See also AFSC 8R000, Recruiter
- "Amn, Ldr, Warrior!" Gold Badge winner; #1/53 rctrs/achv'd 49 NEC; key to all flt mbrs earning Silver Badge
- "New Orleans MEPS couldn't function w/out him"; quote from MEPS Master Chief--rdy f/promotion to TSgt!
- "People are his business!" Instituted Amn Spotlight prgm; recogniz'd 11 Amn--ldrshp's S/A enhanced on mbrs
- #1 in NEC 7/16 for 228% 3Q FY15! Filled 2 in-week canx frm other flights--awd'd "Top EA Flt & Recruiter"
- #1 of 24 in cmd; enabled 15OT01 Rated Board...14 of 19 sels (74%) w/100% minority sel rt--most sel AFRS
- #1! Booked 168/120 NEC's 140% accessed--Top Sq EA RIC 1st Qtr/NCOQ 3rd qtr/Top Flight 2nd & 3rd qtr
- #1/181 in AFRS; drove SO/CS precision recruiting--accessed 2 PJ/1 CCT/1 SOWT/3 SERE/1 EOD/1 TACP
- #1/399 RICs in gp; led sq w/21 accessions/263% msn obj; crushed qtr prod--propelled flt to 69 new contracts
- #1/5 recruiters in flt; reserved 233% of msn in Aug--unyielding efforts earned AFRS Airman of the Qtr 3Q 16
- #2 of 53 in job reservations; achvd 175% NEC goal--skyrocketed flt "worst to first"--#1 flt 1st in 11 yrs FY15
- 1 of 3 SMEs for 369 RCG Online AFTR Prgm; Id'd error/fixed--sq led as 1st in cmd to mirror operational AF
- 369 RCG's Top HP Recruiter of Qtr; finished 140% '15 production goal--earned 4th cmd Silver Badge >115%
- A+ leader! Top choice to augment HQ cmd staff; single-handedly coord'd AFRS/CC trvl--21+ US/intl TDYs
- A+ leader; drove aggressive EMS/vPC follow-up--improved sys data integrity of 72 sites; 100% compliance
- Absolutely superior Airman; Div NCO of the Qtr, 1st & 3rd Qtrs, '15; JBSA Federal Woman's Award nominee
- Absorbed 23% loss w/0backfills; realigned flt 3x--0 msn loss w/50% workload increase...2% above FY msn
- Absorbed 3 retirements/23% loss w/0 replacements; realigned flt--zero msn loss...sq 8% above qtrly EA goal
- Accessed 57 Future Amn; 211% msn accomplished--catapulted flt to #3/7 in sq, #4/63 in gp & #10/183 in cmd
- Accessed essential AF assets; enlisted 13 Mech AIs/2 Fusion Analyst/Airborne Linguist--set std for Wingmen
- Achieved highest standards of excellence; sent 61/61 error-free applications to BMT--rated among best in cmd
- Acquired crit skill; obtained cert in CPR/AED/Basic Lifesaver reqr'd to lead DEP trng--enhanced flt readiness
- Acting flt chief 4 mos; 40 days/9 TDYs in AOR--2 mbrs won "Super 6" as top 6 8Rs...won sq's Top Flt, FY15
- Acting Ops FC! Led 3 Amn/booked 272/shipped 305/4 flts earned gp 'Top 10' honors--prod up 13% from 1Q
- Acting sq/CC! Assigned G-series orders; good order/disc maint'd--achv'd 103% of msn/2 qtr w/342 new Amn
- Acting Sr Trainer entire qtr; completed 5 TDY's/200 hrs...coached sq to gp's lowest in-week canx rate--.57%!
- Adapted to budgetary flux; used market forecasting to meet future msn requirements--identified FY16 rated msn
- Add'l Duty 1st Sgt/2 wks--advised CC/8 GSUs; JBSA DDR prgm trusted agent--coord'd 32 mbrs w/11 test ctrs
- Adeptly managed multiple pgms; EAD'd 100% of assigned FY15 msn--flight closed MC/DC scholarship goals
- Advanced FY17 Execution Plan; programmed $77K shortfalls/37 add'l expenses--aligned budget rqmts/$642K
- Advised CC on manpower rqmts; aligned 11 addt'l authorizations w/msn needs--sq rdy f/accession increases
- AF ambassador; provided world-class customer service by proctoring 5 ASVAB tests--90 test leads generated
- AFRS CC vision executed! Shipped 13/reserved 8 spec op apps--delivered crit assets to COCOMs downrange
- AFRS team asset! Guided 362nd RCS through AFTR implementation--sq records 100% online in <4 weeks
- AFRS-wide impact; authored PGM 301 policy change/filled 6 gp in-wk canxs--cmd's "go-to" sq for short fills
- AFRS/CC vision executed! Shipped 13/reserved 8 spec op apps--delivered crit assets to COCOMs downrange
- Aggressively mng'd 2 vacant zones; 3K sq miles/23 schools/5.1K stdnts--bridged flt's 40% manning shortage
- Aggressively prospected PS prgm; returned CCT trainee to AD--augmented SO community w/seasoned NCO
- Aggressively qualified applicants for the highest prgm; pinpointed LO potentials--scheduled 2 AFOQT testers
- Aggressively recruited top notch apps; enlisted 44 future Amn--improved upon upon FY14 production by 46%
- Aggressively worked QW list; confirmed applicants had max job choices--eradicated holes/ensured bookings
- Aided flt chief w/shipper validations; forecasted 230 EAD checklist suspenses--ensured 29 apps to sent BMT
- Aided w/short-notice high vis visit; gathered AFRS/CC Roundtable topics--enabled effective CSAF dialogue
- Aligned flt w/unit needs; qual'd 29/reserved 18 mechanical AFSCs, 42% of flt's goal--flt closed qtr #1/7 in sq
- Aligned MEPS msn w/AFRS; filled 120 critical tech trng seats--awd'd MEPS FY16 "Standard of Excellence"
- Amassed 125% new enl contracts; reserved 25 vs MO of 20--captured 2nd coveted AFRS Silver Badge, FY16
- Amassed 148% new enlistments; reserved 34 vs goal of 23--captured 2nd coveted AFRS Silver Badge, FY16
- Amassed 22 new DEP mbrs; single-handedly supplied 9% of sq's msn! Avg 7 NECs/mo--topped MO by 57%
- Anchored flt as rookie recruiter; single-handedly produced 20% of flt's mission--assured flt's #1/7 spot in sq
- Anchored juggernaut tm; accessed 22% of flt's objective, flt hit 135% NEC--tm honored as sq's Top Flt FY16
- Answered cmd's urgent needs; filled 12 AFRS & gp short-notice cancellations--100% tech-trng seats utilized
- Answered hq's urgent needs; flt secured 12 AFRS/gp lvl short notice cancellations--ensured all trng seats filled
- Applied IMPACT skills; saved 2 potential RPA declinations/avoided losses--sq crushed prgm MOs by 100%
- Applied new IMPACT skills; queued 25 applicants! Flt accessions surged 25%--took 369 RCG top 10 flt, Dec
- Approved eTranscor requests; reconciled $170K/3 MEPS/ 1500 testers/processors--ensured FY16 104% NEC
- Architect for command's 1st vPC report tracking tool; 2K+ sites logged--bested AFRS reporting goal by 40%
- Assessed 130 credit checks for flight; garnered 0 errors--expedited flow to MEPS/ensured applicant readiness
- Assisted detailed Flt Chief; revamped goal formula--earned top flt, exceeded goal 59%...cmd's top qtrly flt chf
- Assisted local flt's DEP swear-in w/AF T-Birds at Memphis/Millington NSA Air Show--shared AF w/20K
- Assisted sq w/equipment inventory--QC'd software/53 computers--unit postured for MS Office 365 migration
- Assisted w/gp prgms; referred 2 qualified leads to lcl HP recruiter--resulted in appts w/dentist & pediatrician
- Asst'd EA trng w/1st "Boy Am I Enthusiastic" tour; generated 5 SVs/100 lds/3 CPs--sq accessions rose 75%
- Astute oversight; 67 schools/130 RAP/28 LO pkgs verified, devised new FED waiver std--saved sq 5+ hrs/wk
- Atlas of A-flt! Accessed 50% of flt goal, carried tm to 110%--informal ldr, 1st stop advisor, acting flt chf 3x
- Attained remarkable 120%/4Q/FY16; pushed flt to assess 51 app's--crucial to flt earning 106% of FY16 msn
- Attended 'Dale Carnegie' ldrship crse; recruited/mentored 49 future Amn--2 'Thunderbolt' achievements awd'd
- Attention-to-detail guru! Able to clear 87% of processors through MEPS--sustained 8% cancellation rate, 4Q
- Audited 12 waivers, streamlined process for the flight; freed 60+ hrs for FC--garnered 97% appr from SQ CC
- Audited SDAP for 85 sq pers; validated $107K paid w/$0 over/Id'd two discrepancies-back paid mbrs $20K
- Authored min qual'd job listing process; booked 92% apps w/waivers into jobs--max'd Q&W & zone potential
- Authored sq awards OI, filled 3-yr gap; designed new MEPS prep awd--qtrly RALs declined 47%, $9K saved
- Automated DEP discharge letter for MEPS; increased efficiency & tracking--saved liaisons 6 hours per month
- Balanced critical rqmts; groomed 3 interim & new Ops Chief--held RSSP together w/o mbr, kept efficiencies
- Best of the best! Honored as #1 recruiter in gp 1st qtr/#1 recruiter in cmd 2nd qtr--earned Sijan awd at gp level
- Bridged flt's 43% manning cut; mgd 2 zones/7K sq mi--bested 3Q goal by 17%/team won sq's Top Flt 2Q/3Q
- Bridged relations w/MEPCOM HQ; gapped 4 sections during SME shortfall--earned MEPCOM Liaison of Qtr
- Brilliant interim flt chief! Hand-selected; oversaw mbrs/production/logistics--took flt to #1/7 spot in sq, 4Q!
- Built bridges; selected counselor for cmd's Ed Tour, msg reached 95 HS/46K+ students--sq NCOQ 3Q CY16
- Built robust school prgm; conducted COI w/4 Eustace HS leaders--lauded for professional presentation skills
- Built STEM network across 108K AOR; conducted 24 tech fairs/30 presentations--exceeded tech msn by 40%
- Capitalized w/DEP ldrshp; flt epitomized svc after sale/maintained 98% EAD rate--crushed AFRS std by 10%
- Career counseled DEP; 69% committed to 6-year contract--maximized AF return on trng investment/tops in sq
- Carried EA & LO goal in 3rd qtr; tgt'd H2F msn areas hired 1 PS/1 spec op/4 DEP'd--averted sq msn shortfall
- Carried gp prod; filled 49 round robin jobs/propelled unit to 366 NECs--sq secured 116% goal/#2/24 in AFRS
- Carried sq's LO msn; supplied 83% of quarterly rated production--enabled airpower delivery for next 8 years
- Catalyzed AT/FP prgm; devised 32 active shooter exercises/revised 39 ofc SOPs--achieved 100% compliance
- Cemented NASCAR relationship; secured fly-over viewed by 78K attendees--saved AF $14K in booth space
- Certified shadow trainer; created foundation for 2 new recruiters--both Silver Badge in FY15 w/115% finish
- Chaired TAFB JROTC "Outreach" prgm; linked base w/12 HSs/321 ppl--lauded "Excellent" by Wg/CC/CCM
- Challenged high quality DEPPERs; tested 8; qualified 4 Linguists & 1 Broadcaster--replenished H2F AFSCs
- Champion'd Surgeon General program; expertly guided 41 applicant waivers--maintain'd 100% accountability
- Championed 0% attrition/MEPS loss rate; 49 new Amn--select'd #1/49 NCOs for base Top 3 Airmanship Awd
- Championed 2 career fairs; shared AF benefits w/1K influencers & students--enhanced relations w/16 schools
- Championed aggressive PS pgm; led recruiting efforts w/MS AF RES drill wknd--refined 10 leads to 4 appts
- Championed msn objectives; steered 100% tm >108% NEC...1 RIC 240%--max efforts led to top 2 RICs in sq
- Championed Spec Ops msn; anchored prgm w/developer...trained 74, rsv'd 26, sent 6 to BMT--key to GWOT
- Championed sq market survey end; energized gp policy change--saved 10 minutes/school, recouped >133 hrs
- Championed TAFB diversity day; built interactive display/shared perspectives--sold AF brand/gen'd 25 leads
- Choreographed job reservation process; aligned 312 civilians to eligible AFSCs--sq exceeded qtrly mission
- Cleared 397 credit chks w/99% accuracy; ensured SJC criteria met--key to winning gp Top Ops Flt 1Q, FY16
- Cleared 750+ credit checks; 99% accuracy; max'd 'F' SJC coded applicants--reduced contracted AFSC losses
- Closed out AF level audit; justified over $174K in participant PTDY reimbursement--records 100% compliant
- Cmd 3S0X1 SME; steered 360/369 RCG IG insp prep--drove critical compliance/shaped Special Interest Item
- Cmd's pinch-hitter! Filled 12 quick-ship/5 in-week gp losses--ldrshp vital to 132% of goal/low 3% refusal rate
- Co-authored flt OI; est'd more equitable recruiter goal distro/adopted by sq--asst FC awd'd AFRS Top FC, 2Q
- Co-authored qrtly Sq newsletters/mentor; showcased best practices/mentorship 95 mbrs--lauded by AFRS/CC
- Co-authored Sq newsletter; showcased best practices/gen'd 95-mbr crosstalk--periodical lauded by AFRS/CC
- Collaborated w/AFPC ARMS office on missing documents; reconciled 57 records--cleared 6-month backlog
- Colossal performer! Sent 10 Amn to BMT; ended 4th Qtr CY16 w/14 NECs vs MO of 8; eye-popping 175%!
