Key Duties:
- Focal point for unit funds expenditures for over 950+ personnel & 42 work centers supporting fleet of 94 F-15E acft
- Manages/supervise squadron budget in excess of $750K for Operations and Maintenance and Cost Per Flying Hour
- Analyzes financial management trends and practices; develops guidance for the efficient use of unit funds/resources
- Develops quarterly/annual financial plans; monitors daily transactions and reports status of funds to commander wkly
- Accomplished contract reduction; engaged in removal of unneeded resources--enabled $20K annual savings
- Acquired 12 new computers from sister sqdn; enhanced mx documentation/training by 50%--saved AF $5.3K
- Administrated eight GPC master accounts; $376K expertly utilized--100% balanced budget/zero delinquencies FY16
- Allocated $2.5K for broken main cables/end cap repair; enabled safe use shelters--averted $225K in damage
- Audited requirements for 4 organizations; certified $213k travel funds--integral to development of 6 ISR mission sets
- Balanced Ops Grp annual budget as Asst RA during continuous budget reductions—sustained critical msn ops
- Brokered sq's war fighting commitment to GWOT with 1,235 sorties + 7K flying hours--no reduction in QoL
- Conducted 12 monthly resource protect'n checks; ID'd vulnerabilities/trnd 50 pers--secured $5.7M PL 3 assets
- Conducted Staff-Assisted Visit for 613 CRG--identified possible deficiencies--all corrected prior to UCI
- Constructed 50 travel orders in DTS; ensured swift mobilization during runway closure--zero delay in benefits
- Contracted $439K in deployment IPE; enabled on time procurement--ensured 100 percent deployment ability
- Contracted unsafe flooring repair; obligated/secured $52K funding/9 workcenters--decrs'd potential tripping mishaps
- Coord'd w/PRU; acquired 17 travel orders--enabled 17 redeployments/prevented Antideficiency Act violation
- Coord'd/organiz'd with FWG; outlined/executed FY17 battleplan closeout--perfectly balanced FY18 budget transition
- Coordinated/organized 3rd Qtr Financial Working Group--outlined battleplan for FY05 close-out procedures
- Crafted air-tight EOY strategy; executed $3.5M in 4th qtr/147 UFRs/$8M TOA--financed 1st Combined ops of 2017
- Created EMXS Budget; secured $634K for annual tool/equipment BPA-- solidified spending effectiveness
- Delegated $142k in Unit training; purchased 13 professional dev & 4 certification courses--166 Amn trained/certified
- Determined log resource aid; endorsed $468.50/1690 line items--optimized trng inventory lvl's to arm 10 MAJCOMs
- Developed WX Flt's $.9M budget to suppt equip, opns, maint, tng activities; exceeded monetary targets
- Diligently managed warranty; 77 aircraft sun shades repaired/maintained--saved $171K in new contract work
- Directed $764k MIP budget; dispatched $140k in GPC & $240k in contract spending--prevented ISR mission failure
- Directed PWS for ACFT sun shade management; established foundation for contract execution-- headed ACC
- Disc'd VIL error; obtained/updated proper Sub-Account Data code/13 GOV's--averted improper base fund allocations
- Discovered missing equip during SAV/insp; initiated 7 ROSs/kept process on track--recovered $16K assets f/20 FW
- Driving force to equip deployers; coordinated all purchases IAW AFCENT reporting instructions--zero delays
- Drove $2M GPC acct; cinched 98% 4th qtr obligation rate/surpassed AF targets by 13%--secured add'l $1.6M for Gp
- Effected $300K in travel funds; reviewed accuracy of orders/vouchers--enforced sq obligation vs expense tgts
- Enforced Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act; validated 15 self-inspection checklists--100% MICT compliant
- Established GPC visibility; created sharpoint purchase site--enabled 100% tracking/expedit'd cardholder coordination
- Established/prioritized unfunded requiremts, shaped obligation and expense targets--ldshp forged sucess
- Executed $2.4M budget w/ 9 error-free audits, brought fledgling unit to IOC--deliverd funded/under budgt
- Executed $206K AMXS budget; sq on course to close out FY16 FHP--facilitated 10.6K srts/21.6K hrs flown to date
- Executed $272K in travel funds; reviewed accuracy of orders/vouchers--enforced sq obligation vs expense tgts
- Executed $315K TDY dispersal; provided funds/orders 396 prsnl/27 locations--enforced sq obligation vs expense tgts
- Executed a $300K budget--enabled 155 mission support, training, and deployment TDYs--fiscal Houdini!
