line

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