- Community ldr; guest speaker at career day/shared stories & perspective--positive image to 1K/gen'd 20 leads
- Conducted 15 college visits over 11K sq miles; built strong relationships w/vital influencers--rec'd 122 leads
- Conducted 2 MCHPSP/MCFAP COIs; gained 24 high-quality leads...achv'd 29% contact-appt rate--7 selected
- Conducted 3 effective classroom presentations in lcl schools last qrt; promoted AF msn--gained 3 new DEPers
- Conducted 3Q flt sales refresher training; raised flt's sales success rate 8%--key to sq's Std of Excellence awd
- Conducted AOR re-alignment; Id'd 15 schools/2 media outlets/distances--ensured fair zoning for 7 recruiters
- Conducted base tour; coordinated AAFES/FSS/base orgs' support--exposed 20 future Amn to active duty life
- Conducted brief for 35 mbrs on 8R assignments/BOP process; outlined procedures--2/2 matched w/#1 choice
- Conducted flawless TV interview; delivered AF msg to 90K+ viewers--free AF exposure to 40% of sq's AOR
- Conducted review of 94 trng records; identified/corrected 15 errors--provided CC w/accurate trng overview
- Conducted trng w/61 recruiters; stressed applicant quals--improved MEPS success rate by 7% over previous qtr
- Conducted unit trng; informed 51 EA recruiters on LO referrals--increased LO's production for FY16 by 48%
- Consummate pros! QC'd 113 waivers, 304 cc/144 RAP apps/booked 290 NECs/32 EADs--rdy for CCIP insp
- Controlled 300+ QC checks; issued 150 enlistment contracts/45 bonuses--verified $185K in IEBs w/0 errors
- Converted 15 acft mech shippers to 6-yr contracts; 91% MEPS success rate--bolstered AFRS high-interest tgt
- Coord'd 10 classroom presentations; refined 130 leads; gained 4 new enl contracts--secured cmd Silver Badge
- Coord'd 275 new enlistments; minimized in-week cancellations/sustained 0.95%--saved $260K/beat cmd std
- Coord'd AD/ANG/AFR MEPS processors; 4.8K Amn shipped to BMT--spt'd TF compliance w/end-strength
- Coord'd air show swear-in by CSAF; inspired/impacted 35 future Amn--fostered AF insight to 5.2M viewers
- Coord'd DEP swear-in by CSAF; 35 future Amn took oath of enlistment--championed mil ceremony to 5.2M
- Coord'd flt office re-location; liaison w/USACE & bldg owners--ensured flawless transition/minimal time lost
- Coord'd FOB contingency firefighting ops; prep'd mbrs & eqpmnt/recognized as "Top Flt"--coined by unit CC
- Coord'd MEPS/CC & CMO rctr trng; educated 25 rctrs at tri-flight--aided sq achieve #1 success rate in AFRS
- Coord'd shadow prgm w/6 SMEs; arranged AFSC specific tours for 37--critical fields sales rates spiked 9%
- Coord'd w/AFPC, relocated 3 authorizations into more vibrant markets--incrs'd efficiency/msn upped 300%
- Coord'd w/MEPCOM for 72 shippers; validated $15K travel expenses--won gp 2Q/3Q Top Small MEPS awd
- Coorded dual-site trng conference; simulcasted 9-module curriculum to 45 recruiters--saved $10K & 48 hours
- Coordinated 11 SG waiver/certification requests; cut applicant wait time by 10%; flight/squadron goals met
- Coordinated 3 special-ops PAST sites across 75K sq-mile AOR--shipped 5 PJ/2 CCT/8 EOD/5 TACP/2 SERE
- Coordinated 3 SV's w/AF Thunderbird team; arranged 4 DV's for each HS--reached 2.5K students & 60 staff
- Coordinated 33 courtesy shippers; asst'd 8 MEPS/6 states/13 sq/3 groups--ensured 100% on-time departures
- Coordinated ASVAB testing for in 2 schools; 162 students tested solicited 5 proctors--cultivated 16 contracts
- Coordinated Battle of the Barbells; secured venue/negotiated 50% cost savings--BA awareness f/1K attendees
- Coordinated CPR training for 54 sq mbrs; ensured RIC's DEP PT prgm safety--gp's Top Sq Awd (#1/8), FY15
- Coordinated CrossFit Competition spt; assembled 20 mbr tm--$3K saved in ad cost/AF brand showcased to 4K
- Coordinated enlistments for 332 airmen; error rate under 1.5%--squadron met recruiting and spec ops mission
- Coordinated med consult between 2 MEPS 300 miles apart; qual'd by SG--applicant enlisted in critical AFS
- Coordinated SO/CS prgms/3 flts in sq; trained 10 new RICs--awarded AFSA Recruiter of the Year Awd, 2015
- Coordinated troubleshooting efforts w/HQ AFRS; developed CAC reader fix--minimized downtime cmd wide
- Cornerstone to continuity of ops--covered 2 vacancies & 2-wks unassisted--averted backlog/cut errors by 22%
- Counseled 145 Amn; 51% mech/elec AFSCs--sq increased 19% from 2q, FY17...filled msn critical specialties
- Counseled 40 Amn; positioned 50% into Mechanical & Electronic AFSCs; supported career needs of the AF
- Crafted annual precision recruiting plan for MC prgm; adopted sq-wide--enhanced mgmt of 1.2M sq/mi AOR
- Crafted detailed tracking database; unified ops/prod efforts w/real-time data--cut product generation time 88%
- Created AF ldrs; fortified DEP w/core values/leadership knowledge/AF vision--produced 1 BMT Honor Grad
- Created AF ldrs; inculcated DEP w/AF core values/ldrshp knowledge/vision--produced 3 BMT Honor Grads
- Created cutting-edge virtual reality flt sim; cloned ntn'l asset--on-demand access to coveted marketing tool
- Created dynamic quickship prgm; 25% of DEP ready w/no notice--enabled flt to fill 2 last min shipday canxs
- Created job tracker/36 locations; outlined work order status--provided 331 RCS ldrship task visibility/86 prsnl
- Created SOF action plan; delvr'd AFSOC rqmts w/46% prod influx vs FY14--netted 98 AFSOs...#4/24 AFRS
- Created web-based toolbox; provided one-stop shop for best practices--RTP recruiters avg'd 64% above goal
- Creates AF ldrs; fortified DEP w/core values/leadership knowledge/AF vision--produced 3 BMT Honor Grds
- Critical producer; delivered 1 CCT/1 TACP/1 SERE--strengthened AF Special Ops warfighting capabilities
- Crushed spec ops prgm; shipped 5 PJ/3 CCT/SOWT/3 SERE/9 TACP candidates--led gp w/21 SO/CS EADs
- Cultivated bond with Missouri ANG; increased PS OTS leads by 200%--garnered PS/AFAM/female applicant
- Cultivated superior DEP dvlpmnt prgm; mentored 117 enlistees on drill/fitness/ID2A--sustained 7% canx rate
- Cultivated trng plan for failing LNCO; production soared--surpassed 6 peers to receive sq qrtly "Top LNCO"
- De-conflicted job drops; team logged over 450 job counseling hrs--propelled sq to 114% NET RES for 1st qtr
- Dedicated to AF needs; 86% of shippers signed 6-yr option/crushed cmd std--aligned w/AFRS EAD strategy
- Dedicated to tm concept; provided unmatched mentorship to new flt mate--recruiter soaring, 160% rookie YTD
- Delivered 33 NEC vs MO of 27 w/superb 122%; assessed 20% of flt's 140% NEC--captured 1st Silver Badge
- Delivered 4 Biomedical Science Corps scholarship apps; only 47 vacancies nationwide...flt captured 2 selects
- Delivered AF-wide trng savings; sold 100% of enlistees on 6-yr contracts--enhanced future AF manning levels
- Delivered force-wide trng savings; sold 9 2A shippers on 6-year contracts--enhanced future manning stability
- Demonstrated 3 DEP Commander's Calls; guided 35 trainees on BMT prep/quals--resulted in 0% retention rate
- Designed annual MEPS trng; equipped 18 NCOs w/tools/selling skills/coined by Gp CC--processed 697 Amn
- Destroyed comp; propelled tm to #1/8 flts in sq 2nd yr in row--flt production rocketed to #4/183 in cmd, FY15
- Detailed to flight chief for 6 months; supervised 5 recruiters/2 in training--secured 115% NEC rate for duration
- Dev'd 7 analysis tools; raised cmd awareness w/real-time tracking--improved job match 11%/efficiency 83%
- Dev'd task priority strategy; focused sq on rqmts/49 > NEC msn obj--1 of only 4/24 sqs to meet goal all 3 mos
- Developed continuity shared-drive folder for DV visits/CoCs; saved 100+ man hours--lauded by 369 Gp/CC
- Developed FY17 spend plan; oversaw sq budget/id'd shortfalls--saved $1.5K...enabled training for 20 sq prsnl
- Developed new RICs critical tasks/COI presentations--secured 45 leads/1 of only 5 resident doctors in AFRS!
- Developed referral prgm; inspired DEP to supply 65 new leads--accessed 33% of mission from perpetuation
- Developed sq special ops training plan--48 PAST/7 Qual'd/15 EAD'd; key to sq 114.9% EAD/led gp in 1st qtr
- Developed strict QCs; reviewed/validated 939 BMT trainee pkgs--zero erroneous enlistments during tenure
- Developed/coached 9 flt chiefs/30 rics; catapulted 2 flts to top 10/182 in AFRS--unit #3/24 in new enlistments
- Develped DEP/RAP/DRAR electronic database; saved AF $1.9K yrly--won AFRS' Top Cat I Civ 1Q, CY16
- Devised innovative process for temp orders; cut dwell time for direct duty ofcrs--expedited accession process
- Devlp'd physician recruiter; demonstrated COI tasks--sec'd 45 total leads/1 of only 5 residnt doctors in AFRS!
- Devoted 10 hrs/wk covering flt; RAP/projections/tattoos/credit checks--enabled FC to train new recruiters
- Diagnosed linguist qual issue on ship-day; prevented critical AFS canx--ensured sq's 108% ship rate/#2 in gp
- Diligent oversight of short-notice opportunities; orchestrated 3 quick-ships--ensured gp maintained BMT flow
- Diligently processed 846 credit checks/85 waivers; 0 msn stoppage--sq captured 402 NEC/4 PS returned to AD
- Directed 29 waivers/937 credit checks/15 courtesy ships; coord'd 4 CC interviews--key to largest Q/W in cmd
- Directed 3-mbr RAP tm; sorted 5-yr financial docs/cleaned shredding backlog/8 flts--saved $2.5K/CCIP ready
- Directed 9 sqs personnel prgm reviews; Id'd 83 write-ups in 60 checklists--key to gp's continued CCIP success
- Directed job match tool; improved asset utilization 10% & cut processing time 179%--viewed as cmd model
- Directed logistics at 2 air shows w/national assets; 79 leads obtained--AF capabilities highlighted to attendees
- Directed precision recruiting; amassed 229 mech/elect/security forces NECs--strengthened high tempo AFSCs
- Directed prior svs prgm strike; 3 critical AFSCs filled--success catapulted flt to #1/62 in gp/#3/182 in AFRS
- Directed security clearance program; ensured timely receipt of 37 OPM cases; 100% success rate/0 EADs lost
- Directed sq AFAA response; closed 2 findings/100% compliant--ensured transparency of DoD's $175K pgm
- Directed sq trng...62% of recruiters in prgm; dedicated 350 hrs to msn-critical trng--mbrs provided 147 NECs
- Directed WAPS administration; coord'd 53 promo tests w/two bases for GSU flt--saved 64 transport/man hrs
- Displayed comprehensive ldrshp; mentored/oversaw 2 struggling recruiters--mbrs increased production 25%
- Displayed extreme work ethic; cont ops tempo/devoted to msn success--astounding 267% in 3Q & #1/56 in sq
- Displayed outstanding sales skills; inspired & quick-shipped 2 future Amn--pushed sq past goal, 10X% in qtr
- Distinguished by cmd as the Top Enlisted Recruiter in AFRS; #1/1,102 recruiters--model for peers to emulate
- Dominated school prgms; acquired 8 HS presentations/qual'd 5 juniors--linchpin to 4th consec cmd Std of Exc
- Dominated spec ops prgm; garnered 1 CCT/1 SOWT/3 SERE/3 TACP/2 EOD--sq led gp w/21 SO/CS EADs
- Dominated spec ops prgm; locked-down 1 PJ/2 TACP/3 EOD accessions--sq led gp w/21 SO/CS enlistments
- Drafted new COIR policy; clarified PGM qual, reduced requests 400%--shared across cmd/labeled benchmark
- Drove 1.1K miles to assist struggling flight; conducted MC FQ booth/trn'd new RIC...synergized Roughriders!