- Executed MXG budget; prep'd/validated $2.8M for three sqs--boosted FY__ to 85 sorties/551 hrs above contract
- Expedited ABDR; constructed 15 short-notice MRT orders--secured/recovered crashed HH-60 f/ investigation
- Facilitated DTS class; trn'd 78 prsnl in orders/vouchers for jnt trn msn--incrs'd readiness/spt'd wpns/deck landing cert
- Fostered DRMO practices; procured surplus office supply assets/reallocated budget savings--recouped $29K in funds
- Generated orders/travel plans; 83 Airmen prepared for TDY ops; enabled $4.7M runway repair
- Hand-picked as Customer Support Trainer for Contingency Training--wrote curriculum, teaches weekly course
- Identified base-wide fuel accounting error; reconciled 440 erroneous transactions--squadrons recouped $20K
- Implemented AFI 21-136; developed sunshade mgmt contract--enabled $31K in repair/established MoA sustainment
- Implemented AFI 21-136; developed wing sunshade mgmt contract--enabled $229K in asset repair/sustainment
- Lead the charge for $8.8M increase in funding for critical supply contract; Wing positioned for success next FY
- Liaised ITEC resources; procured $41K in flightline laptops/IPads--secured mx TO reliability/ensured msn readiness
- Maintained accountability of all WX Flt eq--100% readiness level for conting ops; largst deployment ever
- Maintained sq accountability; completed 94 in-outprocess/issued PPE gear--ensured mbr safety & seamless transition
- Managed $1675K sq budget, enforced total fiscal readiness/responsibility for sq CC; reduced waste 10%
- Managed $554K budget; allowed procurement of 700+ equipment and supply requests--first surplus in 5 yrs
- Managed 3 RA acct's for AF's largest HH-60G fleet; provided sq budget/resources--enabled 2 dplymt CSAR missions
- Managed 355 AMXS annual budget $393K; ensured attainment of all essential assets--72.3K FHP achieved
- Managed largest GPC pgm in Wg; oversaw 62 accounts/$2.2M spent--continued Sq's "Outstanding" audit rating
- Managed MilPers resources; obligated 971 workdays/$36k travel for 60 Amn--90% budget execution thru pandemic
- Managed sq's 125K annual budget along with $90k+ in EOY fallout--replaced 100% of obsolete trng equip
- Ministered completion of DTS orders; 256 personnel focused--maximized on time payment of travel vouchers
- Mission-oriented; financial lead for outfitting contingency dorms for deployed forces--$186K GWOT executed
- Mng'd $1.3M contingency budget; performed cost analysis--saved $113K in FY12 funding w/in a 2 wk period
- Mng'd 3 GPC acct's/7 cardholders; review'd/approv'd 526 purchase request--stewarded $226K, spent 96% EOY funds
- Navigated CRE thru Hurricane Relief; sourced 377 tons food/H2O/fuel/airlft--539 prsnl evacuated/147 msn's execute
- Negotiated $450K O&M single purchase authority; expedited 47 proj's/$5.2M executed--enabled CRW cmbt rdy ops
- Organized sun shade lighting initiative; guided procurement of 612 energy efficient lights--$36K annual saving
- Outstanding RA! Mng'd 557 GTC accounts/$902K GTC expenses--upheld 1.8% delinquency rt/bested ACC's 2% std
- Overhauled Gp's budget; ID'd $960K for unit stand-up/streamlined procurement ops--AF's 1st-ever AMLO Sq FMC
- Oversaw 3 gov't purchase accts; utilized $205K in funds/no delinquencies--devoted $35K QoL improvements
