EPR Bullets AFSC

Readiness and Mobility Training

- Handled 210K mobility assets; provided supply spt to 700+ pers/16 JSTARS acft/$5.9B--key to wg winning AFOUA '20
- Dev'd dplymnt procedures; distributed 3K critical assets/$260K <48-hrs--mobilized 3K+ pers/four deployed sites/11 msn
- Oversaw IPE overdue CWDE prgm; verified docs/cleared 118 pers--preserved 100% accuracy/zero losses/ROS averted
- Expedited ILS-S Put-away dashboard records; cleared 2K transactions/$148K--solved seven-mo backlog/MICAS errors
- Directed CWDE shelf-life; extended 268 authorizations/189 expired assets disposed--avoided replacement costs/$16K
- Identified JSMLT rqmts; noted M50 deficiency/restored 127 assets <48-hrs--outfitted 1K warriors/ORA "Excellent" rate
- Mng'd semi-annual inventory; insp'd/QC'd 1.3K SA/LW <24 hrs/beat 15-day stnd--100% asset ctrl/eight mbrs cmbt-rdy
- Enabled hi-vis wg taskers; equipped warfighters to State Capitol/DC aggression/readied 127 mbrs--poised for surge ops

- Coordinated 552FW surge trng; scheduled 402 deployment related events--140 MXS mbrs prepped to rapidly deploy

- Championed wg readiness prgm; instructed 5 crses/60 tm mbrs qual'd--cultivated 26 warfighters f/3 CENTCOM Ops

- 51 FW lead for civ evacuation ops, NEO; led 140 Amn/briefed 28 ldrshp tms--Wing primed to evac 2.4K US citizens

- Briefed 50 deployers; est'd readiness timeline/coord'd 150 appts w/ base agencies--delivered MISCAP Amn to CCDR

- Briefed ldrshp on weekly readiness status; tracked 21 UTCs/372 mobility positions--enabled Spec Ops support

- Coord'd 2 wk TSP pen-wide logistics; enabled ### briefs/5 installations/## units--### mbrs financial futures secured

- Coordinated mobility requirements for 9 movements encompassing 267 personnel (65% of managed force) w/o fail

- Developed EFAC ops plan f/new location; trn'd 11 multi-agency tm's--installation readied f/catastrophic emergencies

- Ensured accuracy of 850 AEFIs/61 AFSCs; 100% mil postured for OCO requirements--bested HAF standard of 90%

- Exceeded AF 97% on time reporting goal with 100% currency rate employing ART, DRRS, and AF-IT programs

- Facilitated CDDAR EX; ID'd 3 major areas of improvement to MXG/CC--validated Wg Crash Recovery procedures

- Formulated exer setup/reconstitution pln; coord'd camp pwr distribution w/5AFSCs--permitted cert of 34 prsnl

- Goes above and beyond job standards ensuring deployers meet and maintain all critical deployment requirements

- Hand-picked by AFRC/A1RY for committee to create svs ARTS tool kits; streamlined processes--continuity ensured

- Led the wing in understanding ART, DRRS, and AFIT programs; assisted NGB with the UDM training of AFIT

- Maintains accuracy of complex readiness data using series of databases tracking 42 UTCs and 410 mobility positions

- Managed $30K IT equipment account; ensured serviceable equipment --zero discrepancies during Annual Inspection

- Mobilized 411 personnel/129 short tons during period--integral to success of four AEFs/six ONEs/15 TDYs

- Orchestrated amazing mobility machine; processed 37 maintainers/82 cargo increments--zero discrepancies

- Org'd 4x NEO global tracking system trainings; instructed/certified 46 prsnl--reached 100% NCE accountability/3 hrs

- Organized/engaged 136 tons cargo/16 pax processed; spt'd four OREs--fortified Wg 2.8K sorties/5.5K fly hrs

- Provide timely, consistent monthly readiness reporting for higher headquarters; depicting precise mission statistics

- Scrupulously coordinates with supervision to identify manning variations and ensures uniformity of all requirements

- Skillfully tracked 41 UTCs/410 mobility positions and deployment folders enabling MXG/CC's sight picture statistic

- Submitted stellar board package; competitively selected by MAJCOM 3F1 for the FY20 Key Personnel List for FSS

- Tm leader for MARE; assessed 377 ABW and 58/150 SOW response--validated installation crash response capabilities

Star Line

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