- Drove 2K mi in zone; 30 OVs/recognized 4 key community influencers--sq garnered 369 RCG Safety Awd '15
- Drove AFRS awds prgm CPI event; implemented cmd-wide--cut bullet count 60%/est $40K saved annually
- Drove annual trng conf; provided insight w/peer-led scenarios--sq catapulted into FY17 at 115%/#4/24 in cmd
- Drove CPI event/AFRS awds prgm; implemented cmd-wide--projected to save AFRS $40K man-hrs annually
- Drove flt's hard-to-fill mission; sought/qual'd a Cardio Lab Tech--sold recruits on meeting AF's highest needs
- Drove involved DEP; mentored mbrs on drill/fitness/sex assault reporting--equip'd 19 future Amn for success
- Drove SO precision recruitment; accessed 8 PJ/1 CCT/1 SERE/1 TACP--key to gp mtg MO, flt #1/182 in cmd
- Drove SO/CS precision recruiting; accessed 2 PJ/1 CCT/1 SOWT/3 SERE/1 EOD/1 TACP--flt #1/181 in cmd
- Dual msn focused! Accurately quality checked/processed 7 LO applications--exceeded sq FY17 goal in 4 mo
- Dual-hatted as ops/supt flt CC; led 15 prsnl & ensured msn continued unabated--FY16 msn closeout at 100%
- Dvlp'd DEP/RAP/DRAR electronic database...saved AF $1.9K yrly--won AFRS' Top Cat I Civ 1Q, CY16!
- Dvlp'd QW analysis tool; Id'd 57 applicants for 33 jobs w/in 60 min--added 10 reservations/11% of mo's msn
- Dvlp'd relationships w/8 university dept heads; coord'd 23 NR brd submissions--catapulted sq's msn to 230%
- Dynamic Recruiter! Spoke to 50 guidance counselors/COI; org'd DEP swear in before 10K--sq Sijan nom
- Dynamite team! Sent 503 to BMT--held gp's lowest 1.01% in-wk canx rate/led cmd in reservations 2 of 3 mos
- Educated 119 Amn on sexual assault/prevention; led CSAF's #1 priority--enhanced culture of dignity/respect
- Educated team on all prgms; provided 155 hrs trng in 4 mos--vital to sq mbrs earning 37 Silver Badges, FY15
- Effective Unit Fitness Prgm Mngr; diligently tracked PT currency for 110 mbrs--boosted currency rate to 99%
- Embodied comprehensive ldrshp; provided mentorship for 2 NCOs--mbrs amassed 21 hrs & OTS submission
- Employed negotiating expertise; snagged hr-long radio prgm/0 cost--saved $ 25K to AF benefits
- Employed precision recruiting; booked/shipped 4 Mech AIs/6 Elec AIs/3 SF--secured critical AFRS priorities
- Employed precision recruiting; filled PJ/CCT/TACP positions--supplied 33% of sq's qtrly SO/CS production
- Employed precision recruiting; refined 200 P3 AFRAP leads; gained 2 enlistments--filled 17% of flight's goal
- Employed wingman trng plan; linked experienced mbrs w/new recruiters--rookies exceeded qtrly msn by 11%
- Enabled AFRS CC/CV attendance at 11 Annuals; deconflicted itineraries/trvl plans--leadership visible to field
- Enabled operational decision making; compiled data from 5 programs to 6 slides for accuracy--saved man hrs
- Enabled sq's PSS to IMPACT transition; taught 70 NCOs sales system w/100% pass rate--aligned sq w/AFRS
- Enacted annual precision recruiting plan for MC prgm; adopted sq-wide--enhanced mgmt of 1.2M sq/mi AOR
- Energized MEPS sync; orgn'd Dallas MEPS trng, Id'd 7 initiatives--lauded by 344th Sq/CC, steeled continuity
- Engaged in community; orgn'd marketing events/school visits f/500+--secured top RIC sq Apr w/300% net res
- Engineered 6 PT/team-building activities; maximized flt's fitness lvl--5/8 mbrs scored excellent...100% passed
- Enhanced NCHPSP production; 9K RGM/ERGM/27 visits--generated 64 hard-to-fill leads/FY17 goal secured
- Enhanced sq CC C2 capabilities; config'd mobile encryption/sign certs--assured 24/7 e-mail/AFNET access
- Enriched bond w/media; presented 2 AFRS Salutes awds--flt dominated sq Top Flt, 1st, 2d & 3d Qtr, FY15
- Enriched recruiters marketing skills; 250+ businesses exhibited AF opportunities--sq penned 402 NEC/4 PS
- Ensured AFRS compliance; promulgated 25 critical PGM updates to field--ensured min erroneous enlistments
- Ensured ASVAB testing; coordinated 200 exams with 3 MEPS over 6 states--provided 43 8Rs w/ 7.5K leads
- Ensured quals despite 40% flawed job lists; prevented erroneous enlistments--cmd's #1 in shipping percentage
- Epitomized 7 msn critical tasks; shipped an astonishing 6 EADs without incident--sq closed 8/11 goaled prgms
- Established annual multi-HS AF basketball events; coord d w/5 media outlets/base honor grd--free adv to 10K
- Established relationships w/high school influencers; briefed junior classes--garnered 3 early entry enlistments
- Established ROI marketing plan; procured 8 career fairs/150 leads--mitigated effect of FY16 budget reductions
- Exceeded goal by 10 NECs; generated 77% of flt overproduction--carried flt to 133%/#13/180 in AFRS prod
- Exceeded NEC goal 12 of 12 months; 5x Top Flt rctr averaging 150%--launched sq 14 spots Top 10 in nation
- Exceeded OA training expectations--accelerated certification has confirmed further growth in responsibilities
- Exceeded obj every mo in qtr; reserved 60/44 future Amn/136% of MO; instrumental to sq's 109% 2 qtr prod
- Excelled as dual-role flt chief/sq trnr; flt netted 1 PJ/1 SERE/1 band/4 linguist accessions--sq SNCO OTQ, 4Q
- Excelled as flt's BA rep; recruited/prepared 3 spec ops shippers...indispensable to flt's success--#2/8 sq NECs
- Exceptional motivator! Led 43 trainees to BMT/FY16/0 ship-day canx--earned cmd 'Bronze Olympiad Medal'
- Exceptional trainer; trained three line Recruiters; focused on CC PS initiative -- Unequivocally increased confidence
- Executed $105K travel/meal/lodging budget; controlled process--assessed 517 civs w/no erroneous enlistments
- Executed 4 presentations at ABET accredited colleges; exploited engineering/diversity--netted 11 tech PIRs
- Executed flt realignment; responded to large manning cut--processed & shipped over 744 prsnl w/0 msn loss
- Executed msn at 50% manned; 176 EADs; only 1 app error--phenomenal 99.4% error-free enlistments for qtr
- Executed recruiter certification w/0 discrepancies; epitome of a recruiter--311th RCS Top Recruiter 4Q, FY15
- Executed shift brief; responsible/38 CF products/brief'd RS HQ ldrshp--integral/Jt mission planning/execution
- Executed the self-inspection of 46 CSS programs; led corrective measures--sustained 100% mission readiness
- Exemplified teamwork; augmented MEPS during absences...assisted liaisons--ensured msn continued unabated
- Expedited 109 security checks; diligence resulted in 0 late submissions--sustained 100% BMT enlistment rate
- Expedited 6 quick-ship reservations; secured travel/lodging reservations--saved 2 intel/2 CS/2 mech attritions
- Expedited 73 security checks; diligence resulted in 0 late submissions--sustained 100% BMT enlistment rate
- Expedited PS applicant processing; increased sq's production 800% from FY14--AFRS's #1 PS prgm, FY15
- Expert job counselor; 86% of DEP Amn chose 6-yr option--fortified AF end strength/crushed cmd std by 46%
- Expert shadow trnr; coached flt w/new sales tactics/tm enlisted 20 Mech AI--flt top 10 in grp Mar/Jul/Aug/Oct
- Expert unit shadow trnr; coached flt w/new sales tactic/tm enl 20 Mech AI--flt top 10 in grp f/Mar/Jul/Aug/Oct
- Expertly managed $43K in SDAP; secured entitlements for 30+ mbrs while closing out pay actions 20% faster
- Expertly mngd vacant zone; covered 4.5K sq miles/18 schools/6.5K students--bridged flt's manning shortage
- Extraordinary ldrshp; incredible DEP pgm w/masterful 5% cancellation rate--bested cmd std by 7%, tops in sq
- Exudes Airmanship! Untouchable 0% canx rate----pulverized cmd's 12% std; 86% of EADs take 6-yr option
- Facilitated 21 medical reviews to Surgeon General; qualified 4 applicants--saved AF $600 in medical costs
- Facilitated shadow trng; provided 40 hrs OJT for new F/C--put flt on track to overproduce in all MO's f/FY17
- Fashioned sq ops AFSC matching database; streamlined booking process--initial matching sky-rocketed 11%
- Filled 11 gp round robin jobs; led flt to 144% goal/#6/180 in cmd prod--sq secured 116% goal/#2/24 in AFRS
- Filled 5 gp round robin jobs; drove unit to 49 > NEC rqmt/best in gp--sq met 116% goal/#2/24 in AFRS prod
- Filled critical AFSCs; 2 PJ/1 SERE/3 EOD/3 linguists shipped to BMT--flt led sq in hard to fill new contracts
- Filled critical manning gaps; assisted w/personnel/logistics duties--17 MOIs & 9 SCA on time/$21K secured
- Filled FC pos; led multi-flt qtrly trng with leading edge sales techniques--sq s production jumped 4%, 4QFY16
- Filled hard-to-fill positions; reserved & enlisted 9 Mech AIs/3 SF/4 Linguist--manned critical AF specialties
- Filled Prior Service PJ and 4/51 AF Recruiter Ambassador slots; worked all goaled programs--sq targets met
- Filled short-notice canx; tied DEP mbr w/AFSC...EADd w/in 24 hrs--averted costly BMT/tech trng seat loss
- First responder! Piloted EMT response; treated victim w/chest pains/prevented heat stroke--patient life saved!
