See also: Education Examples
- Achieved 9 credit hours for Bachelors Degree through Wayland Baptist University; four classes to go--3.5 GPA
- Achieved Bachelors degree in criminal justice; acquired 12 academic credit hours this year--garnered 3.3 GPA
- Actively pursued BA degree in Professional Aeronautics; completed 12 semester hours--maintained 3.6 GPA
- Actively pursuing Associate Degree in Aviation Maintenance; completed 6 credit hours--maintained 3.7 GPA
- Actively pursuing education; attained 20 credit hours--maintained 3.5 GPA towards Aviation MX Technology
- Aggressively pursued Associate's Degree in Arts & General; completed 18 credit hours--sustained 3.56 GPA
- Attacked CCAF rqmts; completed US History CLEP test--earned 3 credit hours towards Aviation MX degree
- Attended five classes through National American University; earned 15 credit hours--awarded CCAF degree
- Attended National American University; completed English Comp--earned 3 credit hrs towards CCAF degree
- Attended UCM graduate classes; diligently earned 6 credit-hours toward Master's degree--maintained 3.8 GPA
- Career oriented; pursued CCAF degree through CLEP examination--awarded three credit hours towards degree
- Committed to higher ed; attended University of Central Missouri--secured 6 credits/BS in Science Technology
- Committed to higher education; completed 42 credit hours towards Bachelor of Arts degree--garnered 4.0 GPA
- Committed to higher education; completed English composition--earned three credits towards CCAF degree
- Committed to personal enrichment; earned six credit hours/CCAF--awarded Aviation MX Technology degree
- Committed to self improvement; attended college level algebra class--three credit hrs away from CCAF degree
- Completed 3 crd-hrs; earned CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology--maintained solid 3.4 GPA
- Completed College Algebra course; garnered 4 credit hrs toward Aerospace MX Degree--maintained 4.0 GPA
- Completed nine college courses CY '11; amassed 28 credits towards BA degree--maintained stellar 3.75 GPA
- Completed Speech course; accumulated 64 college credits/maintained 3.8 GPA--CCAF degree accomplished
- Completed State Fair Community College Literature 101; earned 3 credits w/4.0 GPA--3 courses from CCAF
- Continued education through CCAF; completed English Composition CLEP examination--earned 3 credit hrs
- Continued education; completed College Algebra--awarded three credit hours towards Aviation Mx Degree
- Continued education; completed two additional college classes toward Bachelors Degree--maintained 3.6 GPA
- Continued self-improvement--earned 6 credit hours towards Criminal Justice Degree--impressive 3.4 GPA
- Driven; compl'd 9 credits for BS in Management--3.8 GPA/recruited by Alpha Lambda Sigma Honor Society
- Earned nine credits toward Professional Aeronautics/CCAF degree--maintained 3.6 GPA/earned CCAF degree
- Ed minded; completed two courses/earned 12 credit hrs towards BA in Graphics Design--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Education driven! Attended aeronautics class through UCM--achieved 3.5 GPA/3 credits toward CCAF degree
- Education driven; actively pursued Airframe/Power Plant license--advanced technical/professional knowledge
- Education focused; completed 6 credit hrs towards A/C Mx Technology CCAF Degree--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Education goal oriented; completed Math Composition CLEP test--gained 4-credit hours towards CCAF degree
- Effective student; passed Early American History CLEP test--53 of 64 credits earned toward CCAF degree
- Endless academic growth; attained CCAF in Applied Science--amassed 123 credit hrs toward bachelor degree
- Enrolled at National American University; mastered two classes/9 credit hrs--three classes from CCAF degree
- Enrolled CLEP/on-line education; amassed 12 credit hrs/sustained impressive 3.64 GPA--CCAF within reach
- Furthered CCAF degree in Acft Mx Technology; completed three requirements--garnered nine credits/3.7 GPA
- Goal-oriented; committed 60 hours/completed 6 semester hours towards CCAF degree--maintained 4.0 GPA
- Highly motivated Amn; attended State Fair Community College; earned six credits hours towards CCAF degree
- Inspirational NCO; pursued dual CCAF degrees, comp'd 6 crs's w/4.0 GPA--enhanced 36 WG EM capability
- National American University student; actively pursuing CCAF--52 credits completed/3.5 GPA/ 4 classes left
- Proactively engaged in education; completed three semester hours in humanities--15 credits from CCAF goal
- Pursued associates degree; finished three CLEP tests with scores above 90%--earned 9 credits toward CCAF
- Pursued Aviation Maintenance Management Bachelors degree; completed four credit hrs--surged GPA to 3.6
- Pursued college Degree in Aviation Maintenance Management; completed 6 credit hours--maintained 3.0 GPA
- Pursued Computer Network Engineering degree; completed three college credit hours--maintained 3.64 GPA
- Pursued degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology; completed six college credit hours--maintained 3.6 GPA
- Pursued education; accrued 112 hours towards Bacholers of Arts degree in Psychology--sustained 3.0 GPA
- Pursued education; accrued 60 hrs towards BA degree in Secondary Education/English--sustained 3.0 GPA
- Seeking higher education--completed 12 credit hours toward bachelor of science degree--impressive 4.0 GPA
- Self-motivated--compl six credits hrs towards masters degree for Theological Seminary--impressive 4.0 GPA
- Sets example through self-improvement; completed class toward Workforce Management BA--earned 3 credits
- SNCO minded; earned 15 credit hrs/maintained amazing 4.0 GPA--awarded acft mx technology CCAF degree
- Strived for higher education; completed six academic credit hours towards CCAF degree--maintained 3.0 GPA