- Oversaw annual fuel budget; monitored Sq's 46 vehicle fleet--reduced monthly liabilities by $7K during sequestration
- Oversaw Management Control Program, ensured accordance w/financial integrity laws--Wing 100% compliant
- Oversaw sq's Air Card prgm; ID'd/corrected 28 MORD errors, reconciled outstanding FY16 charges--ace'd base audit
- Penned $500K LOGCAP; readied EMEDS capes/enabled 100+ mbr health response tm--40K sq ft med facility est'd
- Poised 9 unfunded request; prioritized list/awarded LMR fund--seized $166K EOY/acquired 50 critical airfield radios
- Procured $48K of PPE/cold wx gear; 625 mxer's focused on mx effort--upheld 98% MSE rt FY16/dwarfed 95% goal
- Procured >$150K personnel safety gear; equipped 670 sqdn mx personnel--enabled flying contract 11/12 mos
- Procured ACFT weight and balance kit; saved $3K using RFQ process; ensured center of gravity of A-10's
- Pushed Sq's Land Mobile Radio upgrade; procured 26 assets/$175K--strengthened mx/warfighter's comm capes 60%
- Quarterbacked 12 TDY account lines; tailored expenses of $280K--inclusion led < 60 day Sq delinquency rate
- Realigned squadron cell phone contracts; ensured maximum usage minimum payment--$1k total annual savings
- Revamped sq GPC coordination sheet; condensed/standardized for ease of use--benchmarked usage/incrs'd efficiency
- Screened 305 GTCC accounts; examined 1,935 transactions for 182 TDYs--closed 6 discrepancies/Wg rebated $45k
- Scrupulously managed budget for 7 MSG sqdns totaling $13.2M--ensured units stayed on budget in austere FY
- Secured $92K dplymnt gear; prep'd 152 warfighters/3 deployments--zero shortage/enabled OFS/CCMD CSAR capes
- Secured/mng'd $880K in new contracts; led acft sun shade/travel pod overhaul--spt'd 10.9K srts/23K hrs f/FY17 FHP
- Skilled trainer; facilitated 51 individual trng sessions--DTS voucher filing; increased knowledge base 20%
- Sole coordinator for Tsunami Relief funding; identified & fought for $263K--Andersen reimbursed entire amt
- Solidified hanger lavatory renewal; rallied $1.3M ACC funds--eliminated inadequate facilities/incrs'd 432 Amn QoL
- Sourced 32 toolboxes; obligated $95.5K/secured lifetime warranty contract--renewed 3 support sections/445 mx tools
- Spearheaded Shaw's $58K intake/exhaust cover replacement contract--enhanced appearance/boosted FOD prevention
- Steered Sq GTC pgm; 538 cards scrutinized/managed; 100% pass Wg SAVs--smashed metric/garnered $120K
- Steered squadron GTC program; 620 cards scrutinized/managed--diminished delinquencies 30 percent Aug 12
- Stellar DTS Reviewing Official; fixed/processed 100+ travel vouchers--val'd $25K in claims/eased fiscal constraints
- Streamlined annual GPC surveillance; provided accurate transaction balance--zero discrepancies/reversed prev trends
- Streamlined unit cell phone billing; outstanding coordination with CS & DFAS--ensured seamless transition
- Strengthened RA training program; revamped class, conducted 4 training sessions--100% new RAs trained
- Unparalleled attention to detail! Flawlessly executed funds control prgm; bird-dogged/corrected $228K error
- Utilized AFRAP funds; coord'd w/ 57 MXG RA/gen'd 24 PR's--obligated $227K bldg impvmnt's & ITEC equipment
- Vigilance over GPC program; amended $3k in unjust transactions--stabilized purchase card for FY12 closeout