- Fiscal architect; training to current HPSP's on AF benefits reaped 1 perp lead/EAD--saved sq $1K TDY funds
- Fiscal mastermind; developed local training regimen for 2 new HP recruiters--cut TDY needs/saved sq $1.4K
- Fiscally focused, ensured overdue suspense items; 100% quality applications--saved $1.5K processing costs
- Fixed MFD services; updated drivers/mapped 5 PCs--salvaged 41 shipper files/restored $9.4K processing fees
- Flawless attention to detail; no erroneous enlistments entire qtr--ensured tech trng seats & upheld excellence
- Flawlessly executed CCIP; 0 deficiencies/100% compliance in Ops--recogniz'd as Superior Performance team
- Flawlessly managed DEP; zero cancellations in-week--deemed 311RCS FY15 "Master Recruiter/Gold Badge"
- Flourished during active shooter scenario; safeguarded assets, calmed recruiter--ensured safety of all around
- Flt aligned w/sq objectives; qual'd 29 & reserved 18 mech AFSCs, 42% of flt's goal--tm closed qtr #1/7 in sq
- Flt VCO & AFRO bldg mngr; initiated maint on 6 GOVs/offices; effort safeguarded $200K in lease contracts
- Flt's linchpin to success; responsible for 77% of tm's May msn--crucial to earning sq's Top EA Flt 3Q FY16
- Flt's NCO Council rep; unified trng products to 1-stop shop website--launched RIC tool box...saved 50 man hrs
- Flt's prize fighter! Shouldered 23% of flt's MEPS processors, sustained 8% cancellation rate--lds by example
- Flt's Top Recruiter 4 consecutive qtrs; anchor to gp's Top HP Flt of Qtr award twice--AFRS' Top HP Sq of Yr
- Focused efforts on H2F PS prgm; prod'd 1 PS SO/CS Amn, 10% yrly goal--only sq in AFRS to exceed PS msn
- Focused flt on cmd needs; secured 4 linguist/1 EDPT/1 H2F future Amn--tm recognized as gp's Top 10 Flt 2q
- Focused on AFSOC top priorities; shipped 8 CS/SO to BMT--key to 361 RCS earning cmd Std of Exc, FY15
- Focused on cmd needs; shipped 4 linguists/1 broadcaster/1 EDPT--recog'd as gp's Top 10 Flt each month 2 qtr
- Focused on cmd strategy; enlisted 1 EOD/2 Crypto Linguists/1 Prior Svc--critical warfighting rqmnts fulfilled
- Focused on hq's needs; shipped 4 linguists/1 broadcaster/1 EDPT--recog'd as gp's Top 10 Flt each month 2 qtr
- Focused on total force integration; serviced 4 AF AD/ANG/AFR flts--processed 94 mbrs for initial skills trng
- Force Enabler! Spt'd ANG msn/screened 30 Guardsman with ASVAB vetting tool--10 qual enlstmnts garnered
- Forged msn obj; 423 Amn qual'd & 82% MEPS success...238 processors in Apr--enabled sq's over production
- Fortified MEPS print capacity; installed 2 multi-function printers <3-hrs--saved sq $1.3K yearly mnx costs
- Fostered relationship w/Harding Univ Engineering dept; captured 1 TDSP app--secured 100% sq's TDSP MO
- Fueled LO prgm; submitted 45 apps...8 diverse/10 minority...sq 118% msn--77% sel rt...#1/24 in AFRS, FY15
- Fulfilled flt chief role 2 months; ensured 15 Amn BMT ready/0 errors/canx--led to gp Top Flt, 2d Qtr, FY15
- Fused data from 8 flts/2 MEPS/10 programs; distributed critical info to sq ldrs--ensured 100% on-time reporting
- Future recruiting leader; completed SNCOLDP training in residence--increased leadership training and capabilities
- Gained support via 3 DC influencers; secured residency visits/1 FQ DC application wkg...100% incr vs FY16!
- Galvanized AFROTC relations; sold 10 cadets on OTS when dismissed from prgm--secured 3 qrtly tech apps
- Gapped trng shortfalls; mentored 2 LNCOs/leaned processing procedures--cemented MEPS msn compliance
- Garnered 15 min on-air radio interview; distributed spec ops/combat support msg to 70K listeners--svd $500
- Garnered only AFCM in sq from ANG! Rctr'd 6 ftr AF Guardsman--alliance led to highest EA rate in 10 years
- Go-to Ops flt! Filled 20 cmd quick-shippers/enabled 4 flts in sq to earn gp 'Top 10' honors/gp met 2QFY msn
- Governed AFRS EMS; processed/updated 171 actions; logged 713+ TR items--reduced repeat errors by 98%
- Gp hand-selected mbr to train sister Ops Flt/CC; 39 tasks mastered/best practices Id'd--cemented sq continuity
- Gp rescuer! Shipped 8 short-notice to BMT, ea w/in 3 wks--gp met EAD/max'd trng seats & saved AF $35K
- Gp/CC pick for Ops Flt/CC trainer; created crse/user friendly prgm--trng benchmarked/implemented gp-wide
- Great leader; oversaw development of 83 DEP members w/drill & mentorship--0% BMT losses, 0 in-wk canx
- Groomed 29 applicants for MEPS processing; qualified 25/86% success rate! Outpaced cmd standard's 80%
- Groomed 70 applicants for processing at MEPS; qualified 64/91% success rate--crushed cmd standard of 80%
- Grp's guardian! Ably shipped 5 short notice to BMT--gp met EAD/vital trng seats filled & prevented $35k loss
- Guaranteed msn success for 5 AFAD/ANG/AFR units; provided A+ customer svc--reinforced TF integration
- Guided 30 recruiters w/MEPS scheduling/processing; streamlined procedures--slashed critical errors by 90%
- Guided detailed Flt Chief; revamped flt goaling formula--7 RICS met msn...earned top flt exceeding goal 59%
- Guided flt to exceed msn by 60%, 1st Qtr CY17; trained new RIC's--led flt achieved top 10 ranking in AFRS
- Guided new MEPS SOP; drove increase in test dates--AFOQT/EDPT testers rose by 220%/from 10 to 32/mo
- Guided team on HHQs priorities; flt qual'd/EAD'd two PS Amn--sq met PS prgm mission three months early
- Hand selected by Gp/CC to train Ops Flt/CC; 39 tasks mastered/best practices Id'd--cemented unit continuity
- Hand-pick'd gp Ops Flt/CC trainer; creat'd trng pgrm from scratch--trng benchmark'd & implement'd gp-wide
- Hand-picked by AFRS marketing contractors for MLH event--400 leads obtained/advised on future event spt
- Hand-picked by leadership to be sq shadow trainer; shared expertise/mentored 3 rookies--all are 100%+ YTD
- Hand-picked for innovation; revamped Dallas MEPS...refocused on training--coined by 344th Sq/CC & CCU
- Hand-selected to head Keesler air show; 170k attended, lead for AFRS vapor car--coined by Brig Gen Higby
- Handpicked by Pro Sup as shadow trainer; provided 80 hrs OJT for 2 recruiters--improved flt production 22%
- High energy team! Delivered 349 to BMT, carried 14% gp's EAD msn--held 0.57% CANX rate, lowest in gp!
- High impact Recruiter; achieved FY18 goal early--contributed to end of year Top Small Flight; 33 Officer accessions
- Holds 20% of sq's Q/W; rsv'd 84 vs goal 61...filled 5 canx in less than 24 hrs--propelled sq from 7 to 3 in cmd
- Honchoed CMS issues; promptly updated MilPDS; resolved 49 discrepancies; remedied sys data mismatches
- Honored as Operation Blue Suit XXXVII winner by AFRS; 1/12 out of 2,400 cmd personnel--superior Airman
- Hosted AFA/CC at STL FIRST Robotics; sold FIRST founder on AF tech/opportunity--showcased AF to 50k
- Id'd canx trend; conducted initial qualification trng; decreased losses by 2% over prev qtr--#1/8 in 369 RCG
- Id'd critical processing error; reviewed 69 6-yr EADs/noticed trend/enabled trng--increased 2A 6-yr rate 29%
- Id'd low-cost solution; enabled access to 3 practice tests/marketing/training aids for 46 prsnl--saved AF $29K
- ID'd short notice booking error; confirmed AFS ineligibility w/standards--prevented sq erroneous enlistment
- Identified 12 RALs; ensured recruiter accountability for flawed actions--provided needed feedback to trng flt
- Identified 17 RALs; revamped MEPS briefings/provided recruiter shadow trng--lowest QA error rate in AFRS
- Ignited mrktng prgm; guided COI/base tour/16 prospective apps/5 influencers--enriched future accession plan
- Imparted top notch trng; propelled 2 new recruiters to exceed msn by 50%--both earned rookie Silver Badges
- Implemented aggressive school strategy; briefed 500+ juniors on AF benefits--garnered 7 AFRAP enlistments
- Implemented DEP competition; mandated perpetuated referrals--garnered 2 appointments and 1 new enlistment
- Implemented sq's HS plan; conducted AP Chemistry/Physics/Stats class presentations--reaped 80 quality leads
- Implemented zone awareness mktg strategies; fostered 224 leads/115 appts/16 Amn--sq #1/8 in gp for NECs
- Implemented zone specific recruiting tactics; prod shot up 167% frm 3Q last FY--awd'd "Super Six" all 3 mos
- Improved DEP; assigned ldrship duties to future Amn--flight met 102% of EAD goal w/100% BMT pass rate
- Incited new recruiter media visits; delivered 8 marketing demos--live radio broadcast reached 7M+ listeners
- Incrs'd esprit de'corps w/sis svc; referred 20 quality leads to US Army--ensured American Military remains #1
- Independently mng'd MEPS f/10 mos; processed 505 TF Amn/30% of sq production--sq 135% FY15 msn obj
- Initiat'd 378 background investigations; zero OPM enlistments cancel'd--achiev'd 100% BMT compliance rate
- Initiated dynamic marketing plan; coord'd X-1 Stealth Car & Drift 1 Formula assets--generated 10 enlistments
- Initiated extensive sell-on-floor process; contracted 33 jobs/2 critical BFAs/1st PS mbr--12% of sq qtrly msn
- Initiated new applicant processing QC; flt's processing success rate soared--96% applicants sailed thru MEPS
- Initiated new review process for recruit SGLI forms; fixed chronic problems--64 shipped w/100% accuracy
- Initiated partnership w/The Texas Foster Family Association; briefed military careers--garnered 2 enlistments
- Injected 35 Amn to BMT; compelled 92% to choose a 6-yr contract--enhanced increase of AF's end strength
- Innovated 1st "Boy Am I Enthusiastic" tour; garnered 15 SVs/300 leads/9 CPs--upped 2 flt's processors 75%
- Innovative Amn! Trained flt w/cutting-edge lead-prospecting approach--yielded 10% increase in school leads
- Innovator in AFRS; completed online transfer of 91 unit records--1st sq fully electronic/gp benchmarked prgrm
- Inspirational ldr; motivated 12 prsnl--flt earned a total of 5 sq & 2 gp lvl awards...cmds top civ 1st Qtr CY16
- Inspired 4 RICs to exceed 115% of NEC goal; 80% of flt/2 rookies earned coveted AFRS Silver Badge FY15
- Inspired a colossal 20 civs to EAD while holding flawless zero canx! Carried flt/ensured flt finished qtr 110%
- Inspired team; pushed 60 apps thru MEPS as flt chf w/ just 4 RALs--crushed cmd std w/ 83% success rate
- Inspired/recruited cmd's 3d Prosthodontist; filled SG's final $300K contract--advc'd reconstructive oral care
- Instituted robust inter-srvc referral sys; garnered 27 applicants/8 new enlistments--launched flt to sq SoE FY16
- Instituted trng mindset/peer-to-peer mentoring; ignited unit production/morale--increased accessions by 20%
- Integrated corporate HR tool; used to ID high-value applicants--gained 4 board submissions
- Interim FC; guided peers/penned 4 1206s--flt ach'd Top Rookie RIC, Gold Badge, Grp CC Ach awd, SNCOQ
- Interim flt chief during absences; oversaw production/logistics/5 per--peer-nominated sq MVP/Month (#1/67)
- Interoperability priority #1! Id'd/dvlp'd 7 EOD/3 linguists/1PJ; prep'd rigorous AF msn--AFRS/CC intent met!
- Interviewed OTS applicants, 3 AOR locations; processed 62 pkgs--exceeded targets in 7 msn areas 40% FY16
- Interviewed OTS candidates; processed 44 pkgs w/50% selection rate--sq exceeded msn in 7 categories 40%
- Invigorated LO screenings; conducted 11 interviews/spurred production--sq 50% over goal in all FY15 prgms
- Involved in sq production; shipped 5 Prior Service Amn for cmd--EADs populated AF end strength numbers
- Jedi Master dtld Flt Chf; garnered 50 w/94% new biz pass rate--booked 17% of sq msn/ 10 in grp
- Key contributor to OA North Operating Location overall team success -- NRS Top OA Recruiter in Training 2nd Qtr
- Laser focused on cmd requirements; sought out candidates for hard to fill AFSCs--qualified sq's final FY15 PJ
- Launched 2 MLCA iPad kiosks; teamed w/ GSD&M to eliminate paper lead capture--garnered 500+ digitally
- Lead LO push at 4 yr colleges; conducted 2 TDSP presentations--produced 200% of sq TDSP goal 2/1, FY15
- Lead monitor/ILE final BETA class crse surveys; collected 160+--ID'd 3 "on-the-spot" curriculum adjustments
- Leaders--trained sq to sell crit jobs/6 yr contracts; utilized IMPACT skills--boosted supported flt's msn 15%
- Led "Online Trng Records 101"; dissected records w/2 newest flt chiefs--lauded by Sq/CCY for trng prowess
- Led 16 mbrs through 3-wk construction proj; saw 50% increase in processing slots--lcl flt exceeded msn 15%
- Led 17 admin prgms; mngd $302K SDAP/$15.5K SCA/44 performance rpts--awd'd sq Top Recruiting Spt/qtr
- Led 2 Amn to AFRS Silver Badges for FY excellence; honed 7 msn-critical tasks--molded next-gen AF ldrs
- Led 2 NASCAR events; partnered w/civic ldrs/org'd 74-mbr swear-in w/T-bird fly-by--500K+ exposed to AF
- Led 2 tri-flt qrtly trng; taught pro development/career progression/spec ops--surged knowledge of 18 ftr flt ldrs
- Led 5 multifaceted recruiting events in AOR; gen'd 80K contacts--won CC's Achievement Awd, 2nd Qtr, FY15
- Led 5-office merger to sq's 1st flt-centric; hosted 5 area DVs for grand opening--lauded by Little Rock Mayor
- Led 6 monthly flt meetings; supervised safety/production/trng of 5 flt mbrs--awd'd sq Gold Badge Awd, FY15
- Led 8R AFTR move; created templates/best practices used by 8 sq's--milestone for cmd's paperless initiative
- Led 9 Amn through 3-wk construction project; 50% increase in processing slots--local flt exceeded msn 15%
- Led 96 DEP mbrs; shipped 62 future Amn w/0 in-week cancellation rate--crucial to sq's 115% NEC prod YTD
- Led AF mrktng event; regional robotics/STEM comp--AF technology on displayed for 62 tms/5 states/9K ppl
- Led AFRS ldrshp tour; lobbied for change in testing & AFRISS-TF--lauded by AFRS COIS for proficiency
- Led AFRS thru grueling 3-month enlisted eval prog revamp; trained 36 3S0s, 3 gps, 27 sqs--forged GSU team
- Led as MLS during absences; facilitated 87 Amn to BMT w/0 errors...41% M&E rate--sq beat EA msn by 8%
- Led color guard for swear-in ceremony; inspired patriotism--cemented AF mission to 50K at Chevy Raceways
- Led EA trng w/1st "Boy Am I Enthusiastic" tour; generated 5 SVs/100 lds/3 CPs--raised sq accessions 75%
- Led exceptional DEP; prep'd 94 future Amn for BMT--sustained phenomenal 2% canx rate/smashed 12% std
- Led flt as interim FC; tm qual'd 63 future Amn/accessed 54 new enlistments--flt 110%/sq 104% EA msn obj
- Led flt's production; cleared 13 applicants thru MEPS in 60 days--guided flt to earn gp top 10 honors, Jan-Feb
- Led flt's qtrly trng on market surveys; validated 137K sq miles/77 schools--HQ tasker completed 3 mos early
- Led flt/DEP at LRAFB recruiting booth Military Expo; showcased AF to 24K--team garnered 5 appts/2 PIRs
- Led furniture move; repaired 2 trailers/cleared 5.5K sq foot warehouse--enhanced QoL/20 NCOs/saved $7K+
- Led FY16 & 17 annual planning cmtes; secured lodging/check-in/$15K--provided successful event/training
- Led MEPCOM school ASVAB plan; ensured MEPS exceeded testing goal/led to qual leads--aided 14K tests
- Led Ops/MEPS through CCIP; 100% compliance w/in section--Ops flt team named gp "Superior Performers"
- Led process improvement initiative; studied incentive prgm's value--revamped prgm to align w/cmd's strategy
- Led recruiting efforts at Bridgestone NHL Arena; secured 10hrs of free advertisement--infused 51K spectators
- Led retirement ceremony prep; coord'd sched/logistics for 60+ guests/DVs--honor'd 40 yrs of devoted civ svc
- Led rigorous DEP mgmt; mentored mbrs on drill/fitness/sex assault reporting--readied 20 Amn for basic trng
- Led sq clinical psych trng; utilized Tinker AFB PsyD as SME--5 new applications/BSC production up 100%
- Led sq to #1 in AFRS f/NECs; pushed 369 RCG to #1 f/2d qtr--inspired unit through volatile recruiting time
- Led SST/$100K VIT upgrade; Id'd products/services for CJOC ops--modernized decade old infrastructures
- Led state wide mathematics event; created awareness for 9K people--awd'd plaque/LOA from Brig Gen Higby
- Led team in recruiting H2F assets; res'd 3 PS/2 pending assignments--sq on track f/AFRS "Std of Excellence"
- Led the way to success; beat Dec goal by 100%--supplied 22% of sq's qtrly production...exceeded msn by 8%
- Led tm to 111% of new enlistment contract obj; 441 new Amn--primed enterprise to meet 31K accession rqmt
- Led unit's PT prgm; ensured 14 mock tests conducted/42 mbrs at risk tested--100% pass rate/62% "Excellent"
- Leveraged connections for minor league game DEP-in; 23 DEP mbrs/10K attendees--built AF image in AOR
- Leveraged expertise to hit niche tgts; conducted 9 talks w/diversity assoc's--exceeded combined msn by 15%
- Leveraged relationships w/key POCs; arranged next day travel for 6 quick shippers; saved $13K in trng costs
- Leveraged tech/maxd engagement; asserted tele-presence over 6-state AOR--delivered 12 LO selects to BOT
- Logistics gurus! Fixed ROS prgm/0 late rpts/CST inventory cmplt'd/cleared 500 items--sent 331 Amn to BMT
- Maintained 28 MICT checklists; validated 613 insp items...fused detection/prevention--100% CCIP compliant
- Maintained 565 assets; remotely repaired 180 crit sys failures-facilitated 197 NECs/saved $15K in TDY costs
- Maintained active school program; enhanced rapport w/educators/18 HSs--garnered 6 Jr/Sr FY16 enlistments
- Maintained rigorous admin oversight/mgmt; entire qtr w/o overdue suspenses--source of pride, best of 8 flts
- Maintained upward trajectory; qtrly production 133%/200%/214%/257% respectively--propelled FC to #1/7
- Managed "Wings Over Golden Isles" air show; coord'd nat'l asset--delivered AF message to 10K+ spectators
- Managed $50K in applicant meals & lodging; monitored monthly/yearly data--accurate/delivery of payments
- Managed $6.7K travel account w/100% accuracy; expedited 2 short-notice travel requests--0 delays to BMT
- Managed 3 geo-separated AORs---led flt to #3/183 in cmd, FY15--earned AFRS Recruiter of the Year, 2015
- Managed credit checks for 4 flights--completed 97 approvals--gained 71 enlistments/sq achieved 104% NEC
- Managed DEP across 3 recruiting zones; shipped 53 Amn to BMT--awd'd AFRS Silver Olympiad Awd, FY15
- Managed DEP swear-in at Memphis Motor Speedway; enlisted 25 mbrs before 5K fans--shared AF tradition
- Managed flt RAP prgm; authored 40 requests/tracked completion--secured 3.1K man-hours of add'l assistance
- Managed flt training program; educated 4 recruiters on prospecting/sales-production soared 23% for 3rd Qtr
- Managed job reservation QC process; prep'd 30 bonus qual'd applicants--verified $165K in IEBs w/zero errors
- Managed meals & lodging program; tracked $11K in AF allocated funds; ensured on-time payment w/0 errors
- Managed pilot testing prgm; coord'd aviation skills test w/4 AFROTC's--provided HHQ w/18 rated candidates
- Managed sq CCIP; validated 109 MICT checklists/fixed 37 observations--ensured 100% deficiencies closed
- Managed Sq DDRP Program; 6 Agents mentored/26 people tested--efforts ensure flawless execution/0 errors
- Managed sq's RAP; created/implemented 1st-ever participant survey, exceed rqmnt by 6%--satisfied AF Audit
- Managed sq's RAP; processed 970+ applications/reports w/0 discrepancies--provided over 27K 8R man-hours
- Manpower study HP SME; met w/1st MS; briefed task rqmts/hrs needed per task--justified manning for HP sqs
- Marketed AF med school scholarships; awd'd $1.3M tuition/benefits...5 future physicians--100% FY15 goal
- Marketing guru! Secured mic time during DC CME event; over 400 in attendance--gained 5 DC FQ influencers
- Marketing guru; obtained 6720 cost-free public svs announcements from media outlets--recv'd $168K free adv
- Mastered attention to detail; cleared 88% of processors through MEPS & sustained 0% cancellation rate, 1Q
- Mastered IMPACT sales training, completed course in 4 months & crushed cert w/ 94% -- improved sales skills
- Mastered Station Chief duties; mng'd 22 mbrs, daily schedule, TDYs & FF eqpmnt/$35M--Firehouse msn rdy
- Masterminded premier PS strategy; reserved 9 applicants to return to duty/shipped 1--ranked #1/8 gp PS prod
- Matched 10 enlistees w/spec ops jobs; met hard-to-fill requirements--powered AF's future small footprint ops
- Mentor & dedicated leader; charged three RAP Amn into taking CLEPS--9 credits applied to ftr CCAF degrees
- Mentor master! Initial trng to 1; communicated sq's expectations/vision--RTP mbr avg'd 100% above MO!
- Mentor; conducted 40 hrs shadow trng w/new ops NCO/incrsd msn capability 30%--zero in-wk canxs/12 wks
- Mentored 54 recruiters/12 flt chiefs; provided support/training on MEPS processes--sq's FY16 "Top Liaison"
- Mentored 7 flt chiefs on prgm ldr strategies; 5 tiger teams created--boosted development 37 NCOs/6 SNCOs
- Mentored 8 NCOs from AD/Guard/Res; trained on attention to detail--maintained zero fraudulent enlistments
- Mentored EA recruiters; trained 5 new mbrs on LO qualifications & prgms--trainees delivered 10 rated leads
- Mentored flt's newest recruiter; provided trng/zone familiarization--reduced stress/eased mbr's DSD transition
- Mentored future ldrs; instilled DEP w/core values, ldrshp skills & AF vision--produced 3 BMT Honor Grads
- Mentored new Airmen; inspired 55 applicants to extend contracts--replenished AF's most critical resources
- Mentored newly assigned flt mates; shared zone mngmnt/sales techniques--key to unit achv'ng 105% in FY16
- Mentored sister service jr NCO; demonstrated time mgmt/prioritization techniques--increased efficiency 80%
- Mentored sister service LNCO; reduced QRP errors 50%--won MEPCOM Liaison of 2nd Qtr/first time in a yr
- Mentored struggling flt mate; dev'd comprehensive sales techniques/prod up 71%--mbr awd'd 1st Silver Badge
- Mentored/trained local flt; ensured the submission of quality applications/readiness--decreased RAL rate 33%
- Mentored/trn'd 3 new rctrs; decrs'd trng timeline/enhanced rctrng art--pivital to all rctrs 100%+ of goal for '15
- MEPS SME! Interviewed 1.3K apps on AF benefits/needs--garnered FY13-15 "Standard of Excellence" Awd
- Met/exceeded AF needs; delivered 2 TACP--provided vital warfighters to op AF, sq's Top EA Flt 2Q FY16
- Meticulous attn to detail; pushed 33 new hires thru MEPS w/just 3 RAL--crushed cmd std w/90% success rate
- MICT champion; completed insp checklist...Id'd/corrected critical errors--unit msn-ready & postured for SAV
- Mission oriented SNCO; top OA producer at 131% YTD--helped lead team to NRS Top Small Flt for 4th Quarter
- Mitigated in-week canx's; ID'd fills/coordinated 10 short-notice shippers travel--BMT/tech trng msn unabated
- Mng'd $260K EC acct; 578 assets tracked/100% inventory--turned in over $25K+ in unused assets to DRMO
- Mng'd 104 waivers; reduced 2-wk process <50/netted 8 prior service/15 spec ops AFSCs--Gp "Top Ops" 4Q
- Mng'd 9 short-notice shippers; initiated RES QC/secured app travel w/24 hrs--averted losses f/2AF trng rqmts
- Mng'd > 2.5K sq mile AOR; 60 schools >1.5M mrktg populace--assessed 83 new Amn/increased prod by 23%
- Mng'd IT equip across 6 states; tracked 565 items/$400K--gp NCOQ 4Q CY15 & sq Top Spt Awd 1Q FY16
- Mng'd shipper validations; sent 1365 Amn to BMT--zero erroneous enlistments w/qlty indicators 7% < cmd std
- Mng'd sq zone realignment; equitably distributed 86K+ sq mi zone/manning--marshalled 63 prsnl prof dvlpmt
- Mng'd/confirmed 1.5K security clearances; validated flawless OPM pkg submission--zero msn degradation
- Model ldr! Sent 503 Amn to BMT--held gp's lowest 1.01% in-wk canx rate/led cmd in reservations 2 of 3 mos
- Modernized MEPS IT systems; installed 8 digital signature-pads--slashed unit printing costs $1.1K+ annually
- Modernized sq cellular devices; fielded 64 Iphones--cemented 24/7 mobile ntwk svcs/saved sq $30K annually
- Monitored 131 applicant security investigations; Id'd 8 quick shippers/facilitated ETPs--100% on-time EAD
- Monitored four unclass/classified networks for 200+ users/38 countries--supported over 500 combat missions
- Monitored mechanical 6 yr contracts; analyzed wkly success rate of 3 MEPS--top in cmd w/staggering 78.6%
- Motivated powerhouse flt; submitted 13 quality medical ofcr applications--led 369 RCG/23% of total output
- Motivated speaker! Instructed AF JROTC history & customs classes--advanced knowledge base of 25 cadets
- Mrkt NCO sel'd as 8R recruiting school mentor; briefed media/ads/civ awds--infused principles to 15 students
- Msn/tm minded NCO! Superior customer service--earned 369 RCG Top Medium MEPS 2nd & 4th qtr FY16
- Natural leader; stabilized trng flt thru pers turnover/facilitated trng for 14 new recruiters--mbrs met 119% goal
- NCO-ldrshp benchmark--best of cmd's flt chfs! Gp/AFRS's Top EA Flt Chf, 2nd qtr FY16: 43/27, 159%/qtr!
- NCOA flt ldr; led study grps/drill tm--nom Commandant awd/scored top 10%--awd'd Distinguished Graduate
- Negotiated costs w/marketing reps; conducted 15 events across 4 states/generated 342 leads--saved AF $66K
- Networked w/community leaders; secured 1 free career fair booth--dispersed info to 100 students...saved $100
- Nuclear pwrd! #1/44 RICs; rsv'd 54 NECs vs MO of 35/finished 154%--propelled flt to #1/7 for 2Q/3Q FY16
- On scene CC! C-17 hot brake incident; directed first responding personnel--saved crew of 4 & $218M aircraft
- On track to be 1st non-FC LDP graduate; tackled stds/process improvement tasks--enhanced supervisory skills
- Opportunist oversight of short-notice openings; orchestrated 5 quick-ships--ensured gp maintained BMT flow
- Ops mentor; 40 hrs trng NCO/immediate impact--shipper validations enforced/0 in week canx 12 wks straight
- Orchestrated home school presentation; briefed 50+ families on AF lifestyle & benefits--secured 2 new hires
- Orchestrated JBSA base tour; coord'd w/Lackland PA/LRS for 621 mile trans spt of 43 apps--solidified sales
- Orchestrated swear-in ceremony w/NOLA Pelicans; 45 future Airmen--wowed 10K fans, lauded by Guard CC
- Org d 3 DEP swear-ins; rallied 61 Amn to reaffirm enl--showcased AF honor/valor/pride to 60K in attendance
- Org'd 4 base tours; showcased installation agencies/prgms to 43 attendees--planted seed for future accessions
- Org'd ASVAB testing; spt'd 9 schools, 0 no-shows--honored by testing office, highlighted AF to 800 students
- Org'd DEP support for Texas Rangers swear-in; ID'd as line lead for 75 members--inspired patriotism in 20K
- Org'd SAPR standdown day; completed 8-hr instructor trng--provided sexual assault trng to 108 sq/base Amn
- Org'd shadow prgm w/6 AD SMEs; coord'd AFSC-specific tours for 37 DEP mbrs--critical job sales up 9%
- Org'd sq clinical psych trng; utilized Tinker AFB PsyD as SME--5 new applications/BSC production up 100%
- Org'd sq connectivity; mng'd $69K account, renegotiated phone & internet plans--58 rctrs armed w/latest tech
- Organized 8 multi-flt Spec Ops fitness challenges; 60 competed/acquired 5 contracts--attained CC's #1 priority
- Organized K-9 demo w/lcl SFS; inspired 4 EA applicants to fill SF positions--flt increased qtrly msn by 18%
- Organized morale event for 18 geo-separated sq mbrs; acquired $625 venue discount--lauded/coined by sq CC
- Organized sq PII data purge; coordinated with 375AW to securely destroy 1.5K records--mitigated loss of PII
- Orgd short notice AEF tasker/6 mo OCO; arranged 8 trngs/6 mobility rqmts/$9K gear--departed mbr <23 days
- Orgn'd CMO rctr trng; incrs'd sq success rate to 81%/#1/24 in cmd--MEPS earned 1st AFRS/MEPCOM awd
- Outstanding process management; qual'd 14 new trainees w/78% MEPS success rate--bested cmd std by 6%
- Overhaul'd PS prgm; built trng/tracker sys--bolster'd ldrshp awareness/up'd PS prod; added 6 to bank/3 EAD'd
- Overhauled Real Estate prgm; oversaw $650K, leases for 48 offices/62 pers--prevented 2 rctng office closures
- Overproduced every mo in qtr; reserved 82/40 future Amn/205% of msn objective; key to sq's 125% 2Q prod
- Oversaw $155K equip acct/363 assets; resolved $80K dated items/gained $45K tech refresh--max'd ops/70 staff
- Oversaw $15K Meals & Lodging Prgm; scrutinized vendor audits/on-time submissions...$0 misallocated funds
- Oversaw 1365 contracts; minimized in-week canx to 0.9%/safeguarded over $127K funds--Gp "Top Ops" 2Q
- Oversaw 2 sq reports of survey; org'd documents/routed f/gp processing--properly id'd $2K in asset liabilities
- Oversaw 5 DTS budgets; filled 442 rqmts/TDY funds valued at $124K--sq topped EA msn by 4% yr-to-date
- Oversaw 74 MICT items in 6 inspection areas; enabled trng for 79 Amn--advised CC, deficiencies closed out
- Oversaw 75% turnover at large MEPS in 1 mo; detailed 2 recruiters/expedited trng--increased daily ops 50%
- Oversaw annual trng spt; negotiated/reserved venue/meals/lodging for 102 mbrs--ensured lowest cost/value
- Oversaw courtesy enlistment in/out prgm; zero processing discrepancies; all recruits reported 100% on time
- Oversaw flt DTS process; reviewed 24 authorizations/vouchers--ensured $7.5K TDY funds properly allocated
- Oversaw flt's recruiter assistance program; scheduled dates/paperwork/tracking--produced 6 new enlistments
- Oversaw full turnover of Mil Entrance Processing Stn; detailed ldr/expedited liaison's trng--averted shutdown
- Oversaw MICT transition for production team; identified/corrected 200+ errors--ensured sq prgm compliance
- Oversaw recruitment of 50+ future Amn; production drove flt to 158% of NEC goal 2nd qtr--flt #1/9 in NEC
- Oversaw tech refresh of 64 devices; implemented change-over of wireless carriers--saved AF over $3K a mo
- Oversaw unit's suspense prgms; ensured timely records mgmt--lowest # overdue suspenses in 369 RCG this qtr
- Partnered w/AETC for PJ rappel team at Houston Rodeo; PJs dropped from dome rafters--social media frenzy
- Partnered w/AFRS/Navy IT conference; provided 8R perspective/key to event success--lauded by ldrs/sq CC
- Partnered w/wg Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection working gp; coord'd security checks--secured prsnl/$500K
- Peer ldr! Conducted trng sessions w/2 struggling RICs during Flt Chief absense--mentorship ignited 8 NECs
- Penned sq comm trng; trn'd/qual'd 6 inbounds/48 critical security tasks--increased ntwk proficiency 15%/4 flts
- Perfectionist; prepped 3 applicants for physicals; sustained 100% MEPS success rate/0 RALs--saved sq $500
- Performed critical EAD quality checks; sent 41 recruits to BMT--ensured 99% shipped/0 erroneous enlistmnts
- Persuaded 13 mech shippers to 6 yr enlistments; resulted in an 86% success rate--assured AFRS initiative met
- Pillar in community; positive AF image as "senior mentor" at local HS--inspired 25 students to stay in school
- Piloted 6 flt trng events; briefed sales technique/new promotion system--Amn prep'd for future challenges/roles
- Piloted effective marketing skills trng; smashed thru HS bureaucracies--resulted in 7 COIs...30 new influencers
- Piloted EMS shutdown brief; informed 2K+ mbrs of new system processes--solutions benchmarked cmd wide
- Piloted flt to target hard-to-fill AFSs; ensured focus on chronic critical shortfalls--secured four crypto linguist
- Piloted GPC program; processed 24 transactions/mng'd $25K O&M funds--crit resources sent to 48 AFROs
- Piloted monthly staff mtgs; maintained 10 pers databases--armed Gp/CC, CV, 9 Sq/CC's w/real-time updates
- Piloted RST/RSM self-inspect pgm; eval'd communicators/89 items--ensured 2 pgms compliance w/AFRS stds
- Pinpointed improvement area; refined incentive prgm f/Mech specialties--35% of NECs res'd are 2A/AFSCs
- Pinpointed wasteful practices; instituted new waiver/credit check procedure--saved $1.2K/6K man-hrs yrly
- Pioneered Spec Ops conf; coord'd briefs w/BA TS instructors, 11 recruiters dev'd--skyrocketed BA prod 10%
- Planned swear-in of 27 future Amn w/Thunderbirds; ensured flawless ceremony--instilled pride to 100K fans
- Planned/executed qtrly multi-flt trng; fostered team mindset--sq was gp's nom for AFRS/CC's Awd of Exc, '15
- POC for sq CoC; coord'd w/4 orgs/facilitated new CC immersion--prvd'd crit knowledge/O-5 rdy for success
- Poised under pressure; filled 3 critical short-notice gp cancellations--ensured warfighting capability for the AF
- Powerhouse production flt; submitted 13 quality medical ofcr applications--led 369 RCG/23% of total output
- Powerhouse RIC; reserved 300% Feb/200% June/300% Jul/200% Oct MO--cemented spot in CC's 200% club
- Powerhouse Team! Conducted reservation QCs on 365 applicants; 100% quality application packs to BMT
- Precision Recruiter! Pursued highest quality Amn in academically challenged AOR--booked 4 crypto linguist
- Precision recruiting; netted 1 linguist/12 mech/1 elect/3 security forces EADs--bolstered high demand AFSCs
- Precision recruiting; shipped 22 mech/3 elect/6 security forces--bolstered high demand/high tempo specialties
- Precision! Enl'd 2 TACP/2 EOD/Arbrn Ling/Cardio Lab Tech/Broadcast Journalist; 2 PS--369 RCG top 10 3x
- Prep'd tm to meet short-notice AF demands; flt quick-shipped 2 future Amn--ensured essential trng seats filled
- Prepared 21 BMT shippers; accessed 15 Amn w/zero errors/flt achieved 0 pure canx in qtr--1/62 gp canx rate
- Prepared 36 apps w/flt f/AFRS OTS Boards; overproduced in all MO's--poised sq to finish MO 10 mons early
- Prepared 38 applicants with 92% accuracy; had only 3 recruiter avoidable losses--saved $19K in processing
- Prepared all applicants for AF needs; provided 11 short notice fills for BMT--saved cmd's potential $66K loss
- Presented 5 AF Salutes Plaques/36 COAs/5 HRAs/12 M&S awds; recognized lcl ldrs--fortified bonds in AOR
- Presented 6 math/science awards at 2 schools; exposed AF to 1K students--enhanced military/civilian relations
- Pressed AF needs; reserved/EAD'd PJ/Airborne Linguist--supplied trng pipeline in critically manned AFSCs
- Principal team player; augmented Force Management section--processed and updated over 2K leave requests
- Priortized Spec Op/Combat Spt msn; forged relationship w/Crossfit gym--gained unlimited cost-free workouts
- Processed 14 medical reviews to Surgeon General; qualified 2 applicants--saved AF $400 in medical costs
- Processed 218 new Amn during surge ops; conquered quality apps w/2 errors--phenomenal 99% accuracy rate
- Processed 254 applicants Q2 FY17; championed quality apps w/only 3 errors--remarkable 99% accuracy rate
- Processed 45 medical reviews to Surgeon General; qualified 16 applicants--saved 75 man-hours/$12K in cost
- Proctored aptitude test for 111 students; built rapport w/local high school--laid foundation for early enlistments
- Produced 211% in FY15 w/ highest goal; catapulted flt 149 spots in AFRS--360th RCG NCO of the 1Q, CY15
- Production machine; led team in 3rd Qtr in FY18 -- Flight ranked 5 out of 42 operating locations across AFRC RS
- Promoted MEPS-RIC crosstalk; achieved lowest in-week cancellation rate in gp...0.5%--well below 2% std
- Propelled 2 MEPS to success; both earned "Std of Exc"--Jacksonville MEPS ranked #1/65 USMEPCOM/DOD
- Prospected 3 minority college career fairs; used precn recruiting--unit poised to crush diversity tgts by 150%
- Prospected 9 new DEPers; sold all on the fly--awd'd 2 gp Knight Awds/sq Top Recruiter, 2nd/3rd Qtrs, FY15
- Provided 65 hrs of in-field trng; focused on customer svc/sales techniques--catalyst to sq's 104% in qtr, MO
- Provided clutch production support; filled 3 job reservations gp needed end of Sep--flt finished #6/183 in cmd
- Provided critical PS trng; unit reserv'd 13/EAD'd 10 PS Amn--key to sq earning #1/24 ranking in AFRS NEC
- Provided critical SA products; VBIED detonated in Kabul--planned humanitarian aid/mnz'd ops disruptions
- Provided in-depth quarterly trng to 7 flts; outlined criteria for success--2 recruiters awd'd OOC silver badges
- Provided initial trng to 5 new recruiters; communicated sq's expectations--RTP mbrs avg'd 64% above goal
- Provided invaluable trng to FC; developed step-by-step guide for trng record upkeep--slashed errors by 95%
- Provided mentoring/leadership to 60 future Amn; maintained 98% DEP retention rate--crushed cmd std of 12%
- Provided PSS trng at Rookie Boot Camp; armed 26 w/new skills--sharpened capabilities for pending HP tour
- Pushed flt production; enforced mo/qtrly expectations--flt achv'd 200% BSCHPSP msn first 90 days of FY17
- Pushed LO msn to #1/24 in '15; referred 16 apps to pgm; vectored future ldrs/sq earned Gp 'Most Imprvd' awd
- Pushed pro growth/full Amn, flt earned 15 sem hrs towards BS/MS degrees, 3 CCAFs--enriched our AF ldrs
- Pushed rctrs to 80% success rate; stopped 5 yr decline/#1/24 rate in cmd--earned top AFRS MEPS otq winner
- Pushed recruiter referrals; emphasized qualifying applicants to highest prgm--sq 44% over FY15 LO rated msn
- QB'd process improvements for RAFB INTRO program; liaison to MPS & AFPC--solidified best practices
- QC'd 113 waivers, 304 credit checks, 144 RAP applications & booked 290 NECs/32 EADs--CCIP insp ready
- Quad-hatted...A-Flt's acting flt chief/ops NCO/safety mgr/trnr; oversaw 40% mbrs in trng--sq 117% msn/FY15
- Qualified 18 applicants; netted 172% of NEC goal w/no in-week cancellations--sq Sijan leadership awd nom
- Quick-shipped 3 recruits to BMT; booked 6 grp-lvl unfilled jobs in <24 hrs--tackled cmd crisis/128K man hrs
- Ran $279K asset mgmt prgm; handled inventory/491 devices--sustained 24/7 comm w/in 100K sq mile AOR
- Reached combined 15K in key demographic! Engaged at 3 community/STEM events; built AF-civ relations
- Rebuilt laptop LCD; reclaimed $19K applicant registry/410 hrs of data--enabl'd RAP itinerary access/81 Amn
- Reconciled one third of sq's app travel account; safeguarded $158K sq funds--avoided $1K in faulty payments
- Recruited across broadest landscape; prospected minority career fairs--crushed sq's diversity targets by 67%
- Recruited from highest mental categories; enlisted linguist & cardiopulmonary tech--filled hard-to-fill AFSCs
- Recruited H2F assets; booked 3 PS future Amn/2 pending assignments--sq on track f/cmd "Std of Excellence"
- Recruited H2F assets; booked three PS Amn/two pending assignment--unit met PS prgm msn three mos early
- Rectified PDQ by MEPS CMO; initiated & obtained same-day SG waiver--prevented AFRS ship-day cancel
- Redesigned sq media asset; integrated cart/inflatable/audio/video/PA into one system--increased usage 100%
- Reduced sq IT equip rqmt; identified & disposed 113 obsolete items--slashed unit maintenance costs by $43K
- Referred 15 apps to officer msn; rctng prgm jumped to #1 in gp--key to unit earning gp 'Most Improved' FY15
- Referred 30 qualified OTS applicants; armed LO team with quality future leaders--sq poised to beat FY16 msn
- Referred 5 new LO lds; 1 rated/4 non-rated matrix qual--catapulted tm to earn AFRS Top LO Sq Awd, FY15
- Referred 6 leads to Navy; ensured multi-service msn success--earned 3 Navy Recruiting/CC citations & NAM
- Referred disqualified applicants to sister services; led to 5 new enlistments--helped joint teammates make goal
- Refined 387 leads; generated 46 NECs; crushed allocation by 48%--beat 47 8Rs for Top EA Recruiter, FY15
- Reinforced cmd vision; shipped 1 PJ/1 SERE; essential to local flt reaching 144% contract goal 1st qtr FY 17
- Reinstated Combat Systems Officer to OTS; crushed avg processing timeline by 3 months--saved AF $8.5K
- Reinvigorated mrktng prgm; guided 2 COIs/base tours/65 athletes/10 influencers--enriched accessions plan
- Renowned for world-class customer svc; rated 10 of 10 by LO DEP--upheld AF reputation as svc of choice
- Repaired VPN outage; reconfig'd connection via Peterson AFB server--retrieved data archive/101 AF recruits
- Replenished AFSOC w/warfighters; contributed to sq Spec Ops new accessions--1 TACP & 1 EOD to BMT
- Replenished tech capabilities; accrued 27 mech/elect accessions/66% of enlistments--crushed unit avg by 19%
- Represented 8R career field at wg DSD panel; actively spt'd DSD prgm--highlighted AFSC for 75 attendees
- Represented AF at MO HS football kickoff event; presented MVP awd--shared AF w/6 schools & 5K students
- Reserved 112 for 95, achieved 118% assigned goal/filled sq in-week canx--recognized as SNCOQ 2Q CY16
- Reserved 12 NECs; supplied 22% of flt's qrtly msn--earned cmd's silver badge for topping 1st-yr msn by 25%
- Reserved 18 future Airmen, 4th Qtr FY15; beat goal by 157%--cemented 2d consecutive Silver Badge, FY15
- Reserved 57 Airman vs goal of 27 FY15 211%; selected as Squadron's top recruiter--bestowed w/Gold Badge
- Reserved 9 new mechanics/3 SFs & Linguist apprentice; ensured tech-trng seats filled--flt #1 in sq NEC prod
- Resolved 17 applicant processing issues; on-spot corrections prevented 7 RALs--saved unit $1K/20 man-hrs
- Resolved unit IT failure; devised Wi-Fi connection workaround--restored 90 prsnl AFNET tunnel w/in 24-hrs
- Respected recruiter; finished FY15/w/114% NEC rate--pivotal to sq earning AFRS "Standard of Excellence"
- Responded to cmd's database failure; implemented software application repair--fully restored ops w/in 24 hrs
- Responded to meet short-notice msn demands; inspired 3 trainees to quick-ship--ensured vital trng slots filled
- Revamped 3S0 AFRS/IG checklist/communicator; identified key discrepancies--secured culture of compliance
- Revamped flt sales/marketing plan; obtained 48 zero-cost medical student lists--gen'd outreach...8K+ ERGM
- Revamped lcl SG prgm; aggressively managed/tracked 85 medical waivers--decreased approval time by 25%
- Revamped recruits' direct deposit form rvw; ID'd/fixed chronic deficiencies--297 shipped/100% accurate pay
- Revamped sq job match procedures; coord'd w/sister sq ops & implemented efficiencies--saved 8 mo man hrs
- Revamped trng approach; combined in-field trng w/mrktg--reduced TDY demand & elevated rookies to 103%
- Reviewed 350+ OPRs/EPRs/Decs for AFRS/CC sig; fixed errors--beat AETC standard; 95% on-time bogey
- Reviewed 82 processing requests; aided local flt's production surge--team exceeded msn by 42%...#1/7 in sq
- Revived A Flt web access; patched modem--recover'd ASVAB sched database & credit check website/21 vols
- Rolled MEPS ship-day w/24-hrs notice; rectified travel/meals/hotels & packet prep--prevented 12 in-wk cnxs
- Rolled ship-day on 24 hours notice; rectified travel/meals/lodging & packet prep--averted 19 in-week canxs
- RS COP mgr; provided 4-star General product/inf for Jt ops planning--supported over 600 mission execution
- Scheduled 25 applicants with AFOQT/additional 6 for TBAS--postured 9 future leaders for next OTS board
- Scoured AFRISS-TF; mentored RICs on efficient processes--vital to 333 RCS earning cmd Std of Exc, FY15
- Screened 25 tattoo forms for FC; aligned flight w/AF entry level qualifications--averted erroneous enlistments
- Screened/validated applicant medical quals; disputed 10 SO/CS SG DQs/overturned 6--sq met BA EAD target
- Scrutinized waivers; processed 30 morals/determinations--303 gained to DEP--booked 54 hard-to-fill AFSCs
- Sculpted AFRS leaders; inspired 10 Prod Supts on mentoring/developing Amn--firmly cemented mgmt skills
- Sect ldr; sel'd to fill MSgt pos/delibertly dev'd sq peers & created effective tms--rcv'd FY16 1st Sgt's Ach Awd
- Secured 1st Formula One event in cmd history/free; coord nat'l asset redirected for spt--secured DEP swear-in
- Secured 373 Amn w/6-year contracts; achieved 93% rate--AF manpower stabilized...crushed AFRS std by 33%
- Secured contacts w/IEEE chapters at 9 colleges; coor'd 6 COIs w/180 elec engineers--180+ tech lds/4 TDSP
- Secured free booth at college's STEM job fair; increased campus mrktng footprint--saved FY16 budget $500
- Secured last minute contracts; filled 6 grp in-week cancellations--saved $6K in wasted travel/BMT seats filled
- Secured shared drive folder; locked EPR files/33 E-5s--prevented inadvertent edits/safeguarded PII disclosure
- Sel'd for 8-mo EA manpower study; 2 TDYs w/1st MS...advised on core tasks--familiarization phase success
- Selected ahead of peers as acting Flight Chief; managed 4 recruiters--maintained flt's standing #1/8 in 311RCS
- Selected by CCY to instruct non-ATB trng; 14 recruiters received "gold badge trng"--prod spike from 30/60%
- Selected for Firehouse Control Center NCOIC; led 10 dispatchers/911 hub--prvd'd safe haven/20K KAFB pop
- Selected to lead sq spec ops flt--increased sq SO/CS production 8% in <3 mo--AFRS Blue Suit Awd, FY14
- Selected to teach 14 peers at "Rookie Camp"; taught media relations--won AFRS Top Rookie Recruiter, FY15
- Sent 40 new Amn to BMT; 1 of only 4 recruiters to accomplish feat--awarded cmd's Bronze Olympiad Medal
- Sent 61 Amn to BMT; only recruiter in sq to achieve cmd's Gold Olympiad medal for 60+--cmd msn exceeded
- Served as flt chief for 6 mo; ensured 84 DEP mbrs BMT rdy--earned sq Top Flt Awd, 1st/2nd/3rd, Qtrs, FY15
- Set flt up for success--mentored new flt chf, cemented practices, re-org'd zones--est'd equitable goal distros
- Sharpened sword--persuaded 13 mechs to 6 yr contracts; an 86% success rate! Assured AFRS initiative met
- Shipped 103 Airmen to BMT; 2 Linguists/4 Battlefield Airmen solidified--pipelined crucial assets to CCDRs
- Shipped 2 PS SERE candidates; closed AFRS PS SERE goal, FY15--sq Top PS Recruiter Awd 1st Qtr, FY15
- Significant contributor; netted 400% NEC goal in Oct--performance won flt's Top Recruiter accolade 1QFY16
- Skilled ldr; overcame 43% manning deficiency/supervised 5 zones--surpassed May goal by 250%; #1 of 7 flts
- Skilled leader/mentor; flt earned SoE Award, 2Q/3Q/4Q FY16--linchpin to sq exceeding FY16 mission by 4%
- Slated 404 jobs; QC'd 38 waivers/368 credit checks/119 RAP for 114%--catapulted NEC Oct '16, 1/2 sq in gp
- SME for AFRS manpower study; 2 TDYs for critical 8R familiarization phase--10 days core task demo/Q&A
- Sold every app hard-to-fill AF needs; produced 2 linguists/1 airborne--rose above peers w/top NEC % in sq!
- Sold long-term commitments to 41 shippers; 93% EAD'd with 6-yr contracts--surpassed cmd standard by 33%
- Sole AFRS POC to JBSA airshow; 12 mtgs w/base ldrs/Wg CC--mng'd 8R spt/30 non-profit/16 JROTC orgs
- Sole author of DRAR; ensured msn activity awareness--corroborated 100% recruiting accuracy to gp & AFRS
- Solid DEP mgr; shipped 36 civilians to BMT--motivational efforts led to 10% canx rate, edged cmd std by 2%
- Solved critical manning deficits; back-filled 1 MEPS/1 LO billet--ensured msn ready/100% flt exceeded goal
- Sparked AF Ambassador pgm; enlisted 6 rising HS juniors--solidified AF influence in 7 lcl schools for FY16
- Spearheaded CoC & AFRS/CC visit; oversaw 29 tasks...7 days/7 offices for DV activities--coined AFRS/CC
- Spearheaded flt SO/CS event; created msn awareness to 3K mbrs w/TACP demo--raised $18K for lcl charities
- Spearheaded sq digital trng record transition; Top Sq Marketing and Training Branch 369 RCG, 4th Qtr, FY15
- Sptd msn across 6 states; mngd 561 assets worth $260K--enabled msn success...sq earned AFRS's SoE award
- Sq admin ld; key to tm beating MO by 40%/trnd new mbr/covered sister  flt--sq's Top Cat I Civ 2nd qtr CY16
- Sq NCO OT3Q '15! Acting FC/governed 3 zones & led 6 rctrs to exceed goal & sav'd 4 canx--flt achv'd 130%
- Sq NCO OTY, NCO OTQ x2 qtrs, top flt recruiter x3 qtrs & sq earned Standard of Excellence Award, FY15
- Sq SABC prgm mgr; 100% mbr qual'd/1st time ever--prgm deemed benchmark for JBSA by AETC inspector
- Sq Safety Mgr; spent 40 hrs...mng'd safety/health rcrds/briefing plan--AFRS Safety inspected...rec'd Excellent
- Standout performer! Amassed an amazing 220% of assigned goal--accounted for 84% of squadron rated goal
- Steered a flight chief PDS; organized the 2-day AFRS training workshop--147 key support officers benefited
- Stellar Recruiter; 133% contract goal for FY15, earned 3rd Silver Badge--23 new Airmen now on active duty
- Stepped up during Ed Center furlough; guided 12 AF mbrs thru OTS app process--epitomized wingman support
- Stood up sq helpdesk; rvwd 10 waivers...authored 6 AFRISS trng aids--incrsd standarded trng/8R compliance
- Strategic targeting; utilized IMPACT skills to secure 3 softbook apps...most in sq--poised to maintain top spot
- Strategically analyzed MEPS scheduling; Id'd ANG/AFR processing vacancies--added 120 AD slots annually
- Strategized w/ldrs, created MEPS Preparation Award; emphasized customer service--saved sq $10K in M&L
- Streamlined app procedures; forged partnership w/WPAFB MTF--decreased flt physical processing time 50%
- Streamlined booking process; job counseled 326 apps--booked 10% of jobs on the floor/highest prod in FY17
- Streamlined EAD process; cmplt'd 305 evals/beat in-wk canx rate by 1.25%--destroyed pure canx rate by 4%
- Streamlined SP permissions; added/modified/corrected security groups to 100 CF sites--reduced IT footprint
- Streamlined sq's RAP; went paperless w/electronic documentation--reduced cost...$350 expected yrly savings
- Superb DEP management; < 3% CANX rate/4x below std--led to 7 BMT Honor Grads/96% BMT success rate
- Superior DEP management; 42 trainees delivered to BMT; zero refused opportunities--crushed cmd std of 12%
- Superior leader; inspired DEP mbrs to excel in fitness/drill/mentorship/development--zero BMT attrition rate
- Superior NCO; performance recognized by MAJCOM--earned AETC Outstanding Amn of the Year Awd, 2015
- Supervised 22 Recruiter Assistance Prgm Amn; max'd value of prospecting--mbrs generated 80 leads/4 hires
- Supervised 28 Amn in RAP prgm; amplified presence in recruiting zone--obtained 32 leads/2 new DEP mbrs
- Supported sq's line ofcr msn; referred 7 qualified candidates--helped unit exceed its rated msn by 44%, FY15
- Supported sq's LO msn; referred 15 rated ofcr candidates--assisted LO flt to exceed FY15 rated msn by 44%
- Supported wing-level STEM event; flight POC for all day event/presentation--reached 400+ junior high stdnts
- Sustained motivated DEP; sent 1 Amn w/no-notice to BMT, Oct 15; key to AFRS meeting October EAD goals
- Sustained perf at SNCO level! Catalyzed tm sel as 369 RCG "Top Ops Flt" 2Q/FY15, 4Q/FY15 & of Yr/FY15
- Swiftly countered nat'l asset "no show"; coord'd VIP tickets for influencers--retained relations w/civic leaders
- Sync'd AFRS' "flagship hub" opening; civic, gp, cmd ldrs present/covered by 3 news chanels--cmd benchmark
- Synch'd CS/SO Dvlpr w/field; incrsed PAST dates/140 apps tested, 20% pass-rate--fortified AF end-strength
- Tailored sales to msn; enl'd Broadcast Journalist/Cardiopulmonary Tech--rec'd sq SoE awd & 1Q Top EA RIC
- Talented tm ldr! Sel'd 1/12 of 2.4K Amn in cmd for top honors--awd'd AFRS Operation Blue Suit Awd, FY15
- Targeted cmd priorities; qualified 4 Special Operator candidates--shipped 1 TACP, 1 SERE, 1 PJ & 1 EOD
- Targeted critical AFRS prgms; qual'd 2 PS/2 Cardio Tech/6 linguists/2 EOD--exceeded FY mission by 16%
- Targeted critical cmd prgms; reserved 1 PS/2 Cardio Tech/5 linguists/2 EOD--awarded sq SoE 1/2/3Q FY16
- Targeted spec ops AFSCs; scouted AOR for civs w/high mental/physical abilities--garnered vital CCT hire
- Targeted sq #1 priority; shipped 1 PJ/1 TACP/2 EOD trainees; replenished vital AFSCs/facilitated joint msn
- Task oriented; processed 42 EPRs & 12 AF decorations, same/next day turn around--100% on time rate to gp
- Team chief! Headed six person AFCENT tasking; guarded 1.6K bldgs/100+ acft/$3K+ fire loss w/$9B at risk
- Team named sq 'Top Flt' '15/136% NEC; executed 7 pillars of rctng--led to Gp "Standards of Excellence" awd
- Team of winners; beat monthly msn by 47% in Aug & 27% in Sep--won sq's Top Flt/Flt Chief/Top Recruiter
- Team player; assisted EA team w/ 2 career fairs; garnered 35 leads/10 PIRs/2 DEP--vaulted A flight to 102%
- Teamed w/19 & 314 Wgs to create DSD mntrshp prgm; mentored 11 8R DSD candidates--8 picked for duty
- Tenacious recruiter; sq's 3rd qtr Top HP RIC award instrumental to flt's achvmt--#1/8 flts in gp 3rd Qtr, FY15
- Tgt'd AF needs; netted 1 band/1 linguist/1 cardio tech/2 broadcasters--augmented hard-to-fill AFSC manning
- Tgtd professional aviation students; set example w/common sense recruiting--obtained 50% of sq's rated msn
- Tireless sentries--uncovered short-notice booking error; confirmed ineligible--thwarted erroneous enlistment
- Tm overproduced every mo; reserved 82/40 future Amn/205% of msn objective; key to unit's 125% 2 qtr prod
- Took over BSC prgm while RIC attended NCOA; submitted Audiologist app in mere 10 days...closed flt's goal
- Top notch NCO! Incident CC at multi vehicle accident; coord'd w/agencies/led victim extrication--saved 3 ppl
- Track'd 8 courtesy ships, book'd 16 linguist/19 spec ops; push'd sq to 103%--Ops NCO coined by AFRS/CCC
- Tracked 115 applicant security investigations; id'd 3 shippers for required ETPs--ensured 100% on-time EAD
- Tracked security clearance prgm; validated receipt--332 OPM cases--yielded 100% success rate/0 EADs lost
- Trained 25 recruiters on new MIRS to AFRISS function; expedited applicant scheduling--reduced errors 10%
- Trained 25 recruiters on processing procedures; expedited applicant scheduling--reduced initial errors by 20%
- Trained 4 new recruiters; flt-mates qual'd 16 spec ops/11 cmbt spt Amn--won grp Top Flt Awd, 1st Qtr, FY15
- Trained sq to sell critical jobs & six year contracts; utilized IMPACT skills--boosted supported flt's msn 15%
- Transitioned 23 civilians to BMT; catapulted unit total to 333--instrumental to HAF 321K end strength vision
- Trn'd MEPS briefs/pkg prep in Feb; cut Mar RALs 38% & boosted MEPS success to 80.9%--#1 gp & #2 cmd
- Unfailing service--rectified MEPS CMO PDQ; initiated/secured same-day SG waiver--saved ship-day canx
- Unfaltering--initiated new review for recruit SGLI forms; fixed chronic issues--64 shipped w/100% accuracy
- Unit engaged/recruited 28 linguists; focused on right jobs/right time--filled critical AFSCs for other squadrons
- Unmatched school prgm; complt'd 4 COIs/targeting STEM--singlehandedly booked 60% of flt's AFRAP goal
- Unparalleled performance; 100% of mbrs exceeded 115% NEC MO--entire flt earned 5 AFRS Silver Badges
- Unparalleled work ethic! Earned gp's Top Trng/Mrktg 3d qtr; won RCS/CC's Achievement Awd 4th qtr, FY15
- Updated 60+ TDYs in MilPDS; accounted daily for all mbrs--duty status prgm compliant w/AF requirements
- Updated New Orleans MEPS software/2 PCs; supported AFRS paperless initiative--saved $66K FY '17 costs
- Upgraded sq's AFNET info sys; pgm'd/fielded $8.5K ntwk ASAs--strengthened remote security posture 75%
- Upheld flt's MEPS success rate; ensured applicant processing--aligned w/FY17 sq initiatives/saved resources
- Upheld MEPS success rate w/1 RAL; ensured applicant processing--surpassed sq std by 17%/saved resources
- Used for quality resumes; leveraged commercial HR tool--gained 12 leads/3 applications
- Used video conferencing to monitor applicants; fostered leading edge envt--saved 1K mi driven/$300 in fuel
- Utilized all recruiting tools; perpetuated 37 leads from DEP in FY15/23 are now Amn--drove flt to #1/8 in sq
- Utilized networking expertise; made in-roads at lauded engineering colleges--secured 50% of FY16 tech msn
- Validated/updated SEIs for key AFRS positions--postured 30+ mbrs for distinctive HAF deployment selection
- Valuable member of RS--acted as informal leader to 3 rookie line recruiters assigned to location--aided NRS msn
- Vectored sq to AF needs; netted 14 linguists/AF band/broadcaster/tech app/6 EOD--augmented H2F manning
- Vigorous producer; obtained 250% NEC--surged flt to #4/62 in gp, #5/181 in AFRS--top flt in sq 2nd qtr, '17
- Vigorously trn'd flt; ensured the submission of quality applications/readiness--decreased 4Q RAL rate by 90%
- Visionary leader! Id'd/selected recruiter as SOAR prgm mgr; launched SO/CS production--31 NECs 2QFY17
- Vital mbr cmd's most productive ops flt; 1,730 NECs...124%, 20% >AFRS avg--sq rcv'd "Stnd of Exc" FY15
- White hot ldr! Reserved 111, goal of 95, 116%; Top Flt Chief, FY16--pressed flt to cmd SoE honors for FY16
- Wingman ldr--hand-picked sq shadow trainer; imparted skill to 4--galvanized foundations/1 finished qtr 160%
- Wingman warriors--coord'd consult between 2 MEPS 300 mi apart; qual'd by SG--mbr enlisted in crit AFS
- Worked #1 mrktg asset at Cleveland Air Show; 1.5K touched AF experience--highest in cmd/lauded by AFRS
- Zeroed in on cmd's H2F prgms; 4 linguists/3 PS/3 PJs/2 TACP/1 CCT to BMT--ensured DoD's Top 1% filled
- Zeroed-in on combat AFSCs; sent 3 PJs/3 CCTs/3 SERE to BMT--seized sq Walking Tall awd, 1st & 4th qtr